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An Analysis of Word Shifts in Sherlock Holmes’ Movie Subtitle


Academic year: 2016

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First of all, I would like to give my great thanks, praise and honor to my Holy Trinity God; The Almighty Father, Jesus Christ the one and only my Savior and The Holy Spirit for the blessings, love, mercy and guidance in whole of my life, so I can make myself through all of the crisis and obstacles.

I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. the head of English Department, Dr.Muhizar Muchtar, M.S. and the secretary of English Department Dr. Nurlela, M.Hum. I would like to thank my Academic Advisor Dra. Persadanta Br.Karo, M.Hum. the lecturers of English Department and also the lecturers from another department who had given me valuable knowledge during the years of my study. Thank you for everything I learned with.

I would like also give my thanks to my Supervisor Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dipl. TESOL., M.Hum. and my Co-supervisor Drs. Umar Mono, Dipl.Tran. M.Hum. for all the positive advises which been given to me and for all your valuable time during the process of writing this thesis. You make me know more about the knowledge within this thesis.


My thanks also go to my family who give me supports and love, my lovely cousins, especially Intan Simanjuntak, Ferdian ‘lalyt’ Simanjuntak, Hendra Simanjuntak, Riana Simanjuntak, Andrew Sitompul, Sarmauli Simatupang, Ade Sitepu, Irfan Sitepu, Boy Sitepu and for ‘Amangboru’ Drs. B.Marpaung, thanks for becoming a friend of mine.

Thanks to all ‘my people’ who fill my world with full of colours, laughs and many precious experiences, my KOPI fellas, Marini Marpaung, Amd. Marco Panjaitan, Dina Ambarita, Glory Siregar, Rizky Panjaitan. my KOSMAS friends, dr. Eben Nezer Sembiring, Okta Sinuhaji, Imelia Lubis, Marina Sebayang, S.Farm, Jamin Sembiring, Amd. and Enda Ginting, my MMMM in ‘07 Nurianti ‘nunu’ Sitorus, Windy Sebayang, Bania Sembiring, Liana Li, Andric Affandy, Abrina Simanjuntak, Mita Tarigan, my Small Group, Shera Hutabarat, S.S. and Mia Tarigan. Thanks to the PNSSSI-B (Parsadaan Naposo Simanjuntak Sitolu Sada Ina–Boru & Bere) Medan, Rut Simanjuntak, Paulina Simanjuntak, Dewi Simanjuntak, Shamir Simanjuntak, Dedy Simanjuntak, Yanto Simanjuntak, Melda Simanjuntak and the entire member of ‘PNSSSI-B’.


Life is about struggling; just keep on fire to reach the goals of life! God Bless us all forever!

Medan, February 2011







ABSTRAK ... iv



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION  1.1 Background of the Analysis ... 1 

1.2 Scope of the Analysis. ... 4 

1.3 Problems of the Analysis ... 4 

1.4 Objectives of the Analysis ... 4 

1.5 Significances of the Analysis ... 5 

1.6 Review of Related Literature ... 5 

CHAPTER II AN OVERVIEW OF TRANSLATION  2.1 The Definition of Translation ... 8 

2.2 Function of Translation ... 9 

2.3 Process of Translation ... 10 

2.4 Types of Translation ... 11 

2.5 Shifts ... 13 

2.5.1 Level Shifts ... 13

2.5.2 Category Shifts ... 14

(7) Class-Shifts ... 14 Unit-Shifts ... 15 Word-Shifts ... 14 Intra-System-Shifts ... 14

2.6 Five Units of Ranks in English ... 16 

2.7 Word Classes ... 17 

2.7.1 Major Classes of Word ... 17

2.7.2 Minor Classes of Word ... 18


3.2 Data Collecting Method ... 19 

3.3 Data Analysis Procedures ... 20 


4.2 Analysis of Result ... 36 


5.2 Suggestions ... 41 




Adj Adjective

Adv Adverb

App Appendix

C Clause

DVD Digital Versatile Disc N Noun

P Phrasa S Sentence

SL Source Language

TL Target Language

V Verb

W Word




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Analysis

There are so many languages around the world. Every language is unique; it is obviously different with any other languages. The diversity of the language can be a problem in the communication among countries, because every country has their own language. The problems need to be solved; translation is the way to solve the diversity of the language.

“Translation is the comprehension of the meaning of a text and the subsequent production of an equivalent text, likewise called a "translation," that communicates the same message in another language. The text that is translated is called the source text, and the language that it is translated into is called the target language. The product is sometimes called the target text.” Accessed at: (http://en. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/translation/ June, 25th 2010; 08:00 PM).

According to Newmark (1988) “translation is a two-edged instrument: it has the special purpose of demonstrating the learner’s knowledge of foreign language….” Nida (1964) in Venuti (2000: 126) says that there can be no absolute correspondence between languages since no two languages are identical. Hence, it can be concluded that due to no two indistinguishable languages, shifts may occur in translation. It occurs in either translation or interpreting.


Language). Catford says that there are two major types of shifts occur. They are level shifts and category shifts.

Level shift is a shift from grammar to lexis. It means that a grammatical unit in English, such as noun, affixes, etc, has a lexical unit in Bahasa Indonesia as its translation equivalent (Machali, 1998: 14). For instance, Smith has started moving forward, and the translation Smith sudah mulai bergerak maju. The form ‘has’ as a unit in English grammar is translated into Bahasa Indonesia by the lexis ‘sudah’.

Category shift is about unbounded and rank-bounded translation. The first being approximately “normal” or “free” translation in which SL-TL equivalences is set up at whatever rank is appropriate. Usually, but not always, there is sentence-sentence equivalence, but in the course of a text, equivalences may shift up and down the rank scale, often being established at ranks lower than the sentence.

The analysis of this thesis is focused in the category shifts. The Category shifts consist of structure-shifts, class-shifts, unit-shifts, and intra-system-shifts. However, in order to avoid the excessive discussion of category shifts, the shift becoming the main focus is the word-shifts; it is one of the parts of the unit-shifts. Word-shift is about the changing of word from SL into other ranks in TL.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:1551) defines that a word is a single unit of language which means something and can be spoken or written.


