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Racial discrimination reflected trough the characters in Luis Valdez`s Los Vendidos - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


ELFRIDA S. PUTRIE Student Number: 084214116









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 084214116





When I was young my teachers were the old.

I gave up fire for form till I was cold.

I suffered like a metal being cast.

I went to school to age to learn the past.

Now when I am old my teachers are the young.

What can't be molded must be cracked and sprung.

I strain at lessons fit to start a suture.

I got to school to youth to learn the future.

-Robert Frost-



I dedicated this thesis to

My beloved Mom and Dad




I am so joyful that finally I can pass my study in Sanata Dharma

University. I can go through these years in Sanata Dharma because of the support

people surround me. First of all, I want to send my deepest gratitude to Jesus

Christ for His blessing and guidance to me every time. Because of His kindness I

finally finish my study.

I also want to show my gratitude to Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M.

Hum. as my advisor who is patient while teaching me. I thank for her time, books

and knowledge that she gave me. It is also because of her corrections and advice

that this thesis can get better. I also send my gratitude to Maria Ananta Tri

Suryandari, S.S., M.Ed. for her corrections, advice, and support for me. I also

want to thank to my academic advisor, Linda Valentina Budiman, S.S., M.Hum.

My next gratitude goes to my family, my mom, dad and also my younger

sister and little brother. They are the most important persons in my life. Because

of their supports and love, I can finish this thesis.

I want to give a bunch of thanks to all of my friends in Sanata Dharma

University from English Letters 2008 for Daniel, Topan, and Ajeng who gave

many suggestions for me. I also thank to Rania, Yeyen, Momon, Vita, Acen,

Lando, Cella, Teteh, Blesta, Rinrin, Save, Diana, for our unforgettable moments

we spent together. Thanks to Metodius Helfi for lending me his printer, it helped

me so much, and for his support for me.

I also want to give my special thanks to Cana Community, San’t Egidio,



experiences with them. For ‘GREASE’ team, Miss Dewi, Miss Linda, Miss Tata,

Ce Cita and Mbak Dela, thanks for letting me joined this incredible play


And last but not least, I give my gratitude to mbak Anna Marsiana for her

support and opportunities given to me to learn many things. Thank you!



C. Review on Discrimination Experienced by Mexican American 15









Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2012.

Discrimination toward minority group still happens in many countries. The discrimination which usually occurs is racial discrimination. Racial discrimination is the attitude of oppressing someone because of the different race. In Los Vendidos, Farmworker, Johnny Pachuco, and Revolucionario are the characters that experienced racial discrimination. They are discriminated by white people because they represent the Mexican characteristics.

In order to see what happens to them, there are two main objectives to achieve in this research. First is to find out all the characteristics of the characters by looking at their characterizations. Since this study is focused on the types of discrimination, the second is to identify the types of discrimination which can be seen through their characteristics.

Since this analysis is going to explain the types of racial discrimination which is experienced by Mexican people, it is going to apply the socio cultural- historical approach and the theory of racial discrimination. In this analysis, all the characters, Farmworker, Johnny Pachuco, Revolucionario, Mexican American, Secretary, and Honest Sancho are the objects. The characteristics of them will be used to see the types of discrimination.





Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2012.

Diskriminasi terhadap kelompok minoritas masih terjadi di banyak negara. Diskriminasi yang biasanya terjadi adalah diskriminasi ras. Diskriminasi ras adalah suatu tindakan yang menekan seseorang karena ras yang berbeda. Dalam naskah Los Vendidos, Farmworker, Johnny Pachuco, dan Revolucionario adalah karakter yang mengalami diskriminasi ras. Mereka didiskriminasi oleh bangsa Amerika karena mereka menggambarkan karakteristik orang Meksiko.

Untuk melihat apa yang terjadi terhadap mereka, ada dua tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah mencari karakteristik semua karakter dengan melihat penokohannya. Karena penilitian ini difokuskan pada tipe diskriminasi, tujuan yang kedua adalah mengidentifikasi jenis- jenis diskriminasi yang dapat dilihat dari karakteristik mereka.

Karena analisis ini ingin menjelaskan jenis- jenis diskriminasi ras yang dialami oleh orang Meksiko, maka analisis ini akan menggunakan pendekatan sosial, kebudayaan, dan sejarah dan teori diskriminasi ras. Dalam analisis ini, semua karakter, Farmworker, Johnny Pachuco, Revolucionario, Mexican American, Secretary, dan Honest Sancho adalah objek. Karakteristik mereka akan digunakan untuk dapat melihat jenis diskriminasinya.




A. Background of the Study

Every human being in this world has differences and similarities because God

created human different one to another. For example in characteristics, races, sex,

appearances, and so on. Each human has their uniqueness, especially with races. The

problem of race in the modern world is essentially a social problem because it

involves the relations of peoples, not merely as individuals in their interpersonal

relations, but people as members of groups, which are differentiated because of both

physical characteristic and cultural differences (Frazier, 1957:31). Races are

distinguished from this individual’s viewpoint. The only properties that count are the

immediately visible ones: skin color, body hair, facial configuration (Todorov in

Back, 2000:64). McLemore also stated that races are sharply distinguishable from

skin color, head shape, eye form, hair texture, and so on are biologically inherited


In dealing with those differences, people have their own perspective. It can be

positive and negative. It is a positive perspective if everyone can accept the

differences and live peacefully with another human being. On the other hand it is


This attitude is often called as discrimination. Discrimination means treating some

people differently than others or favoring one social group over another based on

prejudice (Hanes, 2007: 29). On the other words, discrimination is the unfair

treatment of people simply because they are different from the dominant group in the


Discrimination is the most common form of prejudicial expression. Based on

the book Prejudice in the Modern World by Richard Hanes, prejudice is a negative

attitude, emotion, or behavior toward individual based on prejudgment about those

individuals with no prior knowledge or experience. Prejudice itself is actually far

more than simply a negative attitude. It often involves action such as discrimination

or violence. Actually, discrimination is not the same as prejudice; discrimination is an

action or behavior whereas prejudice is an attitude. Prejudice can encourage

discrimination and then discrimination may cause the prejudice. Hanes in Prejudice

in the Modern World stated that,

For example, discrimination driven by prejudice can lead to a group receiving fewer opportunities for education, jobs, and career advancement. These barriers to self improvement result in low morale and the development of few skills among members of the disadvantaged group. These results of discrimination can cause further prejudice and discrimination. It becomes a vicious, endless cycle (2007:69-70)

Discrimination and prejudice are certainly related and often found existing

simultaneously within in a group or individual. Discrimination may take many forms.


racial, religious, political, or cultural group (Hanes, 2007:72). It can be said from this

quotation that discrimination also can cause the fatal result.

