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(A Case Study of English – Indonesian Translation)

A Research Paper

Ichsan Mukti Wibowo (0902433)







Ichsan Mukti Wibowo

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Ichsan Mukti Wibowo 2015 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Februari 2015

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.




Study of English – Indonesian Translation)

A Paper by Ichsan Mukti Wibowo


Approved by: Main Supervisor

Dr. H. Odo Fadloely, M.A NIP: 195408041977021001

Head of Department of English Education The Faculty of Language and Literature Education

Indonesia University of Education


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRACT




The present research entitled An Analysis of Translation Procedures Used by

Google Translate in Translating the Grammatical Hierarchies aims at analyzing

the translation procedures and identifying the translation quality of Google Translate products. A qualitative method was used to analyze the research. In analyzing the data, the researcher refers to some theories of translation procedures proposed by Peter Newmark (1988), Vinay & Darbelnet (1995 in Fawcet,1997) and Larson (1984) and a number of theories of translation quality proposed by Larson (1984), Tytler (1907), Nida and Taber (1982), Tytler (1791 in Basnett, 2002), Massoud (1988 in Abdellah, 2002), and El Shafey (1985 in Abdellah, 2002). The results of data analysis shows that there are seven procedures found in Google Translate products: literal (99 items or 49,5%), couplets and triplets (69 items or 34,5%), transposition (16 items or 8%), transference/borrowing (7 items or 3,5%), paraphrase (5 items or 2,5%), synonymy (3 items or 1,5%), and

naturalization (one item or 0,5%). The second finding shows that the translation

products of Google Translate is good or acceptable in translating words. On the other hand, the translation quality of GT products was quite unacceptable or inappropriate in translating phrases, clauses and sentences because the meaning was not delivered properly and therefore before using GT to translate phrases, clauses, and sentences, the users have to recheck the results of translation. Based on percentages of acceptable translation (82,5%) and unacceptable (17,5%). In the words level, there are more acceptable items (50 items). In the phrases level, there are 42 acceptable items and 8 unacceptable items. In the clauses level, there are 41 acceptable items and 9 unacceptable items. In the sentences level, there are more unacceptable items (18 items) and 32 acceptable items. Furthemore, the total selected items are 200 items (50 words, 50 phrase, 50 clauses, and 50 sentences). The total acceptable items are 165 items from 200 items and unacceptable items are 35 items from 200 items.

Keywords: Translation Procedures, Google Translate, The Grammatical


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu ABSTRAK

Penelitian yang berjudunl Analisis Prosedur Penerjemahan oleh Google Translate dalam menerjemahkan tingkatan tata bahasa ini bertujuan menganalisis prosedur penerjemahan dan mengidentifikasikan kualitas hasil penerjemahan Google

Translate. Metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif digunakan dalam penelitian ini.

Dalam menganalisi data, teori prosedur penerjemahan yang dikemukakan oleh Peter Newmark (1988), Vinay & Darbelnet (1995 in Fawcet,1997) and Larson (1984) dan kualitas penerjemahan dikemukakan oleh Larson (1984), Tytler (1907), Nida and Taber (1982), Tytler (1791 in Basnett, 2002), Massoud (1988 in Abdellah, 2002), and El Shafey (1985 in Abdellah, 2002). Hasil dari analisis data menunjukan ada tujuh prosedur ditemukan di hasil penerjemahan Google

Translate :literal (99 item or 49,5%), couplets and triplets (69 item or 34,5%), transposition (16 item atau 8%), transference/borrowing (7 item atau 3,5%), paraphrase (5 item atau 2,5%), synonymy (3 item atau 1,5%), and naturalization

