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Karlina M. Bakara 408111070

Mathematics Education Bilingual


Of The Requirement for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Give thanks to Jesus Christ for His amazing love, blessing and miracles so

that writer can finish this thesis. The title of this thesis is “The Difference of

Student’s Learning Achievement Viewed from The Teaching Models and Student’s Mathematic Initial Ability on Cylinders Sub Topic at IX Grade SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang”. This thesis was arranged to satisfy the requirement to get the Sarjana Pendidikan of Mathematics and Science Faculty in State

University of Medan.

This thesis, writer dedicated for both beloved parents especially, my father

Tumbur Bakara and my mother Frosma Manik who give me some motivation,

pray and my needs until writer can finish this thesis.

The writer also say thanks a lot to all part who give important help,

guidance, and support to finish this thesis. For it, in this chance the writer say

thanks a lot sincerely to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si as the Rector of State University of

Medan (UNIMED) and his staffs.

2. Prof. Drs. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D as the Dean of FMIPA UNIMED and his

college Vice of Dean I, II, and III in UNIMED.

3. Prof. Dr. Mukhtar, M.Pd as the Head of Mathematics Department.

4. Drs. Syafari, M.Pd as the Head of Mathematics Education Study Program.

5. Drs. Yasifati Hia, M.Si as the Secretary of Mathematics Department.

6. Prof. Dr. Herbet Sipahutar, M.Sc as the Coordinator of Bilingual Class.


8. Prof. Dian Armanto, M.Pd., M.A., M.Sc., Ph.D as writer’s Thesis

Supervisor who has given more guidance and suggestion in finishing this


9. Prof. Dr. Mukhtar, M.Pd, Dra. Katrina Samosir, M.Pd and Dr. E. Elvis

Napitupulu, M.S, who’s the persons responsible for this thesis.

10. All lecturers and staffs/officials who help writer in lecturing process in


11. Jemsi Mahulae, S.Pd as the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang.

12. Hotmedi Purba, S.Pd and Ramly Simbolon, S.Pd as mathematics teacher

in SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang who help the writer in the research activities.

13. My big family, there’re my sisters and my brothers, Junita Bakara, SKM,

Rominta S. Bakara, Dewi Bakara, Tionarta Bakara, Tionarti Bakara, Futri

S. Bakara, Sampit Bona Bakara, Siska A. Bakara and youngest brother

Franklyin B. Bakara who always give spirit, motivation and support to the


14. All my lovely friends in Bilingual Class Mathematics Education 2008

especially for my friends Mesra EZ. Damanik and Angelina Togatorop

who help me so much and always give me motivation. Thank so much my

best friends. I miss you so much.

15. Special someone in my life Obi J.A. Malau, SH who always help and give

motivation for me. I can’t say anything. You’re the best. I hope you can

achieve your best future and be the best for our families. My praying is


The writer has given a big effort to finish this thesis, and the writer

consider that this thesis have so many weakness. For that, the writer needs some

suggestions to make this thesis be better. And big wishes, it can be improve our


Medan, September , 2012


Karlina M. Bakara


The Difference of Student’s Learning Achievement Viewed from The Teaching Models and Student’s Mathematic Initial Ability on Cylinders Sub

Topic at IX Grade SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang Karlina M. Bakara


This research aimed to find out whether there’s or no the difference of student’s learning achievement of surface area and volume of cylinders viewed from the teaching models and student’s mathematic initial ability. Population of this research is all students at IX grade RSBI SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang academic year 2012/2013. Research’s samples are taken as many two classes randomly, in which each class consists of 25 students. This research is quasi experiment with design factorial 2 x 2. There are two factors which trial tested namely factor A: teaching models consists of two categories A1 = STAD with Teaching Aids and A2 = Direct Instruction and factor B: student’s mathematic initial ability consists of two categories B1 = High and B2 = Low.

Data that collected in this research is (1) data of student’s initial ability obtained from student’s mathematic final test value when students were on eight grade in second semester academic year 2011/2012 and (2) student’s learning achievement of surface area and volume of cylinders measured by essay test after given treatments.

