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Academic year: 2023



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This chapter contains the theoretical explanation summarized in chapter two from various sources that can be useful and make it easier for readers to read a study.

A. Game

1. Definition of Game

Games are activities inside or outside that require interactive physical movements used in several activities such as education, work, and entertainment. Games is like an activity with a long history, and it will be an educational tool in teaching speaking. Strongly suggest that game will create an engaging classroom environment that would motivate the learner to reach maximum potential.

According to Falim & Prestiliano (2018) state that Games can reduce boredom and stress while studying because students prefer to play more than study. The success of learning is when students and teachers do not feel that they are learning, and it is very influential on the thoughts and emotions of children when applying learning in class. Learning by using games aims to make people interested in education, including teachers and students. So why many English learners use games as a learning medium, especially in foreign language learning, because games are considered capable of improving students' English skills.


A game is a program that induces a learning cycle, such as making students judgment and practice and having the system give feedback (Chen, 2017). Playing games is essential for developing children's emotions and thoughts to create patterns of thought and emotions well in learning English.

Furthermore, Game is a method to get students fun and relax because studying English needed focusing and relaxing to memorize new vocabulary and phrases. Not only made students more fun and casual. Games can also make entertaining and engaging students when they are learning English, not only for the young learner but also for the adult learner. The Game can motivate students to active learning in their classroom and motivate that learning English can be enjoyable. Game influence is fast becoming a trend for interactive learning and learning experiences (Fung & Min, 2016). The best education is when students and teachers are energetic and enjoy teaching-learning English. The best provision a parent can give to their children is by giving and facilitating knowledge (Udin, 2017).So it helps students more enjoyable while learning English.

Finally, Games are activities used indoors or outdoors to make people who play them feel comfortable and relaxed and can train children's brain abilities. The game is one of the methods suitable for teaching speaking in school to make an interactive class and drill students speaking ability.


2. Advantage of Using Game

Games are a solution for teachers to make the classroom atmosphere and students more active and creative (Sulistianingsih et al., 2019). In addition to making students active, educational games gave more motivation in the teaching and learning process, According to Virvou et al., (2005) Games gave motivational advantages and the criticism that have been made on the educational game.

According to The United Kingdom, teachers recognize that games can engage and motivate students; respondents to the survey reported that the main benefit of employing gameplay was enhancing students‟ learning, enjoyment, and interest (Trevino et al., 2016).

A learning method is said to be successful if students feel they are not learning and are comfortable in learning as stated by Ghazy & Wajdi (2021) The game gives children not realize that they are learning the materials while playing. Games can positively impact if games are used properly for children (Febriani et al., 2017). One reason for the effectiveness of serious games in education may be their influence on learners‟ moods (Zhonggen, 2019). According to Setiawan & Phillipson (2019), many teachers use digital games as a medium of instruction in their classroom for engaging students during the teaching and learning process. Because Language input comes from teacher talk, listening activities, reading texts, and the language heard (Wijaya, 2018).


According to Plass, Humer & Kinzer (2015) Games can engage and motivate players by providing experiences they enjoy and want to continue.

Children also believe that digital game-based learning helps them to learn faster and have a greater interest in focusing on the learning topic (Al-Azawi et al., 2016). Besides board games, the author also uses video games as learning media. The essential distinguishing feature of video games is interactive; players cannot passively surrender to a game's storyline (Granic et al., 2014). According to Camacho Vásquez & Ovalle (2019), Video games can also change and improve learners' attitudes towards language learning.

According to Zirawaga, Olusanya & Maduki (2017) there are several advantages of using the game as an Educational tool in teaching-learning English:

a. Engage Students

Engaging students in learning English is to train students' abilities, and the game is to encourage students to participate in the learning process. To engage students in learning English more comfortably is using the game.

b. Help Students Remember

One goal of using games as a learning medium is to make students remember lessons and words in daily learning. And students can use games to recognize critical points from studies that can operate on school exams.


c. Visual and computer Literacy

One of the advantages of using games that are no less important is for visual and computer literacy, and I hoped that students could take advantage of it in the world of work.

d. Rule following and Problem Solving skills

The advantage of using games in English language learning is that it can train students to follow the rules and drill students to solve problems independently without help from others.

e. Beneficial students with attention disorder teach other skills

Using games can help students who are less focused on learning or better for students who experience disinterest in learning the English process. Using games can stimulate students who are not active in the learning process to participate in the learning process actively.

f. Teach other skills

The advantage of using the game in the learning process is to teach other skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, sportsmanship, interaction, and collaboration.

Game is one of method that suitable for students to learn English more enjoy and relax, the game can make students active in class and speak English confidently. The game also makes teaching-learning


English more meaningful, and students can experience that learning English is comfortable than before using the game.