(1 item atau 0,5%). Adapun temuan kedua memperlihatkan bahwa hasil penerjemahan Google Translate itu bagus dalam menerjemahkan kata. Disamping itu, kualitas penerjemahan Google Translate tidak baik dalam menerjemahkan frase, klausa dan kalimat karena arti nya tidak tersampaikan dengan baik dan jadi sebelum menggunakan Google Translate untuk menerjemahkan frase, klausa dan kalimat, pengguna Google Translate harus mengecek kembali hasil penerjemahannya. Berdasarkan persentase penerjemahan yang dapat diterima sebesar 82,5% dan yang tidak dapat diterima sebesar 17,5%. Pada level kata, terdapat banyak penerjemahan yang dapat diterima sebesar 50 item. Pada level frase, terdapat 42 penerjemahan yang dapat diterima dan 8 yang tidak dapat diterima. Pada level klausa, terdapat 41 penerjemahan yang dapat diterima dan 9 yang tidak dapat diterima. Pada level kalimat, terdapat 18 penejemahan yang tidak dapat dterima dan 32 yang dapat diterima. Jadi, jumlah sampel penelitian adalad 200 item (50 kata, 50 frase, 50 klausa dan 50 kalimat). Jumla penerjemahan yang dapat diterima adalah 165 item dari 200 item dan yang tidak dapat diterima sebesar 35 item dari 200 item.


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu




PREFACE ... ii







A. Background ... 1

B. Research Questions ... 3

C. Aims of the Research ... 3

D. Limitation of the Research ... 3

E. Significance of the Research ... 4

F. Clarification of Key Terms ... 4

G. Organization of Paper ... 5


A. Translation ... 6

1. Definition of translation ... 6

2. Translation Process ... 7

3. Translation Methods ... 8


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

5. The Criteria of Good Translation ... 18

B. The Types of Text ... 20

C. Machine Translation ... 21

D. Google Translate ... 23

E. Grammatical Hierarchy ... 24

1. Sentence ... 25

2. Clause... 25

3. Phrase ... 27

4. Word ... 28

F. Concluding Remark ... 28


A. Research Questions ... 29

B. Aims of the Research ... 29

C. Research Design ... 29

D. The Object of the Research ... 30

E. Population and The Sample ... 30

1. Population ... 30

2. The Sample ... 31

F. Data Collection ... 32

G. Data Analysis ... 32

H. Concluding Remark ... 33



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1. The Translation Procedures used by Google Translate in translating the

Grammatical Hierarchy ... 34

2. The Translation Procedures used by Google Translate in translating the words ... 36

3. The Translation Procedures used by Google Translate in translating the phrases ... 40

4. The Translation Procedures used by Google Translate in translating the clauses ... 44

5. The Translation Procedures used by Google Translate in translating the sentences ... 52

B. Findings and Discussions of the Quality of Translation ... 60

C. Concluding Remark... 63


A.Conclusions ... 64

B. Suggestions... 66



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Table 4.1 The Amount of translation procedures used by Google Translate in

translating the grammatical hierarchies ... 35

Table 4.2 The Amount of translation procedures used by Google Translate in translating the words ... 36

Table 4.3 Literal Translation Procedure ... 37

Table 4.4 Transference/ Borrowing Procedure ... 38

Table 4.5 Synonymy Procedure ... 39

Table 4.6 Naturalization Procedure ... 39

Table 4.7 The Amount of translation procedures used by Google Translate in translating the phrases ... 40

Table 4.8 Literal Translation Procedure ... 41

Table 4.9 Transposition Procedure ... 42

Table 4.10 Transference/Borrowing Procedure ... 43

Table 4.11 Paraphrase Procedure ... 43

Table 4.12 The Amount of translation procedures used by Google Translate in translating the clauses ... 44

Table 4.13 Couplets Procedure ... 45

Table 4.14 Literal Translation Procedure ... 48

Table 4.15 Triplets Procedure ... 49

Table 4.16 Paraphrase Procedure ... 50


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Table 4.18 The Amount of translation procedures used by Google Translate in

translating the sentences... 52

Table 4.19 Couplets Procedure ... 53

Table 4.20 Literal Translation Procedure ... 56

Table 4.21 Triplets Procedure ... 57

Table 4.22 Paraphrase Procedure ... 59

Table 4.23The Classification of Translation Quality ... 61

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Translation Process by Nida (1964) ... 8

Figure 2.2 Larson’s Process of Translation ... 11


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER 1


The first chapter is Introduction. This chapter elaborates background of

the study, research questions, aims of study, limitation of study, significance of

the study, clarification of the key terms, and organization of the paper.

A. Background of the Research

In this globalization era, English has become an international language.

