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Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


Indra Puspita Dewi Student Number : 06 4214 076










That is what the highest criticism really is,

the record of one’s own soul

- Oscar Wilde -

The problem for every writer is credibility.

Anybody can write anything so long as it’s believed.

Gabriel García Márquez

-New modes of realization…

corresponding to the new capabilities of society.






First of all, I would like to give my greatest gratitude to my parents for the love and patience. Their material and immaterial support will be one of my own reasons to finish this thesis. Their passion they have made becomes my spirit. For my father who puts his trust in me to be his tough daughter; for my mother who gives her laugh and stories, I would say “Thank You”. For my two brothers (Gun and Jun) as persons who understand and give their patience waiting their sister back home, it is a blessing for me to have them. Next, I would thank Alwi Atma Ardhana who is someone I avoid to talk about this thesis but honestly he is the one who I need to talk with. Thank you for giving me understanding, care and patience along the process of this thesis.

I would like to thank Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A. for the corrections and guidance during the process of the thesis. I also thank him for his patient check and re-check to the thesis. I would thank him for his patient check and re-check to the thesis. For the reader of this undergraduate thesis, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum, I would like to thank for his technical corrections and suggestions.



listening this talkative girl; All people in GKM IBS Yogya for giving me spirit; Ardhana’s family for giving me their supports and place to write; The family of Kolese St.Ignatius Library and Sanata Dharma University Library for being places where I can find the books that I need; M. Ninik Sumarni and All the fellows of Sanata Dharma’s Faculty of Letters I have known and yet to know; at last but no least, my “1” room in Adelia which is a place where I always write my undergraduate thesis. Thank you.







ABSTRAK ……… xi


A. Background of the Study ……….. 1

B. Problem Formulation ………..…... 9

C. Objectives of the Study ………...……. 9

D. Definition of Terms ………. 9


A. Review of Related Studies ………..……. 11

B. Review of Related Theories ………..….. 17

1. Theories of Characters and Characterizations …………... 17

a. Theories of Characters ...……… …………... 17

b. Theories of Characterization ..………..……….. 18

2. Theories of Technology ………..…………. 19


A. Object of the Study ……...………... 31

B. Approach of the Study ……...………... 32

C. Method of the Study ………... 35

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS …..……….... 37

A. The Characterization of the Major Characters .………..…….. 38

1. José Arcadio Buendía ……….……….…..……….. 39

a. Physical Characterization ….………….……….. 39

i). Young ………..……….………. 39

ii). Small ……….………..………. 40

b. Non – physical Characterization ……… 40



ii). Passionate ……….……… 41

iii). Wise ……….………... 42

2. Melquíades ……….……….. 43

a. Physical Characterization ….…….………. 43

i). Old ………. 43

b. Non – physical Characterization ……….……… 43

i). Confident ….……… 43

ii). Energetic ……….. 44

iii). Passionate ………. 45

iv). Ambitious ….……….……… 45

B. Revealing the Effect of Technology through the Major Characters 46 1. Pre-Colonial Period ….……….……… 48

2. Colonial Period ….……….………... 50


BIBLIOGRAPHY ……….………. 61

APPENDIX ………... 63





Indra Puspita Dewi. The Effect of Technology in Macondo as Seen from the Characterization of the Major Characters of Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty

of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

The ability to think is what makes human beings different from animals. Men can have desire and bring it into reality. One of the results of human ability to think is creating technology. The relationship between man and the invention will always influence each other. Herbert Marcuse claims that the prevailing forms of social control are technological in a new sense.

Based on this claim, the writer of this research decides to study Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967). The most interesting thing in the novel is how Márquez applies the two major characters in the novel to represent the relationship between man and technology. Both major characters react differently toward the use of technology, so, the writer of this research is interested in exploring about the effect of technology which is depicted through the major characters in the novel: José Arcadio Buendía dan Melquíades.

In order to get a clear image about this study, the first problem formulation will talk about both major characters’ characteristics. After getting those characteristics, the focus will move further to identify the condition and the effect of technology toward those characters in order to find the effect of technology in Macondo.

The method applied in this study is library research. Some steps applied in this study are collecting the data, doing close reading, gaining the data necessary for the problem formulations and choosing the approach. After doing the steps above, the writer of this research reads and reveals the characteristics of both major characters and explores how the condition and the effect of technology through major characters. To explore the relationship between technology and the effect of it, Marxism approach is utilized.




Indra Puspita Dewi. The Effect of Technology in Macondo as Seen from the Characterization of the Major Characters of Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra,

Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

Kemampuan berpikir yang dimiliki oleh manusia adalah hal yang membedakan manusia dari binatang. Manusia dapat berhasrat dan mewujudkan apa yang dikehendakinya. Salah satu hasil pemikiran rasio manusia yaitu penciptaan teknologi. Keterkaitan hubungan antara manusia dan hasil ciptaannya selalu saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Herbert Marcuse mengklaim bahwa bentuk- bentuk kontrol yang berlaku adalah teknologi dalam pengertian barunya.

Berawal dari pernyataan tersebut, penulis ingin mengkaji One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) milik Gabriel García Márquez. Yang menarik dari novel tersebut adalah bagaimana Márquez menggunakan kedua tokoh utama dalam novel untuk merepresentasikan hubungan manusia dan teknologi. Dua tokoh utama dalam novel memiliki reaksi yang berbeda dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan teknologi. Dengan latar belakang tersebut, penulis tertarik untuk mendapatkan penggambaran tentang dampak teknologi yang digambarkan melalui dua tokoh utama dalam novel: yaitu José Arcadio Buendía dan Melquíades.

Untuk mencapai hasil studi yang diinginkan, permasalahan yang pertama akan difokuskan mengenai sifat-sifat yang dimiliki oleh kedua tokoh utama. Kemudian dari temuan-temuan tersebut, penulis akan menjadikannya sebagai dasar pencarian di rumusan masalah kedua mengenai kondisi dan dampak yang dihasilkan teknologi pada kedua tokoh tersebut dalam usaha menemukan dampak teknologi di Macondo.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka. Beberapa langkah yang diterapkan di studi ini adalah mengumpulkan data, melakukan pembacaan mendalam, mengambil data yang dibutuhkan untuk rumusan masalah dan memilih pendekatan yang akan digunakan. Setelah melakukan beberapa langkah diatas, penulis akan membaca dan mengungkap sifat-sifat yang dimiliki oleh kedua tokoh utama serta mengungkapkan kondisi dan dampak yang dihasilkan dari hubungan manusia dan teknologi tersebut. Untuk melihat bagaimana dampak teknologi dan dampak yang dihasilkannya, penulis menggunakan pendekatan Marxisme.

