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Academic year: 2019



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Submitted to the Board Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

By :








Astaghfirullah (For the Past)

Alhamdulillah (For the Present)

In „Sha‟Allah (For the future)

“There is Nothing Impossible”.

Barangsiapa Ingin Mutiara Harus Berani Terjun di Lautan yang Dalam.


Bermimpilah Setinggi Langit Jika Engkau Jatuh, Engkau akan Jatuh di

Antara Bintang- Bintang.



I dedicate this graduating paper to:

1. My God, Allah SWT who always gives me everything.

2. My beloved parents, my mother (Mak Jum) and father (Pak Gun). You are my every thing.

3. My beloved grandmothers, Mbah Suratmi and Mbah Salimah who always gives me guidance of life.

4. My aunt (Mbak Kus), thanks a lot for the financial support for my college. 5. My family who always gives me support every time.

6. My friends all members of TBI 2010, especially for my closest friends Aris, Echan, Arashi, Rizky, Yuni, Nisa, Umai, Ismi, Sri and Iput. Good Luck for you all guys.



Susilo, Ikhsan. 2014. The Effectiveness of Using Realia Media to Improve the Students‟ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text (An Experimental Study of SMK Saraswati Salatiga in Twelfth Grade in the Academic Year of 2014/2015). A Graduating Paper.Educational Faculty.English Department.State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN).

Consultant: Dr. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag

Key words: Realia, descriptive text, students‟ ability in writing







MOTTO ... v



ABSTRACT ...viii


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Research……….. 1

B. Problem Statements………4

C. The Objective of the Study……….4

D. The Benefit of Study……. ………5

E. The Definition of the Key Terms ………... ...5


G. Research Methodology

1. Research Approach………..8

2. Research Method………...8

3. Research Design………..9

4. Population of Sample……….10

5. Technique of Sampling………...11

6. Method of Data Collection……….11

7. Data Analysis………..13

H. Paper Outlines………...16


1. Definition of Writing……….17

2. Writing Strategies ……….18

3. Notion of Good Writing ………...………20

4. Teaching Writing………...21

5. Writing Skill………..22

B. Realia Media………..………..24

1. Definition of Realia………...24

2. The Type of Realia………26

3. The Function of Realia Media………...26


C. Descriptive Text ……….28

1. Definition of Descriptive Text…..………28

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text…...……….. 28

3. Language Features of Descriptive Text…..………. 28


1. General Description of SMK Saraswati Salatiga...30

2. Vision and Mission………...32

3. Time Setting……….33

4. The Teachers of SMK Saraswati Salatiga………34

5. The Students of SMK Saraswati Salatiga………34

6. The Subjects of Study………..34


B. Arithmetical Calculation………...41

1. Mean………...46

2. Deviation Standard……….47

3. Discussion………...50


B. Suggestion ... 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY




A. Background of the Study

English is spoken by people from all over the world. Everybody knows about English even though they cannot speak or write this language well. There are four skills of English that should be mastered students such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. Writing is productive skill in English because students must be through a process that is full with theoretical rules about grammar.


Most of high schools have similar problem about the students‟ ability

in writing. They are poor in vocabulary mastery to write text maybe short article in English. Many causes why this problem is always happen in a lot of school, the first factor is that teachers always give lecturing and theoretical lesson, just one way communication from teacher to students and it makes a passive condition. The second factor is that teachers always give materials from text book and make a reading tendency. Talking about writing is talking about creativity and art to produce the ideas into written form. The students can use vocabulary from any sources. (Ministry of National Education, 2003: 53) as quoted by (Rahmawati, 2014: 16).

To solve this problem there are many ways to improve the students‟

writing skill. The writer has several ways to improve the students writing skills for example teacher ask students to write sentence in various kinds of tenses, make simple paragraph telling about things, their own story etc. According Brown (2001: 335-336) there are 10 processes approach to writing instructions. Writing is writing, so it needs a long process through step by step exercise to be master.

Based the phenomena above, the writer tries to find the effective method to improve the students‟ ability in writing. SMK Saraswati Salatiga is


Realia enhance meaning and make vocabulary more concrete and, therefore, more comprehensible. (Berkeley, CA, 2010: vi)

Using realia students can look the example and create their own ideas, write sentence by sentence into paragraph, paragraph by paragraph to make an interesting text. Using realia to preview or to review a lesson‟s vocabulary puts everyone on an equal footing and prepares all children for success. (Berkeley, CA, 2010: vii). For a long time when students‟ mastery in writing

is good it can be a productive skill to produce any text that is has benefits for self and others.

By doing research first, the writer will find the result of pre test as an example of the problem. Since the writer will be working with the children in small groups, the writer will have a good understanding of their individual progress. Make sure that every student participates. (Berkeley, CA, 2010: ix). The result will be analyzed and after that the second step is choosing the appropriate method to apply Realia Media in the class in the post test. The different result from pre test and post test will give the description how the Realia Media improve the students‟ skill in writing effectively.



