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Academic year: 2019



Teks penuh




RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Lebih baik kamu harus bicarakan masalah ini dulu sama pacarmu. Nanti kamu pasti akan dapat penjelasan.”

(“You should discuss it with your boyfriend/girlfriend first. You will certainly get his/her explanation later.”)

Respondent 2

“Kok kamu belum ngomong sama dia seeh..!! Sudah jelas-jelas dia ketahuan bo’ong. Kamu mesti secepatnya menyelesaikan masalah ini, kalo nggak dia bakalan bo’ong terus sama kamu. Pokoknya kamu harus ngawasin gerak-geriknya, OK!!”

(“Why have you not told him? It is obvious that he had lied to you. You must finish this problem as soon as possible. If you do not do it he will always lie to you. Basically, you must control his/her behavior, OK!!”) Respondent 3

“Mending langsung nanya aja ma orangnya. Tanya lagi 2 hari yang lalu itu dia pergi ke mana bareng sapa? Kalo dia masih bohong, bilang aja kebenarannya yang kamu tahu!”

(“You should ask it directly to your boyfriend/girlfriend. Ask him/her where and with whom he/she went two days ago. If he/she still lies, tell him/her what you have known about him/her.”)

Respondent 4


(“You should talk it to him/her as soon as possible. Ask it to him/her carefully. If he still does not admit it, tell him/her that you saw him/her at the mall. Ask why he/she lied to you too.”)

Respondent 5

“Harus cepa t dibicarakan agar cepat mendapat jalan keluar dari masalah tersebut.”

(“You should discuss it soon so you can get the solution of this problem.”) Respondent 6

“Ya udah, kamu coba temui dia dan bicarakan masalah itu baik -baik dengan dia. Mungkin dia hanya teman biasa. Jangan berprasangka buruk dulu.”

(“Try to meet him/her and discuss that problem carefully. Maybe she/he is only a good friend of your boyfriend/girlfriend. Do not prejudice against him/her first.”)

Respondent 7

“Kamu harus segera membicaraka nnya dengan dia. Kalau tidak segera, masalahnya tidak akan selesai.”

(“You must discuss it with him/her as soon as possible. If you do not do it soon, this problem will not be overcome.”)

Respondent 8

“Jangan salah sangka dan marah dulu. Coba tanya baik -baik sapa tahu, pergi ke mall sama saudaranya.”

(“Do not misjudge and get angry first. Try to ask it as well as possible to him/her. Maybe he/she went to the mall with his sister/her brother.”) Respondent 9

“Sebaiknya kamu temui dia dan minta penjelasan dar i dia. Bagaimana penyelesaiannya jadi kamu bisa tau kebenarannya.”


Respondent 10

“Menurut aku, kamu jangan terlalu cepat curiga mungkin itu saudara ato cuman temennya. Kamu omongin secepatnya sama dia. Daripada terjadi salah paham antara kamu dan dia.”

(“I think, you should not be suspicious too fast. Maybe it is only his sister/her brother or his/her friend. You had better to discuss it immediately to him/her rather than have a misunderstanding between both of you.”)

Respondent 11

“Mending kamu ketemuan sama pacarmu. Trus ditanya baek -baek. Kalau dia ga mau ngaku diputusin aja. Kalau ternyata cewek itu gebetannya, mending diputusin aja, cowok kaya gitu gak bisa dikasih hati.”

(“You should meet your boyfriend. Then ask it carefully to him. If he does not admit it, leave him. If actually this girl is his other girlfriend, you should leave him. You can not let him have his way.”)

Respondent 12

“Ya udah coba saja kamu bi carakan dengan dia mungkin waktu itu dia ada kebutuhan mendadak yang bikin dia harus pergi ke mall.”

(“T ry to talk to him/her. Perhaps he/she has to go to the mall urgently.”) Respondent 13

“Mending kamu ga usah tanya ke dia tentang masalah itu. Kalo so fa r so good, it’s OK. Qta kan ga bisa nglarang -nglarang orang untuk bergaul sama orang lain.”

(“You should not ask him/her about this problem. If so far it is good, it is OK. We can not forbid someone to associate with another.”)

Respondent 14


(“Well X, if it is like that you must investigate his background first. Maybe he is a playboy. It does not mean that I incite you. But it is better if you know it yourself. If you ask it directly to him, do you think that he will admit it? Try to investigate it first but calm down yourself, OK!”)

Respondent 15

“Lebih baik kamu sesegera mungkin confirm ma dia tentang hal yang sebenarnya, daripada kamu trus dihantui rasa penasaran dan perasaan yang gak enak karena merasa terkhianati. Jangan tunda-tunda.”)

(“You would rather confirm to him as soon as possible about the real thing than you are always feel haunted by curiosity and terrible feeling, because you have been betrayed. Do not postpone it.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Kalo gitu ceritanya lebih baik kamu pindah kos aja tapi nanti apa kamu gak takut bakalan menyesuaikan diri lagi dengan lingkungan baru.” (“If it is like that you should move from your boarding house. Are you not afraid to adapt yourself with the new environment later?”)

Respondent 2

“Nggak usah nyari tempat kost baru lagi… Mendingan kamu laporin aja ke ibu kostmu. Biar dia kena marah. Tapi kalo ibu kostmu ga ada mending kamu kompakan ma temen-temen kostmu yang lain. Truez ngomong sama dia… Mungkin dia bakal malu berat….”


Respondent 3

“Ihh.. males banget punya temen kos kayak gitu. Langsung pindah aja deh mendingan. Klo gak kamu coba ngomong ke temenmu itu buat ngerubah kebiasaan buruknya itu. Tapi secara halus ya.”

(“It must be annoying to have a roommate like th at. Leave your boarding house soon. Or you should try to talk to your roommate to change his/her bad habit. But do it gently.”)

Respondent 4

“Ya udah pindah aja.”

(“If it is like that, move from your boarding house.”) Respondent 5

“Kamu ngomong baik -baik aja sama dia bahwa sikapnya itu mengganggu kamu.”

(“You should talk it carefully to him/her that his/her behavior is annoying you.”)

Respondent 6

“Pikirkan dulu tindakanmu, kamu coba bicara baik -baik dengan dia, sapa tau dia dapat mengerti dan berubah.”

(“Think about your action first. You should try to talk it as well as possible to him/her. Perhaps he/she will change.”)

Respondent 7

“Bagaimana kalau dibicarakan dulu dengan temenmu itu? Kalau dia bisa berubah dan mengerti kan jadi kamu tidak perlu repot-repot pindah kos. Tapi kalau tidak bisa ya mau bagaimana lagi.”

(“What if you discuss it first with your roommate? If he/she has changed and has understood, you will not bother to move from your boarding house. But if he/she can not do that, what can you do?”)

Respondent 8


(“Think it again before you do something. Try to find a perfect roommate . You do not have to move from your boarding house because it will trouble you and it needs adaptation again.”)

Respondent 9

“Berkumpul dengan banyak orang kan butuh adaptasi dan saling mengenal satu dengan yang lainnya. Tapi kalau menurutmu kamu dengan pindah kost itu yang terbaik dan kamu nyaman kenapa ndak.”

(“Gathering with many people needs adaptation and you can know each other. But if you think that moving from your boarding house is the best way and you feel comfortable, why not?”)

Respondent 10

“Sebelum kamu cari te mpat kost baru sebaiknya kamu omongin baek-baek dulu sama temen sekamar kamu. Biar dia tahu kalau kamu keberatan sama kebiasaannya itu.”

(“Before you find the new boarding house, you should discuss it carefully with your roommate. Let him/her know that you object to his/her habit.”) Respondent 11

“Mending kamu pindah aja deh. Soalnya kamu kan lama, ga cuma sehari/dua hari daripada kamu makan ati.”

(“You should move from your boarding house because you have to live there for a long time not only for one or two days. It is better than you have to suffer there.”)

Respondent 12

“Kalo emang ga bisa diajak kompromi ya udah kamu pindah aja malah lebih nyaman.”

(“If he/she can not be compromised you should leave your boarding house. It will be more comfortable.”)

Respondent 13


(“First you discuss it with him/her about your problem carefully. Maybe he/she can realize his/her dirty habit in this way.”)

Respondent 14

“Hmm… kamu udah coba ngomong sama anaknya? Mungkin dia tipe orang yang ngga terlalu rapian. Coba aja komunikasi, or bagi tugas ngepel or nyapu. Kamu minta baik-baik siapa tahu dia mau.”

