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Effect of Supplementation of Organic Selenium and Vitamin E in Commercial Diets on Quails Reproduction


Academic year: 2017

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Effect of Supplementation of Organic Selenium and Vitamin E

in Commercial Diets on Quails Reproduction

Fitri Nova Liya1,*, Wiranda Gentini Piliang2, & Tuty L. Yusuf3

1Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University,

Jln. Raya Palembang KM 32, Inderalaya, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatera, Indonesia, *e-mail: nova_lbs@yahoo.com

2Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680 Indonesia

3Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680 Indonesia


Quail can be used as potential commodity to meet the needs of protein, therefore is required to increase quail reproduction. This study was aimed to get an optimum level of supplementation of organic selenium (Se) and vitamin E in two commercial diets in obtaining accelerate in age of quail first laying, improving egg production, fertility and hatchability. The treatments were supplementation of combination organic selenium (S1= 0.5 ppm and S2= 1 ppm) and vitamin E (E1= 50 ppm and E2 = 100 ppm) in different commercial diets (P and G). four hundred and twenty female and mail quails (ratio 1: 1) aged 3 weeks old were divided into 10 treatment groups with 3 replicates. Each replicate consisted of 14 quails. Two groups as control consisted of two kinds of commercial diets (P and G) without supplementation of organic selenium and vitamin E. The eight remaining groups were the groups given the combination of organic selenium and vitamin E at different level in P and G diets. The design of the experimental was completely Randomize Factorial Design. The result of this study indicated that the level of combination 0.5 ppm selenium and 100 ppm vitamin E in the two commercial diets significantly (p<0.05) improved the egg production as compare to the control groups. The supplementation of combination 1 ppm Se and 100 ppm vitamin E in two commercial diets significantly (p<0.05) improved fertility, hatchability and accelerate of age of quail first laying. From this study we can concluded that supplementation combination organic selenium and vitamin E improved quail reproduction. It showed by higher egg production, increased in fertility and hatchability and also acceleration in age of quail first laying.



Increasng qual populaton can be acheved by ncreasng qual reproducton that ncluded accelerate egg of frst layng, fertlty and hatchablty. Qualty of feed nutrent s factor that affectng qual reproducton. Selenum (Se) and vtamn E are requred for qual reproducton because Selenum has plays role n qual fertlty and embryonc development. There are two man sources of selenum n the det: organc selenum, whch s an ntegral part of many feed, and norganc selenum selente or selenate. The dfferences between these two forms of selenum that organc form provdng more Selenum reserve n the body and more effcent n transfer to the egg (Sura, 2003). Furthermore organc selenum s potental to protect developng avan embryo from peroxdaton that causes mortalty of embryo, so that Se ncreases the hatchablty of fertle eggs.

Meanwhle vtamn E protect cells and tssue from oxdatve damage nduce by free radcal. Vtamn E plays a role n Se metabolsm, vtamn E and Se act synergstcally and they act as prmary antoxdant to protect membrane from damage. Usng vtamn E together wth Se makes avablty of Se more effcent. However, low concentraton of Se n sol cause low Se content n the qual feed. Therefore, t s needed to supplement Se and vtamn E n qual feed to mprove selenum content n the dets that support qual reproducton, but the effects of ether Se alone or ts combnaton wth Vtamn E on qual reproducton was not avalable n the lteratures. The objectve of ths study was to evaluate the effect of supplementaton organc Se and vtamn E on age of egg frst layng, fertlty and hatchablty of qual.

Materal and Methods

Four hundred and twenty qual male and female qual (rato 1:1), 3 week of age were dvded nto 10 treatments wth 3 replcates, and each replcate conssted of 14 qual placed nto battray cage (42 x 60 x 20 cm). The treatments were ten groups gven the combnaton of two level organc Se and two level vtamn E

(dL-α- tocopheryl acetat) in two kinds of commercial diets (P and G diets). Ten n two knds of commercal dets (P and G dets). Ten treatments det were: P1 (P dets wthout supplementaton), P2 (0.5 ppm organc Se + 50 ppm vtamn E), P3 (0.5 ppm organc Se + 100 ppm vtamn E), P4 (1 ppm organc Se + 50 ppm vtamn E), P

5 (1 ppm organc Se + 100 ppm vtamn E), G1

(G dets wthout supplementaton), G2 (0.5 ppm organc Se + 50 ppm vtamn E), G3 (0.5 organc Se + 100 vtamn E), G4 (1 ppm organc Se + 50 ppm vtamn E), G5 (1 ppm organc Se + 100 ppm vtamn E). The commercal dets (P and G dets) used as basal dets for starter and layer perod. Fertle eggs from 18 week’s quals were collected and ncubated usng standard condtons (37.5 oC and 60% relatve


12 ncubaton. and hatchablty was measured on days 16-17 of ncubaton. The desgn of the exprmental was Factoral Completely Randomze Desgn (Steel and Torre, 1995). Nutrent composton of control dets presented n Table 1.

Table 1 Nutrent Composton of Control Dets


Analysed at Integrated Chemcal Laboratory, Bogor Agrcultural Unversty (2006), Bogor Agrcultural Unversty (2006)

Result and Dscusson

Age of Quail First Laying and Egg Production

The effect of supplementaton of organc selenum and vtamn E on age of qual frst layng, fertlty and hatchablty s presented n Table 1.

