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Saint Camillus Parish Community November 25, 2018


Academic year: 2022

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Saint Camillus Parish Community 1950—2018

November 25, 2018

Weekend Masses

Saturday, 4:30 PM

Sunday, 9:00 & 11:00 AM


Weekday Masses

9:00 AM, Monday through Saturday



Parents are requested to call the Rectory as soon as possible to arrange for the Baptismal 

Catechesis and Baptism.



Contact with the Pastor should be made as far as possible in advance so as to allow time 

enough for the PreǦCana Program.


Penance Saturdays, 4:00 PM and at  seasonal celebrationsǤ


Saint Camillus email: 



Rectory: 1175 Concord Turnpike, Arlington

ͽ;ͷǦͼͺ͹Ǧ3132 connects to 781Ǧͼͺ;ǦͶ͸͸Ͷ

Father Marc Bishop, Pastor



Fr. Robert Sahayaraj, OCD 


Father Michael Zimmerman


Parish Choir Director

Mrs. Kristyn M. McKenna


Parish Organist

Matthew Jaskot


Parish Vocalist

Andrea Tracey 


Parish Secretary

Charlene Camara 


Religious Prep Director

Barbara Rachwal


Con/irmation Of/ice





Ͷǣ͵Ͳ’Ǥ Rocco Varello


ͻǣͲͲƒǤ Mary Hrynowski

ͳͳǣͲͲƒǤ John M. Sullivan


ͻǣͲͲƒǤ Jessica Lembo & Christopher Russo


ͻǣͲͲƒǤ Edward and Hazel Bigham


9:00 am. Franca Fantasia


ͻǣͲͲƒǤ Antonio Pascuito


ͻǣͲͲƒ All Souls


ͻǣͲͲƒ Mass for the People

Ͷǣ͵Ͳ’Ǥ Frederick Eromin


ͻǣͲͲƒǤ Mass for the People  ͳͳǣͲͲƒǤ Trudy Flynn



will burn the week of November 25th for  Michael Walsh



for your contributions to last weekend’s Offertory

‘ŽŽ‡…–‹‘, which amounted to $3,333.!



is held on Thursday afternoons at the Hour of Great Mercy from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Please join us for an peaceful hour of praise and worship in the pres- ence of our Lord Jesus. All are welcome!


The First Saturday of the Month we will have Ad-

‘”ƒ–‹‘ ‘ˆ –Š‡ Ž‡••‡† ƒ…”ƒ‡– ˆ”‘ ‘‘ –‘

3pm. Confession is available from 1pm to 2:30pm.



If you are in need of prayers, call the Healing and Restoration prayer line at the Mission Church, !545 Tremont Street, Boston, 617ǦͶͶʹǦ3938. Healing Service is the last Sunday of the month at 2pm.



Please send in the names of your deceased friends and relatives. The names will be placed on the Al- tar for the month of November. 




Thank you to the boys and girls who participated in our Food Drive today. Great Job! We are very sure the needy people of our community are very grate- ful for your generosity. 

November is Religious Education Month. Your child’s teacher is a volunteer. They do not get paid.

They give up their time to prepare and teach class.

Without these dedicated people, we would not have a program. Please keep them in your prayers. If public school classes are cancelled in Arlington, due to inclement weather there will be no PREP classes that day. We recommend you check the CBS/WBZ website: boston.cbslocal.com/closings and click on Religious category.

Barbara Rachwal, Director PREP Grades 1Ǧͺ




10:00am to 11:15am and 6:00pm to 7:15pm  Arlington Catholic High SchoolǦǦ


December 2nd (evening session only)

Family Night Guest Speaker

Grades 9 + 10 youth and parents/guardians  December 9   Žƒ••

December 16  Žƒ••



First weekend of Advent: December 1 & 2 Volunteers needed from our ConEirmation group to support this fun and meaningful family event at Saint Agnes Parish. Volunteer on Saturday, Decem- ber 1st from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon in Barton Hall or Sunday, December 2nd from 9:45 AM Ǧ 12 Noon in Barton Hall. Can't stay the entire time? Ǧ Come down and help for an hour or two... Any and all help is appreciated. 

Please let Scott know if you will volunteer.  Thank you



Arlington Boy Scout Troop 306 is collecting holiday gifts for teens, serviced by the Arlington Depart- ment of Children and Family Services ofEice. 

