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Candra Cahyaningtyas Giyanto 22010111130090 Lap.KTI BAB VIII


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Lampiran 3. Hasil

Output SPSS

Deskripsi Usia Pasien Preeklampsia

Statistic Std. Error


Mean 29,05 ,770

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 27,52

Upper Bound 30,58

5% Trimmed Mean 28,91

Median 28,00

Variance 50,379

Std. Deviation 7,098

Minimum 16

Maximum 48

Range 32

Interquartile Range 12

Skewness ,253 ,261

Kurtosis -,718 ,517

Deskripsi Usia Kelompok Kontrol

Statistic Std. Error


Mean 27,88 ,658

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 26,57

Upper Bound 29,19

5% Trimmed Mean 27,78

Median 28,00

Variance 36,819

Std. Deviation 6,068

Minimum 15

Maximum 47

Range 32

Interquartile Range 8

Skewness ,251 ,261


Frekuensi Usia Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


<20 tahun 1 7,7 7,7 7,7

20-35 tahun 9 69,2 69,2 76,9

>35 tahun 3 23,1 23,1 100,0

Total 13 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Usia Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


<20 tahun 2 12,5 12,5 12,5 20-35 tahun 12 75,0 75,0 87,5 >35 tahun 2 12,5 12,5 100,0

Total 16 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Usia Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi Alamat Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Semarang 12 92,3 92,3 92,3

Luar Semarang 1 7,7 7,7 100,0

Total 13 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Alamat Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Semarang 33 58,9 58,9 58,9

Luar Semarang 23 41,1 41,1 100,0


Frekuensi Alamat Eklampsia

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Semarang 4 25,0 25,0 25,0

Luar Semarang 12 75,0 75,0 100,0

Total 16 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Alamat Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Semarang 68 80,0 80,0 80,0

Luar Semarang 17 20,0 20,0 100,0

Total 85 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Tingkat Pendidikan Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Dasar 4 30,8 30,8 30,8

Menengah 9 69,2 69,2 100,0

Total 13 100,0 100,0

FrekuensiTingkat Pendidikan Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


FrekuensiTingkat Pendidikan Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

FrekuensiStatus Pekerjaan Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Bekerja 1 7,7 7,7 7,7

Tidak Bekerja 12 92,3 92,3 100,0

Total 13 100,0 100,0

FrekuensiStatus Pekerjaan Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Bekerja 2 12,5 12,5 12,5

Tidak Bekerja 14 87,5 87,5 100,0

Total 16 100,0 100,0

FrekuensiStatus Pekerjaan Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Primigravida 6 46,2 46,2 46,2 Multigravida 7 53,8 53,8 100,0


FrekuensiGravida Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi Jumlah Paritas Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi Jumlah ParitasPreeklampsia Berat


Frekuensi Jumlah Paritas Eklampsia

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi Jumlah Paritas Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Deskripsi Usia Kehamilan Preeklampsia

Statistic Std. Error

Usia Kehamilan

Mean 36,25 ,338

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 35,57

Upper Bound 36,92

5% Trimmed Mean 36,39

Median 37,00

Variance 9,712

Std. Deviation 3,116

Minimum 28

Maximum 42

Range 14

Interquartile Range 4

Skewness -,702 ,261


Deskripsi Usia Kehamilan Kelompok Kontrol

Statistic Std. Error

Usia Kehamilan

Mean 38,27 ,259

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 37,76

Upper Bound 38,79

5% Trimmed Mean 38,50

Median 39,00

Variance 5,700

Std. Deviation 2,387

Minimum 27

Maximum 42

Range 15

Interquartile Range 3

Skewness -1,931 ,261

Kurtosis 5,917 ,517

Frekuensi Usia Kehamilan Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Prematur 2 15,4 15,4 15,4

Aterm 11 84,6 84,6 100,0

Total 13 100,0 100,0

FrekuensiUsia Kehamilan Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


FrekuensiUsia Kehamilan Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi ANC Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


<4 4 25,0 25,0 25,0

≥4 12 75,0 75,0 100,0

Total 16 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi ANC Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


FrekuensiRujukan Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi Rujukan Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

FrekuensiJenis Partus Preeklampsia Ringan


FrekuensiJenis Partus Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Bedah Sesar 13 81,3 81,3 81,3

Spontan Pervaginam 3 18,8 18,8 100,0

Total 16 100,0 100,0

FrekuensiJenis Partus Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Spontan Pervaginam 85 100,0 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi BMI Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


