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Improving Students' Reading Comprehension Using Pre Questions


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A Classroom Action Research at 10


Grade of Gita Kirtti Senior

High School Jakarta



NIM: 106014000358







Yuliana NIM: 106014000358. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

Using Pre Questionings; A Classroom Action Research at 10th Grade of Gita Kirtti Senior High School Jakarta. Skripsi of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013.


Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2013.




In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. All praises be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds who has given the Mercy and Blessing upon the writer in completing this “skripsi”. Peace and salutation be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family and his followers.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her greatest appreciation, honor and gratitude to her beloved parent Mr. Tahad and Mrs. Sopiyah, for their support and moral encouragements in motivating the writer to finish her study. And also gratitude for her beloved brothers Rosyidin, Kasroh S.T and beloved twin Yunita S.Si who always pray and support the writer to finish this “Skripsi”. The writer also would like to express her gratitude to Nida Husna, M.Pd., M.A.TESOL for her advices, guidance, corrections, and suggestions for this “skripsi”.

Her gratitude also goes to:

1. Dra. Nurlela, MA., Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of Department of English Education. 3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of Department of English


4. All Lecturers in Department of English Education.

5. Dra. Yuliani, as the principal of Gita Kirtti Senior High School Jakarta 6. Nurul Fadilla S.Pd., as the English Teacher of Gita Kirtti Senior High

School Jakarta thanks for the help and the support.


Department 2006 thanks for filling many special memories with her. 8. Students in 10th class Gita Kirtti Senior High School Jakarta.

9. The last is to everyone who cannot be mention one by one, thank you very much for your support.

May Allah bless them, so be it. Finally, the writer feels that it is really pleasure for her to receive critics and suggestions to make this “skripsi” better.

Jakarta, 18 December 2013

The writer







ABSTRACT ………... iii

ABSTRAK ……… iv




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the study ……… 1

B. Limitation of The study and The Formulation of The Problem ………3

C. The Objective of The Study ………. 4

D. The Significance of The Study ……… 4


1. The Understanding of Reading …………. 5

2. The Purposes of Reading ……….. 6

3. Reading Comprehension ……… 9

B. Pre Questioning ……… 12

1. The Understanding of Pre Questioning….. 12

2. The Characteristics of Pre-questioning…... 14

3. The Purpose of Pre Questioning………….. 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Objective of the Research ……… 18

B. Time and Place of the Research ……… 18


G. Technique of Collecting Data ………. 22

H. Technique of Data Analysis ……… 23

I. Validity Data ……….. 24

J. The Trustworthiness of Study. ……….. 25

K. The Criterion of The Action Success ………… 26


1. Data from Interview ……… 27

a. Data from Interview with the Teacher .. 27

b. Data from Interview of the Students….. 28

2. Data from the Observation ……….. 29

3. Pre-test ………. 30

B. The Implementation of Pre Questioning in Reading Activity ……… 30

1. Cycle 1 ………. 30

a. Planning ………. 30

b. Acting ……… 31

c. Observing ……… 32

d. Reflecting ……… 33

2. Cycle 2 ………. 33

a. Planning ……….. 33

b. Acting ……….. 34

c. Observing ……… 35

d. Reflecting ……… 35



D. Data Analysis ……….. 38

E. Data Interpretation ……….. 42

1. The Result of Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2 ……….. 42

2. The Result of Post Interview ……… 42


B. Suggestion ……….. 45

REFERENCES ………..………. 46


Pre questionings ………. 54

Kisi-kisi penulisan soal ……….. 56

Pre test ……… 58

Post test 1 ……… 64

Post test 2 ……… 72

Pedoman interview………. 80





This chapter presents the general view of the present study. It consists of background of study, limitation and formulation of the study, objective of the study, and significance of the study.

A. The Background of Study

“Language is one of the most fascinating and essential tools possessed by humans”.1

In human life, language is used in many activities especially to communicate with other people. Conrad J.Schmitt stated that “Language is the exchange or transfer of meaning. It is a tool of communication”.2 From this statement the writer can say the functions of language are to exchange information, to make a suggestion, to interact with other people and everything relate with communication absolutely need a language.

There are many languages in this world. One of them is English. English

has special place in international communication because it is used as one of the international languages. As an international language, English is very important. It is used for many international activities, for example in international trading, bilateral relationship among countries, business and other activities which need English as a tool of communication.

Nowadays, a lot of things such as: manpower recruitment and

scholarships grant that include English proficiency as a main requirement. It suggests that someone who has sufficient English ability probably could get more opportunities to get better things i.e. get better jobs or obtain scholarship to study abroad than people who just master their native language only. Because of that reason, many people realize how important English is and nowadays many people in the world learn English.


Conrad J. Schmitt, Invitation to Languages, (London: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 1998), p.3 2


In English learning process, students should master four skills in English.

They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. As one of language skills, reading has an important role in our life. David H Clift said that “Reading is one of the good things in life and a factor of great importance in the

Based on KTSP curriculum 2006 for Senior High School, the competence

in reading skill which students have to master in reading process is to get comprehension from English texts that could be in many forms, such as: reading text, recount text, descriptive text etc. Reading and comprehension are two aspects which cannot be divided. Asher Cashdan stated that “one is not surprised that rate of reading and comprehension are to some extent positively correlated”.4

In other word, the success in reading can be measured from the comprehension that readers get.

