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A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan(S.Pd.) of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAI


Academic year: 2019

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(A Study of the Kindergartens in Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan(S.Pd.)

of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga








(A Study of the Kindergartens in Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2015/2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan(S.Pd.)

of English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga







In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love.


DEDICATION This graduating paper is heartedly dedicated to

1. Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala and Prophet Muhammad SAW 2. My extraordinary parents (Bapak Lisun and Ibu Kustiyati) 3. My lovely husband (Bahriyanto)

4. My dearest sister and brother (Septi Mar’athus Sholikhah and Dwi Purnomo)

5. My Parents in law (Bapak Toyimin and Ibu Ngatiyah) 6. My great sister in law (Yuni Sariati)



Bismillahirohmanirrahim. The deepest thanks into Allah SWT

because the writer could finish the graduating paper. Peace and salutation

always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from

the darkness into the lightness.

This graduating paper entitled “Analysis of Teachers‟ Readiness in

Teaching English Young Learners at Kindergartens (A Study of the

Kindergartens in Salatiga in the Academic Year 2015/2016)” is presented

one of the requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department of

Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


The writer realizes that this graduating paper will not be finished

without encouragement, support, advice and guidance from individuals

and institutions. Therefore, it is appropriate for the writer to serve the

deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi M.Pd., as The Rector of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Suwardi, M.Pd., as The Dean of Teacher Training and Educational

Faculty of IAIN Salatiga.

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as The Head of English Education Department


4. Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, S.Fil., M.Hum., as the writer‟s counselor who has helped and guided the writer by giving uncountable advice and


5. All lecturers of English department who have given the writer

knowledge, insight, and inspiration.

6. All staffs of IAIN Salatiga who have helped the writer in processing

the graduating paper administration.

7. The Headmaster of eighteen kindergartens in Salatiga which has

support the process of collecting data (I cannot mention one by one).

8. All English teachers of eighteen kindergartens in Salatiga who have

contributed in the research process.

9. My beloved parents, my father (Lisun), my mother (Kustiyati), my

father in law (Toyimin), and my mother in law (Ngatiyah) who

always give me sincere and pure prayers for successfulness in my


10. My lovely husband Bahriyanto, who always supports me in all happy

and hard times.

11. All of my friends, especially the English Department batch 2012

Finally, this graduating paper is written to provide beneficial

information to the readers. The writer accepts both of recommendation and

suggestion for the improvement of this graduating paper.

Salatiga, 27th September 2016

The writer,




Saputri, Deni Angga. 2016. Analysis of Teachers‟ Readiness in Teaching English to Young Learners at Kindergartes (A Study of the Kindergartens in Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2015/2016). Graduating Paper, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, S.Fil., M.Hum.

The research of this graduating paper had started with concerns of teacher‟s readiness in teaching English to young learners. The aim of the research paper is not only to describe the teachers‟ readiness but also to identify the factor which is hinder teacher to teaching English for young learner at kindergarten. Focused to the research methodology, descriptive qualitative was applied to gain the research purposes. Conducted in eighteen kindergartens in Salatiga were taken to support the collecting process of the research. Completing the data collection, eighteen teachers were given the questionnaire and interview.

Analyzed descriptively, two findings are obtained. First, teacher readiness is categorized as „very high‟ readied teachers which scored in percentage 81%. This score analyzed from three indicators, emotive attitudinal readiness, cognitive readiness, and behavioral readiness. Second, the factors which hindering the teaching English to young learner consist of four kinds are mother tongue which Javanese or Indonesian language has different pattern from English, instructional material which is difficult to find the instrument for teaching, social interaction between students, and family background which affected to the students attitude.



TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Bacground of the Study ... 3

B. Limitation of the Problems ... 4

C. Problems of the Research ... 4

D. Objectives of the Research ... 4

E. Benefits of the Research ... 5

F. Definition of the Key Terms ... 6

G. Review of Previous Research ... 7

H. Outline of the Research ... 8


B. Nature of Teacher... 12

C. Nature of Teaching... 13

D. Teaching English to Young Learner ... 14

1. English for Young Learner ... 14

a. Jean Piaget (1896-1980) ... 14


c. Bruner (1976) ... 16

2. Young Learners ... 17

3. English Young Learner (EYL) Teacher ... 21

4. Teaching English to Young Learner ... 22

E. Factors Hindering in Teaching English to Young Learners ... 24


B. Method ... 28

1. Instructional Setting ... 28

2. Respondent ... 29

C. Data Collection ... 31

1. Questionnaire ... 31

2. Interview ... 37

3. Documentation ... 39

D. Data Analysis ... 40

1. Data collection ... 41

2. Data reduction ... 41

3. Data presentation ... 41

4. Conclusion ... 42

E. Procedures of the Research ... 42

1. Distributing questionniare ... 42

2. Conducting the research data by interview ... 42

3. Analyzing and identifying the data ... 43

4. Completing the research by documentation ... 43

5. Presenting the result descriptively ... 43

CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION A. Finding of Teachers‟ Readiness in Teaching EYL at Kindergartens ... 44



A. Conclusion ... 60

B. Suggestion ... 61



Table 3.1 : List of English Teacher ... 30

Table 3.2 : List of Questionnaire ... 31

Table 4.1 : Number of Occurrences of Teachers‟ Emotive Attitudinal

Readiness in the Questionnaire ... 44

Table 4.2 : Percentage of Emotive Attitudinal Readiness ... 46

Table 4.3 : Number of Occurrences of Teachers‟ Cognitive Readiness

in the Questionnaire ... 47

Table 4.4 : Percentage of Cognitive Readiness ... 48

Table 4.5 : Number of Occurrences of Teachers‟ Behavioral Readiness

in the Questionnaire ... 49

Table 4.6 : Percentage of Behavioral Readiness ... 50

Table 4.7 : Percentage of Teacher Readiness based on Three Indicators

in the Questionnaire ... 51




This chapter presents about background of the study, limitation of

the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, definition of key

terms, benefit of the study, and outline of the research.