(“Hmm… have you talked it to him/her? Perhaps he is not included a neat person. Try to communicate with him/her or share the housework like cleaning or sweeping the floor. Ask it gently. Maybe he/she wants to do it.”)

Respondent 15

“Jangan langsung ngambil keputusan seperti itu toh pasti ini semua ada jalan keluarnya yang terbaik ambil langkah awal untuk ngomong ma dia dari hati ke hati kalo emang udah mentok ga mempan ya kamu bisa minta pindah kamar aja.”

(“Do not directly make a decision like that. It must be a best solution for this. Take the beginning step to talk to him/her in truthfulness. If you fail, you can ask to move to another room.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Ah masa sich, kamu tahu berita itu dari siapa? Apa kamu tau sendiri?” (“Is that true? Who told you the news? Do you know it by yourself?”) Respondent 2


banyak temen cowok yang masih jomblo lho… ntar aku kenalin dech,OK!!”

(“What? Having an affair!! Oh my God, please, shame on you. Why do you not find out about him first before you establish this relationship? Ask his friends. You must not be sad like that. Leave him and keep trying to find another!! I have a lot of single male friends. I will introduce them to you, OK!!”)

Respondent 3

“Gila…cowok apa tuch? Yang bener? Jangan -jangan cuman gossip! Kamu tau darimana? Gak lebih baik kamu bicarain dulu ma cowokmu, konfirmasi lebih baik daripada emosi.”

(“It is crazy. What kind of man is he? Maybe it is only a gossip! Where do you know it? You should discuss it with your boyfriend. Confirmation is better than emotion.”)

Respondent 4

“Putus aja cari yang lain. Masih banyak cowok yang lebih baik dari dia.” (“Leave him and find another one. There are still many men better than him.”)

Respondent 5

“Hah masa sih?” (“Wow, is that true?”) Respondent 6

“Oh ya Tuhan, masa? Ya udah relakan dia pergi. Kamu pasti dapet yang terbaik.”

(“Oh my God, is that true? You should let him/her go. You will get the best one.”)

Respondent 7

“Oh ya??? Aku ikut sedih. Tapi kamu lupain aja, kita cari pacar baru. Orang kayak gitu gak usah dipikirin.”


Respondent 8

“Putusin aja mumpung belum pacaran lama jadi khan kamu gak terlalu sakit hati.”

(“Le ave him/her before making a longer date with him/her. So you will not be too offended.”)

Respondent 9

“Lebih baik hubunganmu dengan si dia disudahin aja karena dengan bagaimanapun juga diduakan itu ndak enak.”

(“You should end this relationship. Because wh atever it is, being betrayed is not good.”)

Respondent 10

“Apa kamu sudah yakin kalau dia selingkuh? Kalau yakin dan memang terbukti, tergantung apa kamu mau memaafkan dia dan tetap pacaran sama dia atau ninggalin dia toh cowo’ bukan dia aja.”

(“Are you su re that he has an affair? If you are sure and it is proved, it depends on you, to forgive him and still dating with him or leave him. He is not the only man.”)

Respondent 11

“Wah ga’ bisa dibiarin gitu aja. Saranku, kamu putusin dia deh. Cowok gak setia tu ga’ bisa dipegang janjinya.”

(“Wow, you can not let this happen. My suggestion is leave him. We can not keep this unfaithful man’s promise.”)

Respondent 12

“Gitu aja pusing, tinggalin aja napa. Cari yang lain lagi susah amat.” (“You do not have to be c onfused. Find another one. It is not hard.”) Respondent 13


Respondent 14

“Wa? Emang kamu ngga tahu? Kala u kalian memang dekat dan kalau dia memang sayang kamu dia nggak mungkin main belakang gitu. Terus terang aja kalau kamu kecewa, ngomong langsung, OK?”

(“Wa? You do not know that? If both of you are close and he/she loves you he/she must not cheat you. Tell him/her the truth that you are disappointed. Tell it directly, OK?”)

Respondent 15

“Kamu udah yakin dan 100% percaya ma brita itu? Klo memang itu bener ya untuk pa masih kamu pertahanin langsung putus ja! Ga tau malu aja pacarin senior kita.”

(“Do you believe that news 100%? If it is true, why do you still want him/her? Leave him/her immediately. He/she is not embarrassed to have a relationship with our senior.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Kamu jangan sampai berfikir sedangkal itu, kalau kamu mau keluar dari rumah nanti kamu mau tinggal da mana? Pake uang apa? Lebih baik kamu bicara ama papamu, kasih pengertian bahwa kamu tidak berminat masuk kedokteran. Kuharap beliau tidak akan memaksa kamu lagi.”

(“You must not think foolishly. If you want to get out from your house, where will you stay? Using whose money? It is better if you talk to your father and give him some understanding that you do not want to enroll in a medical school. I hope that he will not force you anymore.”)

Respondent 2


kudu ngomong sama mama, biar nanti mama kamu yang ngomong sama papa.”

(“Eh… you must not stay in the boarding house immediately. You should talk to your father. Tell the truth that you do not like the medical school. Find the right reasons so he will understand it. But if it does not work, you must tell your mother. Let her talk to your father.”)

Respondent 3

“Kenapa? Mending kamu jelasin ke papamu kalo kamu gak srek buat kuliah di kedokteran. Buat papamu mengubah keputusannya. Yang kuliah kan kamu bukan papamu, gimana sich.”

(“Why? You should explain it to your father that you are not interested in medical school. Make your father change his decision. The one who will study is you, not your father.”)

Respondent 4

“Jangan gitu, emangnya nge -kost enak! Kamu ngomong baek-baek lagi ama papamu. Bilang aja kamu ngga minat di kedokteran daripada nanti gak niat kuliah Cuma habisin duit.”

(“Do not be like that. Do you think staying in a boarding house is good? You should discuss it carefully with your father. Tell that you are not interested in medicine so you do not intend to study. It is only wasting money.”)

Respondent 5

“Kamu jangan gitu tho. Aku aja pengen masuk kedokteran juga, eman -eman lho.”

(“Do not be like that. Actually , I also want to enroll a medical school. It seems a pity to waste this opportunity.”)

Respondent 6

“Jangan, masalah itu pasti ada jalan keluarnya. Kamu berdoa dulu dan berusaha membicarakan baik-baik dengan keluargamu.”


Respondent 7

“Jangan begitu dong. Lebih baik diomongin dulu dengan keluargamu. Aku berdoa semoga semua bisa lancar sesuai keinginanmu.”

(“Do not be silly . It is better to discuss it first with your family. I hope that everything will run smoothly as your willingness.”)

Respondent 8

“Wajar orang tua punya tuntutan ke anak, apalagi juga buat masa depan anaknya sendiri, tinggal bagaimana kita membicarakan kemauan kita ke orang tua dan membuat mereka mengerti batas kemampuan kita. Kalo kita emosi dan keluar dari rumah malah kita dan orang tua jadi semakin tegang.”

(“It is natural if parents have a demand to their children whereas it is also for their children’s future. It depends on how we talk about our willingness to our parents and make them understand the limit of our ability. If we are emotional and we get out from our home, it will make our relationship with them worse.”)

Respondent 9

“Orang tua selalu menginginkan yang terbaik untuk anaknya. Tidak usah keluar dari rumah dan cari tempat kost. Lebih baik sharing dengan keluarga, itu lebih baik!!!”

(“Parents always want the best thing for their children. You do not have to get out from your house and find a boarding house. You should share this problem with your family. It is better to do that!!!”)

Respondent 10

“Orang tua pasti memaksakan sesuatu karena ingin yang terbaik. Kalau terjadi ketidakcocokan pendapat, lebih baik didiskusikan baek-baek daripada memberontak dengan cara keluar dari rumah. Cara seperti itu kekanak-kanakan dan tidak menyelesaikan masalah.”


should not rebel against your family by moving from the house. It is childish and it will not solve the problem.”)

Respondent 11

“Jangan gitu ta. Gimanapun dia itu orang tuamu. Kamu harus menghormatinya. Mending kamu turutin omongan orang tuamu. Soalnya orang tuamu pasti tahu yang terbaik untukmu.”

(“Do not be silly. He is your parent anyway. You must respect him. It is better for you to obey your parents’ words because they must know the best for you.”)

Respondent 12

“Kenapa kamu ga’ coba ngomong aja baik -baik dan pindah jurusan. Keluar rumah kan bukan penyelesaiannya.”

