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AN ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS ON TEACHER’S UTTERANCESIN ENGLISH TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiner as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiner as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan Islam


English Education Departmentof Teacher Training and

Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN)




NIM: 11311097







In the name of Allah,

Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the

writer herself. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by other people; and it does not cite any other people’s ideas except the information from the references.

This declaration is written by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, March 11st, 2016

The writer


iii Faizal Risdianto, M.Hum.

The lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case: Itsna ‘Ainul ‘Ulya’s graduating paper


Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty


After reading and correcting name’s graduating paper entitled AN ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS ON TEACHER’S UTTERANCES IN ENGLISH TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS, I have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.


Salatiga, March 11st, 2016 Counselor,








Has been brought to the board of examiners of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on March 29th, 2016, and hereby considered to complete the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

Board of examiners

Head : Achmad MaimunM.Ag. _______________

Secretary : Faizal Risdianto, M.Hum. _______________

First examiner : Hanung Triyoko, M.Hum., M.Ed. _______________




Build Your Dreams, or Someone

Else Will Hire You to Build



Farrah Gray, author and motivational speaker


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To

keep your balance, you must keep





This graduating paper is dedicated to my honorable parents (Drs. Muhdi and Umaroh) and my brothers and sister (Awwalul Fahmi, M. Salis Mufida, Hasanah Zahiroh, and M. Kun Mafaza). Thanks a lot for your support, guidance,

motivation and pray. May Allah bless us in every moment that we passed.

I also dedicated this graduating paper to my beloved friends (Ika Nara and Filaddy) who always a company me when I was cheerful and cheerless. You have




Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, thanks to Allah because the researcher could

complete this thesis as one of the requirements for getting Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I) in English Department of Educational Faculty of State Islamic

Studies Institute (IAIN) of Salatiga in 2016. By doing everything, all complicated things easier to do.This paper would not have been completed without supports, guidance advice, and help from individual’s institution. Therefore, I would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the Rector of Education Faculty State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D.the Head of the English Education Department

of Teacher Training of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M. Hum the consultant of this thesis.Thanks for

suggestion and recommendation for this thesis from beginning until the end.

4. All lecturers of English Education Department of Teacher Training. The researcher deeply thanks you for all your advices, knowledge, kindness, guidance, etc.



6. All my adorable friends (Hana, Mami, Ina, mbak Ikah, Lita, Novita, Kuni, Laila, Vita, etc.) who always motivate, support, and cheer me up when I

was upset, surrender, sad, and lazy to finish this paper off.

7. All of my classmates in TBI 2011 who accompany me to do this thesis

together. Thanks for your togetherness and friendship. I will never forget you.

8. My crazy friends in “KKN” program (Nisa, Dwi, Ulfa, Zaul, Ayyamil, Nafi’, Isnaini, Pakwo, Jaya, Apipul, Tisna, Undap). Thanks for your

exciting memories that always make my daily life never flat.

Those cannot be mentioned one by one. Thanks for your motivations, support, help, learn, love and care, thank you so much. The writer hopes that this will give useful significance for readers.

Salatiga, March 11th , 2016 The researcher




‘Ulya, Itsna ‘Ainul.2016. An Analysis of Politeness on Teacher’s Utterances In English Teaching Learning Process. A Graduating Paper English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum.

Key Word: Politeness Principles, Politeness Strategies, Teaching Learning Process



E. Politeness Principle ... 12

F. Face Threatening Act (FTA) ... 18

G. Politeness Strategy ... 19

H. Language Teaching and Learning ... 22

I. Educative Interaction as Teaching and LearningProcess……...…...……… . 23

J. Minimizing Distractions to Learning Process ... 24

K. Character Building Through Formal Education ... 28


B. Research Participants ... 31

C. Research Design ... 32


B. Data Analysis ... 41


B. Suggestions ... 73




1 information each other. Basically, humans could not live individually because they are social creatures, who need each other. Communication

through language enables people to adapt themselves to physical and social environment, also to learn more about culture, habitual and their

partner background. Therefore,language as communication tool has important role in the society.

Besides that, language also as a tool to express thought. Someone

has his own way to express the idea but sometimes it could not be accepted well by the hearer. When the hearer understands what the speaker

wants and there is a cooperative among them it means the communication is successful.But communication not always works effectively, sometimes there are situations when the hearer denies the speaker statement and it

may causes misunderstanding between speaker and hearer. In this case politeness principle played an important role in communication. Politeness

principle might be formulated in a general way: minimize (other things being equal) the expression of impolite beliefs and maximize (other things being equal) the expression of polite beliefs which is somewhat less



In social interaction politeness principle has an important aspect. It used to create effective communication between speaker and the hearer.

Unfamiliaritywith the principle leads speakers to produce incorrect and awkward expressions. In order to maintain politeness in communication,

we should consider the way how we talk and to whom we talk.

Nowadays, students are undergoing significant change related to values and morals as a result of globalization era. Most of them act rude

and impolite to the elder, speak impolitely and they prefer to use slang or informal language as their daily language communication. This condition

has indicated that politeness in Indonesian education is in a state of decline.Dealing with this issue the cooperation between parents and the schoolagency is required. But newly parents prefer to rely on and submit

all these issues to the government and educational institutions in determining the educational system.

For the first step government has taken immediate action by reorganizing the curriculum which emphasis on good character building. In this process teacher’s role is required in creating a good character for students. In teaching learning process,teacher acts as motivator and role model. Students will imitate teacher attitude. Therefore, a teacher should



Teachers’ attitude do important role in educating

students.Moreover, He has responsibility to teach his students how to act

and speak politely and admonish them if they speak impolitely. Therefore, teacher is obliged to apply politeness principle in the teaching learning

activities by language usage.

Based on the explanation above, the writer would like to make research entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS ON TEACHER’S

UTTERANCES IN ENGLISH TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS”. The writer will try to find out the dominant types of politeness principle that

mostly used by the teacher.