Hypothesis test is done by using Two Way Analysis of Variance (Two Way ANOVA). The research result shows that on significance level 5% (1) there’s no significant difference of student’s learning achievement of surface area and volume of cylinders between students taught by STAD with teaching aids and Direct Instruction, (2) there’s a significant difference of learning achievement between students have high ability taught by STAD using teaching aids and Direct Instruction and between students have low ability taught by STAD using teaching aids and Direct Instruction and (3) there’s an interaction between model of teaching and student’s initial ability to student’s learning achievement. The result of research suggest that in order to teach surface area and volume of cylinders matter, teacher should care about student’s initial ability in choosing learning model which will be used in learning activity. If the student’s initial ability is low then the learning model should be used is Direct Instruction, but if the student’s initial ability is high then it should be used learning model STAD with teaching aids.


The Difference of Student’s Learning Achievement Viewed from The Teaching Models and Student’s Mathematic Initial Ability on Cylinders Sub

Topic at IX Grade SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang Karlina M. Bakara


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar siswa terhadap luas permukaan dan volume tabung bila ditinjau dari model pengajaran dan kemampuan matematika awal siswa. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IX RSBI SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Sampel penelitian ini diambil sebanyak dua kelas secara random, dimana tiap kelas terdiri dari 25 siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan fakorial 2 x 2. Ada dua faktor yang diujicobakan yaitu faktor A: model pengajaran terdiri dari dua kategori A1 = STAD dengan Alat Peraga dan A2 = Direct Instruction dan faktor B: kemampuan matematika awal siswa terdiri dari dua kategori B1 = Tinggi dan B2 = Rendah.

Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) data kemampuan awal siswa yang diperoleh dari nilai tes matematika akhir siswa pada saat duduk di kelas dua semester dua tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 dan (2) hasil belajar luas permukaan dan volume tabung yang diukur dengan tes uraian setelah diberi perlakuan.

Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis varians dua arah (Anava Dua Arah). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf signifikansi 5% (1) tidak terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar luas permukaan dan volume tabung secara signifikan antara siswa yang diajar dengan STAD menggunakan bantuan alat peraga dan siswa yang diajar dengan Direct Instruction, (2) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar secara signifikan antara siswa kelompok kemampuan tinggi yang diajar dengan STAD menggunakan bantuan alat peraga dengan siswa yang diajar dengan Direct Instruction dan juga antara siswa kelompok kemampuan rendah yang diajar dengan STAD menggunakan bantuan alat peraga dengan siswa yang diajar dengan Direct Instruction, dan (3) terdapat interaksi antara model pengajaran dan kemampuan awal siswa terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Dari penelitian ini disarankan agar dalam mengajarkan materi luas permukaan dan volume tabung hendaknya guru mempertimbangkan kemampuan awal siswa dalam memilih model pembelajaran yang akan digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Jika kemampuan awal siswa rendah maka model pembelajaran yang sebaiknya digunakan adalah Direct Instruction, tetapi jika kemampuan awal siswa termasuk kategori tinggi maka sebaiknya digunakan model pembelajaran STAD dengan menggunakan alat peraga.




Sheet of Agreement i

Curriculum Vitae ii

Abstract iii Preface v Contents viii

List of Figure xi

List of Tables xii

List of Appendix xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Problem Background 1

1.2. Problems Identification 5

1.3. Problem Restrictions 5 1.4. Problem Formulation 5 1.5. Research Objectives 6 1.6. Benefits of Research 6

1.7. Operational Definition 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1.Theoretical Framework 10

2.1.1. Definition and Theory of Learning 10 Definition of Learning 10 Theory of Learning 11 Learning Achievement 12 Factors that Affect Learning and Learning Achievement 14 2.1.2. Cooperative Learning 15 Definition and Elements of Cooperative Learning 15 Difference of Cooperative Learning Group with Usual


