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Depression in Shakespeare’s Hamlet


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor Degree of English Department Faculty of Arts and Humanities State Islamic University of SunanAmpel



Rendy Agus Stiawan

Reg. Number : A83212141








Aan, Rendy Agus 2016. Hamlet’s Depression in Shakespeare’s Hamlet”, English Department. Faculty of Letters and Humanities. States Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Sufi Ikrima Sa’adah, M.Hum

This thesis talks about depression. This thesis focuses on Hamlet as one of main character in this play. The aim of this thesis is to reveal the reason why Hamlet experience depression and to analyze the effect of depression in behavior. This thesis uses library research to collect the data and answer the problems.

The result of this thesis, shows that the main character in this play is Hamlet who is described as a melancholy, thoughtful person, tricky, rude, cool hearted, but also rational. He belongs to round and dynamic person. As the protagonist, Hamlet experiences two kinds of conflict, they are internal (person against himself) and external conflict (person against person, person against his environment). Hamlet experiences an internal conflict in the situation to believe his father's spirit or not. Hamlet also experiences external conflict against some people he knows, like Queen Getrude, his mother, King Claudius, his father's brother who got the throne as a king, Ophelia, Laertes, Ophelia's brother, even an external conflict between himself and women surrounding him. Finally, Hamlet's major depression caused by his revenge is disappears.

Finally, Hamlet's major depression caused by his revenge is disappears. Hamlet turns from a depressed person into a rational person again. At the end of the play, Hamlet dies as a rational person, together with Getrude, and Laertes.

Key Words: New Criticism, psychology, depression, tragic.




Aan, Rendy Agus 2016. Hamlet’s Depression”, Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Sufi Ikrima Sa’adah, M.Hum

Penelitian ini membahas tentang depresi yang ada pada novel hamlet karya Shakespeare. Penelitian ini focus kepada Hamlet sebagai karakter utama di dalam novel. tujuan dari penulisan ini untuk mengungkapkan alas an kenapa Hamlet mengalami depresi dan menganalisa efek dari sifat depresi. Penelitian ini menggunakan penilitian kepustakaan untuk mengoleksi data dan menjawab masalah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakter utama di dalam drama ini adalah Hamlet, pangeran dari Denmark, memiliki sebuah objektivitas untuk menganalisa deprei yang dialami oleh Hamlet sebagai pelaku protagonis. Hamlet mengalami dua jenis konflik, yaitu internal dan external. Hamlet mengalami konflik perlawanan internal dalam situasi kepercayaan dengan ayahnya. Hamlet juga mengalami konflik perlawanan eksternal, seperti ke ratu Getrude ibunya, raja Claudius, saudara bapaknya yang sekarang menjadi raja. Ophelia, Laertes, saudara Ophelia, bahkan menjadi konflik eksternal antara dirinya dan seseorang di sekitarnya. Akhirnya, Hamlet mengalami depresi berat yang disebabkan oleh dendam.

Kata Kunci: New Criticism, psychology, depression, tragic.  




Inside cover Page ... i

Inside Title Page ...ii

Declaration Page ... iv

Advisor’s Approval Page ... v

Examiner’s Approval Page ... vi

Motto ...vii

Dedication Page ... viii

Acknowledgements ... ix

Table of Contents ... xi

Abstract ... xiv

Intisari ... xv


1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 5

1.2.1 Why does Hamlet get depression in his life ... 5

1.2.2 What are the effects of his toward his personality and his family members ... 6

1.3 Purpose of the study ... 6

1.3.1 To reveal the reason why Hamlet experience of depression ... 6

1.3.2 To know the causes and Effect of Hamlet’s depression ... 6


Chapter I


1.1 Background of the study

Learning is not just about math, science, or language. Sometime we must

learn about culture, love, politic, criminal, social, and the other. Internet,

television and radio all these instruments help us to increase our experience of

learning, of going place, and of doing things in our imagination that we might

have a chance to do otherwise. Long argue that literature is one way to understand

the world around us through our imagination. Literature is a document that holds

an expression of human life that is poured in the beautiful words and is a

manifestation of emotions, thoughts, aspirations and experiences experienced by

humans (8).While Jones say literature includes all written material such as, history

books, philosophical works, novels, poems, plays, scientific articles, dictionaries,

instructional manuals, travel folders, magazines, and school textbooks. (Jones1).

In the world of literature, there are many works that can be discussed, such

as novel, poetry, and drama. “Literature is the expression of life in words of truth

and beauty. It is the written record of man’s spirit, of his thought, emotions,

aspirations, it is the history and the only history, of the human soul” (Long 8).

Some issues relating to human’s life are usually discussed in literary works

combined with artistic skill, thought and emotions of the authors. Author’s artistic

skill will make the literary work become beautiful so that the readers might enjoy


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The writer is interested in talking about play because it has its own

elements different from other literary work. Most types of literature, including

novels, short story and poems are written to be read, usually in silence by a

solitary reader (Carlson 2). In drama, the words are mainly dialogue; people

talking is the basic dramatic action (Reinert 9). (Carlson 2) also state that although

works of drama, called plays, are often read in this manner, they are created

primarily to be presented in public by a group of performers, each of whom

pretends to be one of the character in the story the play is telling.

So, in the play, the characters are the narrators of the story telling by

themselves what they though what they feel and what happens to them. The

character are free to express their feelings, emotions and thoughts according to the

roles they are characters. And audiences or readers can know the event and the

issue of the play through their performance. Furthermore, the readers can directly

track the conversation spoken by the characters so that the readers can guess or

interpret the traits of the characters by reading or watching the play. The readers

also might enjoy the conflict among the characters from their conversations and

they will know how the characters way of expressing their anger directly from

what they are talking about.

One type of drama is tragedy. A tragedy is a type of drama where the

characters go through some form of suffering (Carlson 7). Most definitions of

tragedy that we use today come from some parts of the work The Poetics written

by the philosopher Aristotle. In the simplest terms, Aristotle defined tragedy as a


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evoking feelings of pity and fear in the audience. This feeling, which Aristotle

called catharsis, helps the audience move beyond the feelings of pity and fear to

find peace by the end of the play (Gremmler 34). According to (Carlson 9), a

tragedy is dominated by a serious tone, concern kings and princes, deals with

profound issues and usually concludes with the death of the leading character.