≥25 1 7,7 7,7 7,7

<25 12 92,3 92,3 100,0

Total 13 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi BMI Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Frekuensi BMI Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


≥25 2 2,4 2,4 2,4

<25 83 97,6 97,6 100,0

Total 85 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Anemia Preeklampsia Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi Anemia Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Frekuensi Anemia Kelompok Kontrol


Frekuensi Sindroma HELLP Preeklampsi Ringan

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Tidak Sindroma HELLP 13 100,0 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Sindroma HELLP Preeklampsia Berat

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Sindroma HELLP 6 10,7 10,7 10,7

Tidak Sindroma HELLP 50 89,3 89,3 100,0

Total 56 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Sindroma HELLP Eklampsia

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent


Sindroma HELLP 1 6,3 6,3 6,3

Tidak Sindroma HELLP 15 93,8 93,8 100,0

Total 16 100,0 100,0

Frekuensi Sindroma HELLP Kelompok Kontrol

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Tidak Sindroma HELLP 85 100,0 100,0 100,0

Kejang pada Eklampsia

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Kejang 16 100,0 100,0 100,0

Deskripsi Profil Hematologi

Jenis_perlakuan Statistic Std. Error

Eritrosit Eklampsia

Mean 4,3563 ,19205

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 3,9469

Upper Bound 4,7656

5% Trimmed Mean 4,4058

Median 4,4500

Variance ,590

Std. Deviation ,76821

Minimum 2,20

Maximum 5,62

Range 3,42

Interquartile Range ,61

Skewness -1,386 ,564



PE Berat

Mean 4,4535 ,06709

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 4,3191 Upper Bound 4,5880

5% Trimmed Mean 4,4484

Median 4,5000

Variance ,252

Std. Deviation ,50209

Minimum 3,30

Maximum 5,60

Range 2,30

Interquartile Range ,54

Skewness ,295 ,319

Kurtosis ,147 ,628

PE Ringan

Mean 3,8655 ,14695

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 3,5453

Upper Bound 4,1856

5% Trimmed Mean 3,8838

Median 3,8000

Variance ,281

Std. Deviation ,52983

Minimum 2,60

Maximum 4,80

Range 2,20

Interquartile Range ,50

Skewness -,713 ,616

Kurtosis 2,177 1,191


Mean 4,0863 ,04989

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 3,9871

Upper Bound 4,1855

5% Trimmed Mean 4,0899

Median 4,1000

Variance ,212

Std. Deviation ,46000

Minimum 2,10

Maximum 5,20

Range 3,10

Interquartile Range ,55

Skewness -,639 ,261




Mean 12,3500 ,49007

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 11,3054 Upper Bound 13,3946

5% Trimmed Mean 12,5778

Median 12,8500

Variance 3,843

Std. Deviation 1,96027

Minimum 6,30

Maximum 14,30

Range 8,00

Interquartile Range 1,58

Skewness -2,250 ,564

Kurtosis 5,870 1,091

PE Berat

Mean 12,4609 ,22712

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 12,0057

Upper Bound 12,9161

5% Trimmed Mean 12,4581

Median 12,6500

Variance 2,889

Std. Deviation 1,69961

Minimum 8,50

Maximum 16,90

Range 8,40

Interquartile Range 1,95

Skewness ,023 ,319

Kurtosis ,327 ,628

PE Ringan

Mean 10,8062 ,47592

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 9,7692

Upper Bound 11,8431

5% Trimmed Mean 10,8179

Median 10,8000

Variance 2,944

Std. Deviation 1,71595

Minimum 7,80

Maximum 13,60

Range 5,80

Interquartile Range 2,84

Skewness ,030 ,616



Mean 11,5136 ,17949

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 11,1567

Upper Bound 11,8706

5% Trimmed Mean 11,5881

Median 11,7200

Variance 2,738

Std. Deviation 1,65482

Minimum 7,10

Maximum 14,60

Range 7,50

Interquartile Range 2,00

Skewness -,766 ,261

Kurtosis ,320 ,517



Mean 36,2188 1,41728

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 33,1979 Upper Bound 39,2396