(“Why do you not try to talk it carefully and join another course? Moving from the house is not the solution.”)

Respondent 13

“Jangan buru -buru untuk mengambil keputusan. Bicarakan dulu dan beri pengertian sama papamu kalo kamu ga’ cocok kuliah kedokteran.”

(“Do not be in a hurry to take a decision. Discuss it first and give understanding to your father that you are not interested in medical school.”)

Respondent 14

“Hmm…memang kamu mau bayar sendiri uang kost -nya? Kan ngga murah X. Saranku, kamu jelaskan sama ayahmu kalau kamu nggak suka bidang kedokteran. Yang nanti kuliah kan kamu lho bukan papa kamu. Lucu juga ya?”


Respondent 15

“Kamu udah ngejelasin kalo kamu bener -bener ga’ minat ma kedokteran? Kalo emang papamu masih ngotot juga turutin aja daripada keluar dari rumah dan kuliahmu jadi berantakan kan malah tambah berabe. Toh kedokteran juga oke dan punya prospek masa depan/kerja yang cerah!” (“Have you explained that you are really not interested in medicine? If your father still insists you, you should obey him, you should not move from the house. Your study will become a mess. It will be more miserable. After all, medicine is also okay and it has a good prospect for the future.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Kalau gitu kamu harus berusaha mengejar dosen terus, kejar terus sampai ACC.”

(“If it is like that, you have to chase your lecturer continually. Chase him/her continually until he/she approves your proposal.”)

Respondent 2

“Gini lho man…Kamu ga’ usah stress dulu. Revise aja bagian yang masih salah. Abes itu telpon dosennya en bikin janji buat konsultasi secepatnya. Kamu juga perlu ngomong ma dosenmu tentang rencana kamu untuk lulus taon ini, biar dia juga tau, en nggak lama-lamain skripsimu.”

(“Well man, you must not get stressed first. Just revise the wrong parts. Then come to the lecturer and make an appointment to have a consultation as soon as possible. You also need to talk to your lecturer about your plan to graduate this year. Let him/her know it and not drag out your thesis.”) Respondent 3


(“Try it again. Be patient, it remains one more step. Tomorrow, make your proposal better than before. You said that it is already 6 years, right? Do you want to make it longer? Are you not embarrassed with your age? He…3x”)

Respondent 4

“Mungkin kamu kurang konsen ma skripsi kamu. Kamu seharusnya lebih disiplin berkonsultasi dengan dosen.”

(“Maybe you concentrate to your thesis less. You should be more discipline to consult with your lecturer.”)

Respondent 5

“Kamu segera mengurusnya saja.” (“You should arrange it soon.”) Respondent 6

“Jangan patah semangat dulu. Kerjakan lagi dengan sepenuh hati dan berdoa, pasti bisa.”

(“Do not give up. Do it again with all your heart and you have to pray. It will work.”)

Respondent 7

“Pokoknya jangan menyerah ya. Kamu harus terus berjuang.” (“Basically, do not give up, OK. You must always keep fighting.”) Respondent 8

“Mungkin kamu belum s erius bimbingan, bicara sama dosen pembimbingmu dan coba minta pendapat gimana akhir dari proposalmu, sapa tahu dosenmu tergerak hatinya.”

(“Perhaps you are not se rious to have a consultation. Talk to your sponsor and try to ask his/her opinion about the ending of your proposal. Who knows he/she is willing to do that.”)

Respondent 9


(“It is better to meet your sponsor and ask if your thesis have been approved or not. Tell also that your examination will be held in the following week.”)

Respondent 10

“Kamu harus terus berusaha, kalau kita berusaha pasti ada jalan keluarnya. Kalau memang harus mengulang 1 tahun lagi mungkin itu jalan yang terbaik untuk kita.”

(“You have to keep trying. If we always make an effort, there must be a solution. If we have to repeat one more year perhaps it is the best way for us.”)

Respondent 11

“Jangan menyerah ya. Kamu harus semangat. Kasihan ora ng tuamu sudah membiayamu. Aku dukung kamu deh.”)

(“Do not give up. You must keep fighting. Take pity on your parents who finance you. I support you, OK.”)

Respondent 12

“Kamu ngebut aja. Pasti bisa, semangat aja deh.”

(“You must speed up in doing your proposal. You can do it. Keep fighting.”)

Respondent 13

“Never give up!! Usahakan dulu sebaik-baiknya, konsultasikan dengan dosen pembimbingmu, okey!”

(“Never give up!! Try it well first. Consult it to your sponsor, OK!”) Respondent 14

“Oi! Semangat donk, ka mu nunda-nunda terus ya? Nggak usah perfect-perfect, buat saja dulu sebisa kamu. Terus berjuang, don’t worry deh pokoknya.”


Respondent 15

“Semua tuh butuh yang namanya kesabaran dan ketelitian. Mungkin kamu kurang teliti bikinnya. Jangan nyerah dan terus berusaha. Pasti proposal skripsimu bisa segera di-ACC.”

(“Everything needs patience and carefulness. Perhaps you are careless in doing it. Do not give up and always keep fighting. Your thesis proposal will definitely be approved soon.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Lebih baik kamu bicarakan soal masalah ini pada dekan kita, karena kalau kamu bersungguh-sungguh dalam kuliah pasti Beliau akan maklum atau bahkan Beliau bisa mencarikan orang tua asuh.”

(“It is better for you to talk this problem to our Dean because if you are serious in studying he/she will understand it. Even he/she can find foster parents for you.”)

Respondent 2

“Pokoknya kamu ga’ boleh balik ke Jogja, ini kan mo final test. Gini aja, kamu nyari pinjaman sama temen-temen kamu se-gank. Siapa tahu mereka bisa bantuin kamu. Yang paling penting, kamu harus cerita tentang masalahmu sama mereka, biar mereka bisa ngerti.”

(“Basically you should not come back to Jogja because there will be a final test. Well, you can get a loan from your best friends. Who knows maybe they can help you. The most important thing is that you must tell them all your problems so they can understand it.”)

Respondent 3


(“What...it is so terrible. Emh, try to find a loan from your friends or relatives. You can return it by installment. You can find a part time job, right?”)

Respondent 4

“Kamu bisa cari kerjaan, abis kuliah kamu bisa kerja paling ngga’ ngurangin beban bapakmu. Sabar ya! Gimana kalo kita coba cari lowongan dulu di koran ?”

(“You can find a job. After studying you can work. At least, it will reduce your father’s burden. Be patient, OK. How about finding a job vacancy in newspaper first?”)

Respondent 5

“Memangnya kamu butuh berapa, misalnya aja aku bisa bantu?” (“How much do you need? Mayb e I can help you.”)

Respondent 6

“Coba kamu bertanya pada Andi, siapa tau dia ada kelebihan uang untuk membantumu.”

(“Try to ask Andi maybe he/she has money to help you.”) Respondent 7

“Ya udah nyante aja. Nih tak pinjemin dulu.”

(“Just be relaxed. I wil l borrow you some money first.”) Respondent 8

“Coba pinjem uang ke saudara terdekatmu. Jangan sampai semester ini gagal. Kalaupun bapakmu ga mampu mungkin semester depan bisa cuti dulu/ cari kerja jadi kamu ga usah drop-out.”

(“Try to borrow money from your close relatives. You must not fail this semester. Although your father can not finance you, maybe you can take leave on next semester or find a job. So you do not have to drop out.”) Respondent 9


(“You shoul d come back to Jogja and share your problem with your family. Try to find the best solution.”)

Respondent 10

“Lakukanlah yang kamu anggap benar. Mungkin dengan kamu pulang ke Jogja dapat meringankan beban orang tuamu.”

(“Do everything that you think is the right one. Maybe your return to Jogja can lessen your parents’ burden.”)

Respondent 11

“Aku pengen banget bantu kamu. Aku punya sedikit uang mungkin kamu bisa pinjam. Kamu yang sabar ya. Atau kamu coba cari tambahan uang dengan ngelesi.”

(“I really want to help you. I have a little money . Perhaps you can borrow it. You must be patient, OK. Or you can find some extra money by giving private course.”)

Respondent 12

“Sebentar sepertinya aku masih ada sisa uang. Mungkin bisa kas ih pinjeman atau kamu cari tambahan pinjaman dari teman.”

(“I think I still have a little money. Maybe I can give you a loan or you can find extra loan from your friends.”)