A. Background of Study

Since long time, early childhood education being the attention to

parents, education expert, and the government. Because of childhood

schooling can determine education in the next level. An early age is

golden age for child to study languages. Learning a foreign language for

early age is conducted to introduce language not as the significance. Sari

explains that children of 3-6 year olds who are used to express words or

expressions in English is the fastest ages in understanding English (Sari,

2012:2). In addition, Lestari states that an expert proposed if someone

began a foreign language since child, the acquisition of a foreign language

will be possible to solve. This is caused by the brain ability that still

maximum in facilitating children to absorb information from their

environment (Lestari, 2012:1).

In Indonesia, an English education in the level of kindergarten has

an important role in the success of Indonesian children in the process of

acceptance a foreign language. It also becomes a positive thing in order to


era of globalization today. Nowadays, many schools in Indonesia admit

English for Young Learner in their subject schools. English is included

into their local subject or extracurricular not for compulsory subject of

their schools.

Many kindergartens in different cities around Indonesia have taught

English at young level. In Salatiga city, some of kindergartens are

interesting to take English as a local subject at their schools. The existence

of English in kindergarten becomes an excess for the schools. English

subject as attraction for parents to register his/her child in that school.

Parents will interest to one school which teaches English, they argue that

the school is good and modern. Therefore, not little kindergarten in

Salatiga has their special English teachers.

Teachers role are very important in giving a chance for young

learners to use English, because of developing speaking ability for child

becomes one of the obligation competence needed (Sari, 2012:2).

Teaching a foreign language at the young level is not be easy job.

Moreover, several parents least able to teach English for their children.

Even some of teacher classroom also unable teaches English for their

students. So, it is needed an English teacher to acknowledge English easily

and clearly.

Suyanto also said that the important factor in the success of


introduce other languages beside mother language and Indonesian

language. Therefore, teachers sometimes need to have a readiness for all

their necessity to gain the job, whether physic readiness, mental readiness

or cognitive readiness. Teachers of young learner have to equip themselves

with prior preparation teaching (Suyanto, 2010:29).

English teachers for young learner have to have a readiness to

convey this education well, with comprehensible language by students and

do not let make mistakes because of mistakes when conveying material

will make students wrong until they are an adult. It becomes a homework

for English teacher who have a high impact for students‟ performance.

They are the single most influential factor contributing to the

teaching/learning process (Stronge, 2006:1). Recent research has found

that teachers produce a strong cumulative effect on students‟ achievement

(Wright, Horn, & Sanders, 1997:63).

From the explanation above, this research intends to investigate the

level of English teachers‟ readiness to teach young learners in kindergarten

especially for kindergarten which has English teacher at their school. It

also identifies the factor which is hinder teacher in Teaching EYL. The

researcher is attracted to write graduating paper entitled: „ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ READINESS IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG


B. Limitation of the Study

It will be better by limiting the analysis into the teachers‟ readiness

in teaching English to young learners at Kindergarten, particularly in

Salatiga. The researcher took eighteen kindergarten placed in Salatiga. It

was determined from the kindergarten that has special English teacher for

their school in the year 2015/2016. The data took from study of teachers‟

individual interview, questionnaire, and several documentations that was

support the study. All of the research activities were written in a

description to find out the teacher readiness.

C. Problems of the Study

To clarify problem that is going to be analyzed, the researchers will

make statement of the problems as follows:

1. How well is the English Young Learner (EYL) teachers‟ readiness for

teaching in kindergarten?

2. What are the factors hindering in teaching EYL at kindergarten?

D. Objectives of the Research

The researcher hoped that the result of this research able to give

information about teacher readiness in teaching English to young learners

at kindergarten. The purposes of the research are:

1. To find out teachers readiness in teaching English to Young Learners

at kindergarten. Especially the teachers‟ readiness at eighteen


2. To figure out the factors those hinder teachers in teaching EYL at


E. Benefits of the Research

The researcher has a high expectation that the results of this

research give some benefits for educator especially English teacher in

applying the preparation teaching in a class:

1. Theoretically

This research can be used as a study and enrich research are

present in education especially English education at the level of the


2. Practically

a. Teacher

The teachers will recognize how far their readiness in

teaching English for youngers at kindergarten. The successful

learning based on the teacher performance. It also used to give the

input on teachers to upgrading professional teaching in teaching

English for young learners at kindergarten.

b. Kindergarten

After knowing the teacher readiness in teaching English for

kindergarten, hoped the school able to follow up these to make

learning better. It also used to informing the school helped develop


c. The researcher

Researcher found some facts about teachers‟ readiness in

teaching English at kindergarten. The researcher also found the

factors which hinder the teacher in teaching English at young level.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid any mistake in interpreting the title of this research, the

researcher defines some key terms, related in this research:

1. Readiness

According to Slameto, readiness is the whole conditions of a

person who make it ready to respond or answer by a certain way

towards a situation (Slameto, 1991:115). The readiness can be seen

from the physical readiness, mental readiness, or cognitive readiness.

2. English to Young Learners

English for the children of five to ten years olds which the five to

seven year olds are all the level one, and the eight to ten year olds are

level two (Scoot and Ytreberg, 1995:1). The kindergarten students

have age among four to six, so they included in English young

learners level one.

3. English for Young Learners Teacher

Generally, EYL teacher means teacher who teaches English for

kids. Suyanto classified EYL teacher into three classes; a classroom

teacher who has no background in English, an English teachers who


teachers who has English background and focus on the education of

children (Suyanto, 2010:33).

4. Factor Hindering in Teaching EYL

According to Suyanto (2010:21) explains that there are five factors

that affect learning English to young learners. These factors are

mother tongue, instructional material, social environment, learning

instruments, and family background.

