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El e c t ro n ic

Jo ur

n a l o

f P

r o

b a b il i t y

Vol. 16 (2011), Paper no. 8, pages 230–262. Journal URL


Relaxation Schemes for Interacting Exclusions

Christophe Bahadoran

, József Fritz

and Katalin Nagy


We investigate the interaction of one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion processes of opposite speeds, where the exchange dynamics is combined with a creation-annihilation mechanism, and this asymmetric law is regularized by a nearest neighbor stirring of large intensity. The model admits hyperbolic (Euler) scaling, and we are interested in the hydrodynamic behavior of the system in a regime of shocks on the infinite line. This work is a continuation of a previous paper by Fritz and Nagy[FN06], where this question has been left open because of the lack of a suitable logarithmic Sobolev inequality. The problem is solved by extending the method of relaxation schemes to this stochastic model, the resulting a priory bound allows us to verify compensated compactness.

Key words: Hyperbolic scaling, interacting exclusions, Lax entropy pairs, compensated com-pactness, logarithmic Sobolev inequalities, relaxation schemes.

AMS 2000 Subject Classification:Primary 60K31; Secondary: 82C22. Submitted to EJP on July 3, 2010, final version accepted October 10, 2010.

Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliques, CNRS UMR 6620 Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand 2, 24 Av-enue des Landais, F63177 Aubiere, France, Christophe.Bahadoran@math.univ-bpclermont.fr. Supported by ANR grant BLAN07-2184264.

Institute of Mathematics Budapest University of Technology and Economics

H-1111 Budapest, Egry József u. 1., Hungary, jofri@math.bme.hu, knagy@math.bme.hu.



Introduction and Main Result

A rigorous treatment of hyperbolic (Euler) scaling problems requires specific conditions because a direct compactness argument is not available; the celebrated Two Blocks Lemma, see Theorem 4.6 and Theorem 4.7 of [GPV88], can not be extended to macroscopic block averages. Just as in the case of parabolic energy inequalities, the diffusive (elliptic) component of the microscopic evolution does vanish in a hyperbolic scaling limit, thus we can not control spatial fluctuations. This problem is closely related to the formation of shock waves resulting in a breakdown of existence of classical solutions to the macroscopic equations. Assuming smoothness of the macroscopic solution, this difficulty can be avoided by means of the relative entropy method of[Yau91], hydrodynamic limit(HDL) for a large class of models can be derived in this way. In the case of attractive systems

coupling and other specific techniques can be applied even in a regime of shocks, therefore advanced methods of PDE theory, as the entropy condition of S. Kruzkov play a crucial role in the proofs, see e.g. [Rez91], [KL99]and[Bah04]with some further references. Since the models of[FT04]and [FN06] are not attractive, a new tool, the stochastic theory of compensated compactness is used there to pass to the hydrodynamic limit; the microscopic entropy flux is evaluated by means of a

logarithmic Sobolev inequality(LSI). Our present model is more difficult, these techniques alone are not sufficient to control themechanism of creation and annihilation. The main purpose of this paper is to extend the PDE method ofrelaxation schemesto microscopic systems with a hyperbolic scaling, we are going to expose several versions of the argument.

1.1. Relaxation schemes: In case of non - attractive systems with general initial conditions the method of compensated compactness, cf. [Tar79] or [Ser00]and[Daf05]is an effective tool, its applications to microscopic systems are discussed in the papers[Fri01], [Fri04], [FT04], [FN06] and [Fri09]. However, compensated compactness alone is not sufficient in the present situation, it should be supplemented by another tool called the method of relaxation schemes in the PDE literature, see[Liu87],[CL93]and[CLL94]for the first results,[GT00]or[Daf05]for explanation and further discussions. The basic idea is not difficult: the single conservation law∂tu+∂xf(u) =0 in one space dimension can be obtained as thezero relaxation limitof the linear system

∂tuǫ+∂xvǫ=0 , ∂tvǫ+∂xuǫ=ǫ−1B(,)(f()−) (1.1)

with a nonlinear source (relaxation) term on its right hand side. We haveB>0, so unless(f()− vǫ) 0 , this term might explode if 0 < ǫ → 0 ; but the negative sign of vǫ is encouraging. To see a successful relaxation, we have to find a clever Liapunov function h = h(u,v) such that

hv(u,v)B(u,v)(f(u)v)≤ −b(f(u)v)2 with someb>0 . Then for classical solutions1

∂th(,) +hu(,)∂xvǫ+hv(,)∂xuǫ≤ −(b/ǫ)(f()−)2,

whence under suitable conditions on f and the initial data



Z ∞


Z ∞




d x d tC0

follows, whereC0does not depend onǫ. Let us remark that the equation above is easily controlled if we have a functionJ=J(u,v)such thathu(u,v)∂xv+hv(u,v)∂xu=∂xJ, that ishis aLax entropyfor

1Differentiation with respect to space and time is usually denoted by

x and ∂t, whilehu and hv are the partial


(1.1) ifB=0 , but there are other possibilities, too. Therefore it is reasonable to expect vǫ f(uǫ) in a mean square sense asǫ→0 , consequently the limituofsatisfies∂tu+∂xf(u) =0 in a weak sense, see e.g. Sections 6.7 and 16.5 of[Daf05]for complete proofs which are technically much more complex than the presentation here.

The hyperbolic scaling limit of our model of interacting exclusions with creation and annihilation

shall be understood as a microscopic version of the zero relaxation limit for theLeRoux system

∂tuǫ+∂x(ρǫu2ǫ) =0 ,

tρǫ+∂x(uǫρǫ) =ǫ−1B(,ρǫ)(F()−ρǫ),


wherex R,u[1, 1],ρ[0, 1],F(u):= (1/3)(4(43u2)1/2 andB1/2 , consequently the

limiting equation forureads as∂tu+∂x(F(u)−u2) =0 . The first proof usesh= (1/2)(F(u)−ρ)2 as our Liapunov function, the result obtained in this way can be improved by choosinghas a Lax entropy of the Leroux system.

