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Academic year: 2019



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Ellery James, a celebrated author of historical romances, shuns the spotlight, preferring the solitude of his small town sanctuary to risking media scrutiny. He harbors a closely guarded secret that is not only the bane of his existence, but the source and inspiration of his bestsellers. His strictly proscribed existence goes south and sideways when the grimly dangerous Boone Dantrell blazes into Ellery's life. Ellery is alarmed to experience a tentative but undeniable connection to the haunted, mysterious stranger with secrets of his own, and the burgeoning attraction between them grows almost as swiftly as the danger dogging Boone. They've barely met before their secrets and worlds collide, thrusting them both into unimaginable peril. The battle they must wage together spans this world-and the next-and losing it could cost them not only their lives, but their very souls.

Dimensions: 9.02" h x .61" w x 5.98" l, .86 pounds

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A damn good read

By A. Speed

This is a warm paranormal romance, between a reluctant "ghost whisperer" (and fighter), and a man overcome with grief and personal demons. The set up for the ghosts and other supernatural elements is intriguing, and the narrative voice has a nice bit of snark to it, which is always a plus in my book.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.

Can a man who sees dead people find love among the living? By Julie L. Hayes

Ellery Joyce James is a literary success--copies of his latest bestseller are flying off the shelves. His exuberant agent Max--short for Maxima--is dying to know what Ellery is working on now, but he isn't talking. Largely because he hasn't started it yet, something he's not about to share with Max.

Max nags at Ellery to get a bodyguard, but he is adamantly against the idea. He's moved from New York to the small town of Birchwood, having been left a huge house there in someone's will. He prefers his solitude, even if Max does think the former bed & breakfast is a monstrosity. But it suits Ellery just fine, for many reasons.


avoid. But something about this one makes him reconsider. He just might be sorry he did.

The story is told in Ellery's POV, in his voice, and I came to really get to know and like him. There is much more to Ellery than meets the eye, likewise with this story. Just when you think you've figured it out, another layer is revealed.

This is not your typical boy meets boy and falls in love tale. No, this is more like boy meets potentially homicidal maniac and fears for his life--so why is he so strongly attracted to him?

Besides Ellery and Boone, there is a supporting cast of supernatural characters you will come to love. I didn't feel, by the end of the book, that I knew Boone as well as I wanted to, but I feel like I know Ellery. He's funny and bright, at times self-deprecating, and he has a huge heart.

This multi-layered story was over too soon for my taste. I can only hope and pray there is a sequel in the works. This is my second read by this author, and certainly not my last. Well done, Ms. Emrys, well done!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. More, Please

By Andreams

Quiet but powerful paranormal. I want more by this author.



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