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Bushido revealed by the major character and the plot in Soseki`s Botchan


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number: 094214028








Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number: 094214028





Above all: Don't lose hope.




First, I would like to devote my gratitude to my Almighty God for His blessings. I also want to devote my gratitude to my advisor, Paulus Sarwoto, S.S., M.A., Ph.D. for his advices and corrections. I also give my thanks to my co-advisor, Dr. G. Fajar Sasmita Aji, M. Hum., for his willingness to read and review this thesis. I also thank my examiner, Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M. Hum. I also want to thank all the lecturers and staffs of English Letters Department.

My thanks go to my father, Posman Manihuruk, my mother, Dyah Kusumo Winahyu, my sister, Nega Paramita Damayanti Manihuruk, and my brother, Tunggul Natalius Hanandyo Manihuruk, for all of their supports.

My endless thanks go to Maria Puspitasari Munthe, Febi Riana Anindita Pertiwi, Vina Yani Purwaningsih and Arianni Ayu Purnamasari for helping me finish this thesis. I also want to thank Riza Azizah, Titus Dewa Brata, Helga Larissa Charity Koraag, Menik Estunigntyas, Vindy Kartika Primaningrum, Richard Octha David Taralalu, Saka Widhi Nirwa, Samuel Damartika, Rosa Putranti Winenggar, Anastasia Filiana Ismawati, Hernowo Adi Saputro and Yoshua Endyanto. Lastly, my endless thanks also go to Jean Gabriel Bagus Dwi Setyawan for his support.




MANIHURUK, LOUISA MEIGYTHA. Bushido Revealed by the Major Character and the Plot in Soseki’s Botchan. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra

Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2014.

Sastra merupakan salah satu sumber pedoman moral. Sastra bertujuan untuk mendidik pembacanya. Botchan merupakan salah satu karya sastra Jepang yang berisi banyak nilai-nilai moral. Terutama nilai moral Jepang. Nilai-nilai moral Jepang dikenal dengan Bushido. Bushido merupakan kumpulan norma untuk para prajurit Jepang. Namun, Bushido masih digunakan oleh generasi saat ini karena nilai moralnya baik dan masih sesuai untuk masa kini. Nilai-nilai moral pada novel dapat dilihat melalui tokoh utama dan plot. Tokoh utama pada umumnya mempunyai nilai moral yang baik. Nilai moral yang ada pada tokoh utama dapat dilihat dari karakteristiknya. Sedangkan plot membantu melihat aksi dan reaksi tokoh utama dalam melewati tiap fase dalam plot. Aksi dan reaksi tokoh utama dalam menghadapi konflik dalam plot juga membantu melihat nilai moral yang terkandung di dalam novel. Maka, nilai moral Jepang, Bushido, dapat dilihat melalui tokoh utama dan plot. Untuk mendapatkan hasil analisis yang lebih dalam, penulis menganalisis karakteristik dari tokoh utama. Langkah berikutnya adalah penulis menganalisis plot cerita. Langkah yang terakhir adalah menganalisis nilai-nilai Bushido yang terdapat di dalam novel melalui karakteristik tokoh utama dan plot.

Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka dalam studi ini. Penulis menggunakan buku, artikel, dan jurnal sebagai sumber informasi untuk mencari jawaban untuk penelitian ini. Buku pokok yang digunakan adalah Botchan karena buku tersebut merupakan karya yang dibahas dalam penelitian. Ada pula beberapa buku yang digunakan sebagai sumber sekunder untuk menganalisis penelitian ini, seperti Bushido yang ditulis oleh Inazo Nitobe, A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature yang ditulis oleh Wilfred L. Guerin, dan A Glossary to Literary Terms yang ditulis oleh M.H. Abrams. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan moral-filosofis karena pendekatan ini paling sesuai untuk meneliti nilai-nilai moral.





A. Background of the Study

Literature is a work of art which imitates life. Wellek and Warren (1956:94) stated that literature represents life and life,in a large measure, a social reality, even though the natural world and the inner subjective world of individual have also been object of literary imitation. Hence, literature represents an individual which is seen as thesubject and at the same time can be also the object of literary work.The individual and his qualities become the object of imitation of the literature and also become the subject in the literature itself.

In relation to individual qualities, literature can be an important source of moral guidance. It consists of didactic purposes to the readers. One of the purposes of literature is to teach morality to the readers. Literature is a tool to convey moral values to the readers. In On Moral Nature of Human, Gardner (1978: 19)states that “A workof art, which contains moral lesson, provides values

and rouse trustworthy feeling about the best and the worst in human action.”Moral values give a limitation to an individual to act based on the “good and bad” which


Different society might be having different standard of behavior as well. For example, Japanese conduct their ownmoral values. Japanese has a set of norms which is called Bushido. Bushido refers to a set of norms constituting a code of conduct for the Japanese warrior class. Further, Daniel Meissner in his article Bushido: Now and Zen, “Bushido developed over the centuries through the influences of Buddhism, Confucianism, Shintoism.” Buddhism teaches stoicism

which concerns with controlling emotion. In Buddhism, emotion can affect the cycle of life and death. The Buddhism meditation, which is well known as Zen meditation, teaches to focus and to reach higher level of thought. It also teaches love and respect to nature and the order of all things. Meanwhile, Confucianism teaches the relationships of community and family. There are some different obligations relating to the relationship to others. Shintoism teaches the purification of one’s soul and the removal of everything that plague the psyche.” Shintoism