2.1.3. STAD (Student Teams Achievement Division) 19

2.1.4. Direct Instruction 23 Principles of Direct Instruction 24

2.1.5. Student’s Mathematic Initial Ability 27

2.1.6. Teaching Aids 29

2.1.7. Student’s Mistake in Solving Mathematic Problems 31

2.1.8. Description of The Subject Material of Surface Area

and Volume of Cylinder 32 Definition of Cylinder 32 Elements of Cylinder 32 Nets of Cylinder 32 Area of Cylinder Surface 33 Volume of Cylinder 34

2.2. Conceptual Framework 35

2.3. Hypothesis 36


3.1. The Research Place and Time 37

3.2. Population and Sample 37

3.3. Research Variables and Instrument 37

3.4. Type and Design of Research 40

3.5. Techniques of Data Collection 41

3.6. Techniques of Data Analysis 44


4.1. Description of Research Result 49

4.1.1. Initial Data of Experiment and Control Class 49

4.1.2. Final Data of Experiment and Control Class 50

4.2. Test of Requirement Analysis 51

4.2.1. Normality Test 51


4.2.3. Hypothesis Test 54

4.2.4. Result of Observation Sheet of The Students Activity 56

4.2.5. Student’s Response in Solving The Test 58

4.3. Discussion of Research 59


5.1. Conclusion 64

5.2. Suggestion 65




Page Table 2.1. The difference of cooperative learning group with usual

learning group 17 Table 2.2. The criteria of the calculation of the team score 21

Table 2.3. The criteria of the awards 22

Table 3.1. Factorial design of 2 x 2 40

Table 3.2. Summary table of ANOVA to test hypothesis 47

Table 3.3. Sum of square (SS) design 47

Table 4.1. Categorization of initial abilities data 49

Table 4.2. Data of individual test in experiment and control class 50

Table 4.3. Summary of data normality test by Liliefors test 51

Table 4.4. Summary of data homogeneity test 52

Table 4.5. Summary of test average of experiment and control class 52

Table 4.6. Mastery statistic list 54

Table 4.7. Summary of calculation results Two Way ANOVA 55



Pages Figure 2.1. Direct instruction learning visual concept diagram 25

Figure 2.2. A cylinder with the elements 32

Figure 2.3. Nets of cylinder 33

Figure 2.4. Nets of cylinder with radius r 33

Figure 2.5. A cylinder is a regular prism with a lot of numbers of facets 34

Figure 2.6. Conceptual framework 35

Figure 3.1. Scheme of research procedure 43

Figure 4.1. Graph of student’s learning achievement average 53



1.1.Problem Background

Along with the rapid development of science and technology nowadays, it

also participates and influences the development of education. The progress of

science and technology provide a challenge for education to increase the quality

and effectiveness of education as a national demand in line with the development

of society. This significantly affects the education program and curriculum in

schools. Curriculum objectives can be achieved well if the program is clearly and

applicably designed. In this case the teachers are required to have proficiency in

designing the program and determine instructional strategies that must be adopted.

Teachers should be skilled at selecting and using appropriate teaching methods to

be applied in an effective learning system.

Mathematics which called the queen of science is subjects that taught from

primary to secondary level. But until recently mathematic is regarded as a difficult

and boring subject and even scary. This is because the mathematics learning tends

to lead to pure mathematics, fast and abstract, lacking attention ability and soul of

the students. It makes students have trouble follow math subject, which in turn

makes them unhappy about mathematic.

Student’s displeasure to the mathematic is caused by the teacher can’t teach mathematic matter in a professional way. In other words the teacher can’t or

less use the methods of mathematic teaching that can foster student interest or

motivation to do and learn (Kasiati, 2008). This is also confirmed by Chomaidi in

Syahputra (2002:2) stated that:


Junior High School is the education that prepares students to be members

of the public who have the ability to hold a reciprocal relationship with the social

environment, culture, and the universe as well as to develop more capacity in the

world of work/higher education. Students at this level generally were aged

between 11-16 years. At that age they do not have perfect analysis and abstraction

capabilities. And according to the theory of cognitive development from the

famous Swiss psychologist, Jean Peaget, which stated that children are more or

less at that age can perform operations that involve the objects and they can also

be a logical reason as far as it was applied in the specific or concrete example

(Santrock, 2007).