Tragedy remained the genre used most often to explore the profound philosophic

question of good evil and humankind’s place in the universe.

However a tragedy is more than just a play about suffering. In the poetics,

Aristotle explains that the plot in a tragedy is more than just the story itself; it is

the arrangement of the incidents, or chain reaction of cause and effect events, that

happen in the story. The plot is the most important piece of the tragedy and,

according to Aristotle, should be whole, with a beginning, middle and end. But, he

also believed that the plot must have unity of action, where all of the events are

dependent on the previous and lead to the next. Because they are all tied together,

and usually to the same person, this creates unity.

Aristotle states, tragedy as a whole must have six elements which make it

what it is: they are plot structure, style, spectacle, lyric poetry, character, thought.

(Gremmler, 38). Based on the datation Aristotle puts plot in tragic, as important

element. Because without plot, the reader cannot know what happen in the story.

Tragedy as “an imitation of an action that is serious complete and of a certain

magnitude, (Kimmcy, 4). Aristotle admired, the action has been clear in

beginning, middle, and the end. And he relate the action here as the action in life.


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The next important element after plot is character. He makes moral

ambiguity the essence of tragedy; the tragic hero must be neither a villain nor a

virtuous man but a character between these two extreme (Lechter & smith 1). He

must be one who comes to his misfortune because of some weakness or error in

judgment (Kimmcy 5). So, the character experience a tragic flaw leading him to

his downfall that later on causes audience pity and fear for the hero’s tragic fate.

And the action of plot is the way to know the characterization and the effect, can

influence audiences’ state of emotion.

The thesis writer choses Shakespeare’s work to be analyzed because he is

great playwright and poet. Who had a unique view of the world that was advanced

for his time. He saw the minor details and noticed things a lot of other people

would have missed that may seem confusing to us in present day but the

underlying stories are brilliant pieces of literature. Shakespeare is not just famous

in his home country England, but also worldwide. It is because his works have

been inviting many attention and criticism from many writers. TS Elliot, for

instance considers Hamlet as Mona Lisa ‘of literature (Essay on Hamlet 57)

Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is about the prince’s efforts to carry out his

father’s message of revenge. Along his way for revenge, Hamlet is always

overwhelmed by his weaknesses that disable him to act and lead him into

depression. He has dilemma by speculating his actions he should take that

afterward generates his inner conflict. In addition, he also too much makes

excuses for the sake of running away from problems so that he often delays his


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Hamlet is the main character of this play. As prince of Denmark, he must

deal with some problems in his life that makes his mind have full of confusion,

doubt and uncertainty. Furthermore, his inability to accept reality seems to put

him in deeper grief. Unfortunately, he has difficulty to cope with his problems.

The hardest responsibility he must carry out is to take revenge against his uncle.

He is always speculating but is unable to make decision since he is full of inner

conflict that prevents him to take actions. Being overwhelmed with such barriers,

he gets depressed and, worse, it leads his behavior to act improperly.

The topic of this study is about depression. The writer realizes that

depression is one of psychological problems that is often suffered by people

nowadays. Inability to accept the reality as it is and the nature of human

weaknesses can be one of the factors that will be able to generate depression in

real life.

People have many different ways to cope with their weaknesses. In

Hamlet, Shakespeare portrays how the great prince’s reaction to cope with his

problems. His inability to accept the fact of his father’s death and his mother’s

remarriage leaves unpleasant felling inside Hamlet. Further, his weaknesses,

harshness and hesitation, always prevent him to act. It leads him to suffer from

depression. The way Hamlet overcomes his depression is very tragic. Thus, the

writer intends to analyze a character that is unable to handle himself as he gets

depressed. Instead of performing certain actions, he tries to escape from his

unpleasant feeling that makes him perform certain strange behavior that other


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depression in terms of its effects. From that topic we can learn about, how when

we must be patient we get into trouble. Because people in this world are nothing a


1.2 Statement of the problem

Hamlet, the main character in this play, experiences depression. Therefore,

the writer curious to know

1.2.1 Why does Hamlet get depression in his life.

1.2.2 What are the effects of his toward his personality and his family


1.3 Purpose of the study

In this study, the writer intends to explain and to answer the problem study

above by giving detailed explanation in order:

1. To reveal the reason why Hamlet experience of depression.

2. To know the causes and Effect of Hamlet’s depression in Shakespeare’s


1.4Significance of the study

One of the significance of the study, is to give fact to the readers about

depression in terms of its causes and effect, and the thesis writer hopes that the

readers will get some benefits. Theoretically, the thesis writer hopes the readers

will have more interest in William Shakespeare works especially in The Tragedy


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thesis, the readers will have further view of depression especially about the causes

and the results of the depression. Practically, the readers can be aware of the

causes and the result of the depression and when they are depressed. They will be

able to overcome their depression.

1.5 Scope and limitation

The scope of this study is the depression in terms of its causes and effects

on the behaviors. The discussion is limited on Hamlet, the main male character in

Shakespeare’s Hamlet play. Furthermore. To make clear in this analysis the writer

uses psychology concept of depression as supporting theory to analysis.

1.6 Method of the study

1.6.1 Research Design

In here the writer uses library research to collect the data and answer the

problems. Library research is called qualitative research in which the data are in

the form of text, written word, phrase or symbols; it concerned with any numbers

(Neuman in Wigayanti 8). This study uses The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of

Denmark Written by William Shakespeare. Thus, through qualitative methods the

study want to get valid description about the character personality in the drama.

Based on the problems above, this study uses the psychoanalysis depression

theory, as the literary tool.