One of the literary works talking about Bushido is Botchan, written by Natsume Soseki. It is a story about a fresh graduate student from big city, Tokyo, who moved to Shikoku, a rural area of Japan, to become a teacher. The title of the story, Botchan, is in fact the nickname of the major character of this story. Botchan itself means young master. Usually, this nickname is used to name the boys of honorable family, but Botchan comes from a middle class family. The servant uses this nickname because she loves him. Botchan teaches mathematics in a boarding school. He thinks that he is smarter and more civilized than any other people there, but after teaching there for several days he finds himself being played by his students and his fellow teachers.

Botchan is written by Natsume Soseki in 1906. It is an old book, but

Botchan is still worth read until now. The story is easy to understand, and it covers also moral lessons. Botchan also becomes one of the required reading books in some schools in Japan because of the moral values which are needed for Japanese children. That is why Botchanis one of the most widely read novels in modern Japan. This novel is interesting because it is one of the modern classic Japanese literary works which carries traditional values of Japanese, Bushido. Although Botchan was written in 1906, the story still makes sense and the moral values


Character is one of the important elements of the story. Abrams (1993: 23) wrote, “Character is the person presented in a dramatic or narrative, who is interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional quality, that is expressed in what he says -the dialogue- and by what he does -the action.” Character conveys the moral and dispositional qualities which can help readers find the moral values of the story. Bushido is a set of human qualities which should be followed by the people, therefore character is the most important thing to show those human qualities. As a means to reveal the Bushido through the character, plot is needed to see the dynamic acts of the character. Here, plot helps the readers understand the backbone of the story. Plot helps to see the characteristics of the character by examining the action and reaction taken by the character in each stage of the story. Therefore, on this thesis the elements of character and plot become the main gate to reveal the “Bushido” of the novel


B. Problem Formulation

Based upon the previous background,some problems are formulated as follows:

1. What are the characteristics of Botchan as the major character? 2. How is the plot described?


C. Objectives of the Study

There are three objectives of the study in this thesis. The first objective is to identify the characteristics of the major character in the novel. The second objective is to see the plot of the novel. The last objective is to find the moral values reflected by the major character and the plot in the novel.

D. Definition of Terms

This part discusses the definition of terms which can help the readers understand this study easier.

1. Character

In A Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams defines characters as:

The person presented in a dramatic or narrative, who is interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional quality, that is expressed in what he says -the dialogue- and by what he does -the action (1993:23).

2. Plot

Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction states:

Plot is the backbone of a story and it has its own rules, which means that a plot must have a true beginning, middle, and end. The plot movement comes mainly from its ability to arouse our curiosity, hope, and fear. The movement of the plot from the beginning to the end should be reasonable, rational, and logical (1965: 15).

3. Bushido





A. Review of Related Studies

In conducting this novel, there are several reviews of related studies about moral values and about the novel itself,Botchan, collected by the writer.

The first review deals with Renny Amit’s(2007) thesis, Naturalism as Seen in Natsume Soseki's Botchan. Her thesis talked about the aspects that reflect naturalism in Botchan. According to her, the idea of naturalism can be seen through the major character’s way of thinking in seeing life.In page 57, she stated “Hence, it can be seen that determinism is reflected through Botchan who is the main character in the story. Botchan believes he has no free will because he is strongly influenced by the heredity, chances and the environment. His way of thought reflects the idea of naturalism.” In other words the actions of the main character are determined by the circumstance. This thesis agrees with Amit’s thesis that the actions taken by the main character follow the standard behavior given by his society. This thesis wants to prove that the major character of the novel determined by the Japanese standard behavior, Bushido.


sheer severity of which passes over as a creative energy to the serious student of his fiction” (1973: 391). Botchan contains of self-consciousness and honesty. He

also stated “Botchan is irrepressible in his frankness, uninhibited by artificial customs of the past, and yet as Japanese as he can be in so many of his attitudes and manners” (1973: 401).This thesis agrees with Biddle opinions. Sometimes Botchan break the custom, but at the same time he holds the other custom which makes sense to him. This thesis wants to prove the custom Botchan hold is Bushido.

The last review is about the article entitled Cross Cultural Experience by Cherie Thiessen(2005). She reviewed Botchan from translation point of view. Translating Japanese novel into English is a difficult job. It is difficult because Japanese has many levels of communication. She stated that translating a classic work that was well known in its country of origin was a wonderful way to build a bridge between cultures. In order to translate that classic work, the translator should have many extra tools to translate it.


B. Review of Related Theories

There are some theories needed to analyze this study. The theories are the theory on character and characterization, theory of moral and the relation between literature and morality.