An example of word shifts from the data:

SL (English)

Permission to enter………. N

TL (Bahasa Indonesia)

Meminta izin untuk memasuki………. P

The source data in this thesis is the subtitle of movie. “Subtitles are textual versions of the dialog in films and television programs, usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. They can either be a form of written translation of a dialog in a foreign language or a written rendering of the dialog in the same language, with or without added information to help viewers who are deaf and hard-of-hearing to follow the dialog or for the people.” Accessed at: (http://en. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/subtitle/ October, 20th 2010; 08:30 PM).

The movie entitled Sherlock Holmes, it is an action mystery film based on the character of the same name created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the story of Sherlock Holmes are written by Lionel Wigram and Michael Robert Johnson and then the screenplay are written by Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham and Simon Kinberg. The movie was released in Indonesia on December 27th, 2009 and was directed by Guy Ritchie.


writer found that it is quite rarely to be analyzed by any research in English Department in University of Sumatera Utara. Especially the word-shifts which occur in the movie subtitle as the subject matter; it has never been touched.

1.2 Scope of the Analysis.

Based on the background above, the scope of analysis of this thesis is focused on the unit-shifts in rank changing of word in SL into other ranks in the TL. The data that will be analyzed is the subtitles of Sherlock Holmes movie in a DVD.

1.3 Problems of the Analysis

The Problems of the Analysis of this thesis are:

1. What are the profiles of word-shifts found in Sherlock Holmes movie Subtitles?

2. What is the most dominant word-shifts occurred in the subtitles of Sherlock Holmes movie?

1.4 Objectives of the Analysis

The objectives of the Analysis in this thesis are:

1. To analyze the profile of the unit-shifts found in the subtitles of Sherlock Holmes movie.


1.5 Significances of the Analysis

Theoretically, this thesis can lead the readers or the students of English Department especially who are interested in Translation studies in expanding the knowledge of the Translation studies.

Practically, this thesis can be used in order to know how the way to understand the process of translation when the readers watch movie, and also for the translator in practicing the translation.

1.6 Review of Related Literature

These are some references related to translation shifts as so as to support this analysis.


phrase to clause or 5.06%, 3 phrase to sentence or 1.9%, 1 clause to sentence or 0.63%, 1 sentence to phrase or 0.63% and 2 sentence to clause or 1.27%.

Ginting (2008) in An Analysis of Grammatical Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s “Why They didn’t Ask Evans” into “Pembunuh di Balik Kabut” by Mareta. This thesis discuss about the grammatical changes in unit-shifts which found in the translation of Agatha’s Christie’s “Why They didn’t Ask Evans” into its translation in “Pembunuh di Balik Kabut” by Mareta. She found out there are 34 shifts in the level of morpheme or 5,1% from the total unit shifts of all levels. The unit shifts from the morpheme level to the other levels (the shifts in the level of morpheme) occur only to word level with 29 shifts (85,3%) and to phrase level with 5 shifts (14,7%). In the level of word there are 213 shifts (31,9%), 5 shifts (2,3%) to morpheme level, 202 shifts (94,8%) to phrase level, 5 shifts (2,3%) to clause level and 1 shifts (0,5%) to sentence level. Referring to the unit shifts in the level of phrase, there are 295 shifts (15,4%) occur, 284 shifts (96,3%) to word level, 7 shifts (2,4%) to clause level, and 4 shifts (1,3%) to sentence level. There are 103 shifts (15,4%) in the level of clause, with 33 shifts (32%) to word level, 18 shifts (17,5%) to phrase level, and 52 shifts (50,5%) to sentence level. Finally in the level of sentence there are 23 shifts (3,4%) with 10 shifts (43,5%) to word level and 11 shifts (47,8%) to phrase level, and 2 shifts (8,7%) to sentence level.




2.1 The Definition of Translation

As it is stated in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:1438) Translation is the process of changing something that is written or spoken into another language. Wiratno (2003) says that translation is a process of transferring message from SL into TL. SL or Source Language is an origin language which is translated, while TL or Target Language is a final language which is used to express the result of translation. He states the previous statement in his book:

“Penerjemahan ialah proses pengalihan pesan dari bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran. Bahasa sumber adalah bahasa asal yang diterjemahkan, sedangkan bahasa sasaran adalah bahasa target yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan hasil terjemahan.”

But the definition of translation is not that simple. There are so many definitions about translation from many experts. They define the definitions about translation in many ways.


However, translation deals with the meaning. Translation with correct structure is useless without the meaning. Larson (1984:3) states that translation means transferring the meaning of the source language into receptor language. And Newmark states a further view towards the transferring meaning in a translation. As he says (1988:5), Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.

Moreover, translation also deals with culture aspects. Kridalaksana, an expert in translation theory states on his book (1983:128), “Terjemahan adalah pengalihan amanat antarbudaya dan/atau antarbahasa dalam tataran gramatikal dan leksikal dengan maksud, efek atau ujud yang sedapat mungkin tetap dipertahankan.” In brief, his view about translation is a transferring message among cultures and languages.

2.2 Function of Translation

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:546), Function is a special activity or purpose of a person or thing. Basically, the special purpose or function of translation is as a medium of communications. As Duff (1989:5) says, “As a process of communication, translation functions as the medium ‘across the linguistic and cultural barriers’ in conveying the message written in the foreign languages.” In other words, the function of translation is a medium or a means to carry the message from the SL to TL. And it is very helpful for people which come from around the world in communication to each other.


elements are source, message, and receptor, and these elements must be found in all communication activities”. In brief that, translation is a means in communication, that has source, message, and receptor which must be found in all communication activities.

2.3 Process of Translation

Nida and Taber (1969) in Munday (2001:40) divide the process of translating into three stages system: 1) analysis of message in the SL; 2) transfer, and; 3) reconstruction of the transferred message in the TL. This process is described in the following figure.

A (Source Language) B (Receptor Language)

(Analysis) (Restructuring)

X (Transfer) Y

Figure 1


From the diagram, we can see that the source language is analyzing the grammatical relationship and the meaning of words and its combination. Then it transferred the meaning from SL into TL. The Reconstruction phase is the phase where the translator rewrites or re-expresses the materials in such a way that the translation product is readable and acceptable in terms of rules and styles in the TL.

Furthermore, Nababan (2003:25), he writes that “Proses penerjemahan terdiri atas tiga tahap, yaitu 1) analisis teks bahasa sumber (Bsu), 2) pengalihan pesan, 3) restrukturisasi.” The process of translation have three steps, those are 1) the analysis of the source language (SL), 2) transferring the message, 3) restructuring.