1.6.2 Data


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a. Main data

The main data are taken from William Shakespeare drama The Tragedy of

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark which consist of his memoir.

b. Supporting data

The study uses the theory which related to the topic, such as

psychoanalysis depression theory. Afterwards, there are some journal and article

or another book to supporting the data

1.6.3 Data collection

To get the data, the study uses literary approach to explain the topic under

discussing. First, the study read the text of drama. Taken some note to collecting

the valid data, then read it carefully and analyze the text of drama act by act in


1.6.4 Data analysis

In analyzing the data, the study identifies and classifies the problems

which deals with the purpose of the study in his thesis. The thesis writer is going

to apply psychology concept of depression as supporting theory analysis.

Hopefully by using these psychology concept of depression, the writer will be

able to answer the questions mentioned in the statement of the problems

1.7 Organization of the study

The thesis writer divides his thesis into four chapters. The first chapter


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study, significance of the study, scope and limitation, method of the study,

organization of the study. In the second chapter is review of related theory used in

analysis and review of related study. The third part is the discussion in which the

writer applies with theory to the analysis of the causes of Hamlet depression and

the effect of it in his action. Finally, at the end of the discussion, the writer

concludes all the discussion in the last chapter



Chapter II

Literature review

2.1 Theoretical Framework

Here, the writer applies new criticism which is supported by psychological

concept of depression to reveal the main character’s depressions in terms of its

causes and effect. New criticism serves as to explore elements of drama in order

to know it theoretically and to have better understanding of it. The elements

mentioned above are including characterization and conflict. According to the

writer, characterization is the most influential element in analyzing a play,

because it helps the reader to figure out the character’s traits. Besides that, conflict

cannot be separated from the characters because people will always face a conflict

in real life. In addition, the writer also applies psychological concept of

depression. It is useful tool to go more deeply into human psychological and to

understand certain behavior caused by certain psychological problems

2.1.1 New Criticism

The New Criticism is an Anglo-American variety of Formalism that

emerged in the early decades of the twentieth century and dominated teaching and

scholarship until the early 1960s (Castle 122). It emphasizes explication, or ”close

reading” of “the work itself.” In close reading, one examines a piece of literature

closely, seeking to understand its structure, looking for patterns that shape the

work and connect its parts to the whole, and searching for uses of language that


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The authors interpret their though into the text itself. “The reader response

can see the author’s intention by language of text itself; its images, symbols,

metaphors, rhyme, meter, point of view, setting, characterization, plot, and so

forth, which, because they form, or shape, the literary work are called its formal

elements” (Tyson, 134).

Furthermore, in this literary theory, the thesis writer will discuss

characterization in the scope of New Criticism in this thesis analysis. In the theory

of characterization, the thesis writer will present the definition of characterization

as well as the methods of the characterization that help the writer doing his

analysis. In this study the writer discusses about character and characterization

because character and characterization have correlation with the drama.

a. Characterization

The foundation of a good drama is character creating and nothing else. It

means that a drama will not be built if it has no character in it. According to

Robert, character is an author’s representation of human being, specifically of

those inner qualities that determine how an individual reacts to various condition

or attempts to shape his or her environment (54). Harmon and Holman, in A

Handbook to Literature, define characterization as the creation of these imaginary

persons that they exist for the readers as life like (81). So, it is the author skills

that play a role in emerging fictional characters authentically. Characterizations

has also functions as the tools to provide description about character traits. Just as

Perrine states that, characterization is literary device that is used by the author to


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characterization technique is significant in attracting the readers and to

communicate with the readers about the story. Therefore, a good characterization

would indirectly invite the readers to share what happen with the characters in the

story and to feel what the characters feel. There will be no stories without the

existence of characters because character develop a story, a plot, and a theme.

Character will make a story readable and lively and through characters, an

author conveys his idea and his massage. Here, character refers to the creation and

image of an imaginary person. Without interesting character, the drama loses its

emotional impact or in the other word, the reading experience becomes personal

through character. The more intimate the contact with character, the more

emotional the reader will react. However, the interest that the reader has in the

character of a story is not the kind interest that can be satisfied with a mere

description such as would be given in character sketch in an essay, for a story is

an account of characters in action. Through characterization, people can “see

what character do and hear what they say; people sometimes know what the

characters think, and what other people say about the characters” (Bennet 18).

Furthermore, there are two techniques of characterization, direct

presentation and indirect presentation. Robert. A. Bennet in his book Types of

Literature, states there are “five basic methods of character presentation”—the

indirect methods, which is authorial interpretation, and the direct methods, which

are appearance, action speech, and thought (19). Bennet further explains that, In

direct presentation, the author describe the character’s personality and trait


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Meanwhile, indirect presentation is a technique in which the author does not

simply give description of character’s traits. Instead, he implicitly illustrates the

character’s traits through his actions, conversation or other character’s point of

view. What the characters say and do begins to make sense only as we learn more

about them, (Reinert 19). By means of using this technique of characterization, the

author expects that it will enable the readers to figure out the characteristics of the

actors and actresses.

Having learned the theory of characterization, the writer regards it as

important tool to complete the analysis. It gives the foundation in analyzing the

character of this play. In applying this theory in Hamlet, the writer is going to

observe Hamlet’s action, speech, thought and dialogue to gain apparent

description of Hamlet’s traits since he gets depressed. This theory is useful to

observe what kind of person Hamlet is that he can get depressed when he faces

problems. Moreover, it will provide evidence with reliable data related to the topic

of this study.

b. Plot

The reader may be interested in character in the element of story, so the

writer wants things to move happened. The writer called it is a plot. Actually, plot

is the action of the story and it is the sequence of events involving the characters.

In addition, plot is the sequence of events showing characters in conflict. This

sequence is not accidental but is chosen by the author as the best way of telling his

or her story (Luken.97). Dietch states that “plot is the series of actions or conflicts


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action, but also words and thoughts”. Moreover, Tomlison and Brown, say that

plot refers to the sequence of events or action in a story. A good plot produces

conflict to build the excitement and suspense that are needed to keep the reader

involved (22).

Furqonul and Hasim define that plot is the sequence of story or event that

is organized. Plot is found in novel not in human life. Life has a story, but novel

has a story and plot (68). Plot is the events that makes up the story, particularly as

they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect,

how the reader views the story, or by coincidence.

