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Analisis Perbandingan antara Siswa yang Berkepribadaian Sanguinis dan Plegmatis dalam Pencapaian Ketrampilan Berbicara Mereka. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 20


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Analisis Perbandingan antara Siswa yang Berkepribadaian Sanguinis dan Plegmatis dalam Pencapaian Ketrampilan Berbicara Mereka. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 20"


Teks penuh


(A Survey Study at the Seventh Semester of English Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)


Arina Muntazah NIM. 108014000067








Speaking Skill; A Survey Study at the Seventh Semester of English Education Department UIN Jakarta. Skripsi of English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

This research is generally attempted to know and describe the difference

between sanguine students and phlegmatic students in their achievement in

speaking skill at the seventh semester of English Education Department UIN


The method use in this research is quantitative research and comparative

analysis technique. This research is started by collecting theory. After wards,

giving the students personality test taken from standardized test by Florence

Littauer, and then classifying the sanguine student and phlegmatic student. Then, after classifying students’ personality, the writer took the students last speaking score in fifth semester in order to design compare both students’ personality with

their speaking score achievement. In analyzing the data, first step is finding

average of sanguine and phlegmatic students’ speaking score and deviation

standard to do homogeneity test. After doing homogeneity test, t-test is used to

prove the significant data. And the last step to do is answering hypothesis of the

research. The result of analysis data between variable X1 and X2 using t-test

formula showed that the value of to (t-observation) was 1.71. In the t-table, score

degree of freedom of 5% is 2.07 and score degree of freedom of 1% is 2.81. It can

be concluded that to is lower than t-table (2.07 > 1.71 <2.81). Based on statistic

calculation, it could be concluded that sanguine and phlegmatic students have no




ARINA MUNTAZAH, 108014000067. Analisis Perbandingan antara Siswa yang Berkepribadaian Sanguinis dan Plegmatis dalam Pencapaian Ketrampilan Berbicara Mereka. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menjelaskan tentang perbedaan antara mahasiswa yang berkepribadian sanguinis dan mahasiswa yang

berkepribadian plegmatis dalam pencapaian nilai ketrampilan berbicara mereka

pada mahasiswa semester tujuh Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris UIN Jakarta.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian

kuantitatif dan tehnik analisis perbandingan. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan

mengumpulkan teori pendukung. Kemudian memberikan tes kepribadian kepada

mahasiswa yang diambil dari tes standar personality oleh Florence Littauer,

selanjutnya mahasiwa dikelompokan berdasarkan kecenderungan kepribadian

sanguinis dan plegmatis. Setelah mahasiswa dikelompokan berdasarkan

kepribadian sanguinis dan plegmatis, nilai akhir ketrampilan berbicara bahasa

inggris mereka diambil untuk membandingkan perolehan nilai antara mahasiswa

sanguinis dan plegmatis. Dalam menganalisis data, langkah pertama yaitu

menemukan rata-rata nilai speaking dari mahasiswa sanguinis dan plegmatis dan

standar deviasi untuk melakukan uji homogenitas. Setelah melakukan uji

homogenitas, t-tes digunakan untuk membuktikan data yang signifikan. Dan

langkah terakhir yang dilakukan yaitu menjawab hipotesis penelitian. Hasil

analisis data dari kedua variable tersebut (variabel X1 dan X2) dengan

menggunakan rumus t-test menunjukan bahwa nilai to adalah 1.71 dan tingkat

kesalahan 5% adalah 2.07 dan tingkat kesalahan 1% adalah 2.81. Maka to lebih

rendah disbanding dengan nilai t-table (2.07 > 1.71 <2.81). Berdasarkan hasil

perhitungan statistik dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa sanguinis dan

mahasiswa plegmatis tidak memiliki perbedaan pada pencapaian mereka dalam



All praise is only for Allah, the Lord of the world, the Creator of everything

in this universe, who has giving the blessing upon the researcher in finishing this

research paper. Peace and blessing be upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad

SAW, his families, companions, and all his followers.

The researcher sends her best regard to her beloved parents H. Abunashir, BA

and Hj. Farikha. They always give many things as in learning a lot of aspects in

life in order to be better with their abundant loves and care including their helps

during “skripsi” writing until she could finish her study at Department of English Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

In this occasion, the gratitude is addressed to her advisors, Drs. Nasifuddin

Jalil, M.Ag., and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., for their patiently guidance in

development during the “skripsi” writing. There are many suggestions, valuable advices, constructive corrections and comments the researcher had got from them.

Moreover, the researcher’s effort in doing this “skripsi” may not be separated from the involvement and contribution of others, so that the researcher would like

to express her deep appreciation and gratitude to:

1. Nurlena Rifa’I, M.A., Ph.D., the dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training,

2. The chairman of English Education Departmnet, Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. and his

secretary, Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., for their outstanding deducacy,

3. All the honorable lectures who have taught her new knowledge and have

given her gorgeous experiences in study,

4. Her beloved brother and sister, and all best friend who have always been in

the researcher side in facing all the laughter and tears during the study,

especially for Husni Mubarok for anything given, Sopiah, Lia Nuramaliah,



5. All her beloved friends of English Education Department Class B for

academic year 2008 who always motivate her in accomplishing this research


No words to say except a thousand of gratefulness to everyone that they

cannot be mention here. They are involved trough their prayer for this writing.

Last word to say, may Allah always give His blessing to all of us. Amin.

