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Political Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump Political Speech


Academic year: 2019

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Supported and Coordinated by:

Postgraduate School

State University of Medan

North Sumatera, Indonesia

Organized by:

Indexing By :


Emerald Garden Hotel, Medan - Indonesia

03-04 October 2018

Vol. 3, December 2018

Vol. 3, December 2018




Proceedings of The 3


Annual International Seminar on






(AISTEEL 2018)

Education, Learning, and Leadership Innovation

Emerald Garden Hotel, Medan City, North Sumatera, Indonesia

October 3-4, 2018

Editorial Board


Dr. Juniastel Rajagukguk, M.Si (State University of Medan, Unimed)

Deputy Editor

Dr. Saronom Silaban, M.Pd (State University of Medan, Unimed)

International Advisory Board / Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Kala Saravanamuthu (University of Newcastle, Australia)

Prof. Arjen EJ Wals (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd (Unimed, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Aytekin Isman (Sakarya University, Turkey)

Prof. Peter Charles Taylor, Ph.D., Med., B.Sc., Dip.Ed (Murdoch University, Australia)

Prof. Dr. Mukhlas Samani, Ph.D (Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Jailani bin Md. Yunos (University Tun Hussein on Malaysia)

Prof. Dr. Nurahimah Mohd. Yusuf (UTM, Malaysia)

Assoc. Prof. Dr Pedro Isaias (University of Queensland, Australia)

Assoc. Prof. Elisabeth Taylor, Ph.D (Murdoch University, Australia)

Dr. Bambang Sumintono, M.Ed (Universiti Malaya, Malaysia)

Dr. Isma Widyaty, M.Pd (UPI, Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Syahrul R, M.Pd (UNP, Indonesia)

Prof. Amrin Saragih, MA., Ph.D (Unimed, Indonesia)

Assoc. Prof. Ade Gafar Abdullah, M.Si (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Eng. Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia)

Prof. Dr. Hartono, M.Pd (Universitas Negeri Semarang)



Proceedings of the 3


Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education

and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2018)


The 3


Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership

(AISTEEL 2018) was held in Emerald Garden Hotel, Medan City-Indonesia on 3-4 October 2018.

This seminar is organized by Postgraduate School, Univesitas Negeri Medan and become a routine

agenda at Postgraduate program of Unimed now.

The AISTEEL is realized this year with various presenters, lecturers, researchers and students from

universities both in and out of Indonesia participating in, the seminar with

theme “Education,

Learning and Leadership Innovation.”

The plenary speakers coming from various provinces in Indonesia have been present topics covering

multi disciplines. They have contributed many inspiring inputs on current trending educational

research topics all over the world. The expectation is that all potential lecturers and students have

shared their research findings for improving their teaching process and quality, and leadership.

The third AISTEEL presents a keynote speaker and 4 distinguised invited speakers from Australia,

Singapore, Taiwan, and Malaysia. In addition, presenters come from various Government and Private

Universities, Institutions, Academy, and Schools. Some of them are those who have sat and will sit in

the oral defence examination.

There are 326 articles submitted to committee, some of which are presented orally in parallel sessions,

and others are presented through posters. The articles have been reviewed by double blind reviewer

and 198 of them were accepted for published by Atlantis Press indexed by International Indexation.

Meanwhile 83 papers were published in online International Proceedings indexed by Google Scholar.

The Committees of AISTEEL invest great efforts in reviewing the papers submitted to the

conference and organizing the sessions to enable the participants to gain maximum benefit.

Grateful thanks to all of members of The 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative

Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2018) for their outstanding contributions. Thanks

also given to Universitas Negeri Medan for published this volume.

The Editors



Table of Contents

Titles and Authors


Design of Physical Practicum Tools on Rotational Dynamics Matter with

Scientific Concept


Fretty Doharni Ritonga; Nurdin Bukit; Betty M.Turnip...

Analysis of the Leading Sector and Its Effect on the Economy in Pakpak Bharat



Dinar Melani Hutajulu; M. Nasir; Arwansyah


Analyze the Characteristic and Factors Cause of Bullying Behaviours in Early



Fadhilah Syam Nasution; Anita Yus; Aman Simaremare...

Play Finger Painting in Creative Art Model to Help Smooth Motoric

Development and Creativity of Group a in Kindergarten at Aek Loba Pekan



Lola Wita Harahap; Sri Milfayetty; Rosmala Dewi...

Maintenance of Gayonese Kinship Terms by Gayonese Minority Migrants in



Desi Purnama Sari; Siti Aisyah Ginting; Berlin Sibarani...

