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Academic year: 2021



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Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Shinta Oktavia

Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


Dewi Ratna Zulfianty

Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk menganalisa dan mengevaluasi sistem informasi ERP khususnya pada modul sales and distribution yang sedang berjalan pada PT. XYZ untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan sistem dalam memenuhi kebutuhan user dan manajemen. Selain itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan rekomendasi kepada perusahaan agar dapat lebih menyempurnakan sistem informasi perusahaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan studi lapangan. Studi pustaka


2 dilakukan untuk mencari referensi yang berhubungan dengan pembahasan dan studi lapangan yang dilakukan adalah dengan observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis fit/gap. Hasil yang dicapaidisajikan dalam bentuk temuan masalah dan rekomendasi yang diusulkan untuk setiap masalah yang ditemukan serta perkiraan waktu yang diperlukan untuk menjalankan seluruh rekomendasi yang diusulkan. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi ERP pada modul sales and distribution pada PT. XYZ telah memenuhi kebutuhan user dan manajemen secara garis besar akan tetapi masih terdapat beberapa masalah yang perlu diselesaikan dengan segera agar sistem informasi dapat mendukung perusahaan dengan lebih baik.

Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, Sistem Informasi ERP, Modul Sales and Distribution, Migrasi Server



Pada era globalisasi ini teknologi semakin lama semakin berkembang, sehingga kebutuhan untuk dapat memiliki informasi yang cepat dan akurat menjadi penting agar dapat bersaing di pangsa pasar dan mencapai produktivitas yang tinggi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, perusahaan harus dapat memiliki sistem yang mendukung proses bisnis mereka yang sedang berjalan.

Salah satu sistem yang dapat mendukung untuk mengintegrasikan informasi secara real time yaitu sistem ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). ERP sendiri adalah sebuah sistem informasi berbasis komputer dan atau web yang menggabungkan masing-masing sistem yang ada pada setiap divisi fungsional suatu perusahaan agar tercapai suatu operasi yang terintegrasi dan transparan dalam menjalankan proses bisnis secara realtime.


3 Saat ini, PT. XYZ sudah menerapkan SAP(Systems, Applications and Products) sebagai salah satu software ERP. Seiring berjalannya waktu maka sering kali terjadi penurunan performa server yang mengakibatkan tertundanya pemrosesan transaksi sehari-hari. Pada akhirnya PT. XYZ memutuskan untuk melakukan migrasi server SAP dan akan dilakukan evaluasi terhadap sistem ERP setelah dilakukannya proses migrasi server di PT. XYZ pada modul Sales and Distribution.



Ruang lingkup dari penelitian mencakup analisis mekanisme pelaksanaan proyek migrasi server dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap proses bisnis berjalan pada modul Sales and Distribution, serta menggambarkan gambaran sistem ERP yang berjalan pada modul Sales and Distribution. Metodologi yang digunakan berupa metode pengumpulan data seperti studi pustaka, kuesioner, wawancara, dan observasi. Metode analisis yang digunakan berupa analisis Fit/Gap. Adapun pembahasan yang dilakukan adalah:

- Analisa, dimana dibagi menjadi 2: • Proses bisnis.

• Migrasi server.

- Evaluasi.



2.1.1. Analisa Proses Bisnis

Proses bisnis pada penjualan dan distribusi dimulai terdapat pesanan pelanggan, dan bagi pelanggan yang ingin melakukan pembayaran Down Payment maka akan menerbitkan Debit Note. Dilanjutkan dengan


4 membuat Sales Order dan Delivery Order oleh bagian penjualan. Kemudian pada saat barang telah dikeluarkan dari gudang, maka bagian gudang akan melakukan Post Goods Issue. Saat barang diterima oleh pelanggan, pelanggan harus membuat Receiving Report sebagai bukti bahwa barang telah diterima dan Invoice akan diterbitkan. Dibawah ini merupakan rich picture dari proses penjualan dan distribusi:

Gambar 2.1. Rich Picture proses penjualan dan distribusi

Proses bisnis yang kedua adalah proses bisnis pemasaran yang dimulai ketika dilakukan rapat PSI (Production, Sales and Inventory) setiap akhir bulan. Pada rapat ini akan dibahas mengenai model-model elektronik dan kuantitas yang akan diproduksi pada 3 bulan ke depan dan