3. Principles of Using Games in Teaching and Learning Activities

In teaching and learning activities that involve games as a learning medium, it is necessary to see the principles of using games for learning media to increase students' abilities and interest in learning English.

According to Brown (2000) there are principles of using the game in teaching-learning activity:

a. Selecting Game

It is necessary to look at the student's age and what games are suitable for students so that they can get maximum results and make students enjoy the learning process.

b. Introducing new games

In using games, the teacher usually explains the rules in playing the game or introduces the game before the teacher provides learning using the game. However, any teacher does not teach games to be used in teaching media to students and make misunderstanding in the teaching-learning process.

c. Playing the game

The teacher explains to students how to play the game and gives students instructions for organizing the class or giving students


instructions to make a group. The teacher must also provide instructions that are as simple as possible so that students can understand.

Game is one of method that suitable for students to learn English more enjoy and relax, the game can make students active in class and speak English confidently. The game also make teaching-learning English more meaningful, and students can experience that learning English is comfortable than before using game

In teaching by using the game, the teacher should know the principle of using a game in a teaching-learning activity to make maximum results in the teaching process. Brown suggests some directions that teachers should know, such as selecting a game, introducing a new game, and introducing the instruction on how to play that game. The last one is playing the game. It aims to make students understand how to play board games.

B. Board Game

1. Definition of Board Game

The board game is a game that uses a board as the main item and dice as media to play the game. The board game is one of the games that students are interested in learning English because board games can make students work together with their team, and there is an element of competition that students can cultivate. There is usually no element of individualism in board games, but each student is more cooperative by answering questions of


each student's ability. This game can motivate each other as a team and make students develop teamwork skills.

According to Rohdiana (2017) games allow students to show a little of their personalities, build relationships with others, and practice various skills. In modern times, using games as a media approach is a practical method that aims to communicate using English and games as one type of communication activity. Another statement A board game is a game that requires strategy and chance to be played by two or more people and uses dice and cards (Putri et al., 2018). In this research, the writer uses an Online board game as a learning medium, and it is known as Rhetoric the public speaking game and by using board games as a learning medium, there would make students no fear of punishment and criticism while they are practicing the language freely (Ng et al., 2021). The writer chooses the game itself, and it hoped that students would understand more and play the game.

Board Game commonly use in teaching-learning English, and Board Game is a game used in indoor or outdoor dice as a media play, and board is the main play. A board game is a game for every one adult learner or young learner.

2. The Benefit of Board Game in Language Teaching

Board games can be incredibly motivating for students because they are entertaining, exciting, and challenging (Purwatiani, 2019). Board games can make students more fun and enjoyable in the learning process, and for


teachers teaching students through board games can make students more active and make students communicate with no hesitation. Besides being fun, board games also have several advantages in learning. The board games media can generate two-way communication between teachers and students and students with other students directly and build communication and make the students skill in reading to read and understand the guidance of game (Christian & Prasida, 2018).

Furthermore, based on Phoung & Nguyen (2017) this game provides motivation, helps students reduce stress, and give them the occasion to practice communication. In addition, because language learning is hard work and requires effort at every moment and over a long period, games support learners‟ interest and work. According to Huyen & Thu Nga, cited from Nurkasanah (2014) games bring real-world context into the classroom and effectively enhance students‟ English use flexibly. Board games are suitable for student its and good for teachers in the teaching and learning process in the classroom because they can make the class active and the school environment becomes happy.

Concerning the use of conventional board games in education, an excellent educational game design can keep learners engaged in learning (Ali et al., 2018). and it help teacher get goals in a learning-teaching process and Many teachers use board games as a learning medium in teaching English.


The game has many Benefit in language teaching, not only for students but also for the teacher Board game can give motivation for students to learn English more actively than before. For a teacher, the game is suitable for students and can make interactive classes when teaching-learning processes.

3. Rhetoric Board Game

Rhetoric board game is an online game that uses dice as the medium, but it focuses on speaking skills. The name of the Rhetoric board game is the public speaking game which made to practice a speaking skill. Rhetoric board game introduced and created by Florian Mueck and John Zimmer, this board game made because there was no game specifically for speaking skills.

Therefore, Florian and John decided to make a rhetoric online board game for speaking skills.

In 2011, the Rhetoric board game was born, and the first edition uses dice and the actual board game. The second edition was born in 2015, and This edition uses dice and the actual board game the same as the first edition.

In 2016, this game was available on the app, and you can play with just a touch of the button.