Effect of Functional Training and TRX Suspension Training on Body

Composition member Golden Fitness and Spa


Rafliansyah; Nurhayati Simatupang; Albadi Sinulingga...

Interpersonal Metaphor Used in the Boss Baby Movie


Khairuni Syafitri; Siti Aisyah Ginting; Anni Holila Pulungan...

Speech Act in Indonesia Lawyers Club: KPK vs Novanto


Theresia Fransiska Sidabutar; Zainuddin; Busmin Gurning...

The Effect of Instructional Strategy and Style Ofthinking Secuential on Students

Outcome MAN Medan


Siti Aisyah Hanim; Tiur asih siburian; Darwin...

The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models and Self Efficacy on Student

Mathematics Learning Outcomes


Sabdo Puji Rahayu; Mukhtar; Keysar Panjaitan...

Ideational Grammatical Metahpor in Reading Texts for Senior High School

English Textbooks


Diemam Ferzhawana; Siti Aisyah Ginting; Zainuddin...

Effect of Soft Modification on Student Learning Results PAB 13 Kwala Begumit

Private Vocational School


Iskandar Fahmi...

Differences in Metacognitive Ability of Students Through Learning Realistic

Mathematics Education and Problem Based Learning in Pangkalan Susu Senior

High School


Chairi Mutia Lubis; Waminton Rajagukguk; Kms.M.Amin Fauzi...

Development of Interactive Learning Media Projection of Working Drawing on

Students of Class X TKR in SMK Markus 2 Medan


Irwan Panggabean; R. Mursid; Samsidar Tanjung...

Metaphor of Modality in Donald Trump’s Speech in

United Nation General Assembly 2017


Nursyah Handaya; Siti Aisyah Ginting...

Traditional Sport Of Silek Tuo In Minangkabau Community (a study of Silek tuo



Prima Nanda; Sabaruddin Yunis; Agung Sunarn...

Improved Student’s Generic Science Skills With The Application of Cooperative

Learning Models Based on Batak Culture


Rika Sari Indah Harahap; Derlina; Rahmatsyah; Sahyar; Bornok...

Management Development Athletes of Shorinji Kempo North Sumatra Region


Arti Kurniaty Bangun...

Efforts to Improve Learning Results Free Basketball Shot (Free Throw) Through

The Application of Teaching Style Inclusion


Bob Rahmat Manalu... ...

Development of Egosan Engineering Extension Models with Straight Sticking in

Pencak Silat


William Filipus; Amir Supriadi; Tarsyad Nugraha...

The Development of Interactive Learning Media of Athletic on Physical

Education in SMP Negeri 15 Medan


Akhmad Khaidir; Budi Valianto; Tarsyad Nugraha...

The Effect of Learning Model and Self-Reliance Learning toward Science

Learning Outcomes


Rohima; Mukhtar; Samsidar Tanjung...

The Effect of Learning Method and Kinesthetic Perception on The Learning

Outcomes of Lay Up Basketball


Saiful Adrian; N

urhayati Simatupang; Suprayitno………....

Analysis Of Physical Education Teacher Management Skills In State Elementary

School Sub-District Medan Tembung


Syahrul Effendi Nasution; Amir Supriadi; Albadi Sinulingga...

Innovation Of The Speed Model Using Running With The Ball Techniques In



Julio Roberto; Amir Supriadi; Novita... ...

The Development of Penetration Drill Training Technique of Wrestling Sport


Ihsan Idris Silalahi; Jan Bobby Nesra Barus...

Speech Function of Anies Baswedan’s

Speech in Approval Ceremony as the

Governor of Jakarta in the Period of 2017-2022


Ahmad Rifa’i Ritonga; Sumarsih

... ...

Development of Web-Based Learning Media to Enhance Writing Capability of

Biography Text of Student Class X SMA


Rencus B. Sinabariba, Tiur Asi Siburian, Mutsyuhito Solin...

Implementing the Teaching Supervision by Principals in Improving the

Performance of Teachers in Aceh Besar


Said Ashlan... ... ...

Female Principal Leadership


Hendro Widodo; Hengkang Bara Saputra... ...

The Ways of Rohingya Teenagers in Medan Realized Their Language Attitude


I Wayan Dirgayasa; Rahmat Husein; Lonni NurIffah Nasution...

Metaphor in Umpasa of Saurmatua Toba Batak Ceremony


Heppy Yersin Digita Purba; Rahmad Husein; Anni Holila Pulungan...

