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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan ( S.Pd ) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies ( IAIN) Salatiga


Academic year: 2019

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YEAR OF 2017/2018


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan ( S.Pd )

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies ( IAIN) Salatiga

BY :


113 13 155







Self confidence is the result of proper preparation

( John Wooden )

Success is about learning and life skill

( De-porter )

The more we are grateful, the more

happiness we get

: ميهربإ ةروس( ٌديِدَشَل ىِباَذَع َّنِا ْمُتْرَفَك ْنِئَل َو ْمُكَّنَديِزَ َلَ ْمُتْرَكَش ْنِئَل



“If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor] ;

but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is served




DEDICATION This graduating paper is whole intended dedicated for:

 My beloved mom Jamilah and my father Santodi (Mulyadi), thanks for

your prayer, guidance, love and kindness. You are the best parents, Your

smiles and your spirit give me power to always stand up and fight to reach

success. You are my everything.

 My beloved sister Sri Hastuti thanks for your kindness.

 My beloved brother Munfarid, and Handika Galuh Hartadi thanks for your


 My beloved nephew Farradani Annaf your action influence me to do the


 My big family that supported for my education and finishing





In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The

Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this graduating

paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success

would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advices, helps, and

encouragements from individual and institution, and the researcher somehow

realize that an appropriate moment for him to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department and also as

a counselor who has educated, supported, directed and given the researcher

advices, suggestions, and recommendations for this graduating paper from

beginning until the end

4. All of the lectures in English Education Department

5. All of the staffs who have helped the researcher in processing the graduating



Hartono. 2018. The use of Flashcard to Improve Students‟ Understanding on Present Continuous TenseForthe Second Grade Students at SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga the Academic Year of 2017/2018.A Graduating Paper. English EducationDepartment. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. StateInstitute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Conselor: Noor Malihah,Ph.D.

Keywords : Flashcard, Present Continuous Tense, Classroom Action Research.

The research is about the use of flashcard to improve students‟ understanding on

present continuous tense for the second grade students at SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga the academic year of 2017/2018. The objectives of this research are

(1) to describe the implementation of flashcard to improve students‟ understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense, (2) to find out students‟

understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense before flashcard is implemented, (3) to find out students‟ understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense after the flashcard is implemented (4) To identify the

improvement of students‟ understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense.

This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of four steps, they were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher took role as an observer who observed everything that happened in the class while the teacher performed CAR for the students. The number of the students in this research was 25 students. The researcher used test and observation checklist to collect the data.

The result shows that the implementation of flashcard to improve students‟




TITLE... i




MOTTO ... v A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Research Question ... 4

C. Objectives of the Research ... 5

D. Significance of the Research ... 6

E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator ... 7

F. Research Methodology 1. Research Design ... 7

2. Subject of the Research ... 9

3. Steps of the Research ... 11

4. Data Collection Method and Research Instrument ... 11

5. Data Analysis ... 15

G. Graduating Paper Outline ... 17

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Grammar 1. Definition of Grammar ... 19

2. The Important of Grammar... 20


xi B. Present Continuous Tense

1. General Concept of Present Continuous Tense... 22

2. The Pattern of Present Continuous Tense ... 24

3. The Verbs are not Used in Present Continuous Tense ... 27

4. Time Signal of Present Continuous Tense ... 29

C. Medium of Language Teaching 1. Definition of Medium of Language Teaching ... 29

2. Kinds of Medium of Language Teaching ... 30

3. Function of Media of Language Teaching ... 31

4. Roles of Media in Language Teaching ... 32

D. Flashcards 1. Definitions of Flashcards ... 33

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Flashcards ... 33

3. Criteria a Good Flashcard ... 35

4. Flashcards for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) ... 35

5. Implementation of Flashcard in Teaching English Foreign Language (EFL) ... 36

E. Previous Research... 39

CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH A. Procedures of The Research 1. Cycle I ... 41

2. Cycle II ... 43

3. The Minimal Standard of Successful ... 45

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DATA ANALYSIS A. The Result of the Research 1. Research Finding ... 46



A. Conclusions ... 84 B. Suggestions ... 87





Table 1. 1: Steps of Action Research ... 8

Table 1. 2: List of XI IPA ... 10

Table 1. 3: Research Schedule ... 11

Tabel 1. 4: Form of Observation Check List for students ... 13

Table 1. 5: Form of Observation Check List for Teacher ... 13

Table 2. 1: Period of Time ... 23

Table 2. 2: Temporary Action ... 23

Table 2. 3: Temporary Course of Action ... 24

Table 2. 4: Temporary Habit.... ... ...24

Table 2.5: Pattern Affirmative Statement and negative statement... .. ...25

Table 2. 6: Pattern Yes/ No Question and Short Answers ... 25

Table 2. 7: Pattern WH- Question ... 26

Table 2.8: Verbs Ending In –ing...26

Table 2. 9: Verbs are not Used in Present Continuous Tense ...27

Table 2. 10. Verb of Emotion……...27

Table 2. 11. The Verb of Thought or Opinion...28

Table 2. 12. Verb of Possesion...28

Table 4.1: Form of Result Observation Check List for Students...51



Table 4. 3: Students‟ Score in the Pre-test of the Cycle I……...56

Table 4. 4: Count of Passing Grade of the Pre-test in the Cycle I...57

Table 4. 5: Students‟ Score in the Post-test of the Cycle I………...57

Table 4. 6: Count of Passing Grade of the Post-test in the Cycle I ...59

Table 4. 7: Difference Square of Pre and Post-test Score in Cycle I...59

Table 4. 8: Form of Result Observation Check List for Students…...69

Table 4. 9: Form of Result Observation Check List for Teacher...70

Table 4. 10: Students‟ Score in the Pre-test of the Cycle II……...73

Table 4. 11: Count of Passing Grade of the Pre-test in the Cycle II...74

Table 4. 12: Students‟ Score in the Post-test of the Cycle II……...75

Table 4. 13: Count of Passing Grade of the Post-test in the Cycle II……...76

Table 4. 14: Difference Square of Pre and Post-test Score in Cycle II…...77




In this chapter the researcher presents background of the research, research

question, objective of the research, limitation of the research, significance of the

research, definition of key terms, research of methodology and graduating paper


A.Background of the Research

Language is a system of symbols through which people communicate. The

symbols may be spoken, written, or signed with the hands (Kreidler, 1998: 19).