At first, in making the Rhetoric public speaking game because the two founders of this game were interested in public speaking. They think that how can people speak in public without feeling afraid and lacking confidence speaking in public. Therefore, a Rhetoric public speaking game design to


practice public speaking without feeling terrified and less confident when speaking in public. At the beginning of its release, this game was still in the form of paper and equipped with media. In the second edition, this game has more exciting features. However, in this edition still on paper, then in the third edition, the rhetoric public speaking game can use on a phone or tablet, which can download on the app store, google play, and amazon. The third edition of the rhetoric game consists of several languages , including Spanish, French, Russian, German, and Catalan. And there are three themes: Classic, Family, and Business.

4. The Benefit of Rhetoric Board Game in Language Teaching

The rhetoric public speaking game has many benefits that the game player can obtain. By playing rhetoric board games during a pandemic, you can keep the relationship between friends more fun and enjoyable. Not only then that, playing the Rhetoric board games can improve public speaking skills without realizing it, but we also accustomed to expressing the contents of our thoughts using English.

And the use of the rhetoric board game in the English learning process makes learning more enjoyable. For teachers, it will be even easier to see students' proficiency in speaking English online face-to-face. The teacher can see the students speaking English directly and know the grammar use is correct, and the students master the vocabulary well.


5. The Materials in Playing Rhetoric Board Game

Because Rhetoric board game is an online game and learning is currently required to use the internet, the materials must be prepared such as Quota Internet, Rhetoric Board Game Application, Zoom /google meeting application. And the Rhetoric board game only is used for eight people, so effectiveness in playing rhetoric board games is guaranteed.

6. Preparing of Rhetoric Board Game for Speaking Activities

There are many types of board games on the market, but few use designed explicitly for speaking skills. However, the researcher found a game for speaking skills, namely the rhetoric speaking game.

In this preparation, the writer using the Rhetoric speaking board game according to the needs of students in learning speaking. This game aims to improve the students' speaking ability. This board game consists of several card choices or rules used when playing the rhetoric speaking game.

As for how to play the rhetoric board game as follows:

a. The teacher held a meeting via the zoom application or google meeting and joined as the host, organized, and included eight students in the forum.

b. Then students get a turn to roll the dice and represent the researcher in the order that determined. And the student begins to go through the challenges selected.


c. If students completed the challenge, continued to the following sequence of students, done until all the players have reached the finish.

So in the teaching and learning process, one must prepare to provide maximum results with previously imagined. To get the best effort in learning speaking skills. In preparation for teaching speaking skills, the teacher expected to sort out questions for speaking skills, and students can practice directly when the teaching-learning process.

C. Speaking

1. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is the English skills that students have known in their learning English, when people can speak English with other people in the world it easier for people to communicate. According to Gani, Fajrina &

Hanifa (2015) Speaking is an ability to express opinions, thoughts, facts, and feelings to other people, animals, and even to oneself. And speaking is a tool of communication with people to share any information or something that can understand each other. Furthermore, According to Dionar & Adnan (2019) Speaking is a transaction medium between speaker and listener. The speaker sends a message to the listener, and the listener responds to the speaker's information. And Speaking is not just like how to communicate with others.

But the tools that express our feelings in verbal. And it can be good for students to drill their Speaking Skills. In speaking, students learned how to organize what they want to talk about and the grammatical correctly to


speaking in the past or present. They also learned how to express what they want to speak with other people worldwide to get more information.

To improve speaking English, students should have more motivation to speak English fluently like a native speaker; if they focus on what they want and increase the vocabulary and grammatical correctness, it easy for students to speak English. And pronunciation is essential for speaking skills because the native will understand what you are speaking if you correct in accent.

According to Kamilah, Fauziah & Salsabila (2019) the criteria in speaking skill is fluency, which shows the learner's ability to communicate understandably, not to break down the communications. To make students fluently speak English, the Teacher more practice speaking in a class when learning English. The Teacher can create an interactive course for students to drill the linguistic skill and Teacher also motivate students to speak English.

Not only that, speaking can also be influenced by several factors, one of which is parents. According to According to Saldaria, Ariawan & Cahyani (2019) socioeconomic status influences students' speaking skills because parents in the middle to the upper socioeconomic group are free that speaking is essential, so they encourage children to speak better. Therefore, many parents are more concerned about English language education, especially in terms of speaking, because, According to Zuhriyah (2017) speaking is the reason to be a personal satisfaction from speaking and reaching other interests or career goals. According to Amalia & Husna (2020) achieving the learning


outcomes in English speaking activity needs analysis because it is a vital and necessary element. According to Syakur cited from penny (2020) speaking is considered the most important and challenging for all four skills (Listening, reading, speaking, and writing ). Speaking is one of the skills in the English language, so students must be able to speak by looking at their pronunciation abilities. They need to pronounce English words, phonemes correctly, stress and intonation patterns, and speech in connected speech. But it is not only that, as a native language speaker, especially English as a second language, we should speak in a range of different genres and situations to give the natural conversation when we are speaking English with others. Speaking is one of the skills that students might have. Because, in the era of globalization, speaking skills require in any institution, even in the working area.