For some students in Gita Kirtti Senior High School, reading is not a

favorite activity, especially to comprehend the text. It is proven by the learning result of the reading activities. The students’ daily reading test result is lower than standard value which is 60. In interview with the students of 10th grade of Gita Kirtti Senior High School which have done on 5th March 2013, most of students argue that read an English text is difficult especially to comprehend the text. It happened by some factors such as: first, students said that they did not have enough knowledge in general view of the text. Second students said that they could not predict the whole of the text. Third, students said that the text was not interesting enough to read.


David H.Clift, Adult Reading,Fifty-fifth Yearbook of the National Society for the study of Education , Part II,(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956), p.2




Based on the problem above, English teacher should find strategy to improve students’ interest in reading text and activating their prior knowledge so that students can predict content of the text and they can comprehend easily.

One of the strategies that teacher can use to improve students’

comprehension is by giving pre questioning before reading. Hopefully It helps students to build the students’ interest and attention in reading the text. Moreover, by using this technique hopefully it helps students to predict what will be discussed on the text, because in this technique the teacher will encourage the students to active their background knowledge with the topic they learn.

Based on the background of study above, the writer is interested to use CAR (Classroom Action Research) to apply pre-questionings in teaching reading of her study. The CAR (Classroom Action Research) used in her study is Kurt Lewin’s design which consists of four phases, planning, acting, observing and reflecting5. Hopefully using pre questionings can be helpful to solve the students’ problem in reading comprehension. Therefore, the title of this research is: “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Using Pre Questionings (Classroom Action Research at 10th Grade of Gita Kirtti Senior High School)”.

B. Limitation of The study and The Formulation of The Problem

The limitation of this study focuses on using pre-questioning to improve students’ reading comprehension at 10th

grade of Gita Kirtti Senior High School. Here, the writer formulates the problem as follows:

1. Is the usage of pre-questioning can improve students’ reading comprehension at the 10th grade students of Gita Kirtti Senior High School?


2. To what extent using pre-questionings improve students’ reading comprehension of 10th grade students of Gita Kirtti Senior High School?

C. The Objective of The Study

The Objective of this research is to know whether using pre questionings can improve students’ reading comprehension and to know how far pre -questionings can improve student’s reading comprehension for 10th grade students of Gita Kirtti Senior High School.

D.The Significance of The Study

The result of this study is expected to provide useful information about the using of pre questioning in reading comprehension. It is expected that these findings can contribute to the group of people, they are:

1. For the teachers

It is useful for the teachers at Gita Kirtti Senior High School to get clear information about the use of pre questioning in teaching reading to improve students’ reading comprehension.

2. For the students

It can assist student in reading text with an interesting way and help them to get comprehension of the text.

3. For the further researchers

Finally, for further researchers, it is useful also to become a helpful





This chapter covers some theories related to the research. The discussion focuses on reading which consists of the general concept of reading, reading comprehension, the purpose of reading, understanding of pre questionings and purposes of pre-questionings.

A. Reading

1. The Understanding of Reading

“Reading is a thinking process. It requires some kind of response on the part of the reader”.1 One of the responses is new understanding that is drawn by reader after a reading process. This is in line with an expert, Miles V. Zintz that stated “if one utilizes the reading he does, he can make different generalizations, draw new inferences, and plan new next steps on

the basis of it”.2

It is known that when someone does truly reading, s/he can restate what the writer and get the inference. Therefore, in order to get the inference, a person does not only read the messages in the text, but he also has to understand and comprehend message of the text.

Allington and Strange defined that “Reading is an active cognitive process that does indeed require using graphic (letters) and phonic

(sounds) information”.3

Whereas Deanne Spears in her book stated that

“Reading is more than merely processing letters and sounds. The real meaning of the text lies in the relationship the words have with each other.


Reading well requires us to recognize these relationships and put together

the meaning of the text”.4

According the definitions above, it can be seen that reading is a cognitive process of decoding and getting meaning from print requires letters and information. When one is reading a text, it is more than just saying the words, but reading is the process when a reader identifies the relationship between words by words and then understand the meaning of these words so that a reader gain a thorough understanding of what they read.

Allington explained that “fluent reading is the efficient extraction of

meaning from text. To do this, the reader must be actively involved with the reading process, predicting upcoming words, evaluating incoming

information and thinking”.5

From that statement, it is concluded that the good readers should be able to participate in the text that they read. They must be active in guessing, predicting and using the knowledge of the text they read as an efficiently as possible so that they can think and draw conclusions from the text that they read.

2. The Purposes of Reading

“Reading is a tool. It is a mean to an end”.6

In other words when people do reading, it means they must have purposes to achieve. They may read because they must find some information about what they need, they read because the texts are interesting and entertaining or because they just like to read it. There are many purposes in reading activity. John D Boer

stated “the number and types of purposes for which individuals read are




almost unlimited”,7

but basically there are two main purposes for reading. Francois Grellet stated that:

“There are two main reasons for reading:

- Reading for pleasure

- Reading for information (in order to find out something or in order to

do something with the information you get)”.8

The different purposes of reading activity that also stated by Jeremy Harmer, by divided into some areas:

a. Predictive

Reading as a tool to train a readers' ability in estimating the content of the text they read, either in matching their predictions or in developing their predictions about the others content that will change after readers get additional information from the text and interact with the content of the text.

b. Extracting specific information

Here, reading is an activity to find a particular piece of information that readers need. Usually, the readers use scanning type of reading.

c. Getting the general picture

The purpose is not to get details information but to get the gist of the text. Here, the readers will do skim rapidly and understand the main point of the text.

d. Inferring opinion and attitude

The purpose is to know the opinion and attitude of the author about the topic discusses that is implied in his writing.


