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Information for Applicants Short Term Consultant (Local) (KOMPAK)


Academic year: 2021

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Information for Applicants –Short Term Consultant (Local) (KOMPAK)

Position Title: Education Planning & Policy Expert (with focus on Minimum Service Standards on Education)

Position Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

(some potential travel to selected districts may be required) Position Type: Short Term Consultant (Local)

Contract Duration: Up to 60 days over a 6 month period

(Aug 2016 - Jan 2017), 10 working days/month Estimated Start Date: September 2016

Application Closing Date: 4pm, 31 August 2016 (AEST)


Thank you for your interest in the position of Education Planning & Policy Expert (with focus on Minimum Service Standards on Education) with the KOMPAK Program, as managed by Abt Associates on behalf of the Australian Government.

This document includes information on the following:  Program Overview;

 Introduction to Abt Associates;  Application process;

 Terms of Reference; and  Key Selection Criteria.

Please read this document carefully as applications that vary from the specified requirements may not be accepted.

Program Overview

KOMPAK is a large and complex program that is uniquely placed to add value to the Government of Indonesia’s own efforts to improve the social and economic conditions of its citizens; it is aimed at economic expansion and poverty reduction in Indonesia. Abt Associates is supporting frontline services—including health and education—while identifying governance constraints. The work accompanies implementation of Village Law, new national rules that empower local communities and increase the direct flow of money to village governments and services. KOMPAK seeks to strengthen the capacity of all levels of government to improve services, respond to citizen needs and contribute to stable prosperity.


Abt Associates – Who We Are

Abt Associates is a global development consulting firm with over 10 years’ experience operating within the health and social sectors in the Australian and Asia-Pacific region. We are a company that has a personal commitment to its staff and as such we value the long-term relationships that we build with the people who work with us. For more information about our company and what we do visit our website at www.abtassociates.com.au.

Our Values


We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide. Global.

We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world.

Committed to Excellence.

We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards. Collaborative.

We know that working collaboratively produces excellence. Accountable.

We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it. Balanced.

We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.

Preparing Your Application

Please read the following information carefully as incomplete applications may not be accepted. To submit an application:

1. Visit the Abt Associates website (www.abtassociates.com.au) and navigate to the ‘Careers’ section.

2. Locate the position you are applying for and select ‘Job Details’. 3. Click on the ‘Apply Online’ button and follow the prompts.

It should take between 10-20 minutes for you to complete the online application. Before submitting your application it is recommended that you have the following documentation prepared so that these can be readily uploaded during the application process:

1. An electronic version of your CV in MS Word or PDF format (less than 3MB);

2. A statement addressing the key selection criteria (maximum 3 pages). This document should clearly describe how your skills, experience and qualifications will enable you to meet the requirements of the position; and


3. Details of at least 3 professional referees (preferably your current supervisor and 2 previous supervisors).

Other Points to Consider:

1. You will need to submit a separate application for each position that you apply for.

2. If you are successful in being short-listed or are selected for this position you may be required to undertake a police check, psychometric test and/or a medical examination.

3. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 4. Women are encouraged to apply.

Lodging Your Application:

All applications should be submitted online through our website at: www.abtassociates.com.au. Should you experience any difficulties with the submission process, or have any questions about this role then please contact:

Contact Name: KOMPAK HR Team

Email: HR@kompak.or.id


Terms of Reference

The Services that the successful candidate is to provide include, but are not limited to, fulfilling the following Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference Kerangka Acuan Kerja

Position Title: Education Planning and Policy Expert (with focus on Minimum Service Standards on Education)

Nama Jabatan: Tenaga Ahli Bidang Perencanaan dan Kebijakan Pendidikan dengan fokus pada Standar Pelayanan Minimum Pendidikan

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia (some potential travel to selected districts may be required)

Lokasi: Jakarta dan kemungkinan melakukan perjalanan dinas ke daerah

Reports to: AQS Lead

Melapor Kepada: AQS Lead

Duration of Assignment:

Up to 60 input days for up to 6 months period (Aug 2016 - Jan 2017), 10 working days/month

Jangka Waktu Penugasan:

Maksimum 60 hari kerja untuk periode 6 bulan (Agt 2016 – Jan 2017), 10 hari kerja/bulan

Abt Associates Values

The incumbent must demonstrate a high level of commitment to following values of Abt Associates:


We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide.