2.4 Types of Translation

Brislin (1976: 3-4) states that: according to the purpose, translation can be divided into four types:

(a) pragmatic,

Pragmatic translation is the translation of a message with an interest in accuracy of the information meant to be communicated in the target language form. Belonging to such translation is the translation of technical information, such as repairing instructions.



The third is ethnographic translation that explicates the cultural context of the source and second language versions.

(d)linguistic translation

The last type is linguistic translation, the one that is concerned with equivalent meanings of the constituent morphemes of the second language and with grammatical form. Seen from this classification, the translation of literary work should be the aesthetic-poetic one.

Otherwise, Jakobson (1969) in Venuti (2000:114) states that the kind of translation is divided into three differently labeled:

1. Intralingual translation or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language.

For instance: Charles dickens’ Animal Farm is rewording into children language version but still in English.

2. Interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language.

For instance: a text in Indonesian language is translated into English.

A novel by Andrea Hirata, Laskar Pelangi has been translated into English become “The Rainbow Troops”.

3. Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems.


2.5 Shifts

Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000:141) states that shifts are departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from SL (source language) to the TL (target language). He also states that shifts divided into two major types, those are; level shift and category shift.

2.5.1 Level Shifts

As Catford (1965) in Venuti (2000:141) states “Level shifts. By a shift of level we mean that a SL item at one Linguistic level has a TL translation equivalent at a different level”. It means that a grammatical unit in English, such as noun, affixes, etc, has a lexical unit in Bahasa Indonesia (Machali 1998:14). The followings are the examples of level shifts:

1. (a) Mary pun tidak mau membeli ketiga benda tersebut.

(b) Even Mary does not want to buy those three things.

2. (a) Boni has sold his motorcycle, because he needs some money. (b) Boni sudah menjual sepeda motornya, karena dia butuh uang.

In example (1), we can see that a unit (morpheme) in Bahasa Indonesia


2.5.2 Category Shifts

The second types of shift, is category shift, it is referred to unbounded and

rank-bound translation. Unbounded translation means that translation equivalences may occur between sentences, clauses, groups, words and morphemes. While the term rank-bound translation only to refer to those special cases where equivalence is limited to ranks below the sentence. Structure-Shifts

Structure shift is about the changing of grammatical between the structure of the SL and the TL, because of the structure of the SL and TL is not correspondent. For Example:

The form of the noun phrase of SL is Modifier-Head, while the form of the noun phrase of TL is Head-Modifier.

new car → mobil baru

Adj N N Adj Class-Shifts

Class Shifts is about when the translation equivalent of a SL item is a component of a different class in TL. For instance:

a. a medical student Adj. N

b. mahasiswa kedokteran

(24) Unit-Shifts

Unit shifts is about to changes of rank. In which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the SL is a unit at a different rank in the TL.

For example:

Shift from phrase to word The Lord → Tuhan

P W Word-Shifts

Word shifts is a part of unit-shifts, it is about the changes from word in the SL or Source Language into another ranks in TL or Target Language.

For Example:

Shift from word (Adj.) to phrase

What about a complete stranger? → Bagaimana dengan orang asing?

Adj. P Intra-System-Shifts

Intra system shifts is the last shifts, intra system shifts is about the shifts which occur along with the names of the types of shift affecting the other fundamental categories of grammar-unit, structure and class.

For example:

a. a pair of trousers N (plural) b. sebuah celana


2.6 Five Units of Ranks in English

Morley (2000:23-24) identifies five grammatical units representing ranks in English: sentence, clause, group (or phrase), word, and morpheme.

1) Sentence

Sentence is a set of words expressing a statement, a question, or an order, usually containing a subject and a verb. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:1212))

E.g. ‘Ferdian went to the Hospital last Thursday’ 2) Clause

Clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb, and forms a sentence or part of a sentence. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:228))

E.g. ‘We cannot start while it is raining’ the clause is while it is raining

3) Group (Phrase)

Group (phrase) is a group of words without a finite verb, especially one that forms part of a sentence. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:988)) E.g. ‘There came a giant to my door’ the phrase is my door

4) Word

Word is a single unit of language which means something can be spoken or written. (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:1551))


Morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning that a word can be divided into. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (2000:862)

E.g. the suffix ‘dom’ in the word ‘freedom’ indicates that the word is a noun in English.

2.7 Word Classes

Kaplan (1989:108) divides word classes into two groups: major and minor. The major classes include nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs. The minor classes include pronoun, preposition, conjunction and interjection. Therefore the discussion of word-shifts will be focused on the major classes of word since the possibility to identify word-shifts is larger than the minor classes of word.

2.7.1 Major Classes of Word

The major classes of word include noun, verb, adjective and adverb. Followings are the description of the major classes of words by Wren and Martin (1975:4):

a. Noun

A word used as the name of a person, place, or thing. Example: king, sun, rose.

b. Verb

A word used to say something about some person, place, or thing. Example: wrote, jump, drive.


A word used to add something to the meaning of a noun. Example: brave, beautiful, lazy.

d. Adverb

A word used to add something to the meaning of verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

Example: tomorrow, quickly, this afternoon.

2.7.2 Minor Classes of Word

The minor classes of word are pronoun, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

a. Pronoun

A word used instead of a noun. Example: he, she, it.

b. Preposition

A word used with a noun or a pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else.

Example: in, of, under. c. Conjunction

A word used to join words or sentences. Example: and, but, although.

d. Interjection




3.1 Research Method

The analysis in this thesis uses library research. Some related references, such books and DVD, are used to support the theory. The data are collected from DVD containing the subtitles of Sherlock Holmes Movie.

This analysis deals with descriptive qualitative method. It refers to a research explaining the analysis or a hypothesis of a research. The formula dealing with calculating data is only used to support the analysis the data. The formula is not intended to be the main focus on the research. Nazir (1998: 64) says that descriptive method is a method of research that makes the description of the situation of event or occurrence. So, this method only performs the more basic accumulative data. Therefore, descriptive design is a research design which is intended only to describe the variable.

3.2 Data Collecting Method


3.3 Data Analysis Procedures

Followings are the steps done in collecting and analyzing the data: 1. Obtaining the texts from the subtitles of the DVD.

