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Academic year: 2017



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This research was intended to find out whether or not flashcards could increase

the students’ motivation in learning vocabulary and to investigate the improvement

of the students’ vocabulary achievement. This research was quatitative research by applying one group pretest posttest design. The subject of the research was first grade of SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning Lampung Utara. The research started from February 3th and ended on March 3th 2013.

The instruments of the research were questionnaire and vocabulary test. In this research, the writer distributed a set of close-ended questionnaire and vocabulary test in order to investigate students’ motivation and vocabulary achievement in learning vocabulary before and after treatment. The scores were measured based on the Likert Scale within the range of 1 to 4. The data were analyzed by using

Repeated Measured t-test in SPSS 16 for Windows Program.





1. Lesson Plan 1 ... 63

2. Lesson Plan 2 ... 74

3. Lesson Plan 3 ... 85

4. Kuisioner Motivasi ... 96

5. Vocabulary Test ...99

6. Key Answer ...107

7. Reability ...108

8. Validity of the questionnaire by using Content Validity ...109

9. Distribution of the students’ score motivation before treatment...110

10. Distribution of the students’ score motivation after treatment ...111

11. T-Table ... 112

12. T-Test of Students’ Motivation ... 113

13. The gain’s of Pretest and Posttest scores ... 114

14. Distribution Frequency of the Students’ Score of the Pretest ... 115

15. Distribution Frequency of the Students’ Score of the Posttest ... 116




1. Distribution of the students’ score motivation before treatment...110

2. Distribution of the students’ score motivation after treatment ...111

3. T-Table ... 112

4. T-Test of Students’ Motivation ... 113

5. The gain’s of Pretest and Posttest scores ... 114

6. Distribution Frequency of the Students’ Score of the Pretest ... 115

7. Distribution Frequency of the Students’ Score of the Posttest ... 116

8. Table of Frequencies of the Pretest ... 117

9. Table of Frequencies of the Posttest ... 118




This chapter discusses the background of the problems and the reasons in choosing the topic. In this chapter the writer presents formulation of the problem, the objective and the uses of the research conducted. The writer also explains the

scope of the research and definition of terms.

1.1 Background of the Problem

English is an international language and in Indonesia it is the first foreign language taught from low level like kindergarten to high level like university.

Language skills like reading, speaking, listening, and writing as well as language element such as vocabulary and structure must be taught to students. In this case, after learning English the students are expected to be able to use the language for

communication both in spoken and written forms.

A basic unit of language which has meaning is vocabulary by which we convey some information, ideas, express feelings to others in both spoken and written


contain some massages for social interaction. By mastering as many vocabularies as they can, the students are able to express their intention freely without thinking

of words too long and successfully. However, most students of SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning faced problems of how to use, to remember, and to practice the

words in real situations. It was hard for them to understand, to pronounce, to spell, and to get meaning of words. The problems above made the students feel bored and unmotivated to learn English vocabulary.

Based on the interview with the teacher, it was found that the students failed to

learn English because of the failure in learning the vocabulary. Murcia (1987:253) states that students often claim that their primary problem in acquiring English is lack of vocabulary. Based on the opinion above, it can be infered that

vocabulary is very important to be learned by students, it would be a must for students to master sufficient amount of vocabularies. Through learning

vocabulary, students will become more capable in using English.

Based on this condition, the English teachers are suggested to complement any

suitable media to make students master sufficient amount of vocabulary. As stated by Wilkin (1983:14) that teachers have to find out any technique or media that is

relevant to the students’ interest. Suitable technique or media can raise students’



Ellis as cited in Hasan (1991:1) states there are some factors which influenced the students’ ability in learning language, one of which is motivation. In learning

English, students should have motivation by which the students are able to participate in learning English. Students will be interested in the subject matter

that will be discussed in teaching-learning process. Motivation is important to get students engaged in learning English. Motivation is the energy that drives the whole process, without it, learners will feel like swimming against the current, and

learners will give up eventually. Motivation can help learners set goals and achieve them. It means that by motivation, learners will get the goals in learning


Motivation is also one of the important points that must be considered by the

students in learning vocabulary because it will be easy for them to keep in mind the words. This was supported by George (2011) who says that there is relation

between learning vocabulary and motivation because if we want to learn a language, we need motivation to focus, to keep going when nothing seem to be going in, and to learn grammar and vocabulary. So motivation is an essential thing

in learning English especially in learning vocabulary.