According to Luken plot is more than sequence of actions or conflict. It is

also the pattern of those actions (106). Gustav Freytag define plot in a narrative

structure is divided into five parts. These part are expotision, rising action, climax,

falling action, and resolution.


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a) Exposition

The exposition introduces all of the main characters in the story. It shows

how main characters relate to one another, what their goals and motivations are,

and the kind of person they are.

The audience may have questions about any of these things, which get

settled, but if they do have them they are specific and well-focused questions.

Most importantly, in the exposition the audience gets to know the main character,

and the main character gets to know his or her goal and what is at stake if he fails

to attain his or her goal. This phase ends, and the next begins, with the

introduction of conflict.

b) Rising Action

Rising action is the second phase in Freytag's five-phase structure. It starts

with the death of the characters or a conflict. Generally, in this phase the

protagonist understands his goal and begins to work toward it. Smaller problems

thwart his initial success, and in this phase the progress is directed primarily

against these secondary obstacles. This phase shows us how he overcomes these


Thus, at the end of this phase and at the beginning of the next he is finally

in a position to go up against his primary goal. This part begins after the

exposition. It consists of a beginnings of a tension or complication that continues


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c) Climax

The point of climax is the turning point of the story, where the main

character makes the single big decision that defines the outcome of their story and

who they are as a person. The dramatic phase that Freytag called the 'climax' is the

third of the five phases, which occupies the middle of the story, and that contains

the point of climax. Thus "the climax" may refer to the point of climax or to the

third phase of the drama.

The beginning of this phase is marked by the protagonist finally having

cleared away the preliminary barriers and being ready to engage with the

adversary. Usually, entering this phase, both the protagonist and the antagonist

have a plan to win against the other. Now for the first time we see them going

against one another in direct, or nearly direct, conflict.

This struggle results with neither character completely winning, nor

losing, against the other. Usually, each character's plan is partially successful, and

partially foiled by their adversary. What is unique about this central struggle

between the two characters is that the protagonist makes a decision which shows

us his moral quality, and ultimately determines his fate. In a tragedy, the

protagonist here makes a bad decision, which is his miscalculation and the

appearance of his tragic flaw. The climax often contains much of the action in a

story, for example, a defining battle.


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Freytag called this phase "falling action" in the sense that the loose ends

are being tied up. However, it is often the time of greatest overall tension in the

play, because it is the phase in which everything goes most wrong.

In this phase, the villain has the upper hand. It seems that evil will

triumph. The protagonist has never been further from accomplishing the goal. For

Freytag, this is true both in tragedies and comedies, because both of these types of

play classically show good winning over evil. The question is which side the

protagonist has put himself on, and this may not be immediately clear to the


e) Resolution

In the final phase of Freytag's five phase structure, there is a final

confrontation between the protagonist and antagonist, where one or the other

decisively wins. This phase is the story of that confrontation, of what leads up to

it, of why it happens the way it happens, what it means, and what its long-term

consequences are. This means it is the end in story.

c. Conflict

Another important elements of drama is conflict. According to Brooks,

conflict is what makes a story (3). Without conflict, there is no story. Harmon and

Holman define conflict as struggle that grows out of interplay of the two opposing

forces in a plot (107). Meanwhile, Reinert states that, conflict is the elements in

the plot that creates suspense (23). Conflict is significant to make drama exciting.

Without conflict the story would have been dull and uninteresting. In creating


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readers that there is always clash in life. Just like in real life, characters in drama

will also have interactions with other characters that certainly have different traits

and opinions. So, conflict may occur and enlarge together with the story. It will

also reach its climax in certain occasion and put an end of the story.

There are some different types of conflict. Reinert divides conflict into

man against god, man against nature (a mountain, the sea, hunger), man against

society, man against man, and man against himself, represent (in rough terms) the

five main kinds of conflict (24). Based on explanation above, conflict can be

classified into two main categories, internal and external conflict. As Holman and

Harmon also states that, they are external problem/physical and internal/

emotional (107). The struggle between man against god, nature, society, and

another man is considered to be external conflict. In addition man against himself

is considered to be internal or inner conflict. According to Muller in Introduction

to literature, an internal conflict may take the form of a mental struggle in which

the main character tries to make difficult decision or overcome a fear or in other

words, his struggle or opposition takes place inside the minds of the character

(44). In addition, Holman and Harmon adds that internal conflict, if it occurs

within the character himself, he battles with some elements of his own personality


Internal conflict also sometimes called the emotional conflict because this

conflict is something people cannot really see. It is something inside the character.

Due to the case, the writer uses Hamlet to know inner conflict happens to the main


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depression and to know how he copes with it. Combined with the characterization

theory, both will enable the writer to understand the character of Hamlet.

2.1.2 Psychology Aspect

Psychology comes from Greek “psyche” means the soul, and “logos”

means the science. Therefore, in Indonesia language is defined as a science of the

soul. According to Drever “Psychology as a branch of science, psychology has

been defined in various way (227), Walgito say, the particular method of approach

adopted or field of study proposed by the individual psychologist” (5).

Wellek and Warren suggests four models of the psychological approach,

which is associated with the author, the creative process, literature, and readers

(82). In Nyoman say the psychological approach is basically related to the three

main indication, they are the author, literary work, and readers, with the

consideration that the psychological approach is more out in touch with authors

and literary works (61).

The goal of psychology is the goals of any science to describe, explain,

predict, and control the phenomena that are its subject matter. However,

psychology has demonstrated that some of the rules that everyone learn from


In psychology approach uses some steps that must be done by the writer

uses psychological approach of literature, there are: firstly, this approach

emphasize on intrinsic element of novel such as character and characterization.

Secondly, the writer needs to study about the theme of novel. Thirdly, analysis of


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Reconsidering the relationship between psychologies with literary work in

the term of its intrinsic element, this thesis attempts to discuss character as one of

intrinsic element of literary work which is then analyzed in the term of the

psychological aspect. Thus, the thesis is basically the studying depression as it

happens in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Therefore, the thesis writer is going to apply

the theory of depression as the main theory which is needed to make the analysis.

a. Depression

In studying Hamlet, it is significant to understand the meaning of

depression. In this analysis, depression has important role in terms of its causes

and effect since it is suffered by Hamlet, the character of this play.

