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A set of reading materials using powerpoint for eighth students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.


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Dewantoro, Yakobus. 2013. Designing a Set of Reading Materials Using PowerPoint for Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

In this globalization era, English is very important. Students in junior high school need to improve their English because they will get more benefit from it in the future. Students need to develop four language skills especially reading. To

increase students’ interest in reading activity, teachers should have an interesting method. Nowadays technology is developing rapidly. One of technology products is PowerPoint. PowerPoint offers opportunity to develop interesting activities for students. This study is aimed at developing a set of reading materials using PowerPoint for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

There were two questions formulated in the study: (1) How is a set of English reading materials using PowerPoint for eight grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati designed? (2) What does the designed set of reading materials using PowerPoint for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati look like?

This study adopted Research and Development method. To answer the questions, the writer combined the models of instructional design from Kemp and Dick & Carey. Those models are modified into seven steps: (1) Conducting need survey, (2) Identifying goals, topics, and general purposes, (3) Specifying the learning objectives, (4) Making list of subjective contents, (5) Selecting teaching learning activities, (6) Evaluating and (7) Revising.

The designed set of materials consists of four units. Each unit consists of three sections. There are pre–reading, whilst-reading, and post-reading. After all materials have been evaluated, the writer analyzed the data. The result of mode ranged from 4 to 5 on five points scale. This result showed that the designed materials are appropriate for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

Finally, the writer hopes that the implementations of the designed set of materials can be useful for English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati as alternative materials in teaching reading and the students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati in improving their reading skill.




Dewantoro, Yakobus. 2013. Designing a Set of Reading Materials Using PowerPoint for Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di era globalisasi saat ini, bahasa Inggris sangat penting bagi siswa. Siswa SMP harus mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka sejak dini karena mereka akan mendapat keuntungannya di masa depan. Siswa harus bisa mengembangkan empat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka terutama membaca. Untuk meningkatkan minat baca siswa, guru sebaiknya dapat membuat kegiatan membaca menjadi menarik. Saat ini teknologi sedang berkembang dengan pesat. Produk teknologi salah satunya PowerPoint memberikan kesempatan bagi guru untuk membuat aktivitas belajar yang menarik untuk siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan seperangkat materi membaca (reading) untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat dua pertanyaan dalam perumusan masalah. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut adalah (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi membaca dengan menggunakan media PowerPoint untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Mlati dirancang? (2) Bagaimana penyajian materi membaca yang telah disusun tersebut?

Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengadaptasi metode Research and Development (R & D) untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian ini. Penulis mengkombinasikan model perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp dan Dick & Carey. Model-model tersebut kemudian dimodifikasi menjadi tujuh langkah yaitu (1) pengumpulan data, (2) perumusan tujuan, topik-topik, dan tujuan umum, (3) perumusan tujuan khusus, (4) perincian isi materi, (5) pemilihan aktivitas pambelajaran, (6) evaluasi materi, dan (7) perbaikan.

Rancangan materi terdiri dari empat unit. Setiap unitnya terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu pre–reading, whilst-reading, dan post-reading. Setelah melakukan evaluasi materi, penulis menganalisa data. Hasil dari nilai modus berkisar antara empat hingga lima dalam skala 1 -5. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa materi yang dirancang sesuai untuk siswa kelas delapan SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

Akhir kata, penulis berharap bahwa pengimplementasian materi tersebut dapat berguna bagi guru sebagai materi alternatif dalam mengajar reading dan bagi murid SMP dalam mengembangkan kemampuan membaca mereka.






Presented as Partial Fulfillments of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yakobus Dewantoro Student Number: 081214126









Presented as Partial Fulfillments of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yakobus Dewantoro Student Number: 081214126






Dewantoro, Yakobus. 2013. Designing a Set of Reading Materials Using PowerPoint for Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: English Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

In this globalization era, English is very important. Students in junior high school need to improve their English because they will get more benefit from it in the future. Students need to develop four language skills especially reading. To

increase students’ interest in reading activity, teachers should have an interesting method. Nowadays technology is developing rapidly. One of technology products is PowerPoint. PowerPoint offers opportunity to develop interesting activities for students. This study is aimed at developing a set of reading materials using PowerPoint for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

There were two questions formulated in the study: (1) How is a set of English reading materials using PowerPoint for eight grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati designed? (2) What does the designed set of reading materials using PowerPoint for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati look like?

This study adopted Research and Development method. To answer the questions, the writer combined the models of instructional design from Kemp and Dick & Carey. Those models are modified into seven steps: (1) Conducting need survey, (2) Identifying goals, topics, and general purposes, (3) Specifying the learning objectives, (4) Making list of subjective contents, (5) Selecting teaching learning activities, (6) Evaluating and (7) Revising.

The designed set of materials consists of four units. Each unit consists of three sections. There are pre–reading, whilst-reading, and post-reading. After all materials have been evaluated, the writer analyzed the data. The result of mode ranged from 4 to 5 on five points scale. This result showed that the designed materials are appropriate for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

Finally, the writer hopes that the implementations of the designed set of materials can be useful for English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati as alternative materials in teaching reading and the students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati in improving their reading skill.




Dewantoro, Yakobus. 2013. Designing a Set of Reading Materials Using PowerPoint for Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di era globalisasi saat ini, bahasa Inggris sangat penting bagi siswa. Siswa SMP harus mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka sejak dini karena mereka akan mendapat keuntungannya di masa depan. Siswa harus bisa mengembangkan empat kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka terutama membaca. Untuk meningkatkan minat baca siswa, guru sebaiknya dapat membuat kegiatan membaca menjadi menarik. Saat ini teknologi sedang berkembang dengan pesat. Produk teknologi salah satunya PowerPoint memberikan kesempatan bagi guru untuk membuat aktivitas belajar yang menarik untuk siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan seperangkat materi membaca (reading) untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat dua pertanyaan dalam perumusan masalah. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut adalah (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi membaca dengan menggunakan media PowerPoint untuk siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 2 Mlati dirancang? (2) Bagaimana penyajian materi membaca yang telah disusun tersebut?

Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengadaptasi metode Research and Development (R & D) untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan penelitian ini. Penulis mengkombinasikan model perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp dan Dick & Carey. Model-model tersebut kemudian dimodifikasi menjadi tujuh langkah yaitu (1) pengumpulan data, (2) perumusan tujuan, topik-topik, dan tujuan umum, (3) perumusan tujuan khusus, (4) perincian isi materi, (5) pemilihan aktivitas pambelajaran, (6) evaluasi materi, dan (7) perbaikan.

Rancangan materi terdiri dari empat unit. Setiap unitnya terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu pre–reading, whilst-reading, dan post-reading. Setelah melakukan evaluasi materi, penulis menganalisa data. Hasil dari nilai modus berkisar antara empat hingga lima dalam skala 1 -5. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa materi yang dirancang sesuai untuk siswa kelas delapan SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

Akhir kata, penulis berharap bahwa pengimplementasian materi tersebut dapat berguna bagi guru sebagai materi alternatif dalam mengajar reading dan bagi murid SMP dalam mengembangkan kemampuan membaca mereka.




First of all, I would thank to Almighty Lord Jesus Christ for His blessing and guidance in my whole life especially during the writing of thesis. He always gives direction when I am stuck. He granted me time to accomplish my study at Sanata Dharma University.

My deep gratitude goes to my major sponsor, V. Triprihatmini, S.Pd., M.Hum, M.A, for her patience, encouragement, guidance, support and contribution of ideas in helping me finish my thesis. In addition, I would like to thank all lecturers Especially C.Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd and L.Sumarni, S.Pd for their willingness to be my respondents. I would thank the Examiners, F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ed.D and Drs. Y.B. Gunawan, M.A. Besides, I thank the secretariat staff, Mbak Dani and Mak Tari for helping and giving information that I need for my study.

A special appreciation goes to Rini Trimurti MG, S.Pd., M.Hum., as the pricipal in SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and Mei Setyanta, S.Pd, M.Hum., English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati for their help, guidance, as well as suggestions to my designed materials. Moreover, I also thank to eighth students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati , for their ideas, consideration and comment so that the need analysis could be done well.


(Fansiska Desiati and Maria Imaculata Apriliani) and my borther (Carolus Noviadi), thanks for giving me cheerfulness in my day.

My deepest appreciation goes to my beloved girlfriend, Imelda Ardina, for her support and for always being there for me, for every moment we share, and for all precious things that we faced together.





TITLE PAGE ... ... i





ABSTRAK ... vii







A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 3

C. Problem Limitation ... 3

D. Research Objective ... 4

E. Research Benefit ... 4

F. Definition of Terms ... 5


1. Instructional Design Model ... 7

a. Dick and Carey’s Model ... 8

b. Kemp’s Model ... 9

2. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) ... 12

a. Definition of CALL ... 12



c. Kind of CALL Approach ... 15

3. Reading ... 16

a. The Nature of Reading ... 16

b. Teaching Reading Skill ... 16

c. Type of Reading Activity ... 18

1) Pre-reading Activities ... 18

2) While-reading Activities ... 19

3) Post-reading Activities ... 19

d. Reading Techniques ... 19

1) Skimming ... 19

2) Scanning ... 20

3) Reading with Comprehension ... 20

4. PowerPoint ... 20

B. Theoretical Framework ... 22


A. Research Method ... 24

1. Research and Information Collecting ... 25

2. Planning ... 25

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product ... 25

4. Preliminary Field Testing ... 26

5. Main Product Revision ... 26

B. Research Participants ... 26

1. The Participant of Research and Information Collecting ... 26

2. The Participant of the Preliminary Field Testing ... 27

C. Research Setting ... 27

D. Research Instruments ... 28

1. Interview ... 28

2. Questionnaire ... 28

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 29

F. Research Procedures ... 31


A. The Process of Designing the Material ... 33

1. Conducting Research and Information Collecting ... 33

a. Students’ Need Based on the Questionnaire to the Students ... 33

b. The Result of Interview ... 36

2. Planning ... 37



b. Determining Indicators ... 38

c. Listing Subject Contents ... 39

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product ... 40

4. The Preliminary Field Testing ... 40

5. Main Product Revision ... 43

B. Presentation of the Designed Set of the Materials ... 43


A. Conclusions ... 46

B. Suggestions ... 48




Figure Page




Table Page

Table 3.1 The Description of the Respondents (Blank) ... 27

Table 3.2 Points of Agreement ... 30

Table 3.3 The Format of the Presentation of Product Evaluation Result ... 30

Table 4.1 Summary of the Result of the Questionnaire ... 34

Table 4.2 Topic and Subtopic of the Designed Set of the Materials ... 37

Table 4.3 Basic Competence ... 37

Table 4.4 Learning Indicator ... 38

Table 4.5 Description of the Respondents ... 40

Table 4.6 Respondents’ Opinions ... 41




Table Page

Appendix A : Letters of Permission ... 51

Appendix B : List of Questions for Interview ... 54

Appendix C : Questionnaire for Students ... 56

Appendix D : Questionnaire for Evaluating the Designed Material ... 59

Appendix E : Syllabus ... 66

Appendix F : Lesson Plan ... 68

Appendix G : Teacher Guides ... 77





This chapter covers six important parts of the thesis: background of the study, problem formulations, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.