B. Problems of the Study

To clarify the problem that is going to be analyzed, the statement of

the problem is formulated as follows:

1. What are the types of politeness maxims that used by the teacher in

English teaching learning processat MTsN Susukan?

2. What is the most dominant type of politeness maxims used by the teacher in English teaching learning processat MTsN Susukan? Why?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem above, the objective of the

study is as follows:



2. To analyze the most dominant type of politeness maxims used by the teacherin English teaching learning process at MTs NSusukan.

D. Benefits of the Study

1. Theoretical

a. This thesis would be helpful to get information of what the types of politeness principle used by the teachers in teaching learning process, in order to be reference in organizingeffective studies.

b. To develop pragmatic studies, especially the use of politeness principles in classroom interaction.

2. Practical

a. For teachers, as main role in the teaching and learning process to be evaluating and considering in acting and speaking appropriately

based on politeness principle in classroom interaction. In order to be good role model for their students.

b. For students, by understanding the types of politeness principle, it can help them act appropriately. So they can avoid misunderstanding in communication.

E. Scope of the Study.

In order to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting of the problem,



F. Definition of the Key Terms

1. Analysis

Analysis is a breaking process toward some problems to detect and find the gist of problems then concluded.Whereas according to Oxford

dictionary analysis is study of something by examining its part. 2. Teacher

According to Sardiman (1994: 123) A teacheris one of human

component in teaching and learning process which had a role in the formatting of human resources who potentially in the

developmentfield.In a special sense it can be defined that in every teachers’ selves there are responsibility of encouraging students to the

level of maturity or a certain maturity.

3. Politeness

Politeness is defined as the means employed to show awareness of another person’s face (Yule, 1996: 60). Face is something that is

emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained, or enhanced, and must be constantly attended to in interaction. (Brown and Levinson,

1987: 61).

In human interaction there were many unexpected respond arise

from interlocutor, to avoid misunderstanding and keep cooperative communication politeness principle is needed to rescue a serious trouble. Leech (1983: 82) states Politeness principle is a way to



us to assume that our interlocutors are being cooperative in the first place. It is a series of maxims that support the idea that negative

politeness is more important than positive politeness. Age and power are two important factors in politeness principle which show speaker’s

distance toward addressee. It even influences the way of speaker communication.

4. English Teaching and Learning

According to Brown (1980: 7) teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in

the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know and understand. And learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or skill by study, experience, or instruction. It means that

English teaching learningcan be defined asa process of guiding and facilitating learning towards learnersin mastering and understanding

well of English subject by study, experience, or instruction.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

This graduating paper will consist of five chapters. Each chapter has

different elements as follows:

Chapter I tells about introduction. The writer will explain about



Chapter II describes about the theoretical foundation that covers frameworks of politeness. The writer takes some books written by many

experts as references which will explain more about politeness strategy and politeness principle, etc.

Chapter III discusses about the research method. It covers research method, data and source, method of data collection, research procedure and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV presents Research Findings and Discussion. It describes the finding which is compared with the theory.





This chapter describes the theoretical framework in relation to the topic of the study. The theory will be beneficial to frame the data analysis.

This chapter will discuss about the definition of pragmatic, theory of politeness, the function of politeness, the politeness principle,faceand face

threatening act (FTA), and politeness strategy.

A. Previous Study

In this sub-chapter describes some of researches related to the concept

of politeness. The first study is research about the analysis of politeness in

“Karate Kid” movie script compiled by Ahla Afiyati (2013). In this research

the writer found six maxims that obeyed in whole of conversations in the

movie. All of them are conveying loving, care, friendly, humble, ambitious,

caringof friend, speechless and cheer. According to the characterization, the

tact maxims are conveyed by distinct and wise characterizations. The

approbation maxims are conveyed by care and responsible characterization.

Then the generosity and modesty maxims are conveyed by honest, humble

and responsible characterization. The agreement maxim is conveyed by

responsible. And the last sympathy maxims are conveyed by honest and


The second study is politeness in requesting and refusing teacher’s



politeness strategy used by the teacher is Bald on Record by considering thatthis one is clearer and more assertive than others to be done in learning


The third study isan analysis of students, politeness in the school

environment at SMPN 5 Binjai. This research discuss about the scale of politeness student in the school at SMPN 5 Binjaiby Puspa Rinda Silalahi. After conducting a research the writer found that politeness is influenced

by social relationship and distance between the speaker and hearer. In the students’ conversation at school Environment, polite conversation is

dominated by indirectness scale, while the most violations found on the tact maxim. Filling Leech politeness principles are more common than the violation.So the scale of politeness students in SMPN 5 Binjai can be

classified in quite polite.

B. Definition of Pragmatics

Communication is the main action in human life. It is a process to transfer information via language betweenthe sender and receiver. Sometimes it does not work smoothly, because what does the listener

interpreted to the utterance is inappropriate to what the speaker’s intended meaning. It canappear misunderstanding among them. In this case

pragmatic study is needed to settle this problem, because it is a linguistic study about language meaning.

Yule (1996: 4) asserts that pragmatic is the study of the



study concerned with four areas those are speaker meaning, contextual meaning, the expression of relative distance, and the investigation of what

is communicated, it means how farlistener recognized unsaid message through what is communicated by the speaker.

Leech (1983: x) defines that pragmatics is how utterances have meanings in situations. While according to Griffiths(2006: 1) pragmatics is the study Pragmatics is concerned with the use of these tools in

meaningful communication. Pragmatics is about theinteraction of semantic knowledge with our knowledge of the world, taking into account contexts

of use. Pragmatics is the study of those context-dependent aspects of meaning which are systematically abstracted away from in the construction of content or logical form.

