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Negative Variation Preceding Antisaccades in


Christoph Klein, Theda Heinks, Burghard Andresen, Patrick Berg, and

Steffen Moritz

Background: The contingent negative variation (CNV) is

considered to reflect prefrontal functioning and can be

observed before manual and ocular motor responses.

Schizophrenic patients exhibit reduced CNV amplitudes in

tasks requiring manual motor responses. A number of

studies has also found normal prosaccades, but delayed

antisaccades and an augmented rate of erroneous

prosac-cades during the antisaccade task in schizophrenia. In this

study we examined the CNV during pro- and antisaccade

tasks in schizophrenic patients and healthy control


Methods: Data of 17 medicated schizophrenics (ICD-10,

F20) and 18 control subjects, matched with patients for

age, gender, and education were analyzed. Horizontal

pro- and antisaccades were elicited in four blocks, each

consisting of 80 trials. Electroencephalogram was

re-corded from 32 channels with a DC amplifier.

Results: Patients exhibited delayed correct responses and

more erroneous prosaccades during the antisaccade task

than control subjects, but normal prosaccadic reaction

times. In control subjects, the vertex-predominant

sac-cadic CNV was generally larger than in patients, and

larger during the anti- than during the prosaccade task.

This task-related amplitude augmentation was absent in

patients. Analyses of additional components suggested

specificity of impaired event-related potential modulation

to the saccadic CNV.

Conclusions: In accordance with the presumed prefrontal

dysfunction, our results suggest deficient preparation and

execution of antisaccades in schizophrenia. Biol

Psychi-atry 2000;47:978-990 © 2000 Society of Biological


Key Words: Schizophrenia, event-related brain

poten-tials, saccadic CNV, antisaccadic task



ccording to Fuster (1984, 1985, 1989), one of the

functions of the prefrontal cortex is the mediation of

cross-temporal contingencies for the temporal

organiza-tion of goal-directed behavioral sequences. This funcorganiza-tion

has been investigated most intensively with delay tasks. In

delay tasks, the information provided by a stimulus, which

is presented at the beginning of the trial, has to be retained

during a delay period in order to be able to select the

correct, rewarded response upon presentation of a second

stimulus. Unit recordings in primates have revealed

delay-related activity in the prefrontal cortex that seems to serve

two complementary cognitive functions: working memory

and preparatory set (Funahashi et al 1993; Fuster 1984,

1989). Working memory enables the organism not only to

retain behaviorally relevant information over time, but

also to select an appropriate action on the basis of an

internal representation; preparatory set involves the

ad-justment of the sensory and motor systems before an

ex-pected event in order to optimize the reception of stimuli

and the anticipated (motor) response (Fuster 1989, p. 163).

A rostro-caudal sequencing of motor response preparation

seems to take place, because response-related units in

the monkey principal sulcus (corresponding to Brodman’s

area 46 in humans) increase their firing before units in the

premotor and motor cortex (Fuster 1989, p. 103).

The two-stimulus paradigm is a variant of the delay task

(Fuster 1989): A warning stimulus (WS), presented at the

beginning of the trial, reliably signals the subsequent

presentation of an imperative stimulus (IS), which is

delayed by some seconds and associated with a certain

task (Rockstroh et al 1989). Between WS and IS, a

surface-negative potential arises referred to as the

contin-gent negative variation (CNV; Walter 1964). For a

num-ber of reasons, the CNV is considered to reflect the

delay-related activity of the prefrontal cortex; it is also

seen to reflect the activity of additional cortical areas that

are recruited by the prefrontal cortex as part of the

behavioral structures of delay tasks (Fuster 1984, 1985,

From the Forschungsgruppe Psychophysiologie, Universitaet Freiburg, Freiburg

(CK, TH), Klinik fu¨r Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitaet Hamburg, Hamburg (BA, SM), and Fachgruppe Psychologie, Universitaet Konstanz, Konstanz (PB), Germany.

Address reprint requests to Christoph Klein, University of Freiburg, Psychophysi-ology Research Group, Department of PsychPsychophysi-ology, Belfortstrasse 20, D-79098 Freiburg, Germany.