Depression is a normal response to life stresses, says Brennecke (138).

Depression is painful and no one likes it, but still it is the normal response to the

stresses in lives. Grace Ketterman in her book Depression Hits Every Family says

that “Depression is a complex mixture of anger, sadness, helplessness, guilt,

remorse, and some time hopelessness” (19). In other words, it means that

depression can be caused by anger, sadness, and helplessness. Furthermore, Rita

Atkinson in her book Introduction to Psychology says that there are some cases

which cause depression, such as: failures in lives, the loss of the love one, anger,

guilty feeling and rejection (463).

Atkinson explains further that failures in lives can make a person

depressed (463). Narramore states that, a person who fails usually lost his spirit in


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person who has failed for many times will feel depressed easily. Usually a

depressed person will feel unworthy and inadequate to do something. In the

Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet is the one who experiences failures, especially

when he wants to revive his mother, but he cannot due such thing. This failure

happens for several time: therefore, it makes him depressed.

Another thing that causes depression is anger. Brennecke in his book

psychology and Human Experience says that there are two ways of expressing

anger (81). The first way is by turning the rage inward. It means that the person

cannot let the anger out so that he turns his anger in on himself. If the things go

wrong, the person will blame himself for all things that have happened to him.

When the anger grows bigger, the person will be depressed. The second’s way of

expressing anger is by attacking the individual or the object that causes the

depression. Usually a person who does this is a person who has tried several ways

to handle his hostile feeling; unfortunately, he fails in handling his feeling so that

he expresses it through negative action such as: burning, killing, or raping the

object which makes him angry or even convert his anger into destructions such as


The other thing that causes depression is guilty feeling. Atkinson argues

that, guilty feeling and depression are almost inevitable (466). It usually occurs to

a person who has done some mistakes in his life, especially when the person is

involved in the events that cause the death of his beloved. A person who has

guilty feeling will think that he deserves to get punishment. It makes him unable


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Hamlet is main character who have guilty feeling in their lives so that both

characters feeling depression.

Beside failures in lives, the loss of the loved one, anger, and guilty feeling,

rejection and lack of love are the other factors which cause depression. Rejection

and lack of love are related to each other. Atkinson explains further that, a

depressed person usually experience the loss of parental affection when he was a

little child; therefore, his behavior usually represents s cry for love or affection

(Atkinson 465). Those who have been rejected for many times will depressed

easily. This fact is expressed in Hamlet Shakespeare, through Hamlet who

experiences rejection from his mother, but he get love from Ophelia. Although

Hamlet wants to resuscitate his mother, but always rejection. And makes Hamlet


Consequently, depression may bring some effects in a depressed person’s

life, such as: isolating himself from other people, feeling exhausted and

disinterested in life (Atkinson 463). Isolating himself is one of the result of

depression. It means that the person isolated himself from other person. In other

word, it means that the person does not want to be related with other people, he

wants to spend his time alone and he wants to be free from other people. Another

effect of depression is feeling of exhausted and disinterested in life. The person

who depressed thinks that his life is not happy and he feels reluctant to do

anything in his life for he thinks that everything will be useless and his condition


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To sum up the theoretical Framework, this psychological concept of

depression will support this analysis. It will give obvious description of

psychological problems, which is depression, to facilitate the analysis on Hamlet’s

psychological states. Besides, the writer also uses this concept to reveal Hamlet’s

feeling in facing his problems that leads him into depression. Moreover, this

concept will explain depression in terms of its causes of sources and effect

through his behavior

b. Types of Depression

In Psychology and Life: fourteenth edition, Philip and Richard divide the

types of depression into unipolar depression and bipolar depression as follow:

1. Unipolar depression

It also called major depression, which is the most common type of

depression. Depression has been characterized as the “common cold of

psychopathology”, both because it occurs so frequently and because

almost everyone has experienced elements of the full-scale disorder at

some time in their life. Everyone has at one time or another, experienced

grief after loss of a loved one or felt sad or upset when failing to achieve a

desired goal.

2. Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is characterized by periods of severe depression

alternating with manic episodes. During which the individual feels


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feels thwarted in some way. During a manic episodes, a person often

experiences an inflated sense of self-esteem or an unrealistic belief that he

or she possesses special abilities or powers. The person may fell a

dramatically decreased need to sleep and may engage excessively in work

or in social or other pleasurable activities.

c. Characteristic of Depression

Philip and Richard in Psychology and Life: fourteenth edition, determine

the characteristic of clinical depression. They are:

1. Despotic mood

It is constant feelings of sadness, hopeless, loss of interest or pleasure in

almost all usual activities, loss of energy, felling tired despite lack of


2. Appetite disturbance

Depression can influence change in appetite, with the significant weight

loss or weight gain. A depressed person does not want to eat something or

any kinds of food. He is losing his appetite. It usually happens to woman.

3. Motor activity

Restlessness or felling slowed down. Physical functioning become slow

and awkward or, in severe case, movement may be absent for long periods.

Similarly, facial expression may appear fixedly glum and despondent.

With agitation, considerable anxiety is combined with restlessness, and


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4. Concentration

Diminished ability to think or concentrate, forgetfulness, decreased ability

to make decisions or concentrate. Sometimes he will be confused about

what he has to do when he must make decisions (James.C.Johnson.147)

5. It is such a felling worthlessness, self-reproach, hopeless or guilt. One will

feel desperate and fells that there is nothing to struggle in his life anymore.

There is nothing to do in his life. Past achievements come to be dismissed

as “nothing special”, and unachieved goals are the subject of much

self-reproach, irrespective of circumstance. Previous events involving errors of

judgment or mistakes are held up as evidence of the patient worthlessness

and guilt and, as a depression increase, a guilt and the feeling of

worthlessness can become delusional in intensity.

6. Felling it is impossible to reach God

One feels that the god is not fair to him. One thinks that god has left and

forgot him. One stops to pray to him.

