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Systems Analysis and Design


Academic year: 2019

Membagikan "Systems Analysis and Design"


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Syst e m s An a lysis a n d

Syst e m s An a lysis a n d

D e sign

D e sign

D e sign

D e sign

Alan Dennis, Barbara Wixom , and David Tegardenega de

Ch a pt e r 1 5 : I n st a lla t ion a n d Ope r a t ion s

Copyright 2005

John Wiley & Sons I nc

Slide 1


Copyright © 2005

J h Wil

& S


John Wiley & Sons, I nc.

All right s reserved. Reproduct ion or t ranslat ion of t his All right s reserved. Reproduct ion or t ranslat ion of t his work beyond t hat perm it t ed in Sect ion 117 of t he 1976 Unit ed St at es Copyright Act wit hout t he express writ t en perm ission of t he copyright owner is unlawful.

p py g

Request for furt her inform at ion should be addressed t o t he Perm issions Depart m ent , John Wiley & Sons, I nc. The purchaser m ay m ake back- up copies for his/ her own The purchaser m ay m ake back up copies for his/ her own use only and not for redist ribut ion or resale.

The Publisher assum es no responsibilit y for errors, om issions, or dam ages, caused by t he use of t hese om issions, or dam ages, caused by t he use of t hese


I n st a lla t ion

■ Be fam iliar w it h t he syst em inst allat ion process.

■ Underst and different t ypes of conversion st rat egies and when t o use t hem .

■ Underst and several t echniques for ■ Underst and several t echniques for m anaging change.

■ Be fam iliar w it h post - inst allat ion processes.



I d

Ke y I de a s

Transit ioning t o new syst em s involves Transit ioning t o new syst em s involves m anaging change from pre- exist ing norm s and habit s.

Change m anagem ent involves:

Unfreezing - - loosening up peoples’ habit s

Unfreezing loosening up peoples habit s and norm s

Moving - - t ransit ion from old t o new syst em s

Refreezing - - inst it ut ionalize and m ake ffi i t t h f d i t hi



I d

Ke y I de a s

Post im plem ent at ion act ivit ies Post - im plem ent at ion act ivit ies include providing:

S t em ppo t h help de k

Syst em support, such as help desks

Syst em s m aint enance, fixing bugs and providing im provem ent s

providing im provem ent s

Proj ect assessm ent, learning how t o im prove from proj ect experiences


M i

t i



M igr a t ion Pla n n in g

What act ivit ies will be

What act ivit ies will be

perform ed when and by whom

Technical aspect s

– I nst alling hardw are and soft w are – Convert ing dat a

Organizat ional aspect s

– Training users on t he syst em

– Mot ivat ing em ployees t o use t he new




St l

Con ve r sion St yle s

Direct conversion

Direct conversion

The new syst em inst ant ly replaces t he old

Parallel conversion

For a t im e bot h old and new syst em s are used The old is syst em s are used. The old is abandoned w hen t he new is proven fully capable





t i

Con ve r sion Loca t ion

Pilot conversion Pilot conversion

One or m ore locat ions are convert ed t o w ork out bugs before ext ending t o ot her locat ions out bugs before ext ending t o ot her locat ions

Phased conversion

Locat ions are convert ed in set s Locat ions are convert ed in set s

Sim ult aneous conversion

All locat ions are convert ed at t he sam e t im e All locat ions are convert ed at t he sam e t im e




M d l

Con ve r sion M odu le s

Whole syst em conversion

Whole syst em conversion

All m odules convert ed in one st ep

Modular conversion

When m odules are loosely When m odules are loosely

associat ed, t hey can be convert ed one at a t im e


Ke y Fa ct or s in Se le ct in g a





Con ve r sion St r a t e gy

Risk Risk

Seriousness of consequences of rem aining bugs


Parallel requires paying for t w o syst em s for a period of t im e

period of t im e

Sim ult aneous requires m ore st aff t o support all locat ions

Tim e




You r Tu r n

Suppose you are leading t he conversion Suppose you are leading t he conversion from one word processor t o anot her at your universit y.

y y

Which conversion st rat egy w ould you use?

Suppose you are convert ing t o a new web- based course regist rat ion syst em ?