Pada analisa penokohan dua tokoh utama tersebut, penulis menemukan perubahan sifat pada tokoh José Arcadio Buendía sebagai pihak yang menerima kedatangan teknologi dan tidak adanya perubahan sifat pada tokoh Melquíades sebagai pihak yang membawa teknologi. Pada analisa selanjutnya, penulis menemukan bagaimana teknologi berdampak di Macondo dan memberi pengaruh besar pada José Arcadio Buendía. Temuan lainnya adalah Melquíades sebagai pihak pendatang terus mencoba melakukan perluasan pengaruhnya, yaitu selalu rutin mengunjungi Macondo bersama kelompoknya. Berkaitan dengan beberapa pernyataan, novel ini mengisahkan kehidupan masyarakat Colombia. Pada akhir cerita pada novel, José Arcadio Buendía tidak dapat mengontrol dirinya sendiri








A. Background of the Study

The writer of this research wonders about “What is actually the relationship between man and technology?”. This is an interesting question since human beings cannot avoid the use of technology. There is also an assumption from the writer of this research that there are many effects made by that relationship.

Talking about technology will also talk about man who functions as a creator and a user of technology. Man who owes the ability to think always creates something new to develop human life. By using the ability to think, man creates science and develops it to be a sophisticated technology. There is a quotation from Brown, “…There will be a progress of science which depends largely on the development of new theories…” (Brown, 1979: 354). Based on the

quotation, human beings always try to develop their ideas to serve their needs as members of society. The efforts of developing the ideas will always develop the theories that they will use. Meaning to say, technology will be in progress, as far as human beings exist.

One of the examples of the use of technology is showed by advanced industrial society. It is something created and used by them. One of the functions of creation of technology expresses their human mind-set, their freedom.



…The individual would be free to exert autonomy over a life that would be his own. If the productive apparatus could be organized and directed toward the satisfaction of the vital needs, its control might well be centralized; such control would not prevent individual autonomy, but render it possible… (Marcuse, 2007: 5)

Based on the quotation above, it shows that if the apparatus managed the vital needs, the function of technology should be possible to express human rights. Unfortunately, under the conditions of raising a standard of living, the level of human requirement will also increase, and it will influence the condition of the relationship between each other.

…In actual fact, however, the contrary trend operates: the apparatus imposes its economic and political requirements for defense and expansion on labor time and free time, on the material and intellectual culture. By virtue of the way it has organized its technological base, contemporary industrial society tends to be totalitarian… (Marcuse, 2007: 5)

From the quotation above, it shows that technology in the advanced industrial society functions as a new form of control. It is not the way expressing the freedom anymore but the way controlling people. A quotation from Marcuse in his book One-Dimensional Man below will give the reader more understanding about the existence of freedom in advanced industrial society.

... Independence of thought, autonomy, and the right to political opposition are being deprived of their basic critical function in a society which seems increasingly capable of satisfying the needs of the individuals through the way in which it is organized…(Marcuse, 2007: 4)



Talking about technology is also talking about the progress of science. Science is produced by human beings. The progressions of more complex things in detail, function, shape, etc are always made. Human beings have the idea which depends on their own development.

Relating to the science and human, there are process of accepting and rejecting. In this learning process, there are terms of enculturation and acculturation. Enculturation is:

…the learning process by which man, throughout of his life, acquires his own culture. It consists of two levels, an unconscious level and conscious level. In the adult, the process involves conscious acceptance or rejection of new forms of behavior, including new inventions or ideas… (Custodio, 1992: 279).

And, Acculturation is “…consists in the processes of change in artifacts, customs, and beliefs that result from the contact of societies with different cultural

traditions…” (Custodio, 1992: 280). Human beings who accept the new forms of

behavior can make it as part of their culture. If it happens, it will influence their understanding of idea, custom, belief, norm, etc. (part of culture). The idea which is one of the elements thought of human being is affected by the development of science. This development of science called technology. The things that people used are the product of the development of science.

Based on the explanation above, the writer of this research thinks that the relationship between man and technology is very close, and the influence between each other is strong. The way human interact and respond technology cause an opposite role. It is not man who controls technology but technology which dominates man. The writer of this research suggests that the domination of



technology in advanced industrial society will alienate human being. Men who create and use technology become men who alienate themselves by using technology.

One of the quotations from Herbert Marcuse says that “…The prevailing forms of social control are technological in a new sense...” (Marcuse, 2007: 11).

From Marcuse’s statement, it assumes that technology as a new social control has great influence for human life. Human activities always use technology, indeed, it makes human cannot avoid the use of technology even a small thing. In other words, the result of this new social control relates to the men as the user and the creator of technology.

The fact that human being cannot avoid the use of technology is caused by human needs. Man has a need to satisfy his desire. In attempt to gain it, man needs to work to satisfy his desire. The desire which is created by men is automatically continuing products of a society because the need has a function in a society, even it can satisfy them or not. Marcuse says in his book that:



will sustain alienation.

…The range of choice open to the individual is not the decisive factor in determining the degree of human freedom, but what can be chosen and what is chosen by the individual. The criterion for free choice can never be an absolute one, but neither is it entirely relative. Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves. Free choice among a wide variety of goods and services does not signify freedom if these goods and services sustain social controls over a life of toil and fear—that is, if they sustain alienation. And the spontaneous reproduction of superimposed needs by the individual does not establish autonomy; it only testifies to the efficacy of the controls… (Marcuse, 2007: 9-10)

By working, human beings fill their needs. They are doing something in order to make it real. Their social, economic, and political needs are the expression of their desire which is developed as a member of society. The fact expresses their needs but it does not mean people have an absolute freedom. The power of controller develops and people only wait the time when the efficacy of the control is ready to alienate them. Based on those explanations, the writer of this research is interested to analyze how the condition of technology and the effect of it toward people in the novel.