Background of the Study

In this globalization era, English is very important because it is international language. Students in junior high school need to improve their ability in using English. If they learn English earlier, they will get more benefit in the future. For that reason the students should improve their skills in English. According to Saricoban (1999), English can be divided into two skills. There are receptive and productive skills. Receptive skill is an ability to receive the language and decode the meaning to understand the language. Reading and listening are included in receptive skills. Productive skill is an ability to produce a language. Writing and speaking are included in productive skills.


habit of reading. Teachers should have a method that makes reading activity looks interesting so that the students can enjoy their reading activities.

In this era, technology is developing rapidly. It is made for helping human. Teachers should know the development of technology. Teachers can use technology to improve their teaching strategy. Technology also helps teacher to provide interesting media for teaching. Many schools in Indonesia have had complete facilities such as LCD projector, sound system, and many more. The problem is the teachers do not apply those facilities in their learning activities. Students will understand the materials easily if they learn English with different way especially in reading activity. Using media such as, pictures, slide show presentations, videos, and songs will not make students be bored.

The idea of using computer for teaching purposes in subjects like English creates mixed feelings and meets with a variety of effect. The fact that computers are used in teaching makes us realize that computer is very important in education world. For teacher who will be the leader of the learning process, the computer can help them in making interesting media.


that the unique property of the computer as a medium for education is its ability to interact with the student. PowerPoint can be tool for the application of CALL. It is a computer software that helps user to present or explain something. This software is made because the creator thinks that people need a medium to help them in working time.

In this study, the writer wants to design a reading material using PowerPoint. The writer believes that PowerPoint presentation can help teachers in teaching reading and give different teaching activities so that the students can understand the material well.


Problem Formulation

There are two main problems to discuss in this study:

1. How is a set of reading materials using PowerPoint for eight grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati designed?

2. What does the designed set of reading materials using PowerPoint for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati look like?


Problem Limitation



Research Objective

This study aims at:

1. Finding out a set of reading materials using PowerPoint for the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati design.

2. Presenting the designed set of reading materials using PowerPoint to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.


Research Benefit

This study is expected to give some benefits. Those are:

1. English teachers

The reading materials can be used as a tool to help English teachers to teach using technology and develop the students’ reading skill and intelligences through PowerPoint presentation. In addition, these materials can be used as a new breakthrough and supplementary material in English teaching. In this study, the materials can be used to add or complete the existing materials. 2. The SMPN 2 Mlati students


3. Other researchers

It is hoped that through this study, the other researchers will be encouraged to conduct some studies to find new theories in education.


Definition of Terms

In this section the writer defines some important terms that are used in this study: 1. Instruction material

An instruction material is resource including printed materials of many kinds, audiovisual media, and other items for group and individual uses. The material itself can motivate students to understand on the subject given (Kemp, 1977). In this study, instructional material is materials from any resources that is used for class and individual uses.

2. Reading

Reading is activity of extracting information from a text including picture, diagrams, graph, and illustration. According to Thompson (1980), reading is an activity integrating the text and readers’ background knowledge to build meaning.

3. Computer Assisted Language Learning


reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element.

4. PowerPoint

According to Hengky Alexander (2011), PowerPoint is a computer program to present something that is developed by Microsoft Corporation. PowerPoint is part of Microsoft office application. For the first time, PowerPoint only used in Xenix operation system but nowadays the user can use it in windows and Apple Macintosh operation system.

5. SMP Negeri 2 Mlati





In this chapter, the writer presents discussion on some theories. The purpose of this chapter is to get comprehension to answer the questions of this study. This chapter is divided into two major parts. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

This study concerns about designing a set of reading materials using PowerPoint for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati as such review of related literature. There are four topics presented in this section: Instructional Design, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), PowerPoint, and Vocabulary.

1. Instructional Design Model


a. Dick and Carey’s Model

“An instructional plan consists of a number of components that, when

integrated, provided you with an outline for delivering effective instruction to

learners” (Dick & Carey, 1989, p.3). They also said that generally, system approach consist of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. In this model, the designers should make a learning analysis before they make performance goals.


b. Kemp’s Model

This method is taken because the structure by Kemp can be applied in all education levels. Kemp (1977) mentioned that there are three essential elements that should be considered in design material:

1) Objective (what must be learned?)

2) Activities and resources (what procedures and resources will work best to reach learning level?)

3) Evaluation (how will know the required has taken place?)

According to Kemp (1977), the instructional design model consists of eight steps: 1) Goals, topics, and general purpose

In this step, a designer should decide the goals of designing the material, select the most appropriate topics for the student, and make the general purposes of objectives. The goals can be derived from three sources i.e. students, subject area, and society. To achieve the goals, a designer should select the topics and organize them well form the simple one to the more complicated one. The next thing to do is listing general purposes which are made from the goals and explicitly express students‟ expectation.

2) Learning Characteristic

Learners‟ characteristic, needs, abilities and interests will take big consideration in constructing the material. The information on student‟s


3) Learning objectives

Learning objectives indicate especially what learners are required to learn and the objectives are any abilities or behavior that can be measured. Specifying the objectives is difficult but in making instructional design, it is very essential.

4) Subject content

There are two elements in subject contents, “organizing content and task analysis”. Organizing content is process of organizing specific knowledge, skill, and attitudinal factors of any topic. Task analysis is managing the procedures of teaching in a well sequenced order.

5) Pre-assessment

There are two kinds of pre-assessment that should be conducted in design material. There are prerequisite and pretesting. The function of the test becomes determination whether the students have the appropriate background for the topic.

6) Teaching/learning activities and resources


7) Evaluating

In this step, the designer evaluates the learners‟ knowledge whether the learning objective had been achieved or not. The evaluation is also done to the whole components of the material. It helps in making any necessary adjustment.