Whenever people think about language, they will think that language is very

important in their life. Language plays a great part in our life, perhaps because

of its familiarity, we rarely observe it. Taking it rather for granted as we do

breathing or walking (Bloomfield, 1933: 3). By language people can express

their opinion, feelings, ideas, comment, suggestion, advice, thoughts and they

can share their experience and etc.

As far as we know, many countries have various languages that not every

person recognizes and understands it. Therefore, communication means tool is

needed. English is an international language that every country should know

and learn to support their communication in the global world.

In the era of globalization people in every country are expected to learn



some information and knowledge. In Indonesia, English is one of the foreign

languages to be taught in schools from Elementary School (English as a local

content), Junior High School, Senior High School and University (English is

obligatory). In order to make English teaching successfully, some factors such

as, quality of the teacher, students‟ interest and motivation, school buildings,

the teaching method, book, etcetera have to be considered.

Learning a foreign language is an integrated process that the learners

should study. There are four basic language skills which are divided into two

kinds, namely receptive and productive skills. Reading and listening are the

receptive skill while writing and speaking are the productive skill. By

mastering all language skills learners have much better chance of

understanding and being understood. To support the language skills, it is also

necessary for the students to learn some language aspects, such as vocabulary,

grammar, pronunciation, preposition, modals, etc.

Grammar is a theory of language, of how language is put together and

how it works (Gerot and Wignell, 1995: 2). Grammar covers noun, pronoun,

adjectives, verb, modals, preposition, tenses and other structure items.

According to Cowan (2008: 350), use of verb forms is one of the two or three

most difficult areas for English language learners to master. Grammar is

probably one problem for the student to learn English. Grammar is very

important, because grammar is a basic knowledge to understand English

perfectly. By mastering grammar correctly, it can be ascertained that one can



one important aspect in it. In English there are 16 tensesthat students should

learn. On the other hand, not all language in the world have tenses. Thus, tense

is one aspect which make students are confused and frustrated.

Based on my pre-observation in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga the

researcher found that students get difficulty in learning English especially on

Grammar. They have problem about how to use Present Continuous Tense.

The researcher observed that the problem might be caused by several factors:

1. The students' understanding of grammar is low. 2. The student did not pay

attention to the teacher explanation about the lesson. 3. The student feel bored

in following teaching learning activities.

Based on the pre-observation above then it is necessary to find out a way

to overcome the problem. The researcher assume that the problems is probably

about the way the teacher delivers the material. One solution to this problem is

the use of appropriate media in teaching grammar. There are many media that

can be used. One example is by implementation a particular media which is

suitable for the students. There are many media that can be used to teach

English such as song, flashcard, newspaper, picture and others. Hamalik (1994:

42) states that using media in the process of teaching and learning can increase

willingness and new interest, increase students motivation in the process

teaching and learning and even bring psychology effects for the students, such

as visual media is one of teaching media that can help to improve

studentsunderstanding on grammar. In this research the researcher considers to



continuous tense. Based of problems above, the writer tries to propose an

optional effective media for teaching present continuous tense it is Flashcard.

Komachali & Khodareza (2012: 137) explain that Flashcard is a cardboard

consisting of a word, a sentence, or a simple picture on it. Flash card is very

simple and suitable media for an individual to study a topic. It is two

dimensional card which contain element daily life like activity a human,

animals, events, places, etc. Usually the students are able to remember of

English occurrence easily if many teachers show cards that consist of words or


Thus, in this research paper, the researcher investigates the implementation

of Flashcard to improve the students‟ understanding on the use of Present

Continuous Tense in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga the academic year of


B. Research Questions

Based on the discussion above, in order to learn more obvious and more

directed research problems can be summarized as follows:

1. How is the implementation of flashcard to improve the students‟

understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense in SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the Academic year of 2017/2018?

2. How is students‟ understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense

before flashcard is implemented in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in



3. How is students‟ understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense

after the flashcard is implemented inSMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in

the Academic year of 2017/2018?

4. Can flashcard improve students‟ understanding on the use of Present

Continuous Tense in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the Academic

year of 2017/2018?

C. Objectives of the Research

To answer the questions above the writer has the objective as follow:

1. To describe the implementation of flashcard to improve students‟

understanding on the use of Present Continuous Tense in SMA

Muhammadiyah Plus Salatigain the Academic year of 2017/2018.

2. To find out students‟ understanding on the use of Present Continuous

Tense before flashcard is implemented in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga in the Academic year of 2017/2018.

3. To find out students‟ understanding on the use of Present Continuous

Tense after the flashcard is implemented in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus

Salatiga In The Academic year of 2017/2018.

4. To identify the improvement of students‟ understanding on the use of

Present Continuous Tense in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga in the


6 D. Significance of the Research

This research gives several significant values for the students, teachers,

researcher and teaching process. This research provides new innovation for

English language teaching.The results of this research can be applied in the

English teaching learning process, especially in the teaching Present

continuous tense.The researcher hopes that this research is useful for:

1. Students

Student will get new effective way in learning English grammar, especially

about present continuous tense.