Experimental Study in the Twelfth grade of SMK Saraswati Salatiga in the Academic Year 2014/2015).

B. Problem Statements

Based on the explanation above, the problem statements consist of:

1. How is the profile of students‟ writing ability who are taught using realia media?

2. How is the profile of students‟ writing ability who are not taught using realia media?

3. Is there any significant different effectiveness of students writing skill who are taught by Realia Media and not taught by Realia Media?

C. The Objective of the Study

1. To find out the students‟ writing ability who are taught using realia media. 2. To find out the students‟ writing ability who are not taught using realia



D. The Benefit of Study

There are some benefits of the research some of them as follow: 1. Theoretically

The English language teaching methods especially Realia Media will inspire other researchers to conduct further researches.

2. Practically a. For the writer

The research finding will improve teaching ability in teaching English using Realia Media method and develop this.

b. For the students

The research finding will improve students‟ ability in writing

descriptive text.

c. For the English teacher

Give the real description to use Realia Media to improve the students‟

skill in writing descriptive text.

E. Definition of Key Terms

There are some key terms of this study as follows: 1. Effectiveness


b. Jaap Schorens (1992: 11) says effectiveness is to degree to which educational means processes result in the attainment of educational goals.

2. Realia Media

Realia miniature objects that resemble their real-world counterparts provide an excellent tool to help these children develop essential English vocabulary. Realia enhance meaning and make vocabulary more concrete and, therefore, more comprehensible. (Berkeley, CA, 2010: vi)

3. Improve

Develop or increase in mental capacity by education or experience. Improve is to become or make something or somebody better. (Hornby, 2004: 216)

4. Descriptive Text


F. Review of Previous Researches

There was a previous research from Nur Hidayah with title The Use of Realia to Improve Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action Research in the

third Year Students of MI Nurul Azhar Terban Pabelan in the Academic Year 2010/2011). The research from Nur Hidayah focused on the students‟ ability in vocabulary mastery especially in speaking.

The second review from Erny Rokhmawati with title The Use of Realia to Improve Students‟ Speaking Ability in Procedure Text(A Classroom Action Research with the Ninth Grade Students of MTs.Mathalibul Huda Mlonggo Jepara in the Academic Year of 2010/2011). The research focused on speaking and Realia Media has role as a tools or visual aid when the students step by step explained to made something orally.

The both of researches above inspired the writer to conduct an experimental research with title The Effectiveness of Using Realia Media to Improve the Students‟ Ability in Writing Descriptive Text. (An Experimental

Study in the twelfth Grade of SMK Saraswati Salatiga in the Academic Year 2014/2015). The focus of this research is writing. Different with both of researches above about speaking, in this research the writer has purpose to improve the students‟ ability in writing to make descriptive text after applying


G. Research Methodology

1. Research Approach

The writer used quantitative approach as the primary approach in this research. The quantitative research isolates and defines variables and variable categories. These variables are linked together to frame hypothesis, often, before, the data are tested upon. The secondary approach is descriptive. Descriptive is describing how a technique of learning is applied and how the result wanted can be research. (Muklis, 2000:57)

2. Research Method

In this research, the writer focused on improving students‟ writing

ability in descriptive text. Research can be defined as the process of problem solving. To solve the problem, the researcher needs a method. The method of research that used in this study is experimental research, according to Arikunto (1990:272), “Experiment research is a research

method used for finding the effects of treatment towards another in a controlled condition”.


find some problems in the teaching learning process. The experimental class is the students that are taught by using realia and control class is students that are taught by non-realia method. And the result of pre-test and post-test will be measured. The score shows students‟ writing ability in descriptive text. All of which makes this research quantitative in nature. The writer used an experimental research as an attempt to improve writing teaching learning process and to solve the problems that students have related to writing ability.

3. Research Design

To make the data in this research complete and clear the writer described the experimental group and control group as follow:

No Experiment Group Control Group


(experiment group) treatment (explanation orally without Realia Media)


writer divided into 2 groups, XII MMA class as an experiment class and XII MMB as control class.

5. Technique of sampling

The writer uses random sampling as a technique to take sample in this research. According to Sutrisno (1991: 222) “A technique used to take

sample is called sampling”. The writer takes two classes of students as a

sample. The teacher suggested the writer to conduct the research in XII MMA and XII MMB class because both of class has different characteristic in learning English. The MMA class is crowded class but the students are smart enough, and the MMB class is full with quiet people but they are lower than class MMA but the difference of two classes is not significant remember that just take one class and divide class into 2 groups is more complicated, a half of class as experiment group, and half of other as a control group.