G. Review of Previous Research

The writer knows well that this research is not the first time done.

So, the writer reviewed the thesis of of Heryani (2012) which title

“Teacher Readiness in Teaching Computer Engineering and Networking

and Readiness of Infrastructure Laboratory Computer in SMKN 1 and

SMK N 2 Bima Regency.” This research used to know the readiness of

TKJ teachers in teaching. He found that teacher readiness in teaching TKJ

at SMK N 1 Bima reach 88% which was categorized very well while for

SMK N 2 Bima reach 77% which is categorized well.

The researcher also reviewed the thesis of Malihi (2014) entitled

“Saudi EFL Teachers‟ Readiness and Perceptions of Young Learners

Teaching at Elementary Schools”. This research has conducted about

teachers‟ perception of their own readiness to teach English to young

learners at elementary school in Saudi Arabia. He said that his research has


at this level since more than half of them did not receive enough

pre-service nor in-service training concerning young learners‟ teaching.

The two researches above have differences from this research. The

differences took place in the setting of the research. The setting place of

first previous research was in Saudi Arabia and another one was placed in

Bima regency. The first respondent was teacher of elementary school

while the second respondent was vocational high school‟s teachers.

However, both were find out the teachers readiness in teaching and it was

similar to this research.

H. Outline of The Research

This graduating paper consists of five chapters and each chapter is

subdivided into subsequent divisions:

Chapter I consists of background of the research, statement of the

problem, limitation of the study, purpose of the research, benefits of the

research, definition of key term, review of previous research, outline of the


Chapter II the researchers will explain what the meaning of

readiness, the meaning of teacher, the meaning teaching, teaching English

to Young Learner, and factors hindering in teaching English to young


Chapter III deals with research method and data presentations

covering data of teacher readiness in teaching English to Young Learners


Chapter IV consist of Data Analysis, in this chapter, the

researchers will discuss about the data analysis, which has been collected.

It describes the finding which is compared with the theory.

Chapter V consist of Closure, In this chapter, the researchers will

explain about conclusions and suggestions whose tight relationship with




In this chapter, the researchers are going to make attempts to explain

about the theoretical framework which includes the nature of readiness, the

nature of teacher, the nature of teaching, and teaching English to young


A. The Nature of Readiness

To achieve a work, someone need to have good deeds readiness

that is required in the work, whether good physical readiness, mental

readiness or cognitive readiness. According to Psychology Dictionary

explains that readiness is the level of preparation to act or respond to a

particular stimulus (www.psychologydictionary.org)

While readiness according to Slameto is the whole conditions of a

person who make it ready to respond or answer in a certain way towards a

situation. Someday the condition in adapt will influence the respond

(Slameto, 1991:115). While Jamies Drever as quoted by Slameto states

that readiness means willingness to respond or react. Willingness comes

from the within one person and related to maturity, because maturity

means readiness to undertake skill (Slameto, 1991:61). Based on both

explanation, readiness is a whole condition where the grade preparedness

of someone to give respond or react toward a certain condition.

The conditions that influence a readiness as (Slameto, 1991:115), involve three aspects:


b. Necessity, motive and goal;

c. Skills, knowledge and other definition have been learned.

On the other hand, Bandura as quoted by (Maddox, 2000:277)

explained that readiness also consist of three sections:

a. Emotive Attitudinal Readiness

1. Emotional readiness adopted as responsibility to perform


2. Enthusiasm for a job,

3. Volition adapt to job at any time,

4. Comfort and independence in carrying out their jobs,

5. Reward the intrinsic value in a job,

b. Cognitive Readiness :

1. Having cognitive skill and think critically important to

perform his job,

2. Conscious of their own strength and deficiency,

3. Already made the relationship between the job done and the

real world applications,

4. Conscious of themselves and willingness to perform a job,

5. Capable of integrating concepts and instruments of various

scientific discipline ,

c. Behavioral Readiness :

1. Willing to carries on the function partnership with their


2. Proficient set a time to achieve objectives in undertaking

these jobs.

B. The Nature of Teacher

Teacher has an important role in national education system which

is organize and successful of educational process in the all level of

education depend on teacher. In general, people do not have trouble to

explain who is a teacher. Teacher is normally connected as a profession

which related to children education at school, in education institution, and

they have to master teaching material of the curriculum.

Talking about teacher, Hamalik states that teachers are a profession

full of devotion to the community, having duties and obligations based on

certain code of ethics (Hamalik, 2002:7). While, the government has a rule

which regulate about teacher that attached in law of Indonesia number 14

section 1 year of 2005 states that „teacher is a professional educator which

has principle duty in educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess,

and evaluate students on early childhood education, formal education,

basic education, and secondary education.

According to (Cooper, 2011:2) teachers are an active to growing

professionally and continuously evaluate the effects of the choices and

action from others.Besides that, (Harmer, 2001:57) claims that in the early

class situation, the teacher have to be facilitator and a resource for the


other obligations. The teacher is as giver knowledge, the controller, and

the authority.

Based on some definitions above, a teacher is a person who has

knowledge, skills and special trainings in teaching, explaining and

educating. The teacher is the person who capable of creating behavioral

change in terms of cognitive, psychomotor as well as affective domain.

Teacher has a duty to do professionally in order to enhance human


C. The Nature of Teaching

A search in contemporary dictionaries as quoted by Brown (1980:7) teaching reveals that showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to now or understand.

In addition, (Rahayu, 2009:28) states that teaching is an activity

which is emerging based on accurate planning. The program or planning

which probably become learning actions is arranged to grow up


(Brown, 1980:8) defines that teaching and learning having close

relation, both are cannot be drawn apart. Teaching style, approach,

methods, and classroom techniques will influence how the learner learns.