Based on the observation at SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning, in general the students had difficulty in learning vocabulary. There were many reasons that cause the problem, one of them was teacher did not use the media for them so that the


likely got bored during the lessons, and they were likely to lose their concentration upon learning vocabulary.

In relation to the statement above, the teacher should find media for presenting the

available material in the class that keep the students’ motivation in learning English especially in learning vocabulary. By having good motivation, the students can increase their vocabulary mastery.

Based the problems stated above, this research dealed with the implementation of

flashcards to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. The writer believed that flashcards could motivate students in learning vocabulary because the teacher of SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning has not used this media for teaching vocabulary.

Flashcard is one of the aids that contains vocabulary or word so it is easy for

students to learn vocabulary. First, Lado (1983) states that flashcards can be very helpful in teaching and studying the language. Second, Mortogi’s research (1997:29) proved that flashcards can be interesting technique both for the students

and the teacher. This made students enjoy the learning activity. Third, Rakoczy (2010) said that the use of flashcards is a wonderful tool for all people not just



enjoy learning English. Therefore, if they enjoy learning vocabulary, it will be easy to them to communicate with other people.

In this research, the writer wanted to find out whether flashcards can motivate the

students in learning vocabulary or not. The writer is interested to know whether flashcards can be an alternative solution to motivate the students in learning vocabulary or not. Hopefully, the students’ attitude in learning vocabulary can be

more interactive.

1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Referring to the background above, the writer formulate of reseacrh problem


1. Is there any significant increase of the students’ motivation in learning

English vocabulary by using flashcards at SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning? 2. Is there any significant inprovement of students’ vocabulary achievement

after being taught by using flashcards?

1.3Objective of the Research

Adjusted to formulation of the problem, the objectives of this research were: 1. To find out whether teaching English vocabulary using flashcards can


2. To know is there any significant improvement score of students’ vocabulary achievement gain better after being taught by using flashcards.

1.4Uses of the Research

This research is useful both practically and theoretically,

1. Theoretically, the result of the research may contribute useful information

to the English teachers in teaching vocabulary through flashcards.

2. Practically, it may inform English teachers in choosing the alternative technique in teaching vocabulary that can motivate the students.

1.5 Scope of the Research

This research was quantitative research which was conducted at the first year students of SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning. It focused on the improvement of the

students’ motivation in learning vocabulary through flashcards. The material

given was based on KTSP curriculum of SMP. The writer focused on the

students’ score of motivation and the sudents vocabulary achievement is only as



evaluated the improvement of students’ motivation in learning vocabulary in order to see whether there was any improvement of students’ motivation by giving the class pretest and postest. To measure the improvement of students’ motivation,

the writer used questionnaire. The writer calculated the mean score of students’

motivation before and after the treatment because the writer want to know whether there was a change of students’ motivation after the treatment in order to know whether the technique could be used to improve students’ motivation in

learning process. To see the effectiveness of flashcards in improving the students’ achievement in learning vocabulary, an experimental group pre-test post test

design was applied by using t-test.

1.6Definition of Terms

There are some terms that were used in this reseach and to make them clearly,

some definitions of terms are clarified:




It refer to the card with the picture that contain vocabulary or word including

spelling and pronounce it makes the students easy to learn vocabulary.


It refer to the students’ attitude or behavior toward their learning vocabulary to be more interests and interactive. While motivation is an inner power reinforcing




This chapter contains the theories which support the research. They involve concept of vocabulary, concept of learning vocabulary, concept of flashcards,

concept of flashcards in learning vocabulary, concept of motivation, theoretical assumption and the hypothesis.