6. Method of data collection


discussion result, what paragraph that students wrote, what tense that students used to write paragraph, were the content relate with the topic (Realia Media) given or not. From this data collection the researcher would know the progress and how Realia Media improve the students‟ skill effectively. The researcher had several techniques of collecting data, then the technique of collecting data was called instrument. The instrument for collecting data could be questionnaire, observation, interview, documentation, test, etc. In this research the writer used test as the main method.

In experimental research, the writer used two kinds of instruments in collect data. Those are test and documentation.

a. Test

1) Pre Test

The test can be called at the pre-test before the treatment of this research. The pre-test is aimed is to know the students mastery in writing materials before the treatments carried out. The function of pre-test is to know how far the students‟ ability in writing before Realia Media

applied. By pre-test the differences between before and after treatment is known.

2) Post test


XII MMB is taught without realia media). From the score of this test, the researcher is intended to find out the effectiveness of using realia to increase students writing skill. The result of the scoring then is compared with pre-test. The function of post test is to measuring the students improve in writing descriptive text after treatment by Realia Media.

b. Documentation

Documentation is a number of data that present the verbal data such as correspondence, journal, memory report, and other which can be mutually responsible. (Sutrisno Hadi, 1991: 236). In this research the documentation can be text that written by students. 7. Data Analysis

Data analysis for this research is descriptive quantitative. The purpose of data analysis is to know the use of realia to improve students writing skill at the twelfth grade students of SMK Saraswati Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015.

a. Statistical Analysis


score found the writer conclude the score which improve from pre-test to post test.

b. Statistical Hypothesis

The score taken by pre-test and post test was collected and it is become the result of research. The writer analyzes the data statistic and looking for the data increase, it means that when the score of test increase the Realia Media effectively improve the students‟ ability in writing.

To analyze the data from the test, researcher conducts some steps:

1) To find out the rate of average of pre-test (x) and the rate of post-test (y) the researcher use formula:

MX=∑ N MX=∑

N Explanation:


2) To find out the deviation standard the researcher uses a

D = difference between pretest and post test N = the number of observation

3) To find out the significance between x and y by calculate t-test, the researcher uses this formula, in order to analyze the use of medium used in the learning process, the process formula is :


D : Difference between pretest and post-test

N : the number of observation

H. Paper Outlines

In this section the writer will discuss some part of graduating paper‟s




A. Writing

1. Definition of writing

According to Jack C. Richard (1997:100), writing is used either as evidence of successful learning or as a means of learning. Writing is process of thinking; it means that writing is an activity to express ideas, issues, events, feeling or thinking to the others through written form. Yet good writing skills are essential to academic success and a requirement for many occupation and profession (Richard, 1997:100). By writing we can tell about people, remember the facts and ideas.


2. Writing Strategies

According Harmer (2004:4-5) there are 4 steps about writing process as follow:

a. Planning

Experienced writers plan what they are going to write. Before starting to write or type, they try and decide what is they are going to say. For some writers this may involve making detailed notes. When planning, the writers have to think about three main issues. In the first place they have to consider the purpose of their writing since this will influence (amongst other things) not only the type of text they wish to produce, but also the language they use, and the information they choose to include. Secondly, experienced writers think of the audience they are writing for, since this will influence not only the shape of the writing (how it is laid out, how the paragraphs are structured etc) but also the choice of language- whether, for example, it is formal or informal tone. Thirdly, writers have to consider the content structure of the piece- that is, how best to sequence the facts, ideas, or arguments which they have decided to include. (Harmer, 2004:4-5). b. Drafting

We can refer to the first version of a piece of paper as a draft. This “go” at a text is often done on the assumption that it will be


of drafts maybe produced on the way to final version. (Harmer, 2004:5).

c. Editing (reflecting and revising)

Once writers have produced a draft they then, usually, read through what they have written to see where it works and where it doesn‟t. Perhaps the order of the information is not clear. Perhaps the

way something is written is ambiguous or confusing. They may then move paragraphs around or write a new introduction. They may use a different form of words for a particular sentence. More skilled writers tend to look at issues of general meaning and overall structure before concentrating on detailed features such as individual words and grammatical accuracy. The latter two are, of course, important and are often dealt with later in the process.

Reflecting and revising are often helped by other readers (or editors) who comment and make suggestions. Another reader‟s reaction to a piece of writing will help the author to make appropriate revisions. (Harmer, 2004:5).

d. Final version


We might decide to represent these stages in the following way:“planning – drafting – editing –final draft”(Harmer, 2004:5).

3. Notion of good writing

Some elements in good writing are content, form, grammar, style and mechanic (Haris, 2001:306). A good writing must express good characteristics as follow:

a. Content: writing must convey the main idea or an attentive reader should be able to grasp the writer purpose. The substances of the writing; the idea expressed (Haris, 1969:68).

b. Form: writing should contain logical or associative connection and transition which clearly express the relationship of the idea described. The organization of the content (Haris, 1969:38).

c. Grammar: writing should adhere to the rules of grammar related to the tenses with the sequence of time, the employment of grammatical forms and syntactic pattern (Haris, 1969:69).

d. Style: writing should engage its reader through original insight and precise. Haris (1969:69) say that style: the choice of structures and lexical items to give a particular tone or flavor to the writing.