2. Teacher

By using this research, a teacher is able to use it as reflection tool for

knowing an effective media in teaching present continuous.

3. Researcher

The researcher can identify the actual problem in the classroom and give

suggestion in solving the problem. This is very helpful to improve the

researcher‟s ability in doing a research. The other benefit for the researcher

would be a teacher in the future is hopefully this research will be able to

help the researcher in his future teaching process. An experience in doing a

research in the classroom is one of many ways for everyone to acquire


7 E. Hypothesis and Success Indicator

Based on the students observation result in present continuous tense mastery

as illustrated in chapter 1, the researcher tries to overcome those problems by

implementing flashcard. By conducting this research, the researcher proposes a

hypothesis: The implementation of flashcard can improve the student‟

understanding on present continuous tense.

The success indicator of this research is taken from the students‟ Basic

Competence/ ability shown in Lesson Plan (RPP)(see appendix 2). The

students‟ success and failure in doing the activities in cycle I and II will be

assess by referring to the criterion of passing grade (KKM). The passing grade

of English lesson in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga is 75. The teacher and

the researcher expectthat there are at least 75 % of the students who pass the

passing grade.

F. Research Methodology

1. Research Design

This Research is Classroom Action Research. Wiriaatmadja (2005:

13) explains that Classroom Action Research is a method how a group of

teachers can organize their teaching learning condition and learn from

their own experience. They can try an idea as reparation in their teaching



Table 1. 1: Steps of Action Research

Taken from LP3 UNNES (2007: 63)

According to Arikunto (2008: 75), there are four steps in each cycle

for doing classroom action research, which can be explained as follow:

1. Planning

In this step, the researcher focuses on who, what, when, where,

and how the action is conducted.

2. Action

In this step conducted to implement the strategies prepared in the


9 3. Observation

Observation is the next step to monitor and watch closely

teaching learning process and collects the data from the result of action.

The researcher prepares the observation paper to know class condition

when the action done, then the researcher (as the observer and

collaborator) and the English teacher (is the teacher in the research)

discuss about the result of observation, what the problem faced when

teaching learning process and look for good solution to solve the

problem. In this phase, the researcher observes and takes notes during

teaching learning process.

4. Reflection

Reflection means to analyze the result based on the data that have

been collected to determine the next action in the next cycle. In this

phase, the researcher could observe the activity that results any process,

the progress happened, and also about the positives and negatives sides.

From several definition above, the researcher conclude that

classroom action research is an action research classroom, which can do

by teacher and researcher with involves students to improve teaching and

learning process. This research use data observation toward teaching

Present Continuous Tense using Flashcards. This data analyze through


10 2. Subject of the Research



20 RF Female

21 RF Female

22 SF Female

23 SA Female

24 SAAS Female

25 SC Female

3. Steps of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher carry out the steps

which summarized in the following research schedule. The research

schedule is shown in the table 1. 2.

Table 1. 3: Research Schedule

No Activities Time Allocation

1 Preparing the research proposal December

2 Doing cycle February

3 Doing observation February

4 Analysis data February

5 Writing research result February

6 Continuing writing the graduating paper March

4. Data Collection Method and Research Instrument

Collecting data is important to conduct a research. Arikunto (2010:

265) explains that there are some methods of collecting data. There are



collect data, the researcher uses three of them by using documentation,

observation and test as an instrument. Furthermore, Arikunto (2010: 192)

states an instrument is the tool or facilities that is used by the researcher to

collect data.

1. Observation

Classroom observation is an observation that focusses on the

understanding of how social event of the language classroom are

enacted (Nunan 1993: 93). In this classroom observation, the

researcher observe students and teacher activities in Present

Continuous Tense teaching learning. The observation consist of two

cycles. That are cycle I, and cycle II. The researcher use the checklist

observation to make it more systematic. Consist of student checklist

whose contents are about indicators consisting of paying attention,

asking question, responding to question, accomplishing task and being

enthusiastic of english game (see table 1. 4). Consist of prepare list of

items. The presence or absence of the item may be indicated by

checking “Yes or No” or the type or number of items may be indicated

by interesting the appropriate word or number.

The next checklist is a checklist that is used to observe the

teacher is about teacher activity in the learning process that consist of

how to open the lesson, giving assignment, delivery of learning

objectives, use of media in accordance with the material, creating an



help student‟s difficulties during learning, be fair to all students,

answer student questions, and how to end the lesson (see table 1. 4). In

filling this observation teacher checklis will use mark “√”.

Tabel 1. 4: Form of Observation Check List for students No Indicator Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions

1 Paying attention

2 Asking Question

3 Responding to Question

4 Accomplishing task

5 Being enthusiastic of

English Game

The form observational field note for teacher is shown on the table 1.5 Table 1. 5: Form of Observation Check List for Teacher No Aspect Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions

1 Greeting students before the lesson begins

2 Praying before the lesson begins

3 Checking student attendant

4 Giving motivation

5 Reminding previous




9 Help student‟s difficulties during learning

10 Answer student questions

11 Giving feedback after the lesson

2. Test

A test is a method for collecting data by using questions.