Received June 21, 1999; revised December 10, 1999; accepted December 20, 1999.

© 2000 Society of Biological Psychiatry 0006-3223/00/$20.00


1989): 1) Between the WS and IS, a surface-negative

cortical potential can be recorded at many prefrontal sites

of the monkey cortex, including the dorsal and ventral

banks of the principal sulcus (Sasaki and Gemba 1991); 2)

subdural potentials similar to the CNV can be measured

preceding the IS at different prefrontal sites in epileptic

patients during presurgical evaluation (Hamano et al 1997;

Ikeda et al 1996); 3) the CNV amplitude is positively

related to the working memory load imposed by a delayed

matching-to-sample task (Klein et al 1996).

Slow surface-negative potential shifts have been

re-corded from the premotor, supplementary motor, motor,

and somatosensory cortices of monkeys (Sasaki and

Gemba 1991) and humans (Hamano et al 1997; Lamarche

et al 1995) before prewarned motor responses; they may

reflect the aforementioned preparatory adjustment of the

sensory and motor systems. These cortical potentials—

with the exception of the prefrontal potentials (Rektor et al

1994)— have also been found preceding self-paced hand

(Hamano et al 1997; Ikeda et al 1994; Neshige et al 1988;

Rektor et al 1994) or eye (Sakamoto et al 1991)

move-ments. They are considered to be the source of the

“Bereitschaftspotential” (“readiness potential,” RP;

Korn-huber and Deecke 1965) that can be measured at the scalp.

The RP has been suggested to be at least part of the

terminal phase of the CNV (e.g., Brunia 1988; Roesler

1991). Despite this partial overlap between CNV and RP

in their cortical generator structures, two arguments

sug-gest that these components should be distinguished: 1) In

neurological patients, degeneration of the basal ganglia

reduces or abolishes the CNV, but preserves the RP (Ikeda

et al 1997), whereas the reverse pattern is seen after

decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle (Ikeda et al

1994). The cerebellum projects to the premotor and motor

cortex; the basal ganglia, however, also project to the

prefrontal cortex (Kandel et al 1991); 2) the structure of

the RP tasks (initiation of a movement) lacks the

compo-nents of establishment of cross-temporal contingencies or

sensory-motor integration that characterize delay tasks.

Saccadic eye movements are typically elicited within

the two-stimulus paradigm: A central fixation point is

presented as the WS. This is followed a few seconds later

by the peripheral cue, which serves as the IS and the

saccade goal, in the case of visually guided or

“prosac-cades.” Averaging time-locked to the onset of the saccade

(Evdokimidis et al 1992; Everling et al 1997; Klostermann

et al 1994), or to the onset of the peripheral cue (e.g.,

Evdokimidis et al 1996; Go´mez et al 1996) reveals

surface-negative potential shifts with a topographical

max-imum at anterior central locations. Unit recordings in

primates have revealed that neurons in the prefrontal

frontal eye fields (FEF) and the premotor supplementary

eye fields (SEF; Schall 1991; Schlag and Schlag-Rey

1987) show increased firing before visually guided

sac-cades. In addition, during the execution of visually guided

saccades as compared to a fixation control condition, in

human subjects augmented blood flow in the FEF and the

supplementary motor area (SMA) have been found in

positron emission tomography (PET; Anderson et al 1994;

Melamed and Larsen 1979; Petit et al 1993) and functional

magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; Darby et al 1996)


During the “antisaccade” task (Hallett 1978; Hallett and

Adams 1980), subjects are instructed not to look at the cue

that is presented in the visual periphery, but to look

“voluntarily” in the opposite direction, that is, generate an

antisaccade. The initiation of anti- as compared to

prosac-cades is typically delayed (e.g., Reuter-Lorenz et al 1995),

and even normal subjects may happen to glance

uncon-sciously (Mokler and Fischer 1999) at the peripheral cue

in a number of trials. For some reason, this task seems to

“stress” prefrontal or frontal cortical functions more than

the prosaccade task: 1) Patients with large excisions of

frontal lobe tissue (Guitton et al 1985), or with

circum-scribed lesions of the dorsolateral (Pierrot-Deseilligny et

al 1991) or ventrolateral (Walker et al 1998) prefrontal

cortex, but not of the FEF or the SMA (Pierrot-Deseilligny

et al 1991), are impaired at inhibiting erroneous

prosac-cades during the antisaccade task; 2) patients with FEF

lesions, however, exhibit delayed antisaccade initiation

(Rivaud et al 1994). This clinical observation is

comple-mented by physiologic results showing increased blood

flow in the human FEF and SMA (Doricchi et al 1997;