The object of this research is a novel entitled One Hundred Years of Solitude. Gabriel García Márquez, the Colombian writer who won the 1982 Nobel

Prize for literature, is the author of this novel. One Hundred Year of Solitude is a famous one all over the world and one of the great literary works from Márquez which was first published in Argentina in 1967 and published in England and the United States in 1970.



…García Márquez achieved unusual international success as a writer with his novel in 1967 (One Hundred Years of Solitude). The novel has been translated into a large number of languages and has sold millions of copies…

(http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1982/press.html#) It tells a tale of a town called Macondo, Buendia family, and group of gypsy. In this novel, there are two patriarchs, first, José Arcadio Buendía who is a leader of Macondo, second, Melquíades who is a leader of gypsy people. Here, the gypsy people have a significant effect in the progression of Macondo. They introduce technology in Macondo. Melquíades and his people always come showing their inventions every March. Since technology came, Buendia has changed from a good leader for his people into a person who is ambitious. On the other hands, Melquíades, a person who brings technology, does not show any changes but his ambition to share about technology towards people of Macondo is strong. Changes in the progression of Macondo are showed by the arrival of technology. Unfortunately, the end of Macondo is caused by technology itself. Technology and the effects really give a significant effect in Macondo. Those things can alienate people.



Similar with Macondo, Colombia is also described as a place which presents excellent productions; a peaceful place and their wealth. After outsiders come, the condition in Colombia has changed. The influences come and change the history and traditions of the native. It causes isolation of the native (Indian people) from the ruling society (the Spaniards). Moreover, it happens after the independence of Colombia around 1810. The effect of the outsiders’ arrival still happens in Colombia even Colombia had the Independence Day. The portrayal of this condition of Colombia is described by the quotation below.

…García Márquez is openly hostile toward his country’s politics. Since 1810, Colombia has been a democracy where the Liberal and Conservative parties have vied for power, leading to spates of concentrated violence… (Bloom, 2006: 19)

Another Bloom’s quotation gives a description of the arrival of the outsider. It gives great effects to the condition of Aracataca, part of Colombia. Through the inventions which the outsiders have introduced, people know and learn technology. From technology, people develop it in many fields, such as politic, economic, and social.

The writer of this research suggests that certain events which happened in Macondo are similar with events which happened in Colombia. Moreover, it is assumed that One Hundred Years of Solitude is a form of criticism at that time. This novel gives a description of the condition that happened in America Latin, especially in Colombia. Another quotation which is showing the condition of Colombia comes from the child time of Márquez,



…Around the time his parents settled in Aracataca, the United Fruit Company, an American company, had begun machinations with the local banana industry, much in the same way as Mr. Herbert and Mr. Brown do in the novel, opening up the previously isolated Aracataca to outside influences and exposing it to corruption… (Bloom, 2006: 20)

The progression of Macondo is similar with an advanced industrial society. By using technology, Macondo has been changed into an unknown place. There is a great effect caused by the inventions which brought by the gypsy. Macondo is a place full of inventions that people do not know the things in the past but people who have power lead Macondo to alienate themselves. The existence of José Arcadio Buendía is the figure of the leader of Macondo which alienates his own people.

In this novel, the author describes Macondo in details. He describes how Macondo has found at the first time and how it has changed since the influence from outsiders comes. The writer of this research thinks that the readers are led to witness to Macondo has a progress to nowhere. This condition is similar with the condition of Colombia. There are many changes happen as the effect of the influences from outsiders.



B. Problem Formulation

In making easier to analyze this topic, the writer has formulated two problems which can be stated as follows:

1. How are the major characters of One Hundred Year of Solitude characterized?

2. How does the characterization reveal the effect of technology in Macondo?

C. Objectives of the Study

Concerning the topic of this research, the two problems of analysis above will be a full-scale description of the writer of this research’s perspective. The first question aims to get the description of characterization that each of the major characters have. The main element to be discussed is the major characters’ characteristics and behaviors generally in relation to the society in Macondo. Then the second question aims to explain how the characterization reveals the effect of technology in Macondo.

D. Definition of Term

In order to help in continuing this research, the writer needs to declare the definition of term used in the title. In this research, the writer of this research uses one term based on the title “The Effect of Technology in Macondo as Seen from the Characterization of the Major Characters of Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude”. Actually, the term “technology” is the significant

term and it needs to explain more about the appropriate meaning.




Technology encompasses the entire human-made world. It is a machinery and equipment used or developed as a result of this knowledge. It refers specifically to the knowledge, processes and products of technological activity. The word originated in ancient Greece and meant the art of doing things, or the methods and techniques used to do something





A. Review of Related Studies

As the writer explained in chapter 1, there is a close relationship between human beings and technology. They are the creators and the users of technology, otherwise, technology is a form of progression of human mindset. Both of them develop together as far as human beings exist. Technology functions as a media to express freedom. People also use it to fulfill their needs. Unfortunately, sometimes people cannot get their absolute freedom in the way of expressing their needs. There will be a form of control by an individual or a group who has power. This control makes people lose their traditional rationale because it is replaced by a more productive and rational one. The result is human mindset has been changed.

In this research, the writer uses the novel which won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. One Hundred Years of Solitude has been translated in many languages. It has been discussed in many variant studies all over the world. There are a few researchers working on this novel with some discourses employed in different studies.

The criticism of Gabriel García Márquez’ One Hundred Years of Solitude accomplishes the difficult task of considering whether it is his innovations of Magical Realism or his criticisms of Latin American society and politics. In order to explain this part, there are three discussion topics which the writer of this



research discusses: Magical Realism, Postcolonialism and Márquez’ own life. Those three topics are chosen because the topics are closed to the description of Gabriel García Márquez as the author of One Hundred Years of Solitude.

In an essay title “One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez” (2007), Steven Boldy discusses Magical Realism on the novel. In this

essay, the writer describes Magical Realism through the example of Remedios ascending to heaven and Fernanda’s annoyance at losing her sheets in the ascension, etc. The discussion about the topic is supported by his statement. The quotation below shows that reality and imagination are described in a frame of One Hundred Years of Solitude.