1.2. The model: In view of our naive physical picture of electrophoresis, we consider±1 charges moving in an electric field on Z such that positive charges are jumping to the right at rate 1 if

allowed (i.e. there is no particle on the next site), negative charges are jumping to the left at unit rates. The exclusion rule is in force: two or more particles (charges) can not coexist at the same site. However, when two opposite charges meet, then they either jump over each other at rate 2 , or they are both annihilated at rateβ >0 . To compensate annihilation, charges of opposite sign can be created at neighboring empty sites, again at rateβ. Because of technical reasons, the process is regularized by a nearest neighbor stirring of intensityσ >0 , all elementary actions are independent of each other. The mathematical formulation of the model is summarized as follows.

The configuration space,Ωof our system is the set of sequencesω:= (ωk∈ {0, 1,−1}:k∈Z), i.e. ωk is interpreted as the charge of the particle at site k ∈Z, ωk =0 indicates an empty site, and ηk:=ω2

kdenotes the occupation number. The process is composed of the following local operations. If b= (k,k+1) is a bond ofZ, i.e. b Z∗, thenstirringω ωb means thatωk andωk+1 are

exchanged, the rest of the configuration is not altered. The actionωωb+ creates a couple of particles on the bondb:= (k,k+1)if it is empty:

(ωb+)k= +1 and (ωb+)k+1=1 if ωk=ωk+1=0 ,

other coordinates are not changed. Annihilation of a couple,ωωb× means that

(ωb×)k= (ωb×)k+1=0 if ωk= +1 ,ωk+1=−1 ;(ωb×)j=ωj

otherwise. The stochastic dynamics is then defined by the following formal generators, see[Lig85] on the construction of interacting particle systems. These operators are certainly defined forfinite functions,i.e. forϕ :Ω 7→Rdepending only on a finite number of variables, and the set of finite functions is a core of the full generator. The totally asymmetric process of interacting exclusions

(INTASEP) is generated by






ϕ(ωb)ϕ(ω)Š, (1.3)

where cb(ω) := (1/2)(ηk+ηk+1+ωkωk+1) if b = (k,k+1). This generator lets ⊕ particles


occurs at rate 2 . Both particle numberPηkand total charge


ωk are preserved by INTASEP. The two-parameter family, {λρ,u : 0< ρ < 1 , 0≤ |u|< ρ} of translation invariant stationary product measures is characterized byλρ,u(ηk) =ρandλρ,u(ωk) =u; here and later on we use the short hand notationλ(ϕ)Rϕdλ. The degenerated stationary statesλρ,u withρ=0 ,ρ=1 or|u|=ρ play no role in our calculations. The study of interacting exclusions and some related models goes back to the paper[TV03]by B. Tóth and B. Valkó, where HDL of INTASEP with hyperbolic scaling is derived in a smooth regime with periodic boundary conditions.

Thecreation - annihilation process(CRANNI) is generated byL:=Lo+βG∗, whereβ >0 and




c+b(ωϕ(ωb+)ϕ(ω)Š+ X b∈Z∗

c×b(ω)(ϕ(ωb×)ϕ(ω)), (1.4)


c+b(ω):=1[ηk=0,ηk+1=0] = (1−ηk)(1−ηk+1),

c×b(ω):=1[ωk=1,ωk+1=−1] = (1/4)(ηk+ωk)(ηk+1−ωk+1)

ifb= (k,k+1), and1[A]denotes theindicator functionof the eventAΩ. For any bond(k,k+1) =

bZ∗the elementary actionωωbis defined byωb:=ωb+if(ωk,ωk+1) = (0, 0),ωb=ωb×

if(ωk,ωk+1) = (+1,−1), whileωb∗=ωotherwise. Sincec+b +c×b =1 ifωb∗6=ω, we can rewrite


G∗ϕ(ω) =





Only total chargePωkis preserved by CRANNI, and within the classλρ,u: 0≤ |u|< ρits stationary measures are characterized by the principle of microscopic balance: λρ,u[ωk = 1,ωk+1 = −1] =

λρ,u[ωk=ωk+1=0]. This means thatC(ρ,u) =0 , where

C(ρ,u):= (1ρ)2(1/4)(ρ2−u2) = (1/4)€3ρ2−8ρ+u2+4Š = (3/4) ρF(u)


, (1.5)

F(u):= 1 3




43u, F

∗(u):= 1 3




43u. (1.6)

The smaller root,F(u)is between 2/3 and 1 , while the second one is not allowed because F(u) 5/3 for allu∈[1, 1]. Consequentlyλu:=λF(u),uis a stationary measure of the process generated byLif|u|<1 , andλu(ωk) =u, whileλu(ηk) =ρ=F(u). Note that these measures are reversible with respect toG, this fact shall be exploited several times in our computations.

Since we want to pass to HDL in a regime of shocks by means of the theory of compensated com-pactness, our process has to be regularized, e.g. by an overallstirringof large intensity, cf. [FT04] and[FN06]. The generator of the stirring process reads as

Sϕ(ω):= X b∈Z∗


ϕ(ωb)ϕ(ω)Š. (1.7)

This process is reversible with respect to anyλρ,u, and both



parameters to be specified later. The main goal of our paper is to develop a microscopic theory of relaxation schemes, by means of which the macroscopic behavior of this creation - annihilation process can be described.

Let us remark that in the paper[FN06]HDL of the process generated byLκ:=Lo+αGκ+σS was

investigated. Thespin - flip generatorGκreads as






ϕ(ωk)ϕ(ω)Š, (1.8)

whereκ∈(1, 1)is a constant, andωωk means that (ωk)k=ωk, while(ωk)j =ωj other-wise. SinceGκ violates conservation of total charge, and

(1κ)λρ,u[ωk=1] = (1+κ)λρ,u[ωk=−1]

in equilibrium, i.e. (1−κ)(ρ+u)/2= (1+κ)(ρu)/2 , we have u= κρ. Therefore the family of stationary product measures is just {λκρ := λρ,κρ : 0 < ρ < 1} such that λκρ(ηk) = ρ and λκρ(ωk) =κρ. Although we can not improve results of[FN06]in that way, it might be interesting to see that this model also exhibits relaxation.