2. Comparing the transformed texts, the movie subtitle in English text (SL) and its translation in Bahasa Indonesia (TL).

3. Contrasting the words in SL and TL in order to figure out the word-shifts. 4. Listing the word-shifts as data findings.

5. Finding out the most dominant word-shifts occurred in the subtitles of the movie.

Calculating the data by applying Butler’s formula (1985) of simple statistical analysis in percentage by using Educational Statistic:

N : Number of word-shifts

ΣN : Total number of word-shifts N X 100 %




4.1 Data of Analysis

Table 1 : Data of Analysis





Sherlock holmes and his loyal dog…… Adj.

(app. 10.a)

Sherlock Holmes dan anjingnya

yang setia….. P


W – P


……we've one for the doctor and one for the rope.

N (app.20.a)

…..kita punya satu untuk dokter dan satu untuk tali gantungan.

P (app.20.b)

W – P


This woman needs a hospital immediately. N


Wanita ini harus dibawa ke rumah sakit segera.

P (app.21.b)

W – P


……the girl’s parents hired me….. V


…..orangtua gadis itu yang menyewaku….


…..itu suara tembakan!


Aku mencium bau mesiu….

P (app.42.b)



Permission to enter N

the armory. (app.45.a)

Meminta izin untuk P

memasuki gudang senjata.


W – P


Permission to enter the armory. N (app.45.a)

Meminta izin untuk

memasuki gudang senjata.

P (app.45.b)

W – P

9. ……the absentee landlady…. N


……induk semang yang


.…..induk semang yang




W – P

11. Absolutely. Adv.

Kau yang pakai jaket.


Kau datang lebih awal.

S (app.80.b)

W – S

15. Fashionably. Adv.

16. ….a decorated soldier…. Adj.


…..prajurit yang diberikan

penghargaan…. C




…..ahh! a stub from a N

boxing match…. (app.90.a3)

….ahh! potongan kertas


dari pertandingan tinju.... (app.90.b3)

W – P


…..what about a complete stranger?...

….what can you tell about V

me? (app.94.a2)

….apa yang bisa kau


katakan tentang aku?


W – P


You are a governess. N (app.100.a)

Kau guru pribadi.


…dia menumpahkan tinta padamu hari ini.

P (app.105.b)

W – P


…..India blue is almost impossible to wash off… Adj.


….tinta India biru sangat

susah dicuci…. P


W – P


…..you spent some time abroad……

Adv. (app.108.a2)

…..kau pernah ke luar



……for a better prospect….. Adj.


…..untuk tujuan yang lebih

baik….. C


W – C


……first, distract target….. V

Bawa dia ke rumah sakit


sekarang!... (app.116.b)

W – P


…….Watson, this is exceptional…… Adj.


…..Watson, ini luar biasa…..


Pertanyaan yang bagus….


….jadi aku memasang taruhanmu yang biasa…


….aku akan simpan ini bersama dengan buku

…..otherwise we were Adv.

going to

have a riot on our hands…. (app.135.a1)

….jika tidak akan terjadi


kerusuhan di sini…




….he has a peculiar Adj. effect…..


…..dia memiliki efek yang


….dan takhtanya dan kekuasaanya yang besar.

P (app.138.b)

W – P


…..with some interest….. N (app.142.a)

…..dengan rasa ingin tau….

C (app.142.b)

W – C


….that anything earthly led us to this moment… V


….bahwa hal-hal duniawi yang

membawa kita ke saat ini… P


W – P


…..could have caught you sooner….

….called to serve a greater Adj. purpose…..


…..dipanggil untuk melayani, sebuah tujuan yang lebih

hebat…. P


W – P


….then you too could serve a greater purpose…. Adj.


…..maka dengan begitu kematianmu juga untuk tujuan yang lebih hebat….

P (app.150.b)

W – P


…..five innocent young Adj.

women….. (app.158.a)

….lima wanita muda tak bersalah….


….pada saat musim dingin……

P (app.161.b1)



….and missing naval Adj.

documents….. (app.161.a2)

…..dan dokumen angkatan laut yang hilang……

P (app.161.b2)

W – P


…..and missing naval Adj. documents…… (app.161.a2)

…..dan dokumen angkatan

laut yang hilang….. P


W – P


…..is that the Maharaja's missing diamond?.... Adj.


…..apakah itu intan Maharaja yang hilang?....


Should I answer chronologically….. Adv.


Apa aku harus menjawab

secara kronologis…..

….atau secara alphabet?

P (app.168.b2)

W – P


…..on this lethal envelope…. Adj.


….di amplop yang

mematikan ini….

….dia sangat penting


untuk rencanaku.

(app 175.b.)

W – P




…..you obviously not Adv. her type. (app.188.a)

….kau sudah jelas bukan


Ini lebih dari masalah


….kau salah mengartikan……


(app.192.b2) W – P


That's the Irene I knew. V (app.210.a)

Itu baru Irene yang

pernah kukenal.

mengaku dia telah melihat blackwood berjalan…..


W – P


Have the newspapers N got wind of it yet? (app.234.a)

Apa surat kabar sudah


mendengar berita ini?


…..done a magnificent job…. Adj.


…..melakukan pekerjaan yang

bagus….. P




…smashed open from the inside…..

Adv. (app.247.a)

dihancurkan dari bagian



dengan peti matinya?

P (app.248.b)

W – P


……and you bring that coffin up now!

N (app.255.a)

….dan angkat peti mati


itu sekarang juga!


Denyut nadinya tidak


Orang cebolnya adler. P


W – P


…..is theoretically Adv. possible. (app.274.a)

……secara teori memang




W – P


and I have some change….. N (app.315.a)

dan aku masih punya

uang kembalian…..



Otherwise, he'd still Adv.

be alive. (app.331.a)

Kalau tidak, dia pasti P

…..permen kapas? Gula

bakar?... P


W – P


Watson, what have you V done?


Watson, apa yang telah


kau lakukan?


W – P


….I am psychologically Adv. disturbed.


….aku secara pisikologis




W – P


You're overtired


Adj. (app.364.a)

Kau terlalu capek.