In this case of Mexican citizen is no exception. In the book Race and Culture

in the Modern World, Frazier stated that the race and culture frontiers which have

grown up in Latin America may be divided into two groups: Mexico and Central

America. In Mexico, racial mixture was so common that more than 90% of the

25.000.000 present inhabitants are of Spanish- Indian ancestry. The racial pattern

becomes more complex in the other countries because of the presence of large

numbers of Negroes, imported from West Indies (1957: 14-15). From this quotation it

can be seen that many groups of different races dominated the number of citizen.

According to Race Relations 3rd Edition, the Mexican Americans are a most

diverse ethnic group. On one hand, they are an indigenous people who were

overpowered by white settlers and similar to the Native Americans (Kitano 1985:

157). Their immigration from Mexico to the United States makes them one of the

largest immigrant groups. Their immigration has included the temporary worker, the

legal immigrant, and unknown number of illegal or can be mentioned as the

undocumented. The Mexican Americans are a large and complex ethnic group, yet in

the minds of the majority, there remains a simple stereotype of lazy, stoic peasant, or

its opposite, a ruthless, and cruel bandito. From the quotation above we can

understand that the stereotypes of Mexican American people are unpleasant people,


For this research the writer takes a play by Luis Valdez, Los Vendidos. Los

Vendidos is a play about the condition of Mexican American from at first the

Mexican came in the early 1910. In this brief play Valdez clearly explores white’s

stereotypical images of Mexicans while also exposing those who willingly play

stereotypical roles. Los Vendidos means "those who sold out". Valdez did not agree

with some people in his own culture selling out and forgetting their values and

heritage and conforming to white society. (www.docshare.com)

This study is going to analyze the types of discrimination in the play Los

Vendidos, which experienced by the characters. Valdez used stereotypical models of

Mexicans to make the secretary of Governor Regan, think that the odd behaviors of

the models were appropriate. The models were: The Farm Worker. Johnny is a big

city thug. The Revolucionario starts and participates in revolutions and other things

of that nature; the last is Mexican-American. This play showed how Mexican people

who lived in United States were discriminated by Mexican American.

This is interesting to be analyzed because this play contains many forms of

discrimination among Mexican in America. The writer attempts to analyze the

stereotypical characters in this play then reveal the types of racial discrimination

faced by Mexican American.

B. Problem Formulation

In order to have a thorough analysis, there are two main problems that will be


1. How are the characters in this play described?

2. How are racial discriminations revealed through the characters?

C. Objectives of the Study

The first objective is to find and explain how the characters in Los Vendidos

are described. The second objective is to reveal the type of the racial discrimination in

Mexico reflected in the play seen through each character.

D. Definition of Term

In order to avoid misunderstanding and to make discussion clearer about the

term racial discrimination, the writer gives some explanation that can be used as the


1. Racial Discrimination

Racial discrimination is treating some people differently than others or

favoring one social group over another based on prejudice (Hanes, 2007:29). The

term racial discrimination shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or

preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the

purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on

an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political,

economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life


According to Racial and Ethnic Relations in America second Edition,

discrimination is an unfavorable action toward people because they are members of a

particular racial or ethnic group (McLemore, 1980: 108). The term discrimination

refers to an overt action. Discrimination, similarly, is used by some to refer only to

certain forms of negative actions. Frequently, for instance, it refers only to negative

actions that spring from prejudice.

2. Mexican- American

The Mexican American can count a great variety of Native Americans that is many Indian groups who once lived in Mexico and the American Southwest. Another major component is European, for Mexican Americans are also descended from the Spaniards who came to this hemisphere during the early periods of exploration, conquest, and settlement (Samora, 2008: 5).

From this quotation, it can be concluded that Mexican American is a mixture

of diverse people. The Indian itself is also a mixture of many groups, and so does the

Americans who are the mixtures of many people around the world. The mixing of





A. Review of Related Studies

Visage (2002), in his research, stated that Los Vendidos focused on the Latino

stereotypes. It focused on how the stereotypes effects on society. His research

focused on the characters that create stereotype of Mexican-American. Further, in his

article titled Los Vendidos: Using Stereotypes to end racism, he stated that

The individual “models” appear to have their own identities within the Mexican race and each identity stands for a stereotype society generally holds of Mexicans. For instance, the farm worker "goes back to Mexico and doesn't return... until next Spring," and doesn't speak English. The revolucionario was romantic, rode horses, and started revolutions like in the movies. The Mexican American was educated and “Mexican but American.” In the end, however, the characters were stripped of stereotypical features and seemed to be of one people, all speaking Spanish and working together. The characteristics attached to the labels were fabricated by society accessed on June 12th 2011).

This quotation implies that, each character in Los Vendidos hold the

stereotype of Mexican people, for example Farmworker is described as a person who

cannot speak English, Revolucionario is a romantic guy and Mexican American who

is educated person. This research highlights the stereotype or label that is given to the

Mexican people by the society.

Another research on Los Vendidos also had been done by Michaela Abele in

2006. In her research titled Education with a Smile on its Face- An Analysis of Comic


She stated that the play actually created a comic sense but it has ironical aspects. The

purpose of making it into comic is to take awareness of people in thinking about

moral value in society. Therefore, her research focused on the ironical aspects in the

play. It is stated as follows

Taking into account that “people pay no attention to moralizers,” Robert Harris therefore considers irony to be “the only fruitful method” to reveal hypocrisy and flaws in society, as suggested in his article “The Purpose and Method of Satire.” Harris’s opinion appears to be reflected in Valdez’s acto Los Vendidos, in which he frequently uses irony as well as other kinds of comic elements in order to entertainingly educate his audience and to provoke changes. Initially, the comic nature of Los Vendidos is revealed by its ironical

aspectsth 2011)

The third study is taken from Jorg Vogelmann (2006). He had done a research

about the comedic elements of Los Vendidos. His research titled Elements of Comedy

in Luis Valdez’s Acto Los Vendidos as Techniques for Communication and

Mobilisation. This research focused on comedic elements. This element is used to

deliver the political messages. Moreover, it is stated in the following quotation.

The thesis that Valdez’s play Los Vendidos consists of various comedic patterns to enable a thrilling, entertaining and effective communication between the author and his Chicano audience to sustainably deliver Valdez’s political messages can be seen when analyzing his probably most famous acto and the types of comedy he uses. Los Vendidos can be assigned to classifications like low, realistic or satiric comedy. This, indeed, shows how strongly Valdez relies on comedic-satiric techniques to politically communicate with and mobilise his Chicano fellow countrymen

th 2011).