2.1 Concept of Vocabulary

In communicaton, language plays an important role. To be able to use language, students should have certain amount of vocabulary. Actually, the students cannot

develop their language without having sufficient mastery of vocabulary. Vocabulary is the total number of words that make up a language (Hornby,

1995:1425). The teacher should increase the students’ vocabulary because it is an important part of language. According to Rivers (1970:462), it would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary. Fries (1978:38) states that

vocabulary is the essential area of language learning because of that, the students should learn the English words appropriately. In order to master the language.


Moreover, Richards (1978:76) states that English as a foreign language is used in formal setting such as the school, and where English is not normally a language

learning when the learners learn in order to become the member of community who speak that perform of English. So that, to know English the students should

know vocabularies.

Burton (1982-1998) says that mount of vocabularies help us to express our idea

precisely, vividly and without recitation of words. And he also said that with larger vocabulary, we can better perform in all aspects of English language work.

So by mastering a great amount of vocabulary, it will be easy for the students to learn foreign language, especially English.

There are some types of vocabulary in English. Fries (1978:45) classifies English words into four groups, they are:

1. Conntent words represent the name of object or thing that is concrete nouns (cats, dogs), action done by or with these things, that is verb ( kick, shoot), and qualities of these things, that is adjective (good, bad, long, etc)

and adverb (quickly and beautifully).

2. Function words are those which are used as a means of expressing



Cristal (1995:206) defines those three parts of speech as clasified below, they are:

I. Noun

It is one of the most important part of speech. A noun is word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. It is also a word which (a) occurs as a part of subject of a sentence or an object of averb or the object complement.

A noun can be modified by an adjective. Williams (1992:22) states that noun is such a problem that many grammar books do not even try to do it. Accepting the

idea that the concept of noun is fairly abstract, however, can point us in the right direction, toward a reasonably acceptable definition.

Types of Nouns

There are many different types of nouns:

a. Proper Noun and Common Noun


always begin with a capital letter. e.g. 1) Britney is a famous female singer

Common nouns are the opposite of proper nouns. They name people,

places, things or ideas that are not specific. (e.g. Woman, City, Dog and Shoe). 2) London is capital city of United Kingdom.

b. Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns

Countable nouns are common nouns that can take a plural, it can combine

with numerals or quantifiers (e.g. one, two, several, every, most) and can take an indefinite article ( a or an). Examples of count nouns are bike, nose

and occasion, 3) e.g. There is a bike in that garage.

Uncountable nouns conversely, some nouns are not countable and are called uncountable nouns. Uncountable noun cannot take plural forms.

Substance, liquids, and powders are entities that are often signified by uncountable nouns such as wood, sand, and flour. Other examples would

be milk, air, and furniture. Example of uncountable nouns, 4) we drink milk everymorning.

c. Collective noun

Collective nouns are nouns that refer to groups consisting of more than

one individual or entity, even when they are inflected for the singular. Examples include committee, herd, and school (of fish). These nouns have slightly different gammatically properties than other nouns. For example,



predicate, even when they are inflected for the singular, 6) e.g. The committee gave unanimous approval to the plant.

d. Concrete Nouns and Abstact Nouns

Concrete nouns refer to physical entities that can, in principle at least, be observed by at least one of the senses (for instance, chair, apple, janet or wool), e.g, your sweater is made of fine wool.

Abstract nouns more ethereal, theoretical concepts use abstract nouns to refer to them. Concepts like freedom, power, and redemption are all

examples of abstract nouns, 7) e.g They hate us for our freedom

II. Verb

It is the word which expresses an action or help to make a statement. The verb is perhaps the most important part of the sentence. A verb or compound verb asserts

something about the subject of the sentence and express actions, events, or states of being. It occurs as a part of predicate of a sentence and sometimes carries numbers of grammatical categories, such as tense, aspect, and mood. (paul D.