English plays an important role in the world. But several people in Indonesia still

use Bahasa Indonesia in their daily activities both spoken and written. In fact,

much information is delivered in English. It can be found that many textbooks,

journals, news, films and etc. are presented in English. It is a problem faced by

several people in Indonesia to understand the information which is delivered in


Regarding the above condition, translation plays an important role for us

as Indonesian people to get information from written English. According to

Weber (1984, p.3), translation is the process of transposition of a text which

written in a source language into target language. With regard to this, there are

most Indonesians who do not understand English so they may not get information

from English texts. Automatically, several people need translating products in

order to fulfill their needs such as getting information or news about education,

business, personal life and ,etc. To get information from a source language, the

products of translation should be good translation.

Nowadays, technology works in the fields of translation to create a facility

named “machine translation”. According to Craciunescu, Gerding-Salas and Stringer-O’Keefie. (2010), they assume that machine translator is the idea of



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

translation as an art which has nothing to do with profit and loss, but it is related

to creativity and the power of imagination. There are some machine translator

programs that can be accessed easily as online applications which can be found

on internet such as Google Translate, Babylon 10, Tialsoft, Systran, etc. Several

people know that Google is as popular as search engine that the name is

synonymous with Web search. Not only does Google search for standard Web

pages, but it also can search for images, patents, products, videos, stock reports,

and more. On May 26, 2011 Google announced that the Google Translate (GT)

had been launched (Wikipedia, 2013). Therefore, now several people can translate

from a source language into a target language by using GT. Based on the article

via official blog of Google posted by Shawn Knight (April 27, 2012), he stated

that “Today we have more than 200 million monthly active users on

translate.google.com”. It means that almost many people in the world are using

GT to translate written texts.

Therefore, the products of GT should be translated well, clearly with the

original one without changing the meaning in order to give a clear understanding

to both readers and users. However, there will be several risks if the translation

products of GT are not clear. According to Barnwell (1980) as cited in Larson

(1984), a good translation should be clear and understandable in order to make it

makes sense in the TL. Therefore good translation procedures and methods are

very important in the process of translation. If the products of GT are not clear, it

can make the users feel difficult to understand the text and the information is not


A research conducted by Nuroni (2013) entitled “Google Translate’s

problems and its post-editing techniques of an english short story translation into

bahasa Indonesia”, has compared GT to human translator. The researcher has

analyzed types of translation problem encountered by GT and identified the

strategies applied by human translator. Nuroni (2013, p. 85) said that Google



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Jackson such as GT is not sensitive to cultural words and GT mostly translates

idioms and also seems confused in translating collocations. Based on Nuroni

(2013, p. 86) conveys that when translating the same text, human translator his or

her superiority. Human translator can apply several translation strategies in

translating text by making the information meaningful and the sounds natural in

the target text. However, this research concerns with mere machine translation

procedures and quality in translating the grammatical hierarchy.

Therefore, the researcher wants to know the procedures that are used by

GT and the translation quality of the products of GT in translating the

grammatical hierarchy.

B. Research Questions

The research will be led by the following questions:

a. What kind of translation procedures are used by Google Translate in translating

the grammatical hierarchy?

b. How is the quality of translation products of Google Translate in translating the

grammatical hierarchy?

C. Aims of The Research

The study will be aimed to find out:

a. The translation procedures are used by Google Translate in translating the

grammatical hierarchy from English to Indonesian.

b. The quality of English – Indonesian translation products of Google Translate.

D. Limitation of The Research

The study discusses the process translating English – Indonesian of

English texts by using GT as software which is used by most people in the world.

The discussion of this study is limited in order to analyze the the translation



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

using GT. The research is focused to analyze the translation of words,

phrases,clauses and sentences. The procedure may affect the quality of the

translation. The analysis focuses on the translation procedures clarified by

Newmark (1988), Vinay & Darbelnet (1995 in Fawcet, 1997), and Larson (1984),

and the quality of the translation products based on the criteria of Larson (1984),

Tytler (1907), Nida and Taber (1982), Tytler (1791 in Basnett, 2002), Massoud

(1988 in Abdellah, 2002), and El Shafey (1985 in Abdellah, 2002) characteristics

of a good translation.

