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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh


By :

Fery Surya Perdana Reg.Number 4103332016

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





Praise and Gratitude must be prayed to Almighty God, Allah SWT, for all

the graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to the author so writer

can finish this thesis well.

The title of this thesis is " The Effectiveness Of Hypothetical-Deductive Learning Cycle To Increase Senior High School Student’s Achievement And Cooperation On The Teaching Of Colloidal System ". This research is done in

SMAN 1 Perbaungan in academic year 2013/2014 that prepared to get degree

Sarjana Pendidikan of Chemistry Education , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences, State University of Medan.

On this occasion, the author also conveys a respect and gratitude to :

 Mr. Dr. Marham Sitorus, M.Si, As a thesis supervisor who has provided

guidance and suggestions to the author since the beginning of the study until

the completion in writing this thesis.

 Give Thanks also to Prof. Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.S, Dr. Eddyanto, Ph.D and

Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si. who has provided suggestions from the plan until

the completion of this thesis.

 Thanks also conveyed to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., as the Academic Supervisor

who always guided researcher during the lecture and the entire along with Mr.

Syamsuddin and Mrs. Staff and Lecturer in chemistry department especially in

Bilingual study program of FMIPA UNIMED who have helped the author.

 The awards were also presented to Mr. Drs. Suhairi, M.Pd as a school principal

of SMA Negeri 1 Perbaungan and Mr. Rusdi Tanjung, S.Pd as a chemistry

teacher and staff which assist in the implementation of this research.

 Special gratitude no limit to best ever parents in my life, my father Sugiarno,

S.Pd and my mother Ernita, Am.Keb who always caring, raising and educating

me with love and affection. Thanks to pray, motivation and sacrifices for both

of them, so I can complete my first degree in Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd/ S-1) in



 My thanks also for my beloved little sister and little brother, Dinda Ayuni

Putri, Muhammad Dicky Ardani and Sri Gita Aulia who always giving love,

support, motivation and laugh until the completion of this thesis, I love u all.

 Thanks so much for my special one, Windy Erlisa for always caring,

supporting and loving. Make this thesis completion be easy to do. Wish ours

can be truth. Then Sir Ishak and Ikasprata which open my mindset to be now.

 For my Green-B family in this science faculty who always be my part, Risva,

Mora, Dwi (Alm), Armadani, Elfan, Rabiah, Sarah, Imel, Sarika, Bastian,

Ismail, Taufik, Vivi, Widi, Khairil, bro Saddam, bro Aswin, bro Ginda, sis

Kiky, and all of Green-B family who I can’t write their name one by one,

thanks for our friendship but felling more than family.

 ABM family, Cimin, Lijek, Amuk, Kurni, Serab, Cuci, Kosel, Kojohn (C) and

Ulidai for unlimited laugh, craziness, folly and madness every day. Proud be

one of you guys. For New Kuo, big thanks for every day we meet.

 This CESP’10 the most successfull class ever, full of ambition but full of fun,

Yogi, Yasir, Rudi, Andre, Fenny, Indra, Debby, and all of members especially

this girl, Ilmi. Thanks for this 4 years guys and let’s go to next ambition.

Actually the author has doing the maximal effort in the completion of this

thesis, but the author is aware there are many weakness in terms of both content

and grammar. Authors hope the suggestions and constructive criticism from

readers for completeness the thesis perfectly . At least, Authors hope this thesis

can be useful to enrich the reader in science education.

Medan, June 2014


Fery Surya Perdana




Fery Surya Perdana (Reg. Number: 4103332016)