…Two very disparate models for his prose which García Márquez often mentions in just about the same breath reflect the novel’s tight interweaving of different dimensions: the national and the cosmopolitan, the local and the universal, the historical and the mythical.… (Boldy, 2007: 96).

Another discussion about Magical Realism, the interview between Stone and Márquez explains that the actual events exist in the novel but Márquez used to do an exaggeration as the trick of his trade from his grandmother. The discussion of this topic is showed by the quotation below:

…GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ: The banana fever is modeled closely on reality. Of course, I’ve used literary tricks on things which have not been proved historically. For example, the massacre in the square is completely true but while I wrote it on the basis of testimony and documents, it was never known exactly how many people were killed. I used the figure three thousand, which is obviously an exaggeration… (Stone and Márquez, 2006: 88)



are two different in one frame. This thing is Márquez’s Magical Realism which is famous all over the world.

Second topic discussion is Postcolonialism. An undergraduate thesis entitled Issues on Postcolonialism Seen in the Characterization in García Márquez’s One

Hundred Years of Solitude discusses about the articulation of postcolonial issues

through three characterizations endowed in the novel.

…The writer chooses this work because she perceives the novel as the author’s mean to bring forward the issues of Postcolonialism that the colonized Third World nations experience. The writer observes that the work is articulating the Postcolonial issues that are being engendered through the author’s significant characterization of the three particular characters endowed in the novel… (Pasca, 2007: 1)

The characters which Pasca used in her research are Jose Arcadio Buendia from the first generation, Colonel Aureliano Buendia from the second generation and Jose Arcadio Segundo from the fourth generation. Those characterizations are convinced as the way of Márquez to mock the European’s assumption that the colonized or the indigenous people are lazy, barbaric and sensual indigenous peoples. It used to against the stereotyping and consequently the oppressor in order to instigate the awareness of resisting the mainstream Western literature through the assertion of characterization. This assertion is considered by the Western halves as the stereotypes of the colonized peoples. On other words, Pasca comments more on European’s assumption toward indigenous people. “…The stereotyping that the author uses are the indolence, the irrationality, and the

sensuality reflected by the actions that the three characters achieve within their

course of character developments…” (Pasca, 2007: 2-4).



Other discussions, García Márquez’ own life is a famous one when researchers talk about One Hundred Year of Solitude. The writer of this research has found two articles in Bloom’s Guides: Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Year of Solitude that related to the topic. Those are James Higgins’s

Gabriel García Márquez: Cien años de soledad in Landmarks in Modern Latin

American Fiction Philip Swanson, ed. and Kathleen McNerney’s Understanding

Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Bloom gives a comment in his book on part of

annotated bibliography as an excellent summary of One Hundred Years of Solitude which relates the novel to Márquez’s own life. Moreover on McNerney’s

book, Bloom says that “…McNerney’s survey includes a good overview of Marquez’s relationship with Colombia, and also a thorough discussion on the

incorporation of past and contemporary works into the text of One Hundred

Years…” (Bloom, 2006: 117 - 118).

Another comment on the novel, in One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez (2007), Boldy states that Márquez reproduces used the

event which happened in his hometown. On the other words, it shows how Márquez really closed to the creation of One Hundred years of Solitude. The detail of plot and setting are similar to his experiences. The quotation below portrays how Macondo is part of Márquez’ own life.



Through three topics that a few researchers working on; Magical Realism, Postcolonialism and Márquez’s own life, the writer of this research has been inspired to the writer of this research’s own topic. The writer of this research thinks that those three topics are interesting; each of topics has a significant point. From the topic ’Magical Realism’, Márquez describes reality and his grand fantasy about his experiences. One of the events is about the massacre which is one of the significant events in Macondo. The massacre was erased from public knowledge and memory. This event happens caused by the great power that influences the people of Macondo. How the people of Macondo themselves respond to the event is a significant fact that happens in Macondo. Another, topic ‘Postcolonialism’ showed by the alteration of situation in Macondo from the Macondo’s inhabitants lack the language into describe their world to the Macondo which has come into the age of Enlightment. Starting from gypsy people, Macondo has been changed and colonized by the other people who came to Macondo. The result is there are many effects that the colonized got from the colonizer. Last, topic ‘Márquez’ own life’ explains that the story of Macondo is a description of Márquez himself. From the story of the novel, it describes how his Colombia colonized by an American company through the United Fruit Company. It depicts the history of Colombia which closed to the author’s own life.

Both topics above give an idea to the writer of this research to explore and make own topic. Moreover, the writer of this research wants to focus on the role of technology in the novel as the own topic. The reviews of those topics are useful to elaborate the focus on this study that the writer of this research assumes.



Actually, the writer wonders what happened, what the correlation between technology and other element that is linked is and whether technology is used to be a media of author’s critic or not. In an attempt to explain it, the writer works on the major characters: José Arcadio Buendía and Melquíades.

Here, José Arcadio Buendía and Melquíades are the two patriarchs. José Arcadio Buendía, who found and built Macondo with his wife Ursula Iguaran, has the authority in Macondo. Otherwise, Melquiades, as a leader of gypsy people, is also the most powerful figure in the novel.

…The novel has two patriarchs, José Arcadio Buendía, who founded and built the city with his wife and cousin Úrsula Iguarán, and the gypsy Melquíades, master of the occult, who wrote the manuscript in which the whole history of Macondo was predicted: city and text, action and thought… (Bloom, 2007: 97).



B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theories of Characters and Characterizations a. Theories of Characters

A character is the most important thing in creating the work because the work will have no strength without any characters involved in the story. There are a lot of theories on character that can be used to support the analysis of character in a fiction. The writer utilizes several of them to be considered as the most appropriate and beneficial theory for further observation.

In A Glossary of Literary Terms, M.H. Abrams defines characters as “…the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say, the dialogue, and what they do, the action…” (Abrams, 1981: 20). Therefore the readers can interpret the character from the dialogue and the action in a story.

Basically, based on the importance, the character can be divided into two categories, major character and minor character. In another source namely A Handbook of Literary Terms, it is divided into two groups: main and minor. Many

writers present their main characters with fullness of detail, while the minor appear somewhat lifeless (Yelland, 1953: 31).