….kita bisa melempar anak domba ke

uang jaminan sebelum P

menjadi penjahat yang


roti yang memakai…. P




…..in whose headquarters N

we now sit… (app.379.a2)

….tempat dimana kita duduk adalah markas

Be as skeptical as you Adj.

like….. (app.382.a)

kau boleh merasa skeptis…

Selaput pelangi kalian P



W – P


…..whoever killed V Reordan….. (app.404.a)

…siapapun yang membunuh


Kau yang memutuskan...


Tidak akan pernah C

Tentu saja, pak. P

were once such a liberal breed. (app.415.a)

Padahal dulu wanita

pembersih kamar sangat C



W – C


I've checked everything, V

sir……. (app.417.a1)

Kami sudah memeriksa


Semuanya pak….




….so, body in the bathtub….. N


Jadi, mayat di bak mandi…..


(app.417.b2) W – P


…..I cannot

make bricks without N

clay. (app.422.a)

….aku tidak bisa membuat batu

bata tanpa tanah liat. P

…..kerja yang bagus.


(app.426.b) W – P


….to create a new future…. Adv. (app.430.a)

….untuk menciptakan masa

depan baru….

….dia bukan tukang


limehouse chemical works….. (app.448.a)

……gudang Senjata


Woolwich, perusahaan kimia…..


More the coal doctor! N


Tambah batu baranya,






….pada tengah hari,


dunia yang kau kenal akan berakhir.

your arrest, sir…. (app.495.a)

…..surat perintah untuk


menangkapmu pak…..


W – P


….he's in Scotland Yard's mortuary…..

N (app.499.a)

….dia di kamar mayat


Scotland Yard….


W – P


The surgeon should be N

along shortly…. (app.503.a)

Dokter bedah akan P

segera datang….


….ini bukan tanggung


Karya seni yang tidak


Karya seni yang tidak…. P

asing. (app.508.b) W – P


….the weak Adj.

masses a strong shepherd…. (app.529.a)

Masa yang lemah


seorang gembala yang kuat….


…..masa yang lemah seorang gembala yang kuat….

P (app.529.b)



….a small bandage on your thumb…… N


….pembalut kecil di ibu


…kurang dari sejam yang


….kau bisa saja menjadi sekutu yang sangat

berharga….. C


W – C


Technically, that isn't Adj.

the top window….. (app.535.a)

Secara teknis itu bukan P

….bangkai tikus di rumah

jagal…. P


W - P


….and the faintest smell of bitter almonds….



…dan aroma almond

yang pahit…. P


W – P


….the boundaries of this great Adj. empire.


…..perbatasan kerajaan

yang hebat ini. P (app.555.b)

W – P




dihancurkan dan abadi. C

…..ledakan yang terarah.


(app.563.b) W – P


…..the simplest Adj.

involves paying people off. (app.578.a)

……yang paling mudah adalah


menyuap orang.


W – C


Arranging for your father to drown in his

own bathtub……. N


Mengatur agar ayahmu tenggelam di bak

mandinya sendiri…..

…beberapa ampfibi yang


….dengan warna merah muda

yang tidak biasa…… C


W – C


….a simple rigged bullet in his gun, ingenious….. Adj. (app.580.a4)

….peluru jebakan di dalam senjatanya, sangat

….a chemical weapon distilled from cyanide…. V


….senjata kimia yang

disuling dari sianida…. P





here to the rope. N (app.583.a)

…..dari sini menuju tali


notebooks in this one, N



….aku menaruh

buku catatan di sini pak. P

…dia tak mungkin bunuh

diri P


W – P


…attached it to a harness N (app.611.a)

…menyambungnya ke alat

pengaman tubuh…. C


W – C


….Blackwood's lack of pulse.



……detak nadi


Blackwood yang berhenti.

(app. 617.b)

W – P


…there is a toxin refined V from the nectar of the rhododendron ponticum. (app.618.a)

…ada sebuah racun yang

dimurnikan dari nectar P

Rhododendron Ponticum.


W – P


….he's seen far worse. Adj. (app.622.a)

....kondisinya pernah lebih

parah daripada ini. P



4.2 Analysis of Result

It is figured out from the data of analysis that there are 128 word-shifts containing 3 types of rank changes namely, the changes from word(s) to phrase (W-P), word(s) to clause (W-C), and word(s) to sentence (W-S).

Table 2 : Kinds of Word-shifts


Kinds of


No. Data Total Percentage

1. W – P

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128.


2. W – C

16, 25, 36, 55, 84, 86, 102, 108, 114, 116, 119, 125.

12 9.37%

3. W – S 14 1 0.83%

Total 128 100 %

It is figured out from the data of analysis that there are 128 word-shifts containing 3 types of rank changes namely, the changes from word(s) to phrase (W-P), word(s) to clause (W-C), and word(s) to sentence (W-S). There are 116 changes from word(s) to phrase or 89.8%, 12 changes from word(s) to Clause or 9.37%, and 1 change from word to Sentence or 0.83%.


Table 3 : Distribution of word-shifts


Kinds of Major


No. Data Total Percentage

1. Adj. – P

1, 22, 24, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 56, 60, 74, 77, 80, 90, 103, 104, 105, 109, 111, 112, 118, 120, 128.

32 24.7%

2. N – P

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 20, 28, 32, 51, 53, 57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 71, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 110, 117, 122, 123, 125, 126.

48 37.2%

3. V – P

4, 13, 19, 26, 27, 37, 54, 69, 72, 82, 83, 87, 115, 121, 124, 127.

16 12.13%

4. Adv. – P

11, 15, 21, 23, 33, 42, 46, 47, 48, 52, 59, 61, 66, 68, 70, 73, 85, 91, 97, 107, 113.

21 16.16%

5. Adj. – C 16, 25, 108, 114, 116, 119. 6 4.4%


7. V – C 55 1 0.77%

8. Adv. – C 84 1 0.77%

9. Adj. – S 16 1 0.77%




5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it is obviously seen that there are many word-shifts occurred in the Subtitles of Sherlock Holmes movie. Totally, there are 128 word-shifts containing 3 types of rank changes, namely the changes from word(s) to phrase (W-P), word(s) to clause (W-C), and word(s) to sentence (W-S). There are 115 changes from word(s) to phrase or 89.9%, 12 changes from word(s) to Clause or 9.37%, and 1 change from word to Sentence or 0.83%.

The data calculated by applying Butler’s formula shows that the word-shifts occurred from word(s) to phrase is the most dominant that has 115 data or 89.9%.