The Influence of Part Method, Whole Method and Determination Exercise

Methods on Improving Exercise in the Sports Branch of Pencak Silat Single Art

Category of College Students SPDKK (Art of Kencana Kwitang Self Defense)

Deli Serdang Year 2018/2019


Mawar Sari... ... ...




of Rakut Sitelu

Desi Haryati Nianggolan...

Evaluation of Implementation of Sustainable Professional Development (PKB)

for Junior High School Physical Education Teachers to Increase Professionalism

in Tebing Tinggi City


Mhd Fazar Afandi...

Development of Innovative PJOK teaching materials on floor gymnastics

materials to improve learning outcomes of Grade Students at Junior Hight School


Bangun Saragih...

The Influence of the Discovery Learning Model assisted with Image Media and

Motivation Against Civics Learning Outcomes of Students in Class IV of Public

Elementary Schools 055980 Aman Damai 2017/2018


Heryansyah Ginting; Dede Ruslan; Reh Bungana Br.Perangin-angin...

Development of science teaching materials based on Science Technology Society

(STM) and its influence on learning outcomes of fourth grade students of MIN

Medan Tembung


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The Improvement of Cooperative Learning Model Application Skill in Numbered

Head Together Through Clinical Supervision of Art Teacher in SDN 060886

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Gold of North Sumatera Program Coach Performance


Suyono; Hariadi; Supryetno...

Transitivity Systems Analysis of Bilingual Civic 3 Education Textbook for Grade



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The Lecturer Performance Development of the STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena

Banda Aceh


Saiful Bahri...

The Interference of Batak Mandailing Language to Indonesian (In The Interaction

At The Seventh

Grade Students Of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Al-Azhar

Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan Padang Sidimpuan)


Siti Jahria Sitompul; Abdurrahman Adisaputera; Sumarsi...

The Influence of Microbiology Dictionary and Microbiology Textbook

Utilization in the Contextual Learning Framework on Biology Students Higher

Order Thinking Skills


Kiki Rizqi Sahara; Hasruddin; Ashar Hasairin...

The Differences of Learning Style and St

udents’ Creativity to Students’

Achievement in Dribbling the Ball in Playing Football of Seventh Grade Students

of SMP Ar

Rahman Percut


Muammar Afif Marpaung; Imran Akhmad; Rahma Dewi...

Development of Gobag Sodor Game Model to Increase Interest in Elementary



Siska Nova Undari...

The Influence of Research-Based Learning with Portfolio Assessment on Science

Process Skills in Microbiology Course for Biology Program Students


Saudah Rahmayanti; Hasruddin; Tumiur Gultom...

The Influence of Teaching Style and Confident Against the Results of a Study of

Shooting in the Game of Football (Experiment Studies the Self Check Style and



Tembung Sabilina)

Muhammad Syaiful; Ramadhan Harahap...

Development of Mirror Writing Teaching Materials Based on Class XI Media

Literation of Lolomatua 1 State High School


Yanida Bu'ulolo; Biner Ambarita; Marice...

The Development of Teaching Materials for Technology- Assisted Procedure

Text in Vocational High School


Nova Andarini; Biner Ambarita; Malan Lubis...

Development of Adobe Flash Based Floor Gymnastics Media Learning on Health

Sport Education Lesson



The Effect of Learning Approach and Linguistic Competence Capability Reading

The English Narative Text of Student SMA Negeri 6 Padangsidimpuan.


Sukriyah Batubara; Keysar Panjaitan...


Analysis Effect of Household Consumption, Investment and Labor to Economy

Growth In Sumatera Utara


Richna Handriyani; Arwansyah; Sahyar...

Idioms Translation Strategies in Pasung Jiwa Novel English Version


Hariyanto; Amrin Saragih; Sumarsih...

Code Mixing in Novel: A Case of Indonesian Literary Work


Nurul Hidayanti Hasibuan; Amrin Saragih; Sumarsih...

Logico-Semantic Relation in Presidential Debate Between Hillary Clinton and

Donald Trump


Annisa Risma Khairani Lubis; Della Fransiska Ginting; Jumino Suhadi...

Semiotic Meanings in Cigarette Advertisement Texts


Rodearta Purba; Zainuddin; Amrin Saragih...

Modality as Hedging Device in the US Presidential Election Debate


Roobby Hamdanur; Anni Holila Pulungan; Zainuddiin...