5% Trimmed Mean 36,9153

Median 38,5500

Variance 32,139

Std. Deviation 5,66912

Minimum 18,60

Maximum 41,30

Range 22,70

Interquartile Range 3,95

Skewness -2,341 ,564

Kurtosis 6,115 1,091

PE Berat

Mean 36,5673 ,61608

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 35,3327

Upper Bound 37,8020

5% Trimmed Mean 36,5292

Median 36,9350

Variance 21,255

Std. Deviation 4,61031

Minimum 25,90

Maximum 48,00

Range 22,10

Interquartile Range 5,50

Skewness ,162 ,319

Kurtosis ,408 ,628



PE Ringan

Mean 31,9623 1,24425

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 29,2513

Upper Bound 34,6733

5% Trimmed Mean 32,0637

Median 33,4000

Variance 20,126

Std. Deviation 4,48622

Minimum 23,80

Maximum 38,30

Range 14,50

Interquartile Range 7,50

Skewness -,326 ,616

Kurtosis -,928 1,191


Mean 33,5013 ,48095

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 32,5449 Upper Bound 34,4577

5% Trimmed Mean 33,6486

Median 34,2000

Variance 19,662

Std. Deviation 4,43418

Minimum 22,10

Maximum 42,80

Range 20,70

Interquartile Range 6,05

Skewness -,604 ,261

Kurtosis ,190 ,517

MCH Eklampsia

Mean 28,1125 ,74184

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 26,5313

Upper Bound 29,6937

5% Trimmed Mean 28,0972

Median 28,7000

Variance 8,805

Std. Deviation 2,96735

Minimum 23,00

Maximum 33,50

Range 10,50

Interquartile Range 4,20

Skewness -,210 ,564

Kurtosis -,215 1,091


PE Berat

Mean 28,1013 ,38351

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 27,3327

Upper Bound 28,8698

5% Trimmed Mean 28,3188

Median 28,7000

Variance 8,236

Std. Deviation 2,86992

Minimum 18,80

Maximum 32,68

Range 13,88

Interquartile Range 3,61

Skewness -1,248 ,319

Kurtosis 1,858 ,628

PE Ringan

Mean 28,2331 ,78008

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 26,5334 Upper Bound 29,9327

5% Trimmed Mean 28,3534

Median 28,5000

Variance 7,911

Std. Deviation 2,81263

Minimum 22,40

Maximum 31,90

Range 9,50

Interquartile Range 3,92

Skewness -,789 ,616

Kurtosis ,114 1,191


Mean 28,2878 ,41249

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 27,4675

Upper Bound 29,1080

5% Trimmed Mean 28,3838

Median 29,0000

Variance 14,462

Std. Deviation 3,80294

Minimum 18,70

Maximum 40,90

Range 22,20

Interquartile Range 4,59

Skewness -,412 ,261

Kurtosis 1,174 ,517




Mean 82,9125 1,74052

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 79,2027 Upper Bound 86,6223

5% Trimmed Mean 83,1972

Median 83,6500

Variance 48,471

Std. Deviation 6,96208

Minimum 68,80

Maximum 91,90

Range 23,10

Interquartile Range 8,50

Skewness -,871 ,564

Kurtosis ,014 1,091

PE Berat

Mean 82,2202 ,91094

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 80,3946

Upper Bound 84,0457

5% Trimmed Mean 82,7823

Median 83,2500

Variance 46,470

Std. Deviation 6,81687

Minimum 58,80

Maximum 93,20

Range 34,40

Interquartile Range 6,50

Skewness -1,460 ,319

Kurtosis 2,829 ,628

PE Ringan

Mean 83,7623 2,36788

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 78,6031

Upper Bound 88,9215

5% Trimmed Mean 84,0915

Median 88,5000

Variance 72,889

Std. Deviation 8,53750

Minimum 67,60

Maximum 94,00

Range 26,40

Interquartile Range 13,01

Skewness -,684 ,616


MCV Kontrol

Mean 82,2678 1,04077

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 80,1981

Upper Bound 84,3375

5% Trimmed Mean 82,4511

Median 84,3000

Variance 92,072

Std. Deviation 9,59544

Minimum 58,70

Maximum 118,20

Range 59,50

Interquartile Range 8,70

Skewness -,217 ,261

Kurtosis 1,981 ,517



Mean 33,8563 ,37081

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 33,0659 Upper Bound 34,6466