1. Theory of character

Theory on character is an important theory to conduct this study. It is used to understand the characteristic of the character in the novel. Hugh Holman and William Harmon (1986:82) presented two types of characterization. According to them, “A static character is one who changes little if at all. Things happen to such a character without things happening within.”A static character changes slowly. Some little changes happen as we read the novel. The dynamic character is the opposite of the static character. According to them, “Dynamic character shows changes by actions and experiences, and objective of the work in which the character appears is to reveal the consequences of these actions.”

According to M.J. Murphy in Understanding Unseens(1972), there are several ways to understand a character: The first way is by personal description. It means the author can describe a person’s appearance and clothes. The second


something about the readers past life the author can gives us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. The fifth is conversations of others. The

author can also give us clues through a person’s character through the

conversations of other people and the things they say about him/her. The sixth is by learning the reaction. The author can also give us clue to a person’s character

by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events. The seventh is by learning the direct comment. The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly. The eighth is by learning the thoughts. The author

can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. He can tell us what different people are thinking. The last is by learning the mannerisms. The author can describe a person’s mannerisms, habits or idiosyncrasies which may

also tell us something about his character.

The theories of character are used to understand the characteristics of the character. Those theories help the writer to dig the characteristics of the character deeper. In order to have complete information about the characteristics of the character, the writer should consider many aspects.

2. Theory of Plot


work, and were the means by which they exhibit their moral and dispositional qualities. The plot and characters help the story to convey the moral of the story.

According to Robert and Jacobs, in Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing(1987: 64), “The interrelationship of incidents and character within a total design is the plot. Plot has been compared to a map, scheme, or blueprint.”

He also states “In a carefully worked plot, all the actions, speeches, thoughts, and observations are inextricably linked to make up an entirety, sometimes called an organic unity.” Besides, he adds “Plot in its simple stage is worked out in pattern

of causes and effect that can be traced in a sequence or chronology.” Plot determines how the story will flow. The story follows the pattern of the plot which makes the story runs chronologically. Besides, a plot is a plan or groundwork for a story, based in conflicting human motivations, with the action resulting from believable and realistic human response. Plot is the scheme that makes one actions realistic and reasonable because one action and another action are related.

Robert and Jacobs set forth formal categories of structure that can be used by/in all genres of literature. They are exposition, complication, crisis, climax, and resolution or denouement.

a. Exposition


that is going to be important in the story. It provides introduction of the characters, the sketch of the background, and the description of the situation.

b. Complication

Robert and Jacobs (1987: 90) state:

The complication marks the onset of the major conflict in the story. The participants are all the characters in the story, whether they are protagonist or antagonist; and whatever ideas or values those characters represent, such as childhood and age, love and hate, good and evil, freedom and slavery, and the like.

In addition, this section usually provides the rising of the problems and the introduction of some difficulties faced by the characters. Abrams, in A Glossary of Literary Terms (1981: 161), states that the situation keeps on increasing with

complexity and tensions of the problems and the difficulties until it reaches the climax.

c. Crisis


d. Climax

Robert and Jacobs (1987: 90) state:

The climax is the high point in the action or the point of greatest expectancy and the cumulative effect of the previous incidents. Another way to think of climax is to define it as that point in a story in which all the rest of the action becomes inevitable (Robert and Jacobs, 1987: 90).

Climax is the peak phase in the story. It is part of the story where all of the conflicts reach the most intense point. Robert and Jacobs also state “In this part the conflicts and the following tension are brought to the fullest extent. Climax is the point that is inevitable and no return, where all the rest of the action becomes firmly set.”

e. Denouement

According to Robert and Jacobs (1987: 102), the resolution or denouement is the last section of plot which brings the story to its conclusion. The resolution usually directed as quickly as possible for the conflicts are over. On the other hand, once the main conflict is resolved, a brief action of this sort emphasizes the note of finality.

4. Seven Principles of Bushido


Bushido consists of seven virtues, they are: morality or rectitude, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor and loyalty.

a. Rectitude

The first principle is rectitude which is well-known as Gi in Japan. “Rectitude is the power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in

accordance with reason, without wavering; to die when it is right to die, to strike when to strike is right" (Nitobe, 1908: 20). Rectitude can be defined as making the right decision. It also can be said that rectitude is relating to something which morally correct. Supporting Nitobe’s opinion, According to Yamamoto in Hagakure The Way of Samurai (2002; 10), “To hate injustice and stand on righteousness is a difficult thing. Furthermore, to think that being righteous is the best one can do and to do one’s utmost to be righteous will, on contrary, bring

many mistake.” Justice is one of important human qualities. To be just is difficult because it will be hated by some people, especially the one who are wrong.

b. Courage

The second principle is courage, which is well-known as Yu. According to Nitobe (1908; 25), “Courage here defines as doing what is right” It combines bravery in doing something right. If one believes something is right, he should have the boldness to fight until the last blood he has.While according to Yamamoto (2002; 65), “courage is gritting one’s teeth, it is simply doing that and


right things. Having rectitude, making the right decision, is not enough, it should be followed by courage, the bravery to do something right.

c. Benevolence

The third is benevolence toward humankind or Jin. It is universal love. Nitobe(1908: 37) stated, “Benevolence was a tender virtue and mother-like. If upright rectitude and stern justice were peculiarly masculine, mercy had the gentleness and the persuasiveness of a feminine nature.” Benevolence can be understood as well-meaning and kindly. Supporting Nitobe opinion, according to Sonda (2007),

Benevolence was considered a princely virtue as shown in the following words: Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity, were ever recognized to be supreme virtues, the highest of all the attributes of the human soul.