The Improving Mathematical Communication Ability Through Realistic

Mathematical Approach Based on Toba Batak Culture


Aman Sanusi Siregar...

Speech Functions of Doctors and Patients on Medical Consultation Process


Resti Citra Dewi; Anni Holila Pulungan, Sumarsih...

The Development of Venturimeter Instrumentation in Dynamic Fluid


Zahrani Dalimunthe; Rahmatsyah; Derlina...

Lexical Metaphors in Onang-onang of Bobby and Kahiyang Tortor Dance


Siti Rahma Ritonga; Anni Holila Pulungan; Didik Santoso...

The Discourse Markers in President Joko Widodo’s Speeches in KTT APEC

China in 2015


Syahbuddin Nasution1; Busmin Gurning; I Wayan Dirgayasa Tangkas...

Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format for AISTEEL Conference


Translator’s Strategies in Transferring Cultural Values in Ratatouille



Femy Septiani; Anni Holila Pulungan...

Lexical Metaphor In Printed Car Advertisements


Misdiana; Siti Aisyah Ginting; Amrin Saragih...

Political Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump Political Speech


Elisa Silviani Siregar; Prof. Dr.Zainuddin, M.Hum; Prof.Dr. Sri MindaMurni,

MS... ...



Nurliana Harahap; Mahendra Ginting Manik; Indah Listiana...

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Lexical Metaphor in Andrea Hirata’s “The Dreamer” Novel


Nurul Sa’adah; I Wy. Dirgeyasa; Siti Aisyah Ginting


Impoliteness Strategies Used by Governor Candidates of DKI Jakarta in Governor

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on Hammer Throw


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Lexical Metaphor in Printed Car Advertisements


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Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension

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Political Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump

Political Speech

Elisa Silviani Siregar

English applied linguistic, postgraduate program State University of Medan, Indonesia


Prof. Dr.Zainuddin, M.Hum

English applied linguistic, postgraduate program State University of Medan, Indonesia

Prof.Dr. Sri MindaMurni, MS

English applied linguistic, postgraduate program State University of Medan, Indonesia

Abstract—The objectives of the research are to identify the ideational processes find out in Donald Trumps Speech campaign and to identify which the dominant that used in Donald Trumps political speech on his campaign period. The research picked Donald Trumps last speech campaign 2016. Here, the researcher will focus on identifying the distribution of Ideational processes and which process used dominantly used in Donald Trumps speech campaign. The data were taken from Donald Trumps speech campaign transcript of the speech that downloaded from internet and analyzed. Based on the result of data analysis, it is found that the ideational processes illustrated in Donald Trumps Speech campaign are 6 types. They are Material process, Relational process, Mental process, Verbal process, Existential process and Behavioral process and from all the processes the dominantly used is Material process. It shows the speaker ambition is implicated on the speech.

Keywords- ideational process; donald Trump; speech

I. INTRODUCTION presidential campaign, present that Donald Trump, a man who has based his campaign largely on restricting immigration, in part by building a large wall along the border with Mexico and barring Muslims from entering the country, and restricting trade, by re-negotiating trade agreements and imposing tariffs on China and possibly other countries.”[3] Also said Trump’s utter lack of preparedness and political experience, the only president who never have political background or at least

military experience. [4]onthe article about political

communication in the Trump epoch also clearly stated that Trump communicates with his audiences in a different way. He reacts to any news without political mediation and political correctness. He gesticulates with his answers and his face reveals his feelings. He is as harsh towards his opponents as he is warm and captivating to his followers. He uses love–hate language and he mainly communicates in a direct way, through social networks.

B. Scope of the Research

To avoid over complicating the issues and analysis, the focus of this study is to analysis Donald Trump’s political speech based on Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar, in terms ideational function to find out the formal features of the Trump’s speech campaign.

C. Research Questions

The research questions is :What are ideational analysis illustrated in Donald Trump’s Speech campaign ?

D. The objective of the study

The objective of these research is :

To find out what are the ideational Experientialfunction analysis illustrated in Donald Trump’s Speech campaign.

E. The significant of the study

This analysis is very important for better understanding about political discourse analysis.

Hope that this paper will be useful for:Making the readers know more about the political discourse analysis. Moreover, we can have a better understanding of the political purpose of

speeches and expanding the reader’s knowledge about

Discourse Analysis and also helping the readers who do not know about the six types of Experiential Function.