4. Teaching Writing

Writing (as one of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing) has always formed part of the syllabus in the teaching of English. However, it can be used for a variety purposes, ranging from being merely a “backup” for grammar teaching to a major syllabus strand in its own

right, where mastering the ability to write effectively is seen as a key objective for learners.

The importance given to writing differs from teaching situation to teaching situation. In some cases it shares equal billing with the other skills; in other curricula it is only used, if at all, in its “writing -for-learning” role where the students write predominately to argument their

learning of the grammar and vocabulary of the language.


development as they resolve problems with the writing puts into their minds. (Harmer, 2004:31).

5. Writing Skill

English is spoken by people from all over the world. Everybody knows about English even though they cannot speak or write this language well. There are four skills of English that should be mastered students such as speaking, listening, reading and writing. Writing is productive skill in English because students must be through a process that is full with theoretical rules about grammar.

Learning is acquiring facts, skills, and methods that can be retained and used as necessary (Trianto, 2009: 15-21). Learning about language is not only speaking, but also reading something by written text. It means that learning language is also learning about writing. Not only speaking, but learning English without mastering writing skill is nothing. According to (Ministry of National Education, 2003:44) as quoted by (Rahmawati, 2014:16), it is mentioned that standard of competence for writing skill is expressing the meaning by developing the right rhetorical in writing text as narration, explanation, discussion, commentary, and review with variation structures of modification. In writing a readable and logical text, students have to apply several strategies below:

a. Reading for many kinds of text. b. Brainstorming to collect ideas.


d. Viewing the ideas in writing from any directions. e. Making the lists.

f. Correcting the result.

g. Using vocabulary which found from any sources. (Ministry of National Education, 2003:53).

Brown (2001: 335-336) states the process of approach to writing instructions. The instructions are mentioned below:

a. Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product.

b. Help students write to understand their own composing process. c. Help them to build repertories of strategies for prewriting, drafting

and rewriting.

d. Give students time to write and rewrite.

e. Place central importance on the process of revision. f. Let students discover what they want to say as they write.

g. Give the students feedback through the composing process (not just on the product) as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention.

h. Encourage feedback from both instructor and peers.


j. In short, writing competences is the target of learning process of writing in making effective written text. The competences include the ability to make grammatically and rhetorically structured text the appropriate communicative context.

B. Realia Media

1. Definition of Realia

Many children in today‟s classrooms struggle with the English

language. Some come from homes where a foreign language is spoken; others simply have not developed a large enough academic vocabulary to thrive in the classroom. In either case, many children are at risk because of their limited English vocabularies. (Berkeley, CA, 2010: vi).

Realia miniature objects that resemble their real-world counterparts provide an excellent tool to help these children develop essential English vocabulary. Realia enhance meaning and make vocabulary more concrete and, therefore, more comprehensible. (Berkeley, CA, 2010: vi).

Realia or real items are useful for teaching and learning in the classroom. Objects that are intrinsically interesting can provide a good starting point for a variety of language work and communication activities. Realia also make learning process more enjoyable. (Harmer, 2002: 140).


EFL classroom, the word realia means using real items found in everyday life as an aid to teaching English. (Nugroho, 2010: 17)

In education, Realia are objects from real life used in classroom instructions by educators to improve students‟ understanding of other cultures and real life situations. A teacher of a foreign language often employs realia to strengthen students‟ associations between words

everyday objects and the objects themselves. In many cases, these objects are part of an instructional kit which includes a manual and is thus considered as being part of a documentary whole by librarians.

Realia is real things represent the actual conditions with which the learner will live. As such, realia should be used whenever possible. Real things are available. The task is to locate them and put them to use in helping students learn. Examples of realia are: insects; coins; rocks; plants; pets; and stamp.

The beginners, particularly children, „real‟ or lifelike items are useful


2. The Type of Realia

Realia can be divided into several types, they are: a. Man made, such as: artifacts, tools, utensils, etc.

b. Naturally occurring like: specimens, samples, etc. it is usually borrowed, purchased, or received as donation by a teacher, library, or museum for use in classroom instruction or in exhibit. (Hidayah, 2011: 8)

3. The Function of Realia Media

The use of realia in the English teaching learning process used to help the teacher:

a. To give variations method in teaching learning process. b. To give stimulate of imagination and creativity the students. c. To make students interest and look forward to learning.

d. To make English lesson memorable by creating a link between the objects and the word or phrase the present.

e. To save time, as recognition of an object is immediate. (Hidayah, 2011: 9)

4. The Use of Realia


experiencing the taste, touch and smell of the object. Realia doesn‟t have to be limited to food or drink. Timetables, tickets, newspapers, clothes,etc. In fact any object you can think of can be used as a teaching aid. (Nugroho, 2010:20)

Some advantages of using realia are (Nugroho, 2010:20):

a. Lesson which is presented to be meaningful a clear for the students.

b. Teaching and learning method are various.

c. The students become more creative to do various activities. d. To create an interesting atmosphere.