5 pengalokasian model dan kuantitas yang diproduksi ke kantor penjualan pusat dan cabang. Pencatatan pengalokasian dibuat di transaksi Reservation, saat barang akan didistribusikan bagian penjualan akan membuat Internal Delivery Order. Pada saat barang telah diterima oleh bagian gudang kantor cabang, maka bagian gudang kantor cabang akan melakukan Post Goods Receipt berdasarkan nomor Internal Delivery Order. Dibawah ini merupakan rich picture dari proses pemasaran:

Gambar 2.2. Rich Picture proses pemasaran

Proses bisnis yang berikutnya adalah proses retur penjualan yang dimulai ketika pelanggan akan mengembalikan barang yang telah dibeli sebelumnya. Bagian penjualan akan membuatkan Sales Order dan Delivery Order dengan tipe return sebagai tanda terima barang yang diretur apabila barang pengganti tersedia. Setelah menerima barang yang dikembalikan, bagian gudang akan melakukan Post Good Receipt dan bagian akunting


6 akan menerbitkan Credit Memo. Kemudian bagian penjualan akan membuat Sales Order dan kemudian membuat Delivery Order. Pada saat bagian gudang mengeluarkan barang pengganti maka akan dilakukan Post Good Issue dan bagian akunting akan menerbitkan Invoice. Dibawah ini merupakan rich picture dari proses retur penjualan:

Gambar 2.3. Rich Picture proses retur penjualan

2.1.2. Analisa Migrasi Server

Latar belakang proyek dikarenakan server yang digunakan telah melampaui masa pemakaiannya dan waktu respon sistem yang lambat saat menggenerate suatu transaksi atau laporan. Tahap pelaksanaan proyek dari perencanaan, persetujuan proposal, install sistem dan server SAP, melakukan pengujian terhadap sistem SAP dan Go Live serta pengontrolan. Setelah sistem


7 dan server SAP yang baru dipasang maka akan ada peningkatan memori, spesifikasi serta penerapan sistem clustering yang dapat mengurangi resiko kehilangan data saat salah satu server terputus atau mati, karena sistem clustering tersebut akan langsung menghubungkan pada server lainnya. Dibawah ini merupakan perbandingan sistem sebelum dan sesudah proyek migrasi server:

Gambar 2.4. Perbandingan sistem sebelum dan sesudah migrasi server



Untuk mengetahui apakah kemampuan sistem sesuai dengan kebutuhan user maka dilakukan pembagian kuesioner kepada bagian penjualan (kantor pusat dan kantor cabang), bagian gudang (kantor pusat dan kantor cabang) dan bagian MIS (kantor pusat). Dari hasil kuesioner tersebut didapatkan fit


8 sebanyak 8 buah (5 buah dengan ranking High, 2 buah dengan ranking Medium dan 1 buah ranking Low), partial fit sebanyak 4 buah (2 buah dengan ranking High, 1 buah dengan ranking Medium dan 1 buah ranking Low) dan gap sebanyak 1 buah pada ranking Medium. Maka dari 5 permasalahan yang ditemukan akan diberikan rekomendasi alternatif yaitu:

- Ranking High : Penutupan jurnal harus dilakukan pada akhir bulan, sedangkan masih terdapat penjualan yang belum dapat dilakukan billing sebelum menerima Receiving Report dari pelanggan.

• Rekomendasi : Pembuatan akun Sales in Transit untuk penjualan yang terjadi pada akhir bulan sehingga billing dapat dilakukan setelah menerima Receiving Report dari pelanggan.

- Ranking High : Jumlah pengiriman barang ke cabang melebihi jumlah alokasi pemasaran pada Reservation.

• Rekomendasi : Perubahan transaksi Reservation menjadi transaksi Stock Transport Requisition (STR) dan Stock Transport Order (STO). STO akan dibuat berdasarkan STR, kuantiti yang dimasukkan tidak dapat melebihi kuantiti saat STR dibuat, dan nama user yang membuat STR maupun STO akan tercatat ketika STR dan STO disimpan.


9 Gambar 2.5. Transaksi Stock Transport Requisition



- Ranking Medium : Alamat Sales Office dan Service Office adalah sama, sehingga ketika pembuatan Delivery Order atau Invoice alamat yang tercantum tetap alamat kantor pusat.

• Rekomendasi : Penambahan tabel Add-On yang menyediakan alamat kantor cabang (Sales Office) dan kantor servis cabang (Service Office), sehingga ketika DO atau Invoice akan dicetak maka akan muncul windows untuk memasukkan alamat Sales Office atau Service Office.

- Ranking Medium : Transaksi perpindahan barang tetap dapat dilakukan saat stock opname berlangsung sehingga penghitungan kesesuaian jumlah stok pada sistem dengan jumlah stok aktual menjadi terhambat.