From the definition above it can be conclude that pragmatics as a linguistic study that examined about how the listener interpreted the

utterance related to the situation, andto recognize an utterance is required a linguistic knowledge related to the context usage.

Learning linguisticbased on pragmatics aspect gives us some

benefit, such as we can consider what people’s intended in communication related to their assumptions, their goals, and the kinds of action (request,

refusal, agreement, disagreement, thanking, apologizing, etc). Pragmatics discusses some fields’ subject one of them is politeness. Politeness is the awareness of another person’s face. There will be theories and the focus



C. Theory of Politeness

Acting politely is a complicated business in any language. It is not

something we are born with, but something we have to learn and be socialized into. No practical instrument to help us acquire polite

skills,because it not only understanding about the language, but also the social and cultural values of the community.

Being polite required us to speak appropriatelytoward people

related to their relationship to us. Speaking Inappropriate linguistic may be considered rude and appears misunderstanding. Besides that, politeness

cannot be separated with face expression of someone;normally everyone's face depends on everyone else’s is being treated. Since people can be

expected based on their faces expression it is necessary for every

participant's to maintain each other’s' face, therefore We need to understand the social values of society in order to speak politely.

D. Function of Politeness

Searle (Leech. 1983: 105-106) states illocutionaryact is divided into five categories as the functions of politeness in language usagebased

on the intention of speakers when speaking, namely:

1) Assertive, commit the speaker to the truth of the expressed



2) Directive, are intended to produce some effect through action by the hearer: e.g. ordering, commanding, requesting, advising, and


3) Commissives, commit speaker (to a greater or lesser degree) to

some future action; e.g. promising, vowing, and offering.

4) Expressive, have the function of expressing, or making known the speaker’s psychological attitude towards a state of affairs which the

illocution presupposes; e.g.thanking, congratulating, blaming, pardoning, praising, and condoling.

5) Declaration, are illocutions whose successful performance brings about the correspondence between the propositional content and reality; e.g. resigning, dismissing, christening, naming,

excommunicating, appointing, sentencing, etc.

E. Politeness Principle

According to Leech (Watts, 2003: 66) politeness involves minimizing the cost and maximizing the benefit to speaker/hearer. The Politeness Principles thus consists of six maxims -tact, generosity,

approbation, modesty, agreement, and sympathy- all of which are related to the notion of cost and benefit, and related pairs of values:

1. Tact Maxim



commanding, advising, recommending, etc., and commissive,e.g. promising, vowing, offering, etc. When someone keeps applying the

tact maxim in communication, he can avoid an envy, jealous, and rude attitude toward the hearer.

For example:

Homeowner: “Please have a lunch, boy! Just now we have already Ahead.”

Guest :”Hmm, its make me feel awkward, Ma’am”

From the conversation above shows that what homeowner said is

aimed to maximize the benefit of the guest. Moreover, foods and beverages which are being served for the guest mostly striven for being accepted and enjoyed by the guest.

There are two sides to the tact maxim, a negative side, minimize the cost to hearer, and a positive side, maximize the benefit

to hearer. The second is less important, but is a natural corollary of the first. It means, for example, that in proposing some action beneficial to hearer, speaker should bias the illocution towards a positive outcome, by restricting hearer’s opportunity of saying ‘No’.(Leech, 1983: 109).

2. Generosity Maxim



the speaker to respect other. The respect occurs when speaker can minimize the benefits for himself and maximize the benefits for others.

For example:

Girl 1: "Let me wash your dirty clothes! My laundries are not too many’’

Girl 2: "No, sist. I would wash itlater in the afternoon.”

From the conversation above, it can be classified that the first girl is

trying to maximize the advantage of other by offering help to wash the second girl’s dirty clothes. This is a proof of the generosity maxim in

social interaction.

In the generosity maxim,offering and invitation are presumed to be polite because they imply benefit to hearer and less crucially,

because they imply cost to speaker. In other word, generosity maxim: minimize the expression of beliefs that express or imply benefit to self;

maximize the expression of beliefs that express or imply cost to self. Unlike the tact maxim, the maxim generosity focuses on the speaker and says that others should be put first instead of the self. (Leech,

1983: 134).

3. Approbation Maxim



praising, condoling, etc., and ‘assertive’, e.g. stating, boasting,

complaining, claiming, reporting, etc. (Watts, 2003: 66).

For example:

Lecturer A: "Sir, I had already started my lecture in Business English


Lecturer B: “Oh yap, I have already heardit. Your English is very


In the conversation above, the notification which delivered by lecturer A to lecturer B is responded very well, even along with

praising by lecturer B. so, in this conversation lecturers B behave courteously toward lecturer A. This maxim makes people considered as a decent when he always tries to give award to the other in the

communication. As a result, the speakers would not teasing or demeaning others.

4. Modesty Maxim

Modesty maximis only applicable in expressives andassertives, itminimizes the expression of praise of self; maximize the expression

of dispraise of self.Like the other maxims of politeness, it shows itself in asymmetries. (Leech, 1983: 136).

For example:

Lady A: "Miss, you should be a speaker in Dasa Wisma next meeting ok?”



The statement above is the conversation among Dasa Wisma committee when going to hold a meeting. Mrs. B showed her humility

to Mrs. Awhen she is asked to be the speaker in the meeting by answering "Wow… may be at the moment I’ll be nervous.” rather than “Oh, of course!”. The modesty maxim expected the speaker to be

humble by reducing praise of himself.

There is an obvious trade-off between different maxims of the

PP, just as there is between the maxims of the CP. The modesty maxim sometimes comes into conflict with some other maxim, in which case

we have to allow one maxim to take priority over the other.(Leech, 1983: 137).

5. Agreement Maxim

Agreement Maxim is only applicable in assertive, it minimize disagreement between self and other: maximize agreement between

self and other. (Watts, 2003: 67). The agreement maxim required the speaker and the hearer to build compatibility in communication. For example:

Teacher A: "The room is dark, isn’t it?"