Nakashima et al 1994; O’Driscoll et al 1995; Sweeney et

al 1996), augmented neuronal firing in the monkey SEF

(Amador et al 1995; Schlag-Rey et al 1997), and greater

slow negative potential shifts at anterior central sites in

human subjects (Evdokimidis et al. 1996; Everling et al

1998) before anti- as compared to prosaccades; 3)

inhibi-tion of a peremptory response (looking at the peripheral

cue) in favor of a “voluntary” response (looking at a

position where no stimulus is present) on the basis of an

instruction held in the working memory is per se a typical

prefrontal function (Frith et al 1991; Goldman-Rakic

1987; Roberts et al 1994), subsumed under the

neuropsy-chological concept of “executive functions” (Denckla

1996; Pennington and Ozonoff 1996).


been reported to increase the frontal brain metabolism in

schizophrenia (e.g., Berman et al 1986; Buchsbaum et al

1987). The CNV amplitude reduction may be considered

part of the frontal hypometabolism that has been supported

by regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) studies during the

execution of tasks sensitive to frontal dysfunctions

(An-dreasen et al 1992; Frith et al 1991; Lewis et al 1992;

Paulman et al 1990; Weinberger et al 1986).

Impaired performance during antisaccade tasks (e.g.,

Crawford et al 1998; Sereno and Holzman 1995) seems to

be another consequence of the frontal dysfunction in

schizophrenia. Despite normal latencies of prosaccades,

schizophrenic patients need significantly more time than

healthy subjects to generate correct antisaccades

(Danck-ert et al 1998; Fukushima et al 1990; Karoumi et al 1998;

McDowell and Clementz 1997). Schizophrenic patients

also produce more erroneous prosaccades during the

antisaccade task than control subjects but are apparently

able to correct all or at least most of them (Clementz et al

1994; Fukushima et al 1988, 1990; Karoumi et al 1998;

McDowell and Clementz 1997). There is some direct

evidence that links the antisaccade deficit of schizophrenic

patients with dysfunctions of the frontal lobes. First, the

deficit is more frequently observed in schizophrenic

pa-tients with abnormal frontal computed tomography (CT)

scans (Fukushima et al 1988, 1990). Second, during a task

similar to the antisaccade task, the generation of

“volition-al” saccades was associated with an increase in FEF and

left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) metabolism in

healthy participants but not in schizophrenic patients

(Nakashima et al 1994). Finally, in schizophrenic patients

the antisaccade task performance covaries with

perfor-mance in other tasks sensitive to frontal dysfunctions, such

as the smooth pursuit eye movement task (Schlenker and

Cohen 1995; Sereno and Holzman 1995) or the Wisconsin

Card Sorting Test (WCST; Karoumi et al 1998; Nkam et

al 1998; Rosse et al 1993; nonsignificant correlations with

WCST were reported by Schlenker and Cohen [1995]).

The aim of our study is the investigation of the CNV

preceding pro- and antisaccades in schizophrenic

pa-tients as compared to healthy control subjects. This

study expects the following results: 1) A slow

surface-negative potential shift, the saccadic CNV, with greater

amplitudes preceding anti- as compared to prosaccades,

should arise in healthy control subjects and patients; 2)

schizophrenic patients should exhibit reduced CNV

amplitudes during all saccade tasks, and a significantly

smaller CNV amplitude modulation than control

sub-jects when preceding antisaccades as compared to

prosaccades; and 3) normal prosaccadic but augmented

antisaccadic latencies along with augmented rates of

erroneous prosaccades during the antisaccade task

should be found in schizophrenic patients.

