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Academic year: 2018



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NIM. F1022141037








Rianda Rita Ayu, Sofian, Eusabinus Bunau

English Language Education Study Program of Languages and Arts Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Tanjungpura University Pontianak Email: Rianda750@gmail.com


The paper discusses the effectiveness of using Pictionary game to increase students’ English vocabulary at the seventh grade students of SMP Kemala Bhayangkari Pontianak. The aim of this research was to know whether teaching vocabulary by using pictionary game was effective to the seventh grade students’ .The research method was pre- experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The sample was the seventh grade students that consisted of 22 students. The data was collected using measurement technique. The result of this research is analyzed by t-test. The t-ratio 9.58 was higher than the t-critical that was 2.093 on table distribution with α =0.05. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which stated “Teaching Vocabulary by Using Pictionary Game to seventh grade students of Kemala Bhayangkariof JuniorHigh School Pontianak effects the students vocabulary achievement significantly” was accepted. It showed that Pictionary Game affect significantly on students’ English vocabulary achievement.

Keywords : Pictionary game, vocabulary


Teaching vocabulary is important because it is one of language elements that should be taught to support the language skill development. Vocabulary is related to words that are used in spoken and written communication. McCarten (2007) also argued that learning vocabulary is not easy for learners, because it has a wide range, and also the variety of vocabulary to be learned, including words, phrases, collocations, and strategic vocabulary, as well as grammatical patterns, idioms, and fixed expression. There are some kinds of vocabulary, one kind consist of part of speech namely noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and determiner.

In this research, the writer focuses on one of part of speech that is noun. According to Seaton (2007, p.8 ), “Nouns are divided into

common noun and proper noun.“ Common

nouns are the words that refer to people, animal,place or things. Proper nouns are the words that refer to names for particular people, place, or things . From the explanation above,

Because it is word that mostly used in constructing the sentences and also it related to thematerial that taught in the seventh grade student in the first semester.

Vocabulary had being a particular subject of students to learn, it included at the margin within lessons of speaking, listening, reading and writing.Harmon et al. (2009) stated that learning vocabulary is a crucial instructional aim for teachers in all content areas in middle grades schools. The main goal of teaching English vocabularies to the learners is to make them communicate easily during their second language acquistion.

Nowadays, goverment policy always makes changes in education tool especially in implementing curriculum 2013, and it has many revisions made anually and the newest is

curriculum 2013’17 revision.Furthermore,

implementing new curriculum not only may lead the teacher to gain a new concept in teaching but

also has an impact on students’ learning, for


needs to adapt with these changes. It also gives an impact on teacher performance in learning process and forces the student to learn harder in the process of their second language acquisation especially in vocabulary learning. Nist and Mohr (2003) stated that the most common problem that appears in second language acquitition is student have limited word.

The school where the subject of this research are studying at implement the curriculum 2013. Moreover, English language learning in Junior High Shool focuses on vocabulary teaching, it can be seen from the syllabus and compentence being applied in curriculum 2013.Material was Things around usand sub-material wasthing in the house. Therefore, the writer only focused on teaching common noun. Common noun is one of vocabulary that include in part of speech. The main purpose of teaching English to the learners especially for Indonesian learners is to gain the greater chances of language proficiency during their second language acquisition.

Teaching English to junior high school students is not easy compared to teaching for adult learners. Their characteristics are often more active and enthusiastic in learning process. According to Cameron (2001), teaching a new language to the children, they often seem less embarrassed than adults at talking in a new language, and their lack of inhibition seems to help them get a more native accent. Another problem that appears in learning language is that there is not always an exact correspondence between the words in the native language and in the second language. Conscquently, the students have difficulties in translating words from their native language to their second language. For

example the word “can” may have two possible

meanings, depending on the form of the sentence , it can be either a noun or an auxiliary.

Games are used to assist the learners during their language learning. It makes classes entertaining and sustain engagement. Gruss (2016) explained that the results of using game as tool in teaching English vocabulary showed various views on how entertaining the games were using in teaching young learners. By using game as teaching technique, the teacher be able to observe students personalities, teach them to work as teams to build the relationships with others, and practice various skills in fun

ways.Furthermore, this activity can provide students with meaningful lesson which help them to understand words and their functions, and also to support them in memorizing it.