As the three studies mentioned above, this study has different objective. It is

going to analyze the form of racial discrimination depicted through the characters in


B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, there are two theories that are going to be used to answer the

problems that have been formulated. The first theory is theory of character and

characterization to see the intrinsic element of the play, the second is theory of racial

discrimination to analyze the form of racial discrimination.

1. Theories of Character and Characterization

Character is the main element in a literary work. According to M.H Abrams,

A Glossary of Literary Terms ninth Edition,

“Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as possessing particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the person say and their distinctive ways of saying it -the dialogue- and from what they do –the action” (2009: 42).

This quotation shows that the character is the one who plays an important role

in the story. Based on How To Analyze Drama by Reaske, there are six devices to

characterize the characters.

a. The Appearance of the Character

“In the prologue or in the stage directions the playwright often describes the

character in the physical sense” (Reaske, 1966: 46). This quotation shows that the

appearance or what the character looks like is one of the ways to show the


b. Asides and Soliloquies

The characters can also be described by his or her dialogue to the audience.

“All of the further characterization is of course established through dialogue. We

learn about the characters as they speak. To understand the characters best when they

speak in short asides or in longer soliloquies” (1946: 46). To characterize what kind

of person the character is by showing the character’s speech or mind that is

addressing to the audience or it is only the character’s inner thought which is

delivered when he or she is alone.

c. Dialogue between Characters

“Not only does the language of the character speaking alone characterize him,

but his language when speaking to others also sheds a great deal of light on his

personality” (1966: 47). The conversation between the characters also can show the

characteristics of the characters.

d. Hidden Narration

“One of the devices of the characterization frequently employed is having one

character in a play narrate something about another character” (1966: 47). From this

quotation, it can be seen that the playwright indirectly shows the characterization of

one character from another character’s description.

e. Language

“Not only must we pay close attention to the kind of words which the

character uses, but also we must be careful to remember how the character speaks”


and the attitude while the character pronounces dialogue is also the important thing to


f. Character in Action

The last device is about the character’s act. This is to show the reaction that

the characters give on a certain situation.

2. Theory of Racial Discrimination

There are many kinds of races in the world. According to McLemore races are

subspecies of mankind (1980: 79). It can be said that race is the mankind’s

categorization which has certain distinctive physical traits. The difference of race in

some place can be a serious problem if a person cannot deal with another who has

different race.

“The problem of race and culture contacts in the modern world is essentially a social problem because it involves the relations of peoples, not merely as individuals in their interpersonal relations, but people as members of groups, which are differentiated because of both physical characteristics and cultural differences” (Frazier, 1957:31).

This statement implies that racial problem occurs due to the people’s relation

as a member of group, the differences of physical appearance between the individuals

and the cultural differences. Hanes in the book Prejudice in the Modern World stated

that, discrimination means one group enjoys an undue or undeserved advantage over

another group possessing the same qualifications based on arbitrary, or random,


group that oppresses another group unreasonably and can cause the disadvantage to

another group.

“Discrimination is an unfavorable action toward people because they are members of particular racial or ethnic group. Discrimination, similarly, is used by some to refer only to certain forms of negative actions. For instance, it refers only to negative actions that spring from prejudice” (McLemore, 1980: 108).

From this quotation it can be concluded that discrimination is an unpleasant

action toward people because they have different race or ethnic. Prejudice can lead

people to discriminate. Prejudice is an unfavorable attitude toward people because

they are members of a particular racial or ethnic group (McLemore, 1980: 108).

Hanes also stated that prejudice is far more than simply a negative attitude. It often

involves actions such as discrimination (2007: 26). It is understood that

discrimination may occur because of the existence of prejudice. Prejudice refers to an

attitude, feeling, or opinion. To determine how prejudiced he or she is, can be known

by the extent of people accept stereotyping (McLemore, 1980: 111). According to

Hanes, stereotyping is an oversimplified prejudgment of others using physical or

behavioral characteristics, usually exaggerated, that supposedly apply to every

member of that group (Hanes, 2007: xxxiv). This quotation implies that stereotype is

an over prejudgment because of his or her physical or behavioral and apply to every

member of the group.

Then it can be understood that discrimination is caused by the existence of

prejudice, and to find out the level of prejudice of someone can be seen from how


discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping are really tight. These are the idea that

people can be motivated to act in different ways and their actions are an indication of

the way they think or believe something.

McLemore also stated three theories of the type of discrimination (1980: 126-

138), they are:

1. The Situational Pressures

This theory gives very important ideas, whether people discriminate or not

may depend more on the characteristics and demands of the social situation (1980:

127). From this quotation it can be said that the discrimination may occur in some

social situation or related to the society. “In fact people discriminate under some

conditions. The specific social pressures is arising in particular situations and in many

instances, this is to outweigh personal prejudice as a cause of discrimination”

(1980:127). This quotation explains clearly that this type of discrimination occurs in

certain situation and causes by a pressure from the superior person in the instances. It

is not true that a person discriminates the other because he or she wants to, but there

are always pressures from somebody that leads a person to discriminate.

2. The Group Gains

The conflict between groups for the control of land and jobs, led to relatively

fixed social arrangements in which the members of the more powerful groups

enjoyed greater privileges than those in the less powerful groups (1980: 130). To

illustrate, if minority- group workers are forced into the hardest, dirtiest, lowest


quotation, the more powerful groups get more advantages from the powerless one. It

also can be said the minority get different treatment.

3. Institutional Discrimination

Institutional discrimination in employment arises because the members of a

minority lack some ability or qualification intentionally denied them in the past

(McLemore, 1980:137). This statement shows that discrimination occurs when the

minority group did not get the fair treatment in their past in some institution that

affected in the future, they unqualified to have job and always be discriminated every

single time. When an institution has requirements that the employer should have

formal education such as high school or diploma, the automatic result is to exclude

those who do not have the requirements. If people have been subject to discrimination

in the schools, then they are less likely to have graduated and therefore to be less

qualified for a job that requires a diploma (McLemore, 1980: 137).

Based on International Encyclopedia of Ethics, institutional discrimination

includes segregation between race, redlining by financial institution, and the

continuous practice of low paying job experienced by the minority groups (Roth,

1995: 232). According to John K. Roth, discrimination is a differential treatment

based on physical and social affiliation. It has negative impact on just and moral

behavior (1995:231). In the United States, various groups have experienced various

forms of discrimination, including racial discrimination. Discrimination is not limited


C. Review on Discrimination Experienced by Mexican American

The interaction of Mexicans and Americans started when Mexicans had begun

to immigrate to the United States in large numbers, approximately leads over 680.000

Mexican citizens, as early 1910. The Mexican Revolution and the unsettled economic

condition were some factors that led Mexican came to United States; they came to the

United States looked for the jobs. Based on the World War II and Mexican American

Civil Rights,

Observers have estimated that approximately 3.5 million persons of Mexican descent lived in the US. Like other immigrant groups, most had embarked on the challenging journey to the US for material reasons – to earn enough to return to their native land and start a new life or to make a better life for themselves in the new country (Castillo, 2008: 8).

