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Teaching writing to intermediate and/ or advanced students through reading comprehension passages - Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya Repository


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In this chapter, the writer would like to present

the summary and conclusion of the study she has made.

Along with the summary and conclusion, she also present

some suggestions in line with the study she has made.

5.1. Summary

The summary of the whole thesis would be as

follows :

a. There is a gap between the real condition that the

students need to be able to write English compositions

well since English writing is very important and the

fact that students still meet many difficulties to

write well because of the lack of interest, the lack

of knowledge and ideas, the difficulties in organizing

the ideas to arrange statements into a whole


b. To solve the problem above and based on several

experts' theories about integrating reading and

writing, there is a relationship between reading and

writing so that writing skill can be developed through

reading activity.

c. The advantages of reading for writing activities

are : (1) Reading helps students get ideas to write,


(2) Reading helps students enlarge their vocabulary

needed to write a composition, (3) Reading can help

students eliminate their errors of grammar in writing,

(4) Reading helps students organize ideas coherently

and cohesively.

d. There are some types of writing activities

integrating with reading to help the students in

gaining ide as from the reading comprehension ( 1 )

Question and Answer, (2) Creating coherent texts out

of the given scramb 1 ed sentences by using sentence

linking and sequencing, (3) Completing a text

containing randomly introduced blanks by using their

knowledge of sentence patterns, vocabulary, and

1 inking devices, ( 4) Combining sentences to form an

acceptable sequence by using the linking devices, (5)

Fi 11 i ng out the introductory or concluding sentence or

paragraph of a reading passage, (6) Constructing a new

text based on an original text from the clues given,

(7) Producing sentences drawn from information given

in a text as answers to comprehension questions, (8)

Summary writing, (9) Short story report.

5.2. Suggestions

It is suggested that, (1) this technique can be used

to the students of intermediate or advance 1 eve 1 s of


r~search done to prove its significance (effectiveness),

the thesis remains speculative and hypothetical. So, a

field research to prove its effectiveness/ significance

is a necessity, (3) the technique suggested in this study

should not be used at every writing course in one

semester. The teacher should _be observe and evaluate the

students' ability in composing writing tasks ; in case,

they could create their own ideas and do not need any



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