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Academic year: 2017



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A. Background of the Study

Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL), Catford (1965: 7). Translation is the process of transferring meaning from one text into another text, from the source language (SL) into the target language (TL). Translation is

rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text, Newmark in Machali (2000: 5).

One of the ways to translate the foreign movie and television program is subtitling. Subtitling is the method of translation in the conversation from the movie that help the viewer from another language to understand the language that used in the movie easily, because it is translated in target language, commonly the subtitling is written in the bottom of screen. Subtitling is written translation of the spoken language (source language) of a television program or film into the language of the viewing audience (the target language); the translated text usually appears in two lines at the foot of the screen simultaneously with the dialogue or narration in the source language. From the movie subtitling we will find directive utterance that used in the conversation.

With respect to use of English in producing and communicating many kinds of information, the effort to get those information easier can be done by subtitling the spoken in to the writer. Through subtitling, it will be easier for viewer to understand the content of the information given in English, especially for those who do not master English well.

Considering the function of the subtitling in conveying certain information to the readers, it can be seen that subtitling is not an easy task because it deals with transferring


understandable for the target readers. That is why the important thing for a subtitler is to find the best way to make his subtitling accurate, acceptable, and readable.

Another thing which makes subtitling becomes a complex task because subtitling always involves two languages, the source and the target languages, which must have so many differences. The most possible thing found in two different languages is the difference of system. The different linguistic system can cause some problems for a subtitler. The problems faced by subtitler in subtitling process can eventually cause the inaccurate, unacceptable or unreadable subtitling.

Subtitling is textual versions of the dialogue which is not in television programs only, but also in films. Subtitling is very important in the film, because subtitling has

given many contributions. They are usually displayed at the bottom of the screen. Through subtitling, the audience of the foreign film can enjoy the film by reading the translated text on the bottom of screen without ambiguous thinking. Subtitles are translation of foreign dialogue of a movie.

Subtitles are the written versions of the conversation or dialog which occur in the movie. The conversation or dialog that has been translated into the target language usually appears in the foot of the screen. Subtitling is the written translation of the spoken language of a television program or film into the language of the viewing audience. In subtitling, a subtitler should translate every utterance in full and show it on the screen synchronically with the spoken language.

Translating subtitle texts, utterances or conversation in a movie appeared on screen is not an easy task for the translators. Subtitling is one of two possible methods for providing the translation of a movie dialogue, where the original dialogue soundtrack is left in place and the translation is printed along the bottom of the film.

Film as one of the communication instruments, as one of the entertainment, as one of the transferring idea instruments, and as one of the information sources, has extended influence. Nowadays, foreign film has big control in the film. If foreign film dominates, whereas the audience cannot understand what the message is, misunderstanding and


Subtitling is very important in the film, because subtitling has given many contributions. Through subtitling, the audience of the foreign film can enjoy the film by reading the translated text on the bottom of screen without ambiguous thinking. One might say that subtitling is more authentic, since it does not hide the original sound. As the major methods of translating films, subtitling involves the least interference with the original. In the other words, it is the most neutral, minimally mediated method. Therefore, it contributes to experience the flavor of the foreign language.

Subtitle (titling) is an explanatory or alternate title of a book, play, film, musical work, etc., in addition to its main title. Subtitle is made and translated by translators to audience in understanding the language spoken in the film. The subtitle is based on the

interpretation of the on-screen dialogue displayed as text and overlaid on the video. There are so many kinds subtitles which written in many languages, such as Arabic, English, Indonesia, Malay, Vietnamese, Danish, etc. Subtitle is an art form and the style of the translated text can be in various ways.

We can find English-Indonesian subtitling strategy in Divergent movie. In these movies, we can find an interesting case. Let us see these examples:

Sample Data 1:

Source Language: Push your bodies to the breaking point and you'll master the methods of combat.

Target Language: Memaksa tubuh kalian semaksimal mungkin dan kalian akan menguasai metode pertarungan.