John J Deboer, The Teaching of Reading, (London : Holt rinehart and winstoninc, 1960), p. 34



e. Deducing meaning from context

The readers try to find out and guess the meaning of the unknown words based on the context although they do not know the actual meaning of the word.

f. Recognizing function and discourse patterns and markers

Reading is a tool to train the reader in understanding the use of the words, how a sentence is constructed in the correct order, the relationship between words and the connection between sentences.9 Different purposes of reading explained by Pramila Ahuja that stated

“Different occasions require us to read for different purpose. We read for

pleasure, we read for specific information, we read to locate material dealing with special problems and many a time we read aloud to share

information with others”.10

Meanwhile John J. De Boer also describes that people read for many purposes, reading for pure recreation and enjoyment, reading to study, reading to find the answer to a question or the solution of a problem, reading to learn main idea of a selection or some specific items of information, reading to discover the outcome of a series of events or reading to follow directions.11

Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that people read for many purposes. Some of them read to answer questions, to solve a problem, to gain specific information, and to search for simple information. But commonly, there are two general reading purposes. First, people read to get general information and comprehension, usually because they need to do. Second, people read to get pleasure, it because people like to do, they may read either quickly or slowly based on the way they like. They also can feel enjoy and satisfied after they read them. The



way of approaches, attitudes, techniques, methods in reading activities will be different depend on his purpose whether the purpose is the general information or the specific information. That statement is supported by John D Boer that stated “The kind of reading a person does will usually

depend upon his purpose”.12

3. Reading Comprehension

In reading process, there is an interaction between the readers and author. This assumption is supported by Nation that “Reading is recognizing and interpreting symbolic language and interacting with it.”13 The interaction happens while reading process; the readers try to

understand written text and should comprehend author’s ideas. The result

of this interaction is the readers can understand what the author means and absolutely the readers can comprehend contents of the texts and can get the new inference relate to the text, apply what they have read and understood becomes the successful conclusion.

Reading and comprehension are two aspects which cannot be divided.

John De Boer identified that “reading as an activity which involves the comprehension and interpretation of ideas symbolized by written or printed language”.14 In other words, comprehension is part of reading which emphasize on the understanding of reading contents. Reading means comprehending, so comprehension is the implementation of reading. Identifying words on a page does not make someone a successful reader. When the words are understood and transcend the pages to become thoughts and ideas then we are truly reading.

People may read for many reasons but comprehension is a primary thing that has to be achieved in a reading process. Allington stated

“Reading is a language process in which acquiring meaning is the primary



Even when people just glances newspapers, magazines and books, they often need to understand the reading section more, comprehension is absolutely need because they cannot get information completely without comprehension. Those assumptions are supported by Nation who stated

“Comprehension is very important when developing fluency in reading“16

. It means that someone cannot be a successful reader if he just identifying words, he should get thorough comprehension so that he can get the conclusion and can restate what the writer said in the texts.

There is no reading without comprehension. Yetta Goodman (1973)

points out that “without comprehension, reading has not truly happened.

The learner may produce the appropriate word, but unless an understanding of the material is present one should not label the act


It is known that there is no meaning if people just read without comprehend and catch the information from it. It also can be concluded that if people do not understand the meaning of words or sentences that people are looking at, it means they are not really reading.

There are some abilities in comprehension. They are ability to recognize words and meanings and ability to connect relationship between sentences with the theme of the material, so that they can generalize the main of thought of paragraph and understand the coherence between paragraphs. Therefore, the reader can gain a thorough understanding and can apply it to new situations or make a conclusion. It is also explained by Guy L Bond that “Comprehension is made up of number of basic abilities, including skill in recognizing words and their meanings, in grouping


Allington, op. cit., p. 26 16

Nation,I.S.P, Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing, ( New York : Routledge, 2009), p. 71




words into thought units and in giving the proper emphasis to the thought

units so that the sentences may be understood”.18

Others definitions stated by Allington that “this ability would probably

be labeled literal recall of stated fact or recall of text bound information”.19

In others words we can say when readers can restate the main idea of the texts or the idea of the paragraphs or restate some facts or details of the texts, it can be considered that the comprehension has been achieved for some degrees.

There are many factors influence reading comprehension, one of them is background knowledge that relate with the text. Jerry G explained in his

book that “students’ ability to comprehend the content of reading material depends in part on their knowledge about the topic of the reading


It is clear that background knowledge will influence reader in understanding the texts, because when reading process happens, the reader will build various interpretations for the text by connecting the new knowledge with their background knowledge to get thorough understanding. Therefore, the readers’ background knowledge is absolutely needed in reading comprehension because it helps the reader to get the meaning by connecting what they already have with the new information they learn.

From explanations above, we can know that reading comprehension is not only how to get the meaning of each word or sentence, but the

important one is how the reader could conclude the writer’s writing and understand the writer’s ideas. So that, when the reader is able to

understand the message of the reading text and to draw conclusions of the text, he will truly comprehend in reading.


B. Pre Questioning

1. The Understanding of Pre Questioning

As the writer has revealed some theories above that stated about the important of comprehension in reading, so that the teacher need to do some procedures that can help students to increase their comprehension

skill. Teacher can give pre questionings; it is an activity such as by giving some questions before reading activity. More details explained by Richard

Aliington that stated “the teacher would examine the goals of instruction and develop a small number of questions to guide the learner's reading of the assigned material. These questions would be rather general nature and

attempt to give the learner a purpose of reading”.21

According to Pramila Ahuja this activity also helps students to get ready for the material students read.22

From that statement it is known that in comprehending the text, pre questioning can help students to have a good preparation before reading by helping students to get their purpose. So that, it might be able to give a big

effect on students’ understanding of what they read and can be useful to focus learners' attention on the types of information that they are going to read.