Jakarta, 16 December 2014

The Writer



COVER ... i





ABSTRAK ... vi




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 3

C. Limitation of the Research ... 4

D. Formulation of the Research ... 4

E. Objective of the Research ... 4

F. Significance of the Research ... 4


1. The Definition of Personality ... 5

2. Type of Personality ... 6

a. The Sanguine Personality ... 7



B. Speaking ... 10

1. The Definition of Speaking ... 10

2. The Element of Speaking ... 12

C. Achievement ... 14

D. Thinking Framework ... 15

E. Review of Previous Study Related to Research ... 15

F. Hypothesis of the Research ... 16

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Location and Time of the Research ... 17

B. Method of the Research ... 17

C. Population and Sample ... 18

D. Technique of Data Collection ... 18

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 20

F. Statistical Hypotheses ... 22

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND INTERPRETATION A. Research Finding 1. Data Description ... 23

2. Data Analysis ... 25

B. Interpretation ... 32


B. Suggestion ... 33





Table 2.1 The Four Temperaments ... 11

Table 3.1 Personality Traits ... 19

Table 4.1 The Sanguine Students of the Seventh Semester of English Education Department... 23

Table 4.2 The Phlegmatic Students of the Seventh Semester of English Education Department... 24

Table 4.3 Mean and Deviation Standard of the Two Variables ... 27

Table 4.4 The Statistic Descriptive of the Research ... 29






Background of the Research

English speaking skill becomes the most important skill in the era of

globalization. In education speaking also become the important skills that should

be mastered by students. Speaking is the activity of giving speeches and talks. As

the tool of communication, English speaking skill becomes an important

component for the students since it makes their social intercourse becomes wider.

It means learning English is not only learning about the theory, but also learning

how to practice it in a real communication. So it cannot be denied that in the

competitive era of globalization, the ability to speak in English is very important.

Moreover, this skill is very important for the students of English education

department who are prepared to be professional English teacher. To teach English

of course they have to know how to speak it correctly. However, because English

is not the students’ first language and as English has difference in the way it written with the way it pronounce, it is not easy to be mastered particularly

speaking skill. In speaking, student needs more effort not only how to arrange the

words, but also how to pronounce them well. Thus, students need more practice to

speak English fluently.

In the class all students are required to practice speaking. Some students do it

well, but not with some others. They keep quite is not because they are not able to

speak English, but they are worried will do mistake or they feel anxiety. Some

students are very active, they do not think too much about will do mistake. They

have full confidence. Meanwhile, other students are very passive; they will speak

if they think they sure they will right. This is what the psychology called as a

personality. According to Hippocrates, there are four kinds of personality. They

are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic.1 Clearly, the choleric is

1Jacques jouanna, Greek medicine from Hippocrates to Galen: Selected Papers, (Netherland:


personality with strong principle, has good leadership, and good in speaking, the

sanguine is the cheerful and skillful person who always want to be famous person,

the melancholic is perfectionist personality and has analytical thinking, and the

phlegmatic is obedient personality which has consistency in learning.

In one class, certainly teachers face the different personality of their students.

There is a passive and active student. The active students are named by sanguine

personality and the passive students are named by phlegmatic personality. Of

course the sanguine personality is more talkative than the phlegmatic personality

who rather likes to keep silent. So, the teachers are required to understand the

students’ personality.

According to the researcher’s experience when she was in forth semester of

her study, it was clearly seen that both type personality were found in one class. In

teaching-learning process, the student with sanguine personality performed more

confident than the students with phlegmatic personality.

Because the comparative analysis is to do in this study, the difference

between sanguine and phlegmatic personality which is one from extrovert and one

from introvert is chosen to be studied.

Based on the explanation above, the students with sanguine personality may

have better ability in speaking than the phlegmatic personality especially in their

fluency. In the other hand, the students with phlegmatic personality may also have

better ability in speaking score because they will think deeper before they decide

to speak up, then the students with phlegmatic personality may have better in

accuracy when they speak up.

To prove the theory, it needs to compare both personalities above with their

competence in speaking ability and compare those personalities with their

speaking score to measure which personality is better in speaking skill. Based on

that reason, therefore, this “skripsi” is under the title “A Comparative Analysis between Students with Sanguine and Phlegmatic Personality on Their

Achievement in Speaking Skill” (A Survey Study at the Seventh Semester of English Education Department State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah



The object of study should be specific; therefore the students on the seventh

semester of English Education Department State Islamic University (UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta) are selected. Speaking is one of the subjects in English

major which has levels. Only the students who already succeed in passing the

basic level can take the next level. To do the research in this major is decided

because speaking in English major in university becomes a specific subject of the

study and of course it has specific score rather than in school which only has

English subject in general. So it is more reliable to accomplish the research.


Identification of the Problem

Problem clearly appear because students with different personality are in one

class. There is a group with active and talkative students and other group is the

group of passive students who really love to keep silent when they are learning.

The active students in speaking are named by sanguine personality and the passive

belong to phlegmatic personality.

The related problems that can be identified to the sanguine personality and

phlegmatic personality of student are such the example below:

1. Some students are difficult to practice their speaking in the class.

2. Other students are eager to practice speaking but they miss grammatical


3. Some lectures do not really put attention about students’ personality. 4. The teaching strategy used in the class did not consider students’



Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, it could be limited only on

the differences between sanguine students and phlegmatic student in their learning



Formulation of the Research

Based on the limitation of the problem, the research question of this “skripsi” can be formulated as follows:

“Did the sanguine students have differences speaking score with the phlegmatic students?”


Objective of the Research

The objective of the study was to known and describe the difference score of

speaking skill for the students with sanguine and phlegmatic personality.


Significance of the Research

The result of this research was expected to make a deep understanding about

students’ personality and give significance not only theoretically but also practically to:

1. Students

The result of this research is expected to help students to recognize their

personalities and minimize their weakness.

2. Institutions

This research can contribute to all educational institutions to consider

students’ personality and determine the best strategy in teaching learning process to minimize students’ gap and maximize their potential in speaking skill.