Because of teaching is process to lead and facilitate learning, enabling the

learner to learn, and setting the condition of learning. In wider definition,

teaching means understanding the learners and the subject matter to be

learned, showing the way to successful of learning despite many


From those definitions, it can be concluded that teaching is a

process or activity to guide and transfer knowledge or skill to the learners

by setting and organize the environment becomes comfort zone for

learning based on the planning created. So, teaching becomes a complex

action, means utilizing a number of component from teaching act to extend

message of teaching.

D. Teaching English to Young Learner 1. English for Young Learner

Teaching a foreign language to children is not easy job to do. It

caused children often more enthusiastic and energetic as learners. The

children have more confidence than adults at talking in a new

language (Cameron, 2001:1). Therefore, teaching young learners

especially in teaching English, necessary to be settled based on some

certain considerations. To know the basic foundation of this

consideration, there are three major theory of developmental

psychology, Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner, which can inform how we

think about the child as a language learner.

a. Jean Piaget (1896-1980)

According Piaget as quoted by (Cameron, 2001:2), the

children interact with the world around them by developing what

they had and taking action to face the incident in the environment.

In the interaction, they will do an action to solve the problem and


The knowledge that results from such action is not imitated,

but is actively constructed by the child. In the beginning, it

happens related to concrete objects, continues to their mind and

followed by doing an action, then that action was assimilated and


Assimilation happens when action takes place without any change to the child; accommodation mix up with the child adjusting to feature of the environment in some way (Cameron: 2001:3).

There are four phases of child development proposed by

Piaget as quoted by (Suyanto, 2010:6):

1. from born to two year olds called sensory motor stage,

2. 2-8 year olds called preoperational stage,

3. 8-11 year olds called concrete operational stage,

4. 11-15 year olds or more called formal stage,

By looking these development phases, it seen that young

learner at kindergarten (4-6 year olds) include in preoperational

stage. Today, play group and kindergarten which is teaching

English to the children are developed quickly. Someone who

involved in English for young learner needs possessing

knowledge about child development.

b. Vygotsky (1962)

Different from Piaget‟s theory, Vygotsky theory focused on


he did not neglect the individual cognitive development. He also

realize that the development of the child‟s first language or

mother tongue in the secondary year of life is use to make a

fundamental shift in cognitive development (Cameron, 2001:5).

Vygotsky beliefs that social interaction with other people,

particularly adult people will appear the new ideas and enhance

student‟s intellectual development (Suyanto, 2010:8). Learning

language process occurs in a social context, in the community that

full of people who interact with the child. Through this social

interaction, adults act as a mediator around the child world. So,

children able to do and understand more than own learning.

Helping from adult really use to prompt achieving child

development area which is called zone of proximal development

(ZPD) (Suyanto, 2010:9). Parents are more understand what aids

that should give to children, because they are having long time

interaction with the child. So, English teacher should able to help

their students through various ways in the classroom, with many

number of students and different ZPD.

c.Bruner (1976)

Bruner does not press the important of helping for child, but the important is involving the students actively since begin learning process and during the learning activity which is the knowledge found by the child, “true learning


Talk to children in carrying out an activity is kind of

support verbal version. This activity is shifted to the classroom by

form of conversation between teacher and student. It has been

labelled scaffolding. (Wood, Bruner and Ross 1976 as quoted by

Cameron, 2001:8)

Teacher can scaffold children‟s learning in various way.

For example, teachers can help children to understand what student

learnt, by suggesting, praising the significant, reminding,

modelling, and so on (Wood: 1998 as quoted by Cameron, 2001:9).

All of those efforts are called as something happens repeatedly or

routines (Suyanto, 2010:12).

2. Young Learners

When talking about English for Young Learners (EYL), it

should be known who the young learners are.

According to (Scott and Ytreberg, 1990:1) divided children into two groups- the five to seven year olds and the eight to ten year olds. They are created into Level One or beginner (5-7 year olds) and Level Two (8-10 year olds). Level Two may also be beginners, when they begin to learn English at that age.

Different from Scott and Ytreberg, (Suyanto, 2010:15) determines that young learners are elementary students of 6-12 years old which divided into two groups, Younger Group (6-8 years old) and Older (9-12 years old). Base on level of class, they are able to called Lower Classes student, namely student of 1, 2, and 3 then Upper Classes is student of 4, 5, and 6. While, for preschool or kindergarten who also learn English are categorized as very young learners.

From those definitions, children who are learning and having


young learners are started from preschool until finish elementary

school. Related to English young learners, all of them who studied

English at that level which English language is learnt as local content

subject or extracurricular in the schools now.

Basically, the most important thing in learning English early age

is to grow students interesting during learning English. It should

understands the students‟ characteristic to gain the goal, so teachers

are able to choose the appropriate methods for them. Actually, some

of the characteristic has been theirs able to influence the success or

failure in learning English.

According to (Scott and Ytreberg, 1990:2), there are some

characteristics of young learners five to seven year olds:

What five to seven year olds can do at their own level, they can:

1. talk about their action

2. tell about what they have done or heard

3. plan activities

4. argue for something and tell their reason

5. use logical reasoning

6. use their vivid imaginations

7. use a wide range of innovation patterns in their mother tongue

8. understand direct human interaction

The other characteristics of young learners proposed by


1. Having egocentric attitude

They lean to connect what they learn with

themselves. For example: learning about phrase „My‟ such

as „My family, my house...‟ They will give more attention

to the word which related to them or everything adhere to


2. Difficult to distinguish the concrete and abstract

Children still have high imagination in their live.

The children‟s world is full of something non concrete, so

they think that all good around them is real and live like a

human. So, for acknowledge English to children should use

the concrete thing. Such as using equipment around the

class, „door, table, chair, window, floor...‟

3. Children lend to imaginative and active

Recreational time out activities as a fun activity for

children. They like learning through games, story or song

which able to motivate children in learning English

indirectly. Because of playing is part of children daily life,

it can be used as teaching through playing.