Ke y Role s in Ch a n ge



M a n a ge m e n t

The sponsor is t he business person The sponsor is t he business person who init iat ed t he request for t he

new syst em new syst em

The change agent is t he person( s) h l d t h h ff t

w ho lead t he change effort


Un de r st a n din g Re sist a n ce

t Ch

t o Ch a n ge

What is good for t he organizat ion is What is good for t he organizat ion, is not necessarily good for t he

individuals who work t here individuals who work t here

Cost versus benefit of t ransit ion as ll f t b t

well as of t o- be syst em

Adapt ing t o new w ork processes


Re visin g M a n a ge m e n t

P li i

Policie s

No com put er syst em w ill be No com put er syst em w ill be successfully adopt ed unless

m anagem ent policies support it s m anagem ent policies support it s adopt ion

M t t l f t i

Managem ent t ools for support ing adopt ion




You r Tu r n

I dent ify and explain t hree

I dent ify and explain t hree

st andard operat ing procedures



h h

for t he course in w hich you are

using t his book


Discuss w het her t hey are form al

or inform al

or inform al


M t i

t i


t i

M ot iva t in g Adopt ion

The inform at ion st rat egy aim s t o The inform at ion st rat egy aim s t o convince adopt ers t hat change is bet t er

bet t er

The polit ical st rat egy uses

i t i l t ti t

organizat ional power t o m ot ivat e change

Different iat e bet w een ready

adopt ers, reluct ant adopt ers, and

Slide 25



i i

Tr a in in g

Every new syst em requires new

Every new syst em requires new


New skills m ay involve use of

t he t echnology it self

t he t echnology it self


W h t t T


W h a t t o Tr a in

Should focus on helping users

Should focus on helping users

accom plish t heir t asks

Use cases provide an out line for

com m on act ivit ies and a basis

com m on act ivit ies and a basis

t o plan t raining



f T

i i

Type s of Tr a in in g

Typ e s o f Tra ining Whe n Typ e s o f Tra ining

One -to -One Cla ssro o m

Whe n

Wo uld Yo u Use Eac h o f Th

Co mp ute r-Ba se d The se


I n st it u t ion a liz a t ion of t h e



Syst e m

Provide support Provide support

Assist ance in using t he syst em

Provide m aint enance Provide m aint enance

Repair or fix discovered bugs or errors

Add m inor enhancem ent s t o provide added Add m inor enhancem ent s t o provide added value

Assess t he proj ect Assess t he proj ect

Analyze what was done well

Discover what act ivit ies need im provem ent in

Slide 31



f S




Type s of Syst e m Su ppor t

On dem and t raining at t im e of

On- dem and t raining at t im e of

user need

Online support

Frequent ly asked quest ions ( FAQ) Frequent ly asked quest ions ( FAQ)

Help desk




M i t

Syst e m M a in t e n a n ce

Syst em m aint enance is t he

Syst em m aint enance is t he

process of refining t he syst em


t o m ake sure it cont inues t o

m eet business needs



f Ch


Sou r ce s of Ch a n ge Re qu e st s

Operat ions group problem

Operat ions group problem

report s

User request ed enhancem ent s

Ot her syst em developm ent

Ot her syst em developm ent

proj ect s




t A


Pr oj e ct Asse ssm e n t

I m port ant for cont inued proj ect

I m port ant for cont inued proj ect

im provem ent

Especially im port ant for j unior

personnel t o im prove quickly




t T



Pr oj e ct Te a m Re vie w

Each m em ber prepares 2 3 page Each m em ber prepares 2- 3 page docum ent regarding her or his

act ions during t he proj ect act ions during t he proj ect

Focus on im provem ent not penalt ies Excellent behaviors are

acknow ledged and diffused t o ot hers

Team leader sum m arizes and

Slide 37






Syst e m Re vie w

Exam ine t he ext ent t o which

Exam ine t he ext ent t o which

t he cost s and benefit s of t he



syst em are realized

Use t his inform at ion t o help in

Use t his inform at ion t o help in

m ore accurat ely est im at ing


How did t he conversion go at

How did t he conversion go at

CD Select ions?

What did CD Select ions do t o

aid change m anagem ent

aid change m anagem ent


What were t he post

What were t he post

-im plem ent at ion act ivit ies at CD

Slide 39



Su m m a r y

Conversion is t he t echnical process

Conversion is t he t echnical process of replacing t he old syst em w it h t he new one Designers select t he

new one. Designers select t he

m et hod, t im ing, and locat ion of t he conversion process

conversion process.

Change m anagem ent is aim ed at

h l i t t d t t h



Su m m a r y

Post im plem ent at ion act ivit ies Post im plem ent at ion act ivit ies

provide on- going support t o users, include t raining people t o use t he include t raining people t o use t he syst em and provide part icipant s in t he developm ent process t he

t he developm ent process t he

opport unit y t o learn and grow from t heir experiences

t heir experiences




t h



Ex pa n din g t h e D om a in

An excellent source of inform at ion An excellent source of inform at ion all aspect s of t raining Com put

er-Based w eb based and classroom is Based, w eb- based, and classroom is t he Am erican Societ y for Training

and Developm ent : and Developm ent :


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