Respondent 13

“Mungkin kamu bisa cari solusi laen yang bisa membantu menyelesaikan masalahmu itu! Kamu bisa cari duit sendiri dengan ngasi les privat ke anak-anak SD/SMP/SMU.”

(“Perhaps you can find another solution that can help you to solve this problem. You can get your own money by giving private courses to elementary/junior/ senior high school students.”)

Respondent 14


(“Yaaah…do you just want to give up? Do you want to find a part time job? We can help the shortage. Your friends here also can help too, right! He..he..he”)

Respondent 15

“Ya udah kamu turutin dulu aja permintaan bapakmu. Sapa tau setelah kamu pulang nanti dan curhat tentang final test akhir bulan ini kamu dan bapakmu bisa dapetin jalan keluarnya yang terbaik. Pasti bapakmu juga bisa ngerti dan berusaha semax mungkin demi masa depan anaknya.” (“You should accept your father’s request first. Wh o knows after your return and your sharing about your final test at the end of this month, you and your father can find the best solution. You father can absolutely understand and try as maximum as he can for his children’s future.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Ah belum tentu juga, asal kamu dan pacarmu nantinya bisa saling pengertian satu sama lain pasti bisa berjalan lancar.”

(“Ah, it is not certain. As long as you and your boyfriend/girlfriend can understand each other, this relationship will run smoothly.”)

Respondent 2

“Kalo dipikir-pikir bener juga kata ibu kamu. Lebih baik kamu nyari yang se-iman sama kamu. Tapi kalo kamu emang udah terlanjur cinte ma dia, kamu harus bisa yakinin ortumu. Kan masalahnya cuma tentang beda agama…bilang kalo kalian sama -sama saling cinte.”


Respondent 3

“B eda agama masih aja jadi masalah! Kamu dah coba jelasin ke ibu kamu kalo itu gak 100% bener. Kasih beberapa contoh positif yang memberatkan pendapatmu.”

(“Having different religion still becomes a problem! Have you explained it to your mother if it is not 100% correct? Give some positive examples that support your opinion.”)

Respondent 4

“Mungkin ibumu benar. Tapi hal itu tidak akan menjadi masalah selama kalian saling mengerti. Selain itu kamu juga harus siap dalam menjalaninya! Beri ibumu pengertian kalo kamu sudah siap menjalani hubungan itu.”

(“Maybe your mother is right. Yet that matter will not be a problem as long as both of you understand each other. Besides, you also have to be ready in doing it. Give your mother understanding that you are ready to do that relationship.”)

Respondent 5

“Yang penting kamu jalanin aja.” (“The important thing is just to do it.”) Respondent 6

“Aku setuju dengan pendapat ibumu, sebaiknya kamu pikirkan kembali keinginanmu.”

(“I agree with your mother’s opinion. You should reconsider your desire.”) Respondent 7


Respondent 8

“Bicarakan aja sama pacarmu langsung. Kalo kalian bener -bener serius pastinya ada komitmen buat bagaimana hubungan kalian nanti termasuk masalah agama.”

(“Discuss i t with your boyfriend/girlfriend directly. If both of you are really serious, there must be a commitment for your relationship including for the religion problem.”)

Respondent 9

“Memang benar beda agama menimbulkan masalah. Orang tua kan selalu berfikir untuk kebaikan anaknya apalagi seorang ibu. Kalo agamanya sama kan lebih enak.”

(“It is true that having different religion will cause some problems. Parents, especially mothers, always think for their children’s goodness . If both of you have the same religion, it will be more comfortable.”)

Respondent 10

“Kamu harus menghargai pendapat ibumu karena itu untuk kebaikan juga. Tapi yang menjalani hubungan ini tetep kamu. Tergantung perasaanmu sendiri, apa kamu sudah siap menghadapi resiko pacaran beda agama atau tidak.”

(“You have to respect your mother’s opinion because it also for your own goodness. However, the person who experiences this relationship is you. It depends on your own feeling. Are you ready to face the risk to have different religion in one relationship or not?”)

Respondent 11

“Memang kalau beda agama pasti susah ketemunya. Tapi kalau kalian bisa saling mendukung dan tidak memaksakan satu dengan lainnya, mungkin bisa dilanjutkan.”


Respondent 12

“Sebenarnya banyaknya masalah yang timbul bukan hanya karna agama. Tapi karna agama itu prisip hidup dan hal yang sensitif, mungkin pilihannya salah satu dari kalian harus pindah agama atau putus.”

(“Actually, a lot of troubles happened not only because of the religion. Since religion is the life principle and it is sensitive maybe the solution should be one of you has to change the religion or break off the relationship.”)

Respondent 13

“Kamu bicarakan dulu baik -baik sama ibu dan pacarmu tentang situasi ini, dan jangan lupa berdoa pada Tuhan agar bisa mendapatkan jalan keluar terbaik buat semua orang.”

(“Y ou should discuss it as well as possible to your mother and your boyfriend/girlfriend about this situation first. Do not forget to pray to God so you can get the best solution for everyone.”)

Respondent 14

“Hmm…Ada benernya juga ibu kamu. Memangnya kamu mau nanti diajak pindah kepercayaan ama pacar kamu? Itu kan masalah pilihan hidup. Coba deh, kamu doa tanya sama Tuhan, boleh nggak kamu pacaran sama dia?”

(“Hmm…your mother is right. Do you agree if your boyfriend/girlfriend ask you to change your religion later? That is the problem of life choice. Try to pray and ask to God, are you allowed to have a relationship with him/her or not?”)

Respondent 15

“Kalo menurut aku lebih baik turutin aja kata ibu kamu. Kamu inget kan bahwa ridlo Tuhan juga ridlo ortu khususnya seorang ibu. Rasa cintamu pada pacarmu pasti bisa dipupus dikit demi sedikit, pa mao aku bantuin cari penggantinya?”)


Your love can be ommitted continually. Do you want me to help you find another one?”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Lebih baik kamu bicarakan baik -baik sama pacar kamu, kamu pastikan bahwa kamu sangat mencintainya dan jika dia emang bener-bener sayang dan cinta ama kamu dia pasti akan terima kamu dan sahabatmu.”

(“You should talk it carefully to your boyfriend/girlfriend. Tell him/her that you really love him/her so much. If he/she really loves you too, he/she will understand you and your bestfriend.”)

Respondent 2

“Kayaknya pacar kamu cemburu deh, liat kamu deket-deket ma sahabat kamu…Mungkin kamu lebih dekat sama sahabatmu daripada ma dia dech. Mending kamu jaga jarak dgn sobatmu dech, kan kasian pacar kamu, klo liat kamu me sobatmu dua-duaan teruz.”

(“Perhaps your boyfriend/girlfriend is jealous to see you are close to your bestfriend. Maybe you are closer to your bestfriend rather than to him/her. You should keep a distance with your bestfriend because it is so pity for your boyfriend/girlfriend to see you and your bestfriend always together.”) Respondent 3


Respondent 4

“Kalo ngga ngerti -ngerti kamu harus sabar kasih pengertian ke dia. Bilang aja kamu ga bakal bisa milih antara pacar/sahabatmu. Bilang juga kamu sayang ma mereka berdua.”

(“If he/she can not understand, you must be patient to give understanding to him/her. Tell him/her that you will not be able to choose between him/her and your bestfriend. Tell also that you love them both.”)

Respondent 5

“Ya kamu harus nerangin ke dia tentang perbedaan kasih sayang antara sahabat dengan pacar.”

(“You should tell him/her the difference between affection to a boyfriend/girlfriend and to a bestfriend.”)

Respondent 6

“Coba bicaralah baik -baik dan beri pengertian padanya. Pasti dia mau mengerti keadaanmu. Bagaimanapun keadaannya, teman itu pasti lebih berharga. Pacaran dapat putus tetapi persahabatan sejati akan kekal.” (“Try to talk as well as possible to him/her. Give some understanding to him/her. He/she will understand it definitely. Whatever the situation is, a friend is more worthy. Relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend can be break off but a real friendship will be everlasting.”)

Respondent 7

“Gimana kalo kamu kasih pengertian dulu ke pacarmu. Trus kamu kenalin sahabatmu itu biar mereka akrab, pasti pacarmu lama-lama bisa ngerti juga.”

(“How about giving understanding to your boyfriend/girlfriend first? You can introduce your bestfriend to him/her next. Later your boyfriend/girlfriend can absolutely understand it.”)