Methods and Materials


Data from 35 of a total of 39 subjects who participated in the experiment were analyzed. Data of three schizophrenic patients and one control participant had to be excluded because of artifacts (eye movement and other movement artifacts). The remaining sample comprised 17 patients treated for schizo-phrenic disorders (12 men, 5 women; mean age 29.967.9 years; mean education510.362.4 years; mean age of onset524.86 6.4 years; mean number of episodes53.062.6). All patients received an ICD-10 diagnosis of a schizophrenic disorder (F20), according to the International Diagnostic Checklist (Hiller et al 1993a, 1993b). Nine of these patients were recruited from the Psychiatric University Hospital of Hamburg-Eppendorf (six stationary patients, three day patients); the remaining eight outpatients were recruited from lodging houses for psychiatric patients in the Hamburg metropolitan area. All inpatients were tested after florid symptoms had largely disappeared. Patients’ current symptomatology was assessed with the Positive and Negative and Disorganized Symptom Scale (PANADSS; Andre-sen and Moritz 2000; Moritz et al 2000). The PANADSS is a standardized interview that covers negative (e.g., blunted affect, slowing, anhedonia, avolition, poverty of content of speech, nonparanoid social withdrawal), positive (e.g., auditory halluci-nations, mental control, bizarre delusion, ideas of reference, paranoid social avoidance, parathymia), and disorganized (e.g., loosening of associations, inadequate affect, eccentric behavior, attention deficits) symptoms. Principal components analyses confirmed the three-dimensional structure of the PANADSS, with the three factors negative, positive, and disorganized schizo-phrenic symptoms accounting for 23.7%, 14.6%, and 13.9% of the total variance in schizophrenia patients, respectively. Patients with a history of substance abuse or neurological disorders, as well as patients with electroencephalogram (EEG) or CT abnor-malities were excluded. All but two patients were under neuro-leptic medication (four patients high-potency, one patient low-potency, 12 patients atypical neuroleptics; mean chlorpromazine equivalents 416, range 300 –750). A group of 18 healthy control subjects (13 men, 5 women; mean age531.369.3 years; mean education 5 10.4 6 1.7 years) was selected on the basis of comparability to the patient group for age, gender, and education (ps . .20). Except for one patient, all participants were right-handed. None of the control subjects reported a history of psychiatric illness, psychotherapeutic treatment, or psychotropic medication.



around a mean of 8 sec. For the prosaccade task, participants were instructed to look as quickly as possible at the peripheral stimulus as soon as it appeared; for the antisaccade task, participants were instructed to look as quickly as possible at the horizontal mirror position of the cue, that is, straight in the opposite direction. No frames or other visual cues were used to define the approximate landing point of the antisaccade. Four blocks of 80 trials were provided: two for the prosaccade and two for the antisaccade task. After each block the instruction (pro, anti) changed. Half of the participants of each group began with the prosaccade task, half with the antisaccade task.

At the beginning of a session the laboratory was shown and the forthcoming investigation explained to each participant. None of the subjects renounced participation, and all gave their informed written consent before the investigation could begin. During the experiment, the participant sat in a reclining chair in the dimly lit EEG laboratory, separated from the experimenter by a wall. After preparation for the physiologic recordings, participants performed an eye movement calibration task in order to allow the experimental data to be corrected for eye artifacts. In the calibration task, participants made 20 movements away from and back to the central fixation point in each of four directions (up, down, left, right), and 20 eye blinks while looking at the fixation point. After the calibration task, participants were informed about the tasks. They were instructed to adopt a relaxed position and to focus on the fixation cross in the center of the monitor in order to avoid head or eye movements (Weerts and Lang 1973). The same honorarium of DM 35—about $20 —was given to patients and control subjects. The entire experimental session lasted about 2 hours, including breaks between the task blocks.