Roger B. Henkle in his book Reading the Novel: An Introduction to Techniques of Interpreting Fiction states his major character and minor character.

A major character in a novel perform a key structural function for the effectiveness of most novels depends upon the ability of the major characters to



express and dramatizes the issues of the novel. The readers tend to judge the novel on the ability of the characters to embody those issues convincingly. It is the major characters that deserve more attention because the readers’ knowledge on the major characters may help them in understanding the contents of the novel. Minor characters are characters that perform more limited functions. They are limited in ways that the major characters are not. They may be less sophisticated, so that their responses to the experience are less complex and interesting (Henkle, 1977: 92).

Also, according to E.M. Forster in his book Literature: An Introduction to

Fiction, Poetry, and Drama, 7th Edition, characters may be flat or round,

depending on how the author or writer sketches them. Flat characters tend to stay the same throughout a story, but round characters often change, become enlightened, grow and go down (Kennedy and Gioia, 1999:.60-61).

b. Theories of Characterization

According to Holman and Harmon (Holman and Harmon, 1986: 81), the author always reveals the characters of imaginary persons in the story. It is called characterization. Therefore characterization is the creation of these imaginary persons so that they exist for the reader as lifelike.



human or personality, in a particular setting named fiction or drama.

M. J. Murphy in his book entitled Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel to Overseas Students proposes some

ways in which an author can make understandable characters and look real for the readers. The first is personal character where the author describes the person’s appearance and clothes. The second way is character as seen by another. This is the space where the author describes certain character through the eyes or opinions of other characters. Speech is another way of describing character. This means that what a certain character says can be the clue to analyze what kind of person he or she is. Past life can also be used to understand the shape of character. Next, the author can make us learn the person’s character through the conversation of other. The next clue is reaction, meaning that the author lets us

know how the person reacts to various events and situations. The author may use direct comment as the description of a character. The last two means of

characterization are thoughts and mannerism. By thoughts, the author can describe a person’s character by giving the readers knowledge of what the person is thinking about. The last means suggests that the author can convey something about a person by describing the manners, habits, or idiosyncrasies (Murphy, 1972: 161-173).

2. Theories of Technology

In order to develop the science, human being will make the science itself more perfect. According to Barbour, he says that “…Many people in developing



nations now look on technology as their principal source of hope…” (Barbour,

1992: 4). The fact of the individual dream to reach the higher living standard makes people take the opportunity for choice and get more leisure than before.

In fact, an attempt of human rational that make it perfect has always dominated the use of technology in human daily life. In the development, the technology as the products of human ratio to free his will has been changed to oppress the society and to control the others. So, human beings can not avoid the tendency of power to control others. Moreover, the ambition of control others, automatically, influences the progress of science, the technology itself.

Based on Herbert Marcuse, who articulates the Hegelian-Marxian philosophical project, in his introduction to the second edition of One-Dimensional Man, Douglas Kellner quotes prospectus Marcuse’s which is describing his work on the book:

…This book deals with certain basic tendencies in contemporary industrial society which seem to indicate a new phase of civilization. These tendencies have engendered a mode of thought and behavior which undermines the very foundations of the traditional culture… (Marcuse, 2007: xii).

Shortly, the quotation shows that the industrial society as one of the products of technology influences the mode of thought and behavior. On the other words, it would influence the basic of culture.



…Scientific management and scientific division of labor vastly increased the productivity of the economic, political, and cultural enterprise. Result: the higher standard of living. At the same time and on the same ground, this rational enterprise produced a pattern of mind and behavior which justified and absolved even the most destructive and oppressive features of the enterprise. Scientific-technical rationality and manipulation are welded together into new forms of social control… (Marcuse, 2007: 149)

From the quotation above, it can be recognized clearly what factor undermines the function of technology in the society. The rationalization of technology influences human thought and behavior. This is actually the reason why people assume that technology gives the negative effect. Marcuse says that,

…the development of modern industry and technological rationality, however, undermined the basis of individual rationality. As capitalism and technology developed, advanced industrial society demanded increasing accommodation to the economic and social apparatus and submission to increasing domination and administration… (Marcuse, 2007: xix-xx)

Based on Marcuse’s statement, the writer of this research can conclude that the development of technology means that human beings lose their traditional rationale and content. Freedom of thought, speech and critical ideas are replaced by a more productive and rational one. Based on the quotation, Marcuse shows that technology in a new sense prevails in form of social control. It is a domination which generates a higher rationale and a system of totalitarian social control.

3. Theories of Alienation

Before the discussion on alienation goes any further, the writer of this research thinks the need to explain the focus on Marx’s term ‘alienation’. In order to get the appropriate theory, the writer of this research uses this theory of



alienation by Karl Marx and some quotations from the other writers who work on Marxian theory as secondary source. This explanation aims to understand the term deeply.

The term of ‘culture’ means that talking about human being. Both of them cannot be separated because those terms are interdependent. In the relationship with nature, human beings have the ability to process the nature itself and as the result, human beings experience progresses. On the other words, human being is always related to nature, always found something that makes a progress.

In the year of 1844, several Marx’s essays are published entitled Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts. In these manuscripts Marx carried his analysis of

civil society and of social change considerably further, probing the economic laws of capitalist society, the class struggle, and the devastating effect on man caused by the existence of private property. The problems of alienation and of its final disappearance are viewed in their social-economical form. Alienation and its conquest are now seen in terms of human labor and its emancipation, which can only be accomplished in a communist form of society. Here are some points that Karl Marx has been explained in his manuscripts that the writer of this research uses in purpose to make this research clear. First is private property.