Respondent 8


dan temanmu memang terlalu or lebih deket ya jangan sampai jadi temen tapi mesra.”

(“If I were you , maybe I would think it again. It is uncomfortable to have a boyfriend/girlfriend who always controls you. However, if your relationship with your bestfriend is too close, do not be intimate friends.”) Respondent 9

“Memang untuk saling pengertian itu sulit, lebih baik jelasin sama pacar kamu kalo dia hanya sahabat kamu ndak lebih.”

(“It is hard to understand each other. You had better explain it to your boyfriend/girlfriend if this boy/girl is only your bestfriend and not more.”) Respondent 10

“Pacaran vs sahabatan masalah yang umum dihadapi seseorang. Kamu harus bisa menegaskan batas antara pacar dan sahabat kamu.”

(“Dating vs having friendship is a common problem for everyone. You must be able to assert the limitation between boyfriend/girlfriend and bestfriend.”)

Respondent 11

“Kamu kasih pengertian ke pacarmu. Gimanapun temen lebih penting. Yah, mungkin kamu perlu kasih sedikit perhatian ke pacarmu biar dia tidak cemburu.”

(“You should give understanding to your b oyfriend/girlfriend. However, a friend is more important. Ya, maybe you have to give little attention to him/her so thst he/she will not be jealous.”)

Respondent 12

“Kamu bilang aja, sebelum ada pacarmu kan kam u udah kenal sahabatmu dan dia lebih ngerti kamu, di mana kalian biasa berdua. Selagi kamu masih bisa jaga hubungan dengan pacarmu baik-baik. It’ s OK!”


Respondent 13

“Kamu beri pengertian baik -baik sama pacarmu, beri penjelasan ke dia kalo kamu deket cuma sebatas temen/sahabat aja.”

(“You should give understanding to your boyfriend/girlfriend carefully. Explain to him/her that this boy/girl is only your bestfriend.”)

Respondent 14

“Ah? Dia kan cuma cemburu. Mungkin kamu lebih berat ke sahabatmu. Ya maklum sih… b agi waktu saja, kalo pacar kamu possessive banget nggak lha yaw….”

(“Ah? He is only jealous. Maybe you are closer yo your bestfriend. Ya, it is natural. Share your time. If your boyfriend/girlfriend is so possessive, No way…”)

Respondent 15

“Kamu udah coba ngomong ma pacarmu kalo kamu dan sahabatmu udah deket dari kecil? Truz juga bilang kalo kamu janji akan lebih adil dalam membagi waktu baik tu dengan pacarmu ato sahabatmu. Pasti lama-lama dia bisa ngerti kok. Percaya deh.”

(“Have you tried to tell to you r boyfriend/girlfriend that you and your bestfriend have known each other for a long time? Then have you told him/her that you promise to be fairer in sharing your time for him/her and your bestfriend? Later he/she will understand it. Believe me.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1


(“You must be distinct. You must refuse it because this will not help him/her but drop him/her. Our friend will understand nothing. He/she will just entrust his/her life on you. If he/she insists, you must tell it to your lecturer. Let this lecturer talk to your friend.”)

Respondent 2

“Ga’ sopan banget seeh dia…Kapan dia bisa mandiri, kalo mesti kayak gitu. Niat kuliah gak seeh?? Kayaknya kamu harus ngomong dech sama dia. Biar nggak keterlaluan gitu ama temen, OK!!”

(“He/she is so impolite. When can he/she be independent if he/she always does like this? Does he/she want to study? You should talk to him/her so he/she will not go too far to his/her friend.”)

Respondent 3

“Gila…tuch! Males b anget lagi. Hari gini masih ada aja yang ngikut. Ngomong aja ke dia langsung. Bilang juga kamu gak bakalan bikinin tugas dia lagi coz itu gak baik buat dirinya juga.”

(“It is so crazy. It is so miserable. There is still a dependable person in this modern day. Talk to him/her directly. Tell him/her that you will not do his/her assignment anymore because it will not be good for him/her also.”) Respondent 4

“Jangan mau lagi! Enak banget dia!!”

(“D o not do it anymore!! He has gone too far.”) Respondent 5

“Ya kamu harus tegas dong sama dia. Toh lagian tugas itu buat dia.” (“You must be distinct to him/her. After all, that assignment is for him/her.”)

Respondent 6

“Coba jelaskan ke dia, tindakannya itu salah dan pasti akan merugikannya sendiri di kemudian hari.”


Respondent 7

“Kamu bilang aja kalo kamu juga sibuk punya banyak kerjaan tugas.” (“You should tell him that you are also busy an d you have so many things to do.”)

Respondent 8

“Kalo aku jadi kamu, aku ga mau buatin. Bilang aja kamu lagi sibuk, jadine cuma bisa bantu, besoknya kalo masih seperti itu ya mending jaga jarak aja, temen tuh ga memanfaatkan.”

(“If I were you, I would not make it for him/her. Tell him/her that you are busy. So you can only help. If he/she is still like that you should keep a distance to him/her. A friend is not to be abused.”)

Respondent 9

“Ngomong ke dia kalo tugas kamu juga banyak dan saranin ke dia ka lo berusaha buat sendiri dia lebih mengerti dan paham dengan materi tersebut.”

(“Tell him/her that you also have a lot of assignments. Suggest him/her to make it by himself/herself. So he/she will understand the material more.”) Respondent 10

“Itu salah ka mu kalau dia sampai bisa meminta tolong secara sewenang-wenang. Tegesin kalo kamu mau bantu dia nyelesain tugas semampu kamu, dan tolak kalo dia berlebihan minta tolong. Jangan merasa bersalah karena tugasnya bukan kewajiban kamu.”

(“That is you r fault if he/she ask your help arbitrarily. Explain that you only want help finishing his/her assignment as much as you can. Refuse it if he/she asks something too much. Do not feel guilty because his/her assignment is not your responsibility.”)

Respondent 11

“Wah k amu jangan mau to ya. Laen kali kamu bilang kalo kamu cuma mau memberi masukan.”


Respondent 12

“Kamu tegasin aja apa yang kamu rasain. Langsung aja bilang ke dia daripada kamu ga’ tenang.”

(“You have to explain about your feeling to him/her. Tell him/her directly or you will not be peaceful.”)

Respondent 13

“Kamu bersikap tegas sama dia donk! Jangan mau dimanfaatkan sama dia, dia kan mau enak-enakan aja ga mo mikir atau kamu bisa menghindar dengan cari alasan yang tepat yang ga memungkinkan dia untuk minta bantuan kamu untuk mbuatin tugasnya.”

(“You must act distinctly to him/her. Do not want to be exploited. He/she only wants to be pleasant and do not want to think. Or you can avoid him/her by finding a perfect reason which can not make him/her able to ask your help doing his/her assignment.”)

Respondent 14

“Ah? Males ah kalau aku. Orang kayak gitu tuh manipulasi kamu. Emang kamu mau dijadikan “o taknya” trus dia yang dapet nilainya? Bilang No! Darling!”

(“Ah? If I were you I would not do it. That kind of person is manipulating you. Do you want always be his/her “brain” and he/she always gets the mark? Say No, darling!”)

Respondent 15

“Kamu teges dong ngomong ama dia kalo ini tuh yang kuliah dia dan untuk masa depan sendiri juga. Slaen tu, kamu juga brani bersikap teges untuk nolak permintaan dia. Kamu kan juga punya kegiatan/pekerjaan sendiri ya ga cuma bikin tugas dia aja!”



RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Kamu harus ngajak Inno menemui Bu Sinta. Suruhlah inno kasih penjelasan tentang nilai itu sehingga Bu Sinta tahu duduk permasalahannya.”

(“You must ask Inno to meet Mrs. Sinta. Ask him to explain about that mark so Mrs. Sinta will know the real problem.”)

Respondent 2

“Jangan nyerah dulu, kamu harus ngomong en bilang masalah sebenarnya sama Bu Sinta. Bila perlu ngajak Inno sekalian biar dia ngaku kalo dia emang ngopi makalahmu. Sapa tau Bu Sinta berubah pikiran.”

(“Do not give up first. You have to tel l the real problem to Mrs. Sinta. If it is necessary, you ask Inno to meet Mrs. Sinta with you. Let him admit that he already copied your paper. Maybe Mrs. Sinta will change her mind.”) Respondent 3

“Kalo bener Bu Sinta gak mau denger penjelasanmu, ya terima aja. Buat pelajaran! Atau kalo gak kamu ngomong aja ke Inno. Bikin dia ngaku ma Bu Sinta soal ketidakadilannya.”