Apparatus and Physiologic Recordings

The experimental stimuli were generated with a TURBO PASCAL program and presented on two videographic adapter monitors (participant, experimenter) simultaneously. The EEG was recorded over both hemispheres with 32 electrodes using an AC amplifier (NEUROFILE II, Nihon Kohden). Electrodes were attached with an electrode cap (FMS, Munich, Germany) to the following 10-10 positions (American Electroencephalographic Society 1991): Fp1, Fp2, F9, F7, F3, Fz, F4, F8, F10, FC5, FC3, FC4, FC6, T7, C3, Cz, C4, T8, TP9, CP1, CP2, TP10, P7, P3, Pz, P4, P8, O1, O2, and Iz, with mean mastoids ([Tp91TP10]/2) as recording reference. In addition, two infraorbital channels local-ized 2 cm vertically below each eye were attached. Recording reference was the mean of the channels TP9, TP10 (mastoids). The position FCz was interpolated for the statistical analyses (see below). A forehead electrode served as ground. The EEG was recorded with a 10 sec time constant using nonpolarizable AgAgCl electrodes with ABRALYT light as conducting agent (FMS). The skin under the electrodes was prepared by rubbing in abrasive paste (ABRALYT light, FMS). Data was sampled continuously at 256 Hz and stored on a Pentium microprocessor PC, amplified at 10bins/mV.

Data Reduction and Analysis

A trial was defined as a 7-sec EEG epoch, including a 1.5-sec baseline, 3.5-sec WS-IS interval, and 2 sec after the IS. Eye


maps, spherical spline interpolation was accomplished following the corrected algorithm of Perrin et al (1989). The applied inter-polation method uses a smoothing constant lambda of 0.00001.

Analysis of the ERP Data

The mean amplitudes during the intervals20.5– 0 sec relative to IS onset using a 1.0 sec pretrial baseline served as saccadic CNV scores. Using analysis of variance (ANOVA) we analyzed the amplitudes of the saccadic CNV at frontal (F3, Fz, and F4), fronto-central (FC3, FCz, and FC4), central (C3, Cz, and C4), and parietal (P3, Pz, and P4) channels. These 12 channels were selected, on the basis of the topographical maps, as those channels that covered the main activity of the saccadic CNV. The ANOVA comprised the between-subjects factor GROUP (pa-tients vs. control subjects), and the within-subjects factors CONDITION (prosaccade vs. antisaccade task), ELECTRODE (“left-sided” [F3, FC3, C3, P3] vs. “central” [Fz, FCz Cz, Pz] vs. “right-sided” [F4, FC4, C4, P4] sagittal rows), and ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR (frontal [F3, Fz, F4] vs. fronto-central [C3, FCz, FC4] versus central [C3, Cz, C4] vs. parietal [P3, Pz, P4] coronal rows). We used the mean mastoid reference data for our

statistical analyses; however, because our mapping programs use

exclusively the average reference, the graphical result presenta-tion is based on the average reference. To control for amplitude effects in the case of significant condition by topography interactions (McCarthy and Wood 1985), the statistical proce-dures were repeated after z transformation of the data (12 leads), for the two groups and two tasks separately. For all main and interaction effects including within-subject factors with more than two levels, violations of the sphericity assumption were controlled for by df adjustment. Hence, Greenhouse–Geisser epsilons and corrected p values will be reported. Planned contrasts (F tests) compare the lateral sagittal rows against the central one (ELECTRODE factor), and the frontal, fronto-central, and parietal coronal rows against the central one (ANTERIOR-POSTERIOR factor). Means and standard devia-tions are reported.

Additional negative potentials followed the IS, which are, how-ever, not the main topic of this article: First, a negative peak with a maximum at Cz arose in control subjects 73 msec and 85 msec after the IS during the pro- and the antisaccade task; this peak was discernible in patients only during the antisaccade task, with a maximum at Cz 77 msec after IS onset; second, a broad and large negative deflection was found in patients and control subjects, having a maximum at FCz except for the prosaccade task in control subjects, where it was at a maximum at Cz; third, a negative potential with smaller amplitudes than the previous component was found in patients and control subjects. This negativity was at a maximum at FCz except for the prosaccade task in control subjects, where it was at a maximum at Fz. Concerning these components, all mentioned results were statistically significant (ps,.05).