After the initial observations with the mathematics teacher and some

students at SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang, facts on the field indicate that till nowadays

there are still many difficulties that experienced by students in learning

mathematics material. One difficulty is to understand the concept of the subject

matter sub surface area and volume of cylinders. They always memorize the

formula of that matter. Beside it, they are less to develop the concept surface area

and volume of cylinders. As the result, they get a lot of trouble when they answer

the questions daily, general, and UN tests which related to the surface area and

volume of cylinders. And finally students get low achievements.

As Usman (2007:36) said that one of cautions of the low student’s learning

achievement beside low concept comprehension is caused by less variety teaching

method, in which in several this time the teachers oriented to the traditional

approach that placed learner only as a listener. With a variety learning models

expect that students not only as a listener, but can become actors in the learning

that can enhance mathematic learning achievement.

Beside choosing the exact teaching methods, it’s important to pay attention for the student’s initial ability. Because it’s very influencing the learning - teaching process. If it has been known the student’s initial ability, the teacher

wouldn’t be wrong to choose the appropriate teaching model to be implemented in


To solve the problems then all parties involved either directly or indirectly,

should take active part in efforts to improve the quality of teaching in the units of

education, including the government. One of the government's efforts have been

made to improve the quality of teaching is through education programs and

teacher certification training. The purpose of this training is to enhance teachers

competence and knowledge, especially about the methods, approaches, strategies,

and skills in teaching. Although as stated by Prof. Dr. Baedhowi, M.Si., in the

results of his research in 2008 which stated that the main motivation of the

teachers involved certification related to the financial namely for an allowance.

That become issue, after taking part the certification it did not increase the

teachers competence automatically.

Recognizing this fact, the certification program alone is not sufficient as

an effort to improve the competence of teachers (Dirjen PMPTK: 2010). So go

back to the personality of the teachers in trying to improve the quality of

instruction. Stock of knowledge about learning strategies derived from the training

very effective when applied in the process of learning - teaching. One method that

is appropriate and has piloted namely the usage of teaching aids in teaching


Teaching aids which intended as manipulative model can affect student

success in learning mathematics because the uses of teaching aids can help

students in studying abstract mathematical objects. As advocated by Gravemeijer

(1994) that a broad attention has to be given to visual models, model situations,

and schemata that arises from problem solving activities because it will help

students to move through from informal to formal knowledge and from intuitive

level to level of subject matter systematic.

But the reality is that the learning - teaching is not fully utilizing teaching

aids. This is due to lack of understanding about the importance of teaching aids,

lack of cost, time, and effort. As the results, students can’t enhance their low outcomes when they have test about matter surface area and volume cylinders

since their comprehension about that matter is less deep. Besides the use of


Usman (2007:9) that: "A competent teacher will be more able to create an

effective learning environment so that student’s learning achievements are at an optimal level.”

In order students can learn well, the methods of teaching should be kept as

precise, efficient, and effective as possible. Said to be effective if the learning

method can produce something as expected. Said to be efficient if the applied

learning method relatively use little energy, effort, cost and time as possible.

One alternative model of learning in KTSP is a cooperative learning

model type STAD. Cooperative learning model is usually called a model of

mutual cooperation. Studying characteristics of cooperative learning is not the

same as the regularly studying group. STAD (Student Teams Achievement

Divisions) as one type of model of cooperative learning is a cooperative learning

model for mixed grouping that involves the team’s recognition and responsibility

for the learning of individual group members.

Learning with cooperative model type STAD expect that students often

benefit from working in pairs or groups to construct understanding or help one

another master skills (Aggarwal, J.C., 2001:400). Actually STAD is not enough to

facilitate students group for understanding concept of surface area and volume of

cylinders. However, by combining it with the use of teaching aid it’s expected that

it can more widely facilitate students group for understanding concept of surface

area and volume of cylinders. By this teaching method, researcher hope that there

is an improvement of student’s learning achievement.

To know how far the effect of teaching methods and student’s initial

ability to the student’s learning achievement at IX grade SMP Negeri 1

Sidikalang, the researcher interested in doing this research. Based on the rationale


1.2.Problem Identifications

Problems are identified in learning process as follow:

1) Students have difficulty in understanding concept of surface area and

volume of cylinders and they often memorize the formula.