4. Feeling bored quickly

Children only has concentration about 10-15

minutes in receiving a lesson. Ou of the time they will be


will noisy and disturbing the other students. To minimize

this situation, the learning process should be varieties until

the end of class.

5. Full of color and purity

Children like doing an activity and task which is

interested and full of color, it will make the young learner

be happy. Flash card and puppets are very supportive in

teaching-learning English process.

6. Like a story

Through story children will more learn about how to

gather and receive a message from the story. Different from

receiving the goal through mentioned the word one by one.

Story makes the children more focus to learn.

7. Self-centered

Young learners cannot doing a task in group, they

tend to do the task by themselves but accompanied by their

close friend. It will happen until their age are seven years


8. Unconscious the goal of learning English

Actually children are really fun learning foreign

language although they are not understand what the

objective of learning foreign language is. However, they


of word. Through intonation, signal, expression, and gesture

will help them to understand the meaning of a new word.

9. Like to interact using English

When they have learned English, the children like to

use it to interact with their friends or their English teacher.

Because of the effective way to learn other language is by

using the language.

10.The active thinker

They are happy to learn something, they are

learning by doing, for example singing a song by moving

their part of body to define the expression said.

3. English Young Learner (EYL) Teacher

Teacher of English Young Learner (EYL) has very significant

factor of learning English be successful, because teacher acquire to

students the existence of another language beside mother tongue and

Indonesian language. So, the EYL teacher has a heavy role to teach

English as the basic way whether in academic or psychological.

Generally, there are five characteristics of EYL teacher:

a. English language competence are adequate and should continue to be developed.

b. Teaching skills and doing assessment and capability in managing English class.

c. The effective of personal teacher quality, such as patient, kind, humorist, and high enthusiastic.


e. Openness to asking, learning, self-repairing, try to the new things which is appropriate for their learners (Suyanto, 2010:30).

In utilizing language, EYL teacher should realize that teaching

English is different with first language or mother tongue or Indonesian

language. So, EYL teacher have to understand the differences and do

that well, such as:

a. Grammatical structure

b. Vocabularies that appropriate to EYL c. The correct pronunciation

d. The correct intonation e. Spelling

f. The speaker culture (Suyanto, 2010:30)

4. Teaching English to Young Learner

Teacher roles as a model for young learners. So, teachers are

demanded to use English clearly and simply in exact context and

correct pronunciation. Teachers also as a source which controlling and

managing the class activities. To avoid the boredom, the activities

should be implemented about 10-15 minutes. Below are suggestions

for English teacher in teaching young learners proposed by (Scott and

Ytreberg, 1990:5):

a. Words are not enough

Most activities for young learners should contain movement

and the logic not only trade on spoken word. Teacher needs

some tools like picture or real objects to demonstrate the


b. Play with the language

The common ways in developing first language can do by

playing with the language. For example from (Scott & Ytreberg,


Let them talk nonsense, experiment with the words and

sounds: „Let‟s go – pets go‟. „Blue eyes - blue pies‟.

Utilizing song, claps, telling stories can help students talk to themselves.

This way is also natural stage in the first stages of foreign

language learning.

c. Variety in the classroom

Children concentration and attention are short, so variety is

a must whether variety of activity, variety of place, variety of

organization, variety of voice, and etc. Those varieties made to

decrease the student‟s boredom when learning English.

d. Routines

Use familiar situation, familiar activities, repeat stories, rhymes, claps, etc. Those benefit for children to know the rules. Teacher should have system, have routines, organize and plan the lesson (Scott and Ytreberg, 1990:6).

e. Cooperation not competition

Reinforcement are much more effective than rewards and

prizes. Make up the room becoming shared experiences, they

enjoy with togetherness. It is not mean them work in groups, but


f. Assessment

Assessment is needed for teacher to create notes about the learners‟ learning progress. It also used to communicate with the parents how their children are doing and should be talking to the children repeatedly about their work and boosting self-assessment (Scott and Ytreberg, 1990:6).

E. Factors Hindering of Teaching English to Young Learners

According to Suyanto (2010:21) explained that there were several

factors hindering teaching English to young learners. Those were:

1. Mother Tongue

There was similarity between learning mother tongue and

foreign language, but it also many differences of both language.

The differences often as a barrier in learning English. Spelling,

pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary or sentence structure

children sometimes difficult to learn. Such as a long vowel

pronunciation as the word roof:

Diphthong /au/, /ou/ as in the word now [nau] and road

[roud] and also the pattern of the noun in combination with

adjectives, for example:

Blue Table Adj N

Indonesian in a different location:


2. Instructional Material

The selection of materials as teaching materials with

appropriate learning techniques to the age and interests of the

children will give its own attraction for children in learning.

Teaching materials that should be able to invite students to

active learning, which has a clear and meaningful purpose.

Adjust also the choice of words and the level of difficulty.

Arrange with coherent ranging from easy to more difficult.

3. Social Environtment

Communication between students and teachers or between

students and the students will give a sense of security to the

learner and enhance confidence. Social interaction was also

helping children to use language and make them learn from each

other. This relationship can be established through games,

songs, and learning activities were carried out in pairs or groups.

4. Learning Instruments

Foreign language learning for children would be more

effective if supported by the instruments which is support the

learning activities, because the children like things that are

visual. Such as finger puppets , drawings , miniatures or even

objects around us such as photos , pens , story books , wall


5. Family Background

Factor family or social background also may support or

hinder the children‟s success in learning a foreign language.

Such as the availability of dictionaries, books, foreign television

channels, even support from parents is a factor that can hinder

the way of learning. Objects around the children able to add a

vocabulary, and books that was bought by parents will also help




This chapter focuses on giving methodological foundation of the

research. Since this research is employing the qualitative research, explanation

in each aspect of paper methodology are presented comprehensively. To make

it comprehensively, this research arranged systematically start from the aspect

of research design. Below aspect of research are design site and respondents,

data collection, data analysis, and procedure of the research.