Saccadic Eye Movements

Whereas prosaccade latencies were similar in

schizo-phrenic patients (238.8


34.6 msec, range 188 –317

msec) and in healthy control subjects (237.2


26.1 msec,

range 202–281 msec), antisaccade latencies were

signifi-cantly longer in patients (288.8


66.5 msec, range

187– 444 msec) compared to control subjects [259.1





188 –379





28.8, p







4.4, p


.05; GROUP: F


1.5]. Furthermore,

schizophrenic patients made more direction errors during

the antisaccade task than control subjects [patients: 11.8%


6.8%; control subjects: 7.6%


4.5%; GROUP: t(33)


2.24, p


.05]. The proportions of anticipations were

greater during the pro- as compared to the antisaccade

task, but similar in schizophrenic and healthy participants

[patients: prosaccade task: 13.7%


10.8%; antisaccade

task: 7.7%


2.8%; control subjects: prosaccade task:



8.7%; antisaccade task: 6.9%





14.1, p


.001]. Finally, the proportions

of express saccades during the prosaccade task were

almost identical in the two groups (patients: 14.3%


8.5%; control subjects: 14.1%



Event-Related Brain Potentials: Overview

The grand average curves of patients and control subjects

during the pro- and antisaccade tasks are shown in Figure

1 for Cz together with the corrected vertical and horizontal

EOG channels and the source waveforms for vertical and

horizontal eye movements, and in Figure 2 for the 12

electrodes used for statistical analyses. As can be seen in

Figure 1, a slow potential shift developed between WS and

IS, which can be identified with the saccadic CNV.


by incomplete eye activity correction. Finally, at the end

of the trial a third negative potential arose. This potential

was at its maximum at fronto-central or frontal sites, with

a left-sided predominance in control subjects and a

bal-anced pattern in patients (see Figure 2). Its amplitudes

were significantly larger following antisaccades compared

to prosaccades. The horizontal source waveform depicted

in Figure 1 shows that this potential developed after the

eyes returned to the central position.

Event-Related Brain Potentials: Saccadic CNV

The topography of the saccadic CNV is shown in Figure 3

for control subjects and patients using scalp potential

maps; mean CNV amplitudes (


SD) are documented in

Table 1. The saccadic CNV was larger at the sagittal

midline than over the left or right hemisphere

[ELEC-TRODE: F(2,66)


11.1, p



e 5

0.89]. The

amplitude augmentation, during the anti- compared to the

prosaccade task, was also at a maximum at the sagittal

midline [CONDITION








e 5

0.98, after data normalization: F(2,66)






Healthy control subjects exhibited generally larger

CNV amplitudes than schizophrenic patients [GROUP:



7.7, p


.01]. Consistent with the assumption of

a topography change, healthy participants also showed

significantly larger CNV amplitudes at central and

pre-central leads during the anti- than during the prosaccade

task. This effect was missing in schizophrenic patients







jects: F(3,51)


6.1, p



e 5

0.83, after data

normalization: F(3,51)


4.6, p


.01; patients: F(3,48)


1.9, p



e 5


Although schizophrenic patients exhibited significantly

more direction errors during the antisaccade task than

control subjects, only one of them committed enough

errors that the average ERP before correct anti- and

erroneous prosaccades could be compared with a

reason-able signal-to-noise ratio. This comparison is documented

in Figure 4 and reveals smaller CNV amplitudes preceding

erroneous prosaccades as compared to correct antisaccades.

Neuroleptic Medication

Neuroleptic dose correlated by


.18 and


.15 with the

CNV amplitude at Cz during the pro- and antisaccade

tasks, respectively. These coefficients were nonsignificant.



The present study yielded the following main results: 1)

Antisaccades were significantly slower than prosaccades

in both groups; 2) in comparison to healthy control

subjects, schizophrenic patients exhibited delayed

re-sponding only during the anti-, but not during the

prosac-cade task. During the antisacprosac-cade task, patients committed

more erroneous prosaccades than control subjects; 3) a

centrally predominant saccadic CNV was found in both

groups and during both tasks; 4) control subjects’ saccadic

CNV had larger amplitudes during the anti- than during

the prosaccade task; and 5) schizophrenics’ saccadic CNV

was generally smaller than that of control subjects;

fur-thermore, patients failed to show the CNV augmentation

during the anti- compared to the prosaccade task.