1.3. Currents: To understand the microscopic structure of our model, let us summarize some more information on the generators;jπ,? below denotes the current of a conservative quantityπ, which is induced by a generatorL?. By direct computations we getLoωk=jωko1−j


k , where

jωko(ω):= 12(ηk+ηk+1−2ωkωk+1+ωkηk+1−ηkωk+1+ωkωk+1), (1.9)

whenceJuo(ρ,u):=λρ,u(jωko) =ρu



k ) = f(u):=F(u)−u



ηo k−1−j


k , where

jηko(ω):= 1

2(ωk+ωk+1−ωkηk+1−ωk+1ηk+1+ηkηk+1), (1.10)



k ) =uandλ

κ ρ(j


k ) =κ(ρρ


The case ofS is trivial: Sωk= ∆1ωk andSηk = ∆1ηk, where∆1ξk :=ξk+1+ξk−1−2ξk for any sequence,ξindexed byZ, thusjωs

k (ω) =ωkωk+1andj ηs

k (ω) =ηkηk+1 are the associated

currents. The spin - flip dynamics does not induce any current ofη becauseGκηk=0 . Moreover, the identityGκωk=Gκ(ωkκηk) =2(κηkωk)indicates relaxation in the sense thatωkκηk in the scaling limit, see the heuristic explanation in Section 1.4 below.

The action of the creation - annihilation process is less transparent. We haveGωk =jωk−∗1−j ωk , where

jωk∗:=c×b(ω)cb+(ω), b= (k,k+1), (1.11)

thusJu∗(ρ,u):=λρ,u(jkω∗) =−C(ρ,u), cf. (1.5). Sinceλuis reversible with respect toG∗, the effect ofjω∗vanishes in the hydrodynamic limit;λu(jωk∗) =0 . On the other hand,

G∗ηk=c+b(ω)−c×b(ω) +c


b−(ω)−c×b−(ω), (1.12)

where b= (k,k+1) andb−:= (k−1,k), whenceλρ,u(G∗ηk) =2C(ρ,u) = (3/2)(ρF(u))(ρ


reason to suspect that the termsGηk give rise to relaxation: ρF(u) in the scaling limit. This problem, however, is more difficult than the previous one becauseGηis not a linear function ofω andη, see the end of Section 1.4, and also Section 1.5 for some hints.

1.4. Macroscopic equations: Under hyperbolic scaling of space and time, at a level ǫ∈(0, 1]of scaling the scaled densities read asρǫ(t,x):=ηk(t/ǫ) and(t,x):=ωk(t/ǫ)if|xǫk|< ǫ/2 ; later on we shall redefine these empirical processes in terms of block averages. A formal application of the principle of local equilibrium suggests that in the case of interacting exclusions ρǫ and

converge in some sense to weak solutions of the following version2 of the LeRoux system:

∂tρ+∂x(u) =0 and ∂tu+∂x(ρu2) =0 , (1.13)

for a correct derivation see[TV03]or [FT04]concerningLo or Lσ =L0+σS , respectively. In

the second case we had to assume thatσ=σ(ǫ)+such thatǫσ(ǫ)0 andǫσ2(ǫ)+as ǫ→0 ; the uniqueness of the limit is not known in a regime of shocks. Under the same assumptions onσ, in the paper[FN06]it was shown that HDL of the spin - flip dynamics generated byLκresults

in a Burgers equation:

∂tρ+κ ∂x(ρρ2) =0 , (1.14)

and the limit is unique even in the regime of shocks. As we suggest in the next subsection, and demonstrate at the end of the paper, (1.14) can also be derived as the zero relaxation limit of the modified LeRoux system

∂tρ˜ǫ+∂x(u˜ǫ−˜uǫρ˜ǫ) =0 , ∂tu˜ǫ+∂x(ρ˜ǫu˜2ǫ) = (2α/ǫ)(κρ˜ǫ−˜) (1.15)

allowing us to do the replacement ˜κρ˜ǫ. Since Gκηk = 0 and Gκωk = 2(κηkωk), this heuristic picture reveals quite well the microscopic structure of the spin - flip dynamics, note that the vanishing terms,ǫσ(ǫ)x2ρ˜ǫ andǫσ(ǫ)∂x2u˜ǫhave been omitted.

In view of the previous subsection, see (1.9), (1.11) and (1.12) in particular, a formal calculation yields





u2+1 3





as the macroscopic equation for the creation - annihilation process generated byL :=Lo+βG∗. Assuming smoothness of the macroscopic solution, it would not be difficult to formulate and prove the statement in a rigorous manner. Let us remark that the flux F(u)u2 is neither convex nor concave, thus the structure of shocks developed by this equation is rather complex. It is important that the graph of F(u)u2 does not contain any linear segment, thus the uniqueness theorem of [CR00] applies. The relaxation scheme for (1.16) is less convincing than that of (1.15), it can be written as

∂tu˜ǫ+∂x(ρ˜ǫu˜ǫ2) +β ∂xJu∗(ρ˜ǫ, ˜) =0 ,

∂tρ˜ǫ+∂x(u˜ǫu˜ǫρ˜ǫ) = (2β/ǫ)C(ρ˜ǫ, ˜),


where C(ρ,u) = B(u,ρ)(F(u)ρ) with B(u,ρ) = (3/4)(F(u)ρ) 1/2 , see (1.5). As it has been stressed already in Section 1.1, in order to demonstrate relaxation ˜ρǫF), we have to

find an effective Liapunov function, possibly a Lax entropy for (1.13). Since(ρF(u))C(ρ,u)

2 The standard form,

tv+∂x(πv) =0 and∂tπ+∂x(v+π

2) =0 of the LeRoux system is obtained by substituting


−(1/2)(ρF(u))2, even H := (1/2)(ρF(u))2 seems to be an effective Liapunov function, see Section 1.1, and (1.2) in particular.

1.5. Thermodynamic entropy:Conservation laws play a fundamental role in the study of nonlinear hyperbolic systems, see [Ser00]or [Daf05]with references on the original work by Peter D. Lax. The functionS = S(ρ,u)of the state variablesρ,uR is aLax entropy withfluxΦ = Φ(ρ,u) for

asystem of two conservation laws,as the LeRoux system, if∂tS+∂xΦ =0 along classical solutions. Such a couple(S,Φ)is called aLax entropy - flux pair ;in case of (1.13) these are characterized by

Φ′ρ(ρ,u) =Su′(ρ,u)uSρ′(ρ,u),

Φ′u(ρ,u) = (1ρ)Sρ(ρ,u)2uSu′(ρ,u). (1.18)

Differentiating the right hand sides above with respect touandv, a linear wave equation

S′′u,u(u,v) = (1−ρ)S′′ρ,ρ(u,v)uSu′′,ρ(u,v) (1.19)

is obtained forS, which admits a rich class of solutions, cf.[Ser00].