E. Significance of the Research

The result of the study is expected to give some effective effects for at

least three aspects. The first aspect is theoritical significance which means that the

present research is expected to enrich the finding of previous research. The second

aspect is practical significance, which means is intended to make the students of

translation studies think critically about the little yet important things related to

the grammatical hierarchy like words, phrases, clauses and sentences and to

enrich the students of translation studies skills especially in choosing appropriate

translation procedures or methods. The last aspect is professional significance,

which is meant to provide new inputs and ideas for professional translators in

translating texts, especially in translating the grammatical hierarchy and give

recommendation about GT results in translating the grammatical hierarchy is

recommended or not.

F. Clarification of the Key Terms

Translation : Defined as rendering the meaning of a text into another

language in the way that the author intended the text

(Newmark, 1988,p.5).

Machine Translator : The idea of making translation as a new marketable



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

art which has nothing to do with profit and loss, but it’s

related to creativity and the power of imagination

(Craciunescu, 2010).

Google Translate (GT) :The site defines itself as “a free translation service that

provides instant translation between dozens of different

languages. It can translate words, sentences and web pages

between any combinations of our supported langguages”


Grammatical Hierarchy : Refers to constitution of sentences, clauses, phrases and

words. The rank of the hierarchies, from the top rank to

the bottom is as follows: sentences, clauses, phrase and

words.(Halliday, Derewianka, Christie, Butt et al as cited

in Emilia, 2014, p. 53)

Text : Best regarded as a semantic unit: a unit which expresses,

simultaneously, ideational, interpersonal and textual

meaning. (Halliday & Hasan, 1976, p. 2)

G. Organization of the Paper

The chapter of this research is organized into five chapters as follows:


This chapter contains introduction, which discusses the background of the

research, research questions, aims of the study, limitation of the research,

significance of the research, clarification of the key terms, and organization of

the paper.


This chapter consists of detailed theories which are related to the study.


This chapter describes research methodology; this chapter covers research



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 4. CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION

This chapter consists of presentation of the data obtained from the research

followed by explanation and interpretaion from the data.



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III


This chapter presents research methodology. It consists of research

questions, aims of the research, research design, object of the research, population

and sample, data collection, data analysis, and selected samples.

A. Research Questions

The research was aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What kind of translation procedures are used by Google Translate in

translating the grammatical hierarchy?

2. How is the quality of translation products of Google Translate in translating

the grammatical hierarchy?

B. Aims of the Research

The research was aimed to find out:

1. The translation procedures used by Google Translate in translating the

grammatical hierarchy from English to Indonesian.

2. The quality of English – Indonesian translation product of Google Translate.

C. Research Design

This research used a qualitative research design to find out the translation

procedures used by Google Translate in translating the grammatical hierarchy.

According to Fraenkel, et al., 2012, p. 426), “the qualitative research is a research

study that focuses the materials, situation, activities, or relationship qualities

which has holistic description emphasis and mostly delivered in detail. In

addition, qualitative research was chosen because it is “uses subjective

information and participant observation to describe the context, or natural setting,

of the variables under consideration, as well as the interactions of the different



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

(2002, p.107–109), there are five purposes of qualitative research; the advantages

are as follows:

1. Understanding the meaning, of the participants in the study, the events,

situations, and actions involvedwith and the accounts of their life and


2. Understanding the particular context within which the participans act and the

influence that this context has on their actions.

3. Identifying unanticipated phenomena and influences, and generating new

grounded theories.

4. Understanding the process by which events and actions take place.

5. Developing causal explanations.

In presenting the data, the researcher used a descriptive method. According

to Fraenkel and Wallen (1993: 23), descriptive method is a method used to

explain, analyze and classify something through various techniques, survey,

interview, questionnaire, observations, and text. Descriptive method allows the

researcher to describe, analyze, to categorize and to interpret the data.

D. The Object of the Research

This research was focused to study translation procedures and translation

quality of English – Indonesia translation by Google Translate in translating the

grammatical hierarchy.

E. Population and Sample

This section presents population and samples identified in the research.

1. Population

Fraenkel and Wallen (1993:80) point that a population is “the group of

interest to the researcher, the group to whom the researcher would like to

generalize the result of the study”. The research discusses the process translating English – Indonesian of texts by using Google Translate. The discussion of this



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

grammatical hierarchy (word, phrase, clause and sentence), which is translated

from English into Indonesian by using Google Translate. The procedures may

affect the quality of the translation. In order to do so, the researcher selected

words, phrases, clauses and sentences to be analyzed. The analysis was focused

on the translation procedures clarified by Newmark (1988), Vinay & Darbelnet

(1995 in Fawcet, 1997), and Larson (1984), and the quality of the translation

products would be based on several translation qualities by some experts.