Saccadic Eye Movements

In both groups, correct antisaccades were significantly

slower than prosaccades, confirming results of numerous

other studies (e.g., Klein and Foerster, in press;

Reuter-Lorenz et al 1995). A number of time-consuming

pro-cesses putatively contributing to this latency augmentation

have been suggested (Everling and Fischer 1998; Klein

and Foerster, in press), but shall not be discussed here.


mal latencies in the initiation of prosaccades but

aug-mented latencies in the initiation of correct antisaccades.

This pattern of response latencies had already been

re-ported by others (e.g., Fukushima et al 1990; Karoumi et

al 1998) and has two important implications. First, the

presence of normal prosaccadic response latencies

sug-gests that patients were not less motivated than control

subjects during task execution. Second, the coexistence of

normal prosaccadic but augmented antisaccadic response

latencies suggests a deficit specific to the generation of

antisaccades in schizophrenic patients. To the extent that

the execution of visually guided prosaccades reflects

“controlled” (instead of “automatic”) processes, this result

would argue against the assumption of a generalized

deficit (Chapman and Chapman 1978).

Along with the delayed initiation of correct

antisac-cades, schizophrenic patients committed more direction

errors, that is, reflexive prosaccades, during the

antisac-cade task, again confirming results of other studies (e.g.,

Clementz et al 1994; Danckert et al 1998; Fukushima et al

1990; Karoumi et al 1998; Sereno and Holzman 1995) and

suggesting an impaired inhibition of a “stimulus-driven”

response. Both the augmented antisaccade latencies and

the greater rate of erroneous prosaccades support the

assumption of impaired (pre-) frontal functioning in

schizophrenic disorders (Buchsbaum et al 1987).

Saccadic CNV

The presentation of the saccade-initiating cue was

pre-ceded by a vertex-predominant slow negative potential

shift during both tasks and in both groups, which we

identified with the saccadic CNV. This component had

been observed by others as well (e.g., Go´mez et al 1996).

In healthy control subjects, the saccadic CNV was

significantly greater during the anti- as compared to the

prosaccade task, consistent with the results of other studies

(Evdokimidis et al 1996; Everling et al 1997). This effect

was at a maximum at central and precentral sites. After

having normalized the data in the present study, the effect

Figure 3. Scalp potential maps of the saccadic contingent negative variation. Negative potentials are depicted in gray, positive potentials in white. Isocontour lines with 0.5-mV difference. The mapped interval corresponds to the vertical bars in the grand averages curves below.

Table 1. Amplitudes of the Saccadic Contingent Negative Variation in Patients and Control Subjects at the Sagittal Midline

Prosaccade task Antisaccade task

Fz FCz Cz Pz Fz FCz Cz Pz


Mean 20.83 21.81 22.14 22.01 21.55 22.07 22.35 22.14

SD 1.9 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.0 2.1


Mean 22.62 23.53 23.80 22.89 23.14 25.05 25.66 23.67

SD 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.7 3.2 3.3 2.5


remained statistically significant as a task by topography

interaction. This suggests that the effect may be

inter-preted as a change in topography according to McCarthy

and Wood (1985). A topographical change, however,

means that different generators or the same generators

with different strengths contribute to the surface potential.

It is tempting to relate the augmentations of the anterior

portions of the CNV to the greater activity of prefrontal

and frontal cortical areas during the anti- rather than

during the prosaccade task. This increase in activity was

reported in the regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and

unit recording studies reviewed in the introduction. These

studies revealed greater metabolism or neuronal firing in

areas of the motor or premotor cortex and, some of these,

in prefrontal regions. A saccadic readiness potential had

also been recorded in the FEF and SMA regions in

epileptic patients (Sakamoto et al 1991). As outlined in the

introduction, RP and terminal CNV share cortical

gener-ators in the preparation of manual motor responses. Hence,

the task-related modulation of the CNV found in this study

and by Evdokimidis et al (1996) and Everling et al (1997)

may reflect task-related activity differences in the FEF and

SMA regions and possibly in other cortical areas.