5% Trimmed Mean 33,8903

Median 33,7000

Variance 2,200

Std. Deviation 1,48323

Minimum 30,60

Maximum 36,50

Range 5,90

Interquartile Range 1,13

Skewness ,047 ,564

Kurtosis ,974 1,091

PE Berat

Mean 34,0146 ,18532

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 33,6433

Upper Bound 34,3860

5% Trimmed Mean 34,0544

Median 34,1000

Variance 1,923

Std. Deviation 1,38680

Minimum 30,30

Maximum 36,50

Range 6,20

Interquartile Range 2,10

Skewness -,524 ,319


PE Ringan

Mean 33,7600 ,43200

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 32,8187

Upper Bound 34,7013

5% Trimmed Mean 33,8833

Median 33,9000

Variance 2,426

Std. Deviation 1,55760

Minimum 29,70

Maximum 35,60

Range 5,90

Interquartile Range 1,95

Skewness -1,385 ,616

Kurtosis 3,163 1,191


Mean 34,3093 ,12284

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 34,0650 Upper Bound 34,5536

5% Trimmed Mean 34,3361

Median 34,3000

Variance 1,283

Std. Deviation 1,13255

Minimum 31,30

Maximum 36,60

Range 5,30

Interquartile Range 1,45

Skewness -,333 ,261

Kurtosis -,078 ,517



Mean 20,3756 1,81807

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 16,5005

Upper Bound 24,2507

5% Trimmed Mean 20,3063

Median 20,0500

Variance 52,886

Std. Deviation 7,27227

Minimum 10,20

Maximum 31,80

Range 21,60

Interquartile Range 14,63

Skewness ,239 ,564

Kurtosis -1,272 1,091


PE Berat

Mean 14,5888 ,50729

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 13,5721 Upper Bound 15,6054

5% Trimmed Mean 14,4857

Median 13,4500

Variance 14,411

Std. Deviation 3,79621

Minimum 6,23

Maximum 25,90

Range 19,67

Interquartile Range 5,00

Skewness ,598 ,319

Kurtosis ,394 ,628

PE Ringan

Mean 13,4500 1,03077

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 11,2042

Upper Bound 15,6958

5% Trimmed Mean 13,3028

Median 13,4000

Variance 13,812

Std. Deviation 3,71649

Minimum 8,84

Maximum 20,71

Range 11,87

Interquartile Range 4,40

Skewness ,847 ,616

Kurtosis ,200 1,191


Mean 12,4215 ,34491

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 11,7356

Upper Bound 13,1074

5% Trimmed Mean 12,3151

Median 12,3000

Variance 10,112

Std. Deviation 3,17991

Minimum 6,60

Maximum 23,20

Range 16,60

Interquartile Range 4,52

Skewness ,443 ,261

Kurtosis ,403 ,517




Mean 247,3313 26,89517

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 190,0056

Upper Bound 304,6569

5% Trimmed Mean 248,6236

Median 256,5000

Variance 11573,602

Std. Deviation 107,58068

Minimum 51,40

Maximum 420,00

Range 368,60

Interquartile Range 148,85

Skewness -,246 ,564

Kurtosis -,597 1,091

PE Berat

Mean 223,7782 12,58424

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 198,5588

Upper Bound 248,9976

5% Trimmed Mean 226,3623

Median 246,9500

Variance 8868,336

Std. Deviation 94,17185

Minimum 8,90

Maximum 387,80

Range 378,90

Interquartile Range 111,08

Skewness -,432 ,319

Kurtosis -,354 ,628

PE Ringan

Mean 248,5615 19,39924

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 206,2942

Upper Bound 290,8288 5% Trimmed Mean 247,2350

Median 233,1000

Variance 4892,294

Std. Deviation 69,94494

Minimum 148,00

Maximum 373,00

Range 225,00

Interquartile Range 113,10

Skewness ,408 ,616



Mean 254,1165 6,72605

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound 240,7410

Upper Bound 267,4920

5% Trimmed Mean 252,0399

Median 250,0000

Variance 3845,380

Std. Deviation 62,01113

Minimum 133,30

Maximum 458,80

Range 325,50

Interquartile Range 94,00

Skewness ,596 ,261

Kurtosis ,341 ,517

Tes Normalitas Data

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Tes Normalitas Transformasi Data

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction


Tes Homogenitas Varian Data

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Eritrosit ,899 3 166 ,443

Hemoglobin ,018 3 166 ,997

Hematokrit ,086 3 166 ,968

MCH 1,543 3 166 ,205

MCV 2,205 3 166 ,089

MCHC 1,140 3 166 ,334

Leukosit 9,779 3 166 ,000

Trombosit 5,316 3 166 ,002

Tes Homogenitas Varian Transformasi Data

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Leukosit ,952 3 166 ,417

Trombosit 7,894 3 166 ,000

Uji One Way ANOVA

Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.