3. Further Researchers

The result of this study is expected to be used as consideration or preview





This chapter is going to explain theoretical description that consists of

personality including the sanguine and phlegmatic personality; speaking that

consist of understanding of speaking and the element of speaking; achievement;

thinking framework; review of previous study to research; and hypotheses of the




1. The Definition of Personality

The word „personality’ originally comes from the Latin persona. It refers to the masks worn by actors in ancient Greek dramas in order to develop a role or

false appearance. But according to psychologists the word „personality’ is more

than the role people play.1

Psychologists have different view about personality. Golden Allport described

personality is something real within an individual that leads to characteristic

behavior and thought. For Carl Roger, personality or „self’ is an organized,

consistent pattern of perception of the „I’ or „me’ that lies at the hearth of an

individual’s experiences. Whereas according to B. F. Skinner, the word

personality was unnecessary. Skinner did not believe that it is necessary or

desirable to use a concept such as self or personality to understand human

behavior. For Sigmund Freud, personality is largely unconscious, hidden and


In addition, in the book Personality Psychology, Larsen defines personality as

“the set of psychological traits and mechanisms within the individual that are

1Jess Feist and Gregory J. Feist, Theories of Personality, (New York: McGraw Hill, 2009), p. 3.


organized and relatively enduring and that influence his or her interaction with,

and adaption to, the intrapsychic, physical, and social environment.”3

According to Lawrence “In psychology, the field of personality is concerned not only with the total individual but also with individual differences. While

recognizing that all people are similar in some ways, those interested in

personality are particularly concerned with the ways people differ from one


From the various definitions above, it could be synthesized that many different

definitions are possible. Personality can be defined as a set of characteristics in the

psychological behavior and thoughts, perception, and individual differences.

2. Types of Personality

The study of personality is broad and varied in psychology, one the topic is

type of personality. There are two types of personality. They are extrovert and


On this discussion, the writer only concentrates on Hippocrates’s theory of

personality traits which is grouped into big four temperament, they are sanguine,

choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholic.5 In relation to the statement above, it can be classified that sanguine and choleric are extrovert while phlegmatic and

melancholic are introvert.

In addition, according to Hippocrates in the book Pathology Student’s Library

written by Ghozenko, he offered the first constitutional classification. He focused

his attention on the differences of existing in various people reflected in

temperament and social behavior. These observations were assumed by

Hippocrates as the basic of his classification. According to his terminology, this

ancient typology, the choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic exist up to

the present time. The choleric personality is impetuous, easily irritated and

3Randy J. Larsen and David M. Buss, Personality Psychology, 2nd Ed., (New York: Graw-Hill, 2005), p. 4.

4Lawrence A. Pervin, Personality Theory, Assessment and Research, (New York: John Willey & Sons, Inc, 1980), p. 4.




angered, sometimes uncontrollable. His work ability is high, but not constant.

While sanguine personality is communicable, vivacious, lively, active and

emotional. In other hand, phlegmatic personality is calm, apathetic, unexcitable,

but stable. Moreover, melancholic personality is unsociable, sometime depressed,

and hesitating.6

a. The Sanguine Personality

“The sanguine personality described enthusiastic, positive, and cheerful individuals, satisfied with life and generally enjoying good mental as well as

physical health.”7 He tends to be cooperative and caring. Characteristic of sanguine person are sociable, outgoing, talkative, responsive, easygoing,

lively, carefree, leadership.8

Sanguine personality also is one of the personalities type. Its characteristic

is creative, fun-loving, enjoy with people, and seek out adventure sometimes

result in label of superficiality and frivolity, more joyful place because of the

inspiration, enthusiasm, and fellowship he provides.9

According to Eysenck, the sanguine person is carefree and full of hope,

pleasant and friendly to help others, sociable, given to pranks, contended, does

not take anything very seriously, and has many friends. Unfortunately he is

bad debtor, he asks for time to pay, and does not really sure to keep his

promise. He is not vicious but difficult to convert from his sins; he may feel

sorry for a bad thing he did but then he forget so soon; he is easily fatigued

and bored by work but enjoyed mere games that constant change, and

persistence is not his forte.10

6A.I Gozhenko et al, Pathology Medical Student’s Library, (Radom: Radomska Szkola Wyisza Zubrzyckiego, 2009), p. 56.

7Thomas Chamoro-Premuzic and Adrian Furham, loc. cit.

8Walter Mischel et al., introduction to personality, 7th Ed., (New York: John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2004), p. 52.

9Art Bennet, LMFT and Laraine Bennet, The Temperament God Gave You, (Manchester, New Hampshire: Shopia Institute Press, 2005), p. 37.


1) The Strength of Sanguine

The points below are from the book of „Personality Plus’ authored by

Florence Littaure, they are traits (characters) which appear in variety of


Animated Delightful

Playful Cheerful

Sociable Inspiring

Convincing Demonstrative

Refreshing Mixes-easily

Spirited Talker

Promoter Lively

Spontaneous Cute

Optimistic Popular

Funny Bouncy11

2) The weakness of Sanguine

Traits below are the negative of the sanguine in some ways of the student

type when he interacts in school environment. Florence Littaure mentioned the

traits as follow:

Brassy Wants Credits

Undisciplined Talkative

Repetitious Disorganized

Forgetful Inconsistent

Interrupts Messy

Haphazard Loud

Permissive Scatter brained

Angered easily Restless

Naïve Changeable12

b. The Phlegmatic Personality

“Phlegmatic is a personality type based on the ancient Greek humors

discussed by Hippocrates and Galen in which one is apathetic and conforming

on the outside but tense and distraught on the inside.” He is lethargic, takes away from others; somewhat passive. Characteristic of phlegmatic person are



passive, careful, thoughtful, peaceful, controlled, reliable, even-tempered, and


Phlegmatic are reserved or quite person, prudent, sensible, reflective,

respectful, and dependable. They are not easily insulted or provoked to anger,

even they do not like exaggeration in speech. They are loyal and committed,

tolerant and supportive. They also have excellent quality, very discipline, and

excel in profession where being calm under pressure, moreover they are

agreeable people, they often hide their will even ignore it.14

1) The strength of Phlegmatic

Adaptable Diplomatic

Peaceful Consistent

Submissive Inoffensive

Controlled Dry Humor

Reserved Mediator

Satisfied Tolerant

Patient Listener

Shy Contented

Obliging Pleasant

Friendly Balanced15

2) The weakness of Phlegmatic

Numerous traits below are the simple descriptions to know about the

weakness of the phlegmatic personality. Florence Littaure mentioned that


Blank Worrier

Unenthusiastic Timid

Reticent Doubtful

Fearful Indifferent

Indecisive Mumbles

Uninvolved Slow

Hesitant Lazy

Plain Sluggish

Aimless Reluctant

Nonchalant Compromising16

13Walter Mishel et al., loc. cit.