Benevolence means kind of heart toward others. It covers all kind of goodness in life to other people.

d. Respect


e. Honesty

The fifth is honesty or Makoto. Nitobe (1908; 57) stated, “Lying or equivocation were deem equally cowardly.” Truthfulness is taught to tell the truth in everything. One should be ready to face everything which comes after telling the truth. Telling lie is unacceptable for Japanese. It also means that someone is a coward. Besides, a promise has to be fulfilled although without a written pledge.

f. Honor

The sixth is honor and glory or Meiyo. Nitobe (1908; 65-66) stated, “The sense of honor, implying a vivid consciousness of personal dignity and worth, could not fail to characterize the samurai, born and bred to value the duties and privileges of their profession.” It is related to a quality of being respected. Sonda (2007) stated, “Samurais, in defence of this honor (or avoiding shame), would even go so far as to take their own lives.” It is one of the ways to defend the honor to self. Honoris also related to sense of shame and reputation. A person should have a personal dignity, a quality of being worthy of honor or respect. He also should defend it to gain the respect. He should also defend it to gain the respect. A person with honor should not let anyone humiliate or blacken his/her reputation.

g. Duty of Loyalty


his or her job from their heart. While according to NozomuSonda in his journal, Bushido (Chivalry) and the Traditional Japanese Moral Education (2007),

“Personal fidelity is a moral cohesion existing among all sorts and conditions ofmen.” Loyalty is very important for the Japanese. Every person should be loyal to the master.

Even though Bushido was a code from the old generation but it remains until now in Japanese religion, ethics, and moral. As basic moral principles in Japan, Bushido is taught since young and it starts from the family, school, and society. Bushido appears as the moral education at school and also in someone’s life experiences.

3. Theory of Moral

Related to moral, Chamber states “the moral is the principles of the good and evil or right and wrong in human’s life” (1973:606). Moral differentiates the good and the bad of human behavior. It also tells us which one we should do and which one should not do. Moral teach us to concern about other people's needs first, than ours. We should do good things to others.


(1) An affective or emotional component. An affective or emotional component contains the feelings of guilt concern for other feelings that surround right or wrong actions and that motivate thoughts and actions. (2) A cognitive component. A cognitive component focuses on the way we conceptualize right and wrong and make decisions about how to behave. (3) A behavioral component. A behavioral component reflects how we actually behave when for example we do or have something that we know is bad or wrong, or help a needy person (Sigelman, 1995: 330).

Those three basic components are related. The first is how we feel about right and wrong, the second is how we conceptualize right and wrong and the last is how to face that.

3. The Relation between Literature and Morality

Literature and morality usually support each other. Related with the relation between literature and morality, Moody states that literary work always offers moral messages that connect with human's noble behavior of the characters in the novel. Novel contains of moral messages that can be revealed by the character. There must be moral values or moral messages in every novel, either explicit or implicitly.


Another statement comes from Gardner in his book On Moral Nature of Human. He states that literature as an art is essentially and primary moral that is

life giving (1978:15). Besides, he also states that a work of art, which contains moral lesson, provides values and rouse trustworthy feeling about the best and the worst in human action (1978: 19). Moral values are delivered by literature. Therefore, literature is a tool to convey moral values to the readers.

B. Theoretical Framework





A. Object of the Study

Botchan is a story about youngest son in a middle class Tokyo family who is hated because his naughtiness. After both his parents died, he continues his study and becomes a mathematics teacher. He moves to unfamiliar place far from Tokyo. It is hard for him to adjust in his new society. He should face his bad-mannered students and school administrators who pitted him to the other teacher. He also should face the thing he hates, lies.

Botchan is a timeless Japanese novel written by Soseki Natsume. Botchan is a very popular novel and still widely read until now. The original novel is written in Japanese language. The English version is translated by Umeji Sasaki. The publisher of this novel is Tuttle Publishing. The first publication of this book is in 1906 and still reprinted until now, but the writer uses the novel which is published in 2006. It consists of 271 pages which is divided into eleven chapters.

B. Approach of the Study


approach to go closer to the topic. Guerin in A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature states

The basic position of Moral-Philosophical approach is to teach morality and to probe philosophical issues. They would interpret literature within the context of philosophical thought of a period or group. The important thing is the moral or philosophical taught (1979: 39).

Moral-Philosophical approach helps to find the moral values which are taught through the literature.

The writer chooses Moral-Philosophical approach because it helps the writer in analyzing moral values carried by the major character in the story. Guerin also states “Moral-Philosophical approach is approach which insists on

ascertaining and stating what is taught(1979: 39).” It means Moral-Philosophical approach can help the writer to find out the moral values taught through the major character in the story.

C. Method of the Study





The analysis in this chapter is divided into three parts based on the problems that are formulated in the first chapter. In the first part, the writer analyzes the characteristics of the major character. In the second part, the writer analyzes the plot of Botchan. In the last part, the writer analyzes the virtues of Bushido which revealed by the characteristics of the major character and the plot.