According to Heaton (1975: 1), Test is important part of every teaching

and learning experience. Both testing and teaching are so closely

interrelated that it is virtually impossible to work in either field without

being constantly concerned with the other. Tests may be construct

primarily as devices to reinforce learning and to motivate the students‟

performance in the language

In this research, the researcher use written test. Henson and Janke (2006: 86) explain that the varieties of written test there are subjective

and objective. A subjective test evaluated by giving an opinion whereas

an objective test is written test which has right or wrong answer include

multiple choice and matching items. The researcher use an objective

test in this research by using multiple choice items. In pre-test and

post-test the researcher use 10 questions of 10 multiple choices (See


15 3. Documentation

In this research, the researcher use photos as the documentation of the


5. Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher mixes methods to analyze the

data.According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009: 557), mixe-methods are

collect and analyze by using qualitative and quantitative method in a single

research.When the teacher do the action, the researcher observe and

analyze the process by using qualitative method. After the scores are given

to the students, the researcher analyze it by using quantitative method.

a. Qualitative Data

Qualitative research is very important to discover and analyze the

motives of behavioral science of human(Kothari, 2004: 3). In this

research, the data of check list is analyzzing by qualitative.

b. Quantitative Data

This research uses quantitative analysis to process the data. The

quantitative data is processes after the teacher and the researcher get the

score of the students. The score of the exercise in each correct answer

is 10 and 0 to each wrong answer. The maximum score is

100.According (Kothari,2004: 3), Quantitative research is process based

on the measurement of quantity. To measure the data quantitatively, the



a. To find out the mean score of the pre test and the post test, the

researcher used this formula :


N= The total number of the students.

b. To calculate the mean of difference, the reseacher used this fourmula:

∑ D MD =


Note :

MD =Mean of difference.

∑ D =The total difference between the pre test and the post test.

N =The total number of the students.

c. To calculate standard deviation, the reseacher used this fourmula:

∑D2 ∑D2 SDD =



SDD =Standard Deviation.

D =The Difference between the pre test and the post test.



d. To calculate the standard error for the mean difference, the researcher

used this formula :

e. To calculate the t-test, the researcher used this formula :


SEMD = The standard error for the mean difference.

H. Graduating Paper Outlines

In order to make a systematic research, the researcher organizes this

research into five chapters, they are as follows :

Chapter I is introduction. It contains the background of the research,

research question, objectives of the research, significance of the research,



outlines. Chapter II is theoretical review. It contains grammar, present

continuous tense, medium of language teaching, flashcards, and previous

research.Chapter III is implementation of research. It contains procedures of

the research.Chapter IV is research findings and data analysis. It contains the

result of the research the use of flashcard to improve students‟ understanding

on present continuous tense (a classroom action research of the second grade

students at SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga the academic year of

2017/2018).Chapter V is closure. It contains conclusions and suggestions.





In this section, the researcher discusses about the Definition of grammar, The

implementation of grammar, and English grammar

1. Definition of Grammar

Grammar is a set of rules of a language which are used to put the

words together into meaningful larger units (Gerot and Wignell, 1995: 2,

Lech, 1999: 3, Lynch and Anderson, 2013: 4)

Similar to the above ideas, Thronbury (1999: 13) adds that grammar,

adds the meanings that are not easily inferable from the immediate context.

Hammer (1999: 2) also emphasizes that with grammar, words can change

the language.

In more detailed information, Scriverner (2010: 4) defines grammar

in several points as below:

a. Rules about sentence formation, tenses, verb patterns, etc in reference


b. The moment by moment structuring of what we say s it being spoken.

c. Exercises (fill in the gap, multiple choices, etc) about tenses, etc.


20 2. The Importance of Grammar

From several definitions about grammar above, we know that

grammar has significant roles in learning and teaching a certain language,

also understand how text works.Grammar is important, because grammar

is a basic knowledge of language tounderstand English perfectly. English

teacher need to know how a text works so they can explicitly help learners

learn how to understand and produce text spoken and written in various

contexts for various purposes (Gerot & Wignel, 1995: 3). Beside that there

are several experts explain about the importance of grammar as below:

a. Grammar is important to be thought because it affects student‟

performance in all four skill reading, listening, speaking and writing

(Murcia & Freeman 1983: 2).

b. Students are expected in comprehending English either writer and

spoken, for that reason, they must know the system rule of grammar of

a target language fluently and acceptably since grammar as a tool for

making meaning (Thronburry, 1999: 4).

However grammar is needed to study English language. Different

definition about grammar which have already been discussed above, Swan

and Walter (2002: 2), argue that grammar is not the most important thing

in the world. But if a student makes a lot of mistakes, he/she may get

difficulty to understand. Also hardly any people speaks or writers a foreign



student can make students‟ English reasonably correct. So grammar is very

important and very useful.

3. English Grammar

In English grammar there are several points that students should

understand. They are: tenses, clause, modals, preposition, adjective and

etc. Especially in tenses there are sixteen tenses in English which in it have

four important basic to learn.As we know so far, each tense has rules of its

own. It makes thestudents confuse and difficult to use tenses correctly

because thereare no tenses in Indonesian language. It is one of the difficult

problems instudying English.

There are four basic forms of tenses that include the certain time

ofaction. They are present, past, future and perfect.

a. Present Tense

Present tense describes habitual action, routine or thing that

are generally or always true. Using time expression as follow:

always, often, sometimes, seldom, every day, every year, etc.

b. Future Tense

Future tense describes the action that happened in the

futuretime. Using time expression as follow: tomorrow, next


22 c. Past Tense

Past tense is used to express actions that happened in thepast.

The time signals which used in the past tense are; yesterday, ago,

last week, last month, for three years ago, etc.

d. Perfect Tense

Perfect tense is used to express actions that happenedbefore

another time or even.

As we know there are sixteen tenses in English. But in thisresearch,

the researcher only investigate further about Present Continuous Tense

B.Present Continuous Tense

In this section, the researcher discusses about General Concept of

Present Continuous Tense, The Pattern of Present Continuous tense, The Verbs

are not Used in Present Continuous Tense and Time signal of Present

Continuous Tense.