14Bennet, op. cit, p. 40. 15Littaure, loc. cit.


The table below describes the personality characteristics which differ

between one and others by Christian in Astrology and Personality Testing

book written by Martin and Deidre Bobgan:17

Table 2.1

The Four Temperaments

Sanguine Choleric Melancholic Phlegmatic

Cheerful Optimistic Melancholy Calm

Friendly Active Sensitive Dependable

Talk active Confidence Analytical Efficient

Lively Strong-willed Perfectionist Easy Going

Restless Quick to anger Unsociable Passive

Self-centered Aggressive Moody Stubborn

Undependable Inconsiderate Rigid Lazy

Based on the table above it can be concluded that phlegmatic personality is

also called as introvert person. He is talkative less than sanguine personality

because phlegmatic personality is passive. In characteristic, phlegmatic student

likes to avoid the wrongness, and student who has this personality will be more

keep silent than try to speak. In other hand, sanguine personality or extrovert

person is more active. In this case, the student with sanguine personality is

talkative more and he does not worry anymore about making a mistake in their




1. The Definition of Speaking

Speaking is one of the language production skills used for communication. It

is the most natural way to communicate. In communication people do not only to

respond to other people, but also to express their ideas, feeling, thought, etc. Thus,

speaking is very significant to the quality of people’s living processes and

experiences. The ability to which people develops an efficient and effective



communicative is by the way to speak. Without speaking, people might be hard to

socialize even it can be isolated from any kind of society.

The speaking is used actively by a person to communicate with others in

order to express ideas, feeling, as well as opinion to achieve a particular goal.

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves

producing andreceiving and processing information.

In addition, Nunan defined speaking as “the ability to carry out a conversation

in the language.”18

It can be said that in the conversation, people need special skill

to take part in dialog. They need to know what language is appropriate and

understanding what the other speaker means to the topic that is discussing. As

Littlewood said that “When we speak, we are constantly estimating the hearer’s

knowledge and assumptions, in order to select language that will be interpreted in

accordance with our intended meaning.”19Further he explained that “…one factor

determining the speaker’s choice of language is the knowledge that he assumes

the hearer to process. A further important factor is his interpretation of the social

situation in which communication is taking place: language carries not only

function meaning, it also carries social meaning”.20

In relation to the statement above, Jo McDonough and Christopher Shaw

satated “Speaking is not the oral production of written language, but involves

learners in the mastery of a wide range sub-skill which added together, consitute

an overall competence in the spoken language”.21

It means that speaking is nor

merely to transform written language by speaking it. Speaking involves the ability

to integrate sub-skill, such as grammar, vocabulary, and sound. In speaking,

speaker needs to know how to produce a sound, the rules to produce an infinite

numbers of sentences, and to understand of what language is appropriate in certain

situation. In fact that one skill can not be performed without others.

18David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology. A Textbook for Teachers, (Edinburgh: Longman Pearson Education, 1998), p. 39.

19William Littlewood, Communicative Language Teaching, an Introduction, (Landon: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 3.

20Ibid., p. 4.


Based on the definitions above, it can be synthesized that speaking is the

process of responding and expressing ideas, opinions, feeling or thought with the

other people. As human beings, especially social creature need to express their

thoughts, opinions, or feelings in appropriate way in order to have a good social


2. The Element of Speaking

Speaking a language is especially difficult for foreign language because

effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language appropriately

in social interaction. Speaking foreign language requires more than knowing its

grammatical and semantic rules. It also acquires the knowledge of how native

speaker use the language structurally, such as pitch, stress, and intonation or

known as pronunciation, body language, fluency, control of idiomatic expression,

and understanding of cultural pragmatics are required.22 a. Pronunciation

As one of the speaking element, pronunciation plays an important role to make

sure that the productions of the words do not obscure the meaning. People need to

acquire the words in the correct way. It is also often judged people by the way

they speak, and so learners with poor pronunciation may be judged as incompetent

or lack of knowledge, they make the meaning of words not clear. As stated on the

article of AMEP Research Centre, “pronunciation refers to the production of

sounds that we use to make meaning.”23 Pronunciation is the way for speakers’ produce clearer language when they speak. The speaker must be able to articulate

the words, and create the physical sounds that carry meaning.

b. Grammar

Jeremy Harmer states that the grammar of a language is the description of

rules which allows someone to generate language itself.24 For most people, the


Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.), Teaching English as Second or Foreign Language, 2nd Ed,

(Boston: Heinle &Heinle Publishers, 1991), p. 204.

23Adult Migrant English Program Research Centre, Fact Sheet – What is pronunciation?, AMEP Research Centre, October 2002, 2014, p. 1.



essence of language lies in grammar. It enables people to make statements about

how to use their language. In brief, grammar represent one’s linguistic

competence; therefore it includes many aspects of linguistic knowledge: the sound

system (phonology), the system of meaning (semantics), the rules of word

formation (morphology), the rules of sentence (syntax), and the vocabulary of

words (lexicon).

“Language without grammar would be chaotic; countless words without indispensable guidance for how they can be ordered and modified. A study of

grammar (syntax and morphology) reveals a structure and regularity, which lies at

the basic of language and enables us to talk of the language system.”25

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is single words, set phrases, variable phrases, phrasal verbs and

idioms.26 Vocabulary has a significance role in speaking, without many sources of vocabulary, some people may have difficulty in their speech. Some people define

vocabulary as words. Words are perceived as the building blocks upon which

knowledge of a second language can be built. However a new item of vocabulary

may be more than a single word. For example, „police man’ and „father-in-law’

which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea. There are also

multi word idioms like „call it a day’, where the meaning of phrase cannot be deduced from an analysis of the word component.27

d. Fluency

Fluency can be reached with practice. Fluency is the ability to talk accurately,

quickly, and use the expression properly. It means speaking a language without

hesitation or producing some errors. It refers to the ability to talk with normal

levels of continuity, rate and effort and to link ideas and language together to form

coherent and connected speech. The key indicators of fluency are speech rate and

25Norbert Pachler (ed.), Teaching Modern Foreign Language (London: Routledge, 1999), p .94.