2. The Sample

The researcher chose some texts from English in Focus for Grade IX

Junior High School by Wardiman (2008). This textbook was chosen because it is

an English electronic book that can be downloaded easily on the internet by the

teachers and used widely in schools, thus, the accessibility of analyzing the

grammatical hierarchy of the texts taken from the book was achieved. The

researcher chose randomly 4 texts from English in Focus for Grade IX Junior

High School. The title of the texts are Rock Music, Percussion Instruments, Postal

Matters and Hotels. The researcher chose two articles from thejakartapost.com

entitled Michel Platini set to be re-elected UEFA president and Michael Buble to

hold concert in Indonesia next year. This online newspaper was chosen because

this is the online version of the largest English language newspaper in Indonesia

thus it was accessible for the researcher to conduct the analysis of the chosen


The selection of the samples was employed the sampling interval which is

suggested by Fraenkel, et al., (2012, p.98). The formula is as follow:

Interval =

The population of the words of the texts are 993 and the desired sample

was 50, thus the interval of the words was 20, which means the words would be

selected were within 20 intervals. For example: 1, 19, 38, 57, 76, 95, 114, 133, ... .



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

interval of the phrases was 3. The population clauses of texts are 95, and the

desired sample was 50. The interval of the clause was 2. The population of

sentences of texts are 66 and the desired sample was 50. Therefore, the interval of

the sentences was 1, which means the sentences would be selected were within

intervals 1.

F. Data Collection

In collecting the data, the researcher did the following steps:

1. Choosing English texts from English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High


2. Reading the English texts from English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High

School and thejakartapost.com. In this step, the researcher counted all words,

clauses, phrases, and sentences from the texts, and then the researcher choose

50 English words, 50 English phrases, 50 English clauses and 50 English

sentences to be analyzed in the texts randomly.

3. Employing Google Translate to translate the words, phrases, clauses and

sentences from English to Indonesia. In this step, the researcher analyzed the

words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in order to find out the translation

procedure used in every selected words, phrases, clauses, and sentences.

4. Finding out the relevant theories related to translation procedures and

translation quality from some books, literatures, and internet sources.

G. Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the data were analyzed to find the answers to the

research questions. Additionally, the collected data was analyzed by using the

following steps:

1. Understanding the findings by using a visual aid like a table (Emilia, 2009, p.

205). The table below presents the general findings containing the

grammatical hierarchy (word, phrase, clause and sentence), Google



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu No. Word Google Translate’s

Product Translation Procedures

1. Airport Bandara Word-for word

2. Popular Populer Borrowing

2. Determining the data as percentage by presenting all numeric data in separated

data as a simple scaling for translation procedures by using formula.

Determining the data as percentage:

P = x 100%

3. Continuing from the previous step above, then next was determining the

quality of the translation from some theories described in chapter two. This

step was supported by Larson (1984), Tytler (1907), Nida and Taber (1982),

Tytler (1791 in Basnett, 2002), Massoud (1988 in Abdellah, 2002), and El

Shafey (1985 in Abdellah, 2002).

4. Discussing all of data to draw a conclusion.

H. Concluding Remark

This chapter has presented the research methodology covering statements

of problems, aims of research, research design, object of the research, population

and sample, data collection and data analysis. The research was focused on

finding out translations procedures and the quality of Google Translate’s products.

After analyzing the chosen data, the researcher made conclusions based on the

reseults of the research. It will be presented in the next chapter, findings and


P = Percentage

F = Frequency of translation procedure


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER V


This chapter will discuss the conclusions that are taken from the result of

the research and suggestion that are expected to give benefits and inputs for the

readers who are interested in translation, particularly in machine translation.

A. Conclusions

In the first chapter , it was stated that there are two aims in this present

research. They are to find out the translation procedures used by Google

Translate (GT) in translating unit of language from English to Indonesian and to

find out the quality of English – Indonesian translation products of GT. The

researcher used a qualitative descriptive method in conducting the research. To

determine the translation procedures the researcher used the theory of Peter

Newmark (1988), Vinay & Darbelnet (1995 in Fawcet,1997) and Larson (1984).