7. Suicidal thought

It means recurrent think of death, suicidal idea or attempt. Often they will

say that they would be better off if they were dead. Some depressed people

do in fact fall themselves

2.1.3 Review of related of the study

This part presents some related studies which have been done previously.

The first reviewed previous study was conducted by Erna Kurnia Almiah (2016)


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Analysis of The Problem Effect in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The second previous

study was conducted by Anggun Nur Rohma (2007) from Tujuh Belas Agustus

University Surabaya, English Department, under the title An Analysis of Ophelia

Character in Hamlet Shakespeare’s with Feminism Theory.

Referring to the first previous study entitled An Analysis of The Problem

Effect in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, discusses the effect of characters, not only

Hamlet but all character in drama. And the previous study here, uses theory

personality such as id, ego, and super ego to strengthen her opinion in her thesis.

Discussing about the similarity and difference, this previous study has a similarity

on the discussion of two characters: King Claudius and Hamlet. However, this

previous study and this study have a difference that the previous study only

focuses on the problem effect in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and this study focuses on

causes and effect in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Furthermore, the second previous study entitled An Analysis of Ophelia

Character in Hamlet Shakespeare’s with Feminism Theory, focuses on character,

because she wants to grow up her opinion about the strong woman in her thesis

especially about Ophelia character, and why Ophelia is interested with Hamlet

character. Actually the writer is interested with her thesis, because her thesis” is

very good in structural language, theory, critics, opinions and others. In the term

of similarity, the second previous study and this study has a similarity that both

studies discuss the same topic: character. Besides, both studies similarly discuss


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available on the application of the theory. The previous study applies for feminism

theory, and this study applies for psychological aspect in the scope of psychology.

For overall similarity and difference, what makes the research different from

the previous studies is because this thesis only focuses on Psychology concept on

depression, its causes and its effects. Furthermore, the writer also uses literary

approach through literary device called characterization. Because, through





In this chapter the thesis writer analyses the effect on his behavior and the

causes of Hamlet’s depression. The thesis writer learns that there are several

problems causing Hamlet’s depression; those are both coming from other people and

himself. Hamlet feels disappointed upon his mother’s unfaithfulness, he feels anguish

upon his father’s death, and he feels worthless when he fails to carry out his father

message. Besides, the need to act is always prevented by his conscience that causes

his inner conflict. Those continuous unpleasant conditions seem to convince Hamlet

of his inability and failure and thus it leads him into depression. The effect of his

depression is reflected on his inward behavior. Hamlet chooses to perform the

tendency into self-blaming and run away from reality because he is overwhelmed by

his problems and negative feelings.

a. The Characters of Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Before analyzing the causes and effects, the writer wants to introduce some

characters in order the readers understand easily in understanding this analysis. Hall

says Character is an imagined person in a story, whom we know from the words we

read on the page (47). Furthermore, according to Beaty, character is someone who

acts, appears, or is referred to as playing an apart in the literary work (102). While


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The major character in the novel “Shakespeare’s Hamlet” ideally each main

character, sometimes called the protagonist, and it will be fully described, complex

individual who processes both hood and bad traits. (Carl and Carol25). Protagonists

generally the roundest, most fully developed character in a work of fiction. According

to Gordon and Kuehner, the protagonist may also be the most sympathetic character.

(96), in this play, the characters belonging to the major characters are:

1. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. The crown prince of Denmark who returns from

the university in Wittenberg, Germany, to find his father dead, his mother

married to the king's brother Claudius, and Claudius newly self-crowned


2. Claudius, King of Denmark dead King Hamlet's brother who has usurped the

throne and married his sister in law.

3. Gertrude, Queen of Denmark Prince Hamlet's mother, King Hamlet's widow,

King Claudius' wife.

4. The Ghost Spirit of the late King Hamlet, condemned to walk the earth until

his soul is cleansed of its sins.

5. Polonius, The elderly Lord Chamberlain, chief counselor to Claudius

6. Horatio A commoner, Horatio went to school with Hamlet and remains his


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7. Laertes a student in Paris, Laertes is Polonius son and Ophelia's brother; he

returns from school because of King Hamlet's death, leaves to go back to

Paris, and then returns again after his own father's murder

8. Ophelia Daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes, Ophelia is beloved of Hamlet

3.1 The Causes of Hamlet’s Depression

The causes of Hamlet’s depreesion deeply when he arrives in Elsinore, there

are a lot of problems that is experienced by him, those are: his depression after his

father death that makes him fall into deep sadness. For Hamlet, it is the hard situation

that he must face it. As a young man, of course, this experience influences his

emotion and uncontrolled. In addition, within two months after the king death, his

mother married with his uncle. It also influences Hamlet’s emotion because he feels

annoyed with disloyalty his mom. As a boy, he thinks that his mom is loyalty woman

for his father. When he finds the truth of father’s death, Hamlet obligates to get

square as instruction of his father because he sworn to his father. Furthermore, he

cannot get square and this situation also lends itself to fall in deep depression.

3.1.1 He Fails to Carry out His Father’s Message

Hamlet’s weakness is; he cannot bring out his father’s message about getting

square about his father’s death. It makes that Hamlet is depression. The writer will

discuss the importance of father’s message of Hamlet. For Hamlet, his father’s


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prove his love for his father and it also proves that he is really amazed on his father.

Therefore, by doing his father ordered, Hamlet will be proud of it and also prove that

he is the good son. Unfortunately, he cannot get the high expectation and the

weakness brings him to fall into deep depression because he cannot also arrange

justice in Denmark

Finally, Hamlet finds the truth that his uncle is the one who is responsible for

his father’s death. It is when he meets his father’s ghost one night. The ghost charges

him to take revenge for his death. As a faithful son, he is obliged to carry it out.

GHOST. I am thy father's spirit,

Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night, And for the day confined to fast in fires, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature

Are burnt and purged awayList, list, O, list! If thou didst ever thy dear father love—


GHOST. Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder (P.29).