26Keith S. Folse, Vocabulary Myths: Applying Second Language Research to Classroom Teaching, (Michigan: University of Michigan, 2004), p. 2.


continuity.28 In fluency practice, the speakers’ attention is on the information they are communicating than on the language itself.

e. Comprehension

The last element of speaking is comprehension. As stated by Laura in her

article, comprehension is a complex process that has been understood and

explained in a number of ways.29 Comprehension means the ability to understand meaning which is spoken. Comprehension takes part in some situations for

example discussing work or problems, making arrangements, chatting at social

gathering, watching a film, and being interviewed.



According to Simpson and Weiner as quoted by Yusuf achievement is defined

as measurable behavior in a standardized series of tests. They contended that

achievement test intends to measure systematic education and training in school

occupation towards a conventionally accepted pattern of skills or knowledge.

Several subjects may be combined into an achievement battery for measuring

general school proficiency either in point score or achievement age and perhaps

achievement quotient. According to Bruce and Neville (1979) educational

achievement is measured in relation to what is attained at the end of a course,

since it is the accomplishment of medium or long term objective of education.

In the same occasion, Yusuf described that achievement is regarded as action

of completing or attaining by exertion. It subsumes anything won by exertion, a

feat, a distinguished and successful action.30

From the explanation above, it can be said that achievement is used to

describe the status or level of person's learning and his ability to apply what he

has learnt. In educational view, achievement is to measure how much has been

28Paul Davis and Eric Pearse, Success in English Teaching, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 57.

29Laura S. Pardo, What Every Teacher Needs to Know about Comprehension, International Reading Association: 2004, 2014, p. 1.



learned in a subject and what specific abilities or skills have been developed. So,

the term denotes to the performance of students, which is determined at the end of

a course.

Students’ achievement in this research refers to achievement in learning English. The achievement is reflected by students’ scores after following the lesson and through the test. However, students’ achievement was influenced by

certain factors; one of them was students’ personality.


Thinking Framework

Many people think that some factors which initiate problem in the teaching or

learning speaking skill are the students’ lake of practice to speak English. The

teachers seldom expose them to speak English, and the method used by the

teachers does not build students’ interest. However, the problems are not only

those things; there is also a factor which influences students’ performance in

speaking. It is personality. Every student has different personality; as stated in

previous chapter that the sanguine personality is dominating in speaking than the

phlegmatic personality. This statement will prove that sanguine student will have

better score in speaking than the phlegmatic one.

Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing whether the students who have

sanguine and phlegmatic personality are influence their achievement in speaking

skill score.

The first step in doing this research is giving the personality test that consist of

40 numbers of traits list of personality in order to determine whether the students

are sanguine or phlegmatic. After students have been classified into sanguine and

phlegmatic, the next step is comparing the student speaking score with those two

personalities. This aimed to answer the research question.


Review of Previous Study Related to Research

The writer found the similar research written by Nadiyah (2010) which the

title is “Comparative Analysis on Choleric Students and Melancholic Students


personality of the second grade students SMA Muhammadiyah 25 Pamulang with

students’ achievement in speaking score. Based on her opinion, different

personality of the student would make different result in students’ speaking

ability. In her research showed that there are no significantly differences between

students’ difference personality with their achievement in speaking score. The

relationship between Nadiyah’s research with the writer’s research is the variable used. Nadiyah used choleric and melancholic students as variables. However, the

writer in this “skripsi” has different focus. The writer focuses on two other types of personality, they are sanguine and phlegmatic personality and will do the

research in seventh semester of English Education Department State Islamic

University (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).

Another previous study related to research is from Lidya Catrunnada Ira

Puspitawati with her paper research entitled “Prokrastinasi Task Differences on

Thesis Introvert and Extrovert Personality”. The result of this quantitative research showed that personality differences have statistically different to the

students’ prokratinasi on doing their thesis task. It was noted that, the students with extrovert personality have prokrastinasi more than the introvert one. The

relationship between this research and the writer’s research is the use of

dependent variable; however the writer used speaking as dependent variable, and

the writer used sanguine and phlegmatic as independent variables. Sanguine is one

of the categories of extrovert personality, and phlegmatic is one of categories of in

introvert personality.


Theoretical Hypothesis

Based on the theories which were described above, it can be posed a

theoretical hypothesis that the sanguine students have better score that the





This chapter consists of the location and time of the research, the method of

the research, the population and sample, the technique of data collecting, the

technique of data analysis, and the theoretical hypothesis.


Location and Time of the Research

The research was conducted at English Education Department State Islamic

University (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta) which is located on Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No.95 Ciputat. The research was successfully conducted on 20th of November 2014.


Method of the Research

The method of this research is comparative analysis. It can be used to test

hypotheses concerning about whether there is differences or not between variable

tested. This is aimed to know whether the personality of students especially

sanguine and phlegmatic students has difference achievement in speaking skill


This research is quantitative non-experimental research which describe things

that have occurred and examine relationship between things without any direct

manipulation of condition.1

The first step in doing this research was giving questionnaire to the students

of the seventh semester to get the data about their personality, and then got their

score from Department of English Education to compared students’ speaking

score with their personality.



Population and Sample

1. Population

The population target in this research was all students from the seventh

semester of English Education Department State Islamic University (UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta) which consist of three classes with 128 students; VII. A,

VII. B, and VII. C.

2. Sample

The sample used in this research was purposive sample by classified only

sanguine and phlegmatic students, and those became the sample. There are 21

students from the sanguine personality and 27 students from the phlegmatic



Technique of Data Collection

The techniques of data collection in this research were questionnaire of

personality test taken from standardized assessment written by Frolence Littauer.