Teacher B: "Yes it is.Whereis the switcher?"



for a switch which gives meaning that need to turn on the lights to make the room bright.

6. Sympathy Maxim

Sympathy Maxim only applicable in assertive, it minimizes

antipathy between self and other:maximize sympathy between self and other. (Watts, 2003: 67).

Sympathy Maximexpects the speakers to maximize the

sympathy between one with the other. If the other experience success or happiness, speakers must give congratulations. By contrast when

other getting trouble, or calamity speakers worth mourning, or to

The statements above explain that in a. addressor congratulate

the addresseewho found out happiness as minimize antipathy between him and the addressee. Whilein b. Addressor maximizes the sympathy by showing mourned the death of Mia’s grandmother.

Based on the explanation above can be classified that the first four maxims (tact, generosity, approbation, andmodesty) go in pairs



dispraises scale. The other two maxims (agreement and sympathy) deal with unipolar scale: the scale of agreement and sympathy.Related to

bipolar scale maxim tact maxim and generosity maxim are other countered maxim, whereas approbation maxim and modesty maxim

are self-centered maxim. These maxims vary from culture to culture: what may be considered polite in one culture may be strange or

downright rude in another. (Leech, 1983: 132).

F. Face Threatening Act (FTA)

In the communication, addressor should maintain the addressee’s face because it is something that is emotionally invested, and that can be lost, maintained or enhanced it must be constantly attended to in interaction. Brown and Levinson (1987: 61) state face as the public

self-image that every member wants to claim for himself.

Brown and Levinson (1987: 61) assume that every individual has

two types offace, positive and negative. Positive face is defined as the individual’s desire that her/his wants be appreciated and approved of in

social interaction, whereas negative face is the desire for freedom of action

and freedom from imposition.

According to Brown and Levinson (1987: 65-68) in the concept of



There are two types of FTA, they are threaten negative face and threaten positive face. Threaten negative face include: orders and requests,

suggestions, advice, threats, warnings, dares, offer, promise, compliments, expressions of envy or admiration, and expressions of strong (negative)

emotions toward hearer for instance hatred, anger, lust. Whereas threaten positive faceinclude: disapproval,contradictions or disagreements, challenges, expressions of violent, irreverence, mention of taboo topics,

raising of dangerously emotional or divisive topics, blatant non-cooperation in an activity,etc. (Brown and Levinson, 1987 : 65-67 ) .

Brown and Levinson (1987: 74-77) also explains that the use of FTA is influenced by three social factors, namely social distance (D) of speaker and hearer a symmetry relation, relative power (P) of speaker and

hearer an asymmetry relation and absolute ranking (R) impositions in the particular culture.

G. Politeness Strategy

According to Brown and Levinson(1987: 68), politeness strategies are developed in order to save the hearer's face. Brown and Levinson

(1987: 60) divides the strategies of politeness into fourstrategies are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The

explanations of the fourth strategies are as follows: 1. Bald on Record Strategy

Bald-on record strategy does not involve any redressive



and the hearer “bothtacitly agree that the relevance of face demands may be suspended in the interestsof urgency or efficiency”, or “where the danger to the hearer’s face is very small”. (Brown and Levinson,

1987: 69).

This strategy can also be used when the speaker power is higher than the hearer and speaker does not care if there is no

cooperation from the hearer.

For examples:

 Emergency: Help!

 Task oriented: Join the club!

 Request: Put your jacket away.

 Alerting: use your jacket! (While camping)

2. Positive Politeness

Positive politeness strategy is employed to minimize the threat to hearer’s positive faceand shows interest expression for the hearer’s

wants to express the friendly relationship among them. (Brown and

Levinson, 1987: 70).

For examples:

 Attend to the hearer: You must be tired it’s already too far

since you driving. How about taking a rest?

 Avoid disagreement:



B: Yes, yes, he's handsome, um, not really handsome but certainly not very ugly.

 Assume agreement: So when are you coming to see us?

 Hedge opinion: You really should sort of try harder.

3. Negative Politeness

Negative politeness strategies are deployed tosavethe hearer’s negative face for maintaining claims of territory and self-determination. In this strategy speaker recognize and pay respect to the hearer’s negative face.(Brown and Levinson, 1987: 70).

For examples:

 Be indirect: I'm looking for a book.

 Request forgiveness: You must forgive me but.... Could I ask

your juice?

 Minimize imposition: I just wanted to ask you if I could use

your motorcycle.

 Pluralize the person responsible: We forgot to tell you that you

needed to buy your plane ticket by yesterday.

4. Off Record

Off-recordor indirect politeness strategy turns to completely indirect utterances, which allow the hearer deciding in interpreting the speaker’s utterance. Linguistic realizations of off-record strategies

include metaphor and irony, rhetorical questions, understatement,



communicate, without doing so directly, so that the meaning is to some

degree negotiable.(Brown and Levinson, 1987: 69).

For examples:

 Give hints: Today is so hot.

 Be vague: Perhaps someone should open the window.

 Be sarcastic, or joking: Yeah, it’s really hot here.

H. Language Teaching and Learning

When the process of learningoccurs, automatically there is a teaching process.It is easy to understand, because when there is a learner then it should bea teacherand contrarily.Whena learner and teacher have

interacted intentionally or not, then they are in the same condition as learning process. From the learning process will obtain a result that is

generally called the results of teaching.

Learning is a behavior or appearance change with a series of activities such as reading, watching, listening, imitating and so on

(Sardiman, 1994: 22). This change is not only related to the addition of science but also in the form of skills, attitudes, self-esteem, interest,

character, adjustment. According to Brown (1980: 7) citing in Kimble and Garmezy (1963:133), learning is a relatively permanent change in a

behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice.



learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Understanding the learning style of learner can help the teacher in

maintain and conducting an effective teaching and learning process, included the teaching style, approach, methods and classroom techniques.