We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world.

Committed to Excellence.

We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards.


We know that working collaboratively produces excellence.


We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it.


We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.

Nilai-Nilai Abt Associates

Pihak yang menjabat harus menunjukkan tingkat komitmen yang tinggi terhadap nilai-nilai Abt Associates berikut:

Digerakkan oleh Misi.

Kami disatukan oleh misi kami memperbaiki kehidupan orang-orang di seluruh dunia.


Kami merupakan sebuah masyarakat global, yang menghadirkan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan perspektif yang beragam terhadap banyak tantangan yang dihadapi oleh dunia saat ini.

Berkomitmen terhadap Keunggulan.

Kami berupaya memenuhi dan melampaui standar profesional tertinggi.


Kami tahu bahwa bekerja secara kolaboratif akan menghasilkan keunggulan.


Kami bertanggung jawab dengan apa yang kami lakukan dan bagaimana cara kami melakukannya.


Kami mempertahankan energi dan komitmen yang kami bawa pada peran kami dengan mempromosikan


keseimbangan yang sehat antara kehidupan pribadi dan kehidupan profesional kami.

Project Summary

KOMPAK (Governance for Growth) is a large and complex program that is uniquely placed to add value to the Government of Indonesia’s own efforts to improve the social and economic conditions of its citizens; it is aimed at economic expansion and poverty reduction in Indonesia. Abt JTA is supporting frontline services— including health and education—while identifying governance constraints. The work accompanies implementation of Village Law, new national rules that empower local communities and increase the direct flow of money to village governments and services. KOMPAK seeks to strengthen the capacity of all levels of government to improve services, respond to citizen needs and contribute to a stable prosperity.

Ringkasan Proyek

KOMPAK (Kolaborasi Masyarakat dan Pelayanan untuk Kesejahteraan) merupakan sebuah program yang besar dan sangat kompleks dan ditempatkan sedemikian uniknya sehingga menjadikan nilai tambah terhadap usaha-usaha Pemerintah Indonesia sendiri dalam meningkatkan kondisi sosial dan ekonomi warga negaranya; yang ditujukan pada perluasan ekonomi dan penanggulangan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Abt JTA mendukung penyelenggaraan pelayanan dasar – termasuk kesehatan dan pendidikan – sambil mengidentifikasi hambatan dan kendala yang ada dalam tata kelola. Pekerjaan ini akan mendampingi implementasi Undang-Undang Desa, peraturan nasional baru yang memberdayakan masyarakat lokal dan meningkatkan pengarusan uang langsung ke pemerintahan dan pelayanan desa. KOMPAK berusaha untuk memperkuat kapasitas di semua tingkat pemerintahan guna meningkatkan pelayanan, memberikan tanggapan akan kebutuhan-kebutuhan warganya serta memberikan kontribusi demi stabilitas kemakmuran.


The key purpose of this assignment is to provide technical assistance on the review of the implementation of Minimum Service Standard (MSS) of basic services delivery in Indonesia, specifically in education sector. The result of this review will inform Government of Indonesia (GoI), particularly, the Ministry of Education and BAPPENAS on the challenges and opportunities in executing optimal strategy to implement MSS at the national and sub-national level as well as action based recommendations for GoI to implementing MSS on basic services. The assignment consists of 2 studies namely Levelling Indicator of MSS and Costing Indicator of MSS. Both studies will be focusing assessment of existing MSS in Basic Services. While the former will explore and assess whether the current MSS indicators are defined and operationalized using input-process-output principles, the latter will be focusing its attention into fiscal capacity required to meet the achievement of MSS.

Steps undertaken in this study will include literature review of the existing evidence, developing the


Tujuan utama dari penugasan ini adalah untuk memberikan bantuan teknis terkait dengan kajian pelaksanaan kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Minimum (SPM) pelayanan dasar, khususnya bidang pendidikan di Indonesia. Hasil dari kajian ini akan digunakan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia, utamanya BAPPENAS dan Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk menentukan pilihan optimal dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan SPM di di pusat dan daerah. Selain itu kajian ini akan menyajikan rekomendasi aksi bagi pemerintah Indonesia dalam pelaksanaan SPM Pelayanan Dasar.