Game is a technique that the writer used in this research, to make it specific the writer only use pictionary games. According to Townsend (2009), pictionary is a familiar game created by Milton Bradley and Charades, it is simple game that povide the student with the academic words. Pictionary game is a picture guessing game where the player works in group to guess the picture that is drawn by other player. In learning process, teachers and students have complementary responsibilities. The writer apply several procedures in learning pictionary games as follow: (1) Opening ; a). The teacher began the teaching learning process by greeting and reviewing the previous material, b). The

students responded to teacher’s greetings ; (2)

Main activities; a). The teacher started the lesson by explaining the pictionary games, b). Then the teacher gave the simple example of pictionary game and its rules to the students, c). The teacher asked one ofthe student to drawa picture, then the teacher tries to describe about common noun, d). The students got involved in discussing kinds of questions words activity. They were able to mention some examples of questions words, e). After giving simulating about pictionary game, the teacher askedthe student to playpictionary game, f). The teacher divided the class into two group, each group consist of 11 student, g). Choose one person from each group to drawa picture to reflect the key term that they had chooce in a basket/box, h). The drawing

student’s team should try to guess the key term

from the drawing in 30 seconds, i) The teacher guieded the student to answer the , j). Then the teacher asked the student to write the correct spelling of the word, k). Take turns between the two teams following the rules above ; 3).Closing : a). The team who has the most points at the end of the class period or when all of terms are completed win, b). the teacher ended the class by concluding the material and asking the

students’ difficulty during today’s teaching

learning process (reflecting).The teacher has an important role as one of the main elements in the teaching andlearning processes. According to

Lopez (2009), the teacher’s role in learning


transmitting the correct use of the knowledge and providing an appropriate

strategies, moreover, the teacher’s role as a

facilitator is to engage student actively in

learning activities.In pictionary game teachers’

role as the facilitator and the instructor while playing it. The teacher need to know the rules of the game, gather materials, and plan how to direct conversation during the game.In team group, teacher should assure an equal number of proficient and less proficient learners so that can

power balance the play or game is fair and every team feels appreciated. Moreover, teachers’ roles in this researchis selecting an appropriate teaching, method, and also media related to enjoying the lesson while playing game.


Table .1 The Stages of Research

No Date Time Activities

1 Thursday 12nd April,2018 12.45-13.55 Try Out 2 Tuesday, 17th April, 2018 12.45-13.20 Pre-test 3 Tuesday, 17th April, 2018 13.20-14.30 Treatment 1 4 Friday, 20th April, 2018 14.10-15.20 Treatment 2 5 Friday, 27th April,2018 15.35-16.10 Post-test

The population was the seventh grade students of Kemala Bhayangkari ofJunior High School Pontianak. The seventh grade consisted of seven classes, such as class A, B, and C. The total of the seventh grade students were 65 students. In this research, the writer took the VII B as sample that consist of 22 students.The writer used measurement technique to collect the data of proficiency from those 22 students’pretest and posttest.The tool of data collection was a simple vocabulary testthat consists of 20 items with four alternatives answers (a,b,c,ord).

The writer gave the pre-test before giving the treatment to students to measure the

students’ vocabulary achievement before the

treatment. Then, the writer gave post-test after treatment to measure the students’ vocabulary achievement after the treatment. The score is done as referred to scoring rubric. Before the test item for tool was used to collect the data, the writer need to Try-out test to the class C which has same characteristic with the sample of this research.The try-out is addressed in order to make a good test for tool, the writer analysed the test itemthat the writer conducted in her research. The test item was pre-test and post-test. According to Brown (2004), there are several factors of language assessment that

needs to be considered such as practicality, reliability, validity, authenticity and washback. Meanwhile, in this researchthe writer provided several factor that built a good testsuch as validity, reliability, level difficulty, discrimination power. Validity refers to whether or not a test measures what it proposes to measure.The test items of pre-test and post test of Junior high School have to meet the criteria of what the test measure. Reliability refers to the consistency of a test score. The writer used inter-rater reliability. That is how consistent test scores or other evaluation results are from one measurement to the other.The writer classified the difficulty index scores of the individual

summative tests are in the range 0.00 ≤ P ≤ 0.25

- 0.00 0.51 ≤ P ≤ 0.74 to consturct the test item.