1. General Concept of Present Continuous Tense a. Definition of Present Continuous Tense

Present Continuous Tense is also called Present Progressive

Tense. Azar & Schramfer (1989: 3) explains that Present Continuous

Tenses is one of tenses which give the idea that an action is in progress

during particular time. The Present Continuous Tense indicates that an

activity or situation when we talk about things happening in period

around now or talk about changes happening around now. The period of


23 Table 2. 1: Period of Time

b. The Use of Present Continuous Tense for a Temporary Situation. 1). Temporary Action

Temporary action which began before the time of speaking, is

continuing across it, and is not yet complete : I am walking at this moment. The temporary action of Present Continuous Tense is

shows in the table 2. 2.

Table 2. 2: Temporary Action

2). Temporary course of action

Temporary course of action fairly recently begun. Currently

engaged in, but not expected to be permanent : I am living in London. The temporary course of action of Present Continuous

Tense is shows in the table 2. 3. I am doing



Table 2. 3: Temporary Course of Action

3). Temporary Habit

Temporary habit not necessary engaged in at the moment of

speech, but temporarily constracted for : I am watering his plants while he is away. The temporary habit of Present Continuous Tense

is shows in the table 2. 4.

Table 2. 4: Temporary Habit

2. The Pattern of Present Continuous Tense: a. Affirmative Statement and Negative Statement

The pattern of present continuous tense for affirmative statement



Table 2. 5: Pattern Affirmative Statement and negative statement

b. Yes/ No Question and Short Answer

The pattern of present continuous tense for yes/ no question and

short answer is shows in the table 2. 6.

Table 2. 6: Pattern Yes/ No Question and Short Answers


Is/Am/Are Subject Verb1+ing Yes No

Affirmative Statements Negative Statements

Subject Am/Is/Are V1+ing Subject Am Not/Is Not/Are Not

You/We/They are You/We/They Are not



Table 2. 7: Pattern WH- Question

Wh-word be Subject V1+ing

There are several verb which have suffix that can be changed in

–ing. According Braukal (2005: 232) the spelling verbs ending in –ing

is shows in the table 2. 8.

Table 2.8: Verbs Ending In –ing

Verb Ending Rule Examples

1. Consonant +e. Drop the e, Add -ing Dance = dancing



help you know how to spell the present continuous tense (Parrot

2007: 154)

3. The Verbs are not Used in Present Continuous Tense

There are several verbs are not normally used in present

continuous tense (Mas‟ud 2005: 19). It is shown in the table 2. 9.

Table 2. 9: Verbs are not Used in Present Continuous Tense

hate smell understand know believe

prefer have recognize consider remember

wish agree expect forget realize

feel like


a. Verb of emotion

The verb of emotion shown in the table 2. 10. Table 2. 10. Verb of Emotion

Verbs meaning example

like senang



The verb of thought or opinion shown in the table 2. 11. Table 2. 11. The Verb of Thought or Opinion

Verbs Meaning Example

forget lupa 1. I forget (correct). 2. I am forgetting (false).

understand mengerti 1. Yes sir, I understand (correct). 2. Yes sir, I am understanding (false).

prefer lebih suka

1. I prefer oranges to apple (correct). 2. I am prefering oranges to apple (false)

agree setuju 1. They agree with you (correct). 2. They are agreeing with you (false).

c. Verb of possesion

The verb of possession is shown in the table 2. 12.

Table 2. 12. Verb of Possesion Verb Meaning Example

have mempunyai It can not use in present continuous tense if the meaning” mempunyai”.

1. I have a new car (correct).

2. 1) I am having a new car (false).



meaning is” menikmati”.

I am having dinner (correct).

(Mas‟ud 2005: 21)

4. Time Signal of Present Continuous Tense

The time signal of present continuous tense is shown in the table 2. 13.

Table 2. 13: Time Signal of Present Continuous Tense

Media of Language Teaching, Roles of Media in Language Teaching.

1. Definition of Medium of Language Teaching

According Hamer (2003: 134) media can be use to explain language

meaning and contraction, engage students in a topic or as a basis of whole

activity. In additions Brown (2007: 18) also defines Media as the tool or



By media a teacher can stimulate the student to acquire knowledge,

comprehension and engage the learners in learning process.

2. Kinds of Medium of Language Teaching

According to Kasihani (2007: 102), in general there are three kinds

of media as below:

1. Visual aid

Visual aid is media which can be seen and be touched by

students. There are picture, photo, real object, map, miniatur, and

realia. Visual aid is often used by the teacher are picture,

flashcard, and realia.

2. Audio aid

Audio aid is text and material recorded which used for listening

skill and understanding oral discourse. It can be heard. Such as

radio and cassette recorder.

3. Audio visual aid

The last is Audio visual Aid. It is media which can be heard and

seen. Such as television and film. Usually it shows story, event, or

condition in another place. The picture is showed together with

information in English and it should selected is based on language

development students range.

In this research, the researcher discuss more specific about one of

visual aid that is Flashcard. The working through explicit about flashcard



3. Function of Media of Language Teaching

The function of media in language teaching is explained by Sadiman

(1990: 7) those are:

a. Aids to Instruction

Media gives serve to help teacher and instructors to manage the

instruction more efficiently especially in learning process. It means,

media helps teachers to communicate more effectively and take over the

operating role of instruction from teacher and instructors.

b. Aids to Learning

Media gives serve to help students learn more efficiently. Media

promote understanding, assist in the transfer of training and assist in


Afterwards the function of media is developed by Suyanto (2007: 10)

function of media in language teaching are:

a. Media can save our time as a teacher

b. Media can stimulate interest to learn

c. Media can encourage students participation

d. Media can provide a review

e. Media can help the students learn communicate ideas visually

f. Media can provide medium for individual or group report


32 4. Roles of Media in Language Teaching

In a study about language, media have important roles. There are

several roles media in teaching and learning process. According to

Hasanah (2015: 108), she give a brief explanation about roles of media or

instructional media as follows:

a. To entertain

Media can be used as recreation and enjoyment. It includes fictional

stories and poem published in books and magazines; records; tapes and

radio broadcast of music, music typically shown in motion pictures

theaters; and comedies ,dramas, and sporting events in television.

b. To Inform

The use of media can increase awareness or present facts. It includes

newspapers, documentaries on radio and television, and advertisements

in all media.

c. To instruct

Media are used to take the viewer and listener from state of not

knowing to one of knowing. From a state of poor performance to a state

of competence. It includes motion pictures/ flashcard, slides, and film

strips records and audiotapes.