2) Low interest of students to mathematic subject especially subject matter

sub surface area and volume of cylinders.

3) Low learning achievement especially in subject matter sub surface area

and volume of cylinders.

4) Teaching methods are less vary and tend to be monotonous.

5) The learning of mathematic is tend to pure mathematic, practical,

abstract and less attention to students ability.

6) Lack of use teaching aids/exemplary material such as cylinders teaching

aid in learning activities.

1.3.Problems Restrictions

The main problem which can be determined from the problem

identification above and also from the scope of this research is the significant

difference of student’s learning achievement of surface area and volume of

cylinders taught by STAD using teaching aids and Direct Instruction at IX grade

SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang academic year 2012/2013.

1.4.Problems Formulation

The formulation of the problems in this research are:

1) Is there a significant difference of student’s learning achievement of

surface area and volume of cylinders taught by STAD with teaching aids

and Direct Instruction?

2) Is there a significant difference of student’s learning achievement of

surface area and volume of cylinders between students with high and low


3) Is there an interaction between model of teaching and the student’s


4) What is the difference level of student activity in learning surface area and

volume of cylinders to students taught by STAD using teaching aids and

Direct Instruction?

5) What is the difference of student’s response in solving the test of surface

area and volume of cylinders to student taught by STAD using teaching

aids and Direct Instruction?

1.5.Research Objective

This research has the main objective as follow:

1) To find out whether there is a significant difference of the student’s

learning achievement of surface area and volume of cylinder taught by

STAD using teaching aids and Direct Instruction.

2) To find out whether there is a significant difference student’s learning

achievement of surface area and volume of cylinders between students

with high and low abilities.

3) To find out whether there is an interaction between model of teaching and

the student’s abilities to student’s learning achievement.

4) To find out the difference level of student activity in learning surface area

and volume of cylinders to students taught by STAD using teaching aids

and Direct Instruction.

5) To find out the difference of student’s response in solving the test of

surface area and volume of cylinders to student taught by STAD using

teaching aids and Direct Instruction.

1.6.Benefits of Research

The benefits which expected from this research are:

1)For teachers

a. Provide an alternative for teachers to determine the learning


b. Provide information to teachers that the use of teaching aids can

facilitate the teacher in presenting a subject matter related to the

understanding the concept.

2)For students

The creation of a pleasant learning situation such that can increase the

activity, creativity, and learning achievement.

3)For school

The result of this research gives the good contribution for the school in

improving the teaching of mathematics at SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang in

optimizing school facilities and infrastructure that can support the learning


4)For researcher

Researchers can obtain experienced directly how to choose learning

strategies and media appropriately so that when later jumped into the field,

researchers already have insight and knowledge. In addition, researchers

will have a basically teaching skills and develop learning by using

teaching aids.

5)For the other researchers

Can be the source for the other researchers that are interested in

undertaking similar research further.

1.7. Operational Definition

1) STAD Cooperative Learning Model

Cooperative learning model is learning approach that focuses on

the use of small groups of students to work together in maximizing the

learning conditions for achieving learning objectives. One example is


model for mixed groupings involving team recognition and

responsibility for the learning of individual group members.

2) Teaching aids

Teaching aids is a tool to educate or teach what is taught so easily

understood by students. Teaching aids can also be defined concrete

objects which are models of mathematical ideas.

3) Direct instruction

Direct instruction is an approach to teaching within a

teacher-directed classroom environment. The process emphasizes systematic

sequencing of lessons, a presentation of new content and skills, guided

student practice, the use of feedback and independent practice by


4) Interaction

Interaction is an action happening when two or more objects

(factors) influence or have effect one another. The idea of this two way

relation is very important for interaction concept, as contradiction with

one way relation. It’s said that by there exist of interaction can cover the

effect of one factors and reverse (R.K. Sembiring, 1986: 445)

5) Learning achievement

The achievement is the result from an interaction of action learning

and teaching. From the students, learning achievement is the top end of

the experience and learning process (Dimyati and Mudjiono, 2009:33).