It identifies students’ personality by examining their personality based on the list

of traits. There were 40 question numbers of test from the four personality types;

sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Then, the paper tests were given

to the students in order to determine their type of personality.

Table 3.1 Personality Traits STRENGNESS

1. --- Adventurous --- Adaptable --- Animated --- Analytical

2. --- Persistent --- Playful --- Persuasive --- Peaceful

3. --- Submissive ---


--- Sociable --- Strong-willed

4. --- Considerate --- Controlled --- Competitive --- Convincing

5. --- Refreshing --- Respectful --- Reserved --- Resourceful

6. --- Satisfied --- Sensitive --- Self-reliant --- Spirited



8. --- Sure --- Spontaneous --- Scheduled --- Shy

9. --- Orderly --- Obliging --- Outspoken --- Optimistic

10. --- Friendly --- Faithful --- Funny --- Forceful

11. --- Daring --- Delightful --- Diplomatic --- Detail

12. --- Cheerful --- Consistent --- Cultured --- Confident

13. --- Idealistic --- Independent --- Inoffensive --- Inspiring

14. --- Demonstrative --- Decisive --- Dry Humor --- Deep

15. --- Mixes Easily --- Mover --- Musical --- Mediator

16. --- Thoughtful --- Tenacious --- Talker --- Tolerant

17. --- Listener --- Loyal --- Leader --- Lively

18. --- Contented --- Chief --- Chart maker --- Cute

19. --- Perfectionist --- Pleasant --- Productive --- Popular

20. --- Bouncy --- Bold --- Behaved --- Balanced


21. --- Blank --- Bashful --- Brassy --- Bossy

22. --- Undisciplined --- Unsympathetic --- Unenthusiastic --- Unforgiving

23. --- Reticent --- Resentful --- Resistant --- Repetitious

24. --- Fussy --- Fearful --- Forgetful --- Frank

25. --- Impatient --- Insecure --- Indecisive --- Interrupts

26. --- Unpopular --- Uninvolved --- Unpredictable --- Unaffectionate

27. --- Headstrong --- Haphazard --- Hard to please --- Hesitant

28. --- Plain --- Pessimistic --- Proud --- Permissive

29. ---Angered easily --- Aimless --- Argumentative --- Alienated

30. --- Naïve --- Negative


--- Nervy --- Nonchalant

31. --- Worrier --- Withdrawn --- Workaholic --- Wants credit

32. --- Too Sensitive --- Tactless --- Timid --- Talkative

33. --- Doubtful --- Disorganized --- Domineering --- Depressed


35. --- Messy --- Moody --- Mumbles --- Manipulative

36. --- Slow --- Stubborn --- Show-off --- Skeptical

37. --- Loner --- Lord over others --- Lazy --- Loud

38. --- Sluggish --- Suspicious --- Short-tempered --- Scatterbrained

39. --- Revengeful --- Restless --- Reluctant --- Rash

40. ---Compromising --- Critical --- Crafty --- Changeable

The questionnaire has 40 numbers. Every number of items consists of traits

from the four personality types. To do the test the students were asked to choose

some traits which reflect themselves.

The students were asked to put a check list (v) to the four traits options on

entirely items numbers. The answer represents their traits that fit them best. Then

the check list test paper that have been done by the students are matched to the

indicators table above. For example:

Number 1

( C ) Adventurous

( P ) Adaptable

V ( S ) Animated

( M ) Analytical

Each symbol means:

C : is for Choleric

S : is for Sanguine

M : is for Melancholic

P : is for Phlegmatic

By seeing the checklist, the students answer “animated” for items number 1.

It means the item number 1 will be counted as sanguine students. The same way is

applied to the next numbers until the last one.

The way of personality judgment is by seeing the highest result that appears




Technique of the Data Analysis

First of all, the students were given questionnaire to determine students’

personality types, and then calculate the speaking score of both personalities with

statistic count. The two groups; the sanguine and phlegmatic students and each

score of English speaking are clearly distributed as the single data distribution into

two tables.

Because the research is non-experimental research, it used data information to

measure the hypotheses, and the result will explain how the results either support

or refuse the hypothesis or answer the research question.

In this research the writer used the formula:

Mean of Variable X1

Mean of Variable X2

Standard Deviation of Variable XI S =

Standard Deviation of Variable X2 S =




X1 = The total scores of sanguine students

X2 = The total scores of phlegmatic students

N1 = The number of sanguine students

N2 = The number of phlegmatic students


2 = Mean of phlegmatic students

S1 = Standard deviation of sanguine students

S2 = Standard deviation of phlegmatic students

to = t- test


Statistical Hypotheses

Significant critical value: 0.05 and 0.01

Criteria :

If to > t-table means there is influence and Ha is accepted, while Ho is


If to < t-table means there is no influence and Ha is rejected, while Ho is


The Hypotheses of the research describes how the research must be answered.

Ho = There is no significantly difference between sanguine and phlegmatic

students’ on their achievement in speaking score.

Ha = There is significantly differencesbetween sanguine and phlegmatic





This chapter consists of the data description, the data analysis, the data

interpretation and the statistic interpretation.


Research Findings

1. Data Description

The following two tables are the students who have been categorized into the

sanguine and the phlegmatic personality. They were sample which had been

chosen by purposive sampling and the following are their En glish speaking score


taken from English Education Department.