In this research, the researcher use roles of media “c” (to instruct) that


33 D. Flashcards

In this part the researcher discusses about Definitions of Flashcards,

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flashcards, Criteria a Good Flashcard,

Flashcard for English Foreign Language (EFL) and Implementationof

Flashcard in English Foreign Language (EFL) Teaching

1. Definition of Flashcards

To get more understand about flashcards, the researcher would like

to utter the definition of flashcards. Flashcards are cards consistof number,

picture, word and sometimes it can stand alone of each. The size depends

on the maker.

According to Harmer (2002), Komachali&Khodareza (2012) &

Phillips (2001), flashcards are Cards that used to drill toward simple

sentence or function of simple language if this cards consist about simple

picture that also can to help defined vocabulary and structure .

Flashcards are used in the classrooms as teaching media and can be

found to give practice in most skills and components and in most stages of

teaching activity. Flashcards can motivate students and nowadays,

motivation is found to be an important factor in learning everything.

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Flashcards

There are several advantages and disadvantages of flashcards

a). Advantages of flashcards

According Inayah (2010: 24) there are some advantages of



1). Flashcards are effective method to help students to study


2). Flashcards are easy to carry anywhere, so we do not need to carry

heavy books so much because it is really convenient.

3). Flashcards help in summarizing and memorizing, so by using

flashcard the students will not need to study from the book with

long pages and a lot of information which it makes the students

confused because students will be able to study from the flashcards

that contains very simple points

4). Students became motivated and interested in learning English,

understood the words easily and memorized the words faster

(Yusrika 2013: 56).

b). Disadvantage of flashcard

According Asnawir & Usman (2002: 51), there are several

disadvantages of flashcard as follow:

1) If the picture of flashcards are not clear and big enough, the students

will misunderstanding about the teacher‟s explanation when they see

flashcards, so the goal that is planned cannot be achieved

2) Need long time to make it and very expensive

3) Usually the student who sit in behind can not see because the size of



4) The price of flash cards are too expensive, if the teacher want make

flashcards itself, she or he need much time.

Http://www. Ehow.com/


3. Criteria a Good Flashcard

According to Kasihani (2007:106), there are several criteria a good

flashcards as below:

a. Flashcard should be visible and is big and clear enough so that all

ofstudents can see detail.

b. The picture on flashcard has to convey the message clearly, notconfuse

or describe something that confuse.

c. Flashcards must be strong, not too bend and flop (Jannah, 2013: 192).

d. Flashcards contain the element of daily life example humans, object,

animals, events, places and so on (Humaidah, 2000: 2).

e. It can moved quickly from back sideto front side

In addition, in using flashcard has to appropriated with material that

will be given to students and the teachers should check the exact before

they give to their student.

4. Flashcards for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL)

Flashcards forEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL) or self-study

have been used for years and are a useful tool for teachers and learners.

Flash cards are useful for drilling new letters, syllables, words, and other



more informally. A flashcard or flash card is a set of cards bearing

information, as words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in

classroom drills or in private study. Flash cards can bear vocabulary,

historical dates, formulas or any subject matter that can be learned via a

question and answer format. Flash cards are widely used as a learning drill

to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition (Komachali &

Khodareza, 2012: 137).

According to Gelfgren (2012: 1), flashcards can be used for any subject, for example elementary or more advanced language training (vocabulary and grammar), mathematics, biology and geography. Flashcards are easy-to-use and handy resources for teachers and they can be used on any class level. They are excellent for presenting vocabulary, drilling and repetition. For many students, using flashcards is a fun way to learn new vocabulary and grammar

5. Implementationof Flashcard in Teaching English Foreign Language (EFL)

Flashcards are visual aids that can give motivation and stimulation in

teaching learning process especially grammar. Through flashcards students

can improve their‟s understanding on Present Continuous Tense.

According to Inayah (2010: 25), there are many several implementation of

Flashcard as teaching media to teach Present Continuous Tense:

1) Drills : Drills of this type can be used with all the flashcard on this

site. Be creative the flashcards for one grammatical area of English



flashcard section. Show your class the flashcards,” Drinking a cup

coffee”. Ask the students for example “what is Tono doing in this

flashcard?” .The class respond, “He is drinking a cup of coffee”. Now

ask something like with show another flashcards,” Is She eating

dinner, Carlos?” .The students respond, “No, She is having breakfast.

The students should remember routine verb and they respond the

question‟s teacher based on the flashcard.

2) Guess the Card: Use the flashcard. Don not show the whole picture.

Students try to guess what the people are doing the card and after they

guess the card, show them the whole picture.

3) The Mime Trick Game: Give flashcard to students and ask them to

mime the action. The rest of the class try to guess” what she /he is


4). Present Continuous Pictionary: This game is good for reviewing

vocabulary, especially action verb. Choose a student and show him or

her flashcard picture or whisper a word into his or her ear. The student

draws the picture on the board and first student to guess the picture

gets to draw the next picture. This can also be played in teams with a

point system .

5) Act it out: Ask a student to come to the front of the class and show a

flash card. The student then acts out that word, and the first student



with action verbs, but it can also use to teach concrete nouns words

(Inayah, 2010: 27).