Pre questionings is also effective to help teacher in learning activity especially for textual material. It is stated by Richard Aliington

”Questions, either teacher generated or learner generated, used either prior

to or following reading are effective in enhancing learning from textual


More specifically, John J. DeBoer and Martha Dallmann stated the objective of the pre questionings program as follow:



b. To assist the child in becoming adjusted to life in school c. To broaden the child’s background experience

d. To help the child to gain greater emotional and social maturity

e. To provide an environment in which the child will have an opportunity to develop the skills essential to beginning reading

f. To increase the child’s interest in reading and to make him aware of the functions of reading.24

John D Boer who also assumed the one of ways todevelop skill in comprehension is by giving pre questioningbefore reading a selection the pupils were at the times given questions, in written form, and then they would find answered in it. After the silent reading the answer would be given by pupils, either orally or in writing25” It is known that by giving some pre questions related to the theme of the text, it is good to guide students in reading text and it is expected to help students comprehend the text better.

There are some forms of the questions can be used. I.S.P Nation Question Forms as a follow:

a. Pronominal questions

Questions begin with who, what, when, how, why, etc. b. Yes/no questions

These questions do not need more explanation. c. True/false sentences

These questions are similar with yes/no questions. The answer is only true or false.

d. Multiple-choice sentences


e. Sentence Completion.

To answer these questions, the learners have to fill in the blank space, to show that they understand the reading passage.

f. Information transfer.

The learners have to complete the information transfer based on the information in the text.

g. Translation.

The learners must translate the text in another language. It is good in comprehending but it needs other skills besides reading.

h. Précis.

The learners have to restate the passage in short composition that contains all the main ideas of the passage. 26

2. The Characteristics of Pre-questioning

According to Harmer (1985:153), there are some kinds of using pre-questioning in reading, they are:

a. Reading to confirm expectations

Pre-questioning as a tool to encourage students to become interested in the subject matter of the text, predict the content of the text, and gives them an interesting and motivating purpose for reading, b. Reading to extract specific information

Pre-questioning is as a tool to force the students to extract specific information from the reading text.

c. Reading for general comprehension

Pre-questioning as a tool to build up the students’ prior knowledge,

d. Reading for detailed comprehension

Pre-questioning intends to give the students some detailed information that should be found by them in the whole of the text. 27


Nation, op. cit., p.32-34 27



3. The Purpose of Pre Questioning

a. Pre Questioning as an activity to active prior knowledge

What readers bring to the printed page affects their comprehension. Some researcher assumed that the prior knowledge of readers is the important component in reading comprehension. It is line with John

de Boer that stated “the child's prior stock of impressions will

determine in large how much meaning he will derive from the visual

symbols before him”. 28

As a pre reading activity, pre questioning is useful to improve

students’ comprehension. Whenever teacher decided on questions to

be answered by reading, they are activating prior knowledge..

According Jerry G “to increasestudents’ potential comprehension, the

teacher can lead a variety of pre reading activities that build

background knowledge”.29

By using pre questionings relate to the texts, it will help students in gaining their background knowledge and exploring what they have learn before and combine with the new information they get from the texts. It will help students to comprehend the reading texts. It is line by Taba and others, as cited in Ahuja, suggested that “the teacher’s questions circumscribe determine what points they can explore and what modes of thought they can


b. Pre Questioning as an activity to increase student’s interest in


By using pre questionings will motivate students to explore more


supported by Miles that stated “this will arouse your curiosity and so

increase your comprehension.”31

c. Pre Questioning as an activity to focus student attention

Pre questionings tend to focus attention on reading, mainly on the purpose of the activity. It also focuses students on words and the information from the text that be needed for understanding the text. This statement is in line with Richard Allington and Michael Strange

that stated “The pre questions may focus learner attention on the

information the teacher has decided is important to attaining the goals

of the instruction”.32

d. Pre Questioning as an activity to set the purpose of reading

Questions can help readers in getting purpose of reading. By giving pre questioning before reading students are led to decide the purposes in reading, so that they know what they will look for in reading. It is supported by statements from Richard Allington stated

that “the use of pre reading question is intended to facilitate purpose

setting in learners prior to reading”.33

C. The Relevant Study

The research about pre questionings has done by Ali Fuad Hendra that was “The Effects Pre-questioning on the Reading Comprehension Achievement”.34 This research explained about the effectiveness of application pre questionings for reading comprehension achievement. He conducted the study started on June until July 2011 in MA Manaratul Islam Gandaria Selatan, Cilandak, South of Jakarta. He used pre questionings to teach reading texts. The method used in this study is the method of quasi – experimental. in this research, he wanted to know the effect of using pre questionings in reading comprehension



achievements. In fact, the result of analysis of interpretation data shows that the use of pre questionings method in teaching reading can effects the students

reading comprehension achievement. The effect is students’ reading

comprehension score improve.

Second, the research was by Muhammad Bagus Nawawi that was “Using Picture and Guide Questions in Teaching Descriptive Writing (A case study at the Odd Semester of VIII Grade Students at SMPN 111 Jakarta)”.35

This research explained about application of pictures and guide questions in teaching writing of descriptive text. He conducted the study started on August 1st to August 31st, 2011. The method used in this study is a case study. In this research, he wanted to know how far the procedure of using of pictures and guide questions in teaching writing of descriptive text. In fact, the result of analysis of interpretation data shows that the use of pictures and guide questions in teaching writing of descriptive text is significant after they were taught by using pictures and guided questions.