Advantages or Special Purposes based on excerpts from The Expert Educator (Jones, 1994):

a. Experience with real things with which one will interact in life is the best learning situation possible.

b. Real objects are plentiful and available everywhere.

c. Real items can be observed and handled, providing concrete learning experiences for the student.

d. Dealing with realia motivates the learners.

e. Realia can be used as part of the evaluation systems.

f. Realia learning can be extended through the use of displays.


C. Descriptive Text

1. Definition of Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information. The context of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, animal, person, or others, for instance: our pets or a person we know well. It differs from Report which describes things, animals, persons, or others in general. The Social Function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing. (Depdiknas, 2004: 4). Descriptive paragraph is a set of s sentences related to each other in which the writers draw their ideas and thoughts clearly based on their senses on the object they see (Purnomo, 2014: 13).

2. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

The generic structure of descriptive text consists of:

a. Identification: is the part of paragraph that introduces the character. b. Description: is the part of paragraph that describes the character.

(Purnomo, 2014: 13) 3. Language Features

a. Using adjectives and compound adjectives. Examples:


b. Using Linking Verb/Relating Verb Examples:

1. The temple is so magnificent. 2. The temple consists of five terraces. c. Using Simple Present Tense


1. The museum houses hundreds of Greek statues.

2. The hotel provides 450 rooms and a large swimming pool. d. Using degree of comparison


1. The weather in Jakarta is hotter than Bandung.




A. Research Setting

1. General Description of SMK Saraswati Salatiga

SMK Saraswati Salatiga is vocational high school under Yayasan Pembina Rehabilisasi dan Pembangunan Masyarakat which

was located on Jalan Hasanudin No 738 Salatiga, Sidomukti, Salatiga. These sections try to describe about the situation of this school.SMK Saraswati has duration of study 3 years and consists of 4 skills program such as:

Skills program Skill competency

Automotive Engineering Lightweight Vehicle Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Maintenance Engineering Industry

Electrical Engineering Engineering Power Installation Industrial Automation

Computer Engineering and Informatics


The profile of SMK Saraswati : a. Identity

Mail address : SMK SARASWATI SALATIGA No. 738 Hasanuddin Street. Sidomukti Salatiga Phone : (0298) 326516

Fax : (0298) 312224

Website : www.smksaraswatisala3.com

Email : smk_saraswati@yahoo.co.id

Headmaster : Drs. Daryanto

b. Institutions

Name : SMK Saraswati Salatiga School status : Private

Type of school : Vocational Accreditation : B

School number : 2038462


2. Vision and Mission

a. Vision

SMK Saraswati has objectives as follows: 1) Improving the quality of graduates. 2) Improving labor market services.

3) Develop a servant to the community, by channeling graduate or equivalent vocational labor market through vocational.

b. Mission

SMK Saraswati Salatiga has vision and missions as follows: 1) Vision

Be a Leader of Vocational Institutions. 2) Mission

(a) Organizing for education and professional training, to produce quality graduates who are intelligent, skilled and competitively.

(b) Improve service to graduate, to be distributed to industry / world of work through a special job fair. (c) Improve the quality of facilities and infrastructure, to


faith, devotion, expertise and independence, through a learning process that is conducive and SMART (Smart Educated) with the motto "ONE STEP A HEAD", to produce graduates who are professional and quality, and able to compete in the global era. To ensure the achievement of these objectives, all human resources SMK Saraswati Salatiga always actively reviews and improves the quality management system on an ongoing basis Saraswati quality objectives Salatiga in the period July 2013 to June 2014, among others:

a. Provide satisfaction to customers.

b. Increase the percentage achieved value of National c. Target graduation at the National Examination class

XII students in 2013/2014 = 100% 3. Time Setting


4. The teachers of SMK Saraswati Salatiga

The important role in teaching learning process is a teacher. Teacher is someone who transfers knowledge for the students. They help the students to understand the materials in the class and give knowledge to them to be better. In this school there are 73 teachers and Drs.Daryanto took as a headmaster. Those teachers teach different subjects. There are Indonesian language, Mathematic, English, Counseling, Biology, Economy, Physics, Civic Education, Chemist, Geography, History, Art and Culture, Javanese, Sports, Islamic Religion, and Productive Lessons.

5. The students of SMK Saraswati Salatiga

The total numbers of students of SMK Saraswati Salatiga are 1500 students. They come from various areas with different background, age, religion, economics status and characteristic.