A. The Characteristics of the Major Character

The major character in the novel is Botchan. This part will analyze the characteristics of Botchan. The characteristics of the major character can be seen from the mannerism, dialogue, act, and many other aspects. The theories of character are used to understand the characteristics of the character. Those theories help the writer to discover the characteristics of the character deeper.

The major character's characteristics are described as follows:

a. Honest

Botchan is an honest character. Honest is one of the characteristics of the major character which can easily be seen in the novel. There are many things in the novel that show his honesty.

Botchan’s thought about honesty is one of the evidences that he is an


Just think, if the honest does not win, what else is there in this world that will win. If I cannot beat them tonight, I will tomorrow; if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow. If not the day after tomorrow, I will sit down right here, get my meals from my home until I beat them (Soseki, 1906: 84).

The quotation above explainsabout Botchan’s thought about honesty. He thinks that honesty is an important thing in this world that should be done by all people. In fact, sometimes some people do not apply it to their life because the opposite of honesty, dishonesty, offers an easy way to win something, but it harms others. It is not easy to make honesty wins, but he will fight for it in order to maintain it in this world.

The honest characteristic of the major character can also be seen through the past life of Botchan. Since he was a child, Botchan never tells lies. When he makes troubles, he would admit it though his parents or anyone would be angry with him. For example, one day he made trouble by ruining carrot patch and stuffing irrigating bamboo with stones and sticks. Many people were angry with him, but he admitted his faults and accepted the punishments. He will not tell lies to avoid the punishment or anyone's anger. He will never run away from his responsibility. His past life also shows that he is an honest person. Honesty is the main moral virtues that he holds since he was a child. Honesty has become his manner or habit in his life.


return the contract because he knows that he will not able to fulfill the requirements given by the principal.

If they wanted me to fill such an onerous post, they should have told all that before. I hate to tell a lie; I would give it up as having been cheated, and get out of this mess like a man there and then. I had only about 9 yen left in my pocket after tipping the hotel 5 yen. Nine yen would not take me back to Tokyo. I had better not have tipped the hotel; what a pity! However, I would be able to manage it somehow. I considered it better to run short in my return expenses than to tell a lie (Soseki, 1906: 33).

The quotation above shows the reaction of Botchan about the requirements. The principle asks him to be an example to the students; should become an object of admiration for the whole school or should exert moral influence. Besides, he also should master teaching technical knowledge in order to become a real educator. If he takes the contract with such requirements, he will be counted as a liar because he knows that he could not fulfill those requirements. The requirements given by the principle seems hard to do. Botchan realizes that the requirements are impossible for him. Botchan, as an honest person, decides to cancel the contract. He does not want to tell lies and acts like he can fulfill the requirements. It is better for him to cancel it if he knows that he cannot fulfill it. His decision to return the requirement and cancel the job show how honest Botchan is.


b. Bad-tempered

Botchan is a bad-tempered person. He easily gets annoyed or angry. It is difficult for him to control his anger. If there is something wrong or someone does a bad thing, he will get angry or annoyed. For example is when Botchan and his brother played chess.

When we played a chess game one day, he placed a chessman as a "waiter," and had hearty laugh on me by seeing me in a fix. His manner was so trying that time that I banged a chessman on his forehead which was injured a little bit and bled (Soseki, 1906: 7). He is angry with his brother because his brother does an underhand trick to beat Botchan. Botchan gets angry, and then he throws a chessman to him. It hits his brother's forehead and injures. He hates lies and all the things related to lies. The dishonest trick done by his brother is the reason why he is angry and throws the chessman to him. The reaction toward the action of his brother can be concluded as bad-tempered.

The other evidence is when his neighbor stole his chestnuts. He is angry because his neighbor often stole it.

Nevertheless he had the temerity to come over the fence to our yard and steal my chestnuts. One certain evening I hid myself behind a folding-gate of the fence and caught him in the act. Having his retreat cut off he grappled with me in desperation (Soseki, 1906: 3).


He also gets angry when his students annoy him. One day when it was his turn to do a night watch at school, his students put grasshoppers inside his blanket. They want to make fun of him. Botchan is really angry because of their naughtiness. Besides, they do not admit it when he asks them to. Botchan and his students are debating.

"Grasshoppers or locusts, why did you put them into my bed? When I asked you to?"

"Nobody put them in."

"If not, how could they get into the bed?"

"Locusts are fond of warm places and probably they got in there respectfully by themselves,"

"You fools! Grasshoppers getting into bed respectfully! I should smile at them getting in there respectfully! Now, what's the reason for doing this mischief? Speak out."

"But there is no way to explain it because we didn't do it" (Soseki, 1906: 75-76).