8) Revising

This step is done after the designer obtains the result from evaluation. This step is done to improve the design so that the design will be better.


2. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

This part elaborates three points of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). They are Definition of CALL, advantages of CALL, and kind of CALL Approach.

a. Definition of Computer Assisted Language Learning

Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an approach of language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element (Kenning, 1983). Using CALL means students learn language in any context with computer technologies.

b. Advantages of CALL

Indrawati (2011) indicated that the current computer technology has many advantages for second language learning. The following are the advantages of CALL as stated:

1) Interest and motivation


2) Individualization

CALL allows learners to have non-sequential learning habit; they can decide on their own which skills to develop and which course to use, as well as the speed and level by their own needs.

3) A compatible learning style

Students have different style of learning, and an incompatible style for students will cause serious conflicts to them.

4) Optimal use of learning time

The time flexibility of using computer enables students to choose appropriate timing for learning. Indrawati (2011) stressed the importance of flexible learning, learning anywhere, anytime, anyhow, and anything you want, which is true for the web-based instruction and CALL. Learners are given a chance to study and review the materials as many times they want without limitation of time.

5) Immediate feedback


feedback, allowing students at their own pace, and causing less frustration among students.

6) Error analysis

Computer database can be used by teacher to classify and differentiate the type of general error and an error on account of the influence of the first language. A computer can analyze the specific mistakes that students make and can react in different way from the usual teacher, which make students able to make self-correction and understand the principle behind the correct solution. (Ravichandran, 2007)

7) Guided and repetitive practice

Students have freedom of expression within certain bounds that programmers create, such as grammar, vocabulary, etc. They can repeat the course they want to master as many as they wish. According to Ikeda (1999) in Kiliçkaya (2007), drill-type CALL materials are suitable for repetitive practice, which enable students to learn concepts and key elements in a subject area.

8) Pre-determined to process syllabus

A Computer enhances the learning process from a pre-determined syllabus to an emerging or process syllabus. For example, a monotonous


learner syllabuses “through a decision-making process undertaken by teacher

and learners together” (Breen 1986 in Ravichandran 2000).

c. Kind of CALL Approach

According to Kenning (1983), There are three kinds of approach in CALL theory. They are behavioristic CALL, communicative CALL, and interactive CALL.

1) Behavioristic CALL

In this stage of CALL, repetitive language drills, referres to as drill-and practice used. The computer is seen as a mechanical tutor who never allows students to work at an individual pace, which hinders motivation. 2) Communicative CALL

Software developed in this period includes text reconstruction program and simulations. In communicative CALL, the focus is not so much on what students do with the computer, but rather what they do with each other while working at the computer.

3) Interactive CALL


3. Reading

This section refers to some theories that related to reading. These theories conclude nature of reading, teaching reading skill, type of reading activity, and technique of reading.

a. The Nature of Reading

According to Wallace (1992), reading is an activity of the way in which we use language. People use language for some purposes. Wallace (1992) also states that people do reading activity at least for three reasons. Those are reading for pleasure, reading for survival, and reading for learning. Those three purposes have one core that reading is a process of delivering. It means that when somebody does reading activity, He/she is trying to understand the writer‟s message by interacting with the text.

Meanwhile, Kustaryo (1988) states that reading is a process of understanding what have been read. Reading can also be told as an active thinking process because when we are reading we will try to understand the content spontaneously. Kustaryo (1988) also stated that reading is an active process of comprehending meaning of reading material.

b. Teaching Reading Skill


1) Knowing the reader‟s knowledge

Reader‟s knowledge can influence reading comprehension. For teacher,

knowing the students‟ knowledge can help the teacher in making topic, asking

questions, and finding the text that will be read by the students. 2) Build a strong vocabulary base

Vocabulary is very important in reading activity. Students‟ strong vocabulary base can support the students in reading activity. The focus of teaching reading vocabulary especially in reading is basic vocabulary, while less frequent vocabularies are taught implicitly by teaching the students how to understand the text.

3) Teach for the comprehension

Teaching reading should focus on how to comprehend the text rather than testing their understanding. The teacher can encourage students to use cognitive skill that includes what strategies they can use to comprehend the text.

4) Increase reading rate

It does not focus on speed reader, but fluent reader in which their reading rate and reading comprehension skill are balance.

5) Teach reading strategies


6) Encourage the students to transform strategies into skills

The teacher should encourage the students to transform strategies of reading, conscious action that students take to achieve desired goals into skills. 7) Build assessment and evaluation into your teaching

In assessing students‟ reading skills, quantitative and qualitative aspects should be included. Qualitative assessment can be gathered by testing their reading comprehension, while qualitative assessment can be gathered by giving reading journal responses or reading interest surveys.

8) Strive for continuous improvement as a reading teachers

The success of reading teachers depends on how they facilitate their students to discover what work best in their reading. So the teachers should have good facilities for a good teaching process.

c. Type of Reading Activity

In general, there are three main types of reading activity (Wallace, 1992). They are pre-activities, while-reading activities, and post-reading activities. The explanations of those types are presented below:

1) Pre-reading Activities


second one is by giving cross-cultural pre-reading tasks. The third is by giving pre-reading task which challenge conventional outcome.

2) While-reading Activities

While-reading activities include offering the students alternative reading of a text, analyzing linguistic choices, and identifying parallel discourse. Offering the students alternative reading of a text means the teacher gives more than one way of reading text. Analyzing linguistic choices means the teacher encourages the students to understand the discourses which unfold in the text. Identifying parallel discourse means the teacher encourages the students to compare discourses in parallel way to get better understanding.