The effectiveness of hypothetical-deductive learning cycle to increase senior high school students’ achievement is conducted to compare the best result in teaching colloidal with direct instructional method. This experiment research is know by looking students’ achievement and character in SMAN 1 Perbaungan. The students was divided into two groups, called as experimental class in class XI.A.U.2 and control class in class XI.A.U.1 based on purposive sample techniques. Instrument used is validated multiple choice questions as 20 questions and all questions is reliable. The first time, pre-test is given to both class. Then, in experimental class was used hypothetical-deductive learning cycle and in control class was used direct instructional. The last, post test is given for each of class. Before hypothesis test, data is tested by normality test and homogenity test by using SPSS-18 program for windows. Based on the result in experimental class was obtained the average of pre-test score 30.60 with standard deviation 9.61 and post test score 82.2 with standard deviation 6.13. In control class was obtained the average of pre-test score 27.40 with standard deviation 8.67 and post test score 70.0 with standard deviation 7.50. . The hypothesis is tested by using SPSS-18 program for windows. The result data for hypothesis I, Sig = 0.000, so Sig <  (0.05) it means The learning outcoume as teaching model increase student’s achievement is accepted. Then for hypothesis II, Sig = 0.000, so Sig <  (0.05) It means that the learning outcoume to increase cooperation character is accepted.





Legalization Paper i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Table of Contents vi