…Private property is thus the product, the result, the necessary consequence, of alienated labor, of the external relation of the worker to nature and to himself. Private property thus results by analysis from the concept of alienated labor, i.e., of alienated man, of estranged labor, of estranged life, of estranged man… (Marx, 1976: 117).



labor. It can not be avoided because man is always had their own needs and all of man’s activities are called labor. According to Adam Smith, all wealth is industrial wealth. Industry is labor in its fully developed form, as the factory system is the fully developed form of private property. In this case, Labor is the source of wealth, but the laborers gets only the smaller part of it, barely enough to continue working. His products are being taken away from the worker as another man’s property. In other word, the means of his existence and his activity are increasingly concentrated in the hands of the capitalist. It becomes clear that though private property appears to be the source, the cause of alienated labor, it is rather its consequence, just as the gods are originally not the cause but the effect of man’s intellectual confusion. Later this relationship becomes reciprocal

In his Labor, it is also the realization of human potency. In attempt to explore the human potency, there will be self-justification to the higher level in accordance with dialectic. The fact that human beings cannot live alone in order to fulfill their needs is also a basic problem. The acknowledgment and acceptance of themselves from the others strengthen their existence in this world. Moreover, in human cooperation, there will be traces of their activities. Starting from it, culture and history of human beings have been built and, automatically, it is continued and explored from generation to generation (Marx, 1976, 111-112).

The second point is Estrangement, Alienation. Marx says in his manuscripts that the worker becomes an ever cheaper commodity the more commodities he creates. In other word, the worker becomes poorer the more wealth he produces because the more his production increases in the hand of capitalist. Marx



explained about his definition of alienation as:

…This fact expresses merely that the object which labor produces-labor's product-confronts it as something alien, as a power independent of the producer. The product of labor is labor which has been embodied in an object, which has become material: it is the objectification of labor. Labor's realization is its objectification. In the sphere of political economy this realization of labor appears as loss of realization for the workers; objectification as loss of the object and bondage to it; appropriation as estrangement, as alienation… (Marx, 1976: 108).

According to the quotation, his production becomes something alien to the worker himself. It shows that the realization of the worker is lost. Moreover, Marx called the workers who experience this fact as an alienated man, an estranged labor. It caused by labor produces not only commodities; it produces itself and the worker as a commodity. It is the same general proportion as well as it produces commodities.

Furthermore, Mark has considered the act of estranging practical human activity, labor, in four aspects: an alienation of a worker from the product of labor, from the act of production, from himself, and from another man (Marx, 1976: 111-114). It could happen because there is private property in the capitalist society which causes this situation.

The first description of the aspects is because the worker is working to produce something for someone or something other than himself, the product then becomes alien to the worker. The worker has so little to do with what it is he is producing, that the product is alien to him. The key is that the worker is working not for himself but for someone else.



that he is alienated from his action of labor. Man is forced to work for someone other than himself, in capitalism, if he wants to survive at all. In this way, the labor neither depends on nor belongs to him.

Third, man is alienated from his own self. Marx claims that life activity, labor, is the essence of man, and in alienated labor, man is alienated from his essence. That is, what man would naturally do as a part of life, he must take hold of as a sort of tool in order to survive. It is no longer essential, but an alien means for his existence.

The last is an alienation of a worker from another man. An immediate consequence of the fact that man is estranged from the product of his labor, from his life-activity, from his species being is the estrangement of man from man. If a man is confronted by himself, he is confronted by the other man. What applies to a man's relation to his work, to the product of his labor and to himself, also holds of a man's relation to the other man, and to the other man's labor and object of labor.

Based on Marx’s perspective of Labor above, Marx sees culture as a product of human self-realization on its socio-history dimension. On the other words, in human perspective, nature is not an ideal condition for human that needs to be refreshed. In purpose to pass over this condition, culture as the total human activities is marked by the most important thing which called labor. The characteristics of human labor choose the job based on their talent and interest freely. So, working is a realization form of human potency, there will be a human socialization, and there is an increasing of human consciousness.



...The social division of labor, Marx declares, is not carried out with any consideration for the talents of individuals and the interest of the whole, but rather takes place entirely according to the laws of capitalist commodity production... (Marcuse, 2007: 273)

Otherwise, forced labor appears from the classification of class in society. The characteristics of this labor have no choice to decide the working freely caused by the bourgeoisie and the capital dominated the social condition. As the result, they look for wages. The purpose of working becomes continuing their life. The system makes they force themselves to be enslaved. The last, forced labor causes alienation for human beings. As, Marcuse says that, “…the process of alienation affects all strata of society, distorting even the ‘natural’ functions of

man… (Marcuse, 2007: 278).

…As modern society runs its course, the worker becomes the poorer the more wealth he produces and the more his production increases in power and extent. The worker becomes a cheaper commodity the more commodities he produces… (Marcuse, 2007: 274)



4. Review of Colombian Society a. Pre colonial

When the first time people have ever heard of the continent of America was, they are three selected tribes who represent the highest civilization among the early American peoples. They are the Mayas, the Aztecs and the Incas.

The Mayas seem that a group of these people reached its great height about 500 A.D. Living in large cities, they built great pyramids and temples, worshiped many gods, practiced agriculture. They developed a form of writing which has not been interpreted fully, and also astronomy. The Mayas expressed their extraordinary sense of beauty through those things. In History of Latin America: Course 1, Samuel Guy Inman and C.E. Castaneda explain that “…Some of the

houses, those belonging to the wealthy people, were elaborately decorated with

paintings…” (Inman and Castaneda, 1944: 77). Based on quotation above, it

shows that the Mayas appreciated beauty of arts. By paintings and decorations, they made the ornamental facades of their temples or another fine architecture of “The Temple of Warriors and the Hall of a Thousand Columns”. In the relation of using technology, the writer of this research assumes that they use their knowledge to fulfill their sense of beauty. Thus the paintings and decorations are the way to express their skill or knowledge that the Mayas got and developed.

The second tribe is the Aztecs. The Aztecs were great warriors. They also worshiped many gods and goddesses and practiced human sacrifice in the temples on the tops of their pyramids. Truly, these Indians excelled in politics, trade, and commerce.



…Tenochtitlan was one of several important market centers where goods were traded from all parts of the country. Gold and silversmiths offered their finely wrought products for sale, and the shops were filled with textiles, ceramics, and jewelry made of precious stones, as well as a variety of foodstuffs, many of which were unknown to Europeans… (Alexander, 1967: 23)

According to the quotation above, the Aztecs were excellent in those three fields. Thus Tenochtitlan became the center of the Aztecs’ trade system. This is an evidence that the Aztecs were the tribe that have expressed their knowledge to build a great market center as an attempt of increasing their abilities. Moreover, Montezuma who is the last of Aztecs kings had set up the systems. Thus, the Aztecs had a powerful trade system in their time. They also developed a highly effective calendar, and enjoyed the dance, drama, and a variety of athletic activities. Moreover, their civilization astonished the Spaniards.