It also applied in language learning process.

Language teachers need to be a master of linguistics component. Based on Brown (1980: 6), TheTESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers

of Other Languages) organization, in its Guidelines for the Certification and Preparation of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages in

the United State (1975), cited the necessity for the teacher understand the nature of language, the fact of language varieties, social, regional, and functional, the structure and development of the English language system.

Understanding the component of language will help the teacher in determining the way ofteaching to be successful in language learning.

I. Educative Interactionas Teaching and Learning Process

Discussing of interaction always related to communication. In communication process, there are some elements such as speaker, hearer,

message, and media. They are taking important role in communication process, without them the communication will not runs smoothly.

Communication cannot be separated from human life. It can be concluded that human life is sourced from communication activity.Sometimes the communication that occurred in the society goes naturally and unplanned.



states that educative interaction is interaction that consciously aims to educate, deliver the learner toward maturity. Then in this case the aims and

purpose of interaction are more important than its form. This activity must be planned and deliberately.

According to Sardiman (1994: 13) there are some characteristics of educative interaction process such as; there are goals to be achieved, there are messages as the content of interaction, there are active learners who

experience, there are teachers who are implementing, there is a method to achieve the goal, there are situations that allow the learning process goes

well, and there is assessment as the results of interaction.

Teaching and learning is a process of interaction between student as learner and teacher as educator in order to create responsible and

democratic human. Based on the purpose education can be formulated as normative aspect because it includedsome norms such as norm of life,

individual and society perceptions, moral values and ethics, which all of them are a source of norms in education. Whereas, based on the process of educational interaction, it can be formulated astechnical process that

specifically regarded educational interactionas teaching and learning interactions.

J. Minimizing Distractions to LearningProcess

Communicative and effective learning process is highly coveted by all teachers. These conditions will help teachers in organizing classroom



practically it is a complicated to maintain an effective classroom during learning process. Teachers often faced unexpected distractions from the

students during learning process such as sleepy students, making noise while studying, etc. these distractions will interfere with students’ ability to pay attention. Tograbstudents’ attention teachers should have some ways to maintain the classroom activity. According to Popp (2005: 337) there are some classroom management to minimize distractions are:

1. Anticipate responses

The method of teaching in this case is toanticipate the natural

ways that students learn by providing many opportunities for them to participate in the same activities in a positive and productive manner. This approach will help teachers in minimizing the types of behavior

problems experienced in classrooms like; talking to others or reading other books that is not included to subject matter.

Change the learning atmosphere. Sometimes teachers may intersperse the learning process into out of classroom to avoid the boring environment.If the weather permits, try to hold the learning

process in outdoors area for free play or a playground game. Teachers may give spelling tests out of doors or schedule writing exercises that

encourage observation of the environment. These activities may transfer restless energy into productive exercise, discovery, or expression. Before holding this activity teachers have to make sure to



By discussing these problems as attempts to reduce obstacles to students’ personal learning, teachers can often gain the necessary

cooperation to help them develop coping skills, which modify these problems. Ways of dealing with restlessness, anger, resentment, fear,

and social awkwardness can be practiced safely and confidentially with the teacher and then used as tools for coping as they are needed during the school day.

2. Adjust Expectations

There is a day when teachers having a complicated problem in

their lives, and it will ruin their emotions then disrupt the classroom activity. As the professional teachers, they have to avoid this situation and try to do more than just survive these particularly difficult days,

because productive work is still possiblewith adjustments of expectations and activities.

At these times, it is better to create the classroom activity based on students centered. Let the students to interacteach other actively by asking students to create tests over curriculum material for each other

or let them play Quiz in pairs, to practice information that will be on state-mandated tests.

3. Analyze Causes of Disruption



knowing what the source of the problemsand the way to deal with them in order to keep off further disruption.

Based on Mercia Popp (2005: 339) cited by Jerome Popp (1999), “expertise in classroom teaching rests on two fundamental and

reciprocating teacher abilities. These are: 1) the ability to initiate and sustain student engagement in classroom academic activities, and 2) the ability to curtail and prevent typical disruptions of classroom academic activities.’’

4. Normal Disruptions

Normal disruptions are those sights, sounds, and events that happen with a certain frequency and predictability. To handle these distractions is easier for teachers if they have planned for them ahead

of time. Make a deal with the students at the beginning of the school year then practice responding to these kinds of disruptions, such as

giving permission to students who need to use the restroom or lack of time in delivering lessons. All teachers have their own system to settlesuch condition.

Talk about possible emergencies with the class and decide together how best to manage them. Make sure that everyone



K. Character Building Through Formal Education

Education is the changing process ofsomeone or a group of people

attitude and behavior in order for maturingperson through teaching and training that include norms, morals and character. The essence of

education is humanizing. Someone called human if he behaves as human being that has good morals.

Humanizing is the process of education that emphasizes on

character building.When in the school, most of people element tends to focuses on cognitive and psychomotor rather than affective, whereas

education is not just about knowledge and skill but also about character. Character building is important as a counterweight of psychomotor and cognitive aspect. According to Lickona (2001: 66) there are some

classroom components to support character building in the formal education are; teacher as caregiver, moral modal, and moral mentor,

creating a classroom community, moral discipline, creating a democratic classroom environment, teaching values through the curriculum, cooperative learning, the conscience of craft, ethical reflection, and

teaching conflict resolution.

Politeness is one of character building aspect that should be learned

in formal education. When students able to apply politeness in their daily life it means they have achieved one of learning process target.It appropriated with the purpose of education based on The Law on National



develop the capability, character, and civilization of the nation for enhancing its intellectual capacity, and is aimed at developing learners’

potentials so that they become imbued with human values who are faithful and pious to one and only God; who possess morals and noble character;





In this chapter discusses about the research method. It covers research method, research subject and objet, data source, method of data

collecting, research procedure and technique of data analysis.