Types of verb

There are several types of verbs, including:

a. Auxiliary verb

Auxiliary verb is also called as helping verb. This helping verb assists the

main verb in a clause to express several basic grammatical contrasts, such as in person, number and tense. They do not follow the same grammatical rules as main verb, which is why they must be considered as a separate


b. Inchoative Verb

Inchoative verb is a verb that describe a chance of state. The examples of inchoative verb are freeze, dry, burn etc. Ex: the ice freeze in freezer

c. Modals

Modality expresses the speaker’s attitude toward the action or state given

by the verb, especially with regard to degree of necessity, obligation, or permission (“You must go”. “You should go”, “You may go”),

d. Phrasal Verb

Phrasal verb is set of verbs which demonstrate some unique properties. It appears with what looks to be a preposition, traditionally referred to as



e. Regular and Irregular Verb

A regular verb is verb that follows the pattern of taking –ed for the past tense and past participle or –d if the word ends in e, such as walk=walked.

An irregular verb is the verb that does not take the –ed ending for the past tense and past participle forms. Some irregular verbs do not change; put put put, while others change completely; drink, drank, drunk.

III. Adjective

Heaton (1991:88) states that it is the word used to qualify noun or pronoun. An adjective modified a noun or pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying words. An adjective ussually precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.

In the following examples: 1). The small boat foundered on the wine dark sea, 2). The back room was filled with large, yellow rain boots.

An adjective can be modified by an adverb, or by phrase or clause functioning as an adverb in the sentense, for example: 1). My husband knits intricately patterned


a. Possessive Adjective

A possessive adjective (my, your, his, its, our, her) is similar or identical to

a possessive pronoun; however, it is used as an adjective and modifies a noun or a noun phrase.

b. Demonstrative Adjectives

The demonstrative ajectives this, these, those, and what are identical to the

demonstrative pronouns, but are used as adjectives to modify nouns phrases.

Based on the explanation above, it can be said that every expert has her own classification based on different sides and aspects. But, in this research, the writer

focus on the vocabulary which is classified into content words. The writer takes nouns as the material to do the research because it is also mentioned in the 2006

curriculum that students are able to comprehend the nouns. Nouns are concerted with students’ world such as, food, animal, and profession.

2.2Concept of Learning Vocabulary



process by combining the available techniques of teaching. And the students as

the participants in learning process understand the words easily.

In order to keep the students interested and motivated in English, the presence of

proper teaching is absolutely required. The using of media can help teacher and students in teaching-learning process. There are many kinds of media which can be applied in learning vocabulary; teacher can choose one of them to be used in

teaching-learning process.

Kustarjo (1988:24) gives five possible ways of learning vocabulary, namely:

1. Learning vocabulary through creativity.

The teacher lets students decide many choices by themselves what they

want. The teacher can choose any techniques which enable students to be creative in producing vocabulary, e.g.: game, picture, drama, flashcards,


2. Learning vocabulary through context clues

The teacher can use a context clue in a word recognition by figuring out of meaning of a word based on the clues in the sorrounding context. The


3. Learning vocabulary through guessing

The teacher can encourage students to guess and to consult the words

learned. To guess correctly, the student should have a good rational. The teacher can give an example by pronouncing sentence, and then the

student guess the word.

4. Learning vocabulary through derivation

The teacher involves the four classes of word in the passion of accuracy in English sentence patterns; the teacher can give nouns, verbs, adjectives,

and adverb. Then the teacher asks the student to derive the words, for example: employ (verb), employer (noun), employable (adjactive), etc.

5. Learning vocabulary through definiition

The teacher guides students to define the meaning of words into the

correct sentence for example: a voter is someone who votes.