An interesting example, the relative entropy ofλρ,uandλv,π at one site is defined as

S(ρ,u):= X s=0,±1


λρ,u[ωk=s] λv,π[ωk=s]


= ρ+u 2 log

ρ+u v+π+


2 log ρu

vπ+ (1−ρ)log 1ρ

1v .

By a direct computation

Sρ(ρ,u) =1 2log

ρ+u v+π+

1 2log

ρu vπ−log

1ρ 1v ,

Su(ρ,u) =1 2log

ρ+u v+π

1 2log

ρu vπ,


therefore the thermodynamic entropy satisfies (1.19), consequently it is really a Lax entropy for (1.13).

Let us demonstrate at an intuitive level that thermodynamic entropy might be an effective Liapunov function for our relaxation schemes. For this purpose the parameters v andπ should be specified such thatSu′(ρ,κρ) =0 in case of spin - flips, whileSρ′(F(u),u) =0 for creation and annihilation.

Choosingv=1/2 andπ=κ/2 in the definition ofS, we see that

Su′(ρ,u)(κρu)≤ −2(uκρ)2,

consequently the spin - flip dynamics exhibits relaxation to the Burgers equation. Although this problem has been solved already in[FN06]with another method, some remarks on this approach are added at the end of the paper.

To understand relaxation of creation and annihilation, set e.g. π= 0 and v = F(0) = 2/3 in the definition ofS, then

Sρ′(ρ,u) = 1 2log


4 −




whence by a direct computation

Sρ′(ρ,u)C(ρ,u)≤ −(1/4)C2(ρ,u)≤ −(1/16)(ρF(u))2,

which is the necessary bound for relaxation to (1.16).

Unfortunately, our probabilistic calculations presuppose that the underlying entropy has bounded first and second derivatives, therefore we have to look for something else. In Section 3 we show that, although it is not a Lax entropy,H(ρ,u):= (1/2) ρF(u)2

is an effective Liapunov function even for the microscopic system of creation and annihilation, while Hκ(ρ,u) := (1/2)(uκρ)2 applies in the case of spin flips. Computations are quite simple in both cases, but the results are not as good as possible. In case of the creation - annihilation process generated byL =L+σS , this statement can be improved a bit by means of a clever Lax entropy - flux pair, see Sections 1.6 and 5.6. The optimal result on the spin - flip dynamics is that of[FN06], cf. Section 5.7.

1.6. Main result: It is well known that (1.16) develops shocks in a finite time, and uniqueness of its weak solutions breaks down at the same time, thus we must be careful with definitions. A measurableu:R2

+7→[−1, 1]is a weak solution to (1.16) with initial valueu0(x) =u(0,x)if

Z ∞


Z ∞


(ψt(t,x)u(t,x) +ψx(t,x)(F(u(t,x))u2(t,x)))d x d t


Z ∞


ψ(0,x)u0(x)d x=0


for allψCc1(R2). Here and below a subscript “c“ refers to compactly supported functions,R+:= [0,+),R2

+:=R+×R, and Cco1(R2+)is the space of continuously differentiableψ:R2 7→R with

compact support in the interior ofR2

+. The notion of Lax entropy plays a fundamental role in the

study of weak solutions. A couple (h,J), h,JC1(R) is a Lax entropy - flux pair for (1.16) if

J′(u) = (F′(u)2u)h′(u), that is∂th(u) +∂xJ(u) = 0 along classical solutions; (h,J) is a convex

entropy - flux pairifhis convex. A locally integrableu(t,x)is aweak entropy solution to(1.16)with initial data u0 if (1.22) holds true forψCc1(R

2), and

Z ∞


Z ∞



ψt(t,x)h(u) +ψx(t,x)J(ud x d t ≥0 (1.23)

for all convex entropy - flux pairs (h,J) and compactly supported 0 ψCco1(R2

+). The scaled

density field of chargeωis defined as


Z ∞


Z ∞


ψ(t,x)(t,x)d x d t (1.24)

forψCc(R2), where(t,x) =ωk(t/ǫ)if|ǫkx|< ǫ/2 .

The initial conditions are specified in terms of a familyµǫ,0of probability measures, we are assuming




Z ∞


ϕ(x)(0,x)d x =

Z ∞


ϕ(x)u0(x)d x (1.25)

in probability for all ϕCc(R), where 1 u0 1 is a given measurable function. We are


Theorem 1.1. Suppose (1.25) and specify σ = σ(ǫ) and β = β(ǫ) such that ǫσ(ǫ) 0 while

ǫσ2(ǫ)+as0< ǫ→0 ,finallyǫσ2(ǫ)β−4(ǫ)+andǫσ2(ǫ)β2(ǫ)+asǫ→0 .Then


ǫ→0(ψ) =

Z ∞


Z ∞


ψ(t,x)u(t,x)d x d t

in probability for allψCc(R2);this u(t,x)is the uniquely specified weak entropy solution to(1.16)

with initial value u0.

Some remarks:The empirical processuǫshall be redefined in terms of block averages, in that case we get convergence in the strong local topology of L1(R), see Theorem 5.1.

It is quite natural to fix the value of β > 0 because it is a parameter of the basic model, our conditions mean thatβ(ǫ)can not be too small or too large. We can not improve the upper bound (growth condition) ofβ, it is needed to controlβjωk∗, andβG∗ηkin particular. However, the lower asymptotic boundǫσ2β2→ ∞ ofβ can be relaxed toσ(ǫ)β(ǫ)+by using a Lax entropy of (1.13) instead of the trivial Liapunov functionH = (1/2)(ρF(u))2, see Theorem 5.2 in the last section.

The relaxation of the spin - flip dynamics to the Burgers equation is discussed in Sections 5.4. In this case Hκ = (1/2)(uκρ)2 is a nice Liapunov function, but the result is weaker that that of [FN06]. We are sorry to tell that entropy is not really helpful here because, unlessκ=0 , we can not construct the required Lax entropy - flux pair of the LeRoux system.