This command is like a challenge for Hamlet as an obligation for him if he

indeed loves his father. He must commit what his father says which it to take

revenge. So, revenge is like an absolute obligation for Hamlet.

HAMLET. From the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records,


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That youth and observation copied there; And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain,

Unmix'd with baser matter: yes, by heaven! (p.31)

Hamlet has full commitment to do his father’s command. Getting square is

only his aim and he must get it. However, it is unwell working because Hamlet is in

doubt. He does not brave to act. In this situation, Hamlet feels so difficult to decide

what should be done because he cannot get the good decision, He chooses to elongate


Hamlet cannot get decision because he does not have the real experience to do

heroically for getting square. Hamlet studied at Wittenberg University and he did not

ever find the difficult situation as he is facing now. He thinks deeply like philosopher.

Philosophy’s thought is expressed by speech. So, the Father’s ordered to get square is

forcing the philosopher to hard think to kill his uncle. It causes inner conflict of

Hamlet about how must he do to solve his problem

HAMLET. That is the question:


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He is confused what he must let injustice occurred or doing finished it. It also

influences Hamlet in thinking away because he must express the feeling error of his

uncle in public and judge him agree with crime. Then, his think becomes limited and

it makes Hamlet does not know what must he think to solve the problem. Besides

that, the doubt of Hamlet is caused by his feeling afraid. He is afraid if his uncle

knows about his aim because he is a king, he can do everything. In other hand,

Hamlet is spied by Chamberlain. Therefore, he is afraid and he feels that he will be in

bad situation.

Hamlet’s hesitancy, however, is likely supported by the coming of a group of

players. It excuses Hamlet to prolong the time revenge. He decides to make a play

reflecting his father’s murder in front of public to see how his uncle would react and

prove and that the ghost is truly his father spirit. So, Hamlet’s uncertainty leads him

to have doubt about the ghost. He is facing doubt within himself if this truly his

father’s spirit since Hamlet also believes that a ghost might be a disguised devil.

HAMLET. I know my course the spirit that I have seen May be the devil: and the devil hath power


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Hamlet is still ambiguity what he is in sad situation and confused situation.

There are a lot of speculations which appear on his mind but nothing one decision can

solve his problem that he found. He does not have certain action or strategy to soulful

errors his uncle in public. He decides to make a drama which describes the killing of

his father in public. It is done by Hamlet to see uncle’s reaction and proves that the

devil is really his father. This action is success to express the feeling wrong of his

uncle. Hamlet and friend, Horatio is one of person who knows the truth.

After the presentation of drama, Hamlet acts as if he wants to pour out his

anger and complete his revenge.

HAMLET. Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world: now could I drink hot blood, And do such bitter business as the day

Would quake to look on Soft! Now to my mother.

O heart, lose not thy nature; let not ever The soul of Nero enter this firm bosom: Let me be cruel, not unnatural (p.81)

Hamlet really wants to do his father’s command. It can be seen when he

passes his uncle’s room, he get the chance to kill his uncle. Hamlet takes out his

poniard and close to kill him. But, the doubt always prevents his action. It causes the

inner conflict of himself. For the first side, he wants to kill his uncle. And other side


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HAMLET. Now might I do it pat, now he is praying; And now I'll do't. And so he goes to heaven;

And so am I revenged. That would be scann'd: A villain kills my father; and for that,

I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven (p.83)

What a people look of Hamlet. Previously he is passionate to commit evil by killing

his uncle. As he gets his opportunity, he turns out to be powerless by delaying his

action. Even he makes an excuse that his mother is waiting for him.

Hamlet does not feel considerable because he cannot do his father’s message

and he is fail to show that he is good son who has high dedication. As mention above,

Hamlet is son who revering his father because he cannot do his father’s command, he

feels that he is loss his father and loss his life but when he gets a chance to prove his

loyalty to his father, he can buck his inner condition. As son of empire, Hamlet feels

embarrassed to other people. The hard errors of Hamlet cancels the good chance to do

his father’s command, it brings him to deep depression.

In addition, as an impact of his postponement, he makes confession reflected

on his 7th soliloquy, he confuses that his condition different more than before.

HAMLET. How stand I then,


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The imminent death of twenty thousand men, That, for a fantasy and trick of fame,

Go to their graves like beds, fight for a plot Whereon the numbers cannot try the cause, Which is not tomb enough and continent To hide the slain?

O, from this time forth,

My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth (p.99-100)

The context of the soliloquy above is when Hamlet watches loyal army of

Fortinbras who will fight for a ground commanded by Fortinbras, king of Norway.

Hamlet once again contemplates it and compares it with him. This army is ready for

sacrificing their lives for honor to fulfil their king’s order. Meanwhile, he knows that

his father is murdered and he is commanded by his father’s spirit for revenge, but he

cannot fulfill it. He is not brave enough to sacrifice his own life for the sake of

fulfilling his father’s last request. It is like what Narramore states in his story of

depression, that the person suffering from depression often has feelings of strong

guilt. This strong guilt makes him unworthy, hate himself and view himself in

negative way (81). Hamlet thinks that he is worthless for he is responsible to take

revenge but he does nothing to accomplish it.

Hamlet is always overwhelmed by his weakness. He disables to carry out his

father massage for revenge. It means that his disable lead him to feel as if he fail to be


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cannot decide what he must do to reveal it in public and punish his uncle. The thesis

writer finds that his weakness is mainly caused by his lack of experience in taking

action. As an educated man, it would be difficult to drive philosophical thought into

harsh action. Therefore, he gets confused and involved in his inner conflict. His

hesitancy leads him to perform a drama to test his uncle’s guilt and if the ghost

speaks the truth. Ironically, it leads to a fatal action in which he wastes the best

chance to kill his uncle. He feels worthless for not being able to carry out his father’s

message and fails to show that he is a dedicated son. Compare to Fortibras’ army, he

is merely a coward who is afraid sacrificing his life for honorable duty which is

revenge. He feels worthless for that and he is disappointed for not being able to fulfill

his father’s expectation. What he does, in fact, is not solving his problems at all and

he feels depressed for that.