3) Post-reading Activities

Post-reading activities should be conducted to achieve a purpose of the topic being learnt. The activity may be giving tasks, reflections, or providing other texts which are related with the previous text.

d. Reading Techniques

To comprehend the text, students are encouraged to employ reading techniques in order to have effective reading. There are some techniques that can be used by students to achieve the purposes. The techniques are presented below:

1) Skimming


the author writes in the text without many details. The way of skimming is done by knowing the key word.

2) Scanning

Scanning is a reading strategy to find specific information from a text. The purpose of scanning is to focus on particular words, numbers, or phrases in the text. The students have to know the information that they want to search.

3) Reading with Comprehension

Reading with comprehension means the students are able to understand everything which has been read. To be able to do this technique, the students should organize the ideas, recognize the purpose of the author and evaluate it.

4. PowerPoint

PowerPoint is media which can use in teaching. There are some benefits of PowerPoint. Mills (2003) stated the benefits of using PowerPoint in teaching:

a. It provides encouragement. PowerPoint is supported by facilitating a presentation in a professional manner. The templates provided have been designed to default good presentation criteria such as the number of lines of information per slide and appropriate font sizes and types. For example, using the styles of the default templates can significantly improve the clarity of a presentation.


encouraged to incorporate more sophisticated visual and auditory media into presentations.

c. PowerPoint comes with free viewer software that can be distributed with the files so that the reader is not required to have PowerPoint on their personal system. d. Editing of each PowerPoint file is very easy with minimal associated reprinting

costs. This ease and potential immediacy of revision facilitates reflection upon, and evolution of, teaching materials by staff whilst minimizing the consequences of any revision in terms of either workload or time.

Mills (2003) also stated that there are some points that should be done in designing material

a. PowerPoint should provide key words, concepts, and images to enhance your presentation (but PowerPoint should not replace you as the presenter).

b. Avoid reading from the slide of reading material can be perceived as though

you don‟t know the material. If you must read the material, provide it in a

handout instead of a projected PowerPoint slide.

c. Avoid rapidly moving the laser pointer across the slide. Also, use a laser pointer with a large enough dot to be seen from all areas of the room. Allow no more than one to two slides per minute of content.


e. Learn to use PowerPoint efficiently and have a back-up plan in case of technical failure.

f. Give yourself enough time to finish the presentation. Trying to rush through slides can give the impression of an unorganized presentation and may be difficult for student to follow.

B. Theoretical Framework

The related literatures above give us the understanding of instructional design, computer assisted language learning, reading skill, and PowerPoint. All review of literatures become the base of clarifying the theoretical framework of this study.

In this study, the writer uses two kinds of instructional models, those are Dick

and Carey‟s and Kemp‟s. Not all of the theories are applied in this study. The writer

use Kemp‟s theory in design material and Dick and Carey‟s theory as a supported theory. All of the theories give contribution in designing a set of English reading instructional materials using PowerPoint program for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

As it is stated in previous part, in designing material, the writer applies

Kemp‟s Instructional Design Models. The reason why the writer uses that

instructional design models is that it could be easily understood and are suitable. The steps done by the writer were as follows:

1) Conducting need survey. The writer would find out information about the


the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and interviewing English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati

2) Identifying goals, topics, and general purposes. The writer adapted this step from

Kemp‟s model. In this step, the writer identified the goals and also stated the general purposes of each topic. The topic should express the general purposes which provided lists and exercise of reading.

3) Specifying the learning objectives. By specifying the learner objectives, the writer considered what should be given to the students in order to develop their reading skill. The writer made a list of what the learners had to be learn in every meeting.

4) Making list of subjective contents. The writer decided the content of the subject which was relevant with the learning objectives of each topic that will be listed. 5) Selecting teaching learning activities. In this step the writer selects the activities

for the teacher and the students. The materials were designed to improve the

students‟ reading skill. Selecting equipment which helps the writer to designing reading materials. In this case, the writer use PowerPoint as media.

6) Evaluating. The writer evaluated the materials to see whether the items of the design material need to revise or not.

7) Revising. It was done after the writer obtained the feedback from evaluation. This stepwas done to improve the designed materials.





In this chapter, the writer presents the methodology used to conduct this study. This chapter is aimed at discussing the methodology systematically. The discussion includes research methodology, research setting, participants of the research, research instruments and data gathering techniques, data analysis, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

An appropriate methodology is needed as a direction to conduct and organize the step or the procedure of the study. This study attempts to answer two problems. First, it was conducted to find out how to set reading materials by using PowerPoint. Second, it was aimed to present the designed material for the students. Based on those problems, education research and development was considered the most appropriate methodology. As it is stated by Borg and Gall (1983) educational research and development (R & D) is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The goal of R & D is to take this research knowledge and incorporate it into a product that can be used in the school (1983, p.771).


implementation. The writer only used the first five of the R&D cycle steps because the writer did not test the material in class. The steps are explained as follows.

1. Research and Information Collecting

The writer did survey in order to find information from the learners, module, and other sources as the base to design and develop the materials later. The data for the survey were collected by distributing questionnaire and conducting interview. The questionnaire was distributed to eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and the interview was conducted to one English teacher of the eighth grade of the school.

2. Planning

According to Borg and Gall (1983, p.779) the most important aspect of planning a research-based education product is the statement of the specific objectives to be achieved by the product. It means that the process to create an objective is important because later it will determine the result. The writer used an instructional design model from Kemp (1977) for the design materials that in the future will be useful to determine the goal, topic and general purpose.

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product


information then the writer designed the materials. In this step, the writer designed a set of reading materials by using PowerPoint for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

The purpose of preliminary field test is to obtain an initial qualitative evaluation of new educational product. In this step, the writer distributed questionnaire to two lecturers of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University and the English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati to get feedback and suggestion in order to improve the design of material.

5. Main Product Revision

Main product revision was designed based on the feedbacks and suggestions from the result of the questionnaire.

B. Research Participants

In this study, the writer used a group of participants. The participants were the subject of research and information collecting.

