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Measure The Quality of Rice in The Warehouse (Case Study: Bulog Warehouse)


Academic year: 2023

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Measure The Quality of Rice in The Warehouse (Case Study: Bulog Warehouse)

Edy Fradinata1*, Zurnila Marli Kesuma2, Latifah Rahayu3

1Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh Indonesia

2,3Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Syiah Kuala University Indonesia

*Corresponding email: edy.fradinata@unsyiah.ac.id

Received: October 21, 2022 Accepted; Januari 14th, 2023


This study employs multiple qualitative and quantitative phases of quality assessment at one of Perum Bulog's warehouses. A descriptive qualitative study using observation data collecting and interviews with the quality control team is used. Rice is a need for the people of Indonesia. Perum Bulog is responsible for rice price stability in Indonesia. According to Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2007 and SNI 6128:2020, rice in Bulog warehouses must adhere to quality criteria. Regarding the quality requirements for the distribution of rice, Bulog performs a quality check on the rice received. Bulog's quality control procedure consists of three stages: the acceptance process, where samples of rice obtained from farmers are taken, and the quality control officer's mini-laboratory sample test inspections. After screening at the receiving stage, the rice will be weighed and then placed in the warehouse with a stapling arrangement system (rice stacking) utilizing key 5. At the rice storage stage, minimal monitoring will be performed periodically, and if the rice is infested with pests, it will be sprayed or fumigated. The last procedure is the exit process, and the warehouse employs the First In First Out approach when customers make purchases.

Keywords: rice, warehouse, quality, bulog, price stability


Penelitian ini dengan menggunakan beberapa tahapan kualitas secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang dilakukan pada salah satu gudang Perum Bulog. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data observasi serta wawancara dengan tim kontrol kualitas. Beras merupakan kebutuhan pokok masyarakat Indonesia. Perum Bulog memiliki tanggung jawab terhadap stabilitas harga beras di Indonesia. Beras di gudang Bulog harus memiliki standar kualitas sesuai dalam Inpres No.3 Tahun 2007 tentang persebaran kualitas beras yang harus dipenuhi, maka Bulog melakukan kontrol kualitas terhadap beras yang diterima. Bulog melakukan proses pengontrolan kualitas dengan tiga tahap, proses penerimaan dimana beras yang diterima dari petani akan diambil sampel kemudian pengecekan uji sampel di mini lab oleh petugas pengendali kualitas. Setelah dilakukan penyaringan pada tahap penerimaan, beras akan ditimbang lalu dimasukkan ke dalam gudang dengan sistem penataan stapel (penumpukan beras) menggunakan kunci 5, berikutnya pada tahap penyimpanan beras akan dilakukan monitoring minimal secara berkala, apabila beras terkena serangan hama maka dilakukan penyemprotan atau fumigasi. Proses terakhir merupakan proses keluar, gudang menggunakan sistem FIFO (First In First Out) ketika ada konsumen yang membeli.

Kata Kunci: beras, gudang, kualitas, Bulog, kestabilan harga

1. Introduction

Indonesia is one of the nations in which the agricultural industrial sector is crucial to the life of its people. Therefore, development in the agricultural industry sector is a top priority for the government and people of Indonesia, both for meeting daily food demands and for the economic growth and food security of the country [1][2]. Rice is the staple diet of the majority of the Indonesian people, as well as the majority of the global population. Rice is a grain that originates from the rice plant. The majority of the Indonesian population consumes rice as a staple diet as the primary source of carbs for daily eating, which is an energy source.

The State-Owned Public Company (BUMN) involved in food logistics is Perum BULOG.

Logistics/warehousing, surveys and pest treatment, supply of plastic bags, transportation business, food commodity trading, and retail business are included in the company's business scope. Perum BULOG continues to maintain the Basic Purchase Price for grain, stabilize prices, particularly basic prices, distribute rice for social assistance (Bansos), and manage food reserves as a government contractor [3][4].


The public reaction to the quality of rice is rather positive. In order for individuals to have access to rice on the market, its quality must be assured; consequently, the rice industry must have adopted a rice quality control system.[5][6], quality control may be understood as the monitoring and verification of real performance. Price quality may refer to various varieties of rice for various users. Different communities engaged in rice processing, commerce, and industry, as well as farmers and consumers, have diverse conceptions of rice quality [7][8].

PeQuality control is a system and set of activities designed to guarantee a certain level of quality standard in accordance with the planned specifications, beginning with the quality of raw materials, the quality of the production process, the quality of processing semi-finished and finished goods, and concluding with delivery standards, so that the resulting products are effective and efficient [9]. PeControl and supervision are actions performed to guarantee that production and operational activities are carried out in accordance with the plan and that if there is a deviation, it may be rectified so that the desired results can be attained. define quality control as "actions conducted to monitor operations and assure real performance." [10][11], the aim of quality control is to maximize customer satisfaction at the lowest feasible cost and on schedule.