Based on the theory above, the writer chose learning vocabulary through

creativity and flashcards in used as a way to help the students improve their motivation in learning vocabulary. Flashcard is one of media, they are many kinds



1. Charts

A chart is a combination of pictorial, graphic, numerical or vertical material which presents a clear visual summary. The main function of the

chart is always to show relationships such as comparisons, relative amounts, developments, processes, classification and organization

2. Posters

The poster can be defined as a graphic representation of some strong emotional appeal that is carried through a combination of graphic aids like

pictures, cartoons lettering and other visual arts on a placard. It aims for conveying the specific message, teaching a particular thing, giving a

general idea etc. Posters exert a great influence on the observer.

3. Flashcard


4. Graphs

Graph is defined as a visual representation of numerical data. Graph is

fundamentally a tool for expressing number relationships, which is much easier to visualize than can be done if the statement were made only in

words and figures

5. Map

A map is a flat drawing or representation of an area, such as a village, which shows the location of natural and man-made features and resources.

A map is drawn or made to be smaller than real life, and is not always to scale.

Based on the theory above, the writer chose Flashcard as a media to help students to improve their motivation in learning vocabulary.

2.3Concept of Flashcards

Flashcards are a set of cards with a picture and word on one side and its meaning

usually in translation on the other (Lado, 1983). It meants that flashcards include words or phrase. We know that vocabulary is very essential in learning English so that words in flashcards can be used to learn and teach vocabulary. Then, he states



2.4Advantages and Disadvantages of using Flashcards.

According to Wright (1968:73) as quoted by Debora, the advantages of using flashcards are:

1. It can help the students to ease themselves in memorizing words they have learned.

2. It can be brought everywhere because the size of the cards is not too big.

3. It gives variation in teaching. The teacher is not only to teach and explain the lesson verbally but also students are asked to express words on their

own sentences.

4. Flashcards are very helpful to refresh the students’ mind before starting the new lesson.

The disadvantages of using flashcards are:

1. Flashcards cannot be used at all level. For those who have already large amount of vocabulary. Flashcards are not effective.


2.5. Concept of Flashcard in Learning Vocabulary

Flashcard is a card bearing number, words, or picture that someone briefly display to another as learning aid (Webster 1988:514).Wright (1968:73) also says that

flashcard is printed with words and picture which can be handled easily by the Teacher. It means that the teacher could create the flashcards and the sizes of the

flashcards could be determined.

Lado (1983) states flashcard may have a picture or native language word on one

side and the second language word on the other. Flashcards is a card with a picture on one side and a word or phrase in the second and native language on the other.

It is visible that is designed for increasing students’ learning ability. Thus, the

function of flashcard in learning vocabulary is as one of visual aids. Kreidler (1986) says that visual aid can be useful to the language teacher by helping him create situations which are outside the classroom walls, introduce students to

unfamiliar cultural aspects, give the reality to what might be misunderstood verbally by the students, change situation, quickly and easily in a drill, and



Weaver (1950) classifies the kinds of visual aids as follows:

1. Symbolic aids, those aids that supplement the written and spoken words.

2. Equipments, those aids that can be used, such as blackboard and televisions, etc.

The ideas above clearly show that flashcard as one of visual aids is very important

in learning vocabulary.

In other to help students master a new language, they have to master an adequate

number of vocabularies. In other words, we can say that the quality of the language performance of the students may depend on the quality and the quantity of the vocabulary the students have. The more and the better vocabulary they gain,

the more skilful the languages they can perform.

2.6. Concept of Motivation

Ellis as cited in Hasan (1991: 1) states that motivation is one of the factors that influence the students’ ability in learning language. Motivation is an inner power

reinforcing someone to do something, all inner power that determines successful


motivated, the process of learning will be more active and effect their


Motivation is considered to be one of determining factors in developing a second

or foreign language. Motivation determines the extent of active and personal involvement. On the contrary, Gardner (1985) in Aprida (2002) explains that motivation differs from orientation because the students may demonstrate a

particular orientation but not be highly motivated to achieve the goal. Motivation, in this case is a positive power, which stems from desire to attain the goal

reflected in the orientation, for instance, learning English seriously in order to get a better job in the future. In relation with the previous statement, the students need mottivation in order to attain the goal of language learning and motivation can

come themselves or from their environment.