(“If Mrs. Sinta does not want to hear your explanation , you should accept it. Make it as a lesson! Or you can talk to Inno and make him admit to Mrs. Sinta about his unfairness.”)

Respondent 4

“Kamu jujur aja. Nanti kalo dia ga percaya aku bantuin ngomong dech. Kalo masih ga percaya terpaksa kamu harus minta pengakuan Inno. lagian kan emang dia yang bohong katanya cuma mo liat tapi malah ngopi semua.”


Besides, the one who has lied is Inno. He said that he just wanted to see your paper but he had already copied it all.”)

Respondent 5

“Tapi setidaknya kamu jelasin dulu ke dia.”

(“At least you should explain it to Mrs. Sinta first.”) Respondent 6

“Sabar dan tenang, berdoa dan jelaskan keadaan dan kejadian yang sebenarnya pasti Bu Sinta dapat mengerti.”

(“Be patient and calm down. Pray to God and explain the real situation and the incident to Mrs. Sinta. She will absolutely understand it.”)

Respondent 7

“Kamu coba dulu deh kasih penjelasan ke Bu Sinta. Aku yakin Bu Sinta pasti mau ngerti kalo kita ngomong dulu ke dia.”

(“You should try to explain it first to Mrs. Sinta. I believe that Mrs. Sinta will definitely understand it if we discuss it first with her.”)

Respondent 8

“Coba menghadap Bu Sinta dan kalo masih ga percaya coba tunjukin bukti-bukti bahwa itu hasil karyamu. Kamu bisa saja minta diuji seberapa kamu memahami makalahmu kan?”

(“Try to meet Mrs. Sinta. If she still does not believe it, try to show some proofs if that paper is yours. You can ask her to test how far you understand your paper, right?”)

Respondent 9

“Kamu tunjukkan ke Bu Sinta makalah asli kamu dan yakinkan ke Bu Sinta kalo Inno yang mengkopi makalah kamu pasti Bu Sinta akan mendengarkan penjelasanmu.”


Respondent 10

“Kamu harus menjelaskan permasalahannya pada Bu Sinta. Aku yakin beliau mau mendengarkan. Dan kalau beliau tetap tidak percaya dan berniat memberi nilai E, minta beliau mengajukan pertanyaan yang ada hubungannya dengan makalah tersebut secara detail padamu.”

(“You have to explain the problem to Mrs. Sinta. I believe that she will listen to it. If she still does not believe it and she gives you E, request her to ask to you some detailed questions that related with your paper.”) Respondent 11

“Kalo gitu kamu bilang ke Inno suruh dia ngaku sama Bu Sinta. Dia harus bertanggung jawab.”

(“If it is like that, you have to tell Inno and ask him to admit to Mrs. Sinta. He must be responsible for that.”)

Respondent 12

“Kamu temui aja Bu Sinta, bilang ke dia untuk revisi makalah. Kamu minta topic yang lain sebagai bukti bahwa kamu bisa dan kamu bukan plagiator, OK!

(“You should meet Mrs. Sinta. Tell her that you want to revise the paper. You can ask another topic as the proof that you can do it and you are not the plagiarist, OK!”)

Respondent 13

“Kamu harusnya bicarain dulu sama Bu Sinta tentang masalah yang sebenarnya. Ato kamu bisa minta tugas pengganti sama Bu Sinta. Dengan demikian bisa ketauan mana yang nyontek tugas orang lain. Setelah itu kamu harus memperingatkan Inno untuk tidak mengkopi tugas orang lain lagi.”


Respondent 14

“Hah…kamu harus jelaskan baik -baik tuch, pasti dia mau dengar. Belajar donk untuk nggak terlalu baik sama orang asing. Jahat ih tuch orang. Kamu mau aku temenin ngomong ke Bu Sinta?”

(“Hah…you have to explain it as well as possible to her. She will absolutely listen to it. You have to learn not to believe a stranger. He is so cruel. Do you want me to accompany you talking to Mrs. Sinta?”)

Respondent 15

“Kamu merasa udah bener kan dalam hal ini? Truz kenapa musti takut. Tinggal bawa aja Inno ke Bu Sinta untuk ngomong dan ngejelasin sendiri tentang isi makalahnya. Pasti dia langsung keluar keringat dingin dan ga bisa ngomong pa pa. Suatu kebenaran cepat atau lambat pasti akan terungkap kok! Yakin deh.”

(“You felt correct in this case, right? Then why do you have to be afraid? You just have to take Inno to Mrs. Sinta to tell and explain about the content of that paper himself. He will definitely be nervous and he will not be able to say anything. Truth will be revealed sooner or later. Believe it.”)



Jenis Kelamin : Angkatan :

PETUNJUK : Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan menggunakan kalimat langsung sesuai dengan opini anda terhadap tiap permasalahan

1. Masalah 1

Seorang teman sedang mempunyai masalah dengan kekasihnya.

X : “Dua hari yang lalu aku memergoki pacarku lagi jalan di mall sama orang lain padahal katanya dia di rumah waktu itu. Sampai sekarang aku belum membicarakan hal ini sama dia.”

Y :………... ……… 2. Masalah 2 Teman anda sedang punya masalah dengan teman se-kostnya.

X : “Sepertinya aku harus mencari tempat kos baru. Aku sudah tidak tahan dengan kebiasaan temen sekamarku. Anaknya jorok, lagipula dia tidak pernah mau membantu aku membersihkan kamar.” Y :………... ……… 3. Masalah 3

Teman anda sedang menceritakan masalahnya sama pacar barunya.

X : “Kamu tahu, ternyata selama ini dia sudah membohongi aku. Dia itu selingkuh sama senior kita.”

Y :………... ……… 4. Masalah 4

Teman anda sedang pusing memikirkan masalah keluarganya.

X : “Sampai saat ini papaku masih saja memaksa aku untuk kuliah kedokteran. Kalau situasinya seperti ini terus lebih baik aku keluar dari rumah dan cari tempat kost saja.”

Y :………... ……… 5. Masalah 5

Seorang teman mempunyai masalah dengan dosennya.

X : “Gila proposal skripsiku sampai sekarang belum di-ACC juga padahal ujiannya satu minggu lagi. Ada saja bagian yang salah terus. Kalau seperti ini ceritanya aku tidak bisa lulus tahun ini padahal aku kuliah hampir enam tahun juga.”

Y :………... ……… 6. Masalah 6


bapakku menelpon katanya beliau sudah tidak punya uang lagi untuk membiayai kuliahku padahal akhir bulan ini kan kita sudah final test.”

Y :………... ……… 7. Masalah 7

Seorang teman sedang mempunyai masalah dengan orangtuanya karena hubungannya sama sang pacar.

X : “Kata ibuku aku lebih baik putus sama pacarku. Kata beliau hubungan yang beda agama nantinya banyak menimbulkan masalah.”

Y :………... ……… 8. Masalah 8

Teman anda sedang dilanda permasalahan dengan pacarnya.

X : “Pacarku bilang aku harus jaga jarak deng an sahabatku. Katanya aku lebih dekat dengan sahabatku daripada sama dia. Bagaimana tidak dekat kamu kan tahu sendiri kalau dia itu sahabatku dari kecil.”

Y :………... ……… 9. Masalah 9

Seorang teman sedang mempunyai masalah dengan teman seangkatannya. X : “Dia itu kalau minta tolong tidak tanggung -tanggung. Kalau ada tugas pasti minta dibuatin kalau cuma membantu atau kasih saran aku sih mau tapi ini dia mesti minta dibuatin semuanya.”

Y :……… ………..

……… 10. Masalah 10

Teman anda sedang khawatir dengan nilai makalahnya yang sama dengan orang lain.

X : “Bu sinta pasti memberi aku nilai E. Makalahku itu sama persis sama Inno. Kamu tahu tidak waktu dia bilang mau lihat struktur makalahku ternyata dia mengkopi semuanya terus dikumpulin. Aku yakin pasti Bu Sinta tidak mau mendengarkan penjelasanku.” Y :………...





RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Wah cewek apaan tuh?Kalo aku sih putusin aja cewek kayak gitu. Soalnya dia udah nyakitin hati kamu.”

(“What kind of girl is she? If I were in your position I would just leave that girl because she has hurt you.”)