1. The Participants of Research and Information Collecting

In order to find the information about the learners’ needs and interests, the


2. The Participants of the Preliminary Field Testing.


The participants of the evaluation survey were the English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and two lecturers of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The participants from the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University were lecturers who expert in teaching reading. They are expected to give feedbacks and opinions or suggestions to the designed material. The feedbacks that were given by the participants were so important for the writer in order to improve the materials. Table 3.1 represents the description of the respondents:

Table 3.1 The Description of the Respondents (Blank)

Group of

Respondents No

Female/Male Educational Background

Teaching Experience (year)

Female Male S1 S2 S3 1-5 6-10


16-20 >20 Eng. Teacher

Eng. Lecturers 1 Eng. Lecturers 2

C. Research Setting

This study was done in SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. It is located on Jl. Perkutut, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman. The information collection was done in SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and Sanata Dharma University.

D. Research Instruments


1. Interview

An interview is a way of gathering data or information by asking individuals some questions about their view or opinion of certain topic. According to Ary (1979), an interview is an instrument which allows flexibility since the interviewer is able to observe the subject as well as the situation. This instrument enables the writer to explore deeply the answers of the respondents. In this case, the respondent is the teacher. In this study, the interview was done for an English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. Through this way, the writer expects to be able to obtain further explanation for unclear answer which is important to design a good material of reading using PowerPoint for eighth grade students of junior high school.

2. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a useful instrument for collecting survey information, providing structures, often numerical data, being able to administer without the presence of the researcher, and often being comparatively straight forward to analyze (Wilson and Mc Lean, 1994 as cited in Cohen, Manion, Morrison, 2000, P.245). According to research and information collecting step of R & D, the writer distributed the questionnaire to eighth grade students of junior high school to get more information on the material needed by the students. In R & D, it is in the research and information collecting step.


learning English especially in reading. The analysis of the data was aimed at solving the problem of what the English reading material using PowerPoint. The data were used to find the learner’s need on reading which could be useful to

determine the appropriate teaching of reading. After the writer designs the materials, as the preliminary field testing step of R & D, the writer is also going to distribute the questionnaire to the one teacher and two lecturers of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, a descriptive data was chosen. The data to evaluate the proposal English using PowerPoint was gained from the interviews.

The questionnaire data were analyzed by using several steps. For the very first step, the writer recapitulated the data in the table. After that, the writer percentages for each respond. The results were obtained by dividing the number of students who chose certain answer with the total number of the students, then multiplying it with 100%. The data were calculated by using percentage as follows:

Note: n : the total number of students who choose certain answer N : the total number of students

The writer arranged a table which used to present the result of the data. After that, the writer made the interpretation of the result in the form of paragraph.

n N


To analyze the model of the design that was made by the writer, the writer used the Liker’s scale. The data were analyzed to support the process of modifying the instructional reading English material using PowerPoint. The writer applied five options to represent the respondents’ agreement, disagreement, and doubt about for each statement. The options are presented on the table 3.2

Table 3.2 Points of agreement

Point of Agreement


1 Absolutely disagree

2 Disagree

3 Undecided

4 Agree

5 Absolutely agree

The writer calculated the data of this questionnaire using descriptive statistics. Then the writer used the questionnaire data to find the number of case and the mean. The writer made a table of the central tendency of the respondents’ on the design of the materials.

Table 3.3 The Format of the Presentation of Product Evaluation Result

No Respondents’ opinion

Frequency of Occurrence Central Tendencies


The writer processed the data by looking the mode result. Mode is the most frequent score in distribution. From the most frequent score, it showed whether the respondents agree or not with the opinions. The designed materials are appropriate if the score of the mode from the questionnaire was above 3.50. The designed material needed a revision if the score of the mean is below 3.50.

F. Research Procedures

In creating a valid and reliable data for instructional design of writing material for SMP Negeri 2 Mlati, the writer made the steps in the certain ways. The procedures can be explained as follows:

1. Research and Collect the Information

In this step, the writer got some need analysis information from the observation during the writer did PPL in the SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. The writer did the interview to the teacher in this school and distributed questionnaires to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati for data gathering.

2. Planning

After the writer got the result of need analysis, the writer started to determine the goal, topic and general purposes. It was aimed to make a framework so that the writer can choose the appropriate activities for learning process.

3. Product Developing


4. Evaluating

The writer conducted an evaluation on the materials by distributing the questionnaire to the teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and to two lecturers of Sanata Dharma University in the English Language Education Study Program. The questionnaire was distributed to identify whether the designed materials are appropriate for students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati or not.

5. Revising the Designed Material





In this chapter, the writer presents the result of the study. There are two parts to discuss in this chapter. The first is the process of designing the materials. The purpose of this part is to answer the first question of the study. The second part concerns with the designed materials. The writer shows the process of the designed materials. This part is aimed to answer second question of the study. In addition, the writer shows the final presentation of the designed materials which is made from evaluation.

A. The Process of Designing the Materials

The writer combined two instructional design models, which were Dick

and Carey’s and also Kemp’s. The elaboration of the model is discussed as


1. Conducting Research and Information Collecting

The research and information collecting was conducted by interviewing and distributing questionnaires. The interview was addressed to English teacher of SMPN 2 Mlati and the questionnaires were addressed to the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Mlati.

a. Students’ need based on the questionnaires given to the students


from one class only because he believed that the chosen class had representative other classes. The data gained from the distribution of the questionnaire are presented in the table 4.1

Table 4.1 Summary of the Result of the Questionnaire

Number Question Result

Answer Number percentage

1. Do you think English is important for you?

A.Yes 38 100%

B.No 0 0


Do you find any difficulties in learning English?