From all statements above, the writer assummed that motivation means positive impulse toward the language learning in order to attain goal of foreign language learning. Thus, it seems that motivation plays an important part in order to make



2.7.Concept of Motivation in Learning English

Since the learning process needs motivation, the students also need the motivation

in learning language especially in learning English. Oxford and Shearin (1994) state that motivation is extremely important for second language learning and it is crucial to understand what our students’ motivation are. Understanding their

motivation is important in order to know why they learn a foreign language. Motivation is also used to facilate students to reach their objectives in learning

English; it is reach good acheivement in learning vocabulary.

According to Gardner and Lambert in Littlewood (1991), motivation in learning English is divided into two parts. The first is integrative motivation that identify with positive attitudes towards the target language group and the potential for

integrating into taht group or at least an interest in meeting and interacting with members of the target language group. The second is instrumental motivation,

which refers to more functional reasons for learning a language, for example, to get a better job or promotion, or to pass a required examination.

Motivation in learning English is also divided into instrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation as incentive, which originates


Extrinsic motivation stems from positive or negative reinforcements which are external to the behavior itself rather than inherent in it. For instance, studying to

get good scores not because of studying is enjoyable. The instrinsic and extrinsic motivation is revevant in Indonesia. Therefore the writer used the instrinsic and

extrinsic motivation as the indicators of the questionaire.

Hence, the writer assumed that all kinds of learning process need the motivation

especially in learning English as foreign language. The students can reach their goal if they have instrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

2.8.Motivating Students

In ideal classrooms, students pay attention, ask question and want to learn. They

do their assignments without complaining and study without being coaxed or cajoled. In fact, theachers do not teach in an ideal world. They often face the

students who are not motivated; more accurately, students do not seem motivated to work the task their teachers have set out for them, including in learning vocabulary. A teacher contributes a great deal to the students’ desire to learn and

to make responsibility and control for their own learning. With a positive, proactive to motivation, a teacher can influence the way students view themselves



Baron (1992) and Schunk (1990) as citied in Eggen (1997) states that motivation is a force that energizes, sustains, and directs behavior toward a goal. Just a force

moves an object, motivation moves a person. When the students pay attention, turn in their works, and study for the tests, it can be said that they are motivated. It

is the same when they are active and interctive in learning vocabulary. If they do not do these things, it is said that they are not. This notion is not technically true however. More accurately, they are not motivated to perform the task teacher sets out for them; simply, their goals are not the same as teacher’s goals. Teacher’s job

is trying to increase their inclintion to perform meaningful learning tasks.

Students’ motivation is critical for learning. Heartel and Walberg (1993) as citied

in Eggen (1997) states that there are reseachers who have found a strong, positive

correlation between motivation and achievement. Learning and motivation are so strongly interrelated that a person cannot fully undersatand learning without

considering the impact of motivation on it. According to Nocholls (1984) in Eggen (1997) learning goals lead to task orientation, in which students focus on

understanding and do not worry about failure or comparisons with others.

With a learning-focused classroom, teachers can do much to motivate students to

learn including in learning vocabulary. Motivation can be influenced by many factors. One of factors is media used by the teacher. Good media that are used in presenting the material can give students interest so that it can help the teacher to


teaching-learning process. In this research, the writer focussed on the improvement of students’ motivation in learning vocabulary through flashcard.

2.9.Measurement of Motivation in Learning English

Motivation is an psychological construction. It cannot be observed and measured

directly. It must be measured trough a certain indicators of the instrinsic or extrinsic motivation. In other words, it must be classified, orgaized, and put into measureable symbol in order to make sense. In this research, therefore, the writer

measured the motivation toward English by administering Likert measurement technique (Likert Scale) range 1 to 4. This technique places psycological aspects

that are used into all of instrument in this paper such as motivation questionaires. There was a negative-wording of the questionaire. It is expected that the students read the questionaire carefully. So, the student do not focus on the pattern of

choices but they will focus on the answer of the questionnaire.