Third, the research was by Suci Fitriani that was “Developing students’ reading Comprehension through Pre Reading activities (A Classrrom Activity

in the first grade of Senior High School Al-Falah, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta”36

This research explained about application of pre reading activity in teaching reading comprehension. He conducted the study started on June 11st to July 31st, 2009. The method used in this study is a classroom action research. In this research, he wanted to know how far the of using of pre reading activity in teaching reading activity. In fact, the result of analysis of interpretation data shows that the use of using of pre reading activity in teaching reading activity is significant after they were taught by using pictures and guided questions.


Nawawi, Muhammad Bagus, Using Picture and Guide Questions in Teaching Descriptive Writing, skripsi, (Jakarta: FITK UIN, 2011)



D. Conceptual Framework

Based on the frame of theories, the writer concludes that Pre-questioning is a

good technique to be used in teaching reading, especially to improve students’

reading comprehension because pre-questioning technique can build and activate





This chapter presents the objective of the study, the subject and object of the study, time and place, research design, the Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedures technique of collecting data, and technique of the data analysis.

A. The Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to know the usage of pre questioning in improving students’ reading comprehension at the first grade students of Gita Kirtti Senior High School. The writer did Classroom Action Research (CAR). It is the research that is used to solve a specific classroom or school problem, improve teaching and other educational strategies, or make a decision at a specific level. So, it is expected that by applying pre questioning technique in this research, the students’ reading comprehension will improve.

B. Time and Place of the Research

This research is carried out for 3 (three) months started from April 2013 to June 2013. The place is at first grade of Gita Kirtti Senior High School.

C. Subject and Object of the Research

The subject of the research is the students at first grade students of Gita Kirtti Senior High School. The number of the students consists of 20 students. This school only has one class for first grade. Based on the observation and interview that the writer did, this class has low achievement in reading. That is why the CAR is held because the students need an appropriate strategy to help them in improving their reading comprehension.


D. Research Design

Kemmis and Mc Taggart’ design is the CAR procedure used in this research. It consists of two cycles, which in each cycle contains four phases. They are: planning, acting and observing, and reflecting.

Figure 3.1

Kemmis and Mc Taggart’s Action Research Design1

E. The Writer’s Role on the Study

The writer acts as the English teacher and the observer in the research. So that, she makes a lesson plan and pre-test before Classroom Action Research (CAR) and post test after Classroom Action Research (CAR) in each final cycle. Then, the teacher carries out the action based upon the lesson plan that has been made. Furthermore, the writer also collects and interprets data then reports the result of study.




F. The CAR Procedures

The Classroom Action Research using Kurt Lewin’s design consists of four phases within one cycle. Those are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.2 After finishing the first cycle, it will be probably a new problem or the previous unfinished problems. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to the second cycle in line with the same concept of the first cycle. Based on the outcome and experiences in the first cycle, the writer will follow the same phases. Here are the detail explanations about what happens in every phase:

1. Cycle

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer prepares all the needs and requirements for the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The writer makes the lesson plan and prepares all of the things that will be used in reading using pre questionings. In this phase, the writer prepares the reading text and the pre questionings that relate to the text.

b. Acting

The writer as the teacher carries out the planned action in this phase based on the lesson plan that has been made. In implementation the action, the writer act as English teacher who taught reading by giving pre questioning before student read the text. The implementation of the action involved three meeting in each cycle.



c. Observing

In observing phase, the writer as the teacher observes the students’ response and achievement during the teaching and learning process. The teacher observes students’ response about the lesson. Teacher observes whether there are any significant improvements of students’ score when they are given pre questioning before they read the text. Sometimes, the writer also asks some students’ opinion about the process of teaching and learning reading by using pre questioning.

When observing, the teacher should notice all of activities in the classroom. It is done in order to get accurate result in the end of the research.

d. Reflecting

In this phase, the teacher reflects the whole action during the acting and observing phase. And it is necessary to have an evaluation before starting the next cycle. If there are still some problems, so it needs to continue to the next cycle. By continuing to the next cycle, it is expected that the unfinished problems yet can be solved and the goals can be reached.

2. Cycle 2

a. Planning



b. Acting

In this phase, the writer implements the new lesson plan. As the teacher, the writer reviews schematic structures to the students in order to make them getting better understanding.

c. Observing

The writer observes students’ response and achievement in this phase. Here, the writer tries to see whether students improve their understanding or not and differ their achievements between cycle 1 and cycle 2.

d. Reflecting

Here, the writer analyzes students’ progress based on their test score. The writer also discusses to the teacher about the result of the implementation of the modified action and decides whether the action should be continued or not.

G. Technique of Collecting Data

There are three techniques which used by a researcher in collecting the data, they are: observation, interview, and test.

1. Observation


2. Interview

One of the ways to get deep information in the classroom is by interviewing the English teacher and the students. The unstructured and structured interviews are conducted by the writer for this research. The structured interview is conducted by using interview guide and it is conducted before and after implementing the classroom action research. The interview is about the English teaching learning process at Gita Kirtti Senior High School. Primarily, about English teaching learning process, especially in reading Comprehension

3. Test

The test is used to find out the result of students’ achievement in reading comprehension and also to compare the learners’ reading comprehension before and after the treatment, i.e. learning reading comprehension with pre-questioning activities. The test which is done before implementing pre questioning activities is called pre-test. It is to measure students’ reading comprehension at first. Meanwhile, the test which is implemented after using pre questioning is called post-test. In this study, the test is done in form of multiple choices. The test is held on the second action of each cycle.

H. Technique of Data Analysis

The analysis qualitative data used in this study is the observation of students’ activities during teaching learning process. In this case, the writer collects the entire data which have been gained.