There was a need for the assistance in United States government and also a

need for labor especially in cotton farming and agriculture. The Mexicans were

experienced in farming, ranching, and mining. It was going through the next twenty


Based on World War II and Mexican American Civil Right, “Color prejudices

were common throughout the United States, but Mexicans settled in areas where

racial prejudice was deeply rooted and particularly strong” (Castillo, 2008: 11). The

Mexicans were natural targets of the race based discrimination that victimized

American Indians, African Americans, and Asians.


assumptions concerning their supposed innate inferiority. It was easy to stereotype them as unclean, unmotivated, slow, dishonest, able to live on less, and do not fit to associate with whites (2008: 11).

The economic problems faced by Mexican American were because they the

most submerged and destitute group in the US. Many of them were employed in the

“lowest paid and least desirable jobs and also plagued by illiteracy, juvenile

delinquency, criminality, and disease (Castillo, 2008: 8). Therefore the Americans see

them as an underclass citizen and can be discriminated right away.

The Mexican American people not only being discriminated but also they

were accused as a criminal.

Their second class status was signed in encounters with police, border officers, and other officials who adopted attitudes that ranged from disrespectful to humiliate. Police brutality was often visited upon Mexican Americans accused of crimes (Castillo, 2008: 14).

From the quotation above, it can be said that the second class status of

Mexican American citizen makes them mostly accused of crimes. The most obvious

reminders of the demarcation of social status by race were announcement posted on

restaurants and other places generally open to the public indicating that persons of

Mexican descent would not be served (Castillo, 2008: 14). Movie theaters often

segregated their Mexican American customers. The use of public toilet was also

frequently denied to people identified as “Mexican” and they were banned from or

assigned special times for their use of public parks, swimming pools, and other

recreational facilities. A sign like “We Serve WHITE’S only NO SPANISH or


1940s (Castillo, 2008: 13). The impact of such conditions was obvious Mexican

Americans could not use those services to which they were entitled and were daily

reminded of their inferior status. In 1940, conditions and prospects for Mexican

Americans remained much the same. Mexican Americans remained largely rural,

disproportionately illiterate, mostly very poor, physically isolated from their

American neighbors, and deprived of the full potential of life in the US (2008: 14).

From the side of educational, up to now education has not provided Mexican

Americans with ladder to success. Segregation, isolation, inappropriate curricula, and

poor teaching are partially the problem they faced (Kitano, 1985: 170). Mexican

American children on average received fewer months of instruction during the school

year than the Anglo, and fewer years of schooling overall. Indeed, according to an

official survey done during the war, 42 percent of Mexican American children of

school age received no education at all (2008: 12).

During the US participation in World War I (1914-1918) in Europe, thousands

of Mexican served in the military under the Americans flag. They took advantage

during the wartime; they found employment as highly skilled laborers in construction

and industry (Hanes, 2007:425). Many immigrants formed organization and labor

union to combat prejudice and discrimination.

On the World War II, Mexican American also gave contributions to United

States. Similar to World War I, the manufacturing industry opened new job

opportunities for Mexican Americans who were not in military service. Agricultural


United States and Mexico established a bracero program or labor program. This

program allowed braceros or laborers to legally enter the United States for seasonal

work on farms. Almost five million workers from Mexico joined this program, even

though the working conditions were obviously harsh and low paying job (Hanes,

2007: 428).

Not only working in the industries, probably about 500.000 Mexican

Americans men joined the armed service during the war. They volunteered for many

reasons. Some wanted to escape poverty and discrimination; some did because of

pride, sense of manhood, family loyalty, duty, and patriotism (Castillo, 2008: 50).

For many others citizen, the war experienced strengthened an identity that had

been shaped by family and community one that had struggled against discrimination

for generations (Castillo, 2008: 57). The condition of the war was very violent for

them and their contributions might lead to have psychological trauma because many

people loss their life. Not only had the war given effects on Mexican American’s

identity, the suffering, poverty, and discrimination that existed before and after the

war. And, those who were able to survive physically and psychology were

undoubtedly change by their experienced (Castillo, 2008: 54). The emergence of

pachuco that shocked many Mexican American people was one of the examples of

how the youth try to find identity. They were considered to represent sexuality and

violence by American people (Castillo, 2008: 69).


being pot- smoking prostitutes who were cultural traitors (Castillo, 2008: 69).”

Zoot- Suit Riots was the incidents done by some Mexican Americans

teenagers. They wore absurdly long coats with padded shoulder, porkpie hats

completed by a feather in the back, watch chains so long they almost touched the

ground, and peg- top trousers tapering to narrow cuffs (Kitano, 1985: 161).

“The threat of the pachucos was much exaggerated. The pachucos used to stand in front of the Cornet Theater, but they were harmless, they never hurt anybody, they just wanted to be the little tough guy, show off their clothing and the way they did their hairdo, no one was afraid of them, there was no incident of violence or killings (Castillo, 2008: 69).”

Mexican American people later remembered their youthful experiences with

racism and discrimination as an integral part of shaping their identity with memories

of discrimination and humiliations and with the desire to overcome or reconcile

(Castillo, 2008: 58). Most of them had grown up to expect hard work, poverty,

hunger, and rejection, they learned to survive.

D. Theoretical Framework

The first problem in this study understands the characteristics of the six

characters, Farmworker, Johnny Pachuco, Revolucionario, Mexican American,

Honest Sancho, and Secretary through their characterization. The theory of

characterization by Reaske is used to explain their characteristics. These


After finding out the characteristics of those six characters, this study applies

the theory of discrimination which is divided into three types, the situational

pressures, the group gains, and institutional discrimination. Observing the type of

discrimination using the theory of discrimination by McLemore will answer the




A. Object of the Study

This paper deals with one of Luiz Valdes’s plays entitled Los Vendidos. This

play consists of only one act. This play was taken from The Harcourt Brace

Anthology of Drama the third edition by W.B. Worthen. The play was first performed

in 1965. Valdez established El Teatro Campesino (the Farm Workers’ Theater) and it

was awarded an Emmy in 1972. This theater specialized in doing short, improvised,

satirical skits called actos. The idea of making the theater is because he had seen a

strikes of farm workers and a boycott against grape owner which organized by Cesar

Chavez in Delano, California.