Respondent 2

“Ya kalo bisa kamu ngomong ama dia donk, sapa tau ama sepupu or temen deketnya.”

(If it is possible you can talk to him/her. Who knows he/she was walking with his/her cousin or his/her best friend.”)

Respondent 3

“Mending kamu tanya sama dia, trus liat gimana jawabannya. Kan sapa tau waktu itu dia ngga sengaja.”

(‘It is better if you ask him/her. Then you will see his/her answer. Who knows he/she did it accidentally.”)

Respondent 4

“Sebaiknya kamu cepat -cepat minta penjelasannya, baik atau buruk hasilnya nanti kamu mesti bicara and nyari jalan keluarnya.”

(“You should ask his/her explanation as soon as possible, whether it is good or bad later you have to discuss and find out the solution.”)

Respondent 5


Respondent 6

“Sebaiknya kamu menanyakannya pada pacarmu dengan baik , mungkin dia memang mempunyai sesuatu yang harus ia kerjakan saat itu, jangan emosi ya.”

(“You should ask it to your boyfriend/girlfriend carefully. Maybe he/she has something to do there at that time. Do not be emotional, OK!”)

Respondent 7

“Bicarain ama dia minta kejujuran dari dia, kalo masih bohong putusin aja kan masih banyak yang tersedia di dunia.”

(“Discuss it with him/her. Ask him/her to tell the truth. If he/she still lies to you, leave him/her. There are still a lot of boys/girls in this world.”) Respondent 8

“Ya, kamu ngomong baek -baek aja ama dia. Jangan pake emosi itu malah akan nambah masalah aja. Kamu ajak dia ke suatu tempat yang tenang, nyaman buat kamu berdua nyelesain masalah, OC!”

(“You should talk it as well as possible with him/her. Do not be emotional because it will raise the problem. Take him/her to a quiet and comfortable place to solve the problem, OK!”)

Respondent 9

“Mungkin kamu harus cari tahu ke dia kenapa dia bohong. Kamu harus belajar mau mengerti kenapa dia melakukan hal itu. Kalau dia jujur maafkanlah tapi kalau tidak yah pertimbangkan apa yang baik buat kalian.”

(“Perhaps you should find out why he/she lied to you. Learn to understand why he/she did it. If he/she is honest you have to forgive him/her. However, if he/she is not, you should consider the best decision for both of you.”)

Respondent 10

“Bicarakan hal itu dengannya dan tanyakan alasan kenapa dia melakukan hal tersebut.”


Respondent 11

“Dibicaraka n baik-baik dulu, baru ambil keputusan. Kan belum jadi istri?” (“Talk it carefully then you can make your decision. She is not your wife yet, right?”)

Respondent 12

“Kalo aku sih tak selidikin dulu siapa orang yang jalan ama pacarku dan kalo dia benar-benar selingkuh aku putusin aja dia.”

(“If I were in this position I would investigate the person who walked with my girlfriend and if she really has an affair with him, I will leave her.”) Respondent 13

“Lebih baik kamu temui dia dan bicara baik -baik biar tidak ada beban batin jangan sampai itu menjadi suatu dendam.”

(“It is better if you meet him/her and talk it as well as possible. So there will be no inner burden. Otherwise this problem will become resentment.”) Respondent 14

“Tanyain dulu siapa yang bar eng waktu itu. Jangan langsung dilabrak! Tapi kalau emang benar nyeleweng putusin aja kan masih banyak yang antri. Kalau gak kamu ikutan selingkuh aja.”

(“Ask him/her first who accompanied him/her at that time. Do not attack him/her directly. Yet if he/she really has an affair you can leave him/her. There are still many people who stand in line. Maybe you can have an affair too.”)

Respondent 15

“Ya udah putus aja kenapa orang seperti itu dipertahankan.”

(“You can leave him/her . Why do you still want such a person to be with you?”)


Respondent 1


(“If you consider that it will be the best solution.”) Respondent 2

“Benar, lebih baik kamu pindah aja. Jangan mau kalau disuruh membersihkan sendiri.”

(“Yes, it is better for you to move from the boarding house. You should refuse if he/she orders you to clean the room alone.”)

Respondent 3

“Kamu tegur dong, bilang kalau kamu gak suka sama kebiasaannya. Kalau emang gak bisa berubah baru kamu pindah.”

(“You should admonish him/her. Tell him/her that you do not like his habits. You move from the boarding house only if he/she can not change.”)

Respondent 4

“Sudah pernah bicara sama dia? Kalo belum coba bicara dulu. Kalo udah pernah ya mendingan pindah aja.”

(“Have you ever discussed it with him/her? If you never do it, try to talk it first with him/her. If you have done it, it is better for you to move from the boarding house.”)

Respondent 5

“Tegur dulu kalau memang harus pindah ya pindah aja.”

(“Adm onish him/her first. If you think that it is the best way to move from your boarding house, do it.”)

Respondent 6

“Sebaiknya kamu lansung bilang saja padanya tentang kebiasaannya itu dulu siapa tahu dia mau mengerti dan merubah kebiasaannya itu.”

(“You should tell directly to him/her about those habits first. Who knows that he/she will realize and change those habits.”)

Respondent 7


(“Have you ev er talked it with him/her? If he/she does not want to compromise you can move or find another friend in another room.”) Respondent 8

“Kebetulan aku juga punya teman kaya dia, emang sebel banget punya teman jorok kayak gitu. Caraku ngatasinnya bilangin dia agar gak jorok gitu, disadarkanlah, pokoknya. Tapi harus sabar ngatasin orang kayak dia lambat laun pasti berhasil.”

(“Coincidentally I also have a friend like him/her. It is very resentful indeed. How I solve this problem is to tell and warn him/her not to be dirty anymore. But you must be patient to overcome a person like this. Sooner or later it will work.”)

Respondent 9

“Kamu harus mengingatkan dia. Tegur terus sampai dia berubah kalau sudah kelewatan kamu pindah kamar saja.”

(“Remind him/her again and again until he/she will change. If he/she becomes worse, you should move from your room.”)

Respondent 10

“Pindah kos aja.”

(“Just move from your boarding house.”) Respondent 11

“Daripada rebut atau stress pindah aja. Kalo ada yang lebih enak kenapa ngga? Tapi mending diem aja.”

(“It is better for you moving rather than having troubles and getting stressed. If there is a better place, why do not you take it? However, you should keep silent.”)

Respondent 12

“Kalau bisa kamu tahan dan sabar dulu aja coz seka rang cari kost baru dan lebih murah kan susah.”


Respondent 13

“Kamu jangan langsung pindah dulu nanti perasaan temanmu itu kurang enak. Sebaiknya bicara baik-baik sama dia dan pindah kamar atau kost tidak jadi masalah.”

(“You should not move from your boarding house directly because it can hurt your friend. You should talk with him/her as well as possible so that it will not be a problem if you want to move from your room or your boarding house.”)

Respondent 14

“Langsung pindah aja coz masih banyak orang -orang yang baik! Lagian jangan pernah mau diinjak-injak ama orang lain.”

(“You should move from your boarding house directly . There are still many kind people. Besides, make sure that you will never be disregarded by other people.”)

Respondent 15

“Kalau aku sih kamu ngga usah repot -repot pindah kos, usir aja temanmu itu.”

(“I think you should not bother to move from your boarding house. Just let your friend goes away.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Putusin dia aja, kalo aku prinsipnya sekali dia bohong ke kita pasti dia bakal bohong terus. Itu bakalan nyakitin kita. Kita dah gak percaya lagi sama dia.”


Respondent 2

“Kamu tau darimana? Sapa tau itu cuman gosip. Kalo memang sudah terbukti ya putusin aja.”

(“How do you know? Perhaps it is just a gossip. If it has been proved you should leave him/her.”)

Respondent 3

“Apa kamu yakin kalo dia selingkuh dan bukan sekedar teman, sudah punya bukti? Kalo emang iya, tanya sama dia apa maunya.”

(“Are you sure that he/she has a love affair and this senior is not just his/her friend? Do you have a proof? If it is true, you should ask him/her what he/she wants.”)

Respondent 4

“Wah kecewa donk. Mendingan kamu ndak usah benci -benci amat, and be relax aja. Toh masih banyak yang lebih cakep dan baik dari dia kan? Tetap semangat”

(“You must be disappointed, right? You should not hate him/her very much, just be relaxed. There are still many boys/girls who are prettier and better than him/her, right? Keep fighting.”)