3.1.2 His Mother’s Unfaithfulness

Hamlet feels disappointment because his mother married with his uncle after

his father death. He is losing an eye of wise and loyalty mother. He is very

disappointed with unfaithfulness his mother. It make him nothing orientation for his

future. It brings him to deep depression

It is true that his mother is married, and he does not have mindfully from his

mother. He is losing his mother and he must share his mother’s loving with his uncle.

He is also losing communication with his mother. Whether his mother does not marry


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get communication with his mother as before. It is happened because Hamlet is

worried that his mother will tell to his uncle about the problems if he says honestly to

her. The present of his uncle in Hamlet’s family makes him to do nothing and cannot

do anything freely. So that’s way, he thinks that Denmark is like prison for him. For

Hamlet, it may not tell the truth that he disagrees with her mother’s wedding and his

uncle becomes a king that is given authority to do anything to Hamlet. It makes

hamlet feels jealous to his uncles and he is angry to him. When he is losing the

communication with her mother, he always talks anything by himself. It can be found

in soliloquy. The first soliloquy, it shows that he dislikes his uncle.

HAMLET Then is doomsday near: but your news is not true.

Let me question more in particular: what have you,

My good friends, deserved at the hands of fortune, That she sends you to prison hither? Denmark's a prison ROSENCRANTZ. Then is the world one

HAMLET. A goodly one; in which there are many confines, Wards and dungeons, Denmark being one o' the worst. (p.49)

It is impossible for Hamlet to speak the truth that he disagrees with his

mother’s remarriage since his uncle now becomes king of Denmark and he is

authorized to do anything to Hamlet, including anything that harms him. Therefore,

Hamlet becomes jealous of his uncle and angry with him. As he loses communication


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his first soliloquy, it shows his hatred toward his uncle by comparing his uncle that he

hates with a best. He says.

HAMLET. Hyperion to a satyr; so loving to my mother That he might not beteem the winds of heaven

Visit her face too roughly (p.15)

He compares his father with his uncle who becomes his mother’s husband. He says

that his uncle like animal to show hatred to his uncle. He can receive that his uncle is

a good king. Now, his good father’s position is changed by unwell position. Besides

that, Hamlet is also disappointed with his unfaithfulness mother. A mother who is

proud of him, it must change to disaster. It is clear when he does soliloquy.

HAMLET. My father's brother, but no more like my father Than I to Hercules: within a month:

Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears Had left the flushing in her galled eyes, She married. O, most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not nor it cannot come to good:

But break, my heart; for I must hold my tongue. (p.15)

Hamlet spiels his unfaithfulness mother. He thinks that this wedding as one of

incest. This fact forces him to show it, to tell his mind. As a young man, Hamlet

wants to protest, tell his disagreement. Unfortunately, he is not brave enough to do.


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depression. Based on Harmon and Holmon “conflict is the struggle that grows out of

the interplay of the two thing opposing forces in a plot” (p.159). His ambivalent trait

prevents his desire to act. Therefore, he cannot make any satisfied decision to solve it

and falls into more depressed. Poor young Hamlet, for he has no courage to catch and

he can only accumulate his displeasure feeling within himself as he says, “But break,

my heart; for I must hold my tongue” (p.15).

He thinks a lot of his problem anymore, he is more suppressed. This feeling is

so dangerous because it can blew out every day. This feeling appears when he has a

chance to meet up his mother in by himself in his room and his condition is in

dudgeon. For that time, he cannot hide the fury and be unwell feeling to her wedding

and he tells it to his mother.

HAMLET. Look here, upon this picture, and on this, The counterfeit presentment of two brothers.

See, what a grace was seated on this brow; Hyperion's curls; the front of Jove himself; An eye like Mars, to threaten and command; A station like the herald Mercury

New-lighted on a heaven-kissing hill; A combination and a form indeed, Where every god did seem to set his seal, To give the world assurance of a man:


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Here is your husband; like a mildew'd ear, Blasting his wholesome brother. Have you eyes? Could you on this fair mountain leave to feed, And batten on this moor? Ha! Have you eyes? You cannot call it love; (p.87).

Hamlet’s is trying to warm his mother’s mistake by, once again, comparing

his deceased father and his uncle as two unequal. At this time Hamlet expresses his

displeasure feeling fully, as seen in page 87, “Could you on this fair mountain leave

to feed, and batten on this moor? Ha! Have you eyes “, he shows his anger to his

mother for her betrayal since she is so easily forgetting memory of his father and

turning to another man.

Moreover, his mother’s remarriage also causes Hamlet to loss orientation. It is

because no one guides Hamlet to step forward to achieve his aspiration. His mother

that Hamlet hopes to be the one staying next to him must now share her attention to

her new husband. Hamlet thinks that her mother is crazy for him and he rebukes her

for her passion.

HAMLET. have you eyes?


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Hamlet tells his fury to her mother. He dislikes about her mother’s wedding. He

thinks that her mother is too old. The wedding of his mother makes hamlet in

situational depression. He asks for himself more and more. He feels that he is losing

the wise mother and losing the orientation for his future. Hamlet is also disappointed

on his unfaithfulness mother because she is easy to remember his father and go with

other man. Hamlet cannot keep the secret of inner till he tells to his mother.

Unfortunately, he tells a loudly to his mother and makes her mother

frightened, and his mother thinks that Hamlet is mad. Besides that, as a son, he has

just loosen his father, he cannot open his heart for uncle’s coming and change his

father position and king. Hamlet thinks that his uncle does not same as his father, so

he hates him so much. In other hand, this position shows that he does not have the

good future for his life. It is clear that the depression can bring Hamlet in unclear


3.1.3 Hamlet’s feeling of Exhausted and Disinterested in live

Feeling exhausted and disinterested in life is one of the causes of

depression in Hamlet’s life. The thesis writer finds that this feeling occurs since

Hamlet has traumatic experience with his beloved. Feeling exhausted and

disinterested in life means that Hamlet feels that he has no spirit in his life. As a

depressed person, Hamlet cannot cheer his self-up and he also avoids doing any


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