When the secretary first gets to the lot, Sancho, the model dealer, introduces

her to each model. First is the Farm Worker Model, as a hard worker and an

economical machine. The secretary does not want him because he doesn't speak

English and has tendencies to strike. Sancho then introduces her to Johnny, which

immediately pulls out a switchblade and swings at the secretary. Sancho shows her

that this model knows how to be arrested while slightly resisting. This model isn't as

economical as the first, but he is still fairly cheap to operate. The problem comes

when the secretary finds out that this model does drugs and steals the secretary's

purse. It is because of these things that the secretary decides that this is not an


Sancho moves on to the Revolucionario, which used to act in movies and do

commercials for TV. This model is more economical than the second but it is rather

because he eats raw horsemeat and drinks tequila; however this makes it a better

lover. The problem with this model is that he was come from Mexico and the

secretary wants a model from America. Finally, Sancho introduces the

Mexican-American model. This model is charming, intelligent, patriotic, but very expensive to

purchase and to maintain. It is expensive to purchase because it takes two Pachuchos,

a Farm Worker, and three white-raced models, to make it. It is expensive to maintain,

because it runs on dry martinis, bread, and mom's apple pie. This model delivers

political speeches and is very refined.

The secretary decides that the Mexican-American model is what she needed

so she pays $15,000 for it. As she is getting ready to load the model into her vehicle,

the Mexican-American, starts shouting about human rights, striking for equality of

the Mexican race and killing white people. The secretary is troubled about this new

discovery, and wants to return the model and get her money back, but before she can

get a response from Sancho, all four models turn on and shout at her as they move in

on her. The secretary, runs for her life and leaves.

After the secretary is gone, Johnny walks over to Sancho and takes the money

from his hands and turns him off. Then the four "models" proceed to divide the

money up amongst themselves and talks about how much money they are making off

this con. Los Vendidos is a play that satires the condition of Mexican-American from


There are Honest Sancho, Secretary, Farm Worker, Johnny, Revolucionario,

Mexican-American. The last four characters become the ‘models’. Each individual

give different identity within the Mexican race. Every single identity stands for a

stereotype given by Mexicans in America.

B. Approach of the Study

In this paper, the researcher will use the socio cultural-historical approach to

reveal the racial discrimination in Los Vendidos. The socio cultural-historical

approach describes and evaluates a work in terms of social, cultural, and historical

context in which it was produced and published and the facts of its author’s life

(Holman, 1986:238). The historical critic attempts to recreate through some historical

process the meaning and the values of the work for its own time.

According to Reading and Writing about Literature, “Critics whose major

interest is the socio cultural- historical approach insist than the only way to locate the

real work is in reference to the civilization that produce it.” (Rohrberger, 1971:9)

From the quotation, it is understood that cultural historical approach was produced

because of the reference to the civilization.

This approach is needed to analyze the social problem appeared in the play.

Then the writer should understand about the historical background of the story to

answer the problem formulation. This approach may help to give a deep


C. Method of the Study

This study is used a library research method in analyzing this play. As other

thesis, this thesis uses a primary source and secondary sources. The primary source is

the screenplay itself, Los Vendidos. The secondary sources are taken from some

references books of theory, such as, Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory

and Practices by Charles E. Bressler, How To Analyze Drama by Christopher Russel

Reaske, A Glossary of Literary Terms by M. H. Abrams, Race Relations third Edition

by Harry H.L Kitano, Racial and Ethnic Relations in America second Edition by S.

Dale McLemore, Theories of Race and Racism A Reader edited by Les Back and

John Solomos, Prejudice in the Modern World by Richard C. Hanes, Sharon M.

Hanes, and Kelly Rudd, World War II and Mexican American Civil Rights edited by

Richard Griswold del Castillo, A History of Mexican American People, and Culture

Contacts in the Modern World by E. Franklin Frazier. The information from the

internet also will be used as a second source.

There are some steps in analyzing this play. The first step was reading the

whole play several times in order to get the deeper and better understanding about the

idea of the story and then formulated the problems. The second step was finding

references related to the play, Los Vendidos so that we could enrich our

understanding about it. The third step was finding the literary theory of character and

characterization, and the history of Mexican American, especially how the Mexican

experienced the discrimination by the American. The fourth step was applying the


see their characteristics. Followed by the fifth step was revealing the form of racial

discrimination reflected through the characters. The last step was making a




In Los Vendidos, there are six characters. They are Honest Sancho, Secretary,

Farm Worker, Johnny Pachucho, Revolucionario, and Mexican- American. The play

dramatizes a range of stereotypes applied by Anglo culture which is represented by

Miss Jimenez (Worthen, 2000:1008). According to Reaske (1966: 46-48), a

characteristic can be seen from the appearance of the character, the dialogue between

characters, the language, and also the action of the character.

A. Description of the Characters

1. Farmworker

He is a typical Mexican people. According to Reaske, the characterization can

be seen from the character’s appearance. Mexican people usually have dark skin. The

stereotype of the Mexican people is mostly dark or dark brown complexion and black

hair (Samora, 2008:8). The Farmworker, from Sancho’s description, has dark or beige




After the Secretary asks Sancho to give her somebody that has beige or tan

skin, Sancho immediately introduces Farmworker to her. It means that Farmworker

has darker skin than the other.

Sancho also describes the Farmworker as a hard worker and durable. In 1960s

the condition in the United States was very harsh. Many workers from Mexico

worked in the field as a farmer for long hours (Hanes, 2007: 428). This quotation

implies that many Mexican people work very hard for United States in the unkind

condition. The characterization of Farmworker as a hard worker and durable person is

formed from the actual condition that happened in 1960. It can be seen through

Sancho’s description and the Farmworker’s action.

SANCHO: That could be one model. Step right over here to the center of the shop, lady. (they cross the Farm worker.) This is our standard farm worker model. As you can see, in the words of our beloved Senator George Murphy, he is “built close to the ground.” Also take special notice of his four-ply Goodyear huaraches, made from the rain tire. This wide- brimmed sombrero is an extra added feature--- keeps off the sun, rain and dust.

SECRETARY: Yes, it does look durable.

SANCHO: Didn’t I tell you? Loves his patrones! But his most attractive feature is that he’s hardworking. Let me show you.

FARMWORKER: (He begins to work.)

SANCHO: He is cutting grapes, picks cotton, and also picks melon (Valdez, 2000: ….)

Workers in the United States were mostly immigrants from Mexico. They

worked on the farm, because United States needed many workers who can work in

the agricultural area (Hanes, 2007: 428). However, they did not work all the seasons.


happens to Farmworker. In the end of the season the Farmworker will come back to

Mexico. This condition indicates that Farmworker works seasonally.