List of Figures viii

List of Tables ix

List of Formula x

List of Appendix xi


1.1. Research Background 1

1.2. Scope of Research 5

1.3. Problem Identification 6

1.4. Problem Limitation 6

1.5. Problems Research 6

1.6. Research Objective 7

1.7. Research Benefit 7


2.1. Theoretical Framework 8

2.1.1. Definition of Teaching 8

2.1.2. The Essence of Teaching and Learning 8

2.1.3. Learning Outcomes 9

2.2. Cooperation Character 10

2.3. Learning Constructivism 11

2.4. Learning Cycle 12

2.4.1. Hypothetical Deductive Learning Cycle 13

2.5. Innovation Learning Chemistry 14

2.6. Colloidal Concept 16

2.6.1. Definition of Concept 16

2.6.2. Classification of Colloid 17

2.6.3. Properties of Colloidal System 18

2.6.4. Hydrocolloid 20

2.6.5. Interaction Between Colloid Particles 20

2.6.6. Preparation of Colloid 21

2.6.7. Stabilization of a Colloidal Dispersion (Peptization) 21

2.7. Conceptual Framework 23



3.1. Location and Time of Research 24

3.2. Research Object 24

3.3. Population and Sample 24

3.3.1. Population 24

3.3.2. Sample 24

3.4. Research Variable 24

3.5. Design of The Research 25

3.6. Research Procedures and Research Instrument 26

3.6.1. Arranging the Research Instrument 27

3.6.2. Teaching Treatment 29

3.7. Data Collection and Analysis 30

3.7.1. Assessing the Validity of the Hypothesis 30

3.7.2. The Validity of Test 31

3.7.3. The Realibility Test 31

3.7.4. The Difficulty of Level 32

3.7.5. Index Distinguishing Test 32

3.8. Data Processing Techniques 33

3.8.1. The Normality of The Test 33

3.8.2. The Homogenity of The Test 34

3.8.3. Hypothesis Testing 34


4.1. Result of Research 36

4.1.1. Analysis of Instrument Data 36

4.1.2. Validity 36

4.1.3. Reliability 36

4.1.4. Difficulty Level of Instrument 37

4.1.5. Different Index of Instrument 37

4.2. Observation of Studens’ Character 38

4.3. Result Data of Research 38

4.4. Analysis of Data 40

4.4.1. Normality Test 40

4.4.2. Homogenity Test 41

4.4.3. Hypothesis Test 42


5.1. Conclusion 46

5.2. Suggestion 46



List of Table


Table 2.1. Comparison between Solution, Colloid, and Suspension 16

Table 2.2. Dispersing and Dispersed Phase 18

Table 3.1. Design of research the implementation of hypothetical-deductive

learning cycle to increase students’ achievement in teaching of

colloid 25

Table 4.1. Valid Instrument based on Indicator 37

Table 4.2 Statistic Result 39

Table 4.3. Normality Test 41

Table 4.4. Homogenity Test 41

Table 4.5. Hypothesis I Result 42

Table 4.6. Hypothesis II Result 43


List of Figure


Figure 2.1. The procedure of Hypothetical-deductive method 14

Figure 2.2. Solution and Colloid 21

Figure 3.1. Flow Diagram of Research 28



List of Formula


Formula 3.1. The difficulty of level 32

Formula 3.2. Index distinguishing test 32

Formula 3.3. Gain calculate 35


List of Appendix


Appendix 1 Chemistry Subject Syllabus 50

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan (Control Class) 53

Appendix 3 Lesson Plan (Experiment Class) 64

Appendix 4 Cooperation Character (Validity) 73

Appendix 5 Observaton Sheet of Character 75

Appendix 6 Instrument Test of Coloidal Material 77

Appendix 7 Key Answer and Cognitive Domain 81

Appendix 8 Worksheet of Colloidal System 90

Appendix 9 Worksheet of Colloidal Preparation 94

Appendix 10 Validity Test 97

Appendix 11 Reliability Test 102

Appendix 12 Difficulty Level of Instrument 103

Appendix 13 Distinguishing Index of Instrument 107

Appendix 14 Instrument Test (Valid) 113

Appendix 15 Statistic Calculation 116

Appendix 16 Charater Scoring 126

Appendix 17 Normality Calculation 133



Appendix 19 Hypothesis I Calculation 140

Appendix 20 Hypothesis II Calculation 142


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Research Background

The development of science and technology is developing very fast

nowadays, it would require the carrying capacity of qualified human resources in

order to produce human resource that is able to respond to these challenges and

develop technologies for the benefit of the community, state and nation as well as

the master science. It is necessary for the enhancement and improvement of the

delivery of the national education in accordance with the development of science

and knowledge.

Facing the development of the more advance societies must responsive to

science, because nowadays a lot of jobs that require various high-level skills,

requires the ability to always be able to learn in every change, reason, think

creatively, make decisions, and the ability to solve problems (Klausner, 1996).

Therefore, improving the quality control of science (chemistry) at all levels of

education should always be sought.

One of the problems facing our education is the problem of lack of

learning. In the process of learning, children are less encouraged to develop the

ability to think. The learning process in the classroom geared to the child's ability

to memorize information. The learning process is still giving teachers domination

and does not provide access for students to develop their independence through

discovery and student’s thinking process. Students simply memorize concepts and

less able to use these concepts if encountered in real life problems related to its

concept (Trianto, 2007).

The quality of education is an indicator for development rate of the

country, and therefore the development in education sector is a key for the

development of the nation. Unfortunately, the quality of education in Indonesia is

still low. It caused by learning quality is not optimal. This is shown by the low

student learning outcomes in senior high school, especially in chemistry.



standard given by the government. For example, the average achievement of the

Senior High Schools students in Physics is 4.00, while other subjects were 5.00. Furthermore, the average student’s achievement in Chemistry from the Indonesia national Examination ( UN ) were obtained successively in 2005 was 6.26, in

2006 was 6.22, in 2007 was 7.13 and in 2008 was 7.34 (Puspendik, 2008). These achievement is categorized as in medium achievement. The student’s achievement in Chemistry are presented earlier possible caused by the in learning process faced

by the students.

Based on the experience of researcher in SMAN 1 Perbaungan, there are

many students who are not getting pass score the examination. They have score

lower than KKM that decided by school, it is about 65%, where KKM in this

school is 65. It might caused by the method of teacher and student’s activity.

Based on that percentage of average score shown that teaching of chemistry was

not maximal yet to get a good result. Therefore still needed the improvement to

minimize the percentage of students number who have score that lower that KKM

which is have been decided by the school especially chemistry is science or daily

life study.

Nowadays, our government is actively encouraging the education in

Indonesia. It is recognized that education in Indonesia is lagging far behind if we

compare with developed countries in the world. One of the goverment’s effort that

we can see is curriculum development become curriculum of 2013. This

curriculum requires active students. The curriculum is not only oriented on

knowledge or cognitive, but also on the affective and psychomotor. If the students

shows good cognitive, affective and psycomotor, it means that the education

process is success. But when student show bad conitive, affective and

psycomotor, it means that the education process has failed. It’s mean that this

curriculum will require teachers to measure student's character, things that were

ever done.