A. The Setting of Research

The place of the research is MTsN Susukan at Timpik, Susukan,

Semarang, 50777.

MTsN Susukan was built in 1965 with the first name MTs

Nahdlotul Ulama, and then it changes the name according to the development of society and the political climate at the time. In 1980 it transformed from MTs NU into MTs Al-Islam state school with the decree

of Religion Minister numbers: 27/1980 dated May 21st, 1980 under the name of MTsN Susukan, Semarang District (as the official relocation of

MTs Grabag 02 Magelang) starting from September 1st, 1981.

This school is appropriately to conduct teaching learning process, because it located in the middle of rice field which away from the noise so

enables the students to concern fully to the learning process without any interference from outside.



in class VII A and once in class VII B. Each observation has duration for seventy minutes. The observation ended up November 30th, 2015.

B. Research Participants

1. Teacher

The writer used English teacher on the first grade students to be the participant. Here the teacher biography;

Name :Anima Ubbadah, S. Pd.

NIP : 197904182007102004 NUPTK : 7750 7576 5830 0002

Place, Date of Birth: Semarang, April, 18, 1979

Address :Susukan RT.01/03 Kec. Susukan Kab. Semarang Position : Penata Muda

Religion : Islam

Education : English Department, UMS 2001

Teaching Story: SMP Bina Insani (2001-2003) MTsN Susukan (2003 until now)

2. Students

In this research, the writer takes the first grade students of VII A and VII B as the participant, but the students are not the main focus



C. Research Design

1. Method

In this research the writer used descriptive qualitative method. (McMillan and Schumacher, 2003) state in (Syamsuddin and Vismaia,

2007: 73) Qualitative method is a certain approach or investigation approach, usually the researcher collects the data by participating and interacting directly to people in the research field.

While, according to (Syamsuddin and Vismaia, 2007: 73) Qualitative method is an important approach to understand a social

phenomenon and the perspective of individuals that is researched. The purpose of this study is to describe, study, and explain the phenomenon. This phenomenon comprehension can be obtained by

describing and exploring it in narrative text.

2. Data Source

Suharsimi Arikunto (2002) assert in (Kuntjojo, 2009: 33) data is all the facts and figures that can be used as material to construct information. The source data that used in this study was:

a. Primary data is a data that obtained directly from the object that isconcerned (Kuntjojo, 2009: 34). Primary data in this study was



b. Secondary data is the data thatdoes not obtained directly from the concerned data source (Kuntjojo, 2009: 34).Secondary data serves

as supportand complement data from the primary data. There are source of data, which support and complete the primary data

source. This data are acquiring from any kinds of literary books and sources, dealing with underlying theories of literary work and


All of the data is the population in this study. In determining samples the writer used purposive sampling technique. It is a sampling

technique with certain considerations that done deliberately in order to avoid the similarity of data (Sugiyono, 2007: 53-54).

3. Data Collecting

This research is included as field research, is a research which is carried out from the research field. In this research the writer used

attentive method which is proposed by Sudaryanto (1993:133-136) by many kinds of technique as follows:

a) The basic technique: tapping technique.

Practically the attentive method is created by arranging a tapping. To obtain more data the researcher should intercepted

smartly the research subject conversation.(Sudaryanto, 1993: 133). b) Participating interlocutions attentively.

It is first advanced technique, in this step the tapping



listening. He involved himself to the conversation in order to notice interlocutor’s language usage. In this case the researcher

participation could be active or passive. It called active when he spoke in the dialogue process but, when he just be a listener to the

interlocutor it called passive.

The researcher participating in the process of conversation should be recognized and realizing by the interlocutors and the

interlocutors may not know that are being noticed by the researcher is not the content of the conversation but the language that being

used. In this technique the researcheracts as a tool which directly involved in shaping and brings prospective data. (Sudaryanto: 1993: 133-134).

c) Free participating interlocutions attentively.

It is second advanced techniques; in this tapping process the

researcher does not participate when listening. It is as a counter of the first technique. Researcher does not engage in dialogue, He does not act as a speaker who deals with the other speaker or

listener. He is being observer who interest and diligently listen to people who are doing the process of dialogue.

As well as the first technique, in this stage the researcher also acts as a research tool. Only in this technique researcher do not directly involved in determining the formation and appearance of



formed and emerge from linguistic events that are beyond him. (Sudaryanto, 1993:134-135)

d) Recording technique.

This technique can be performed simultaneously with the

first and second technique by using a particular tape recorder as the instrument. It can be called as the third advanced technique. In this step would be better if the recording is done without disrupting the

research process and not be realized by the data source or speaker as far as possible. (Sudaryanto, 1993: 135).

e) Note taking technique.

Besides recording technique, the data are able to be collected by note taking technique. It prepares data trough writing on data

card, then continuing by classification. It can be done immediately when all of the technique is completed or after the recording is

done by using particular stationery. (Sudaryanto, 1993: 135). Furthermore, this attentive method is embodied in techniques for obtaining the data, In this study the writer use Attentive

technique free participating interlocutions attentively, because the researcherdid not directly engage in dialogue. While listening, the

writer also records the dialogue via phone cell recording. Next the writer takes a note all of the data source then determining samples that represent the politeness principle of Brown and Levinson



4. Technique of Data Analysis

Bogdan & Biklen (1992), state a qualitative data analysis is

processes of several simultaneous activities engage the attention of the researcher: collecting information from the field, sorting the

information into categories, formatting the information into story or picture, and actually writing the qualitative text. (Cresswell, 1994: 153).

According to Patton (Moleong, 2008: 280), data analysis is the process of arranging the order of data, organize them into a pattern,

categories and basic description. To analyze the data source in the qualitative method, the researcher is required to engage several simultaneous activities.