SANCHO: And here’s an added feature: Every year at the end of the season, this model goes back to Mexico and doesn’t return, automatically, until next spring. (Valdez, 2000: 1010)

In the era of 1942, Mexico and United States established a program named

bracero program. Bracero is a Spanish word which means worker (Hanes, 2007:

422). This program was particularly for the farm workers who worked in the United

States. They could legally enter the United States for seasonal work on farms (Hanes,

2007:428). Farmworker also talks about going back to Mexico, typical farm workers

are known as the migrant because they come to the US once a year during the

planting season.

Another characteristic of Farmworker can be seen from the dialogue between

Sancho and Secretary.

SECRETARY: Wonderful. But is he economical?

SANCHO: Economical? Senorita, you are looking at the Volkswagen of Mexicans. Pennies a day is all it takes. One plate of beans and tortillas will keep him going all day. That, and chile. Plenty of chile jalapenos, chile verde, chile Colorado. But, of course if you do give him chile (Snap. Farmworker turns left face. Snap. Farm worker bends over.) Then you have to change his oil filter once a week. (Valdez, 2000: 1009)

Sancho says that the Farmworker is economical. It means that Secretary does

not have to pay much money to get him. Sancho says that she only has to pay him

some pennies and gives him chile, tortilla, jalapenos chili, which are typically


often harsh and mostly they were working in the fields for long hours but low paying

(Hanes, 2007: 428). The working condition that is very rude and the worker are

forced to work in a long hours but they only get a little money.

Farmworker is supposed to be an ideal type for the Secretary. He has dark skin,

and also hard working, and he is low paid worker so Secretary does not pay much for

him. On the other hand, there is one more criteria from Secretary, she wants someone

who can speak English to work in the office.

SECRETARY: How about that. But tell me: does he speak English? SANCHO: Another outstanding feature --- to go out on STRIKE! SECRETARY: No! Oh no, we can’t strike in the State Capitol. SANCHO: Well, he also scabs. (Snap.)

FARMWORKER: Me vando barato, y que? (Snap)

SECRETARY: That’s much better, but you didn’t answer my question. Does he speak English?

SANCHO: Bueno….. no pero he has other --- SECRETARY: No! (Valdez, 2000: 1010)

From the quotation above, the farm worker uses Spanish language. When

Secretary asks Sancho about Farmworker’s ability to speak English, Sancho answers

with Spanish language which means, Farmworker cannot speak English. Therefore,

the Secretary directly rejects the Farmworker. In World War II and Mexican

American Civil Rights, it is provided the fact about Mexican people who were mostly

unskilled and illiterate. Poverty and lack of education also played role to their lives

(Castillo, 2008: 11). According to Hanes, at that time the slaves like them had no

right to learn or write, even posses books (Hanes, 2007: 337). Poverty and


Thus, it is obvious that many Mexican people were lack education so they cannot

speak English, because they never received proper education.

Sancho also says that Farmworker was programmed to go out on strike. At that

time many farm workers do strike because of the unfair treatment from the US

government to the farm worker.

SANCHO: Another outstanding feature is that last year this model was programmed to go out on STRIKE! (Snap.)

FARM WORKER: HUELGA! HUELGA! Hermanos, salganse de esos files. (Snap. He stops)

SECRETARY: No! Oh no, we can’t strike in the State Capitol.

The unfair treatment they got was about the low wages they earned and also the

working conditions. They want higher wages and better working conditions (Hanes,

2007: 429). They refused to work in farm and led a group of people to march in the

road (Hanes, 2007: 24). Because of the characteristic of Farmworker that is lack

education and cannot speak English fluently, the only way to protest of the unfair

condition is by going out on strike.

2. Johnny Pachuco

During the World War II, many of young Mexican American formed a gang

and named it pachuco (McLemore, 1980: 232). Pachuco is a slang word of Spanish

which means tough guy (Hanes, 2007: 22). Pachucos owned unique style in wearing

clothes. They wore jacket, it was long and very broad in the shoulder. They also wore


outfit made pachuco very unique and easy to know and became very popular at that

time for Mexican youngsters. In 1942, pachuchos accused of murder. They found

guilty and were arrested (McLemore, 1980: 233). Because of this incident, the

stereotype of violent pachuco was widely believed.

The explanation from Sancho about this model is, he says that Johnny is

bilingual. Bilingual here means Johnny can use both language Spanish and English.

However, when Sancho asks Johnny to show that he can use English as well, Johnny

says the taboo word which makes Secretary rejects him.

SANCHO: But, he is bilingual. Johnny, give us some English.(Snap.) JOHNNY: (Come downstage) fuck you!

SECRETARY: (Gasps) Oh! I’ve never been so insulted in my whole life. (Valdez, 2000: 1010)

Based on An Encyclopedia of Swearing, “fuck” is the most powerful taboo

term. “Fuck” is still regarded as an unmentionable word (Hughes, 2006:188). This

quotation shows that, the word fuck is a rude word to say. It is clear that it insults the

Secretary. Secretary may think that Johnny is an impolite person.

Johnny is also described as a person who consumes some drugs. This is the

reason that Secretary rejects him again because of his bad habit.

SANCHO: Lenos…….. marijuana. (snap. Johnny inhales on an imaginary joint)

SECRETARY: That’s against the law!

SANCHO: He also sniffs glue (Snap. Johnny inhales glue, big smile.) (Valdez, 2000: 1010)

Pachuco was described by the people as an affront and a monstrosity, organized


pachuco is considered as criminals and they also use marijuana a lot. In this story,

Johnny is described that he has negative behavior. In addition he consumes marijuana

and sniffs glue. Because of that, Johnny is illustrated as a typical Mexican gangster or


According to Reaske, the characteristics of a character can be seen from his or

her action (Reaske, 1966: 48). By seeing through Johnny’s action, it can be concluded

that Johnny is a criminal. At the end, Johnny tries to steal Secretary’s purse.

SANCHO: He steals. (Snap. Johnny rushes the Secretary and steals her purse.) JOHNNY: Dame esa bolsa, vieja! (He grabs the purse and runs. Snap by Sancho. He stops.)

(Secretary runs after Johnny and grabs purse away from him, kicking him as she goes.)

SECRETARY: No, no, no! We can’t have any more thieves in the State Administration. Put him back. (Valdez, 2000: 1010)

From the very beginning, Johnny gives a bad impression through his words to

the Secretary. He also consumes drugs, marijuana, and also sniffs glue. By the end,

he tries to steal the secretary’s purse. Because of his negative behavior, the judgment

from the society also negative. However, pachuco still has the other good side.