Respondent 5

“Ambil positifnya aja. Untung saja belum sam pai menikah.”

(“Take the positive thing from this affair. Fortunately you have not married him/her yet.”)

Respondent 6

“Kamu cari tahu dulu apakah itu benar kalau memang benar ya lebih baik tinggalkan saja kalau baru pacaran aja udah selingkuh gimana kalau udah nikah.”


Respondent 7

“Mau diapain lagi? Kamu minta jawaban dari dia mau milih kamu apa senior itu.”

(“What can you do? Ask his/her respond. Whom will he/she choose, you or that senior?”)

Respondent 8

“Sebenarnya selingkuh itu indah looh. Tergantung dari sudut pandang mana kamu ngeliat itu. Tapi bagaimanapun juga selingkuh gak diperbolehkan, nyakitin banget. Kita harus berusaha tetap setia ama pasangan kita setujuu!”

(“Actually having an affair is attractive. It depends on your point of view. Nevertheless having an affair is not acceptable because it hurts so much. We must be always faithful to our spouse, OK!”)

Respondent 9

“Yah kamu putusin aja. Cewek kayak gitu gak pantas dipertahanin.” (“You should leave him/her. That girl is not proper to be with you.”) Respondent 10

“Putusin aja trus balas dendam dengan cara gantian pacaran ama senior.” (“Leave him/her . Then you can take revenge him/her by making a special relationship with your senior too.”)

Respondent 11

“Masa? Punya bukti ngga? Kalo tidak jangan main fitnah dong. Kalo selingkuh ya sudah cari yang lain yang setia.”

(“Are you sure? Do you have a proof? If you do not, you must not slander him/her. If it is true that he/she has deceived you, you can find another person who will be faithful.”)

Respondent 12


Respondent 13

“Kamu cari tahu benar -benar kalau memang benar kenapa kamu pikir banyak kali putus aja. Tidak jadi soal kok dia sendiri yang salah.”

(“You should find out it seriously. If it is true why do you have to think it many times? Leave him/her. It is not a problem because it is his/her own mistake.”)

Respondent 14

“Putus aja dia. Jadi orang harus tegas tapi jangan lupa selidiki dulu apa kabar itu benar lagi.”

(Leave him/her. You must be a distinct person but do not forget to find out the truth of that news previously.”)

Respondent 15

“Ya udah kamu jangan pikirin dia lagi.”

(You should not think about him/her anymore.”)


RESULTS: Respondent 1

“Coba dulu ngomong baik-baik sama dia. Yakinin dia kalo kamu tuh gak tertarik di bidang kedokteran.”

(“Try to discuss it with your father first. Convince him that you are not interested in medical course.”)

Respondent 2


Respondent 3

“Bilan g aja kalau kamu punya tujuan sendiri karena kan kamu belum tentu menguasai bidang itu. Daripada nanti ga lulus-lulus dan buang uang. Lebih baik cerita sama papamu, jangan lari dari masalah. Harus dihadapi.” (“Tell your father that you have your own purpos e. Maybe you are not able to master that course. You can not graduate and you just waste the money. Do not run away from the problem. It must be faced.”)

Respondent 4

“Walah mendingan bicara dulu, kasih plus ama minus atas pilihanmu itu dan beri penjelasan yang jelas. Kalo kamu pergi berarti kamu masih belum bisa ngendaliin dirimu sendiri dan you are just a coward-running away.” (You should discuss it first, give the plus and minus of your choice and clear explanation. If you go out from your home it means that you can not control yourself and you are just a coward.”)

Respondent 5

“Jangan begitu lebih baik bicarakan lagi kalau memang benar -benar tidak bisa ya nurut aja kalau papamu liat kamu memang benar-benar tidak bisa pasti papamu akan ngerti kok.”

(“Do not be like that. You should discuss it again. If it can not happen, you should obey your father. If your father sees that you are not able to do it, he will understand, OK.”)

Respondent 6

“Sebaiknya kamu menjelaskan baik -baik pada papamu alasanmu untuk tidak mau kuliah kedokteran kalau kamu menjelaskannya baik-baik, mungkin dia mau mengerti, bagaimanapun oatu selalu berharap yang terbaik buat anaknya.”


Respondent 7

“Kamu coba bicara ama papamu, apa dia mau mencoba mengerti, kalo ga mau, dicoba terus, bagaimanapunjuga kan dia papamu.”

(“You should try to discuss it with your father. Does he want to understand? If he does not want to, you should try it continually. Whatever he is, he is still your father.”)

Respondent 8

“Plizz deeh hari gini masih dipaksa ma ortu bwt nentuin jurusan? Ngga banget deh ya walaupun mereka ortu kita mereka tetap ga berhak maksa kita kayak gitu! Kita dah dewasa dan berhak untuk nentuin masa depan kita sendiri.”

(“In this modern day, you are still forced by your parents to choose the course. It is impossible though they are our parents they do not have the right to force us like that! We are adults and have the right to determine our own future.”)

Respondent 9

“Kamu harus sabar, buat papamu mengerti tentang keinginanmu tapi jangan lari dari masalah.”

(“You must be patient. Make your father understand your desire but do not run away from the problem.”)

Respondent 10

“Dipikir matang dulu, hidup mandiri (lepas dari ortu) susah karena cari uang itu susah. Lagian kan bisa dibicarakan baik-baik sama papa.”

(“Think it over and over. Live independently (apart from your parents) is difficult because it is hard to get money. Besides, you can discuss it carefully with your father.”)

Respondent 11

“Selama kamu masih mampu kenapa ngga? Belum dicoba jangan menyerah. Kalo keluar rumah mau jadi pasien ya.”


Respondent 12

“Jangan keluar ntar kamu mau hidup ma sapa?Nanti terlantar lho!!

(“Do not leave your home. Whom will you live with? You will be in a big problem.”)

Respondent 13

“Kamu jangan langsung ambil tindakan seperti itu terhadap keluargamu, kamu bicara baik-baik sama papamu dan nasibmu bukan di tangan bapamu pilih sesuai kemampuan anda.”

(“You should not act directly to your family like that. You should talk it as well as possible to your father. Your destiny is not on your father’s hand. Choose which is suitable with your ability.”)

Respondent 14

“Sekali lagi jadi orang harus punya prinsip yakin pada diri sendiri dan jangan pernah percaya 100% ma semua orang termasuk keluarga coz mereka tu juga sama manusia yang pemikirannya mudah berubah! Jalanilah apa yang membuat kamu senang.”

(“Once more , you must be a person who has a principle. Believe in yourself and never believe in everyone including in your family 100%. They are also human beings who easily change their mind! Do anything that can make you happy.”)

Respondent 15

“Jangan nanti kalau kamu kost yang mau merawat kamu sapa. Udahlah mendingan nurut aja sama papamu.”

(“Do not do it. If you live in the boarding house who will take care of you? Never mind, It is better for you to obey your father.”)


Respondent 1


(“Try to calm down first. Find out the mistakes then you should make it again.”)

Respondent 2

“Jangan menyerah dong, coba terus sapa tau dosennya pengen ngetes kamu, ngetes kegigihan kamu.”

(“Do not give up. Keep trying. Perhaps the lecturer wants to test your perseverance.”)

Respondent 3

“Tenang dan jangan panik. Sekarang kamu temui lagi dosenmu, Tanya gimana yang sebenarnya dan minta diajari.”

(“Calm down and do not be panic. You should meet your lecturer now. Ask him/her the correct one and request him/her to teach you.”)

Respondent 4

“Jangan nyalahin siapa -siapa dulu! Check dirimu sendiri dulu. Apa kamu udah berusaha keras? And nunjukin niat untuk lulus? Rubah pola hidupmu sebentar saja! Capek sekarang, enak besoknya kan?”

(“Do not blame anyone first! Check yourself. Have you tried hard? Do you show your willingness to graduate? Change your lifestyle for a while. Make every effort now for the next pleasant.”)

Respondent 5

“Hebat ka mu sudah mau 6 tahun belum lulus tapi ndak nyerah banyak orang yang nyerah lho. Teruskan perjuanganmu kalo ndak bisa tahun ini kamu lulus, tahun depan pasti bisa lulus.”

(“You are great. You have studied for almost 6 years but you never give up. Many people surrender. Keep on struggling. If you can not graduate this year, you can do it next year.”)

Respondent 6


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