The conversation above shows the anger of Botchan to his students. He forces his students to confess their faults. Botchan cannot accept their action for not admitting their fault. Botchan thinks that they has done two faults. The first is for doing the trouble and the second is for not admitting it. He rebukes his students. He also reports that incident to the principle which makes them to be punished. His reaction and his speech toward the mischief of his students can be categorized as bad-tempered.


behind his anger are usually right. Mostly, the reasons behind his anger are dishonest things. He hates lies, therefore he will always angry when he faces dishonesty.

c. Dignified

Botchan is a dignified person. He does not let anyone humiliate or underestimate him. He does not want anyone to think that he is weak. Therefore, if someone challenges him, he will take that challenge. He does not want to be reputed as a coward.

During my grammar school days, I was once laid up for about a week by jumping from the second story of the school building. Some may ask why I committed such a rash act. There was no particular reason for doing such a thing except I happened to be looking out into the yard from the second floor of the newly-built school house, When one of my classmates, joking shouted at me; "Say, you big bluff, I'll bet you can't jump down from there! O, you chicken-heart, ha, ha!" So I jumped down. The janitor of the school had to carry me home on his back, and when my father saw me, he yelled derisively, "What at a fellow you are to go and get your bones dislocated by jumping only from a second story!"

"I'll see I don't get dislocated next time," I answered (Soseki, 1906: 1-2).


At another time, his relatives presented a penknife. Botchan shows that pen-knife to his friends, but one of his friends says that it seems rather dull for cutting with. Then his friends challenge him to cut his finger to see that it is sharp.

"Rather dull? See if they don't cut!" I retorted.

"Cut your finger, then," he challenged. And with "Finger nothing! Here goes!" I cut my thumb slant-wise. Fortunately the knife was small and the bone of the thumb hard enough, so the thumb is still there, but the scar will be there until my death (Soseki, 1906: 2). Without thinking, he cuts his finger with the pen-knife. He takes that action so that his friends will not think that he is coward or weak. Besides, he cuts his finger to prove his words are true. The reaction of Botchan shows that he wants to be respected. He wants to show his friends that he is brave.

Botchan will not let anyone underestimate him. One day he felt underestimated by the maid of the hotel. The servant gives him a bad room and tells him that it is the only room which is empty. Soon he finds out that the other rooms are empty and he is given a bad room because he does not give “tea money” to the servant. Tea money is a kind of tip which is usually given to the

servant of the hotel.


5-yen bill told her to take it to the office later. The face of the maid became then shy and awkward (Soseki, 1906: 29).

Even he only has 14 yen left in his pocket; he still gives tea money in order to be respected by the maid. After giving tea money to the maid, the maid becomes awkward and shy because Botchan can give a lot of tea money. Botchan is satisfied because he is not underestimated anymore. His reaction toward the treatment of the maid shows that he is a dignified person.

The other evidence that show his dignity is his thought toward his problem with his fellow teacher. He is pitted into a fight and is slandered to be the cause of the fight.

Even so, if I am to be subjected to these pinpricking tricks, I am a man and got to risk losing off the last remnant of the honor of the Yedo kid. I became more convinced of the advisability of returning to Tokyo quickly and living with Kiyo. To live long in such a country town would be like degrading myself for a purpose. (Soseki, 1906: 220) He thinks that it is better to go back to Tokyo and live with Kiyo rather than living in Shikoku. Living in Shikoku in long period will just discredit himself by his own choice. Therefore, he wants to go back to Tokyo. His thought shows that he is a dignified person.


d. Brave

Botchan is actually a brave man. He is not afraid of anything, though sometimes he is lack of preparation. He is also brave enough to fight a person who has a higher position than him, hence he sometimes does not think about the consequences.

One day there was a fight between students of his school and students from other school. One of the students asks to break the fight up. He immediately goes into the crowd to break it up.

Shouting at the top of my voice, I attempted to penetrate the line which seemed to separate the hostile sides, but this attempt did not succeed. When about ten feet into the turmoil, I could neither advance nor retreat. Right in my front, a comparatively large normal was grappling with a middle about sixteen years of ago.

"Stop that!"

I grabbed the shoulder of the normal and tried to force them apart when someone whacked my feet. On this sudden attack, I let go the normal and fell down sideways. Someone stepped on my back with heavy shoes. With both hands and knees upon the ground, I jumped up and the fellow on my back rolled off to my right. I got up, and saw the big body of Porcupine about twenty feet away, sandwiched between


and educated person who is respected by the people there. Botchan wants to show the people who Red Shirt really is because Red Shirt has lied to all the people.

Some of the people know that Red Shirt is a bad person, but they are not brave enough to tell the truth because Red Shirt is sly and dangerous person and they are afraid that Red Shirt will do something to them. Red Shirt lies to many people for his own profit. Botchan cannot accept that. Therefore, he manages a mission with Porcupine to reveal the wicked side of Red Shirt. Both Porcupine and Botchan spy Red Shirt and his friend, Clown, when they enter a house of a Geisha. After they successfully open Red Shirt's wicked side, they take revenge to him.

"This is outrageous! It is rough to resort to force before deciding the right or wrong of it!"

"Outrageous indeed!" Another clout. "Nothing but wallopping will be effective on you scheming guys." The remark was followed by a

shower of blows. I soaked Clown at the same time, and made him think he saw the way to the Kingdom-Come. Finally the two crawled and crouched at the foot of a cedar tree, and either from inability to move or to see, because their eyes had become hazy, they did not even attempt to break away.