An Outline of the Proof

As far as possible we follow the argument of [FN06], which is based on the stochastic theory of compensated compactness, while the necessary a priori bounds follow from the logarithmic Sobolev inequalities we do have forS andGκ. In fact, in[FN06]the second LSI is used to replace block

av-erages ofωkwith those ofκηk; in the present case this second step should consist in a replacement of block averages ¯ηl,kofηwithF(ω¯l,k), where ¯ωl,kdenotes the corresponding block average ofω. However, we do not have any effective LSI involvingG∗; the required replacement will be carried out by exploiting relaxation of the microscopic system.

2.1. Block averages: As it is more or less obligatory in the microscopic theory of hydrodynamics, first we rewrite the empirical process in terms of block averages. For l N and for any sequence

ξ indexed by Z we define two sequences of moving averages, namely ¯ξl = (ξ¯l,k : k ∈ Z) and ˆ

ξl= ( ˆξl,k:k∈Z)such that

¯ ξl,k:=






ξk+j and ξˆl,k:= 1





||j| −l|ξk+j. (2.1)

The usual arithmetic mean ¯ξl,k is preferred in computing canonical expectations, the reason for using the "more smooth" averages ξˆl,k is rather technical. 3 For convenience the size l = l(ǫ) of

3 Our a priori bounds are formulated in terms of block averages of type ¯ξ

l whenl is large. However, on the right

hand side of the evolution equation we see discrete gradients as below, and in contrast tol(ξ¯l,k+1−ξ¯l,k),l( ˆξl,k+1−ξˆl,k) =


ξl,k+1−ξ¯l,kl+1is still a difference of large block averages iflis large. This simple fact is most relevant when we have to


these blocks is chosen as the integer part of(σ2)1/4, then our conditions onσ=σ(ǫ)imply


ǫ→0 l(ǫ) σ(ǫ) =limǫ→0


l2(ǫ) =ǫlim0

ǫl2(ǫ) σ(ǫ) =ǫlim→0

σ(ǫ) ǫl3(ǫ)=ǫlim0


l3(ǫ) =0 , (2.2)

whileǫl2(ǫ)+asǫ→0 . Because of technical reasons we have to assume thatl(ǫ)exceeds a certain thresholdl0∈N. For convenience we may, and do assume thatǫl3(ǫ)≥σ(ǫ)≥l(ǫ)≥l0≥

1 .

Concerningβ=β(ǫ)we need



β(ǫ)l(ǫ) σ(ǫ) =ǫlim→0

ǫβ2(ǫ)l2(ǫ) σ(ǫ) =ǫlim→0




β(ǫ)σ(ǫ)=0 (2.3)

andǫβ(ǫ)l2(ǫ) + asǫ →0 ; the first and last relations are responsible for the conditions of Theorem 1.1. From now on the block size l = l(ǫ) is specified as above, and these relations will frequently be used in the next coming computations, sometimes without any reference.

Our first statements on HDL will be formulated in terms of a modified empirical process uˆǫ. It is defined as ˆ(t,x) := ˆωl,k(t/ǫ) if |xǫk| < ǫ/2 , and Pˆǫ denotes the distribution of uˆǫ; several

topologies can be introduced to study limit distributions of Pˆǫ as ǫ →0 . The usual Lp norm of a

measurable ψ : R2

+ is denoted by kψkp, and 〈ϕ,ψ〉 is the scalar product in L2(R2+). In general

kuˆǫk1 = +∞, therefore we have to localize convergence by multiplying with a test function φCco1(R2

+), say. Thelocal strong convergenceofψntoψin Lpmeans thatkφψnφψkp→0 for allφ, while thelocal weak convergence ψn * ψis defined by〈φ,ψn〉 → 〈φ,ψ〉wheneverφCco1(R

2 +).

The allowed class of test functionsφcan be enlarged by means of the Banach - Steinhaus theorem. Since |ˆ(t,x)| ≤ 1 for all (t,x) ∈ R2+, the set U of all realizations of the empirical process is

relative compact in the local weak topology ofL2(R2

+), thereforeU is a separable metric space, and

the family{ǫ:ǫ >0}is tight in this sense.

2.2. Measure - valued solutions: The notion of Young measure is a most convenient tool for the description of all limit distributions of our empirical processuˆǫ, cf. [Tar79], [Daf05]or [Ser00].

LetΘdenote the set of measurable families,θ of probability measuresθ ={θt,x(du):(t,x)∈R2+}

such thatθt,x is a probability measure on[−1, 1]for each(t,x)∈R2+, andθt,x(h)is a measurable function of(t,x)wheneverh:[1, 1]7→Ris measurable and bounded;θt,x(h)denotes expectation ofhwith respect toθt,x. We say thatθ∈Θis ameasure - valued solutionto the macroscopic equation ∂tu+∂xf(u) =0 with initial valueu0 if

Z ∞


Z ∞


ψt(t,x)θt,x(u) +ψx(t,x)θt,x(f(u))

d x d t


Z ∞


ψ(0,x)u0(x)d x=0


for all ψCc1(R2). A measurable function u : R2

+ 7→ [−1, 1] is represented by a family θ ∈ Θ

ofDirac measures such that θt,x is concentrated on the actual value u(t,x) of u; thisθ is called theYoung representation ofu. Therefore any weak solution is a measure - solution. On the other hand, any θ ∈ Θ can be identified as a locally finite measure mθ by d mθ := d t d xθt,x(du) on

X := R2


local weak topology. In view of the Young representation, our empirical processˆuǫcan be considered as a random elementmˆθ,ǫ of (X); letPˆǫ,θ denote its distribution. The family {Pˆǫ,θ :ǫ >0} is

obviously tight because the configuration space,Ωis compact; here and also later onPˆθ denotes the

set of weak limitsPˆθ :=limn→∞ǫ(n),θ obtainable asǫ(n)0 . In Section 4 we prove the following preliminary result.

Proposition 2.1. Any limit distributionθ Pˆθ of the Young representation ofˆuǫ is concentrated on a set of measure - valued solutions.

This is easy, but uniqueness of measure - valued solutions is rather problematic, see e.g. [Rez91] with further references. By means of the stochastic theory of compensated compactness, first we prove theDirac propertyof the limiting Young measure, which means that limit distributionsPˆθ


Pθ ofPˆǫ,θ are sitting on a set of measurable functions. Therefore we have convergence to a set of

weak solutions, and uniqueness of weak solutions to a single conservation law is a well settled issue.