Graph 1. Students’ mean score of Pre-Test and Post-Test

The writer used t- test to answer the research question. T-test was used to analyses the difference of pre-test and post-test in

students’ vocabulary test to determine the

significance after the students being treated using pictionary game. The computation of data will start from computing mean score of pre-test and post-test, the variance, the writer also calculated the standard deviation. After that, the writer computed the correlation between pre-test and post-test. The last is the writer analysis the

student’s significance score of pre test and post

test by using t (test) formula.

First, pre-test was conducted before the use of pictionary game in order to know students’ English Vocabulary before the treatment. The highest score in pre-test was 85 and the lowest score was 30. The average of the pre-test score was 55.91. Second, post-test was conducted after the use of pictionary game in order to find out the improvement that made by students. The highest score in post-test was 100 and the lowest score was 65. The average of the pre-test score was 84.09. Then, the writer analysis the variation score of pre-test and posttest.

Variation score of pre-test is 206.28 and variation score of post-test is 156.28 . After that the writer analysis standar deviation pre-test is

14.36, and standar deviation of post-test is 12.5.The writer also obtained the correlation (𝑟) to calculate T-test. Thus, the writer found 𝑟was 0.48, then she analysis the student’s significance score of pre test and post test. It will becomputed by using t (test) formula. The writer obtained that T-test was 9.5. Then, the writer determine tcritical, where α = 0.025 , because the writer analysed the data before anda after treatment. After that, the writer checked the t-distribution table of significance (t-table) –t : db = n-1,the writer found: db= 22 – 1 = 21. Since the result of db was 21, then the t-table value is 2.. Then the writer compared between tratio and tcritical (“t” critical value in “t” table ), the result of statistical analysis shows that t ratio is higher than tcritical (9.58 >2.080).


Based on the data analysis above, the it showed that the use of pictionary game is significant to teaching vocabulary in seventh grade students of Kemala Bhayangkari Pontianak in academic year 2017/2018.It could be proven by computation of t-ratio was 9.58(using test) and critical was2.080 (on t-table distribution) by comparing the data above the writer concluded that t-ratio was bigger than

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Pre-test Post-test



t-table. So that, there are the differences between technique gains students enthusiasm and their motivation to learn vocabulary effectively, b). Pictionary game highly assisted students to participate in learning process, c). The students easier to remember vocabularies word by using pictionary game. As Harmer (2007) stated that pictionary is one of vocabulary games thataredesigned to engage students and motivate them in learning vocabulary. It helps the students to memorize the vocabularies word, while they are playing with their group effectively.


Based on the results and discussion of the data, it could be concluded that Pictionary game is highly effective for teaching vocabulary. It is supported by the results of T-test formula to test the hypothesis. In conclusion, Pictionary game helps students engaged the students participation actively in classroom. Their involvement was also high and they showed great attention during teaching and learning process. The implementation of Pictionary game also highly assisted students to understand about the

material. Moreover, it also increased students’

enthusiasm which made them did not feel burden to answer teacher question. Thus the prediction of the alternative hypothesis (Ha) in this research is accepted, as the matter of fact that there was a significant difference in

students’ achievement after being treated by

Pictionary game. example, by using Pictionary game as technique in teaching vocabulary. It can enhance learning process much better than a textbox or teacher’s explanation does since it helps the students get to learn work group, (b) The teacher is also suggested to be able to modify Pictionary game because the game should appropriate with students needs and interest and the teacher is suggested to guided them in teaching learning. The writer also recommends other researchers who have any intention to apply this technique to different kinds of material which are

appropriate with students’ characteristic and

school curriculum.


Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching languages toyoung learners. UK: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Gruss, J. (2016). Games as a tool for teaching English vocabulary to younglearners . World Scientific News .53(2) 67-109.

Harmon, J. M., Wood, K. D., & Kiser, K. (2009). Promoting vocabulary learningwith the interactive word wall. Middle School Journal. 40(3), 58.

Lopez, P. (2009). Creating effective teaching and learning enviroments: Firstresult from TALIS. Newyork :OECD.

McCarten, J. (2007) . Teaching vocabulary lessons from the corpus, lessons forThe classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Nist, S.,L.,and Morh,C. (2003).Improving vocabulary skill 3rd edition.USA:Townsend Press.

Seaton, A. &Mew, Y.H. 2007. Basic english grammar for englishLanguagelearner. United States: Saddleback Educational Publishing.


table distribution) by comparing the data above


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