Table 1. Supplementaton organc Se and vtamn E on age of qual frst layng, fertlty and hatchablty of qual


Table 1 shows that age average of qual frst layng about 41.33-49.67 days. Supplementaton of organc Se and vtamn E sgnfcantly (P<0.05) accelerated age of qual frst layng. The earlest age of qual frst layng was reached at days 41.44 by supplementaton of organc selenum 1 ppm + vtamn E 50 ppm. But there were no sgnfcant dfference n age of qual frst layng affected by dfferent knds of commercal dets. Furthermore, ncreasng supplementaton organc Se level or vtamn E level n the dets dd not nfluence age of qual frst layng. Interacton supplementaton of organc Se dan vtamn E sgnfcantly (P<0.05) affected age of qual frst layng. Supplementaton of hgher level organc Se wth lower level of vtamn E (1 ppm organc Se + 50 ppm vtamn E) sgnfcantly (P<0.05) accelerated of age of qual frst layng. In other hand, ncreasng of supplementaton organc Se wth hgher of vtamn E level (1 ppm Se + 100 ppm Vt E) dd not nfluence age of qual frst layng. Overall supplementaton of organc Se and vtamn E sgnfcantly (P<0.05) accelerated age of qual frst layng compared to the control dets.

Fertilitility and Hatchability

Table 1. shows that percentage of fertlty obtaned n ths study ranged from 86.60-97.56%. The Fertlty of treatments dets sgnfcantly (P<0.05) dfference wth that of the control. Increasng of organc Se or vtamn E level n the dets sg-nfcantly (P<0.05) ncreased fertlty. The hghest Fertlty 97.56% was resulted by G det wth supplementaton of 1 ppm organc Se + 100 ppm vtamn E and there was no sgnfcant dfferent n fertlty due to feedng P det wth the same level of supplementaton organc Se and vtamn E. Supplementaton of combnaton Or-ganc Se and vtamn E sgnfcantly (p<0.05) resulted of hgher fertlty than the controls. Fertlty of supplementaton 0.5 ppm organc Se + 100 ppm vtamn E dd not sgnfcantly dfference wth fertlty of supplementaton 1 ppm Se + 50 ppm v-tamn E but sgnfcantly (p<0.05) hgher compared wth fertlty of lower level of supplementaton organc se 0.5 ppm + 50 ppm vtamn E and wth that of the control dets. In contrast there were no sgnfcantly dfferent fertlty of Supplementaton combnaton of 0.5 ppm organc Se + 50 ppm vtamn E wth fertlty of controls.

Percentage of hatchablty obtaned n ths study ranged 81.45-93.48%. Sup-plementaton combnaton organc Se and vtamn E sgnfcantly (P<0.05) affectng hatchablty. Increasng of organc Se level sgnfcantly (P<0.05) ncreased hatch-ablty, lkewse ncreasng of vtamn E level sgnfcantly ncreased hatchablty. Supplementaton combnaton of organc Se and vtamn E sgnfcantly (P<0.05) affected the hatchablty of qual that supplementaton of organc Se and vtamn E sgnfcantly ncreased hatchablty compared wth the control dets. The hghest hatchablty 93.48% resulted from treatment P dets wth supplementaton of organc Se 1 ppm + vtamn E 100 ppm.


that the nutrtonal content of antoxdants n eggs suffcent for embryonc develop-ment. Ths relates to the process of embryogeness, n whch Se and vtamn E pro-tects the developng embryo from tssue damage caused by free radcals and mprove the durablty of hs lfe untl they hatch. Sura et al (2006), an mportant beneft of Se assocated wth ts ablty to protect the brds from the peroxdaton of embryonc development durng embryogeness. Increase n selenum n the tssue responsble for the ncrease n the antoxdant defense aganst oxdatve stress, ncreased levels of selenum potentally mprove the expresson of varous selenoproten are ben-efcal to the hatchery. Improvng the status of selenum n eggs would result n ncreased hatchablty. The use of Se nto the qual dets was potental source of se-lenum for embryonc development (Sura et al, 2006). The most effectve effort to ncrease concentraton of selenum of egg s ncreasng the use of Selenum nto the parents feed. Supplementaton of organc Se 0.5 mg/kg sgnfcantly ncreased the concentraton of Se of components of the egg, Se of albumen ncreased by 8.8 tmes,

in which the Se control 41.8ηg Se/g increased to 368.2 8 ηg/g, the yolk Se concen

-trations increased two fold from the control Se, i.e. from 459.6 ηg/g to 865.2 ηg/g

after supplemented (Sura et al, 2006). Renema (2004) also obtan mprovement n hatchablty as a result of replacement of sodum selente wth organc Se.


Supplementaton of organc selenum 1 ppm and vtamn E 100 ppm resulted n the hghest number of fertlty and hatchablty of qual


Renema RA. 2004. Reproductve responses to sel-plex organc selenum n male and female broler breeders mpact on producton trats and hatchablty. In: Lyond TP and Jacques KA. (Eds). Nutritional Biotechnology In The Feed and Food Industries. Proceeding of 19th Alltechs Annual Symposium. Pp. 81-91.

Nottngham Unversty Press, Nottngham.

Sura PF. 2003. Natural Antioxidants In Avian Nutrition and Reproduction. Nottng-ham UK. NottngNottng-ham Unversty Press.

Sura PF, F Karadas, AC Pappas, NHC Sparks. 2006. Effect of organc selenum n qual det on ts accumulaton n tssues and transfer to the progeny. Brit Poult Sci Vol-47:65-72.


Table 1 Nutrent Composton of Control Dets


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