Kajian ini terdiri dari 2 studi yaitu Levelling Indikator SPM dan Pembiayaan Indikator SPM terkait Pelayanan Dasar. Studi Levelling Indikator SPM akan melihat sejauh mana indikator SPM menganut dan mempraktikan prinsip input-proses-output, sedangkan studi pembiayaan indikator SPM akan mengkaji pola pembiayaan optimal yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung pencapaian SPM.

Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini mencakup tinjauan literatur dan berbagai kajian sebelumnya terkait SPM, pengalaman lokal, nasional,


methodology, data collection and data analysis, as well as drawing policy and action based recommendations. These two reviews are led by two individuals who will be charge in the review of MSS Levelling and MSS Costing indicator, respectively. Each will be working collaboratively with technical experts in health, education, and public works sectors. Among others, the leads will be playing their roles in managing the team, synthesizing inputs from the team, and playing as focal point of the review before the respective government. The technical team will conduct the research, provide specific inputs to the process of the review and finalize the report accordingly.

dan global dalam pelaksanaan SPM, penyusunan metodologi, pengumpulan data dan analisis data, serta penyusunan rekomendasi aksi dan kebijakan.

Masing-masing kajian akan dipimpin oleh tenaga ahli kebijakan publik dan keuangan publik dengan fokus pada SPM. Masing-masing akan bekerja bersama-sama dengan para ahli teknis di bidang kesehatan, pendidikan, dan pekerjaan umum. Pimpinan kajian akan bekerjasama dengan tim untuk mensitesakan masukan dari tim sekaligus sebagai focal point kajian ini kepada pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Tim teknis akan melakukan kajian, memberikan masukan, mereview dan memfinalisasi laporan.

Specific Duties and responsibilities

o Conduct research on MSS Levelling Indicators in Public Works Sector;

o Conduct research on MSS costing Indicators in Public Works Sector which include:

 Identify and engage key sectoral relevant stakeholders at the Ministry level who work on MSS-Public Works policy

 Provide substantive inputs and feedbacks into the research

o Complete final report of MSS Levelling and Costing Indicators in Public Works;

o Develop Policy Briefs related to MSS-Public Works in the current context of Indonesia decentralization environment;

o Knowledge sharing on the result of the review to GoI, DFAT, and relevant stakeholders;

o Provide strategic inputs into MSS-Public Works implementation; and

o Undertake other duties as reasonably directed by Project Lead.

Tugas dan Tanggungjawab

o Melakukan kajian Levelling Indikator SPM Pekerjaan Umum;

o Melakukan kajian Costing Indikator SPM Pekerjaan Umum, termasuk:

 Menemukenali dan bekerjasama dengan pemangku kepentingan di pemain kunci yang menjalankan kebijakan SPM Pekerjaan Umum  Menyediakan input dan umpan balik di dalam

kajian SPM Pekerjaan Umum

o Menyelesaikan laporan akhir kajian Levelling dan Costing Indikator SPM Pekerjaan Umum;

o Menyusun ringkasan kebijakan terkait SPM Pekerjaan Umum dalam konteks desentralisasi di Indonesia;

o Menyampaikan hasil kajian ke pemerintah Indonesia, DFAT, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya;

o Memberikan umpan balik kepada Pemerintah Indonesia terkait pelaksanaan SPM Pekerjaan Umum di tingkat pusat dan daerah; dan

o Menjalankan tugas2 lain yang diberikan oleh pimpinan proyek.


o Complete report on Levelling and Costing Indicator of MSS on Education submitted to BAPPENAS and KOMPAK  Week 2nd of October 2016.

o Input to Policy Briefs on MSS-Basic Services: Opportunities and Challenges in its Implementation in the Current Policy Environment, specifically for Education section  Week 1st of November 2016.


o Laporan akhir kajian Levelling dan Costing Indikator SPM Pendidikan yang diserahkan kepada BAPPENAS dan KOMPAK  Minggu ke-2 Oktober 2016.

o Ringkasan kebijakan terkait SPM Pelayanan Dasa bertema: Tantangan dan Peluang Pelaksanaan SPM Pelayanan Dasar dalam


o Papers/presentations/discussions materials related on MSS-Education as part of knowledge sharing exercise  Week 1st of December 2016.

konteks Indonesia saat ini  Minggu ke-1 November 2016.

o Paper/presentasi/materi diskusi untuk kegiatan knowledge sharing  Minggu ke- 1 Desember 2016.