In the questionnaire, the writer used affective continum ranging in form of like-dislike, agree-disagree, or good-bad matter that refers to the indicator of the



2.10. Theoretical Assumption

In learning vocabulary the teacher should find the way that can motivate the students to learn new vocabulary. In addition, by using flashcards the students are

not only able to memorize words and apply them in the context. But they are also able to bring them into interesting and enjoyable situation. Students are helped to raise their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation where hopefully they teach English

for their enjoyment themselves and their knowledge themselves.

Flashcard can give variety in learing vocabulary and the students are hoped to be motivated in learning vocabulary, which is by using the words in the real situation especially in communiacation. Therefore, Flashcards can be effective technique to improve students’ motivation in learning vocabulary.

2.11. Hypothesis

Based on the assumsption above, the writer formulated the hypothesis isas follow:

“There is significant improvement of students’ motivation in learning vocabulary




This chapter discusses about research design, subject of the research, research procedures, data collecting technique, instrument, data collecting instrument,

scoring system, data analysis, hypothesis testing.

3.1Research Design

This research was intended to investigate the student’ motivation in learning

vocabulary and whether flashcards can be used to motivate them. The writer distributed motivaton questionnaire to the students before and after the treatment in order to know whether was a change of students’ motivation after treatment. In

this research, the writer used one class as experimental class.

The scores of questionnaire were measured based on the Likert Scale and range of 1 to 4. The scores were given for each item function as the symbol in showing that one of activity was higher or lower than the others. By using Scale in the

questionnaire, the writer collected the ordinal data in form of numbers, so that the data collected were easier to be analized by using the statistical formula, therefore



In this research, the writer used one of the pre experiment design that was one

group pretest-post test design. This design was used because it was most suitable to measure a change of personality aspects, including motivation or attitude, so

that through this design, the writer was enable to see whether there was a negative or positive change of all personality aspects or motivation after treatment.

The design was as follows

T 1 X T2

In which T1 = Pre Test

X = Treatment T2 = Post Test

(Setiadi, 2006:131-133)

3.2 Subject of the Research

The subjects of this research were the first grade students of SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning – Lampung Utara that consisted of six classes in 2012-2013


3.3Research Prosedure

1. Determining the subject

There were six classes of the first grade of SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning –

Lampung Utara and the writer chose one class as the subject randomly.

2. Determing the questionnaire

Questionnaire was used in this research. A set of the questionnaire consisted of the 25 items of close-ended question that was used to measure students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. It was adopted and modified

by Setiyadi (1999).

3. Distributing the first questionnaire and pretest for vocabulary to the subject

The questionnaire and vocabulary test were distributed to the subject before treatment. The subject was asked to answer the questionnaire and vocabulary test based on their experience in learning vocabulary.

4. Conducting the treatment



5. Distributing the second questionnaire and posttest of vocabulary to the


The questionnaire and vocabulary test were distributed to the subject after

the treatment. The subject was asked to answer the questionnaire and vocabulary test based on their experience in learnng vocabulary through flashcards.

6. Analyzing data

In analyzing data of mean score and significance of the score before and after treatment, the writer used Repeated measure T-test which were computed by using SPSS.

3.4Data Collecting Technique

In coleecting data, the writer used motivation questionnaire as the instrument. The

questionnaire was used in this research because this instrument is an effective instrument in measuring personality aspects or psycology aspects like motivation. It was applied in many kinds of data gained from different variable and it did not

need much fund and energy to collect the data from more subjects. Besides that, it was effective to measure aspects or variables relate to personality or psychology


were able to report their motivation toward the language they learnt. The writer distributed the questionnaire to get the data from the subjects. Besides that, the

writer used close-ended questionnaire to get more sources of the data from the subjects.

3.5Data Collecting Instrument

The intrument for collecting data on motivation was questionnaire and for vocabulary achievement was vocabulary test in form of multiple choice.