A. Metafunction


264 The ideational function considers transitivity and voice, in

which transitivity consists of the six processes called material, mental, relational, verbal, behavioral and existential. The voice component consists of activisation and passivisation of clauses.Ideational function falls into two categories: experiential function and logical function. [6] said experiential function has three main elements; Process,

Participant and Circumtance. In this paper, the author will

specifically analyze the experiential function process that used by Trump on his campaign. This is very important for better understanding about political discourse analysis.

1) Process

Process is central to transitivity. Process type is the resource for sorting out our experience of all kinds of events into a small number type. According to [7] state that process centre on that part of the clause that is realized by the verbal group, but it can also be regarded as what “going-on” is represented in the whole clause. There are six types of processes that can be identified [5], namely: Material process, Behavioral processMental process, Verbal process, Relational process, Existential process.

Process is realized by verbs. Traditionally verbs have been defined as “doing words”, but as the above list indicates, some verbs are not doing words at all, but rather express states of being or having.

a) Material process

Process of doing is what we call material process. This process refers to physical experience of human being such as reading, dancing, eating, and etc. So, material process is process about doing, about action. Action involves actors, or participants. Material process has two participants, they are actor and goal. The entity who or which does something is the Actor. There optionally is an entity to which the process is extended or directed. This entity which may be done to is the Goal.

Example : My brother has written a book b)Behavioral Process

[8] state that behavioral process of physiological and physiological behavior, like breathing, snoring, smiling, looking, listening, watching, and pondering. Syntactically a behavioral process share characteristics of mental, verbal and material process. In behavioral process, there is one obligatory participant. It is behavior and is typically a conscious being (like a senser in the mental process clause). [5] points out that the boundaries of behavioral process are determined: we can recognize the following kinds as typical :(near mental) process of conscious, Used represented as form of behavior, (near verbal) verbal process as behavior, Physiological process is manifesting states of consciousness.

c) Mental Process

Mental process is the process of feeling, thinking, and perceiving. Semantically a mental process involve sense, which is inside the human or conscious being that is believe, fear, and etc. In mental process the participants are Senser and Phenomenon. [5] says that the Senser is the conscious being

that is feeling, thinking, or seeing. Phenomenon is that which is thought, felt, or perceived by the conscious senser. Mental process has two participants, they are senser and phenomenon.

d) Verbal Process

Verbal process is process of saying or of symbolically signaling. There are three participants in verbal process:Sayer : the doer of the action, Receiver : the one whom the (although it typically is), but anything capable of putting out a signal. Receiver is the one to who, the verbal process is directed, or the one to whom the verbalization is addressed. Verbiage is a nominalized statement of the verbal process, a noun expressing some kind of verbal behavior, a name for the verabalization itself (statement, answer, question, and story).

e) Relational Process

This kind of process involves states of being, including having. It can be classified according to whether it is being used to identify something or to assign quality to something. Relational process can be divided into two sub-categories. They are Identifying Process and Attributive Process. Identifying process has two participants, they are Token and Value. Attributive process has two participants, they are Carrier and Attribute.

f) Existential Process

Existential process is process of existence. It presented that something exist or happen. Existential process is expressed by verbs of existing: ‘be’, ‘exist’, ‘arise’ and the existent can be phenomenon of any kind. It also represents experience by posting that ‘There was/is something. It is easy to identify a clause contains existential process, as the structure involves the use of the word “There” that has no representational meaning; it does not refer to a location. The only obligatory participant is existential process is called as existent. Frequently an Existential clause contains a distinct circumstantial element of time or place.

Example : There is a book on the table There are some students here

2) Speech

Speech is the production of meaningful utterances in language. The other opinion says that speech is an act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience. However, speech is related to speaking ability in front of public. Speech is consisting of three important parts; there are the beginning, the middle, and the end. The beginning is called an introduction of speech. An introduction should be interesting, to the point and not too long. The beginning tells the audiences about she/he will say in that speech.


265 The middle is called the body of the speech that explains about

the main point of the speech. In the body, the speaker speaks about each point in detail. Some evidence or information will be needed to support the main points. The end called the conclusion of the speech. In concluding the speech, it’s part of speech in summarizing the major points of the topic. This should sum up all of the key points of the topic what want to speech.

3) Political speech

Political speech is always relates to activities that makes influence actions and policies in government or society. One of the aim of politics is involves the use of power to another by affecting their behavior. In politics, people needs political strategy and the method to do it is varies depend on the purpose. Political strategy deals with many perspective strategies where the basic strategy is the way of the purpose invented and used to obtain the objective [10] Political strategy is crucial tools for campaign and election. Political strategy proposes a pathway to success when the society understands the background of candidates and reasons for them to vote for.