B. The Plot

Plot is one of the elements in the story which plays an important role in linking up the events in order to make the story as a whole. The events are arranged by using cause and effect relationship which put the idea of the story focused. It keeps the reader’s interest and curiosity with its unpredictable

happenings and solutions.

This part analyzes the plot of the short story Botchan in order to find some related events that support the unity of the story. The plot is divided into five stages. They are exposition, complication, crisis, climax, and denouement.

a. Exposition

According to Robert and Jacobs in Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, “Exposition is the laying out, the putting forth, of the material in the story: the main characters, their backgrounds, characterization, basic assumption about life, goal, limitation, and potentials” (1987: 89).


forehead. However, he never denies his faults to avoid the punishments. He admits his fault, though it would burden him. The exposition shows the reaction of the major character in facing the problems which he made. He is still telling the truth about his mischief, though he knows that if he tells the truth he will get some punishments.

In the early chapter the author also gives description about the background of the major character, Botchan. Botchan is a middle-class Tokyo-born boy. He lives with his parents, brother, and a servant. He is his parents’ younger son, and his older brother is the favorite child. It is because his brother does not make many troubles as Botchan does. His parents also underestimate him because they think that he cannot do anything but making problems. Another person who lives in their home, Kiyo, is the one who loves Botchan. Although Botchan often makes troubles she still loves him. Her reason for loving him is because he has a clean heart and she believes that he will be a great person.


Although sometimes he makes troubles, he does not let anyone underestimates him. He has dignity on him. He does not want to depend on others, therefore he decides to continue his education to school of physic. He believes with academia will come an easy life. He continues his study in a school of physics. After his father and mother died, the house is sold, therefore he has to live alone in a boarding house since his brother obtains a job in Kyushu. Kiyo lives with her relatives because it is not possible to live with Kiyo in a small boarding house. Actually, he wants to live with Kiyo, but he is not able to rent larger boarding house.

b. Complication

According to Robert and Jacobs, 'The complication marks the onset of the major conflict in the story. Complication also provides the rising of the problems and the introduction of some difficulties faced by the character(s).” Abrams adds, “This situation kept on increasing with complexity and tensions of

the problems and the difficulties until it reached the climax” (1981: 161).


find Botchan's faults. For example, one day Botchan goes for a walk and finds a noodle house. He does not satisfy eating one bowl of tempura noodle, hence he orders three more. He does not notice that there are some of his students in that noodle house. The following day when he enters the classrooms, he sees on the black board written "Professor Tempura", "But four bowls is too much", and "Four bowls of tempura noodles, but don't laugh." Botchan is really angry and irritated with that. He gets similar treatments when he buys dango and goes to the hot spring. Those kinds of joke happen again and again. The biggest conflicts between Botchan and his students is when he gets the turn of night watch in the school, his students make fun of him. When he decides to sleep, he finds a lot of grasshoppers in his blanket. He is so angry. He blames the students for doing that, but none of the students admit that action. The students pretend like they do not know what happened there. Botchan becomes angrier because he considers that all of his students are cowards for not admitting their faults. Besides, he is also angry because the students do not respect him as their teacher. Finally, the incident is reported to the principle. Those are the conflicts happening between Botchan and his students. He does not want to stop until the students get punishment as the result of their actions. If he stops, he will lose his honor as well. He wants to show his dignity as a teacher to their students.


two-faced teacher. The two-faced teacher refers to Porcupine. It makes Botchan starts to keep distance with Porcupine.

c. Crisis

“Crisis is the turning point, the separation between what has gone before

and what will come after. In practice, the crisis is usually a decision or action undertaken in an effort to resolve the conflict” (Robert and Jacobs, 1987: 90).


d. Climax

“The climax is the high point in the action or the point of greatest

expectancy and the cumulative effect of the previous incidents.” Robert and

Jacobs also stated, “In this part the conflicts and the following tension are brought to the fullest extent. Climax is the point that is inevitable and no return, where all the rest of the action becomes firmly set” (1987: 90).


followed by Red Shirt. Botchan and Porcupine wait until morning to catch them red handed. After Red Shirt leaving the house, Botchan and Porcupine follow him, and then they beat him up. Red Shirt still does not admit that he is there with the Geisha, but Botchan and Porcupine do not care about his explanation because they know the truths. They are very satisfied because they can uncover his shame and beat him. The revenge is the end of the climax.

e. Denouement

“Resolution or denouement is the last section of plot which brings the story to its conclusion. The resolution usually directed as quickly as possible for the conflicts are over.” (Robert and Jacobs, 1987: 102).


C. The Bushido Virtues Revealed by the Major Character and the Plot

Bushido means way of the warrior. It is a set of codes which is applied by the Samurai and their family. Those codes are still applied at the present to respect their ancestors. Besides, it contains of good virtues for the present generation. Bushido consists of seven virtues, they are: justice or rectitude, courage, benevolence, respect, honesty, honor and duty of loyalty. Those virtues are morally good. All of those virtues teach us to do something good and right. Moreover, those virtues teach us to have certain important qualities which should be done by all people.

a. Rectitude


Shirt and Botchan does not want to let the false judgments of Red Shirt keep happening. It becomes the reason for Botchan to conduct the truth. He decides to make everyone know the bad side of Red Shirt. Botchan also tries to help Koga which also has problem with Red Shirt. He knows that Koga and Porcupine are not wrong, but they are engaged into problem because of Red Shirt. He knows which one is right and which one is wrong, therefore he tries to reveal the truth.