Table 4.1

The Sanguine Students

The Seventh Semester of English Education Department

No Name Speaking Score

1 Student 1 80.00

2 Student 2 70.40

3 Student 3 68.00

4 Student 4 80.00

5 Student 5 73.40

6 Student 6 71.80

7 Student 7 75.70

8 Student 8 76.00

9 Student 9 70.70

10 Student 10 70.70

11 Student 11 76.00

12 Student 12 78.50

13 Student 13 78.20


No Name Speaking Score

15 Student 15 80.90

16 Student 16 72.70

17 Student 17 80.00

18 Student 18 78.30

19 Student 19 77.70

20 Student 20 77.80


21 Student 21 80.00

Table 4.2

The Phlegmatic Students

The Seventh Semester of English Education Department

No Name Speaking Score

1 Students 1 74.40

2 Students 2 70.00

3 Students 3 80.30

4 Students 4 75.30

5 Students 5 80.00

6 Students 6 70.10

7 Students 7 74.70

8 Students 8 71.20

9 Students 9 70.60

10 Students 10 71.50

11 Students 11 80.00

12 Students 12 70.40

13 Students 13 74.50

14 Students 14 74.50

15 Students 15 72.10

16 Students 16 73.10



No Name Speaking Score

18 Students 18 80.30

19 Students 19 77.40

20 Students 20 74.80

21 Students 21 80.30

22 Students 22 78.30

23 Students 23 77.30

24 Students 24 77.40

25 Students 25 77.80

26 Students 26 71.30

27 Students 27 73.10

The 48 students are the sanguine and the phlegmatic students. From the total

number of students of the seventh semester, only 73 students who participated to

fill the questionnaire of personality test. The other 25 students belong to the other

personalities; they are neither the sanguine students nor the phlegmatic students.

2. Data Analysis

To begin the data analysis, first step is finding the average of the sanguine and

phlegmatic students.

The way to find the average of the sanguine and phlegmatic students’ score is by the following calculation. The average in statistics is known by mean (M). The

pattern of Mean is



This pattern is to find Mean from single data of which scores are more

than one frequency; whether they are for some data or whole of them. The

following is the calculation for x1 or the sanguine students.

= 76.04

After having the first Mean, and the next step is forward to the second Mean.

It is for the phlegmatic students. The calculation is as follows:

= 75.17

Next step is finding the Deviation Standard of the sanguine and the phlegmatic


Deviation Standardof sanguine students is as follows:

S = √∑

= √

= √

= √ = 4.01

Deviation Standardof phlegmatic students is as follows:

S = √∑

= √

= √

=√ = 1.89

The calculation and the results of the mean and deviation standard were



Table 4.3

Mean and Deviation Standard of the Two Variables

No The Sanguine Students The Phlegmatic Students

Students Score )2 Students Score ( - )2

1 1 80.00 3.96 15.68 1 74.40 -0.77 0.59

2 2 70.40 -5.64 31.81 2 70.00 -5.17 26.73

3 3 68.00 -8.04 64.64 3 80.30 5.13 26.32

4 4 80.00 3.96 15.68 4 75.30 0.13 0.02

5 5 73.40 -2.64 6.97 5 80.00 4.83 23.33

6 6 71.80 -4.24 17.98 6 70.10 -5.07 25.70

7 7 75.70 -0.34 0.17 7 74.70 -0.47 0.22

8 8 76.00 -0.04 0.002 8 71.20 -3.97 15.76

9 9 70.70 -5.34 36.48 9 70.60 -4.57 20.88

10 10 70.70 -5.34 28.52 10 71.50 -3.67 13.47

11 11 76.00 -0.04 0.002 11 80.00 4.83 23.33

12 12 78.50 2.46 6.05 12 70.40 -4.77 22.75

13 13 78.20 2.16 4.67 13 74.50 -0.67 0.45


No The Sanguine Students The Phlegmatic Students

Students Score )2 Students Score ( - )2

16 16 72.70 -3.34 11.16 16 73.10 -2.07 4.28

17 17 80.00 3.96 15.68 17 78.80 3.63 13.18

18 18 78.30 2.26 5.11 18 80.30 5.13 26.32

19 19 77.70 1.66 2.76 19 77.40 2.23 4.97

20 20 77.80 1.76 3.10 20 74.80 -0.37 0.14

21 21 80.00 3.96 15.68 21 80.30 5.13 26.32

22 22 78.30 3.13 9.80

23 23 77.30 2.13 4.54

24 24 77.40 2.23 4.97

24 25 77.80 2.63 6.92

26 26 71.30 -3.87 14.98

27 27 73.10 -2.07 4.28

N=21 1596.8 321.444 N=27 2029.5 330.12

= 76.04

S = √∑



== 4.01

= 75.17

S = √∑






The next table concluded the result of the calculation above.

Table 4.4

The Statistic Descriptive of the Research

Statistic Sanguine Students Phlegmatic Students

The Highest Score 80.90 80.30

The Lowest Score 68.00 70.00

Mean 76.04 75.15

Standard Deviation 4.01 1.89

The tables above described that the Mean of the sanguine students’ score was

76.04, while the Mean of the phlegmatic students’ score was 75.15 and the

Deviation Standard of the sanguine students was 4.01, while the Deviation

Standard of the phlegmatic students was 1.89. Looking on the Table 4.4, there

were differences both the result of the Mean and Deviation Standard. The

sanguine students were fine superior of 0.89 on Mean and 2.12 on Deviation

Standard from phlegmatic students.

After analyzing the data and counting the formula, it has been found the result

of the Means and the Deviation Standard of students speaking achievement from both personality, and finally gave interpretation of ‘to’.

a. Statistical Test (t-test)

In analyzing the data from the result above, it used statistical calculation of

the t-test formula written by Sugiyono. As seen on the Table 4.4, it is suggested to

measure the homogenity varian of both samples. It is the biggest varian divided by

the smallest varian (the varian is taken from the deviation standard), and the result

is compared to F table based on the result of the degree of freedom (DF) from


DF of this research is (N1 – 1) and (N2-1) = (21 – 1= 20) and (27 – 1= 26)

The homogeneity varian is F=

= 2.12

The F tabel of the degree freedom of 5 % of 20 and 26 is 1.99

Based on the calculation presented above the result of F was higher than F table

(2.12>1.99), thus, it can be interpreted that the varian was not homogen.