According to Creswell (1994: 167) a qualitative data analysis is a process of searching and arranging systematically the obtained data

from the field. The data will be organized categorically and chronologically, reviewed repeatedly, and continually coded. A list of major ideas that surface will be chronicled. Taped interviews and the participant’s taped diary will be transcribed verbatim. Field notes and

diary entries will be regularly reviewed.

Method of data analysis of this research is based on Moleong’s qualitative data analysis theory (2008: 280). In this research, to analyze the data, the writer applies some techniques or procedures as explained


37 a) Transcribing

After collecting the data through recording, the writer

transcribed the result of recorded classroom interaction. This was done as pre-analysis. The writer used the transcriptions since those

were the main written source to be analyzed.

In transcribing the data, the writer tried to keep the data as simple as possible in order to facilitate the data analyze, such as

labeling the speakers using letters, numbering the lines or the clause, and inserting contextual information to explain essential aspect.The writer labeled each utterance with ‘T’,’S’, and ‘SS’. T refers to teacher’s utterance, S refers to individual student, and SSrefer to the group of students’ utterance.

b) Identification

In this step the writer identifies the smallest unit from

transcribed data which is having meanings that relevance to the focus and problem of research by reading the transcripts repeatedly.In this study the focus research areteacher’s utterances that indicate to the politeness maxims.

After finding some smallest units that indicate to the

politeness maxims the writer makes some codes. Coding technique is used in order to make the data are able to be investigated from its source easily (Moleong, 2008: 288). It also facilitates the writer in



coding process based on the following conditions: the first number is a kind of politeness maxims, and the second number is a serial

numberof utterance used by the teacher. Furthermore, the writer drew a conclusion from these studies.

c) Classification

Classification is a process of slicing and splitting data based on the categories (Moleong, 2008: 290).The writer makes a list of

all topics thatrelated to the focus and problem of research. After completing the list of all topics the writer classifies the identified

data then slicing and splitting them related to the characteristics of each data.

In this process the writer classified the data based on the

politeness maxims based on Leech’s politeness principles. Furthermore, the writer draws a conclusion from the study.

d) Analyzing

Analyzing that be conducted in this study isto investigate the kinds and the reasons of using the politeness maxims used by the

teacher in English teaching and learning process of MTsN Susukan.

Finally, the results of classifying are analyzed based on the research questions. Data have been obtained will be analyzed qualitatively and described in the descriptive form. Sample



2)“Now listen to me! Kalian harus menebak (you have to guess) what is it?” (class VII-A)


Code (a.2) means that the speaker is used the tact maxim to orders the addressee in communicating process. And this utterance was

the second tact maxim that found by the researcher from the identified data.

From the data above the writer conclude that the utterance which performed by the teacher to her student. The utterance “Now listen to

me!” is a directive category of illocution as order expression. The

utterance states that the teacher orders the students to listen her. In this situation teacher used positives politeness strategy, the word ‘listen’ has function to attract the students towards teacher’s speech. He used





In this chapter, the writer displays the finding data and then analyzed. It purposed to answer the research questions in chapter I. The

finding data was gotten from the field observation.

A. Data Finding

In this research the writer focused on the politeness principle that

used by the teacher of VII-A and VII-B at MTsN Susukan. According to Leech (1983: 132) there are six maxims of politeness principles are: Tact

maxim is a strategy when the speakers try to minimize cost to others and maximize the benefit to others. The generosity maxim is used when the speakers try to minimize benefit to self and maximize cost to self.

Approbation maxim is to minimize dispraise of other and maximize praise of

other. Modesty maxim is to minimize praise of self and maximize dispraise of self. Agreement maxim is used by the speakers minimize disagreement between self and other and maximize agreement between self and other. And the last is sympathy maxim. This is used to minimize antipathy

between self and other or maximize sympathy between self and other.

Based on the data analysis which has been displayed by the writer

that the teachers of class VII-A and VII-B at MTsN Susukan used four of politeness maximsare Tact Maxim, Approbation Maxim and Agreement Maxim. She used them in communicating with the students in directive,



The researcher found that tact maxim was used when the teachers commanded, instructed, requested and questioned the students especially

in directive speech acts.The approbation was used in praising and giving suggestions to the students. Agreement maxim was used to propose and

suggest something to the students through making an agreement. And modesty was used to tell something to the students. In this study, the researcher did not find that the teacher used generosity and sympathy

maxim in their directive, commissives, and expressive speech acts.

B. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the observation transcripts, audio visual transcripts, field notes and other materials that the researcher accumulate to increase her own

understanding of them and to enable her to present what she has discovered to others.

The data of this research is the transcription of audio visual recorded observation and field note. The data was analyzed by identifying and classifying using the theory as a temporary category of data analysis.

Based on the research which was conducted on 16th-30th November 2015, it was found that the subjects produced politeness principles.

1. Types of Politeness Principles used by the Teacher at MTsN


According to Leech (1983: 132), there are six maxims used in



minimizing the cost and maximizing the benefit to speaker. Theoretically, the politeness consists of six maxims namely’ tact maxim, generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim.

From the observation conducted at MTsN Susukan, it was found that the teachers used four types of politeness strategies in their communication. The following are the frequency of the four types of

politeness principles used by the teachers according to the theory of politeness principles by Leech (1983: 132).

Table 4.1.The Occurrence of different types of politeness principles of the teacher at MTsN Susukan

Types of Politeness



the sequence of number of all data. By this table, it was automatically found which type of politeness strategy was dominantly used by the

teachers to the students.

a. Politeness Principles in Tact Maxim Used by the Teacher to the


Based on the data, the teacher used tact maxim in the communication to the students because she want to minimize cost

to other and maximize benefit to other. The teacher used tact maxim when she is commanding, questioning, begging, and

instructing, requesting, warning to the students. It can be seen in the data below:

1) “Ok coba sekarang Tanya teman samping mu (now try to ask a

friend next toyouabout it)”(class VII-A) (a.1)

Code (a.1) indicates that the speaker is applying tact maxim in the communication to others.