6) Describing the action: Present the learners with a set of flash cards with

different actions. Ask them to tell you what they see on the card, after

getting their opinions. Make a sentence using the present continuous

and explain that the action is happening at that exact moment. Call

their attention to the structure of the verb phrase. The auxiliary to be

in the present and main verb -ing, then use the cards again and give

them the chance to describe the actions on them, using the correct

verb tense."


continuous/ Functions and examples).

7) Flashcard Sentences: Divide the class into groups of four or five. Give

each group the same pictures, or put it on overhead. Instruct the

groups to describe the flashcard in as many sentences as possible the

time allowed using Present Continuous Tense. The sentences must be

grammatically correct and accurately depict what is happening in the

picture. Each group read sentences or writer them on the board. The

group with the most correct sentences wins (Woodward 1997: 12).

Flashcard can used by the teacher with some games above

depending creativity of the teacher. But in this research, the researcher

use Drills, and Flashcard Sentence as a game to implement the


39 E. Previous research

In this section the researcher takes review of previous researches as

comparison to this research.

The first previous research is from Nadziroh (2010). Her research about

the use of flashcard to improve vocabulary mastery. She use classroom action

research approach. Her research is at fourth years students of MI Duren

Bandungan in the academic years of 2009/2010. The results of her research

show that flashcards of teaching vocabulary is able to help the students to

improve their vocabulary mastery the students are more interested and involve

actively in teaching learning process. The score between pretest and posttest is

very different, where posttest is greater than pretest

The different with this research is she use flashcard to teach vocabulary

for fourth year students MI Duren Bandungan and I use flashcard to teach

present continuous tense for second grade of SMA Muhammadiyah Salatiga.

With the same topic with Nadziroh is the use of flashcards. Widyarini

(2008) studied about the effectiveness of using flashcard as teaching media on

the student‟ mastering of vocabulary in experiment research. Her research is on

third graders of SD Masehi Mlaten Semarang in the academic years of

2008/2009. She chose two classes to be result research, one class as control

class and the other class as experimental class. For the experimental class, she

used flashcard for students when she was teaching vocabulary and the other

class she did not used flashcard. She used non-randomized pre-test and



used quantitative analysis. And the result was significant, flashcard can more

effective in teaching vocabulary.

This research is different from the two previous research. This research

focuses on flashcards to improve student‟s understanding on present

continuous tense. The approach used is classroom action research and here the

author as a researcher and observer and class teacher is the teacher in the

research itself. so as researcher, I just need one class. The participants are

students on second grade at SMA Muhammadiyah Salatiga. The researcher use




A.Procedures of The Research

There are four steps in one cycle for doing actions research those are

planning, acting, observing and evaluating. In this research, the researcher

conducted the research into two cycle: cycle I, and cycle II. The researcher

collaboration with the english teacher who teaches in class of second grade.

The activities in each cycle is as follows:

1. Cycle I

The researcher use flashcards to introduce new vocabulary of action verb,

which it can improve student understanding on Present Continuous Tense.

The topic is daily activity, the procedure as below:

a. Planning

In this step, the researcher plans the following below:

1) Preparing flash card that planned appropriate with the material

2) Preparing the teaching material of cycle I

3) Make lesson plan of cycle I

4) Preparing field note servation of cycle I

5) Preparing students attendance list



The preparation design in order to gain the purpose of teaching

learning process. Students are suppose to improve their understanding by

the materials give.

b. Action

In this section the learning process is led by the teacher.

1) The teacher explain about rules of present continuous tense in positive,

negative, Yes/ No question and short answers, interrogative form and

verbs are not used in present continuous tense.

2) Giving some examples of present continuous tense that are represented

with flashcards.

3) Asking the students to make sentences in positive, negative and

interrogative form based on flashcard is showed by the teacher.

4) Play the flash cards by ”Drill” (see chapter II) as follows:

a) Showing the flashcard to students for example: flashcard of

painting the wall.

b) Asking the students for example” What is Tono doing in this


c) Then asking again by showing another flashcard,” Is he painting

the wall?”

d) The students respond,” Yes, he is painting the wall.”

e) Next asking again by showing another flashcards and the students



5) Made some sentences related with their friend.

6) Giving correction and feedback to the student‟s answer.

7) In the end of lesson, giving post test.

c. Observation

1) The researcher observed students and teacher activity by using field


d. Reflection

1) The researcher evaluated the activities that have been done.

2) The classroom teacher and the researcher discussed to make a

reflection what should they do to repair the problems.

3) Analyzing the data from the observation check list and test of cycle I.

2. Cycle II

The second cycle do based on the result of reflection from the first

cycle. If the result from observation shows that the quality of the students

was still low, it is needed another action in order to make improvement of

the quality for the next cycle. The topic is same with cycle I. The procedures

are as follow:

a. Planning

1) The researcher identifies the problem and make the solution for the


2) Preparing flash cards of cycle II

3) Preparing material.



5) Preparing field note observation of cycle II

6) Preparing students' attendance list

7) Preparing pos-test of cycle II.

b. Action

In this section the learning process is led by the teacher.

1) The teacher asked students about rules of Present Continuous Tense

that have already discuss at the previous meeting.

2) Explain again about rules of present continuous tense in positive,

yes/ no question and short answers, negative, and interrogative form.

3) Give some examples of present continuous tense that are represented

with flashcard.

4) Ask the students to make sentences in positive, negative and

interrogative form based on flashcard is showed by the teacher.

5) Playing the flash cards by “Flashcard Sentence” as follows :

a) Divide the class into group of four or five.

b) Give each group the same pictures, or put it on over head.

c) Instruct the groups to describe the flashcard in as many sentences

as possible the time allowed using Present Continuous Tense. The

sentence must be grammatically correct and accurately depict

what is happening in the picture.

d) Each group read sentences or writer them on the board.

e) The group with the most correct sentence wins.


