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How important is MIND in sports


Academic year: 2017

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How important is MIND in sports? Word Count:

287 Summary:

Athletes may possess 100% physical fitness but if he/she is not mentally fit, the physical fitness is as good as not having it at all. So what is Mental Fitness? Find answers in this article.


Mental toughness, developing mental toughness, basketball mental toughness, mind, mind game, sports, sport illustrated, sports medicine, espn sports

Article Body:

We all know sports are all about physical fitness and physical endurance. What we also know for fact is sport people do not attach much important on another important aspect - MIND MANAGEMENT. Athletes may possess 100% physical fitness but if he/she is not mentally fit, the physical fitness is as good as not having it at all. So what is Mental Fitness?

Physical training teaches the body the physical attributes and tunes the body to use the skills of the sport, while mental training teaches the nuances of focus and mind control and the ways to enhance the performance.

It is important to realize the enormous power of thought and its effect on performance. Sport people in particular achieve peak performance when the BODY, MIND and EMOTIONS are synchronized at the same level and on the same goal. But unlike mastering physical aspects ˘ perfectly physical skills and developing physical fitness, the importance of Mind Management is ignored by the athletes and coaching gurus. Self Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Therapy) can play a critical role in shaping, tuning a sports person mind to develop positive attitude for achieve peak performance.

Hypnosis is a tool, which we can utilize to enhance or enable whatever we set our minds to accomplish. We can use this tool to build self-esteem and confidence, add clarity and a sense of control to our lives. NLP is concerned with how our minds work ˘ the pattern we use to organize information, the ways we motivate (or inhibit) ourselves. EFT deals and helps optimization of emotional health of an individual. Together these three terrific techniques will greatly help the sports people in enhancing, improving their performances in their respective sports arena.

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