SANCHO: Anything and everything necessary for city life. For instance, survival.

SANCHO: He can also be beaten and he bruises, cut him, and he bleeds, kick him and he --- (He beats, bruises, and kicks PACHUCO.) would you like to try it? (Valdez, 2000: 1010)

From the conversation above, it can be seen that Johnny is characterized as

strong and tough guy. He bruises, bleeds, but he survives. In the early 1940s, there


were experienced. One of the incidents was Zoot- Suit Riots. They were wearing

unique clothes and hairdo. They were called as pachuco. They just wanted to be the

little tough guy, show off their clothing and the way they did their hairdo (Castillo,

2008: 69). From this quotation it can be seen that these young Mexican Americans

tried to show that they are strong and tough, even though they experienced

discrimination a lot.

3. Revolucionario

He is a revolutionary man. It can be seen from his name Revolucionario. As

Sancho described, he is well- built, sturdy, and durable.

SANCHO: Ah, a lover. (He smiles meaningfully.) Step right over here senorita. Introducing our standard Revolucionario. As you can see, he is well built, sturdy, and durable (Valdez, 2000: 1011).

The quotation above shows that Revolucionario is described as a well built and

strong man. His characteristic is expected to illustrate how he can survive and

struggle the unkind condition. At the war time many Mexican American people

struggle to fight discrimination they experienced (Castillo, 2008: 29). It can be said

that during the war, Mexican people confronted the hard time. They should face the

harsh condition of the war yet they also experienced the discrimination, because they


Sancho also says about a lover in the conversation with the Secretary, and then

he introduces Revolucionario to her. It indirectly says that Revolucionario is a typical

lover guy or romantic.

“All Mexican people, whether rural or urban, began to understand the full impact of an increasingly Americanized society. They had become a marginalized group, separated from the Anglo society by language, culture, and economic power. In seeking ways of reducing the damaging effect of marginalization, many Mexican resorted to a unique strategy of romanticizing Mexican identity, both to reinforce a positive self image and to make their presence in American life seem less threatening to Anglos” (Tamura, 2008: 118).

The above quotation is taken from The History of Discrimination in U.S.

Education shows that the influence of United States society makes them become

inferior and separate in the neighborhood. The inferior status gives bad impact to

Mexican people, to decrease the bad effect of the marginalization. They try to reveal

the romantic identity in order to strengthen the positive self image and to make sure

that their presence is not endangering the American citizen. However, at the end this

effort did not succeed eliminating the discrimination, racism, or even segregation

(Tamura, 2008: 118).

Revolucionario was made in Mexico. This is the reason what makes him

rejected by the Secretary. Secretary cannot hire a Mexican product.

SANCHO: And finally, there is one outstanding feature about this model I KNOW the ladies are going to love. He’s a genuine antique! He was made in Mexico in 1910.

SECRETARY: Made in Mexico?

SECRETARY: Mr. Sancho, I thought he was an American product.


From the conversation above, it can be understood that Revolucionario is

obviously Mexican product which is made in the 1910. It can be concluded that he is

truly Mexican guy.

The following is the description from Honest Sancho about this model:

SECRETARY: What does he do?

SANCHO: You name it, he does it. He rides horses, stays in the mountains, crosses deserts, plains, rivers, lead revolutions, follows revolutions, kills, can be killed, serves as a martyr, hero (Valdez, 2000: 1011)

The conversation above shows the image of Revolucionario that is very strong,

courageous and tough. He even can stay in the mountains, lead revolutions, kills, and

can be killed. Those characteristics portray the real Mexican guy. The characteristics

of Revolucionario are related to the condition of Mexican people in the war time.

Many Mexican people especially Mexican men joined the World War II. They

have variety of reasons why they wanted to volunteer themselves during the war.

Some sought to escape poverty and discrimination at home, some said because of

sense of manhood, loyalty, and patriotism (Castillo, 2008: 50). This quotation implies

that many Mexican men joined the war because they have senses of patriotism. It is

signified as a brave action to take care of their country. It also reveals their loyalty.

They tried to take care about their country to defend what they have. It is also one

way to escape from discrimination they had. They tried to help American people in

order to get an equal treatment, so they will not experience discrimination anymore.


build a good image in order they can be admitted by American neighborhood and also

to prove that they are not endangering them.

War makes them strong and tough. They also had grown to work harder than

the other. Besides the war, the discrimination they faced makes them can endure the

pain of being the second class neighborhood. In this story Revolucionario tries to

reveal this value. The value about being a patriotic, loyal, and masculine or being true

man, it is to survive and take care his country. As a man he also has to be strong in

every condition.

4. Mexican- American

From Sancho’s explanation, he is educated person, intelligent, well- mannered,

polite, and clean.

SANCHO: Well, we’ll just write that down. Yes, senorita, this model represents the apex of American engineering! He is bilingual, college educated, ambitious! Say the word “acculturate” and he accelerates. He is intelligent, well mannered, clean---- did I say clean? (snap. Mexican- American raises his arm) Smell. SECRETARY: (Smells.) Old Sobacco, my favorite.

SANCHO: (Snap. Mexican- American turns toward Sancho.) Eric! (to Secretary) We call him Eric Garcia. (to Eric.) I want you to meet Miss JIM-enez, Eric.

MEXICAN- AMERICAN: Miss JIM-enez, I am delighted to make your acquaintance. (He kisses her hand.)

SECRETARY: Oh my! How charming! (Valdez, 2000: 1011)

His attitude toward Secretary makes her happy. He is the ideal model that the

secretary looks for. He is Mexican but he can be like an American. Secretary was


MEXICAN- AMERICAN: Mr. Congressman, Mr. Chairman, members of the board, honored guests, ladies and gentlemen. (Sancho and Secretary applaud.) Please, please. I come before you as a Mexican- American to tell you about the problems of the Mexican. The problems of the Mexican stem from one thing and one thing alone. He’s stupid. He’s uneducated. He needs to stay in school. He needs to be ambitious, forward looking, harder working. He needs to think American, American, AMERICAN, AMERICAN, AMERICAN. GOD BLESS AMERICA! GOD BLESS AMERICA!! (He goes out of control.)

SECRETARY: Oh my! He’s patriotic too! (Valdez, 2000: 1011)

From the quotation above, Eric Garcia mentions about the problem of Mexican

people who are stupid and lack of education. The Mexican people should go to school

and work harder to change their destiny, and think to be more American. This speech

is done to impress Secretary and makes her choose him to work in the office. His

strategy to talk about the negative things of Mexican people makes the secretary feels

amaze and decides to buy him. The long speech in English language also proves that

he can use English in his conversation as well.