Suggested donation items include, decks of cards, winter hats, journals, school supplies, socks, per- sonal hygiene items, water bottles, colored duct tape, art supplies, etc. Bins will be at the doors of the Church entrances. Thank you!







will be up starting Saturday, November 24th. Please take a tag and return the gifts by noon on Sunday, December 9th. One of the groups that we work with has asked that their gifts not be wrapped. Instead, just place these gifts in unwrapped boxes or gift bags. If this is the case it will be noted on the tag that the gift is not to be wrapped. If there is NO note on the tag, then please wrap the gift as in prior years. If anyone is interested in helping out or has any questions, please contact Pat Vieira at (781)

 2281. Thank you for your generosity.





Adult Choir: Calling all singers to join us in song on Tuesday evenings fro 6:00 to 7:30pm and Mass on Sunday mornings at 11:00am.

Children’s Choir: practices will be held on Tuesday afternoons at 4:45pm in the Choir Room.

Handbell Choir is for all ages. If you would like to sign up, please call Kristyn at (781) 7715004.  No music experience is necessary.


Please pray for Joseph Steinkrauss who died re- cently. Pray for all the deceased of our parish.

Pray also for the sick of our parish, especially those who are in hospitals or nursing homes and for all those who are serving in our Armed Forces that they may return home safe.!



Come experience the richness of our universal church through music, food, and bilingual prayer.

The next Marian Monday devotion (Monday, Nov 26) comes from Rwanda, Africa with Our Lady of Kibeho.

held at Saint Camillus Parish (1185 Concord Turnpike, Arlington), the celebration begins with a Rosary at 5:30PM, which is followed by Holy Mass at 6:00PM and a Marian procession, and concludes with a potluck dinner in the Lower Church.

If you’re able to assist with the food or celebrations for any of the upcoming celebrations, contact Fr. Michael (781-648-0220) at frmichael@cparl.org

Nov. 26  Our Lady of Kibeho, Rwanda

Dec. 10  Our Lady of Guadalupe,  


Feb. 11  Our Lady of , France (Bilingual  French). Other Feasts and Dates TBD


! !

You look like you could be Catholic. Maybe you’re missing out on full communion with the Church by not having received all three Sacraments of Initia- tion  Baptism, ConEirmation, or receiving the Eu- charist. Maybe you’re not ready to take the plunge, but would still like to learn more about the Catho- lic Faith and ask a few questions. We’d love to get to know you. Contact Fr. Michael at

 !"#$$ or 781%&0220 to sign up for RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) or ask any questions about the process. Session Times and Locations TBD.



Join Fr. Michael on a trip to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life with over 1,000 teens from the Archdiocese of Boston, we’ll attend a Youth Rally and have mass with the Cardinal before the March itself followed by a free day in DC. All High School Students welcome. Bus leaves the morning of Thursday, January 17, and returns on Saturday,  January 19th at night. Cost is $275 per person.

Please contact Father Michael for more infor- mation or to sign up, or if money is an issue   




2019 March for Life/Arlington (MA)  We invite you to join us and hundreds of thousands from across America as we travel to Washington D.C. for the 46th Annual March for Life

With time for relaxation, fellowship, and prayer, it’s a spiritual experience you will never forget! In addition to the March, you can visit the National Shrine Museum of Saint Pope John Paul II or a guided tour of the US Capital Building, and attend the Vigil Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. 

This bus trip involves 3 days/2 nights (January 16

 18, 2019) with comfortable accommodations at the Hampton Inn in Silver Spring, MD  $295 (double room) or $375 (single room). Departure from St. Margaret’s (111 Winn St., Burlington) or St. Camillus (Rte. 2 Westbound Exit 57, Arlington).

For more information, contact Joe Kolb (781&

0353,  or Tom Harvey (617

' 3616,  



Attention all Lectors and

Extraordinary Minsters of Holy Communion

*Training Dates for all current Lectors/EMHC Fr. Michael, Fr. Robert and Fr. Marc thank you for your faithful service. We are updating our practices to help us better lead the community in prayer. Con- sistent approach to lay ministry at both parishes will be a great step forward in aiding us to preside well. All active Lectors and EMHC are required to attend one of the following trainings/formation events. Each meeting will consist of a catechesis on lay liturgical ministry, an updating of procedures, an introduction to a new scheduling process, and time for questions. You may attend any of the six trainings; however the updates will be specific to the parish where the training is be- ing held. Please, make every effort to attend. Also, at these meetings you will be filling-out a CORI and re- ceiving a copy of the minsters code of conduct (you will need a pen), as required by Archdiocesan Policy in compliance with the directives of the Office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts.

