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Chapter 03 The Chemistry of Global Warming


Academic year: 2019

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The Chemistry of Global


Chapter 3 Chemistry in Context


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Global Climate Change


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the accelerated warming of earth's atmosphere that is believed to result from a buildup of one or more greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide,

methane, and nitrous oxide) due to human



the increase in average global temperatures

the scientific evidences


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is the increase of the Earth’s average

surface temperature due to a build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


is a broader term that refers to long-term


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Effects of Global Warming

Increased Temperature

Habitat Damage and

Species Affected


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Earth’s Energy Balance



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Sun’s Energy which Reaches Earth

• Ultraviolet (UV); 8 %

• Visible (vis); 39 %


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Greenhouse Effect; Return of ~81 % of

Re-radiated Energy Back Towards Earth


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Molecular Vibrations: Energy


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Major Greenhouse Gases:

Carbon Dioxide & Water

CO2 absorption spectrum : strong peaks at 15 um and 4.26 µm (both of which are in the thermal IR but radiation from earth not very strong in 4-5 µm region)


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Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

Increases the average global temperature above the optimal amount due to an energy return greater than


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Greenhouse Gases

• Carbon dioxide; CO2

• Water; H2O

• CFC’s

• Nitrous Oxide; N2O

• Methane; CH4

NOT Greenhouse Gases

• Nitrogen; N2

• Oxygen; O2

• Argon; Ar



Draw Lewis Structures for:

O2 CH4

Review: How to draw Lewis structures

2. Use a pair of electrons to form a bond

between each pair of bonded atoms

3. Arrange the remaining electrons to

satisfy octet rule (duet rule for H)

4. Assign formal charges

Formal charge = # of v.e. – [# of non-bonding e- + ½ bonding e-]

or, F.C. = # of v.e. – [# of bonds to the atom + # non-bonding e-]

Remember: Resonance, relative lengths and bond order!


Representations of methane

3.3 Lewis structures

show connectivity

This Lewis structure is drawn in 3-D

Space-filling Charge- density

CH4 = molecular formula; does not express connectivity



3-D shape

of a molecule affects ability to

absorb IR radiation.


Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory


3.3 Four electron pairs as far from each other as

possible indicates a tetrahedral arrangement.

A tetrahedral shaped molecule has

bond angles of 109.5o.

Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory


3.3 The legs and

shaft of a music stand

are like the bonds of a tetrahedral




The central atom (O) in H2O also has four electron pairs around it,

but unlike methane, two electron pairs are bonding and two are non-bonding.

The electron pairs are tetrahedral arranged, but

the shape is described only in terms of the atoms

present: water is said to be bent shaped.

The non-bonding electron pairs

take up more space than

bonding pairs, so the H-to-O-to-H bond angle is


We can use the VSEPR model to allow us to predict the shape of other molecules.

Number of electron pairs

around central atom Shape of molecule Bond angle

4 electron pairs, all bonding:

CH4, CF4, CF3Cl, CF2Cl2 tetrahedral 109.5 o

4 electron pairs, three

bonding, one non-bonding:

NH3, PCl3 Triangular pyramid about 107 o

4 electron pairs, two

bonding, two non-bonding:

H2O, H2S bent about 105


Other predictions can be made based on



Now look at the central atom of CO2:

Two groups of four electrons each are associated with the central atom.

The two groups of electrons will be 180o


Molecular vibrations in CO2. Each spring represents a C=O bond.

(a) = no net change in dipole - no IR absorption.

(b, c, d) = see a net change in dipole (charge distribution), so these account for IR absorption



The infrared spectrum for CO2

As IR radiation is absorbed, the

amount of radiation that

makes it through the



The infrared spectrum for CO2

Wavenumber (cm-1) = 10,000




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Athmospheric CO2 concentration

Over very long periods of time; CO2 concentration has increased when average global temperature has increased.


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There are



in Carbon



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Over very long


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The carbon cycle


A mole of atoms of any element has a

mass (in grams) equal to the atomic

mass of the element in amu.

Mole: SI definition: the number

equal to the number of carbon atoms

in exactly 12 g of pure C-12.

Avogadro’s number is

6.022 x 1023

Atomic number


The carbon cycle


6.022 x 1023

Atomic number

Mass number One mole of carbon has a

mass of 12.01 grams;

1 mol C = 12.01 g

If you have 36.03 g of carbon, how many moles is that?


moles molecules grams usemolar



Avogadro’s number

Keep these relationships in mind:


Remember – the critical link between moles


Chemistry behind

Global Warming

Calculate the number of molecules in 4.53 moles of carbon dioxide.

Caffeine has the formula C8H10N4O2. How many


Chemistry behind

Global Warming

Avogadro's number is 6.0 x 1023. If we have a sample

that contains one mole of carbon dioxide, how many atoms of oxygen are contained in that sample?


Deforestation contributes another 1-2 bmt/year



Amplification of Greenhouse Effect:

Global Warming:

What we know

1. CO2 contributes to an elevated global temperature.

2. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing over the past century.

3. The increase of atmospheric CO2 is a consequence of human activity.

4. Average global temperature has increased over the past century.


What might be true:

1. CO2 and other gases generated by human activity are responsible for the temperature increase.

2. The average global temperature will

continue to rise as emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases increase.


82% of ice field has been lost since 1912

The snows of Kilimanjaro


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (



Recognizing the problem of potential global climate change, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. It is open to all members of the UN and



Kyoto Protocol -

1997 Conference

•Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) certified the scientific basis of the

greenhouse effect.

•Kyoto Protocol established goals to stabilize and reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases.

•Emission targets set to reduce emissions of six greenhouse gases from 1990 levels.

(CO2, CH4, NO, HFC’s, PFC’s, and SF6)

•Trading of emission credits allowed.


The Kyoto Protocol, an international and legally binding agreement to

reduce greenhouse gases emissions world wide, entered into force on 16

February 2005.

Notable country who has not signed



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