45 c. Observation

1) The researcher observe students and teacher activity by using field


d. Reflection

1) The researcher evaluate the activities that have been done.

2) The classroom teacher and the researcher discuss to make a

reflection what will they do to repair the problems.

3) Analyzing the data from the observation check list and test of cycle


Next cycle III will happen when the cycle II is fall.

3. The Minimal Standard of Successful

The students‟ success and failure in doing the activities plan above will

be assess by referring to the criterion of passing grade (KKM). The passing

grade of English lesson in SMA Muhammadiyah Plus Salatiga is 75. The

teacher and the researcher expectthat there are at least 75 % of the students




A. The Result of the Research

This chapter focuses on analyzing the collected data. The researcher

gives the details of the findings. This chapter is likely the main discussion of

the research conducted. It displays the finding of the collecting data since in the

beginning until the end of the research. The findings consist of result of the

cycle I and cycle II. The two cycles are treatment of the implementation

flashcard to improve student‟s understanding on present continuous tense.

1. Research Finding

The research consists of two cycles, each cycle consists of planning,

action, observation, and reflection. The whole steps of this research would

be explained in the description below:

a. Cycle I 1) Planning

In the planning stage of cycle I the researcher analyzed the syllabus

and the researcher discussed with the teacher about the topic and

source of the material which want to used in teaching and learning

process beside that the researcher also prepared several instruments,

they are as follows:

a) Flascard

Here the researcher made 4 of flashcards action verb which


47 b) Material

Present Continuous Tense (definition, pattern, yes/no

question and short answer, WH-Questions, and additions material

like: verbs are not use in present continuous tense, time signal and

verb ending in-ing).

c) Lesson Plan

Lesson plan was used to control the teaching and learning

process in this research. The researcher used it as a guidance to

manage time and activities during teaching and learning process in

the class.

d) Observation cheklist

Checklist observation was prepared in order to know the

teacher and students‟ activities during the teaching and learning


e) Student attendance list

To know total of student who enter in the class and follow the


f) Pre-test and Post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in his action.

Pre-test was done before flashcards was implemented to know the

understanding of students in present continuous tense. Then, the



flashcard in teaching present continuous tense to see the result of

the study before and after using flashcard.

2) Action

The cycle I was done on Wednesday, February 14, 2017 in

SMA Muhammadiyah (Plus) Salatiga. The teacher is Ms. Farrah

Zakiyah Anwar and the researchers role is as an observer.

The teacher started the lesson by greeted “Assalamualaikum

warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh” and said hello to the students. The

teachers open the lesson, introduces researcher self, conveyed the

purpose of coming in the class, and checked the students‟ attendance

list. After checked the attendance list, the teacher gave yel-yel “do the

best, don’t feel the best, always be the best, yes..we can”. Then the

teacher review about the previous material. She asked to the students

did you remember what we have learned in the last meeting?”. The

students answered that they learned about recount. There are many

students answered teacher questions and she said that for today and

next several day they would learn English especially about present

continuous tense. Before, began the lesson, the teacher asked to the

students about what is present continuous tense. One of the students

Ammar” answered that present continuous tense is “suatu akivitas

yang sedang terjadi”. After giving a little explanation about present

continuous tense, the teacher told that they will do a pre-test. The



Then, the teacher gave 10 minutes to do a pre-test about present

continuous tense. After that, the teacher gave a handout to the

students. The teacher asked to some students to read about the

definition of present continuous tense, then the teacher explained more

detail about definition, pattern, yes/no question and short answer,

WH-Questions and addition material in bahasa in order to make the

students understood about the material. After explained it, the teacher

used flashcard which showed one by one in front of class. There are

four flashcards showed by the teacher. The first showed flashcard

meanwhile the teacher asked question to the students” What is Conan

doing in this flascard?” there aresome students answered teacher

question “He is running” There are also some students answered “

Conan is running Mom”, The teacher asked more “ Is Conan

running?”Almost one class answered the teacher question“ Yes, he

is” the teacher continue gave question to the student “Where is Conan

Running?” the are some students answered together “Conan is

running at the street.” The situations at that class was very good

because almost all student pay the teacher attention.

Then the teacher show the second flashcard and asking

question to the class ”what is Sisuka doing in this flascard?, some

students answered” She is singing a song Mom” there is one people

asked questions to the teacher “ why the name of the picture used did



gunakan dalam gambar tidak di ambil dari nama siswa yang ada di

kelas ini?) teacher answered “ because we are talking about famous

figure, so I use these name to teach you are”. The teacher continue

asking question to the students “ Is Sisuka singing a song” some

students answered” Yes, she is”.

Then the teacher showed the third flashcard and asking

question to the students “ look at the flashcard class, this is Dora.

Dora is doing something in this picture. What is Dora doing?” there

are ten of students answered “Dora is reading book” the teacher

continue to asked question “Is Dora reading book?” some students

answered ” Yes, she is”, the teacher gave questions “Is Dora bringing

a bag?” almost one class answered together” No, she is not”. the last

questions from the teacher “Is Dora wearing hat?” a lot of students

answered ” No, she is not”.

After that the teacher asked student to made some sentences

using present continuous tense. Every student in that have to made

three sentences related with the topic. The topic was the activity or

situation friend in the class. Then some of student came in front the

class to read the result. The teacher gave feedback and conclude the

material. After that the teacher giving pos-test. The post-test consist

10 questions of 10 multiple choices same with pre-test but different in


Table 1. 1: Steps of Action Research
Table 1. 3: Research Schedule
Tabel 1. 4: Form of Observation Check List for students
Table 2. 2: Temporary Action


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