Saint Camillus Church:

Monday, November 26th 9:45am to 11:00am Monday, November 26th 6:30pm to 8:00pm Saturday, December 1st 3:00pm to 4:15pm Saint Agnes Upper Church:

Tuesday, November 27th 6:30pm to 8:00pm Wednesday, November 28th 7:45am to 9:00am Wednesday, November 28th 4:30pm to 6pm

*New or interested Lectors and EMHC are welcome to attend.

HUSH DOCUMENTARY ! On the Effects of Abortion !

There is a free showing of the 50minute version of HUSH documentary on Friday, December 14 be- tween 5:30  7pm at the ProLife Legal Defense Fund, 1150 Walnut Street in Newton. Email info

@plldf.org for more information. 


Envelopes for Christmas Clowers may be placed in the collection basket at any time. Please   names !


We thank the Walsh family for donating the Book of Intentions and the Book of Remembrance in memory of Michael Walsh. 




Adult Faith Formation  

Due to the success of our Eirst week with over 40 participants, we’re moving to a larger venue. We’ll now meet in the Arlington Catholic high school li- brary (16 Medford Street). Don’t miss out!


We meet on Sundays from 3:004:30PM at Saint Agnes’ Parish Center to watch and discuss 

Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained, a stunning video series that systematically presents the Catho- lic Faith. Come with your questions for all the epi- sodes that interest you (see schedule below). This series will lay the foundations for future Adult Faith Formation opportunities. !


Contact Fr. Michael at  !"#$$ with any questions or if you’d like to help out.


The Paschal Mystery   (

The Holy Spirit & the Life of Grace  ( %

Why do I need the Church?    (%

Mary and the Saints    ('

The Last Things    (

The Sacraments    (

The Eucharist    (

Walk Through the Mass   ( '

Penance &Anointing of the Sick  (

Matrimony and Holy Orders  (  A Catholic Moral Vision    ('

A Love that Lasts  Part 1   (&

A Love that Lasts  Part 2   (

Catholic Social Teaching  Part 1  (  Catholic Social Teaching  Part 2  %(




will be held on Saturday, December 8th at the Four Points Sheraton in Norwood. The day starts with an 8:80am Mass celebrated by Cardinal Sean, followed by a delicious buffet breakfast and a talk by Profes- sor Mary Ann Glendon ”The Pro Life Movement:

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Tickets are $30.

Please contact Marianne Luthin at 617'%5860 or by email at Marianne_Kuthin @rcab.org




Saint Camillus Troop 313 thanks you for Christmas wreath orders. Wreaths will be available for pick up after Mass on December 1st and 2nd.


Dear Faith Family, !

This Sunday, the last Sunday of our liturgical year, we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is a feast that is the culmination of the entire year’s celebrations and focuses us on the reality of Christ’s ever presence and His future coming.

The liturgy is to be bombastic. It is to embody all fullness of the Second Coming of Christ. ! Next week we start the new liturgical year in a much more reserved place. The Mass is simpli*ied and controlled. The music will be pensive and expectant. The decorations are simple and unassuming. The hopefulness of Advent is tempered by human frailty encoun- tering the strength of God. !

Advent, because of all of its smallness, is a great time to invite a person who may not regu- larly attend Mass to join you. The Mass during this season of preparation is more under- standable and accessible to people. We often invite people to join us for the bigger feasts:

Christmas, Palm Sunday and Easter. These experiences can be overwhelming as an entry point into the life of the worshipping community. The seasons of preparation allow the person invited to deliberately take in the symbols and sounds of worship. This calmer time allows for an ease of re*lection and preparation to seek out the louder and fuller feasts that hold so much meaning. !

I pray that you were able to enjoy family over the Thanksgiving holiday. And, now that Ad- vent is upon us, I pray that we use this time in which we are called to calmly prepare for Christmas; avoiding the commercial and social frenzy often thrust upon us at this time. ! Peace, Fr. Marc !

Come, Lord Jesus! !