Basic way to do it is use speech campaign because society will knows personality of candidates by sharing their thought. By using speech, society feels that the candidate stand beside them and have the same thought. This strategy can gain society sympathy.When they are able to obtain sympathy, the succession in gaining power soon come through.

Regarding the important of speech in politic, the politician should have the ability to speak since language is a means of communication, a means of presenting and shaping argument.

4) Political speech rhetorical

Every speech must be in rhetorical way because the purpose of rhetoric is to persuade others through argument by appealing to their emotions, in order to sway their thinking. Aristotle employ three of rhetoric, also called the Aristotelian Triad: ethos which refers to the character or presence of the speaker, pathos which refers to the role of an audience in a rhetorical situation, and logos which refers to the logic of the argument [11].

The more rhetorical the more sympathy arose and they gaining power. Regarding the three elements of the rhetoric, political speech do not only pay attention deeply on the language itself but also make it suitable in the context and consider in the arising power.

A speech can be powerful tool for many reasons and every speech especially that have purpose to persuade must be rhetoric [12] The common goal in persuasive speech as in Donald Trump speech is to influence the audience’s view on his idea so it comes with a reasonable claim and offering a proof in support of the statement. He used various strategies in gaining power and the way he delivers his ideology is part of his desire to become U.S President where the idea to makes America great again is the central topic of his speech.


This section discusses the method and procedure that are used to solve the problems of the study. The writer has written some theories in the previous section in order to describe research design, subject and object of the research, data collecting method, and data analyzing method.

A. Research Design

This research used qualitative approaches because qualitative approach does not only investigate about what, where, and when, but also why and how the problem appeared but also the method produces information are only in the particular cases studies, and the general conclusions are only informed assertion. It also can be used to seek empirical support for such research hypotheses [13]

The source of the data is Donald Trump campaign speech. Then, analyze the data by using

B. Data and Data source

The data on this research is Donald Trump’s speech campaign and the source of data is the transcript of the speech that downloaded from internet.

C. Technique of collecting data

In collecting the data, documentary technique is used a suggested by [14] Documentary was used since the data of this study is written or text based, especially transcript of the political speech campaign. The data was taken from the video of Donald Trump’s speech campaign that shared in YouTube channel. The data are collecting by writing the transcript of the speech.


A. The Data Analysis

In this, the data were collected by downloaded the full speech transcript of Donald Trump from internet. For the data analysis in this paper, all the sentence of Trump’s speech was analyzed based on the kinds of process in transitivity system. The analyzing was focused to find out the kinds of process used in Donald Trump’s campaign Speech. The clauses of sentences were used in bold and italic to make easy to analyze. Then, they were given the kinds of process label. In abstracting, the data were considered theoretically or separately and transformed into tables, and then displayed data and conclusion drawing were made.

B. Kinds of process that used in Donald Trump campaign



266 The kinds of transitivity process that used in Donald Trump’s

speech and total amount of the usage can be seen in the table 4.1

TABLE 4.1 The kinds of Process are used in Donald Trump’s speech

Name of processes Number of the Process

Percentage of the process

Material 130 64.67% Relational 30 14.92% Mental 24 11.94 Verbal 5 2.48 Existential 5 2.48 Behavioral 7 3.48 Total 201 100%


A total of 201 clauses are found in this president’s speech campaignaddress and all the six process types are found to haveoccurred in the address. As shown in Table 4.1.1, the materialprocess is the most frequently used process type with a totaloccurrence of (64.67%), followed by the relational process(14.92%), the mental process (11.94%), the verbal process(2.48%), the existential process (2.48%), and the behavioralprocess (3.48%).


The study in the research has applied the transitivity

system inanalyzing American President Donald Trump’s

Speech campaignAddress. The quantitative analysis has proved the transitivitysystem in SFG an effective method in encoding and decodingthis political public speech. Some major findings of the studyare summarized as follows.

(a) All the six processes types were found to have occurredin the address. The material process was the most frequentlyused process.


[1] Brown, G& Yule, G. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

[2] Bloor, T. and Bloor, M. 1995. The Functional Analysis of English: A Hallidayan Approach.London: Arnold. Co-published New York: Oxford University Press.

[3] Crockett, Zachery. (2017). Donald Trump Is the Only US President

Ever with no Political or Military

Experience.Retrievedhttps://www.vox.com/policypolitics/2016/11/11/1 3587532/donald-trump-no-experience.

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