Between Groups 6,501 3 2,167 8,201 ,000

Within Groups 43,860 166 ,264

Total 50,361 169


Between Groups 6,455 3 2,152 1,296 ,278

Within Groups 275,634 166 1,660

Total 282,089 169


Between Groups 885,268 3 295,089 18,833 ,000

Within Groups 2601,045 166 15,669


Kruskal-Wallis Test


Jenis_perlakuan N Mean Rank


Hemoglobin Hematokrit MCH MCV Trombosit

Chi-Square 17,362 22,365 ,714 1,129 2,634

df 3 3 3 3 3

Asymp. Sig. ,001 ,000 ,870 ,770 ,452

a. Kruskal Wallis Test


Post Hoc Tests

Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound



Eklampsia -,64474 2,30652 ,780 -5,1986 3,9092

PE Berat ,04759 1,45671 ,974 -2,8285 2,9237

PE Ringan -1,49454 2,52057 ,554 -6,4710 3,4820

MCHC Eklampsia

PE Berat -,15839 ,36528 ,665 -,8796 ,5628

Eklampsia -23,55304 22,47074 ,296 -67,9183 20,8122


Kontrol -30,33826* 13,64304 ,028 -57,2745 -3,4020

PE Ringan

Eklampsia 1,23029 29,59869 ,967 -57,2081 59,6687

PE Berat 24,78332 24,40417 ,311 -23,3992 72,9659

Kontrol -5,55493 23,60680 ,814 -52,1632 41,0533


Eklampsia 6,78522 21,60212 ,754 -35,8651 49,4355

PE Berat 30,33826* 13,64304 ,028 3,4020 57,2745

PE Ringan 5,55493 23,60680 ,814 -41,0533 52,1632

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Deskripsi Hemogbin dan Berat Bayi Lahir

Statistic Std. Error


Mean 1,0684 ,00536

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 1,0578

Upper Bound 1,0790

5% Trimmed Mean 1,0725

Median 1,0810

Variance ,005

Std. Deviation ,06995

Minimum ,80

Maximum 1,23

Range ,43

Interquartile Range ,08

Skewness -1,071 ,186

Kurtosis 1,656 ,370


Mean 3,4224 ,01175

95% Confidence Interval for


Lower Bound 3,3992

Upper Bound 3,4456

5% Trimmed Mean 3,4390


Variance ,023

Std. Deviation ,15320

Minimum 2,54

Maximum 3,66

Range 1,12

Interquartile Range ,13

Skewness -2,353 ,186

Kurtosis 8,192 ,370

Tes Normalitas Hemogbin dan Berat Bayi Lahir

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Hemoglobin ,084 170 ,005 ,975 170 ,004

BBL ,118 170 ,000 ,961 170 ,000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Tes Normalitas Transformasi Hemogbin dan Berat Bayi Lahir

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Hemoglobin ,116 170 ,000 ,934 170 ,000

BBL ,170 170 ,000 ,799 170 ,000

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Uji Korelas Spearman

Hemoglobin BBL


Pearson Correlation 1 -,269**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000

N 170 170


Pearson Correlation -,269** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000

N 170 170


Lampiran 4. Biodata Mahasiswa



: Candra Cahyaningtyas Giyanto


: 22010111130090

Tempat/ tanggal lahir : Pekalongan, 28 Agustus 1993

Jenis kelamin

: Perempuan


: JalanLPPU II No. 11 Tembalang, RT 02/RW 04,


Nomor HP

: 085866239993


: CandraGiyanto@gmail.com

Riwayat Pendidikan Formal



: SD Negeri Doro 01

Lulus tahun : 2005



: SMP Negeri 2 Pekalongan

Lulus tahun : 2008



: SMA Negeri 1 Pekalongan Lulus tahun : 2011



: Masuk tahun : 2011

Keanggotaan Organisasi


Anggota RHEU tahun 2014


Asisten Parasitologi tahun 2014

Pengalaman Penelitian -

Pengalaman Publikasi Tulisan Ilmiah -

Pengalaman Presentasi Karya Tulis -


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