“stressing” of frontal or prefrontal areas by the task

(Berman 1987). In line with this reasoning, schizophrenic

patients lacked the task-related augmentation of the CNV

amplitude during the anti- compared to the prosaccade

task that was found in control subjects. The deficient

task-related CNV modulation as well as the generally

reduced CNV amplitudes, however, must be considered

rather specific to the preparation of pro- and, in particular,

antisaccades, because normal or even augmented

ampli-tudes or task-related amplitude modulation was found for

the components that followed the execution of the primary


If “preparatory set,” as one of the functions triggered by

the prefrontal cortex during delay tasks, means adjustment

of the sensory and motor systems in order to optimize

responding (Fuster 1989) and is reflected by the CNV, the

amplitude of this component should covary with task

performance. Indeed, there is evidence that slow negative

potential shifts reflect increased cortical excitability (e.g.,

Rockstroh et al 1994). The amplitude of the negativity

preceding the presentation of a Sternberg task was also

predictive of the subsequent short-term memory

perfor-mance (Morgan et al 1992). Concerning the antisaccade

task, in comparison to correct antisaccades erroneous

prosaccades were preceded by smaller slow negative

potential deflections at anterior central sites in humans

(Everling et al 1998) and by lower firing rates in the

supplementary eye field of monkeys (Schlag-Rey et al

1997). Furthermore, greater firing in build-up neurons of

the monkey superior colliculus was found before

errone-ous prosaccades compared with correct antisaccades

(Ev-erling et al 1998), this being possibly due to reduced

inhibition of these neurons by the cortical areas involved

in correct antisaccade generation. We could confirm these

results in the present study, although only with data of a

single patient due to the low absolute number of erroneous


Compared to other studies, we found relatively low

error rates in patients and control subjects. Two reasons

may explain the discrepancy: First, although stimulus

conditions may influence task performance (Fischer and

Weber 1997), there is currently no standardized testing

protocol for antisaccade task studies, and error proportions

may vary greatly between different laboratories (reviewed

in Everling and Fischer 1998); second, all patients and

control subjects were “pretrained” by having participated

in an ocular motor experiment including a total of 240

antisaccade trials 3– 4 weeks prior to the study.

Perfor-mance during the antisaccade task may improve with

practice, and such effects could reduce differences

be-tween patients and control subjects if the initial error level

is low in control subjects. This is generally the case with

our experimental setup (Klein and Foerster, in press).

Neuroleptic Medication

Although most of our patients were receiving neuroleptic

medication when tested, previous reports revealed that

antisaccade task performance and neuroleptic medication

are not correlated (Clementz et al 1994; Fukushima et al

1990; Karoumi et al 1998; Sereno and Holzman 1995).

This was also the case in our study.


The present study revealed impaired ocular motor control

and ERP modulation in schizophrenic patients during the

antisaccade task which cannot be considered to be part of

a generalized deficit. The antisaccade task may, hence, be

a useful paradigm in the investigation of prefrontal

dys-functions in schizophrenic disorders.

Research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; Kl 985/6-1).

The authors are grateful to two anonymous reviewers as well as Rolf Verleger and Rudolf Cohen for helpful comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.


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Figure 1. Grand average event-related potential at Cz, vertical corrected electro-oculogram (EOG), and vertical MSEC sourcewaveforms are pooled for leftward and rightward saccades, because these curves were almost identical for the different horizontalsacc
Figure 2. Grand average curves at the leads used for statistical analyses. Negative is up, positive is down.
Table 1. Amplitudes of the Saccadic Contingent Negative Variation in Patients and Control Subjects at the Sagittal Midline
Figure 4. Single subject average for correct antisaccades and erroneous prosaccades during the antisaccade task, with the samesignal-to-noise ratio (average over 30 trials) for both types of saccades.


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