The learning achievement is the picture of the student outcomes in

following the learning process at a level that followed.

6) Surface area and volume of cylinders


The surface of the cylinders consists of cylinder lateral, upper

side (cap) and under side (base). The cylinder lateral side is

formed by a rectangle with length and width t. The

following formulas of areas are usually used in the cylinders:

Volume of cylinders

If r is radius of base cylinders ( a circle ) and t is height of

cylinders, then:

The area of the base = the area of the cap =

The area of cylinder lateral =

The area of cylinder surface =

The area of un-caped cylinder surface = ,

in which , r = the radius of cylinder and t

= the height of cylinder.

Volume of cylinder = the area base x the height of cylinder = the area of circle x the height of cylinder = r2 x t




Based on result of hypothesis test using significant level α = 0,05 above, it

can be concluded that :

1) There’s no significant difference of student’s learning achievement of

surface area and volume of cylinders between taught by STAD with

teaching aids and Direct Instruction. It means that cooperative learning model type STAD using teaching aids doesn’t give significant contribution to the student’s learning achievement of surface area and volume of cylinders yet.

2) There’s a significant difference of student’s learning achievement of

surface area and volume of cylinders between students with high and low

abilities. In which student with high ability taught by STAD using

teaching aids have learning achievement is higher than taught by Direct

Instruction. Meanwhile student with low ability taught by STAD using

teaching aids have learning achievement is lower than taught by Direct Instruction. In overall it can be concluded that student’s learning achievement with high ability is higher than student with low ability.

3) There’s a significant interaction between model of teaching and student’s abilities to the student’s learning achievement. It means that both factors namely, method of teaching and student’s ability influence student’s

learning achievement. Since some student’s with low initial ability when given the treatment can achieve the same score with student’s with high initial ability and reverse.

Learning with STAD using teaching aids make students are more active in discussion than Direct Instruction. It can be showed by the percentage of student’s activity each meeting, in which the percentage of student’s activity in class with learning model STAD is higher than in class with learning model Direct


Student’s response in solving the test show that students taught by STAD with

teaching aids is better than taught by Direct Instruction. There are some mistake that found from the analysis result of student’s answer sheet. They are :

1) Mistake in accepting information.

a. Mistake in writing what is known

b. Mistake in writing what is asked

2) Mistake which referring to the concept of surface area and volume of

cylinders namely mistake in using and applying formula.

3) Mistake in calculating

5.2. Suggestion

From the research result, discussion and conclusion that have been

described above, then given suggestion :

1) For the students with low ability, it’s better to use Direct Instruction as the

method of teaching to deliver the material so that students can enhance

their learning achievements.

2) For the students with high ability, it’s better to use STAD with teaching

aids as the method of teaching to deliver the material since they can learn

by themselves and teacher just facilitate them.

3) For the mathematic teacher suggested if using learning model with teaching aids as one of efforts to improve the student’s learning achievement must be supported by increasing the student’s understanding about concept of requirement material which related to the concept of

cylinders. Beside it, applying it with enough time such that can give the

time to review the matter without let students understand the concept by


4) To obtain the research result which more believe, this research is needed

to use more bigger samples maybe doing it in other school such that




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Karlina M. Bakara was born in Sidikalang on November 15th, 1988. Her

father’s name is Tumbur Bakara and her mother’s name is Frosma Manik. She is

first child of her family, and then she has eight sisters and two brother. She was

jointed to SD Inpres 030306 Barisan Nauli on 1995, and then graduated in 2001.

She was graduated from SMP Negeri 2 Sidikalang on 2004. And then she was

graduated from SMA Negeri 1 Sidikalang on 2007. After graduated from Senior

High School, she continued her study in UNIMED as Students College in

bilingual class for Mathematics Education of 2008. She has been finished her

thesis at 4th September 2012 as the requirement for getting the Degree of Sarjana


Figure 2.1. Direct instruction learning visual concept diagram


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159.86O.0S,- {Serotus Lirno Puluh Sembilon Juto Delopon Rqtus ligo Puluh Ribu Rupiohf Termosuk PPN. Seleki Sederhono ini dibuot


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