The description above reinforce the researcher to conclude learning


model. Clearly, the direct instructional should be change because it’s not success

to make students understand (the application in daily life), explore new

phenomena and to establish the critical thinking. Changing the focus using a

constructivist approach from teacher-centered to student-centered is one of its


Education experts have been trying to develop a variety of learning models

to improve the quality of chemistry teaching in particular subjects, such as

learning model that is based on the views of Piaget's constructivism. According to

this view, the learning process students learn to construct their own knowledge

and gain a lot of knowledge outside of school (Dahar, 2006). One teaching

strategy that uses a constructivist view of learning is a model of the learning cycle

(learning cycle). The cycle of learning (learning cycle) deductive hypothetical

(hypothetical-deductive), the hypothetical deductive learning cycle students learn started with a statement of why ‖ questions? ‖. Students are required to formulate possible answers (hypotheses) of the statement. Then students are asked to derive

logical consequences of the hypothesis and to plan and conduct experiments

(exploration). Analysis of experimental results led to several hypothesis is

rejected, while others received (the introduction of the concept). Finally, the

relevant concepts and reasoning patterns involved and discussed, applied to other

situations (application concept). Learners actively take knowledge, connect it to

previously assimilated knowledge and make it theirs by constructing their own

interpretation (Cheek, 1992).

According to Piaget’s theory of intellectual development, Hypothetical -deductive reasoning appears in the formal operational stage. Lawson et al. (1995)

claim that there are two general developmentally-based levels of

hypothesis-testing skill. The first level involves skills associated with hypothesis-testing hypotheses

about observable causal agents; the second involves testing hypotheses about

unobservable entities. The ability to test alternative explanations involving unseen

theoretical entities is a fifth stage of intellectual development that goes beyond Piaget’s four stages. The Hypothetical-deductive method is one of the most basic methods common to all scientific disciplines including biology, physics, and



1. Form many hypotheses and evaluate each hypothesis

2. Select a hypothesis to be tested

3. Generate predications from the hypothesis

4. Use experiments to check whether predictions are correct

5. If the predictions are correct, then the hypothesis is confirmed. If not,

the hypothesis is disconfirmed. (Nuhogu, Hasret, 2006)

Research on the learning model of the learning cycle, conceptual change

science to know that based on the constructivist approach have been carried out by

previous researchers, including by Hulya Yilmaz, Pinar Cavas Huyuguzel (2004),

reported the results of his research that the application of the learning cycle more

successfully than students who were taught with the traditional approach. There

are also significant differences between the two groups regarding their attitudes

toward science after treatment. Science learning cycle method generates attitudes

are more positive towards science as compared to traditional methods. Then other

researcher research use quasy experiment method and instruments that are used

are science generic skill test , like scale questionnaire and observation sheet. The

research project is class XI IPA Semester 2 students from one of the public school

in Palembang City in 2008/2009 academic year and samples from two classes are

taken randomly from three classes. The study result showing improvement on

rigid body equilibrium science generic skill on students who use hypothetical

deductive learning cycle model was higher significantly compared with students

who use direct instructional learning, this results is based on science generic skill

N-gain average of experiment class 0,73 model (Taufik and Ketang, 2009).

Colloid is one subject that can engage students actively in the learning

process because it’s depend the students observe the penomenon in daily life, the

subject matter is directly related to the problems faced by students and the

community at large. It is the learning matter that should be taught with

experimental method. For that is the subject of colloid are expected to conform

when using the hypothetical-deductive Learning Cycle. It is expected that students

are more interested in studying this material and are expected to improve student


Laboratory experiment is key rules to improve the student’s ability and

skills in teaching of chemistry. Laboratory experiment known as a practicum, is

compulsory for many topics in chemistry as it is known that theoretical aspect has

to be proven by experimental work in the laboratory. It is known in chemistry that

a laboratory experiment could be used to improve the student’s ability and skills

in chemistry. This is the reason that practicum has to be included for many topics

in chemistry subjects for it is known that theoretical aspect has to be supported

and proven by the experimental work in the laboratory. Experimental method give

the real world to the students in teaching and learning process. Teaching colloid

with learning cycle model with experimental method believes can increase

students achievement.

The main purpose of this research is to examine effectiveness of “Colloidal concepts” instruction based on the hypothetical-deductive learning cycle approach and attitudes toward science as a school subject. Students’ attitudes, feelings and perceptions of science are also important for science


This research had deal with hypothetical-deductive learning cycle model,

and its effectiveness. It tries to compare instruction based hypothetical-deductive

learning cycle model with traditional chemistry instruction (direct instructional).