In analyzing the quantitative data, the writer gains the average of students’ reading score per action in one cycle. It is used to measure how well students’ performance on reading skill. It uses the formula3:




: Mean

: individual score

: number of students

To know the class percentage, the writer uses the formula:4

P : the class percentage

F : total percentage score

N : number of student

I. Validity Data

Validity is the component criteria for evaluating the test or a measure of

the test, validity in action research, the writer took Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham and Dianne wall’s criteria that mention the validity of action research including rational or content, empirical, and construct validity.5 In this study, the writer is only use empirical validity.

Empirical validity depends empirical or statistical evidence as to whether the students’ marks on the test are similar to their marks on other appropriate measures of their ability, such as their score. It means that validity in action research, validity could be seen from the result of the test (post-test). When


Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008), p.43


Charles Alderson, Caroline Clapham and Dianne wall, Language Test Construction and Evaluation, (Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 171.


P = ── X 100% N


the result of test is cycle two is better than the result of test in cycle one, it means that the test is successful.

J. The Trustworthiness of Study.

To analyze the examiner test items, the writer implements the trustworthiness of the test. There are some phases including:

1. Item Discriminating

The analysis of item discriminating is tests items are to compare the good students and the poor students in terms of how they perform on each item. Item discriminating provides a more detailed analysis of the test items than does item difficulty, because it shows how the top scores and lower scores performed on each item.6

2. Item Facility

Item facility (also called item difficulty, item easiness, or simple IF) is a statistic used to examine the percentage of students who correctly answer a given. To calculate IF, the formula as following:7

IF : Item Facility

N correct : number of students answering correctly N total : total number of students taking the best


Kathleen M. Bailey, Learning about Language Assessment: Dilemmas, Decision, and Direction, (London: Heinle Publisher, 1988), p. 135.




K. The Criterion of The Action Success


This chapter presents the result of the research. The writer presents the data that have been collected. The data description consists of the data from interview and data from observation ;pre-test; the implementation and the improvement result of teaching reading texts by using pre questionings at first grade students of Gita Kirtti Senior High School; and data analysis, consist of the result of pre-test, post test 1, post test 2, and the result of post interview.

A. Data Description

1. Data from Interview

a. Data from Interview with the Teacher

The interview was conducted by the writer to the English teacher of Gita Kirtti Senior High School. It was held on April 6th 2013. Here, the writer asked the teacher some questions which divided into three categories. The first category was about the general condition in English class primarily on students’ reading achievement and performance. It contains of five questions. The second category was about the difficulties faced by students in reading comprehension ability. It contains of two questions. The last category was about the kinds of strategies implemented by the teacher previously before Classroom Action Research (CAR) in solving the students’ difficulties in reading comprehension and it contains of three questions.



school policy. Some students still get 50 or 55 for the score; meanwhile the criterion of minimum completeness (KKM) is 60.

Second category related about the difficulties faced by students in reading comprehension. The teacher said that the students in Gita Kirtti Senior High School still cannot understand the reading text. They cannot answer some questions related about comprehension of reading texts, some students did not understand to convey the meaning of word by word. Students have no enough background knowledge about the text, so that it will difficult for students to understand the content of the texts. Next, the class was also noisy and some students did not keep attention when teacher given the teaching material. That is the difficulty and weakness that the students have in reading.

Third category was about the strategies implemented by the teacher in teaching reading. At the previous strategies, the teacher gave the reading text to the students and asked them to read the text loudly. Next she asked students to translate some unfamiliar vocabularies into Bahasa Indonesia and finally the teacher asked students to answer the questions following the text. This strategy still cannot help students to improve their reading comprehension. It is proved by the low score that some students still have, 50-55, and under the criterion of KKM, that is 60. The teacher suggested the writer to implement technique that can build background knowledge and make students interest in reading text

b. Data from Interview of the Students


Kirtti Senior High School. The writer asked students about their difficulties in learning English, especially in reading. One of them said that she could identify the characters, understand the material, find the specific information, and answer some questions according the texts. Meanwhile, one of them felt that reading is quite difficult to master. She said that she had little interest to read and she had difficult to identify what the content of the text about. She also did not have enough knowledge in general view of the reading texts, students said that the text is not interesting enough to be read. Because of those reasons, she had difficulties in answering some questions. Besides that, the teacher’s teaching techniques did not make students comprehend the reading text. Consequently, their reading comprehension is low.

2. Data from the Observation

Based on the observation conducted by the writer on April 2013, it was known that in general, during the teaching learning process in the classroom, 80% of the reading activities were done by the teacher. Hence, there was less opportunity for students to be active in the classroom. After teacher gave reading text, the teacher read the text aloud and asked students to follow her. Some students followed her but some students did not. Then, the teacher gave instruction for students to translate the text into Bahasa Indonesia. Next, the students were asked to answer questions related to the texts and find some information.



content, and any other questions related to the text, they could not answer them.

3. Pre-test

In completing the data, the writer did the pre-test before conducting the Classroom Action Research. It was held on June 5th 2013. There were 20 students of seventh grade followed the test. The test consists of 20 questions in multiple choices. From the pre-test, it was known that students’ mean score was 50.

The data of mean score from pre-test showed that there were 5 students passed the Criterion of Minimum Completeness (KKM). The standard of KKM of the school is 60. There were 15 students did not pass or still below the standard of KKM. From the data, it was known that students’ achievement and comprehension in reading was poor and low.