For defining the translation quality, the researcher used some translation quality

theories by Larson (1984), Tytler (1907), Nida and Taber (1982), Tytler (1791 in

Basnett, 2002), Massoud (1988 in Abdellah, 2002), and El Shafey (1985 in

Abdellah, 2002).

Based on findings and discussion presented in the previous chapters, the

researcher found several tranlation procedures which are employed by GT in

translating unit of language. There are seven procedures that are used by GT in

translating unit of language. The seven translation procedures are literal,

transference, naturalization, transposition, couplets and triplet, synonymy and

paraphrase. The translation mostly used by GT in translating unit of language

was arranged from the highest to the lowest percentages indicating: literal (99

items or 49,5%), couplets and triplets (69 items or 34,5%), transposition (16



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2,5%), synonymy (3 items or 1,5%), and naturalization (one item or 0,5%). It can

be seen above that the most frequently used by GT in translating unit of language

is the literal translation procedure, and the least one is naturalization translation


The reseacher analyzed 50 words, 50 phrases, 50 clauses and 50 sentences

to be translated by GT. In translating the words, the most frequently used by GT is

literal (43 items out of 50 items or 86%), followed by transference and synonymy

(3 items or 6%), and naturalizaion (one item or 2%). In translating the selected

phrases, the most frequently used by GT is literal (29 items out of 50 items or

58%), followed by transposition (15 items or 30%), followed by transference (4

items or 8%), and paraphrase (2 items or 4%). In translating the clauses, the most

frequently used by GT is couplets (24 items or 48%), followed by literal (13 items

or 26%), triplets (10 items or 20%), paraphrase (2 items or 4%), and

transposition (1 item or 2%). In translating the selected sentences, the most

frequently used by GT is couplets (23 items or 46%), followed by literal (15 items

or 30%), triplets (12 items or 24%) and paraphrase (one item or 2%). Therefore,

it can be concluded that literal translation procedure is a translation procedure that

are mostly used by GT in translating words and phrases. GT mostly used lteral

translation procedure in translating words and phrases because when GT

translated the words and the phrases, GT did not pay attention to the context of

the texts. To translate the clauses and sentences, GT mostly used couplets

translation procedure to transfer the meaning in the TL. GT mostly used two

combination of translation procedures to translated the clauses and sentences,

because GT must aware to the context of the text to make an acceptable meaning

to the TL in the translating the clauses and sentences.

Based on the data analysis, the result shows that the translation quality of

GT products is good or acceptable in translating the selected words because it

fulfills the criteria of a good translation by some experts, they are Larson (1984),



Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

(1988 in Abdellah, 2002), and El Shafey (1985 in Abdellah, 2002). But, the

quality of GT is quite unacceptable or inappropriate in translating phrases, clauses

and sentences because the meaning was not delivered properly and therefore

before using GT to translate phrases, clauses, and sentences, the users have to

recheck the results of translation.. From the samples, there were 165 items or

82,5% which were acceptable translation and the rest were unacceptable (35 items

or 17,5%). In the words level, there were more acceptable items (50 items out of

50 items). In the phrases level, there were 42 acceptable items and 8 unacceptable

items. In the clauses level, there were 41 acceptable items and 9 unacceptable

items. In the sentences level, there were more unacceptable items (18 items out of

50 items) and 32 acceptable items.

B. Suggestions

After doing the research, the researcher gives some suggestions for the

readers, the users of GT or everyone who is interested in translation study. The

researcher proposes some suggestions as follows:

1. The users of GT should do editing in GT translation products because the

products of GT are unnatural in the Target Language (TL) especially in

translating phrases, clauses and sentences because Google Translate’s

products are lack of choosing the appropriate diction of the TL.

2. For the users, it is better to use GT especially in translating words of the SL

but it must be adapted to the context of the TL to avoid misinterpretation of

the SL.

3. For those who are interested in the same topic, the future researcher can

elaborate more comprehensive analysis by analyzing more specific words,


Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


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Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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Ichsan Mukti Wibowo, 2014

An Analysis Of Translation Procedures Used By Google Translate In Translating The Grammatical Hierarchy Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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