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Utilization of Sunflower Seeds Oil and Sardine to Get Goat’s Milk Has Balanced Omega 3 and Omega 6 Ratio


Academic year: 2017

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Utilization of Sunflower Seeds Oil and Sardine to Get Goat’s Milk

Has Balanced Omega 3 and Omega 6 Ratio

A.I. Fajri1, *, M. Arifin1, E. Burton1, A.C. Romadhoni1, S. Syafaah2, & R.R.A. Maheswari1

1Department of Animal Production and Technology Science, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University,

2 Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University,

Bogor 16680, Indonesia

*e-mail: aulia.irhamni@rocketmail.com


Sunflower seeds are the result of a suitable plantation in tropical, especially in Indonesia. Production of the sardine (Sardinella longiceps) on average achieve only 15,84 per year from the total production of all kinds of fish in Indonesia (Bandie,1982). Sardine oil and sunflower seed are exploited as a source of oil. Both of these ingredients have a material side of main product processing. Both of these materials can be utilized more, because they have been proven to be sunflower seeds contain a high omega 3 and lemuru oil with a high omega 6. The quality of the feed can determine the quality of the production. PE (Peranakan Ettawah) is a local goat, from kacang goat and etawa goat. It has the advantage of a good milk production. If the goat is given the sunflower seeds meal (BBM) and sardine meal that is processed into a mixture of carboxylic salt dry expected (CGKK) to contain omega 3 and omega 6 are balanced. The research used 5 treatments in three times. There were 15 females of PE goats from Cordero Farm, Ciapus, Bogor. Each goat was given the sunflower seeds meal and carboxylic salt dry expected with different percentage. Research was done by giving feed adaptation for two weeks and feed treatment for 1 week. Fatty Acid of milk production was analyzed by Gas Chromatography. The results showed that CGKK 1.8% and BBM 5% could produce omega 3 and omega 6 balanced, with an optimal ratio for body health 1: 4. Sunflower Seed and sardine could be used as fodder for PE goats to produce goat milk with balanced omega 3 and omega 6 ratio.



The pattern of human lves demands a flurry of fast food and the selecton of an opton n ths day and age. Fast food has a lot of weaknesses especally from varous dseases caused by consumpton. Healthy and complete food contanng the complete and healthy nutrton, one of the healthy food and complete s goat’s mlk. Goat’s mlk s one of the products of lvestock has outcome nutrent complete and healthy. The qualty of goat’s mlk s nfluenced from the qualty of the feed goats provded. Goat’s mlk s a source of essental fatty acds. At least 50 knds of fatty acds n mlk fat comprsng 60-75% are saturated, 25-30% s not saturated and about 4-5% s polyunsaturated fatty acd, whle omega-3 fatty acds are more or

less 0.5% (Buckle et al., 2007). Because of fatty acd content unsaturated on mlk

goat just a lttle, t can be ncreased her womb through dstrbutng feed wth qualty fatty acd content unsaturated a hgh especally the womb 3 and omega-6 on mlk goat. Omega-3 can play role n the preventon atheroscleross, tumour growth, thromboss, hypertrglcerdema and hgh blood pressure. Omega-6 can ncrease effectveness nsuln from the pancreas, effected lower blood sugar levels, and mportant n the process of growth and development of body.

The feed s added to ncrease the content of omega-3 and omega-6 on goat’s mlk for usng ndustral waste. The feed materal that may be used s derved fromndustral waste. The feed materal that may be used s derved from waste. The feed materal that may be used s derved from the sunflower seeds meal processng by-product of sunflower seeds ol. Sunflowers are cultvated n the area n East Java, Malang or Sengkalng n the area of Bltar. Producton of sunflower seeds n Bltar area s qute hgh, .e. 3 tonnes of seeds/acre. In addton to sunflower seeds meal (SSM), added all the ngredents of fsh ol. Fsh ol can be processed nto carboxylc salt dry mxture (CSDM). CSDM s added to the raton of beef cattle to the concentraton of essental fatty acds such as EPA (20: 5) and DHA (22: 6). CSDM s the result of dryng the mxture wth onggok that uses carboxylc sardne ol by hydrolyss (Tasse, 2010).

CSDM and sunflower seeds meal on a dary goat to supply essental fatty acds are expected to be a precursor for the synthess of fatty acds n mlk that are that are are benefcal to the health of the omega-3 and omega-6. Omega-3 and omega-6 should be balanced wth the optmal rato of omega-3 to omega-6 n human body s 1: 4 to 1: 110 (Brown, 1990). It s expected of the CSDM and sunflower seeds meal on the PE goat’s raton of feed wll yeld mlk contanng omega-3 and omega-6.

Materals and Methods


Analyss of the fatty acd content of the feed s done n the Center for Agrcultural Research and Development, Post Harvest, Cmanggu, Bogor and Yogyakarta. Materals used n ths research were the goat mlk, CSDM, PE goat, sunflower

seeds meal (SSM), fsh ol, HCl, KOH, aquadest, H2SO4, NaCl, amlo alkohol, and

phenolptaln. Equpment for create CSDM, mlkotester, gas chromatography, oven, scales, plastc packagng, and labellng.