A. Research Type

This research was conducted to figure out the teacher readiness in

teaching English to young learners and also the factors which hinder the

teacher in teaching EYL at kindergarten. In this research, the writer puts a

descriptive qualitative research. This research said as qualitative research

because the description presented in the form of qualitative data‟s such as

an individual interview with English teacher at kindergarten in Salatiga.

Questionnaire also uses to complete the data. The questionnaire used is the

close questionnaire which the respondents able to choose alternative

answers provided. Documentation also took for completing the data of

teacher readiness.

(Patton and Cochran, 2002:2) gave their definition about qualitative

research. They claim that qualitative research is associated with some


number, as data analysis. So, qualitative research meant that research

conducted did not illustrate number or the sum of measurement or number

of having comparison, but it is an information, the concept and responses

or relating to object. The writer tries to illustrate not only about the teacher

readiness in teaching English to young learners but also the factors

hindering the teacher to teach English at kindergarten.

B. Method

1. The Instructional Setting

This research was conducted at kindergarten in Salatiga. The

instructional setting was eighteen kindergarten schools which separate

in Salatiga. The writer took schools that thought English for young

learners as their school subject or extracurricular at their school. The

eighteen kindergarten schools are:

1) TK Kartika IX-25

2) TK Kartika IX-24

3) TK Kartika III-39

4) TK Tarbiyatul Banin 58 Cebongan

5) TK Tarbiyatul Banin 22

6) TK Islam Tarbiyatul Banin 45

7) Syaamila Kids

8) Al-Qudwah Kids Center

9) TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfhal 4


11) TK Aisyiyah 3 Nanggulan

12) TK Kemala Bayangkari 31

13) TK At-Thohiriyah

14) TK Trisula Perwari

15) TK Candra Puspita

16) TK Bina Insan Fitria

17) TK Al-Azhar Cebongan

18) TK IT Miftahul Jannah

2. Respondents

The respondents in this research were 18 English teachers of

kindergarten in Salatiga. The writer decided to take purposive sampling

to investigate this qualitative research. Patton and Cochran (2002:11)

stated that purposive sampling means take the data by selecting process

of respondents who are likely useful for research. In this research, the

writer chose respondents who regarded the most know about teaching

English to Young Learner, so the choices respondents can thrive

according to the needs and steadiness writer in obtaining data.

Based on the opinion above, sample of this research is teachers of

eighteen kindergarten schools in Salatiga there were 18 (eighteen)

people. All of eighteen teachers became the respondents to interview.


Table 3.1 List of English Teacher

No Kindergarten Schools Teachers’ Name

Teachers’ Teaching Experience 1

TK Kartika IX-25 Heny Listiani, S.Pd.I. 4 years


TK Kartika IX-24 Afif Nur Fiqqi A.B. 1 year


TK Kartika III-39 Nafiatul Khasanah 3 years


TK Tarbiyaul Banin 58 Purhawan Sugiyanto, S.Pd.I.

4 years


TK Tarbiyatul Banin 22 Kingkin Meita P. 1 year


TK Islam Tarbiyatul Banin 45

Aning Sulistyaningsih 1 year


Syamila Kids Sofiyana, S.Pd.I. 5 years


Al-Qudwah Kids Center Rateh Ambarwati 1 year


TK Aisyiyah 3 Risti Dian Supriyanto 2 years


TK Kemala Bhayangkari 31 Eka Widi Riyanti 1 year


TK At-Thohiriyah Rachmad Azari 1 year


TK Trisula Perwari Trispa Juwita 2 years


TK Miftahul Jannah Santi Rachmawati 1 year


TK Candra Puspita Ina Kurniawati 1 year


TK Al-Azhar Cebongan Ayu Fitriana Sari 1 year



C. Data Collection 1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is the list of question used to find the information

which is stated by respondents. While the questionnaire used is close

questionnaire which respondents are able to choose the alternative

answer had been readied. The list of questionnaire is written in the table


Table 3.2 List of Questionnaire

No Construct Factors Indicators Questions Total Questions


Every questions from aspect of readiness have been supported from the

appropriate theory. The arranging questions of readiness as followed:

a. Arranging the questions of English kindergarten teacher’s emotive attitudinal readiness

1. Aspect of responsibility (provided in the number 2 and 3) According to (Suparlan, 2005:92) competence means „the ability of a teacher to responsibility perform his or her duties appropriately‟.

Perform teaching is the teachers‟ duty that have been done

well. Teacher implementing their duties in teaching English to

young learner in accordance to the curriculum at school. It has

include a responsibility from teacher toward the task. I have the

enough ability in English and must be continued to grow. It also

proposed by (Suyanto, 2010:30), English teacher must have the

enough knowledge and skill of English.

2. Aspect of enthusiasm (provided in the number 3 and 4)

This aspect about teacher spirit to teach English for young

learners at kindergarten. It also talking about teacher‟s interaction

with the students. How the students feel comfort and save beside

their English teacher. The question taken from the theory of Harmer,

A teacher must love her job. If she really enjoys her job that‟ll make the lesson more interesting (Harmer, 1998:1) 3. Aspect of willingness to adapt (provided in the number 5, 6,

and 7)


Trying to adjust with the students by using various strategy

but simple, short, and clear. It use to twine good communication

with the students in order the goal of teaching achieved.

Understanding the student‟s characteristics and students world

which is always to develop every times. The teacher should

followed the world in order easier to convey the material toward


4. Aspect of comfort and independence (provided in the number 8, 9, and 10)

Suparlan claims that teachers have and action the professional honesty. (Suparlan, 2005:45)

The quotes above explain about creating lesson plan and

material for teaching by themselves. It in order avoid plagiarizing

from friends other teachers. Besides that, teacher should create an

easy method understandable by students in learning English.