Another findings from the data, that there are 32 changes from adjective to phrase, or 24.7%, 16 changes from verb to phrase or 12,13%, 48 changes from noun to phrase or 37.2%, 21 changes from adverb to phrase or 16.16%, 6 changes from adjective to clause or 4.4%, 4 changes from noun to clause or 3.10%, 1 change from verb to clause or 0.77%, 1 change from adverb to clause or 0.77%, and 1 adjective to sentence or 0.77%, and the most dominant changes is from noun to phrase that has 48 changes or 37.2%.


verb to clause and even from adjective to sentence can occur in the data. It is also can be said that there can be no absolute correspondence between languages.

5.2 Suggestions



Anesthasia, Dhany Novi. 2009. Unit Shifts in The Interpreting of Reverend’s English Sermon Into Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Faculty of Letters USU

Brislin, Richard W. (Ed). 1976. Translation: Applications and Research. New York: Gardner Press, Inc.

Butler, Christopher. 1985. Statistika Dalam Linguistik. Bandung: ITB

Catford J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press

Duff, Allan. 1989. Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Ginting, Siska Oktaria. 2008. An Analysis of Grammatical Unit Shifts in the Translation of Agatha Christie’s “Why They didn’t Ask Evans” into “Pembunuh di Balik Kabut” by Mareta. Medan: Faculty of Letters USU

Hatim, B and I. Manson, 1990. Discourse and the translator. London and New York: Longman

Hornby. A. S. 2000. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.

Kaplan, J.P. 1989. English Grammar : Principles and Facts. USA : Prentice Hall. Kridalaksana, Harimurti. 1983. Kamus Linguistik, Jakarta: Gramedia.

Larson, M.L. 1984. Meaning Based Translation a Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. London: University Press of America, Inc.

Machali, Rochayah. 1998. Redefining Textual Equivalence in Translation. Jakarta: The Translation Center.

Munday, Jeremy. 2001. Introducing Translation studies Theories and Applications.

London: Routledge.


Nababan, M. Rudolf. 2003. Teori Menerjemah Bahasa Inggris. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Newmark, Peter. 1998. A Textbook of Translation. London and New York: Prentice Hall International (UK).

Nida, Eugene. And Charles. R. Taber. 1969. The Theory and Practice of Translation.

Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers

Nida, Eugene. 1981. ‘Translators are born not made,’ The Bible Translator 32 (4): 401-405

Pasaribu, Monalisa. 2009. Functional Shifts in the Translation of “Guidelines For The Better Management Practices on Avoidance, Mitigation and Management of Human – Orangutan Conflict in and Around Oil Palm Plantations” in Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Faculty of Letters USU.

Subtitle accessed at (http://en. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/subtitle/ onJune 25th, 2010.) Translating accessed at (http://en. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/translation/ on October 20th,


Wiratno, Tri. 2003. Mencerna Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Melalui Pemahaman Gramatika. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

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New Delhi: S. Chand & Co (Pvt) LTD.

List of Figure 1 : Diagram of The Translation Process (Source: Munday (2001:40))

List of Tables:



Below is the transcription of data from Sherlock Holmes’ Movie Subtitles.

10.Lord blackwood: Sherlock Holmes. and his loyal dog.10.a tell me, doctor

as a medical man,

have you enjoyed my work?

Sherlock Holmes.

dan anjingnya yang setia. 10.a

katakan, dokter sebagai orang medis,

apakah kau menikmati hasil kerjaku?


Impeccable timing, Lestrade. we've one for the doctor and one for the rope. 20.a

Tepat waktu, Lestrade. kita punya satu untuk dokter

dan satu untuk tali gantungan 20.b

21.Watson: This woman needs

a hospital immediately. 21.a

Wanita ini harus dibawa kerumah sakit segera. 21.b

25.Holmes: If I had, you'd be cleaning up a corpse. and chasing a rumor.

besides, the girl's parents 25.a hired me, not the Yard, why they thought you would

require any assistance is beyond me.


dan menepis rumor.

lagipula, orangtua gadis itu yang 25. menyewaku, bukan Scotland yard. aku tidak tahu mengapa mereka pikir kau akan

membutuhkan bantuanku.


Well, that's marvelous, indeed. good God!

that was gunfire! 33.a

Oh, itu sangat bagus, benar. ya Tuhan!

itu suara tembakan! 33.b


I smell gunpowder. 42.a this is not right you know! not in a domestic environment.

Aku mencium bau mesiu. 42.b ini tidak benar!

menembak di lingkungan perumahan.

45.Watson: Permission to enter the armory. 45.a

Meminta izin untuk memasuki gudang senjata 45.b


The Curious Case of Mrs. Hudson the absentee landlady. 56.a

Kasus aneh nyonya Hudson

induk semang yang menghilang. 56.b

67.Holmes: Absolutely. 67.a

tentu saja 67.b


makan malam 68.b


You wear a jacket. 79.a

Kau yang pakai jaket. 79.b

80.Watson: You're early. 80.a

Kau datang lebih awal. 80.b

81.Holmes Fashionably. 81.a

Penuh gaya. 81.b


See his walking stick over there? african snakewood? 90.a1

Kau lihat tongkatnya?

kayu ular afrika langka? 90.b1

so I can assume he is a decorated soldier. 90.a2

Jadi aku akan menduga bahwa dia adalah

prajurit yang diberikan penghargaan.


Now, I check his pockets.

ahh! a stub from a boxing match. 90.a3

Sekarang, aku periksa kantongnya. ah.. potongan kertas dari

pertandingan tinju. 90.b3


Well, with all due respect, Mr. Holmes,

you know John very well.

what about a complete stranger? 94.a1 what can you tell about me? 94.a2

Dengan segala hormat mr.holmes, kau sudah sangat mengenal john. bagaimana dengan orang asing?


apa yang bisa kau katakan tentang aku? 94.b2


You are a governess. 100.a

\Kau guru pribadi 100.b


Then he's tall for his age,

he flicked ink at you today. 105.a

Kalau begitu dia cukup tinggi untuk seusianya,

dia menumpahkan tinta padamu hari ini. 105.b


There are two drops on your ear, in fact.

India blue is almost

impossible to wash off. 108.a1


Tinta india biru sangat susah dicuci.