2.3. Entropy production: The microscopic version of entropy productionXǫ=∂th+∂xJ is defined as a distribution: forψCc1(R2)and entropy - flux pairs(h,J)of (1.16) we introduce


Z ∞


Z ∞



ψt(t,x)h) +ψx(t,x)J)


d x d t. (2.5)

This follows by a formal integration by parts ifψCc1(R2

+)andψ(0,x) =0∀x ∈R. Calculating

the stochastic differential of


Z ∞


ψ(t,x)huǫ(t,x))d x

we get a martingale(t,ψ,h), see (4.2), such that

d Hǫ=

Z ∞


ψt(t,x)h)d x d t+ǫ−1LHǫd t+d Mǫ,


(ψ,h) =(0,ψ,h) +(ψ,h) +(ψ,h) +(∞,ψ,h) +(ψ,h), (2.6)

where,andare defined as follows. SinceL =Lo+βG∗+σS , we have=Loǫ+βLǫ∗+σLǫs

such that

Lǫq(ψ,h):= 1 ǫ

Z ∞


Z ∞


ψ(t,x)Aqh(t,x))d x d t,

q∈ {o,∗,s}andAo=Lo,A∗=G∗,As=S . Finally,


1 ǫ

Z ∞


Z ∞


ψ(t,x) J(t,x))−J(t,xǫ))

d x d t, (2.7)

while (ψ,h) is a numerical error due to the lattice approximation of the space derivative, see



absorbs the factorǫ−1ofL. This is the way of proving convergence to the set of measure - valued solutions, see the proof of Proposition 2.1 in Section 4.5. Compensated compactness is applied then to show the Dirac property of these measure - valued solutions, it is based on a delicate evaluation of entropy production for some couples of entropy - flux pairs.

2.4. Compensated compactness: In view of the stochastic version of the Tartar - Murat theory of compensated compactness, cf. [Fri01], [Fri04] or [FT04], we have to find a decomposition

Xǫ =Yǫ+Zǫ with the following properties. Yǫ=Yǫ(ψ,h)and Zǫ= Zǫ(ψ,h) are linear functionals ofψCc1(R2)such that

|(φψ,h)| ≤(φ)kψk+1 and lim

ǫ→0E(φ) =0 , (2.8)

|(φψ,h)| ≤(φ)kψk and lim sup ǫ→0

E(φ)<+∞ (2.9)

for eachφCco2(R2

+), wherekψkdenotes the uniform norm, andkψk+1is theH+1 norm ofψ, i.e.





2.(φ)and(φ)are random variables depending only onφand h. We say that a random functionalXˆǫ(ψ,h)is correctly decomposedif Xˆǫ= ˆ+ ˆ as summarized

above, i.e. Yˆǫ satisfies (2.8), while Zˆǫ satisfies (2.9). The stochastic version of the celebrated

Div-Curl Lemma reads as follows.

Proposition 2.2. Let (h1,J1) and (h2,J2) denote a couple of continuously differentiable entropy -flux pairs of (1.16), and suppose that both Xǫ(ψ,h1)and Xǫ(ψ,h2) are correctly decomposed. With probability one with respect to any limit distribution,θ ∈Pˆθ of the Young representation ofuˆǫ we have

θt,x(h1J2)−θt,x(h2J1) =θt,x(h1)θt,x(J2)−θt,x(h2)θt,x(J1) (2.10)

for almost every(t,x)R2


Our main task now is the verification of conditions (2.8) and (2.9) above. Most terms on the right hand side of (2.6) will be split into further ones, and we shall show in Section 4 that each of them satisfies either (2.8) or (2.9). The martingale component and the numerical error both vanish, but in a regime of shocksσ(ǫ)Lǫs 90 as ǫ 0 . The crucial part of the proof is to show that Lo

ǫ and Jǫ cancel each other, while Lǫ disappears when ǫ→0 . The logarithmic Sobolev inequality forS , and the relaxation mechanism induced by creation and annihilation are applied at these steps. The slightly sophisticated construction of the empirical process,uˆǫis also relevant.

A slightly simplified version of the proof yields lim supǫ0Xǫ(ψ,h)0 in probability ifhis convex andψ≥0 , whence by tightness of the family{Pǫ,θ :ǫ >0}we get the Lax inequality in terms of the Young measure. With probability one with respect to any limit distribution Pˆθ ∈Pˆθ of Pˆθ,ǫ we


Z ∞


Z ∞



θt,x(h)ψt(t,x) +θt,x(J)ψx(t,x)


d x d t≥0 (2.11)

whenever(h,J) is a convex entropy - flux pair and0ψCco1(R2


The Dirac property of the Young measure follows from (2.10) in several situations. Since we are considering a single conservation law, to prove convergence of the empirical process uˆǫ to a set

of weak solutions, it is sufficient to apply (2.10) to two entropy - flux pairs only. Leth1(u):≡ u, J1(u):=F(u)u2, andh2(u):=F(u)u2with the associated fluxJ2; it is defined byJ2(0) =0 and


Proposition 2.3. Suppose that the above couple of entropy - flux pairs satisfies(2.10), then any limit distributionθ Pˆθ of the Young measure is Dirac, i.e. it is concentrated on a set of measurable functions.

As a direct consequence we obtain (1.22) from Proposition 2.1, while (2.11) turns into the weak entropy condition (1.23), which imply uniqueness of the limit by Main Theorem of[CR00].

The verification of the conditions of Proposition 2.2 is mainly based on inequalities involving relative entropy and the associated Dirichlet form; the basic ideas go back to[GPV88], see also[Var94]and [Yau97] with further references. These computations are supplemented with an extension of the method of relaxation schemes to microscopic systems, see Lemma 3.6 and Sections 5.4 and 5.6. Since we are going to treat hydrodynamic limit in infinite volume, we have to control entropy flux by means of its rate of production, cf. [Fri90],[Fri01]and[FN06]for some earlier results in this direction. This a priori bound allows us to apply the robust LSI and the relaxation scheme of the microscopic process, see Lemma 3.3, Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 3.6. Most technical details of this estimation procedure have been elaborated in [Fri01], [Fri04] and [FT04]; [FN06] is our basic reference. First we substitute the microscopic time derivativeLohuǫ) with the spatial gradient of amesoscopic fluxdepending on the block averages ¯ηl,k and ¯ωl,k. The replacement of ¯ηl,k with its empirical estimator F(ω¯l,k) is based on the microscopic relaxation scheme, see Lemma 3.6 below, and also Section 5.6.