The last tribe who represents the highest civilization is the Incas. The Mayas have been called the Greeks of America because of their beautiful art and architecture. Otherwise, the Incas have been likened to the Romans because of their ability to govern many peoples.

Their society were classified and effectively organized for the service of the state. The Incas had a powerful central government that could control the citizens. “…The social system of the Incas was arranged like a pyramid, with the sacred god-ruler, the Inca, at the top…” (Alexander, 1967: 23) The Incas were controlled



production was given by the citizens and was received by the citizens themselves. They practiced a communal system in their activities. For instance, in agriculture, all members of family had a part in making rich harvests. The men, women, children and old people were required to do their share together. Differ from the Aztecs, the Incas possessed no monetary value. They used the gold and silver as decorative purposes, such as covered the walls, used for household utensils, adorned the altars, ornaments and figures of animals and plants of intricate design.

b. Colonial

Begun with the Christian Crusades against the Mohammedans who expanded out of Arabia, many Eastern products and ideas were introduced into Europe. This condition influenced a desire arose to travel and to trade with the East. By finding a new route to the East, the first voyage of Columbus started in 1492. The leaders of the conquest in America made possible the establishment of permanent colonial governments and the consolidation of vast territories.

The explorations of Spain and Portugal were motivated by gold, glory, and gospel. The colonial government was controlled by the Kings. Yet, the group of conqueror who forced the emperor of Aztec to declare the emperor’s allegiance to the Spanish King and who held the Inca ruler a prison was Spanish conquerors. The Spaniard had four viceroys or subkingdoms who were the personal representative in America of the Spanish Crown. The king controlled the viceroys through “…the Consejo de las Indias (Council of Indies), who dealt with political problems, and the Casa de Contratacion (Board of Trade), who dealt with



economic affairs…” (Alexander, 1967: 37). Not only in religion that the king had

a direct control to the Catholic Church, but also, the king owned and controlled colonial economic system, such as taxation, landholding, products and industries, labor, and trade.

One of the Spanish colonies was Colombia. This region presented excellent productions, such as emeralds in mineral product, excellently suited for agricultural production, industries in pearl fishing, etc..

In fact, Colombia wss a region that the Incas lived. When the Incas were attacked by a handful of Spanish horsemen wearing armor and equipped with guns, they were quickly and decisively defeated. Actually, Colombia had good potentialities in product and industry but the native people are not. The Spaniards enslaved the Indian people. As the result of harsh treatment, the Indians often escaped or committed suicide. This condition made the population of Indians decreased.

This condition resulted in the significant factor of the Indians’ life. The period of colonialism towards the Indians destroyed the history and traditions of these early Americans. Moreover, for 450 years the Indians had fought a losing battle for their land and their identity. Even today in the lands of the Aztecs and the Incas, the Indians were isolated from the ruling society.



Throughout the colonial period, there were extreme economic contrasts in Latin America. After the struggle for independence, the economic struggle was equally bitter. Liberals believed the land should be individually owned. When the Liberals gained the political control, the government led the land as the private property of individuals. Unfortunately, this situation made the poor Indians greedy.

…Wherever the liberals gained political control, their governments abolished the old Indian communities and decreed that the land should become the private property of individuals. This usually led to the sale of the land by the poor Indians to greedy and unscrupulous landowners… (Alexander, 1967: 47)

By the 1870’s, the industrial revolution in Western Europe and the United States caused many changes in social and economic structure. Great plantations were developed. Railroads were built to connect the mines with seaport. Public services and commercial and banking facilities were started by foreign capital to aid this new economic expansion. As the result, industrial workers organized trade unions to raise their living standards.

C. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the contribution of each theory presented to solve the problem formulations. There are four groups of theory used in this study. The first is theory of character and characterization. The second is theory of technology. The third is theory of alienation. The fourth one is theory of Colombian Society.

Theory of character and characterization is used to the basic concept of how the writer of this research describes the major characters. The theory will help the



writer of this research to find out the characteristics of the José Arcadio Buendía and Melquíades as the major characters. Since this study tend to speculate on the major characters’ characteristics shift, the writer of this research analyzes it through Murphy’s theory about character development.

In his explanation about character development, Murphy said that the author usually put a character on a situation and give a certain reaction in showing the characteristics of a character. Moreover, in this context, the writer of the research analyzes the characteristics of the major characters and their contacts with others. In attempt to interact with others, both of the major characters are really close in the relationship with technology. This fact drives the writer of the research to assume that technology is the significant thing of the major characters’ characteristics. The writer of this research assumes technology is the major force in José Arcadio Buendía’s character development otherwise in Melquíades not.



assumes that the tendency of power of technology forces the character shift of José Arcadio Buendía. Otherwise, in the character of Melquíades, there is tendency of power that he has. This is the basic understanding of this research.

After the findings in the first part analysis, the writer of the research uses the third theory to explain the answer on the second problem formulation. There is an understanding of theory on Alienation by Karl Marx. The result will be a description on how the condition of alienation caused by technology through two major characters in Macondo.

Basically, the second part of the analysis goes to the idea that technology has a significant effect in Macondo through the description of the condition of technology in Macondo since the technology was introduced. However, in order to prove the relationship between the history and the novel, the theory of Colombian society is also needed. This theory will provide the similarities on the effect of technology in Macondo and in Colombia.






A. Object of the Study

The object of this research is a novel entitled One Hundred Years of Solitude. The Colombian writer who won the 1982 Nobel Prize for literature,

Gabriel García Márquez, is the author of this novel. He is considered as the Latin American writer that had discovered the magical realism. He received many awards. A story “One Day after Saturday” brought him his first award, the Colombian Association of Writers and Artists Award (1954). In 1961, No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories (1968) and In Evil Hour (1979) won

Premio Literario Esso (Esso Prize) in Colombia. In 1962, Big Mama’s Funeral followed the same award, Esso Prize. Another award is the prestigious Rómulo Gallegos Prize (1972) in Venezuela and Neustadt Prize (1972) (Bell-Villada, 2007: 48).