Expermental Anmals used 15th dary goat Strats Ettawah. There are 15th PE

goats adapted for 14 days. CSDM: prncples of creaton of manufacture CSDM .e. hydrolyss of fsh ol wth the acd soluton. Fsh ol mxed wth a soluton of HCl and

then beaten. Next, add aquadest and heated (60oC for 30 mnutes). Free fatty acd or

carboxylc acd resultng from acd hydrolyss of fsh ol was added to a soluton of KOH frst and strred, then stored n room temperature. Salts were formed and then mxed wth tapoca flour or onggok by comparson wth fsh ol onggok 1: 5 b/b. It was dred n the oven (32°C). Experments desgn was random desgn completeExperments desgn was random desgn complete desgn was random desgn complete wth 5 treatments, each 3 replcaton. Research was conducted wthn 1 week wth the perod of adaptaton n 2 weeks. As for treatment at goat lactaton as follows: A= Basal Raton (dreg of tempe, molasses, and grass felds), B= Basal Raton CSDM 1.2%, C= Basal Raton SSM 3%, D= Basal Raton CSDM 1.2% and SSM 3%, E= Basal Raton and CSDM 1.8% and SSM 5%. Deposts of the fatty acds Omega-3 and Omega-6: done wth lpd extracton from a sample then methylaton of fatty acds n fat and fatty acd analyss wth gas chromatography.

Results and Dscusson

Added daly body weght gan (BWG) and goat mlk producton per day obtaned durng treatment (Table 1). The treatments had no effect on body weght and ncreasng of daly mlk producton per day. CSDM and sunflower seed meal had a farly hgh fat content whch acts as an energy source for dary goat, CSDM wth a lttle addton, was about 1.2-1.8%, and sunflower seeds meal 3-5% n mxed fodder dd not gve the changes n the productvty of mlk per day and body weght gan.

Table1. Productvty PE goat wth dfferent treatments

Parameterss Treatmentss


Body weght

gan (kg) 0.47±0.27 (-0.022)±0.29 0.39±0.26 0.17±0.20 0.34±0.15 Mlk producton

per day (ml) 1138.89±367.17 622.22±390.99 611.11±53.58 438.89±371.31 322.22±19.25


Although there was no sgnfcantly dfferent on treatments, but mlk producton and body weght gan n daly treatment A (control) was constant, whle grous treatment goats were lower productvty because the goat should adapt to the new feed as well as some goats had dry perods and entered the pregnancy perods. Durng ths perod, the goat requred to prepare for the brth the nutrents consumed were absorbed for foetus growth so that only a small proporton of nutrents for so that only a small proporton of nutrents foro that only a small proporton of nutrents for lvestock used for productvty both n the form of added weght loss or produce mlk. The dfference tme of lactaton n group treatments also caused a dfference n productvty of mlk produced. Deposts of the fatty acds omega-3 and omega-6 nDeposts of the fatty acds omega-3 and omega-6 n goat mlk are presented n Table 2. Deposts of the fatty acds omega-3 and omega-6 n the goat’s mlk wth the addton of treatment CSDM and sunflower seeds meal n the feed shows the varaton n statstcs were not sgnfcantly dfference.

Table 2. Essental fatty acd omega-3 and omega-6 n mlk of PE goat wth dfferent treatments

Parameters Treatment


Omega 3 1.65±1.03 16.81±3.83 5.88±4.32 4.67±2.62 1.97± 2.34 Omega 6 6.20±1.35 18.23±1.37 16.81±3.83 15.19±9.95 9.09±10.77

Note: A= Basal Raton (dreg of tempe, molasses, and grass felds), B= Basal Raton CSDM 1.2%,A= Basal Raton (dreg of tempe, molasses, and grass felds), B= Basal Raton CSDM 1.2%, C= Basal Raton SSM 3%, D= Basal Raton CSDM 1.2% and SSM 3%, E= Basal Raton and CSDM 1.8% and SSM 5%.


treat-ment of D wth the addton of SSM 3% and CSDM 1.2%. The fat content n mlk s nfluenced by several factors of nutrents among other thngs: (1) the concentraton, consumpton, and the source of carbohydrates nstead of fber; (2) the feed partcle sze; (3) the use of probotcs; (4) the number of, the physcal form, and composton of fatty acds n feed; (5) the avalablty of precursors of trans-10, cs-12 conjugated lnolec acd that can decrease the levels of fat (Pulna et al., 2008).


Fsh ol and sunflower seed meal can be used as anmal feed. The results of ths research wth fsh ol and sunflower utlzaton could ncrease the content of unsaturated fatty acds n goat mlk and get a balance of omega-3 and omega-6.


Ths research was funded by Drectorate General of Hgher Educaton (DIKTI) Republc of Indonesa.


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