The utterance “coba sekarang tanya teman samping mu

(now try to ask a friend next to you!” is a directive category of illocution as suggest expression. In this situation teacher used positives politeness strategy in order to save the student’s FTA, so

it may minimize student’s cost.

2) “Now please listen to me! Kalian harus menebak (you have to



From the data above the writer conclude that the utterance was performed by the teacher to her student. The utterance “Now

listen to me!” is a directive category of illocution as order expression. The utterance states that the teacher orders the students

to listen her. In this situation teacher used positives politeness strategy, the word ‘listen’ has function to attract the students

towards teacher’s speech. He used this strategy to get involved the students in learning process. It shows that teacher tried to minimize students’ cost.

3) “Ok. Say together! “Announcement””(Class VII-A) (a.3)

The utterance above performs directive categories of

command expression. In this case the teacher orders the students to repeat what was she said. She tends to minimize the students’ cost by believing that the students will be cooperative in the learning

The directive utterance (order expression) above indicates



the whiteboard. Teacher minimizes the students’ cost by ordering

the students directly in order to make her speech clear and

understandable so the students will realizethe direction and cooperate well.

5) “Read your book please!” (Class VII-A) (a.5)

The utterance above performs directive categories of

command expression. In this case the teacher orders the students to repeat what was she said. She tends to minimize the students’ cost by believing that the students will be cooperative in the learning process.

6) “Ayo perhatikan! (Pay attention please!)Apa tadi bedanya?

(What is the different?) Kalau few yang apa? (What about

few?)” (Class VII-B)


The directives utterance (order) above means that the teacher asks the students directly to pay attention to her explanation. The teacher tries to maximize the students’ benefit by conveying her

speech clearly without any ambiguity,so it may help the students in



7) “Ok. Silahkan! (Comeon!) Ayu mengungkapkan ekspresi dan

sandi kasih respon(Ayu you express the commendation and

Sandi give the response of it!)”(Class VII-B) (a.7)

The directives utterance (order expression) above means that the teacher lets the students to give example of commendation in dialogue. The teacher wants to involve the students directly in the

learning process so it can minimize the students cost.

8) “Sekarang bikin dialog tentang ekspresi of commendation

seperti yang ada di buku berpasangan! (Now make a dialogue

about commendation expression such as in the book in pair!)”

(Class VII-B)


The utterance “Sekarang bikin dialog tentang ekspresi of

commendation!(Now make a dialogue about commendation

expression” is a directive category of illocution as order expression. The utterance states that the teacher orders the

studentsto make examples of the commendation expression. In this situation teacher used positives politeness strategy, with expecting

and demanding on both sides sub strategy.

9) “Ok, bisakah kalian menyebutkan barang-barang yang ada di



The directive utterance (request expression) above asserts that the teacher used one modal verb couldwhich expressed

indirectly. It is more polite than the speech acts expressed directly in order to minimize the cost of the addressee.

10)“Emir bias isikan spidolnya dulu? Ini sudah habis (Emir,

could you fill out the board marker? it is used up)” (Class



The directive utterance (request expression) above asserts

that the teacher asked her student to refill the board marker. In this expression teacher prefer used one modal verb could which expressed indirectly. It is more polite than the speech acts

expressed directly in order to minimize the cost of the addressee. 11)Apa tadi nurul? (pardon?) bias diulangi lagi? (Could you

repeat once more?)” (Class VII-A) (a.11)

After analyzing this utterance, it was showed that the teacher

used tact maxim to request the student repeating her answer by saying “bias diulangi lagi? (Could you repeat once more?)””. In



12)“Ok mas Fauqi, bisa sebutkan tempat yang ada di sekolah?

(Could you mention the places at school?)” (Class VII-A)


The directive utterance (request expression) above asserts

that the teacher demand her student to mention the things in the classroom. In this expression teacher prefer used one modal verb could which expressed indirectly. It is more polite than the speech

acts expressed directly in order to minimize the cost of the students.

13)“Hayo makanya perhatikan ya jangan asik sendiri dikelas!

(Therefore, pay attentions well don’t make noise by yourself in

the class!)”(Class VII-A)


In this statement the teacher advise her students who make noise in the class. The word ‘Therefore’ indicates that teacher try

advise the student by minimize the student’s FTA and expecting cooperation from the student.

14)“Untuk yang belum selesai nanti bukunya dikumpulkan dimeja

saya ya! (Towhohaven’t finished yet, just collect he book on my

table!) Jangan lupa belajar! Minggu depan kita ulangan.

(don’t forget to study! next week we will have a test)” (Class VII-B)



At directive utterance (advising expression) above shows that teacher tells the studentsto review the lesson. This statement shows

that teacher try to minimize the students cost by using positive politeness strategy in order to make the students cooperatively in

next test.

15)“Ok kalau sudah paham (if you’ve understood) don’t forget to

do it! Temannya yang tidak masuk dibilangin ya! (Tell to your

friend who absent today!)”(Class VII-A) (a.15)

In this utterance the teacher suggests the student to do the home work and inform the absent student about it. In this case the teacher minimizes the students’ cost by suggesting them directly to

make the message considered by the students.

16)“Kalau bingung bias pakai bahasa Indonesia dulu nanti baru

di terjemahkan ke inggris! (if you confused for arranging the

sentence you can use Indonesian language first then translate

into English!)” (Class VII-B) (a.16)

From the utterance above found that teacher tries minimize the students’ cost by suggesting the students used one modal verb ‘could’which expressed indirectly. It is more polite than the speech


Table 4.1.The Occurrence of different types of politeness
Table 4.2. The percentage of Politeness Principles in teacher’s


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