1. Reliability of the Instrument

To know the reability of questionnaire, the writer used the Cronbach’s alpha



2. Validity of the Instrument

An instrument can be said valid if the instrument measures the object that should be measured that is suitable with the criteria. To measure whether the instrument

has good validity or not, the writer used construct validity. Construct validity was the extent to which an instrument becomes representative sample of subject matter contents. It was used to measure the instrument that has some indicators to

measure one aspect or construct. The indicators of the questionnaire were frequency of students’ activities, students’ strategy and students’ involvement

(Sepliana, 2006). Construct validity is often correlated with instrument of measurement that is related with psycholinguistic such as percepion, linguistic attitude, and motivation in learning foreign language (Setiyadi, 2006:25-26). The

writer used Pearson product moment Correlation to measure all items used in the questionnaire. It was used to measure correlation between two variables of

continous (Setiyadi, 2006:166). It involved 32 students as object od research.

3.6Data Treatment

The data obtained from questionnaire was analyzed by using Likert scale formula.


SS = Sangat Setuju score 4

S = Setuju score 3

TS = Tidak Setuju score 2

STS = Sangat Tidak Setuju score 1

In order to know the students’ motivation in learning vocabulary through flashcards, the writer calculated the students’ score that was devised from Harris

(1997:84) cited in Sepliana (2006)as follow:

1. Calculating the students’ answers

Inter-rater is another person who gives scores besides the writer herself. The questionnaire was tested by the inter-rater before research was done. There are

3-raters that checked the questionnaire based on Questionaire specification: Students’ response, the benefit of Flashcard and students’ interest. It supposed to

check whether the questionnaire was valid or not and reliable or not. The score are based on the Likert Scale and range to 1 to 4.

2. Tabulating the result of the scores of quantitative and finding the mean score of the students’ motivation before and after treatment. The mean were



M = ∑× Where M : Mean

N ∑× : Total scores of the students

N : Numbers of the students (Setiyadi, 2006:111)

3. Drawing conclusion from the table result of the questionnaire were given, that was by comparing the means score of the students’ motivation before and

after treatment.

3.7 Hypothesis Testing

To check whether the students’ score of motivation after treatment was statistically significant to support the writer’s hypothesis or not, the writer used

Repeated Measures t-test in SPSS program.

The hypothesis were:

H0: Flashcards can not be used to increase the students’ motivation in learning English vocabulary.

H1: Flashcards can be used to increase the students’ motivation in learning


The criteria were:

1. If the t-value is higher than 0.01: H1 is accepted (flashcards can be used to increase students’ motivation in learning vocabulary).




This part basically presents conclusion and suggestion deriving from discussion of

the findings as they are cited below.

5.1 Conclusion

Considering all the data gathered after finishing the research, which had been held

in the first grade of SMPN 4 Bukitkemuning - Lampung Utara, two conclusions are stated as follows:

1. There is a significant increase of students’ score of motivation in learning vocabulary after they were taught through flashcards. It can be seen from

the mean score of students’ motivation that improved from 68.59 before

treatment up to 78.50 after treatment, so the gain score is 9.91 (10%). At the significant level 0.01, it was attained that t-ratio is higher than t-table, that was 8.097 > 2.750 with the 2 tail significance p < 0.01 ( p = .000 ).

2. There is a significant increase of students’ vocabulary achievement. It can


from the students’ average score from the pretest (69.59) to the posttest (80.25) that is 10.66 points (10%).

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the result of the research, the writer would like to propose some

suggestions were as follow:

1. Considering the media and the material to be taught, teacher can use vorious media in teaching learning process in the classroom, in this case in

teaching learning vocabulary to improve students’ motivation. Teacher can

use Flashcards as a media or another media that are appropriate for the students because the suitable media can give students interest, so that they

have motivation and do not feel bored to learn English Vocabulary.

2. For the teacher, in teaching vocabulary through flashcard, teacher should have a good preparation in making the cards. The more creative and

colorful flashcards are made, the more the students will be interested in.





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