The ring has gone, but the lightness of the skin where it once sat suggests you spent some time abroad108.a2 wearing it proudly 108.a3

cincinnya sudah tidak ada, tapi kulit yang lebih putih

menegaskan bahwa kau pernah ke luar


negeri memakainya dengan bangga


that is, until you were informed of its true and rather modest worth, at which point you broke off the engagement you returned to England for a better prospect. 108.a4

A doctor, perhaps?

itu sebelum kau tau bahwa harga cincin itu murah

dan setelah itu kau membatalkan pertunangan itu dan kembali ke inggris

untuk tujuan yang lebih baik. 108.b4 Seorang dokter, barangkali?


First, distract target. 113.a1

Pertama, alihkan perhatian sasaran.


Discombobulate. 113.a2

Dengungkan telinga. 113.b2


Take this man to the infirmary! Now! 116.a

Bawa dia kerumah sakit sekarang!



Watson, this is exceptional. 118.a



Excellent question. 120.a

Pertanyaan yang bagus. 120.b

122.Holmes: You weren't there,

so I made your customary bet. 122.a1

Kau tidak datang,

jadi aku memasang taruhanmu yang biasa. 122.b1

You're right.

I'll keep it with your checkbook, 122.a2

Kau benar.

Aku akan simpan ini bersama dengan buku cekmu, 122.b2


Yes. had to move the prisoners, sir.

Ya kami harus memindahkan tahanan pak.

otherwise we were going to have a riot on our hands. 135.a1

jika tidak akan terjadi kerusuhan di sini 135.b1

he has a peculiar effect 135.a2 on the inmates as though... he can get inside their heads.

dia memiliki efek yang aneh 135.b2 terhadap para narapidana seakan-akan

dia bisa masuk ke dalam kepala mereka.


The dragon gave his power unto the beast,

and his seat and great authority. 138.a


Dan takhtanya dan kekuasaanya yang besar. 138.b


I've already followed the murders with some interest. 142.a

aku sudah mengikuti kasus-kasus pembunuhanmu

dengan rasa ingin tau. 142.b


Your mistake is to imagine that anything earthly

led us to this moment. 147.a

Kesalahanmu adalah membayangkan B\bahwa hal-hal duniawi

yang membawa kita ke saat ini. 147.b


Well, my only wish was that

I could have caught you sooner. 148.a

Aku hanya berharap

bisa menangkapmu lebih cepat. 148.b


Five otherwise meaningless creatures called to serve a greater purpose. 149.a

Lima mahluk yang tak berarti ipanggil untuk melayani, sebuah tujuan yang lebih hebat. 149.b


Then you too could serve a greater purpose. 150.a

Maka dengan begitu kematianmu Juga untuk tujuan yang lebih hebat.



the unholy murder of


membunuh lima wanita muda tak bersalah. 158.b

161. Adler:

I much prefer to travel in the winter. 161.a

Aku lebih suka bepergian pada saat musim dingin. 161.b

and missing naval documents 161.a2 lead to the resignation of the

Bulgarian prime minister

dan dokumen angkatan laut yang hilang 161.b2

menyebabkan pengunduran diri perdana menteri Bulgaria


Is that the Maharaja's missing diamond? 164.a

Apakah itu intan maharaja yang hilang? 164.b


Let's not dwell on the past. 165.a

Jangan membicarakan masa lalu.



Should I answer chronologically 168.a1

or alphabetically? 168.a2

Apa aku harus menjawab secara kronologis 168.b1

Atau secara alphabet? 168.b2


Careful not to cut yourself on this lethal envelope. 169.a

Jangan sampai memotong jarimu Di amplop yang mematikan ini. 169.b



Dia sangat penting untuk rencanaku.



Are you a masochist? 179.a

Apa kau suka menderita? 179.b

188.Watson: Case solved!

You obviously not her type. 188.a She likes ginger dwarfs.

Kasus terpecahkan!

Kau sudah jelas bukan tipenya. 188.b Dia suka orang cebol.


It's more than a technicality.192.a1

Ini lebih dari masalah teknis. 192.b1

You are misrepresenting the dimensions 192.a2

of foreshortened peoples.

Kau salah mengartikan ukuran dari orang-orang kecil. 192.b2


That's the Irene I knew. 210.a

Itu baru Irene yang pernah kukenal.



Most engaging. 226.a

Sangat menarik. 226.b


Groundkeeper claims he saw Blackwood walking 229.a through the graveyard just this morning, sir.

Penjaga makam mengaku dia telah melihat blackwood 229.b



Have the newspapers got wind of it yet? 234.a

Apa surat kabar sudah mendengar berita ini? 234.b

236.Holmes: Certainly. 236.a

Tentu saja. 236.b


Your boys have done a magnificent job 243.a

obliterating any potential evidence.

Kalian melakukan pekerjaan yang bagus 243.b

merusak bukti-bukti ini.


and they're smashed open from the inside. 247.a

dan batu-batu ini dihancurkan dari bagian dalam. 247.b


Lestrade. what of the coffin? 248.a

Lestrade. bagaimana dengan peti matinya? 248.b


Now you get down there and you bring that coffin up now! 255.a

Sekarang turun ke sana

dan angkat peti mati itu sekarang juga! 255.b


He had no pulse. 259.a

Denyut nadinya tidak ada. 259.b


Adler’s dwarf. 264.a



You have to admit, Holmes, that a supernatural explanation to this case, is theoretically possible. 274.a

Kau harus akui, holmes,

bahwa penjelasan gaib dalam kasus ini

secara teori memang mungkin. 274.b


I think she'll really like this.

and I have some change in my pocket. 315.a

Aku rasa dia akan menyukai ini.

dan aku masih punya uang kembalian dikantongku. 315.b


More importantly... 325.a

let's see what he was trying to dispose of.

Potassium, Magnesium.

Lebih penting lagi… 325.b

mari kita lihat apa yang dia coba singkirkan

Potassium, Magnesium

327.Holmes: Peculiar.

Hydrated rhododendron. 327.a


rhododendron yang dikeringkan.



Otherwise, he'd still be alive. 331.a

Kalau tidak, dia pasti masih hidup.



Barley sugar!

Permen kapas? Gula bakar? 333.b

Sirup maple. Gula barley!

342.Holmes: Watson ...

what have you done? 342.a


apa yang telah kau lakukan? 342.b


Would you like to know my conclusion?