Sugiyono further explained five procedures in determing the formula of

comparing two groups of sample; if two groups of sample have different amount

and the varian is not homogen, the Separated Varian formula is used. The

Saparated Varian formula is as follows:




The degrees of freedom (DF) determined the t-table. For DF of this research


(N1 -1) + (N2-2) = (20-1) + (27-1) = 45 = 22.5

2 2 2

The degree of significance of 5% was 2.07, and the degree of significance of

1% was 2.81.

To prove the hypothesis, the data obtained from both personalities was



to > ttable : The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It means there is significance

difference between the sanguine students and the phlegmatic

student on their speaking skill achievement.

to < ttable : The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and the null hypothesis

(H0) is accepted. It means there is no significance difference

between the sanguine and the phlegmatic students on their


speaking skill achievement.1

Table 4.5

The Calculation Result of the Hypothesis

Sample Mean Deviation Standard DF


ttable 1%

ttable 5%



Students 21 76.04 4.01

22.5 1.71 2.81 2.07

Ho is



Students 27 75.17 1.89

Ha is


Based on the counting of the table above, it can be explained that:

a) The means of English speaking scores of the sanguine students was 76.04, with

the highest score was 80.90 and the lowest was 68.00. Meanwhile the means of

English speaking score of the phlegmatic students was 75.17, with the highest

score was 80.0 and the lowest was 70.00.

b) The deviation standard of the sanguine students was 4.01, and the deviation

standard of the phlegmatic students was 1.89.

c) The result of t-test was 1.71.

d) T-table for the degree of significance of 5% was 2.07, and the degree

significance of 1% was 2.81.


By comparing the values of t₀= 1.71 and ttable 2.81 and 2.07, the data

calculated with statistical result shows that t₀ was smaller than t-table. So, the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was rejected and the null hypothesis (H₀) was

accepted. It means there is no significance difference between the sanguine

students and the phlegmatic students on their achievement in speaking skill.



Based on the statistical calculation, it can be clarified that there was no

significant difference between the sanguine students and the phlegmatic students

in speaking skill achievement. The result of the t-test was 1.71, and it was smaller

than t-table both in the degree of significance of 5% and 1% (2.07 > 1.71 < 2.81).

So the null hypothesis (Ho) was accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was

rejected. It can be interpreted that there is no significance difference between the

sanguine students and the phlegmatic students on their speaking skill


The sanguine students are assumed to have a good ability and better ability in

speaking. In this research, their score of speaking was 76.04 in average. The

phlegmatic students were estimated to be people who have less ability in speaking

than sanguine students. However, the average of their speaking score was 75.17.

Based on t-test calculation, it showed that there was no difference between

sanguine and phlegmatic students in speaking score achievement because of their

different average score was not too significant.

In relation to this conclusion and looking at the previous research in chapter II

that student with extrovert personality that was sanguine students had better in

English speaking score, and now it have already been proved. The students with





This chapter presents conclusion and suggestion based on this research which

has been done at Department of English Education State Islamic University

Jakarta (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).



This research showed that there was no significantly different between

sanguine and phlegmatic student in their achievement in speaking skill. The data

interpreted that sanguine students and phlegmatic students had no difference in

their speaking score achievement. Even though the sanguine students had higher

average of English speaking score and the phlegmatic students got lower average

English speaking score, the t-test calculation showed that there was no

significantly difference between students with sanguine and phlegmatic

personality in their speaking score because the difference of their average is not

too significant.

Based on the result above it can be concluded that students’ personality both sanguine and phlegmatic did not have any effect on students’ achievement in speaking skill.



Based on the conclusion of this research, it can be recommended some

suggestions go to:

1. Students

The result of this research is expected to help students to recognize their

personalities and minimize their weakness, and students should not worry

to have best score in speaking skill because personality is not significantly



This research can contribute to all educational institutions to consider

students’ personality and determine the best strategy in teaching learning process to minimize students’ gap and maximize their potential in

speaking skill.

3. Further Researchers

The result of this study is expected to be used as consideration or preview

for the next researchers in doing the same field of the study with the




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QUESTIONNAIRE The Purpose and Guidance:

1. This questionnaire is proposed in order to finish “skripsi” in Department of English

Education, Faculty and Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training

2. The questionnaire conducted to identify kind of students’ personality

3. Please kindly help for answering by choosing each traits based on your personality by putting cross (x) in a, b, c or d.

4. Thank you very much for your kindly participation.

Respondent Identity Name :


Class :

The Personality Test Of Florence Littauer The Four Personality Assessment


a. Adventurous, Orang yang mau melakukan suatu hal yang baru dan berani dengan tekad untuk menguasainya.

b. Adaptable, mudah menyesuaikan diri dan senang dalam setiap situasi.

c. Animated, penuh kehidupan, sering menggunakan isyarat tangan, lengan dan wajah secara hidup.

d. Analytical, suka menyelidiki bagian-bagian


Table 4.2  The Phlegmatic Students of the Seventh Semester of
Table 2.1 The Four Temperaments
Table 3.1 Personality Traits
Table 4.1 The Sanguine Students


Dokumen terkait



bahwa uang adalah suatu benda dengan satuan hitung.. yang sah dalam berbagai transaksi pada wilayah tertentu,.. dan keberadaan serta penggunaannya

Single-mode dapat membawa data dengan bandwidth yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan multi-mode fiber optik, tetapi teknologi ini membutuhkan sumber cahaya dengan

kesadaran hukum di dalam masyarakat permasalahan praperadilan tidak hanya.. terpaku pada hal tersebut, masyarakat khususnya advokat menafsirkan lebih. luas lagi dimana hak-hak

Puji syukur kehadapan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas berkat dan rahmatNya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan skripsi ini tepat pada waktunya, dalam usaha memenuhi

Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menyumbangkan wacana baru dalam bidang psikologi pendidikan terutama yang berkaitan dengan kesejahteraan siswa ditinjau

KADISOBO PAROKI SANTO YOSEPH MEDARI”. Penulis memilih judul tersebut berdasarkan keprihatinan penulis terhadap kurangnya minat kaum muda untuk ikut terlibat ambil