The paraphrase strategy is used to translate breaking point into semaksimal mungkin. If the source language is translated literally, it says menghentikan nilai. On the

other hand, the phrase semaksimal mungkin means to represent the meaning of breaking point the source language.

Sample Data 2:

Source Language: They know everything. Target Language: Mereka mengetahui segalanya.


Transfer strategy was used in this translation process because all the words were translated.

The subber of Divergent movie, Pein Akatsuki was a popular subber in Indonesia. He was a best translator of subtitle. He updated with new movies. The movies are usually worked are movies of 2011 upwards.

Action movie titled Divergent tells the story of an adult human being is divided into five types according to their respective characteristics. These five types of categories are Candor (honest), Erudite (genius), Amity (pacifist), Dauntless (the brave) and Abnegation (selfless helper).

The author tries to make the equivalent of English into Indonesian which has a

different system. Someone who wishes to use linguistic theory will benefit from learning more about how language works. Of course, this means that attention must be to helping the students apply the principles that are taught. It is intended as an additional teaching aid to the reader. From the phenomena mentioned, he writer is interested in conducting a research which analyzes the subtitling strategies found in Divergent script, taken from http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search/sublanguageid-eng/idmovie-172366 and its subtitle taken from http://sebuah-dongeng.blogspot.com, under the titles “SUBTITLING ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH DIVERGENT MOVIE INTO INDONESIAN BY PEIN AKATSUKI”.

B. Limitation of the Study

In the research, the writer limits her research in using subtitle analysis in Divergent movie. The translator is Pein Akatsuki. This study focuses on transfer,

expansion, paraphrase, condensation, decimation, imitation, transcription, dislocation, deletion, resignation. The writer uses a theory from Henrik Gottlieb 1994. Henrik Gottlieb is known for the theory of subtitling strategy. Henrik Gottlieb is associate professor and head of the Center for Translation Studies and Lexicography at the University of Copenhagen. This limitation is done in order to get the best result with


C. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the writer formulates the problem statement as follows:

1. What kind of subtitling strategies were found in the movie entitled Divergent by Pein Akatsuki?

2. How is the quality of the subtitling Divergent movie by Pein Akatsuki?

D. Objective of the Study

Based on the research problem above, the writer formulates the objective of the study in the following:

1. to describe the subtitling strategies found in the Divergent movie by Pein Akatsuki, and

2. to describe the subtitling quality of Divergent movie by Pein Akatsuki.

E. Benefit of the Study

The writer hopes that this research about the subtitling analysis of Divergent movie by Pein Akatsuki had some benefits will be beneficial both theoretically and practically:

1. Theoretical benefit

The writer hopes that this research can add contribution in the field of translation and development of knowledge especially in subtitling strategy. 2. Practical benefit

a. Student

The results of this research can add contribution in the field of translation and development of knowledge especially in subtitling strategy.

b. Teacher

The writer hopes the study can be useful for additional information and suggestion that can be applied by teacher in the process of the teaching learning in the subtitling strategy.

c. Lecturer


d. Other researcher

The result of the study can be used to stimulate other researcher to conduct further research related to this research from other points of view.

F. Research Paper Organization

The researcher divides this research paper into five parts. They are chapter I introduction consisting of background of the study, limitation of the study, problem

statement, objective of the study, benefit of the study, and research paper organization.

Chapter II is underlying theory which consists of previous study, the notion of

translation, process translation, principles of translation, subtitling, process of subtitling, subtitling strategies, linguistic forms, movie, and Divergent

Chapter III is research method presenting research type, research object, data and

data source, method of collecting data, data validity, and method of analyzing data.

Chapter IV is research finding and discussion. The research finding is elaborated into two. First is The Subtitling Strategies Used in The Subtitling of Divergent Movie by Pein Akatsuki. Second is The Subtitling Quality of Divergent Movie

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion. After chapter V, the researcher presents


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