B. The Implementation of Pre Questioning in Reading Activity

1. Cycle 1

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer made a planning for the action based upon the problems faced by students toward reading comprehension. The writer determined the selected material and exercises into a lesson plan. Then, some texts were chosen as the text to be taught for students. In the lesson plan, there were some kind of pre questioning activity relate the texts that should be answered before the students read the texts.


b. Acting

The action of the cycle 1 was begun on June 8th 2013. The writer, as the teacher implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan had been made. In the first meeting, the teacher taught about reading texts and the topics are about daily life and an environment. In the beginning of teaching learning process, the teacher told what the texts is about by doing the pre activity to make the students interested in learning English in the class room, the teacher asked students to tell any information they know about the texts, the things they were not sure of the text, and the things they would like to know about the text. Some students answered that they knew about the texts, they got the information from television, magazine, newspaper and internet and some of students were not sure about the texts and some of them did not answer the questions. Next, the teacher gave worksheet related the texts and asked all of the students to write the answer and the information on a paper. After students answered the worksheet, then the teacher gave opportunity for some students to share orally about any information that they wrote on the paper. Next activity, the teacher gave the students the texts and asked the students to read the text. The teacher asked students to compare the information they wrote with the information they got from the texts. And the students counted how many information matched with the texts. Then, the teacher asked students to give the worksheet back to the teacher. And in the other time and place, the teacher check, edit and figure out how many percents the answers matched



verb, so they would sit with their partner. Next, teacher gave some questions relate the texts the questions type was yes/no questions. The students should answer before they read the texts and they shared and discussed with their partner. After the students finished their answer, the teacher gave the texts for students and asked students to read. Then the students would have number of ‘facts’ about the text and matched their answer. In the end, the teacher asked them to switch the answers randomly so they would know how many correct answers they had.

The teacher gave feedback before closed the lesson and assigned the students homework about to search texts related with the materials that would be used for the third meeting, the same lesson plan with the same activities have done in this meeting.

c. Observing

In this phase, the writer as the teacher observed the students’ response, participation, achievement and everything which was found during the teaching and learning process. When observing, the teacher noticed all of activities in the classroom. Sometime, the writer also asked some students’ opinion about the teaching reading using pre questioning. It is important as a feedback for teacher after teaching-learning process in the classroom.


understand and some of them said that they had no idea about the questions.

d. Reflecting

Here, the writer analyzed students’ achievement and progress based on their test score. In this phase, the writer also discussed the result of the implementation of the modified action and decided whether the action should be continued or not. However, regarding the first cycle, the writer felt that her efforts to improve students’ reading comprehension of the text had been developed although not all the targets could not accomplish yet. Beside of that, most of the students could understand the material and some of them could not find the specific information of the text correctly. Some of students had enough background knowledge because they read and watch TV a lot. But some of them still had no idea about the topics.

So that, based on the discussion with the teacher and the results of post test 1, the writer felt that it was necessary to do the cycle 2 because the writer found only little progress which had been achieved by the students. There must be more efforts to develop students’ reading comprehension. This effort was done in the next lesson plan of cycle two.

2. Cycle 2

a. Planning



gave and asked students to review the information they got from every meeting class and do it on paper.

The writer also made preparation of teaching aids. Evaluation and post-test 2 were prepared to see students’ achievements in the end of this cycle. The new texts were also selected to motivate students.

b. Acting students to answer it together. Some students also asked teacher when they could not understand the questions. Next, the students worked together with their friends in a group work. They could do the exercise in extracting specific information and also answer teacher’s pre questions. It was also found that students with low ability got a help from students with high ability during the group work. And students can share and combine their background knowledge to answer pre-questioning together. Those activities were done in group. Finally, the teacher gave the correct answers of the questions based on the material discussed. Before end the class, the teacher reminded the students to read and search many information at home about the topic would be taught for next meeting. The students should print the texts and brought it in the next meeting.


the teacher gave pre questionings related the text that students should answer. Then, the teacher gave students the text and check their pre questioning’ answer. In the end the students would know their score.

c. Observing

In the second cycle, generally the class condition in learning process was better than the previous cycle. They did the reading activities in group work. The writer as the teacher just acted as the facilitator and helped students whenever they needed a help. The students were more active to ask about the material that time before the class began.

Students also showed their progress in reading activities. It could be seen from the students who understood the materials, found some information of the texts, and answered the questions. 20 of 22 students could answer some questions correctly. Students’ reading test result was also improved, about 80-90 which is above the criterion of KKM that is 60. They also excited and interested to read the text. Their background knowledge also builds by answer and discuss about pre questionings. They learned the text and discussed about their prediction the content of the text about and find some information of the texts together with their friends in the group work. As the result, students’ reading comprehension of the text and specific information was better than in the previous cycle.

d. Reflecting



which was higher and better than the previous test. The students were also much more interested and active in the learning process.

According to the result of the evaluation, it could be assumed that the implementation of Classroom Action Research in improving students’ reading comprehension by using pre-questionings was appropriate with the planning that had been made.

C. The Results of Teaching Reading by Using Pre Questioning

The interview before and after Classroom Action Research (CAR) are used to analyze qualitative data. In this case, the writer collects the entire data which have been gained. On the other side, to analyze the numerical data, first the writer measures the average or mean of students’ reading score per action within one cycle. It is used to know how the students’ reading skills are improved.






1 30 40 55

2 50 55 75*

3 65* 70* 80*

4 40 55 65*

5 70* 80* 95*

6 60* 75* 90*

7 70* 80* 90*

8 60* 75* 80*

0 40 55 65*

10 30 55 55

11 55 60* 70*

12 45 50 70*

13 45 55 60*

14 55 60* 65*

15 50 60* 70*

16 50 50 65*

17 40 50 55

18 55 60* 75*

19 50 65* 65*

20 55 70* 75*


50 60.3571 70.75

*students who passed KKM (60)

Figure 4.1



D. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data of pretest, the first step is to get the mean score of the class. It is calculated as following

∑ Pre-test = 1015


From that calculation, the mean score of the class in pretest is 50. It means that the students’ reading mean score before using texts mapping or students’ pre-test score average before implementing Classroom Action Research (CAR).