C.Yes 32 84.22%

D.No 6 15.78%


Are you interested in reading English text?

A.Yes 20 53.39%

B.No 15 42.58%

C.Abstain 3 7.12%


What are your difficulties of reading English text?

A.Vocabulary 28 73.69% B.Finding

main idea

5 13.16%

C.Finding supporting idea.

1 2.62%

D.Others 4 10.53%


What will you do if you get difficulties in comprehending the text?

A. Consult the dictionary

25 65.79%

B. Asked the teacher

12 31.58%

C. Ignore it 1 2.63%


Do you like studying English by using power point?

A. Yes 30 78.95%

B. No 8 21.05%


English. It can be proved on the table that all students (100%) agreed that English is important for them, however 15.79% of students who do not feel difficult in learning English. The rest of them (84. 22%) still feel difficult in learning English.

Dealing with the reading interest, 53.35% of the students are interested in reading English text and 42.58% of the students are not interested in reading. However, 7.12% answered that they did not know whether they interested in reading or not. The students feel difficult in comprehending reading text because of many reasons. The table showed that 73.69% of the students find difficulty in vocabulary. Most of them do not know the vocabulary which is related to the text. 13.16% of the students found difficulty in finding the main idea of the text and 2.62% of the students found difficult in finding the supporting idea. However, 10.53% of the students have another reason. They thought that they felt difficult in comprehending the text because the topic of the text is hard to understand.


b. The Result of Interview

The interview was done on 3rd September 2012. The interview is aimed to collect information from the teacher. The list of the interview questions can be seen in Appendix 2. The findings of the interview are presented below:

1) The students get difficulty when they are reading because some of them started learning English when they were in seventh grade of junior high school. Some of them got difficulty in vocabulary.

2) When the teacher teaches the students, he always starts the lesson by giving vocabulary related to the text that will be given in that day. It will help them to understand the text.

3) Based on the teacher experience, the students like to read something that is related to their daily activity and familiar with their life such as text about daily activity.

4) The teacher told that the student like communicative learning. Sometimes the teacher uses games as media in reading. Students are interested in work in groups so games will motivate them to study.

5) The students do not like reading a text. The students like to work in group so that using cooperative games will increase their interest.


2. Planning

After getting the data, the writer started to make the goal, topic, and general purpose by determining competency standard and basic competence.

a. Determining Competency Standard, Basic Competence, and Topic


The writer determined the competency standard based on the KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan). Based on that KTSP, there is only one standard competency of reading. It was to understand the meaning in short and simple descriptive and recount texts related to nearest environments. After determining the competency standard, the writer made a list of topics. There are four topics and they are arranged as follows:

Table 4.2 Topic and Subtopic of the Designed Set of the Materialss

Unit Title Topic

1. City Describing place

2. My Family Describing People

3. Holiday Recount

4. My Experience Recount

According to KTSP, there are three basic competences and each topic will be formulated by basic competence. They are presented as follows:

Table 4.3 Basic Competence

Subject Basic Competence


The students are able to:


Subject Basic Competence


The students are able to:

5.2.Respond to short functional text meanings accurately related with nearest environment.

5.3.Respond to the meaning and rhetorical step in simple short essay accurately related to nearest environment in descriptive and recount text.

b. Determining Indicators


The purpose of indicator is to check whether the basic competences had been achieved or not. Based on basic competences, the writer has made ten indicators. The indicators are stated as follows:

Table 4.4 Learning Indicator

Basic Competence Indicators

5.1Read aloud simple functional text and essay formed descriptive and recount with the correct pronunciation, stresses, and intonations related to nearest environment.

 Read aloud short functional text.

 Read descriptive and recount text with correct pronunciation and intonation.  Produce sound correctly

5.2Respond to short functional text meanings accurately related with nearest environment.

 Identify information in short functional text.

 Stated social function in short functional text.

 Apply important vocabulary in reading the text.

 Identify language characteristic in short functional text.

5.3 Respond the meaning and rhetorical step in simple short essay accurately related to nearest environment in descriptive and recount text.

 Comprehend the main ideas, supporting ideas, and details of recount text.

 Recognize the structure of descriptive and recount text.


c. Listing Subject Contents

After determining standard competence, basic competence, topics, and indicators, the writer started to make the product. From the concept of reading of Pearson and Fielding as cited by Urquhart and Weir (1998), there are three parts of teaching reading. Each part will be discussed as follows:

1) Pre-reading

The purpose of this part is to motivate the students and encourage

students’ interest in reading. Pre-reading activity is important because this activity

can help students in their attempt to deal with a series of complex tasks. In this activity teacher will give short vocabulary related to the text that will be read in the next activity. It will be made by making vocabulary task.

2) Whilst-reading

Whilst-reading is the main activity in every unit. The purpose of the

activity is to develop the students’ reading skill. In whilst-reading activity the

students are the main role so they are encouraged to be active and reflective. They have to be able to read the text aloud with correct pronunciation. They also have to be able to understand the message sent by the author of the text. This part will provide the students with a reading passage related to the topic discussed and give question related to the passage.

3) Post reading


3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product

In this stage, the writer determined the effective method and then selected materials to provide learning experiences that could support the objective. After that, the writer decided the appropriate teaching and learning activities. The writer developed the materials based on the arrangement stated in the syllabus developed and the materials were made by using power point.