However, after Secretary bought him, Mexican American says something about

protesting to white people using Spanish language.


The above utterance means “Beloved Raza, let’s pick up arms to liberate

ourselves from those damned whites that exploit us! Let’s go!” (Valdez, 2000: 1012).

Eric Garcia tries to struggle from the discrimination that he and his friends

experienced. He wants to be free from the pressure from white people who exploit


turns toward Secretary and makes another opposition speech. The experience of being

discriminated makes him want to fight back, in this text it is illustrated by giving the

this speech, it indicates that he does not want to be controlled anymore. He does not

follow what Secretary ask, so he does the opposite.


This utterance means, “This great mass of humanity has said enough! And it

begins to march! Enough! Enough! Long live La Raza! Long live the Cause! Long

live the strike! Long live the Brown Berets! Long live the students! Chicano power!”

(Valdez, 2000: 1012). When the wartime, many chicanos joined the war. They fought

to avoid discrimination and humiliation they felt. The segregation in school and

public place also deeply felt by them. As a result for their participation and

contribution to the war effort, they wanted an equal treatment. Mexican people

formed organizations such as League of United Latin- American Citizen (LULAC),

Community Service Organization (CSO), Mexican American Youth Organization

(MAYO). This is formed as a movement to fight the discrimination (McLemore,

1980: 236).

In the text, their movement is illustrated by Mexican American’s speech. This

opposition is about to reject the bad treatments from America. He wants no more

discrimination from America and expects for fair treatment and justice for him and


5. Secretary

She is a Mexican woman. It is obvious by seeing her name, hers has Spanish

surname, Jimenez. Her job is a secretary in Governor Reagan’s office. She is a

Mexican descent, but she speaks Spanish language a bit. She prefers to use English to

communicate with people rather than with her native language. It reflects in her

conversation with Sancho. She even does not want to pronounce her name with

Spanish accent. She prefers to pronounce her name with Anglo pronunciation. Anglo

is a term means American people.

SANCHO: Ah, una chicana! Welcome, welcome Senorita Jimenez. SECRETARY: (Anglo pronunciation) JIM- enez.


SECRETARY: My name is Miss JIM- enez. Don’t you speak English? (Valdez, 2000: 1009)

From the quotation above it can be seen that Miss Jimenez slowly tries to reveal

her identity as an American. She only wants to have a conversation in English. She

does not admit her nationality as one of Mexican descent.

She looks for a Mexican type to work in the administration office, such as dark,

economical, durable, and hard working. However, she wants a model that has

characteristic of American, which is can speak English. When Secretary gets

Farmworker who has the characteristics she wants but unfortunately he cannot speak

English, she directly rejects him. This is the indication that Secretary discriminates



SECRETARY: But of course not too dark.

SECRETARY: Perhaps, beige (Valdez, 2000: 1009)

From the quotation above, it can be said that Secretary also distinguishes the

skin color of a person. She wants somebody with dark skin. However she

immediately revised her words become she wants someone who has beige skin.

Mexican people typically have dark complexion skin (Samora, 2008: 8). Long time

ago, if a person has dark skin color, he or she is considered to have bad behavior

(Hanes, 2007: 333). The idea that Mexican people mostly have a dark skin color and

the stereotype about bad behavior of dark skin people makes Secretary rejects


She gives the same attitude to Johnny Pachuco. When she knows that, Johnny is

a criminal. She directly rejects him.

SECRETARY: No, no, no! We can’t have any more thieves in the State Administration. Put him back. (Valdez, 2000: 1010)

She does the same action to the next model, Revolucionario. Secretary almost

chooses him before she knows that Revolucionario is the Mexican product.

SECRETARY: Mr. Sancho, I thought he was an American product.

SECRETARY: No, I’m sorry. We can’t buy anything but American- made products. He just won’t do.

SECRETARY: I don’t care. You still don’t understand what we need. It’s true we need Mexican models such as these, but it’s more important that he be American. (Valdez, 2000: 1011)

She gives many reasons to reject the models, even though some models are


selective woman. She is really concern about the criteria of the models. Those three

models, Farmworker, Johnny Pachuco, and Revolucionario have characteristics that

are appropriate with Secretary’s criteria, such as being hard worker, romantic, strong,

and economical. However, they also have inadequacies, so that Secretary rejects


6. Honest Sancho

Honest Sancho is the owner of the shop. He sells four models, Farmworker,

Johnny Pachuco, Revolucionario, and Eric Garcia the Mexican American guy.

According to Reaske, to characterize a person can be from his or her character in

action. By looking at the character’s action, reader can immediately understand the

character much better (Reaske, 1966: 48). From Sancho’s action, it can be said that

Sancho is a good seller. He sells his models by promoting them to the Secretary.

However, he promotes them by saying the good side and bad side. He tries to be

honest to Secretary.

When Sancho offers Farmworker to Secretary, he directly says the good

characteristics of Farmworker that he is a hardworking person, economical, and

durable. However, Sancho has no doubt to explain the shortcoming of Farmworker

who is uneducated and always strikes.

The same action when Sancho introduces Johnny, at first Sancho says the good


about his models, although they have weaknesses. As the seller he tries his best to

promote his models to the only one buyer, Secretary. He does his best to convince

Secretary. He compares the requirements that she gave in order to get the suitable


To identify a character is by seeing the dialogue of the characters (Reaske,

1966: 47). From the dialogue below, it shows that Sancho uses Spanish language a


SANCHO: Bueno, bueno, mis monos, vamos a ver a quien vendermos ahora, no? (to audience) Quihubo! I’m Honest Sancho and this is my shop. Antes fui contratista pero ahora logre tener mi negocito. All I need now is a customer. (A bell rings offstage) Ay, a customer.

SECRETARY: (Entering) Good morning. I’m Miss Jimenez from ----

SANCHO: Ah, una chicana! Welcome, welcome Senorita Jimenez. SECRETARY: (Anglo pronunciation) JIM- enez.


SECRETARY: My name is Miss JIM- enez. Don’t you speak English? (Valdez, 2000: 1009)

From the very beginning Sancho introduces himself with Spanish language. He

also greets Secretary by calling her “Senorita”, senorita is Spanish language which

means “Miss”. Even he pronounces Miss Jimenez’s name with Spanish or Mexican

accent. Sancho wants to reveal his identity as a Mexican people, although he also can

speak English fluently.

Sancho is also characterized as a persistent man. It can be seen from his action

toward the Secretary. Secretary has many criteria to get what she wants, she refuses

Farmworker, but Sancho quickly introduces Johnny Pachuco to her. After knowing


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