6. The subjects of study


Table 3.1

Score of Pre Test and Post Test Students of SMK Saraswati

Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2014/2015


17 10767 IKA FITRIYANI 75 78

18 10768 IVAN IRWANA 65 75

19 10769 MIA DITO AGUSTIANTO 55 75

20 10770 MONICA ERI ADRIATI 75 78

21 10771 MUHAMMAD RUCHAN 65 75

22 10772 QORIK INDRIYANI 40 70


24 10774 REDHO FAHREZA 45 65




28 10778 SOFIYU ROCHMAN 70 76

29 10779 SRI UTAMI 65 68

30 10780 SUKMA WATI 65 72

31 10781 TAUFIQ ALI FAHMI 65 65

32 10782 TRI MULYADI 55 65

33 10783 WAHYU EKA PUTRA 60 75

34 10784 YULIANA RAHMAWATI 55 65


21 10808 MUZAYYANAH 75 77

22 10810 NASALUK GHUFRON 78 80

23 10811 NENI WAFITA 70 72

24 10812 NOFITA SARI 65 68

25 10813 NOVI RAHAYU 50 55

26 10814 NUR FITA PRABAWATI 70 73

27 10815 OKTA YOHANA 75 78


29 10817 OXA YONA WIJAYA 65 67

30 10819 SOFYAN ABDUL AZIZ 55 60

31 10820 SUGIYARTI 65 70

32 10821 TRESIA ALDY AVIA 70 72


34 10823 YUDHA ANGGARA PUTRA 70 75

35 10269 IBNU BAKHTIAR 65 68

36 10302 DANI AFRIYANTO 40 0





A. Data Analysis

In this chapter the writer has done the process of pre-test, treatment, experiment and post-test. After finishing all process, the writer calculated the significant difference between two means, test of significance, and difference of average score (mean) between experiment and control class. This process was as below:

Pre-test was given to both of control and experiment class, in order to measure how the condition of two classes before treatment. Both of classes got same pre-test. After doing the pre-test, the researcher conducts the experiment treatment. The researcher taught the experiment class by using realia media and taught control class without realia media. At the end of learning process of treatment, the researcher gave post test to the two classes. They have to rewrite the descriptive text like the pre test was given. It was conducted in order to analyze how far the students‟ ability in writing


descriptive text after the writer applied realia media. The research was carried out during a month from 3th to 15th November 2014.

Table 4.1

The research process can be seen as the table follow:


4 Teacher gave the students

The Score of Experiment Group and Control Group

Class XII MMA (Experiment Group)



Class XII MMB (Control Group)


37 11140

a. Pre test of experiment class

X =

b. Pre test of control class

Y =

c. Post test of experiment class


X = 67.88

d. Post test of control class

Y =

According to the data from the table, the writer calculated Standard Deviation of pre-test and post-test of experiment class.


b. Control class



In this section, the writer analyzed the data which had been collected and then described the result of the research.

In the first meeting of the two classes, the researcher gave a pre test for students. They wrote descriptive text is not clear enough using different tense from each student and they were difficult to do the test without open the dictionary.


written and producing a final version. Many people have thought that this is linear process but a closer examination of how writers of all different kinds are involve in writing process. Suggest that we do all these things again and again. Thus, we may plan, re-plan, draft, edit, re-edit, re-plan, etc before we produce our version.

In the second meeting, the control class was taught without using realia media, almost of students rewrote the same descriptive text like the first meeting and no additional sentences to describe something. They feel bored because the researcher just asked them to write descriptive again without no explanation before. On the other hand, the experiment class was more enthusiastic and more interesting in learning process because the writer applied realia media as a real object for them to describe.

In the last meeting, after the treatment was given, the students of experiment class were easier to write than control class in doing the post test. It happened because realia media could be seen as the real object that they could to see and touch in arranging sentence by sentence to be a descriptive text. So, it made them get higher score in post test than control class.

The result of the research can be seen as the table follows:

No Result Experiment Class Control Class



Standard Deviation 6.60 4.89


T-test 8.74 4.27

From the table above, it can be seen that there is no significant difference in pre-test score of the two classes. After the researcher gave the treatment to experiment class, it can be seen that there is significant improvement from pre test to post test mean of experiment class (59.77 to 67.88). The students‟ enthusiasm was built after they bring realia media. It was easier for them to express their real objects as an idea in writing descriptive text.

On the other hand, there is no significant improvement from pre test to post test mean of control class (60 to 61.39). It could happen because the students were not given any method by the researcher.

From the T-test result, it can be seen that the experiment class get higher score (8.74) than the control class (4.27). It means that there is significant difference between the two classes. Thus, based on the above explanation, the writer concludes that using realia media is effective in writing. Realia media can help students to write descriptive text easier.


media is better than that of without realia media. Furthermore, the students who learned writing through realia media and those who are not have such a significant difference that the students writing scores taught by using realia media are higher than those who are not given treatment.