Entropy, Dirichlet Form, LSI and Relaxation

In this section we derive some fundamental estimates based on entropy and the associated Dirichlet forms. The parameters β, σand l are almost arbitrary here, their dependence on the scaling pa-rameterǫ >0 is not important. We only need β >0,σ≥1 andl N. We follow calculations of

[FN06]with slight modifications.

3.1. Entropy and its temporal derivative:Ifµandλare probability measures on the same space, then entropy of µ relative to λ is defined by S[µ|λ] := µ(logf) if µλ and f := dµ/dλ. A frequently used entropy inequality, µ(ϕ) S[µ|λ] +logλ() follows by convexity, and we have another definition of relative entropy:



µ(ϕ)logλ():λ()<+ ; (3.1)

ϕ=logf is the condition of equality. Note that

flog(g/f) =2f logpg/f 2pg f 2f = g f pgpf2 , (3.2)

whence another useful inequality,Eλ(pf 1)2S[µ|λ]follows immediately.

Given a Markov generatorA, theDonsker - Varadhan rate functionof large deviations is defined as




ψ : 0< ψ∈Dom(A)


; (3.3)


and (3.3), bothS andDare lower semi - continuous, convex functionals ofµ, and the definitions and relations above extend to conditional distributions and densities, too.

As a reference measure we can choose any of the equilibrium product measuresλ=λu with1<

u < 1 fixed, say u = 0 . At a level ǫ > 0 of scaling, µǫ,t denotes the evolved measure, µǫ,t,n is

Taking into account inequality (3.2), it is easy to recover the local Dirichlet forms from the segments −nk<nof the corresponding sums, the rest gives the so calledboundary terms.

3.2. Entropy flux:Our basic a priori bound on local entropy and Dirichlet forms is the content of


Proof. We have to estimate the boundary terms of∂tSn by means ofSn and its associated Dirichlet formsDqn. Following the lines of the proof of Lemma 3.1 in[FN06], we arrive at a system

∂tSn(t) +2βDn(t) +2σDn(t)≤K1 Sn+1(t)−Sn(t)




of differential inequalities with some universal constantK1. The cases of boundary term induced by LoandS are the same as in[FN06], the asymmetricLoyields the fluxSn+1−Snon the right hand side. When we estimate boundary terms induced byS, we are exploiting its following properties. The jump rates are constant, and the elementary actions,ωωball preserveλin a reversible way. SinceGpossesses all of these features, replacingωb withωb∗in the computations concerning the boundary terms induced byG, we get (3.4). This system can explicitly be solved by means of the following lemma, which is a simple generalization of Lemma 3 in[Fri90].

Lemma 3.2. Suppose that sn+1(t)≥sn(t)≥0 , un+1(t)≥un(t)≥0 , vn+1(t)≥ vn(t)≥0for t ≥0

and n∈N,moreover

dsn/d t+2βun+2σvnC(sn+1sn) +βKp(sn+1sn)(un+1un)


where0< β=O(σ), C,K >0and s0 =u0= v0 =0 . Then we have a constant, M depending on C and K such that for all t0 ,nNwe have

sn(t) +β

Z t



Z t



R +∞









where R:=M€t+ (n2+σt)1/2Š.

Proof. Just as in[Fri90], a clever cutoff function gn(r)can be defined by

gn(r) =

Z ∞


g(x/r)g(nx)d x

for n Z+ and r > 0 , where g(x) = 1 if |x| ≤1 , g(x) = g(x)signx if |x| ≥3 and g(x) =

−(1/2)g(x)(x −signx) otherwise. It is easy to check that 0 < gn(r)− gn+1(r) ≤ (2/r)gn+1(r)

if r 1 , moreover gn(r) gn+1(r) ≤ 2 min{gn(r),gn+1(r)}. Introduce now s(t,r) := ξ(t,r) if

ξn(t) =sn(t),u(t,r):=ξ(t,r)ifξn(t) =un(t)andv(t,r):=ξ(t,r)ifξn(t) =vn(t), where

ξ(t,r) = +∞




ξn(t) =




gn+1(r) ξn+1(t)−ξn(t)


Usingβun andσvn to estimate the corresponding square roots on the right hand side, we get


∂t +βu(t,r) +σv(t,r)≤M1






becauseβ=O(σ), consequently

s(t,r(t)) +β

Z t



Z t



provided that the decay ofr(t)is fast enough. More precisely, letr solver d r/d t+M1r+M1σ=0 with terminal conditionr(t) =n. Since r(0) =O(t+ (n2+σt)1/2)in this case, and gn(r)≥e−n/r ifr 1 , this completes the proof by a direct calculation.

Now we are in a position to complete the proof of Lemma 3.1. Since our reference measureλ0is the uniform distribution on{0, 1,1}2n+1,Sn(0)(2n+1)log 3 . Therefore choosingsn=Sn,un=Dn

andvn=Dn we see that (3.4) really implies Lemma 3.1.

This lemma is the fundamental a priori bound we need to materialize hydrodynamic limit in infinite volume. Sinceǫσ→0 , tτ/ǫand nr/ǫin its following consequences,(r+τ)is the order of the bound, andr+τif r,τ≥1 . To simplify formulae, from now on we are assuming that ǫσ≤1 andǫl3σl1 .

3.3. One block and two blocks estimates: The first replacement lemma for microscopic currents is based on the logarithmic Sobolev inequality for stirringS . Given ¯ωl,k=uand ¯ηl,k=ρ, let ¯λlρ,k,u denote the conditional distributions ofωk,ωk+1, ...,ωk+l−1with respect toλ. In view of Proposition

4 of[FT04], we have a universal constant,ℵsuch that

S[µ¯|λ¯ρl,k,u]≤ ℵl2 X


Z p


ρ,u() (3.5)

whenever ¯µλ¯l,k

ρ,u is a probability measure and f := dµ/¯ ¯ρl,k,u. It is very important thatℵdoes not depend on ρ,u,l and f. This LSI allows us to estimate canonical expectations via the basic entropy inequality. The moment generating part is also a conditional expectation, consequently its bound should be independent of the conditions. Let us remark that Lemmas 3.3, 3.4 and 3.6 are consequences of the local entropy bound Lemma 3.1, therefore methods of[FN06]work also in case of the creation - annihilation process, and the results are valid for the spin - flip dynamics, too.