• Rekomendasi : Menggunakan fungsi Set Block Posting pada transaksi PICD seperti dibawah ini:



- Ranking Low : Laporan Sales Inquiry dapat ditampilkan untuk periode 3 bulan.

• Rekomendasi : Penambahan field periode untuk menampilkan laporan dalam beberapa periode.

Dari hasil evaluasi tersebut maka penulis mengusulkan untuk memberikan gambaran penghitungan waktu untuk setiap rekomendasi sebagai berikut:

Gambar 2.8. Gambaran Penghitungan Waktu .





Setelah melakukan analisa dan evaluasi maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem ERP di PT. XYZ sebagai berikut:

1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis fit gap yang telah dilakukan maka ditemukan adanya fit sebanyak 8 buah, partial fit sebanyak 4 buah dan gap sebanyak 1 buah. Pada partial fit dan gap perlu dilakukan perbaikan-perbaikan sistem untuk mencapai kinerja sistem yang sesuai dengan harapan manajemen PT. XYZ, yaitu:

- Sistem dapat membatasi jumlah pengiriman barang kepada cabang berdasarkan jumlah alokasi pemasaran.

- Sistem dapat menampilkan Laporan Sales Inquiry dalam beberapa periode.

- Sistem dapat mengunci transaksi perpindahan barang pada saat dilakukan PICD (Physical Inventory Creation Document).

- Sistem dapat menyediakan akun Sales in Transit untuk penjualan yang belum Billing.

- Sistem dapat menyimpan alamat yang berbeda untuk Sales Office dan Service Office.

2. Kustomisasi dalam maksimalisasi fungsi bisnis pada SAP atau yang biasa disebut dengan partial fit serta pengembangan aplikasi untuk meminimalisir gap antara sistem berjalan dengan proses bisnis pada SAP diperkirakan membutuhkan waktu hingga 17 minggu atau sekitar 4 bulan dari kick off meeting



Daftar Pustaka

[1] Anonim. (2006). SCM600 - Business Process in Sales Order Management. German: SAP AG.

[2] Anonim. Fit/Gap Analysis. Retrieved Oktober 27, 2011, from http://www.ehow.com/about_6311789_fit-gap-analysis.html

[3] Anonim. Flowchart. Retrieved Desember 15, 2011, from http://lecturer.ukdw.ac.id/othie/flowchart.pdf

[4] Anonim. Metode Fit/Gap Analysis. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from


[5] Anonim. SAP ERP. Retrieved Oktober 30, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAP_ERP [6] Gelinas, Jr., Ulric J., & Dull, Richard B. (2010). Information System Accounting. (8th

Edition). USA: South - Western Cengage Learning.

[7] Hollander, A. S., Denna, E. L., & Cherrington, J. O. (2000). Accounting Information Technology and Business Solutions. (2nd Edition). New York: McGraw Hill.

[8] Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2008). Management Information Systems : Managing the Digital Firm. (10th Edition). Pearson International Edition.

[9] Marchewka, Jack T. (2010). Information Technology Project Management. (3rd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[10] Mathiassen, Lars. (2000). Object Oriented Analysis & Design. Denmark: Marko Publishing.


14 [12] O'Brien, J. A. (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. (12th Edition). New York:

McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

[13] Rainer. JR, R. K., Turban, E., & Potter, R. E. (2007). Introduction to Information Systems : Supporting and Transforming Business. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [14] Satzinger, J. W., Robert, B. J., & Stephen, D. B. (2005). Object-Oriented Analysis &

Design with the Unified Process. Boston, USA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

[15] Schwalbe, K. (2010). Information Technology Project Management. (6th Edition). USA: Cengage Learning.

[16] Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2010). Research Methods for Business: a skill building approach. (5th Edition).USA: Wiley.

[17] Sugiyono. (2007). Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Bandung: Alfabeta.

[18] Umar, H. (2002). Evaluasi Kinerja Perusahaan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka. [19] Whitten, J. L. (2004). Metode Desain dan Analisis Sistem.(Edisi ke-6). Yogyakarta:


[20] Wijaya, S. F., & Darudiato, S. (2009). ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing) & Solusi Bisnis. (1st Edition). Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.







Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Shinta Oktavia

Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


Dewi Ratna Zulfianty

Binus University, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia


Purpose of this research is to analyze and evaluate the ERP system, particularly on Sales and Distribution module that is run in PT. XYZ and also to know how the system in order to fulfill the needs of the user requirement and management. The point of this research is to provide recommendations to the company in order to enhance the system. Research methods used are the study of library and study field. Library studies conducted to find references related to the discussion and study of field does are by observation, interviews


and questionnaires. Method of analysis used is Fit/Gap analysis. The results achieved are presented in the form of finding problems and proposed recommendations for any issues found as well as the estimated time required to run the entire proposed recommendation. A summary of this research is ERP system on module Sales and Distribution in PT. XYZ already meet the needs of user requirement and management in outline but there are some problems need to be resolved immediately so the ERP system can better support company activities.

Keywords: ERP System, Evaluation, Sales and Distribution, Server Migration



The globalization era of technology which keeps growing requires the need for rapid and accurate information in order to compete in the market and achieve high productivity. To achieve that, company should have a system that supports their business processes.

One of the systems that can integrate real time information is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is a computer-based information system and or web that combines each system on each functional division of a company that achieved an operation of an integrated and transparent process in real-time.

PT. XYZ already implemented SAP (Systems, Applications and Products) as one of the ERP systems. Over time server performance decreasing that caused delay of the daily transactions processing. In the end, PT. XYZ decided to do SAP server migration and evaluation of ERP system on Sales and Distribution module.


Scope of the research includes analysis of server migration project mechanism and do an evaluation of business process run in Sales and Distribution module and describe ERP systems run on the Sales and Distribution module. The methodology used in data collection such as library studies, questionnaires, interviews and observations. Method of analysis used is Fit/Gap analysis. The discussions done are:

- Analysis of:

• Business process.

• Server migration project mechanism.

- System Evaluation.



2.1.1. Business process analysis

Business processes on sales and distribution began from customer orders. For customers who wanted to pay the Down Payment, a Debit Note would be issued by accounting division. Proceed with making a Sales Order and Delivery Order by sales division. Then at the time when the goods have been moved from the warehouse, warehouse division would do a Post Goods Issue. When goods were accepted by customer, they must make a Receiving Report as a receipt that the goods have been received and the Invoice could be issued. Below is a rich picture of the sales and distribution process:


Picture 2.1. Rich Picture of the sales and distribution process

The second business process is marketing business process which began when a PSI (Production, Sales and Inventory) meeting held every end of the month. It would be discussing about electronic models and quantity that would be produced for three months ahead and allocating model and the quantity produced to the head and branch office. Allocating registry transactions made on the Reservation. Sales division would issue an Internal Delivery Order when the goods would be distributed to the branch. At the time the goods have been accepted by the branch office warehouse, they would do Post Goods Receipt based on the number of Internal Delivery Order. Below is a rich picture of the marketing process:


Picture 2.2. Rich Picture of the marketing process

The third business process is the process of sales returns which began when consumers wanted to return the goods has been bought before. Sales division would create Sales Order and Delivery Order by return type as the receipt of returns goods. After receiving returned goods, warehouse division would do Post Goods Receipt and accounting division would issue a credit memo. Then sales division would make Sales Order and Delivery Order. At the time of issuing the goods replacement, warehouse division would do Post Good Issue and accounting division would issue Invoice. Below is a rich picture of the sales returns process:


Picture 2.3. Rich Picture of the sales returns process

2.1.2. Server Migration Project Mechanism Analysis

The background of the project was due to the server which has exceeded the period of its usage and slow system response time when generating a transaction or a report. Project stages consist of planning, proposal approval, SAP system and the server installation, SAP system test and Go Live. There are several improvement after the SAP server and system has been installed that incretion in memory and server clustering system that could reduce system risk of losing data because when one server disconnected the system will directly connect on the other server. Below is server specification comparison before and after the server migration:


Picture 2.4. Server specification comparison before and after the server migration



To find out is the ability of system has been suited to the user requirement; author conducted a questionnaire to sales division (Head office and branch office), warehouse division (Head Office and branch office) and MIS division (Head office). These are the results obtained from questionnaire as many as 8 Fit requirements (5 High-rank, 2 Medium-rank and 1 Low-rank), 4 Partial Fit requirements (2 High-rank, 1 Medium-rank and 1 Low-rank) and 1 Gap requirement with Medium-rank. Then from 5 problems found would be given alternative recommendations, namely:


- High-rank: The journal closing must be done every end of the month, while there were still sales that could not be billed because have not received receiving report from customers.

• Recommendation: Sales in Transit account creation for sales that occurred at the end of the month so billing could be done upon receipt of a Receiving Report from customers.

- High-rank: Number of shipped goods to branch office exceeds the number of marketing allocation in Reservation.