The primary objective of quality control is to determine whether or not the process and outcomes of goods or services conform to the company's requirements. This study was done on one of the Perum BULOG, a BUMN specialized in food logistics. Logistics/warehousing, surveys and pest treatment, supply of plastic bags, transportation business, food commodity trading, and retail business are included in the company's business scope [13]. Perum BULOG continues to maintain the Basic Purchase Price for grain, stabilize prices, particularly basic prices, distribute rice for social assistance (Bansos) and manage food reserves as a government contractor

2. Material and Methods

The objectives of quality control [14][15] are several, namely: Increased customer satisfaction. The use of the lowest possible cost. Finish on time. The main purpose of quality control is to find out to what extent the process and results of the product or service are made in accordance with the established standards (Figure 1).

Rice Quality Checking System

Determine the moisture content of rice


GrainMen Broken Grain Mengroats/

Menir Particles

Determining the Rice Acidity Level

Figure 1. Rice quality measurement system

Determine the moisture content of rice

Measuring the rice's water content is one of the actions that must be performed in order to determine the rice's water content. The water content of rice was determined using a Grain Moisture Meter (GMM).

The water content of rice is measured by sampling up to 5 percent of the total rice entering the warehouse, followed by inputting the rice into the GMM tool, which then calculates the water content of the rice.

Whole Grain Men

The measurement of whole grains in rice is a continuation of the assessment of rice's moisture content. The measurement of whole grain is performed by taking a sample of 5% of the total rice entering


the warehouse, then putting the sample into a whole grain sieve and sifting it five to seven times for more precise findings. The rice left on the sieve is the intact grain.

Broken Grain

The activity of measuring broken grains in rice is a continuation of measuring whole grains in rice.

The measurement of broken grains is performed by continuing the sample acquired from the measurement of whole grains, then putting the rice sample into a broken grain sieve and sifting it three to five times for more precise results. The rice left on the sieve represents shattered grains.


The activity of measuring groats in rice is a continuation of measuring broken grains in rice. The measurement of groats is performed by continuing the sample acquired from the measurement of broken grains, followed by putting the rice sample into a groats sieve and sifting it three to five times to produce more precise findings. The rice grains that fall through the sieve are groats.

Rice Processing

Rice grinding is a continuation of the process of measuring rice groats. The purpose of refining rice is to simplify the measurement of rice's acidity. Using the same rice sample as the last activity measurement, rice is refined by placing it in the Grinder instrument, which is then spun by the officer until the rice resembles flour.

Determining the Rice Acidity Level

Measuring the acidity level of rice is a continuation of grinding-related rice processing steps. Using rice from the Grinder procedure, the acidity level of rice is measured using a PH meter. Next, the rice is combined with the Aquadest liquid in a glass cup, and the mixture is swirled for 1 to 3 minutes to dissolve the Aquadest and rice solutions. The solution is then filtered into another glass until just the water solution remains. The PH meter is then put into the glass and let to rest for one to three minutes, or until reliable readings appear on the PH meter.

3. Result and Discussion

The selection of products by customers is significantly influenced by quality. If the quality of the items produced corresponds with what is required, consumer satisfaction will be achieved. According to Taguchi (1987), quality is a loss to society, thus if there is a departure from the aim, it is a result of diminished quality. However, the decreased quality will entail expenses. Taguchi's (1987) approach focuses on enhancing repair and cost-effectiveness, especially in the service business.

Figure 2. Premium rice commodity at Perum Bulog Source: Research data (2022)

3.1. Premium Rice Merchandise at Perum Bulog

Quality control is a system and set of activities designed to guarantee a certain level or quality standard in accordance with the planned specifications, beginning with the quality of raw materials, the quality of the production process, the quality of processing semi-finished and finished goods, and concluding with delivery standards, so that the resulting products are effective and efficient.

The result Rice Quality Inspection employs both qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to offer an overview of rice that is fit for human consumption.


Table 1. Qualitative analysis

No. Qualitative Analysis Standard Observation result

1. Pests/Diseases Free Free

2. Chemical material Free Free

3. Bran/bran Free Free

4. Musty Odor Free Free Free

5. Free of sour taste Free Free

6. Foreign Objects Free Free Free Source: Research data (2022)

The analysis of pests/diseases is conducted by examining the eye and traveling to the laboratory to check for the presence of fungi, particularly Sitophilus sp, Sitophilus oryzae, and others. The presence of these microorganisms will result in physical harm to the rice. Observing the change in color, texture, and brittleness of the brittle rice is another method. In addition, rice that has been overrun with mushrooms is no longer white. He emphasized that the presence of mold indicated that the rice was inedible. In addition to expiry, incorrect storage and sluggishness also contribute to the development of fungus on rice.