The second step is to know the percentage of students’ score who passed the KKM (60). It is calculated by using as follows:

P = × 100%

P =

× 100%

P = 25%

From that computation, the students’ score percentage in the pretest is 25%. It means that there are 5 students who pass the KKM and there are 15 students are still below the KKM.


improvement. Those are calculating the students’ mean score of post-test, get the percentage of students’ improvement score from pretest to posttest 1, and calculate the percentage of students who pass the KKM.

The first step is to calculate the mean score of posttest 1. The calculation as following:

∑ Post-test = 1220


From that calculation, the students’ mean score of posttest in cycle 1 is 60.35. It proves that there are some improvements from the pretest mean score. It could be seen from the pretest mean score is 50 to the mean score of posttest 1 is 60.35. It improves 10.35 (60.35 - 50).

The second step is to get the percentage of students’ improvement score from pretest to posttest 1. The writer computes by using as follows:

P = × 100%

P =

× 100%

P =

× 100%



Based on that computation, the percentage of the students’ improvement score from pretest to posttest 1 is 20.71%. It shows that the score in the cycle 1 has improved 20.71% from the pretest score.

The third step is to know the percentage of students who pass the KKM. The calculation by using as follow:

P = × 100%

P =

× 100%

P = 55%

From that calculation, the class percentage which passes the KKM is 55%. It means that in the cycle 1 of Classroom Action Research (CAR), there are 11 students who passed the KKM and there are 9 students whose score are below the KKM. The students’ improvement from pre-test to post-test which passes the KKM is 20% (55% - 25%).

Furthermore, in the cycle 2 of Classroom Action Research (CAR) the writer also calculates the result of posttest 2 to know further the score improvement either from the result of pretest or posttest 1. There are three steps to know this improvement. Those are to calculate the mean score of the class, to calculate the percentage of the students’ improvement score, and to calculate the class percentage which pass the KKM (60).

Firstly is to calculate the mean score of the class in posttest 2. The calculation using as follows:

∑ Post-test 2 = 1415



From that calculation, the mean score of posttest 2 is 70.75. The second step is to know the calculation of the percentage of students’ improvement score. Here, the writer computes by using the formula:

P = × 100%

P =

× 100%

P =

× 100%

P = 41.5%

Based on that computation, it could be seen that the posttest 2 improves 41.5% from the pre test.

The last step is the writer tries to get the class percentage whose score pass the KKM. It uses the calculation as following:

P = × 100%

P =

× 100%

P = 82.8%



E. Data Interpretation

1. The Result of Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2

As a whole, the interpretation of the data results among the pretest, the posttest of cycle 1 and the posttest of cycle 2 are as following:

In the pretest, the mean score of students on reading test before carrying out Classroom Action Research (CAR) is 50. It is the students’ reading score before they use pre questionings. Meanwhile, the class percentage which passes the KKM is 25%. It means that that there are only 5 students who are able to pass the KKM (60) and there are 15 students are out of the target.

Furthermore, the mean score in the posttest of cycle 1 is 60.35. It means that there are some students’ score improvement from the previous test (pretest). Meanwhile, the class percentage which passes the KKM in posttest 1 is 55%. It shows there are 11 students who pass the KKM and there are 9 students whose score still under KKM. Therefore, it is still needed more improvement.

Next, the mean score in the posttest of second cycle is 70.75. It shows the students’ improvement score 10.40 (70.75 – 60.35) from the posttest 1 (60.35) .Meanwhile, the class percentage which passes the KKM is 82.8%. It means there are 17 students whose score pass the KKM and there are 3 students are under the target of KKM.

Because above 75% students passed the KKM and fulfilled the target of CAR, therefore, automatically, it can be said that the Classroom Action Research (CAR) is succeeded and the cycle is stopped.

2. The Result of Post Interview


the students. It was conducted on June 15rd 2013 after accomplishing cycle 2. The writer discussed with the teacher about CAR that had been accomplished.





After finishing the whole steps of this Classroom Action Research (CAR) study, the writer makes some conclusions considering the result of this research. Furthermore, related to the conclusion the writer also gives some suggestions. However, before the writer concludes the result of study and contributes her suggestions, she would like to present the summary of this research.

The writer would like to sum up her study. This study uses the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method in which to identify the problem on students’ reading comprehension; it is initiated through the interview to the teacher and through the observation in the First grade class at Gita Kirtti School which is considered as the class whose reading test score are very low. The amount of students of that class is 20. In this study, the writer implements the Kurt Lewin’s design which consists of four phases. Those are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. Meanwhile, the data is derived among from the test, interview and observation; it could be summed up as: First, related to the test result, there was 20.71% improvement of students’ mean score from pretest to the posttest of the second cycle. In the pretest, there were five students who passed the KKM and the mean score of pre test was 50. Then in the result of posttest in cycle 1, there were 11 or 55% students in the class who passed the KKM considering their mean score of the test is 60.35. Next in the result of posttest in the cycle 2, there were 17 or 85% students who passed the KKM in which their mean score of reading test derived 70.75.


Kemmis and Mc TaggartFigure 3.1 ’s Action Research Design1
The Students’ Reading Score of Pretest, Figure 4.1 Posttest 1, and Posttest 2


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