I am psychologically disturbed. 345.a

Kau ingin tahu apa kesimpulanku? aku secara pisikologis terganggu



You're overtired. 364.a

Kau terlalu Capek. 364.b


we could throw a lamb on the spit. 368.a

kita bisa melempar anak domba ke panggangan. 368.b


I hope you get bail by breakfast, 380.a because the boys are getting hungry.

Aku harap kamu dapat uang jaminan sebelum sarapan, 380.b

karena maereka sudah mulai lapar.


You know, in another life,

you'd have made an excellent criminal. 387.a

Kau tau, dalam kehidupan lain, Kau bisa menjadi penjahat yang hebat.



the only baker to use a certain 379.a1

satu-satunya pembuat roti yang memakai 379.b1

in whose headquarters we now sit 379.a2

dan tempat dimana kita duduk adalah markas besarnya. 379.b2


be as skeptical as you like, 385.a

kau boleh merasa skeptic 385.b


you have the same irises, 389.a

selaput pelangi kalian sama, 389.b


whoever killed Reordon 404.a

siapapun yang membunuh reordan


408.Holmes: you decide. 408.a

Which will it be?

kau yang memutuskan. 408.b yang mana?

410.Holmes: Never. 410.a

Tidak akan pernah. 410.b


Naturally, sir. 412.a

Tentu saja pak. 412.b


And chambermaids were once such a liberal breed. 415.a

Padahal dulu wanita pembersih kamar sangat terbuka. 415.b


I've checked everything, sir. 417.a1 no sign of a break-in


Kami sudah memeriksa semuanya, pak. 417.b1

tidak ada tanda-tanda masuk dengan paksa.

dan pelayan tidak mendengar apa-apa.

jadi, mayat di bak mandi, 417.b2


Data, data, data. I cannot make bricks without clay. 422.a

Data, data, data, aku tidak bisa membuat

batu bata tanpa tanah liat. 422.b 426.Holmes:

I don't know what to make of this excellent work. 426.a

Aku tidak tau untuk apa ini kerja yang bagus. 426.b


to create a new future. 430.a

untuk menciptakan masa depan baru



it's not a butcher. 442.a1 let me see..

dia bukan tukang daging. 442.b1 coba kulihat.

coal, river silt. 442.a2

batu bara, lumpur sungai. 442.b2


Blackwood has had his hand in almost everything that is corrosive to the spirit.

Woolwich Arsenal.

Limehouse Chemical Works. 448.a

Blackwood memiliki semua hal yang buruk


452.Holmes: No, not a clue.

Queen's Heights slaughterhouse. 452.a Nine Elms.

Aku tidak tau.

Rumah jagal Queen. 452.b

Nine elms


More the coal doctor! 456.a

Tambah batu baranya, dokter! 456.b


I want you to be a witness. Tomorrow, at midday, the world as you know it... will end. 473.a

Aku ingin kau menjadi saksi. Besok, pada tengah hari, Dunia yang kau kenal

Akan berakhir. 473.b


Sir! Lord Coward has issued a warrant for your arrest, sir. 495.a

Pak! Lord Coward mengeluarkan surat perintah untuk menangkapmu pak. 495.b


I fulfilled my contract. I found Reordan.

he's in Scotland Yard's mortuary. 499.a

Aku sudah memenuhi kontrakku. aku sudah menemukan Reordan. dia di kamar mayat Scotland Yard.



The surgeon should be along shortly. 503.a

he should be able to rest now.

Dokter bedah akan segera datang.


sekarang dia bisa istirahat.


this is not your responsibility. 506.a

ini bukan tanggung jawabmu. 506.b


Familiar artwork. 508.a You look gorgeous.

Karya seni yang tidak asing. 508.b Kau terlihat tampan.


we are giving the weak masses a strong shepherd. 529.a

kami memberikan masa yang lemah Seoarang gembala yang kuat. 529.b


a small bandage on your thumb 531.a1

pembalut kecil di ibu jarimu dari tempat 531.b1

less than an hour ago. 531.a2

kurang dari sejam yang lalu. 531.b2


you would have made a valuable ally. 532.a

kau bisa saja menjadi sekutu yang sangat berharga. 532.b


Technically, that isn't the 535.a top window, is it, sailor boy.

Secara teknis itu bukan jendela atas




dead rat at the slaughterhouse. 549.a1

bangkai tikus di rumah jagal. 549.b1 and the faintest smell of bitter almonds, 549.a2

dan aroma almond yang pahit, 549.b2


the boundaries of this great empire. 555.a

perbatasan kerajaan yang hebat ini.



It's specifically designed 557.a to prevent us from disarming it.

Dirancang secara khusus 557.b

untuk mencegah kita membongkarnya.


indestructible and eternal. 560.a

tidak dapat dihancurkan dan abadi.



what we need is a controlled explosion. 563.a

yang kita perlukan adalah ledakan yang terarah. 563.b


the simplest involves paying people off. 578.a

yang paling mudah adalah menyuap orang. 578.b


Arranging for your father

to drown in his own bathtub 580.a1

Mengatur agar ayahmu

tenggelam di bak mandinya sendiri



Figure 1
Table 1 : Data of Analysis
Table 2 : Kinds of Word-shifts
Table 3 : Distribution of word-shifts


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Keadaan lingkungan keluarga yang sangat menentukan keberhasilan seseorang diantaranya adalah adanya hubungan yang harmonis sesama anggota keluarga, tersedianya tempat

2nd costal cartilage Internal thoracic artery and veins Thymus Superior vena cava Right phrenic nerve Azygos vein Right vagus nerve Trachea Oesophagus Left phrenic nerve Left vagus

Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi berjudul Pengujian Kinerja Karbon Aktif Tongkol Jagung dan Tempurung Kelapa Sawit sebagai Bahan Elektrode Pasta Karbon

Karena teofilin memiliki waktu paruh yang relatif pendek (8,1 jam) dan indeks terapeutik sempit (5-15µg/ml), kadarnya dalam darah perlu dipertahankan dalam jangka waktu

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan pitutur luhur dan konsep hasta brata yang terkandung dalam antologi geguritan Bledheg Segara Kidul;

Perbedaan penelitian ini dengan yang dilakukan oleh penulis terletak pada subjek penelitiannya yaitu pada penelitian ini subjek penelitiannya adalah ibu hamil dengan diagnosa