Other Tasks

o Immediately report any suspected fraudulent or corrupt activities to your KOMPAK supervisor or relevant Director.

o Proactively identify and report risks, and manage risks within your level of accountability.

o Undertake other duties as required by your supervisor.

o Comply with Abt Associates and Program’s policies on gender, disability, fraud and anticorruption, HIV and AIDS, child protection and the environment.

Tugas-tugas Lainnya

o Segera melaporkan kepada atasan anda atau Direktur yang relevan setiap ada kecurigaan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan kecurangan atau korupsi.

o Secara proaktif mengenali dan melaporkan resiko, dan mengatasi resiko sebatas tingkat akuntabilitas anda.

o Melakukan tugas-tugas lain yang diperlukan oleh atasan anda.

o Mematuhi semua kebijakan-kebijakan Abt Associates dan Program mengenai jender, keterbatasan gerak, kecurangan dan anti korupsi, HIV and AIDS, perlindungan anak dan

lingkungannya. Core Competencies

o Delivers Results

o Builds Internal and External Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

o Develops People o Communicates

o Sets Vision and Direction

o Demonstrates Sound Financial and Business-Related Practices

o Builds Teams and Cooperation

o Promotes Technical Excellence and Quality o Promotes Diversity

o Acts as a Role Model

Kompetensi Utama o Memberikan Hasil

o Membangun Loyalitas dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Internal dan Eksternal

o Mengembangkan Orang o Melakukan komunikasi o Menetapkan Visi dan Arah

o Menunjukkan Praktek Keuangan dan Praktek Terkait Bisnis yang Baik

o Membangun Tim dan Kerjasama

o Mempromosikan Mutu dan Keunggulan Teknis o Mempromosikan Keragaman


Key Selection Criteria

For your application to be considered by the panel, interested applicants must submit a response to each of the following Key Selection Criteria:

KSC 1. Masters degree (Tertiary Degree/Post graduate) in the field of public policy; education, or related fields.

Pendidikan minimal S2 bidang kebijakan publik, pendidikan, atau bidang lain yang terkait.

KSC 2. Have at least 5 years experiences in relevant subject.

Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun pada bidang yang relevan.

KSC 3. Have an experience working within government institutions.

Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di pemerintahan.

KSC 4. Have knowledge on local development concept, decentralisation and autonomy, as well as local development planning.

Mempunyai pengetahuan tentang konsep pembangunan daerah, desentralisasi dan otonomi dan perencanaan pembangunan daerah. KSC 5. Demonstrated adaptation ability to the culture,

religion, race, nationality and gender.

Menunjukkan kemampuan adaptasi pada budaya, agama, ras, kebangsaan, dan gender.

KSC 6. Excellent interpersonal skills as well as proficiency in analysis and presentation.

Memiliki keterampilan dan cakap dalam analisis dan presentasi.

KSC 7. Ability to make good communication and relation, internally in the team as well as externally.

Dapat menjalin komunikasi dan berhubungan dengan baik, baik antar personal dalam tim maupun eksternal.

KSC 8. Have a proficiency both in verbal and written English.

Dapat berbahasa inggris secara aktif, baik lisan maupun tulisan.

KSC 9. Ability to work both independently and as part of a team.

Dapat bekerja secara individual maupun tim.

KSC 10. Ability to develop good drafts of reports and analysis in a clear, concise and convincing manner.

Memiliki kemampuan menyusun laporan dan melakukan analisa dengan singkat dan padat.

If no response to the above Key Selection Criteria is made, applications will not be considered further. We encourage applicants from experienced and capable women, and people with disabilities.


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