'–Š Annual Advent Wreath Workshop

Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

Following the 9:00 and 10:30am Masses

Saint Agnes School Barton Hall!

Please join us to make a fresh Advent Wreath for your home at this free, parish wide event.  All materials are provided. 

This wonderful Church tradition is a simple and prayerful way to assist our families in  preparing for the coming of Our Savior.

Coffee Hour refreshments will also be served.!

For more information, or to volunteer, please contact:

Mary Ellen Marino at 781' 4354 or Maria DeLoughery at 781  


BOYB ! Break Open Your Bible with Fr. Michael 

(Biweekly Commentary on the Sunday Readings)!

The Letter of St. Paul to Philemon  Phmn 720 (Nov. 15)!

Full Disclosure: Sometimes deadlines inEluence a writer’s choice of topic. With Thanksgiving this week and a subsequent early deadline, this article is going to cover a reading that came from daily mass on Nov 15–Š.  Speaking of time constraints and letter writing, Mark Twain, recognizing the difEiculty of being both charm- ing and to the point, once famously quipped, “I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead”. Fortunately for us, St. Paul wrote the letter of Philemon while in prison (probably at Ephesus) and had lots of time to carefully craft the merely 335 word Letter to Philemon  a masterpiece of persuasive rhetoric and literature  in order to persuade Philemon to not only pardon and free his runaway slave Onesimus, whom St. Paul had subsequently converted, but also recognize him as a brother in Christ.

In this letter, St. Paul makes use of Greek deliberative rhetorical conventions to appeal to Philemon. This style makes use of appeals to logos (reason), ‡–Š‘• (authority), and pathos (affection) to establish two mo- tives for action: maintaining honor and gaining advantage. According to Aristotle, Cicero, and others, a good argument also follows a structure of the 1. ‡š‘”†‹— (introduction) to set the tone, win favor of the reader, and connect to the following request, 2. the main body of the argument, 3. ’‡”‘”ƒ–‹‘  restating the request, expanding the argument, and appealing to good will and leaving the reader in a favorable disposition.  Our reading mostly falls under the main body (vv. 816), and St. Paul begins his appeal with a classic move of openly abandoning an apparently strong argument, “although I have the full right in Christ to order you to do what is proper, I rather urge you out of love”. Paul waives his authority as an apostle (while still citing it) to appeal to Philemon’s honor and love. Paul touches Philemon’s feelings by referring to Onesimus as his child  indeed, his own heart  before inviting Philemon to receive him as a brother, or as he would Paul

Paul also appeals to the second motive for action, Philemon’s gaining advantage, through the brilliant use of a double pun: “who was once useless to you but is now useful to both you and me”. On the surface, Paul is noting that Onesimus was not a particularly useful slave since he was a runaway, but now is of service to the both of them since he is working for Paul and the Gospel, “so that he might serve me on your behalf in my imprisonment for the Gospel”. The Eirst pun involves Onesimus’ name, which means “useful” or

“proEitable”, which was a common name for slaves. The second pun involves the terms Paul uses for

“useless”  αQχρηστος (achrestos) and “useful”  ευQχρηστος (euchrestos), they may have sounded a lot like

“achristos”, which would have meant “without Christ”, and “euchristos”, meaning “good with Christ”. Speak- ing of names, Paul was probably also aware (and appreciated the irony) that Philemon shared a name with a famous 3”† C. BC Athenian poet who penned the Eirst written record that recognizes slaves as human be- ings, “A servant, sir, deny it if you can, If he's a human being, is a man” (Philemon, the Emigrant).

But St. Paul does not stop at pointing out that Onesimus has become far more proEitable to Philemon by be- coming a Christian, but goes on to give Philemon the opportunity to maintain his honor and express his true character as good, “but I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that the good you do might not be forced but voluntary”. Paul thus gave Philemon the freedom to respond honorably on his own.

Many modern readers are upset that Paul did not univocally denounce the institution of slavery. But if he did, Paul’s letter to Philemon wouldn’t change the fact that 3040% of the population of Italy at that time under the Roman Empire were slaves, nor would it have touched his friend’s heart and mind to see Onesi- mus as a beloved brother in Christ. When we want to change the world, let’s be inspired by St. Paul to con- vert hearts and minds by appealing to those we disagree with by using reason, religion, and loving
























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