Lemma 3.3. Letj(ω0,ω1)denote a given function,J(ρ,u):=λρ,u(j)andjk(ω):=j(ωk,ωk+1). We have a threshold l0∈Nand a universal constant C1depending only on C0andjsuch that

ǫ2 X


Z τ/ǫ


Z €


−1,k−J(η¯l,k, ¯ωl,k)


dµǫ,td tC1



whenever r,τ≥1andǫl3≥σll0.

Proof. In view of Lemma 3.1 the statement is more or less a direct consequence of the first inequality of Proposition 1 in [FT04], where notation is slightly different from ours. Lemma 3.2 of[FN06] treats the case ofjk=jηko, our problem is essentially the same.

This is a sharp form of the so called One Block Lemmaof[GPV88], the explicit rate due to LSI is needed for the evaluation of microscopic currents in the expression of the Lax entropy production

. The following comparison of block averages of type ξˆand ¯ξfollows also via LSI in much the


Lemma 3.4. We have a threshold l0 N and a universal constant C2 such that if r,τ 1 and


ǫ2 X


Z τ/ǫ


ξ2l,kdµǫ,td tC2 rτǫl2


whereξl,k= ˆωl,kω¯l,k,orξl,k= ˆηl,kη¯l,k,orξl,k= ˆωl,k+lωˆl,k.

The statement on block averages ofηis a direct consequence of Lemma 3.3 in[FN06], the bound for ξl,k= ˆωl,kω¯l,kcan be proven in the same way. The argument works even ifξl,k=ω¯l,k+mω¯l,k, or ξl,k = η¯l,k+mη¯l,k, but an integration by parts trick yields better results in these cases when

mis large. By means of the Cauchy inequality the deviation of blocks of different size can also be estimated.

Lemma 3.5. We have universal constants l0∈Nand C3<+such that if l0lm butǫl3≥σl and r,τ≥1 ,then

ǫ2 X


Z τ/ǫ



(ξ¯m,kξ¯l,k)2dµǫ,td tC3 rτǫm2



For block averages ofηthe statement is proven in[FN06], see Lemma 3.4 and Section 6 there, the case ofωis the same. To estimate the deviation of consecutive block averages, setm=2l. We see thatm=δpσ/ǫ,δ→0 is the maximal size of the bigger block, butǫσ→0 , thus large microscopic block averages can not be replaced with small macroscopic ones: a strong compactness argument in not available.

3.4. The first relaxation inequality:To complete the evaluation of entropy production, we have to replace ¯ηl,kwith its empirical estimatorF(ω¯l,k).

Lemma 3.6. For all r,τ≥1we have universal constants l0Nand C4<+such that

ǫ2 X


Z τ/ǫ


Z €




dµǫ,td tC4


rτσ βl2 +





Proof. Let us consider the evolution of



Z ∞


ψ(t,x)H(t,x))d x

along the modified empirical process


(t,x) = ρ¯ǫ(t,x), ¯(t,x)

:=€η¯l,k(t/ǫ), ¯ωl,k(t/ǫ)


if|xǫk|< ǫ/2 ,

where 0≤ψCc1(R2), andH(ρ,u):= (1/2) ρF(u)2

is our Liapunov function. Of course, the evolution of ¯vǫis governed byL, thus the Kolmogorov equation yields


H(t,ψ) =H¯(0,ψ) +¯I(t,ψt) +1 ǫ

Z t



where ¯Mǫ(t,ψ)is a martingale andI(t,ψt):=Rt

Here, and also later on, most calculations are done at the microscopic level. Since ¯ is a step

function, the integral mean,

notation and facts from Sections 1.2 and 1.3 may be used without any reference.

The first and second terms,EH¯(0,ψ) andE¯I(,ψt)on the right hand side of (3.6) are bounded; to evaluate the third one, let us consider its decomposition:

1 expandSH by means of the Lagrange theorem. From

H(η¯bl,k, ¯ωlb,k)H(η¯l,k, ¯ωl,k) =′,k(t)(η¯

whereBkis a quadratic form with bounded coefficients, we get ¯Lsǫ=R


andHρ′(ρ,u) =ρF(u), finally from (1.12)

However, due to some cancelations we have

−EΓρǫ(ψ)K(ψ) derivation of (3.7) reduces to these deterministic bounds by simple computations.

Indeed, ¯(0,ψ) and ¯(∞,ψt) are uniformly bounded, while ¯Lǫo(ψ) = O(1/ǫl), Gǫu(ψ) =

O(1/ǫl), Qsǫ(ψ) = O(ǫ−1l−2), Qρǫ(ψ) = O(1/ǫl) and Rρǫ(ψ) = O(1/ǫl). In the case of Rsǫ we

do discrete integration by parts to get


2). Summarizing these computations we get

(3.7) becauselσandβσ.

Remember now again that


andρF(u)≤ −2/3 . That is why we set of the lemma by a direct computation.

The full power of our tools has not been exploited in the proof of (3.7), it is possible to improve Lemma 3.6, thus also Theorem 1.1 a bit. Namely, the lower bound ǫσ2(ǫ)β2(ǫ) + can be replaced withǫσ2(ǫ)β3(ǫ)+asǫ→0 . We do not go into details because by means of a clever Lax entropy - flux pair a much better condition, σ(ǫ)β(ǫ)+can be proven, see Sections 5.5 and 5.6.


Estimation of Entropy Production

The main part of this section is devoted to the verification of the conditions of Proposition 2.2, first of all the components , , and of entropy production have to be evaluated. We are

assuming that h,J C2(R) with bounded first and second derivatives; J(u) = (F(u)2u)h(u)

is the relation of h and J. Our calculations are based on the a priori bounds of Section 3, the argument follows [FN06] with some modifications. Although hand J here are now functions of



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