One Hundred Years of Solitude was first published in Argentina in 1967 by

Editorial Sudamericana, S.A., Buenos Aires, originally entitled Cien años de soledad. The English translation, which has been translated from the Spanish by

Gregory Rabassa, was first published in England and the United States in 1970 by Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. The novel that the writer of this research uses was published in 1998 by the division of Harper Collins Publisher, Perennial Classics.

One Hundred Years of Solitude has 448 pages that are divided into 20



history of a country, Latin America. Here, Márquez gives a story where everything conceivable and inconceivable is happening at once. The impact quality of this novel’s texture makes the novel deserves its popularity.

Beginning with the patriarchal figure José Arcadio Buendía, the novel presents Macondo as a world that lacks name and needs to point the thing. Then, it develops as a world where carpets fly, the telescope eliminates distance, and Melquíades leads the gypsy people. Here, José Arcadio Buendía, as the major character of the novel, is a man seized with invention and it is presented very clearly in the novel. Another major character, Melquíades is a man who travels the world, performs wonder and introduces invention that he got to Macondo people.

Both major characters have different response to the effect of technology that they have got. Actually, it continues with each of their lines in the future, it gives effect to the life of their generations. Since more than one hundred years of the family’s struggles to avoid the fulfillment of an old prophecy, the chronicle ends. The line of the Buendías comes to an end when out of incestuous union a boy born with a pig’s tail is devoured by an army of ants. While, gypsy people themselves still look around to earn money from the science they have introduced. The writer of this research believes that it triggered to the introduction of technology to Macondo by gypsy people. Thus, the research on this novel will be started from this point.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to be critical, a literary research should involve an approach or a



theory. It cannot only depend on the intuition of the readers. This approach shows the academic quality in literary research. Therefore, the research can be the base for any other research in the future.

In this study, the writer of this research uses Marxism as the approach applied in this literary research. Marxism is a study which concerns about class struggle. The persons who stated the points of Marxism are Karl Marx and Frederich Engels. The idea of class struggle is the significant point in the Old Marx’s thought.

Karl Marx carried his analysis of civil society and of social change considerably further; probing the economic laws of capitalist society, the class struggle, and the devastating effect on man caused by the existence of private property.

When Marx was still young, he wrote some significant points that would be his basic understanding. The Young Marx writing were found and published in the manuscripts entitled Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. In the manuscript, Marx focused on estrangement (alienation). Marxism analyzed working class and the condition of the individuals of the working class.



Marxism and its relation to Estrangement are closed to the labor. The working class has no freedom to express the will in part of the labor. Thus, the working class experiences their losing self-realization, alienation. Since the apparatus controlled the working class and the situation was more complex, the idea of Marxism focused on class struggle, as Marx had explained in his book Das Capital.

Like traditional historical or biographical critics, Marxists are also interested in the sociological context of literature. The Marxist views a literary text as a product of history; certain social and economical factors have influenced the literature and in return these situations are conveyed through the literature. However, the Marxist critic is interested in more than abstracting from literature “…themes of interest to the social historian…” (Eagleton, 1976 : 461). Literature does not just reflect these social and economic conditions; it is also a part of the entire system of social relationships and modes of production that have emerged throughout history. In his essay Literature and History, Terry Eagleton explores how literature is a part of the power structure of history (Eagleton, 1976).

In this study, the writer of this research uses the basic understanding of Marxism, the idea of Alienation. Thus, the Marxist approach is appropriate in analyzing Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. Through the points of Marxism’s theory, the writer of this research analyzes the role of technology in Macondo as seen through the characterization of major characters. The result of the introduction of technology toward major characters causes alienation on them. Marxist approach on literary text reveals also about a literary



text as a product of history. C. Method of the Study

In analyzing the research, this research employed library research and electronic exploration namely internet. Through library research and electronic exploration, the writer of this research found some references or sources which have valuable information. The writer of this research collected many sources to have the research understandable. The sources in this study range from the works of novel, a theory of technology, a theory of alienation and some critical writings of the same work. The primary source of this study was the novel Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. While the secondary sources could be found, mostly, in some related sources and reference from library and internet. The books of theories used in this study are Karl Marx’s Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (ninth edition, 1976), Herbert Marcuse’s

One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society (2002)

beside other references that serve in the understanding of important terms.



based on the sources and information that the writer of this research took from the library and internet, the writer of this research analyzed the story due to the problems formulation above. Thus, the conclusion tended to draw a direct clarification upon the analysis.






This chapter is the answer to the problems formulated in the first chapter. This fourth chapter will be divided into two parts; the characterization of the major characters and the revealing effect of technology in Macondo through the major characters. Each of the parts of this chapter focuses on one part of the problem formulation in order to achieve all two objectives of the study.

Since the effectiveness of most novels is performed by characters, there are two major characters that the writer of this research uses. The first is José Arcadio Buendía and the second is Melquíades. As the writer of this research quotes from Roger B. Henkle, the major character deserves more attention because the readers’ knowledge on the major characters may help them in understanding the contents of the novel. So, the first part of problem formulation focuses on the major characters. In order to find the characterizations appropriately, Murphy’s methods are applied.



from Herbert Marcuse. Since technology introduced towards Macondo, the changes have appeared. Therefore, it is possible if the human behaviors also have changed. The tendency of power to control others is one of the behaviors which human being cannot avoid. The ambition of control others, automatically, gives effect towards the condition of technology. Marcuse states that when capitalism and technology developed, there will be domination and administration. This domination showed by a person or a group who has power. The administration will be showed by the way this person manages the group.

Furthermore, the explanation of condition and effect of technology in Macondo through the major characters will be a description of the effect of technology in Macondo’s society.

A. The Characterization of the Major Characters

In order to understand the characters, the writer of this research uses seven methods of Murphy’s characterization. Based on these methods, the explanation of José Arcadio Buendía’s characteristics will be divided into two parts; physical characterizations and non-physical characterizations.

By finding the physical characterization, the readers will be easy to understand the characters in the novel. As the writer of this research follows Murphy’s methods of characterization, one of the ways to understand the characters is using the details of character’s physical characterizations. Thus, these major characters’ analyses use the description of the physical characterizations. The other is Non-physical characterization. Through direct



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