Therefore this research will provide some information about the instruction based

on hypothetical-deductive learning cycle model and its application into the

classroom situation.

Based on problems above, the writer is interested to do research with the

title “The Effectiveness of Hypothetical-Deductive Learning Cycle To Increase Senior High School Student’s Achievement and Cooperation in The Teaching of Colloidal System”.

1.2. Scope of Research

The scope in this research is the effectiveness of hypothetical deductive

learning cycle in increasing student achievement and cooperation in the teaching

of Colloidal. The scope of this research is to observe the effectiveness of



student achievement in teaching of Colloidal. The research will be done in SMAN

1 Perbaungan on grade XI.

1.3. Problem Identification

1. The unsuitable selections on the model or the lacks of proper learning

methods which are conducted by the teachers.

2. Teaching and learning processes are generally running by conventional way where the processes tend to be dominated by teacher’s activity.

3. Teacher have to establish the knowledge and encourage students to work

together solving problem.

4. Learning is not just about learning achievement, but teacher should choosing the right method in teaching to increase students’ achievement and attitude in studying chemistry.

1.4. Problem Limitation

1. The research is conducted by applying hypothetical deductive learning cycle

2. Subject that will present is Colloidal

3. Learning outcomes analyzed are in cognitive domain C1, C2 and C3level.

4. The curriculum is using Curriculum 2013 to measure the character of


5. Subjects are students of class XI in SMAN 1 Perbaungan academic year


1.5. Problems Statement

1. Is there the effectiveness of the hypothetical-deductive learning cycle as teaching model to increase student’s achievement in teaching of Colloidal concepts by looking the student’s achievement on solving problem in teamwork dealing with related chemistry subject?

2. Which is the useful method between hypothetical-deductive learning cycle

compare with direct instructional teaching method?

3. Is there the correlation between student’s achievement and student’s character

(cooperation) with the hypothetical-deductive learning cycle on the teaching

of Colloidal subject?


1.6. Research Objective

The research objective is to investigate the best innovative teaching

method on the teaching of Colloidal subjects. Specific objectives of the study are:

1. To investigate the effectiveness of the hypothetical-deductive learning cycle as teaching model to increase student’s achievement in teaching of Colloidal concepts by looking the student’s achievement on solving problem in teamwork dealing with related chemistry subject.

2. Comparing the useful method between hypothetical-deductive learning cycle

with direct instructional teaching method.

3. To investigate the correlation between students’ achievement and students’

character (cooperation) with the hypothetical-deductive learning cycle on the

teaching of Colloidal subject

1.7. Research Benefit

Based on the research objectives, this study is expected to be useful as:

1. Input for teachers and prospective teachers in the selection of appropriate

learning strategies to present the subject material.

2. Providing strategies that can be used as a reference for teachers to improve

student learning outcomes.

3. The results of this study will provide input to the school as the place of the

research in order to increase the quality of learning chemistry.





Based on the result of research, the conclusions are:

1. Student learning outcomes that taught by Hyothetical-Deductive learning

cycle is significan higher in teaching of Colloidal concepts by looking the student’s achievement.

2. Hypothetical-Deductive learning cycle is better than direct instruction method

on the teaching of Colloidal concepts where the average of gain in experiment

class is higher than control class.

3. There is significant correlation between students’ achievement and students’

character (cooperation) by using the hypothetical-deductive learning cycle on

the teaching of Colloidal subject.

5.2. Suggestion

1. This thesis is still needed the development because Hypothetical-Deductive

learning cycle in this research just do in the small scope, so it should be

proven in the bigger scope.

2. Hypothetical-Deductive learning cycle had been proven in increasing students’s achievement and increasing student’s character, in this research is cooperation character, so this learning model is accepted for chemistry

lecturer especially the Colloidal concept.

3. For other research that will doing in this research, should plan more long time

to applicate

4. Hypothetical-Deductive learning cycle can be applicated in chemistry lecturer



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Table 2.1. Comparison between Solution, Colloid, and Suspension
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