From the research finding, it can be concluded that using realia media can motivate students to engage in language learning especially to improve their ability in writing. Briefly, the writing achievement in the experiment class has proven that realia media can be good medium in improving students‟




A. Conclusion

Based on the result of study, it can be concluded as follows:

1. The profile of class XII MMA (experimental group) who are taught using realia media has average score 59.57 (pre test) and 67.88 (post test). Standard deviation from class XII MMA is 6.60 and the T-test score is 8.74

2. The profile of class XII MMB (control group) who are not taught using realia media has average score 60 (pre test) and 61.39 (post test). Standard deviation from class XII MMB is 4.89 and the T-test score is 4.27

3. There is a significance difference between class XII MMA (experimental group) and class XII MMB (control group) after the researcher conducted an experimental study. The researcher could conclude that realia media can improve the students‟ ability in writing descriptive text. It proved by


pre-test 60 ,and the result of mean score of pos-test XII MMA (experimental class) is 67.88 higher than pre-test 59.57. If t-table is equal or greater than t-test calculation, so the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It

means, there is significance difference mean on pre-test and post-test. This indicated that “Realia Media” can improve the students of SMK Saraswati

Salatiga in writing descriptive text.

B. Suggestions

1. It is essential that the teacher knows that one of the factors affect the students‟ ability in writing is the method in teaching learning process.

They should be facilitator, controller, and guide all students who need help when they face the problem of learning in writing. By using appropriate method the students‟ ability in writing will improve

effectively. The result of this research can support the English teachers to apply this method in teaching writing by develop realia media in various ways and create interesting class.

2. The writer suggests for the English teacher to be more serious and careful in teaching writing using media especially realia, because realia is one of kind method to make the students easier to produce and write text.

3. The student should improve their ability in writing and must pay attention, quite, and seriously when the teaching learning is going on.



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Name : Ikhsan Susilo

Student Number : 11310044

Date of Birth : Kab.Semarang, December, 29th 1991 Phone : +6285641550076

Education :

1996-2002 : Program Primary School (SD N KRANGGAN 01) Ambarawa.

2003-2006 : Program Junior High School (SMP N 2) Ambarawa.

2006-2009 : Program Vocational High School (SMK Dr.TJIPTO) Ambarawa.

2010-2015 : English Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies









Satuan Pendidikan : SMK Saraswati Salatiga

Kelas/Semester : XII/1

Program : Multi Media

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text

Alokasi Waktu : 3 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

1. 1.1. Kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat belajar.


jawab dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

3. 3.7. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4. 4.8. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis, sederhana, tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal.

5. 4.9. Menyunting teks deskriptif tulis, sederhana, tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. 6. 4.10. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sederhana, tentang orang,

tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Indikator pencapaian kompetensi

1. Menuliskan tujuan dari teks descriptive 2. Menuliskan fungsi dari teks deskriptif

3. Menuliskan kalimat present tense bentuk verbal

4. Menuliskan kalimat present tense dalam bentuk nomina 5. Menemukan linking verb dalam teks desriptif

6. Menamai gambar menggunakan compound adjective dalam teks deskriptif sesuai dengan gambar yng diberikan.

7. Mengurutkan kalimat-kalimat acak dalam teks deskriptif menjadi sebuah paragraph yang benar.


1. Menentukan judul teks deskriptif yang diperdengarkan melalui kaset/DVD

2. Menentukan subject (orang yang dibicarakan) dalam teks yang diperdengarkan


1. Menemukan topic paragraph dari teks deskriptif.


3. Menjodohkan kata-kata dalam teks berdasarkan deskripsi yang diberikan


1. Menglafalkan kata-kata yang ada dalam teks desriptif dengan benar. 2. Mendeskripsikan tempat wisata yang pernah dikunjungi secara lisan 3. Menanyakan pertanyaan dari cerita yang sedang diceritakan didepan

kelas secara berani.


1. Menyiapkan tema untuk teks deskriptif 2. Menyeleksi subyek yang akan dideskripsikan

3. Merancang teks deskriptif dengan outline yang benar


1. Menyusun paragraf teks deskriptif yang terpisah menjadi satu kesatuan wanan sesuai generic structure teks.

2. Membuat teks deskriptif tentang tokoh idola sesuai dengan generic structure lisan

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Selama dan setelah proses pembelajaran siswa dapat:

1. Menemukan informasi dari teks lisan dari teks desriptif sederhana 2. Menemukan informasi dari teks tulis dari teks deskriptif sederhana 3. Menuliskan teks tulis memperkenalkan diri

4. Mengungkapakan teks memperkenalkan diri secara lisan 5. Menyusun rencanan teks bentuk deskriptif

E. Materi pembelajaran

1. FAKTA : Contoh teks deskriptif seseorang, tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah.


3. Tujuan dari teks untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang, tempat.dll. 4. Makna kata-kata dalam descriptive teks.