Botchan’s actions and reactions in deciding the good and the bad show his rectitude virtue. In Bushido, rectitude virtue is understood as the power of deciding upon a certain course of conduct in accordance with reason. Botchan can make right decisions. Botchan decisions are morally correct. Therefore, it can be said that Botchan has rectitude virtue.

b. Courage


him, though he should face many difficulties. The difficulties he faces do not stop him to do the right things. He decides to do it until his last breath. He does everything that supports him to reach his goal, proving that Red Shirt is a bad person. Finally, he can prove that Red Shirt is a bad person.

Botchan is not only able to understand what is right and wrong, but he is also brave to fight for something right. He is brave to fight Red Shirt, although his position is higher than Botchan. The reason why he is brave to fight Red Shirt is because he knows that he is right and Red Shirt is wrong. His bravery in fighting for something right shows that he upholds courage virtue. In Bushido, courage means bravery in doing something right.

c. Benevolence


to solve their problem with Red Shirt because he knows that they are good people who are right.

Botchan’s love to Kiyo, which actually his servant, and his kindness to

Koga and Porcupine show that he is also a kind person. The kindness of Botchan shared to people shows that he holds benevolence virtue. In Bushido, benevolence is considered as love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and pity. It can be also considered as universal love. Botchan’s actions have proofed that he shared love and sympathy for others. Therefore, Botchan holds benevolence virtue of Bushido.

d. Respect

Botchan is dignified person. He wants to be respected by others. He respects others as well. When he knows that Red Shirt makes the engagement of Koga and Madonna canceled. He feels pity for Koga because Koga's fiancée cancels the engagement for a bad person, Red Shirt. Koga is a nice person, though he is sad and experiencing bad thing he does not hate them. However, Koga as the victim can accept the situations happen to him. Botchan really respects Koga for his way in facing problem. Botchan also become more sympathetic to Koga.

Botchan’s sympathy to Koga shows the virtue of respect. According to


Therefore, he tries to help Koga to solve his problem. From Botchan’s actions, it

can be concluded that Botchan upholds respect virtue.

e. Honesty

Honest is one of the characteristics of Botchan. Since he was a child until the end of the story Botchan never tells lies. In the early story, Botchan has always confessed all of his actions. Most of his actions are naughty and causing others’


people in the town know that Red Shirt is not a good teacher and he has lied to many people.

He thinks that people who lie are coward. Botchan always tell the truth in everything. He also wants anyone to be honest too. He will fight for honesty because he thinks that honesty is an important quality that should be done by people. Besides, he is also ready to face the consequences which come after telling the truth. The honest characteristic and the actions of Botchan reflect the fifth virtue of Bushido, honesty.

f. Honor


have any indebtedness to someone who blackens his name. Having indebtedness to someone who blackens his name means someone successfully humiliates him. Besides, finally he resigns from the place he works. The reason of his resignation is because he feels some of the staffs have tried to discredit him. He will be more ashamed if he keeps working there.

Dignified as Botchan’s characteristic and the actions in facing the

problems against his students and his friends show that he holds the honor virtue. It can be said that he hold the honor virtue because he consciously feels having personal dignity and worth. He does not want anyone humiliate or blacken his name. He will do everything to protect and gain his honor. He has personal dignity, a quality of being worthy of respect.

g. Duty of Loyalty





The problem formulation has been answered in the previous chapter, analysis. The analysis and the conclusion cover the characteristics of the major characters, the plot and the Bushido seen through the major character and the plot. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that honest, bad-tempered, dignified, and brave are the characteristics of Botchan. The conclusions are based on the speech, the conversation, the habit, the reactions and the past life of the major character.


and Porcupine manage revenge to Red Shirt. They catch Red Shirt red handed with a Geisha. After that they decide to beat him up. They are very satisfied because they can uncover his shame and beat him. The denouement of the story is that Botchan decides to go back to Tokyo and lived with Kiyo. Later on, someone helps Botchan to get a job as an assistant engineer in the tram car office.

The characteristics and the reactions of the major character in facing and solving the conflicts are things which help to see the virtues of Bushido. The rectitude value can be seen through the power of deciding good and bad in certain condition accordance to reason. Botchan can decide that Red Shirt is bad, therefore he tries to uncover the hidden badness of Red Shirt. Botchan is not only able to decide the good and the bad, but he is also able to do what it right. Brave to do the right things mean he upholds courage values of Bushido. He will fight someone who is wrong and he will also help the right person who is violated by the wrong person. Helping the others means that Botchan is kind. Botchan’s

kindness to others shows that he upholds the benevolence virtue. He is not only helping others which need his help, but he also respects them. The respect given by Botchan is also added by sympathetic feeling. The sympathetic feeling and fear of hurting other’s feeling means that Botchan upholds the respect feeling of




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