4. The Preliminary Field Testing

The writer conducted the preliminary after the materials designed finished. In these steps, the materials were evaluated by experts. In conducting evaluation,

the writer adapted Kemp’s instructional design step, named evaluation. In


evaluation step, the writer distributed post designed questionnaire to an English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and two lecturers of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. They were obtained to improve the designed set of materials by giving subject and suggestions. The evaluation was conducted from 8th January 2013 until 29th January 2013. The description of the respondents is presented as follows:

Table 4.5 Description of the Respondents

Group of Respondents

Sex Educational

Background Teaching Experience M F S1 S2 S3 <5 5-10 >10

English Teacher 1 - - 1 - - - 1


The questionnaires were divided into two parts. The first part of the questionnaire was the close form. It was used to ease the respondents in answering the questionnaires. The first part consisted of closed forms of statements in which the respondents gave their evaluation by choosing one of the agreements. The number of agreement are

1 : Absolutely disagree with the statement 2 : Disagree with the statement

3 : Undecided with the statement 4 : Agree with the statement

5 : Absolutely agree with the statement


The evaluation of the data were presented in the following table: Table 4.6 Respondents’ Opinions

No Respondents’ Opinion

Frequency of

Occurrence Central Tendency

1 2 3 4 5 Mode

1. The indicators are

well formulated. - - 1 2 - 4


The indicators are able to support the attainment of basic competence.

- - - 3 - 4

3. The topics are well

arranged. - - - 1 2 5

4. The instructions are

clear. - - - 3 - 4


The exercise provided can help the students understand the lesson being taught.

- - - 1 2 5


The exercise are various and interesting.


No Respondents’ Opinion

Frequency of

Occurrence Central Tendency

1 2 3 4 5 Mode


The activities are able to support the attainment of the indicator.

- - - - 3 5


Designed materials using PowerPoint are effective.

- - - - 3 5

Based on the result of the questionnaires, the designed materials were good because from the table 4.6 shows that the mode of eight statements stated in the questionnaires were above 4. The writer concluded that the respondents agreed that the designed materials were appropriate for eighth students’ of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati.

In addition, the writer also distributed open-ended questionnaires to obtain the respondents’ comments, criticisms, and feedbacks on the designed materials. There were two questions asked. The first was the questions asked about the comments and opinions on the designed materials and the second was the questions about the suggestions about the designed materials.

Based on three respondents’ answers, there were five points of feedback and suggestions.

a. Using PowerPoint in teaching reading was creative and innovative. Students can get new experience in studying. It was helpful for both students and teacher to practice their reading abilities.


c. The materials were helpful for the students because they can study the materials individually in their home.

d. The chosen topics were appropriate for junior high school.

e. There were some grammatical mistakes and instructions that need to be revised.

5. Main Product Revision

After obtaining the evaluation from the respondents on the designed materials, the writer started to revise the materials. The revision was made based on the feedbacks and suggestions from the respondents. At last there were some revisions made in the designed materials. The revisions are presented below:

a. Some grammatical mistakes in the designed materials were rechecked and revised. The writer checked the grammar of each unit. It is hoped that the designed materials help the teacher and the students to not be confused with the reading materials.

b. The writer checked the instructions for each unit. Therefore that the students could understand what should they do in each activity.

B. Presentation of the Designed Set of the Materials


activities; there are pre-reading activities, whilst-reading activities, and post-reading activities. The topic and sections are presented below:

Table 4.7 The Topic and Sections of the Designed Materials

Unit Topics Sections

1 City 1. Pre- reading

 Picture

 Answering questions related to the pictures

2. Whilst-reading

 Discussing descriptive text  Reading text 1

 Exercise about the text 1  Reading text 2

 Exercise about the text 2 3. Post- reading

 Reflection 2 My Family 1. Pre- reading

 Picture

 Answering questions related to the pictures

2. Whilst-reading  Reading text 1

 Exercise about the text 1  Reading text 2

 Exercise about the text 2  Reading text 3

 Exercise about the text 3 3. Post- reading

 Reflection 3 Holiday 1. Pre- reading

 Picture

 Answering questions related to the pictures

2. Whilst-reading

 Discussing recount text  Reading text 1

 Exercise about the text 1  Reading text 2

 Exercise about the text 2 3. Post- reading


Unit Topics Sections

4 My Experience 1. Pre- reading  Picture

 Answering questions related to the pictures

2. Whilst-reading

 Discussing skimming and scanning  Reading text 1

 Exercise about the text 1  Reading text 2

 Exercise about the text 2  Reading text 3

 Exercise about the text 3 3. Post- reading





This chapter consists of two parts. The first part is the conclusion of the study, while the second part is the suggestions for the English teachers or instructors and the future researchers.


This study is aimed to design a set of English reading materials using PowerPoint for eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. In accomplishing the purpose, the writer formulated two research problems. The first problem was how to set of the English reading materials using PowerPoint is designed. The second question was what the designed set of material looked like.

In answering the first research problem, the writer adapted some steps from two instructional design models. They are Kemp’s model and Dick and Carey’s model. In completing the study, the writer adopted some steps from each

model. The steps of designing materials are presented below:

1. Conducting need survey. The writer collected information about the students’ needs by distributing questionnaires to the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and interviewing the English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati. 2. Identifying goals, topics, and general purposes. The writer used KTSP


3. Specifying the learning objectives. By specifying the learner objectives, the writer considered what the students’ needs in order to develop their reading skill.

4. Making list of subjective contents. The writer determined the content of the subject which is relevant with the learning objectives of each topic.

5. Selecting teaching learning activities. The writer set of learning activities. All activities are applied by using PowerPoint.

6. Evaluating (Conducting Post-design Survey). The writer distributed questionnaires in mixed form. The form contained closed and open ended questions. The questionnaires were given to English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati and two English lecturers of Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaires were distributed to recognize their opinions, suggestions, and critiques of the designed materials.

7. Revising and making final version of the materials. They were done after the writer obtained the feedback from evaluation.

Furthermore, in order to answer the second r


Figure 2.2 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model  ................................................
Figure 2.1. Dick and Carey’s Instructional Model (1989)
Table 3.1 The Description of the Respondents (Blank)
Table 3.2 Points of agreement


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