• Recommendation: Change of Reservation transactions into transaction of Stock Transport Requisition (STR) and Stock Transport Order (STO). STO would be based of STR, quantity inputted on STO cannot exceed quantity on STR, and the name of the user who made the STR or STO would be recorded.


Picture 2.6. Stock Transport Order transaction

- Medium-rank: Address of the Sales Office and Service Office were the same, address listed when making a Delivery Order or Invoice was the Head office address.

• Recommendation: The addition of add-on table that provided the address of the Branch Office (Sales Office) and the office of consumer services branch (Service Office), when DO or Invoice to be printed it would show a pop-up windows to enter the address of the Sales Office or Service Office.

- Medium-rank: Transaction of goods transfer could be done when the stock count has not been finished.

• Recommendation: Using the function of Set Block Posting on the PICD transaction as shown as below:


Picture 2.7. PICD transaction

- Low-rank: Sales Inquiry report can be displayed for 3-month period. • Recommendation: The additional field period chooser to display

report in several periods.

From the results of evaluation, the author proposed to provide a description of estimated time for each recommendation as follow:


Picture 2.8. Estimated time for each recommendation .



After analysis and evaluation done, it could be concluded that ERP system in PT. XYZ as follows:

1. Based on the analysis has been done then author found existence of fit as many as 8 pieces, partial fit as many as 4 pieces and gap as much as 1 piece. Company had to do system customization to achieve better system performance that matches the expectations


- System could provide Sales in Transit account for the sales that has not been billed.

- System could limit the delivery of goods to the branch based on the amount of marketing allocation marketing.

- System could display Sales Inquiry report for 3-month period.

- System could lock transaction of goods transfer when the stock count has not been finished.

- System could store different addresses for the Sales Office and Service Office.

2. Customization in the SAP system function optimization or commonly known with partial fit as well as the development of applications to minimize the gap between systems running with business processes in SAP was estimated took up to 17 weeks or approximately 4 months from the kick off .


[1] Anonim. (2006). SCM600 - Business Process in Sales Order Management. German: SAP AG.

[2] Anonim. Fit/Gap Analysis. Retrieved Oktober 27, 2011, from http://www.ehow.com/about_6311789_fit-gap-analysis.html

[3] Anonim. Flowchart. Retrieved Desember 15, 2011, from http://lecturer.ukdw.ac.id/othie/flowchart.pdf


[4] Anonim. Metode Fit/Gap Analysis. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from


[5] Anonim. SAP ERP. Retrieved Oktober 30, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAP_ERP [6] Gelinas, Jr., Ulric J., & Dull, Richard B. (2010). Information System Accounting. (8th

Edition). USA: South - Western Cengage Learning.

[7] Hollander, A. S., Denna, E. L., & Cherrington, J. O. (2000). Accounting Information Technology and Business Solutions. (2nd Edition). New York: McGraw Hill.

[8] Laudon, K. C., & Laudon, J. P. (2008). Management Information Systems : Managing the Digital Firm. (10th Edition). Pearson International Edition.

[9] Marchewka, Jack T. (2010). Information Technology Project Management. (3rd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

[10] Mathiassen, Lars. (2000). Object Oriented Analysis & Design. Denmark: Marko Publishing.

[11] Mulyadi. (2001). Sistem Akuntansi. (Edisi ke-3). Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

[12] O'Brien, J. A. (2005). Introduction to Information Systems. (12th Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

[13] Rainer. JR, R. K., Turban, E., & Potter, R. E. (2007). Introduction to Information Systems : Supporting and Transforming Business. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [14] Satzinger, J. W., Robert, B. J., & Stephen, D. B. (2005). Object-Oriented Analysis &

Design with the Unified Process. Boston, USA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

[15] Schwalbe, K. (2010). Information Technology Project Management. (6th Edition). USA: Cengage Learning.


[16] Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2010). Research Methods for Business: a skill building approach. (5th Edition).USA: Wiley.

[17] Sugiyono. (2007). Metode Penelitian Bisnis. Bandung: Alfabeta.

[18] Umar, H. (2002). Evaluasi Kinerja Perusahaan. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka. [19] Whitten, J. L. (2004). Metode Desain dan Analisis Sistem.(Edisi ke-6). Yogyakarta:


[20] Wijaya, S. F., & Darudiato, S. (2009). ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing) & Solusi Bisnis. (1st Edition). Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.


Gambar 2.1. Rich Picture proses penjualan dan distribusi
Gambar 2.2. Rich Picture proses pemasaran
Gambar 2.3. Rich Picture proses retur penjualan
Gambar 2.4. Perbandingan sistem sebelum dan sesudah migrasi server


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