5. PRINSIP : Teks Deskriptif teks menggunakan pola kalimat

b) Menggunakan beragam kata sifat

c) Teks Deskriptif menggunakan kata kerja untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang subject

d) Menggunakan Adverbs untuk meyampaikan tambahan

e) Dalam penyampaian/Berbicara, hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam berbicara Intonation, stress, pronunciation.

f) Dalam penulisan teks deskriptif juga harus diperhatikan diantaranya adalah : Topic Sentences, Punctuation, Capital Letter, Diction.

g) Dalam membaca teks descriptif juga harus menemukan :Topic , Main Idea,

h) Tema-tema yang dapat dilakukan dalam kegiatan menyunting :Tema-tema utama dalam deskriptif adalah tentang orang, tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah.

6. PROSEDUR : Langkah atau urutan kegiatan dalam menulis teks deskriptif atau urutan dalam penulisan teks deskirptif yang sesuai dengan generic structure (Identification, Description)

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific learning Metode : Realia Media

G. Media: Realia (Handphone).


I. Kegiatan Pembelajaran / Tahapan Deskripsi Kegiatan. a. Kegiatan pendahuluan.

1) Memusatkan perhatian peserta didik dengan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang gambar seorang tokoh, tempat wisata, bangunan bersejarah, Apa yang dipikirkan tentang itu dan bagaimana karakteristiknya dari gambar tersebut?

2) Secara lisan bertanya tentang past tense yang berhubungan dengan materi sebelumnya.

3) Siswa menerima informasi manfaat dalam mempelajari teks descriptive yaitu mampu menjelaskan ciri-ciri/karakteristik dari obyek yang didescriptifkan.

4) Guru menjelaskan acuan materi , yaitu tentang teks deskriptif sederhana

b. Kegiatan Inti Mengamati :

1) Siswa menggamati guru yang memberikan contoh teks deskriptif sederhana

2) Siswa membaca deskripsi tempat wisata yang terdapat dalam tayangan di LCD

3) Siswa belajar menemukan kata kunci, , gagasan pokok, informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu


Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa bertanya seputar teks deskriptif yang dibacakan :

1. Siswa membuat pertanyaan tentang fakta yang diberikan guru

2. Guru bertanya tentang pertanyaan yang sudah dipikirkan atau dibuat siswa.


1. Siswa berlatih mendeskripsikan tokoh idola di depan kelas secara lisan.

2. Siswa berlatih mendeskripsikan tempat wisata yang pernah dikunjungi kepada teman sebangku


dalam pronounciationnya. 4. Siswa berlatih kembali


1. Siswa secara individu menuliskan tujuan dari teks deskriptif. 2. Siswa secara menuliskan fungsi dari teks desriptif

3. Siswa menyampaikan jawaban informasi dari teks deskriptif. 4. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

5. Guru menanggapi dan memberikan penjelasan ---

1. Dengan melihat contoh kalimat dalam teks deskriptif, siswa menuliskan kalimat present tense baik verba maupum nomina berdasarkan subjek dan kata yang diberikan dengan sikap semangat. 2. Siswa menyampaikan jawaban

3. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

4. Guru memberikan tanggapan dan penjelasan ---

1. Siswa menemukan linking verb dari teks deskriptif sederhana. 2. Siswa menyampaikan jawaban

3. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

4. Guru menanggapi dan memberikan penjelasan


1. Siswa menamai gambar dengan compound adjective. 2. Siswa menyampaikan jawaban

3. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

4. Guru menanggapi dan memberikan penjelasan ---


3. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

4. Guru memberikan tanggapan dan penjelasan

Mengkomunikasikan: Mendengar :

1. Siswa mendengarkan teks deskriptif yang diberikan oleh guru melalui kaset/DVD.

2. Siswa menentukanjudul teks dan subject yang dibicarakan dalam teks desciptive.

3. Siswa menyampaikan jawaban 4. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

5. Guru memberikan tanggapan dan penjelasan

--- Membaca:

1. Siswa menemukan topic dari teks descriptive sederhana

2. Siswa memilih jawaban informasi yang tepat dari teks descriptive sederhana.

3. Siswa menyampaikan jawaban 4. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

5. Guru memberikan tanggapan dan penjelasan ---

1. Siswa menjodohkan kata-kata yang ada dalam teks descriptive yang diberikan.

2. Siswa menyampaikan jawaban 3. Siswa lain menanggapi jawaban

4. Guru memberikan tanggapan dan penjelasan ---

Berbicara :



Table 3.1
Table 4.2
table above based on the research at the twelfth grade students of SMK


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