Additionally, humid weather will cause the rice to smell musty.

A combination of changes in chemical components (increase in fatty acids and reduction in sugar content) and changes in rice core properties contribute to the deterioration or aging of stored rice (such as kernel hardness). In many cases, the rice will have a musty odor if the grain temperature rises beyond 55 degrees Celsius owing to insects, mildew, or excessive humidity. Therefore, rice kept for an extended period of time under unfavorable circumstances (high grain moisture content and/or high temperature) may develop a musty odor, considerably reducing its market value. Due to the breakdown of chemical components in rice, the fungus that develops on rice may emit a very unpleasant stench.

The primary cause of rice grain cracking is the absorption of moisture by dry rice grains with a moisture level of less than 16 percent. This may occur when wet grains are combined with dry grains (during storage, drying, or after drying), or when dry grains are exposed to moist ambient air with a relative humidity level over the norm. Due to this fluctuating moisture level, rice grains often break during milling, reducing the quantity of head/whole rice.

Even if the grain is totally dry by industry standards, grain kept in tropical climes will always be susceptible to insect infestation. However, the less moisture in the grain, the fewer possible insect issues.

The combination of correct drying techniques and adequate storage practices, including storage space cleanliness, will maintain an acceptable amount of insect infestation

The fading or yellowing of the rice grains is caused by the rice's exposure to heat prior to drying.

Because white rice is an essential quality attribute for rice consumers, discolored rice grains dramatically diminish the market value of rice. Even though discoloration is a complicated biochemical process, it may be readily prevented by drying harvested rice promptly.

Table 2. Quantitative analysis

No. Quantitative Analysis Standard Observation result Average 1 2 3 (%)

1. Water content 14% 13.4 13.50 13.50 13.47

2. Sosoh Degrees 90/95% 92.6 93.8 94.7 93.7

3. Broken Grain 15%/20%/25% 14.5 13.4 14.7 14.20 Source: Research data (2022)

High water content (> 14 percent) degrades rice, as shown by an increase in grain yellowing, a reduction in water absorption, and an increase in the proportion of broken grains and groats. During storage, rice with a high moisture content will create heat.


Figure 3. Comparison of observations of data and standards Source: Research data (2022)

Figure 3 shows that the observations for three times of sampling still show that the quality of rice is in the best range. When storing grain, natural ventilation must be considered, particularly in wet circumstances or with a high moisture content, the grain will create heat, especially when kept in big bags.

The heat will provide ideal conditions for the development of fungus and insects, resulting in a reduction in the quality of rice and other grains. The fungus on rice may cause the spread of illness and the production of poisons inside the grain. Despite the fact that certain fungus may already be present on the grain or rice during harvest, a well-maintained moisture level may inhibit the growth of these organisms. If the fungus belongs to a family that produces mycotoxins, rice is no longer safe for food and cannot be utilized for human or animal use.

Rice with a polishing degree of 0% has not been polished at all, while rice with a polishing degree of 100% has had all pericarp, testa, aleurone, and institutions removed from the husked rice grains. The degree of sosoh is a criterion for the quality of rice since it influences the whiteness of the rice's color, which is also favored by customers. 100% soot is required for Premium rice, while the medium class is separated into three categories: Medium I with 95% soot, Medium II with 90% soot, and Medium III with 80% soot. In addition to the sosoh degree, the standardization of rice also requires a certain amount of moisture, whiteness, and transparency. To evaluate the degree of polish, clarity, and whiteness of rice, specialized instruments are required.

Water content in SNI rice must be 14% for premium grade, 15% for medium 1 and 2, and 14% for medium 3. Rice of high grade is not readily fragile and tends to be firm when chewed. And this kind of rice is highly beneficial for diabetics. In addition, it has a better flavor and is fluffier when swallowed. It is essential to understand that rice that crumbles often contains a great deal of water.

Table 3. Inspection of rice sacks

Inspection Checkup result


• Stitch

• Screen Printing/Sticker/Label In accordance In accordance

Quality of craftsmanship and screen printing or labels must look neat, strong, and bright (Table 3).

4. Conclusion

Quality control research activities are carried out based on the SNI 6128:2020 standard. By using this standard, it is hoped that it will be good enough, so as to produce good quality rice in accordance with SNI standards before the rice is distributed to the public.


5. References

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