5. Aspect of reward the intrinsic value (provided in the number 11, 12, and 13)

Teacher will do the duties to give English education in

kindergarten as good as possible in order the goal achieved. In this

aspect also explains the teachers‟ attitude when getting criticism

toward what the teacher taught. This statement based on the


Self-efficacy is shorthand for the beliefs that people have in their own ability and capacity to do things well (Grigg, 2015:47)

b. Arranging questions of English kindergarten teacher’s cognitive readiness

1. Aspect of think critically (provided in the number 14, 15, 16, 17)

The aspect of think critically discuss about the effective

teachers in teaching English for young learners. In conveying the

material, the effective teacher uses of many ways and instruments

in order to increase the students‟ interest about English. This

statement created base on the theory below,

Effective teachers use many different tools to assess how their students learn as well as what the students know (Hammond and Snowden, 2007:112).

The other points of critical thinking is when the teacher faces

the problem. They will formulate the problem happened during

English learning process in kindergarten to be solved well. As

Grigg states that,

A teacher with strong self-belief is likely to be resilient, able to solve problems and, learn from their experience (Grigg, 2015:59)

2. Aspect of aware the strength and limit (provided in the number 18, 19, 20, and 21 )


Based on the quote above, a teacher have to receive the

mandate to convey English material in kindergarten. They also

know the risk in teaching English in kindergarten. Teaching

English in kindergarten must have a big patience because

teaching children should use the sincere heart. The teacher

emotion will influence the children emotion too, so creates a

balance emotion between teacher and students better in teaching

English to young learners.

3. Aspect of contextual thinking (provided in the number 22, 23, and 24 )

According to Suyanto, to convey the material teaching and train a language skill is needed a various techniques, instruments, and methods which is interesting for students (Suyanto, 2010:87)

In the contextual thinking aspect proposed some questions

about the method and the instrument that have been used.

Whether invite students to imitate the teachers‟ speak and using

song in learning or others ways.

4. Aspect of aware of themselves and willing (provided in the number 25 and 26)

This aspect teacher have the strong willingness to do teaching

English in kindergarten and want to be a good model for their

students through teaching English that have been done. As


Teacher who has a high expectation to willing and able to increase the students learning quality, high dream will be seen from the teacher spirit and teacher performance in doing their duties (Suyanto, 2010:53).

5. Aspect of integrating to other disciplines (provided in the number 27)

Integrating to other disciplines means linking the English

subject with other subject in kindergarten, such as English with

counting science, or English with coloring science, and others


Cognitive readiness according to (Maddox, 2000:277) is capable of integrating concepts and instruments of various scientific discipline.

c. Arranging questions of English kindergarten teacher’s behavioral readiness

1. Aspect of act the function of partnership (provided in the number 28)

Collaborate with other teachers in your school make the learning experience richer for your students (Shin, 2006:6)

In looking for a material for teaching English in kindergarten,

teacher have cooperation with other teacher or someone who have

competence about the material. This uses to enhance the teacher

and students‟ knowledge in learning English.

2. Aspect of proficient set a time (provided in the number 29 and 30)


In this aspect, the researcher proposed two questions about starting and finishing the learning in accordance time that has been set in a schedule learning. Timing in learning will influence

the students‟ academic achievement especially for children who

only has limited level of concentration.

6. Interview

(Moleong, 2009:186) stated that interview is a conversation that is

accompanied by certain goal. In similar, when two persons exchange

their ideas and information it is assumed as interview. Information and

ideas are obtained through questions and answers, so that the meanings

of a particular topic are found.

Lincoln and Guba as quoted by (Moleong, 2009:186) also

explained that interview is aimed to construct about someone, events,

organization, feelings, motivation, and what are the experiences

happened to someone. In addition, interview is a test to know whether

the person invited to talk is open-minded in giving information or not. It

also use to enhance both for interviewer and interviewee. All of them

then will be used to project the future expectations. The subject of

interview is EYL teachers at eighteen different schools in Salatiga. The

proposed question were mostly about teacher preparation and the

factors hindering their teaching.

The instrument used by the researcher is mobile phone. It is


process. The researcher used the simple language for gaining the

interviewees‟ understanding. To gain the deep information, the

interviewees are given the unlimited time to share their opinion. Below

is presented the interview guidelines that used to support the research


Interview Guideline

According to Suyanto (2010:15), the children are difficult and not

interesting with foreign language caused of some factors which

influenced their English learning. Based on the theory, emerging the

first and second interview question that are,

1. What are the factors hindering teacher in teaching English to

young learners at kindergarten?

2. What are the strategies use to handle those hinders?

Children concentration and attention are short, so variety is a must

whether variety of activity, place, organization, voice and etc. As quote


A variety of activities is important, each activity must be appropriate to the learning at hand. (Kyriacou, 2007:27).

Furthermore, the researcher proposed the third and fourth questions

about the method used.

3. What are the method used in teaching EYL at kindergarten?

4. What are the hindering found in using the method?


involved in a process of inquiry, discovery, investigation, and interpretation (www. columbia.org).

According to quotes above, the research arranged number fifth to

seventh question as followed:

5. Do you convinced that you have mastered the class?

6. Do you get problem to rekindle the students‟ activeness?

Those were the seven questions about the factor hindering the

teacher in teaching EYL. The questions of interview guideline was took

from Setyawan‟s (2014) graduating paper which created some questions

about the factor hindering in teaching. Then, the researcher used several

questions as references.

7. Documentation

When the researcher chooses qualitative research, one of the best

ways to look into the data is by documenting. According to (Arikunto,

2010:206), documentation study is searching for data of things or

variables in forms of notes, transcripts, book, letters, magazines,

agendas, etc. Meanwhile, (Sugiyono, 2010:329) asserts document is a

record of events in the past in the forms of handwriting, pictures, or

even literature works. To complete the data, the researcher used

transcripts of interviews, recording of interview, and pictures of


D. Data Analysis

A qualitative data analysis is an approach that operates data,

organizes them, categorizes them, synthesizes them, finds their pattern,

and eventually presents them as a research report (Bogdan and Biklen,

1982 as quoted by Moleong 2009:248). (Meanwhile Sugiyono, 2010:335)

states that a qualitative data analysis is a process of searching and

arranging systematically the obtained data from interviews, field notes,

and documentation by organizing data into categories, explaining into

units, synthesizing, arranging into patterns, sorting the important ones, and

drawing conclusions in order to be comprehended by the research or the


In addition (Miles and Huberman, 1984) as quoted by (Sugiyono,

2010:337) explained that there are two types of approaches used in

qualitative data analysis. Below are those two types:

1. Flow Analysis Models

This model is followed by three major components. They are data

reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.

2. Interactive Analysis Models

Interactive analysis models means that data reduction and data

presentation are processed along with data collection. Three analysis

components (data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion) are


a. Data collection

The data collection are interviews, questionnaire and

documentation. Therefore, all of them are decided to take them as

the appropriate way to investigate the teacher readiness and


b. Data reduction

The next step after collecting data is data reduction. (Sugiyono,

2010:338) proposed that data reduction means summarizing,

selecting the important ones, focusing on stated topic, and deleting

unnecessary plan. Thus, the reduced data will not only clearly give

pictures of what a researcher really discovers but also simplify the

following searches.

The process of data reduction for this particular research is

conducted through separating unnecessary data from questionnaire,

documentation and interview. Categorizing data later taken to

structure the finding presentation.

c. Data presentation

In qualitative research, data presentation is arranged in the

form of essays, chart, flowcharts, categorization, etc. The purpose

of data presentation is to support the comprehension of the

discussed data. Not only support but also plan the next works based


The data presentation for this research is explained into

narration of the description of teacher preparation, which explained

descriptively in the form of essay. In addition, teacher readiness

would be presented using percentage and table.

d. Conclusion

The final step after data presentation is concluding all of what

has been investigated. Withdrawing conclusions of this qualitative

research is based on the reduction to find out the answer of the

investigation. The possibility of some changes is developed when

there are valid and consistent evidence. They are followed in data

collections in order to make the research is strongly believed to be


E. Procedures of The Research 1. Distributing questionnaire

To figure out the teacher readiness of teaching English to young

learner in this research, questionnaire is distributed to all eighteen

teachers. Knowing the teacher‟s‟ readiness in teaching young learner at

kindergarten is the aim of this step.

2. Conducting the research data by interview

All of eighteen teachers in eighteen kindergarten schools as the

interviewees. The interview are analyzed to answer the factor hindering


3. Analyzing and Identifying the Data

Questionnaire are identified in order to find teacher readiness in

teaching EYL at kindergarten. The interview used to find the factors

which are hindering the teacher in teaching.

4. Completing the Research by Documentation

To prove the true research, recording and transcript of interview

are conducted. There also pictures when the teacher teaching English

in the class, photographs of instruments which is used in teaching.

5. Presenting the result descriptively

All result of the research is systematically written and concluded in

narration. It is presented descriptively in the form of research report.

The conclusion is also provided in the last chapter of the research. Data

presented and conclude in the writing are based on true research



This chapter discusses the results of collected data. The first section

discusses the teacher readiness in teaching English to young learner at

kindergarten. The second section points out the factor of hindering in teaching

English to young learner.

A. Finding of Teachers’ Readiness in Teaching English to Young Learners at Kindergartens

Questionnaire is used to describe the teachers‟ readiness in

teaching English to young learner at eighteen kindergarten in Salatiga.

The questionnaire based on three indicators which mentioned on the

chapter two were used to capture the teachers‟ readiness. They are 1.)

emotive attitudinal readiness, 2.) cognitive readiness, 3.) behavioral


The result started from the first indicator or called as „emotive

attitudinal readiness. Below was the table show the data of number

occurrences and percentage of emotive attitudinal readiness.

Table 4.1 Number of Occurrences of Teachers’ Emotive Attitudinal Readiness in the Questionnaire

Sub Indicators

No Emotive Attitudinal Readiness SA A NA DA SDA Total Responsibility 1 I undertake the task of teaching

English in kindergarten appropriate to curriculum that has been set

7 10 1 0 0 18


and must be continued to grow. Enthusiastic 3 I have enthusiasm to implement

learning English in a kindergarten in accordance with the schedule that had been determine

5 13 0 0 0 18

4 I like to interact with students so students feel comfortable with the English teacher strategy simple , short , and clear

9 7 2 0 0 18

6 I tried to give the material based on

student‟s characteristic. 3 11 4 0 0 18

7 I followed the development of student‟s world in order easier to convey the material toward

9 I will looking for the addition material to teaching English in kindergarten by may self

2 9 3 4 0 18

10 I want to create a method that easily understandable by students in learning English at kindergarten

9 6 3 0 0 18

Reward the Intrinsic Value

11 I will do duty to give English education in kindergarten the as good as possible in order the goal achieved.

6 11 1 0 0 18

12 I am happy to get critics and suggestion to implement the English learning in kindergarten.

5 11 2 0 0 18

SA=Strongly Agree; A=Agree; NA=Not Agree; DA=Disagree; SDA=Strongly Disagree

Table 4.1 shows number of occurrences of teachers‟ emotive

attitudinal readiness in the questionnaire. There are thirteen statements


Table 3.1 List of English Teacher
Table 3.2 List of Questionnaire
Table 4.1 Number of Occurrences of Teachers’ Emotive Attitudinal
Table 4.1 shows number of occurrences of teachers‟ emotive


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