Speaking is the ability to arrange words put together in a sentence that can provide information to the interlocutor and produce the essence of a conversation. So Speaking is not only to communicate, but Speaking is a tool to understand the language and get information from a speaker. We can get the point that we understood what people say with Speaking, and others can understand.

2. Type of Speaking

According to Brown (2000) writes that generally there are two type of spoken language, as follow:

a. Monologue


A monologue is someone who talks using only one side without any interaction for a long time. In speeches, lectures, readings, news broadcasts, the listener has to process address without interruption.

b. Dialogue

Interaction between two or more people usually used by each other in discussion forums. Usually, during a dialogue, there is an exchange of information or knowledge between the two speakers.

The monologue uses when formal or informal events are only conducted by one speaker monologue also commonly called speaking planned such as lectures and wedding speech. And Dialogue is a conversation consisting of two or more people interacting with each other; frequently called random chat or conversational spontaneously.

3. Criteria of Good Speaking

Speaking is an ability which has 4 criteria are pronunciation, fluency, vocabulary, and accuracy to determine whether the student's speaking is good or not seen from these aspects. According to Brown (2000) those aspect are:

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is an activity that functions to produce speech sounds, including articulation, stress, and intonation. Pronunciation is one of the criteria for determining the students' speaking ability is good or not because pronunciation is an essential aspect of English.


b. Fluency

Fluency is the ability to speak English quickly and satisfactorily.

This ability usually sees from how fast and understanding students speak English, which determines native language speakers understand what we are saying.

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a type of noun that means the words used in a language. Usually, in the form of a sentence, idiom, compound word, or complex word when talking about something.

d. Accuracy

Accuracy is the ability to speak English clearly both in grammar and in pronunciation. To make people understand what we are saying, mainly native speakers.

Speaking English has criteria that students must have to make it easier to communicate or exchange ideas with foreign-language speakers, especially English speakers. These criteria include pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, and accuracy. From those criteria, students have to mastery.

4. Problem of Speaking

The Structure of the spoken language is quite different from the written language, in which they have time to plan, edit, and correct what


they produce (Meinawati et al., 2020).So there are many problems encountered in learning English, especially in speaking, and the criteria for assessing English are often judged by direct pronunciation and must be more thorough.

According to Ur cited from Rahayu (2015) there is some problem that commonly faced by the students in learning speaking such as:

a. Inhibition

In learning English, many students feel inhibited from expressing their ideas in their minds using English because they feel embarrassed or afraid to pronounce the words in English. Especially for countries where English is a foreign language and students who learn it feels less confident.

b. Nothing to say

In learning English, especially speaking skills, students often have nothing they want to talk about in English because they lack the vocabulary or confidence in speaking English.

c. Low participation

Students do not speak English because they have no partner to speak English with, and students do not participate because the language used by students is not English, so students are embarrassed to speak English.


d. Mother tongue use

The mother tongue is the most crucial aspect of learning English because it uses English from an early stage; it is different from EFL.

There are so many problems experienced by students when speaking English in specific categories because it affects students' speaking ability.

The problem that faced the students‟ ability including inhibition, nothing to say, low participation, and mother tongue use. because of this problem, students feel embarrassed when speaking English

5. Teaching Speaking

English Teaching process in Junior High School is Base on the based curriculum. According to Maulana (2019) there are basic Assumptions in teaching English: 1) language as means of communication used to express meaning grammatically. 2) Learning a foreign language is how to communicate using that language itself as a target language, written or orally. Based on those assumptions, teaching speaking English is not easy to get the student to talk in a classroom.

Furthermore, Brown (2000) suggest some type of classroom speaking performance:

a. Imitative

Imitating is a way of understanding the meaning of a conversation but focuses more on several elements in language


formation. Students can learn to imitate the teacher's intonation and pronunciation or grammar when speaking English correctly.

b. Intensive

An intensive is a way of speaking that is higher than imitation, referring to phonological aspects such as grammar, phrasal, and pronunciation. Intensive speaking can help students express their thoughts confidently and in certain forms of language.

c. Responsive

Determining whether the class is good in communication is the interaction between students and teachers going well when the teacher makes students speak in English and be responsive.

d. Transactional (dialogue)

Transaction in English is exchanging ideas or information between two speakers who usually discuss the same or different themes.

In this case, it could be between the student and the teacher or students and students.

e. Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal is face-to-face communication carried out by two people who understand each other's reactions verbally and non-verbally, usually between husband and wife, teacher and student, etc.


f. Extensive (monologue)

Extensive speaking classroom performance is a way of learning English taught at an intermediate level. Students are familiar with making a monologue in the form of an oral report, summarize, or perhaps sort speeches. It is also suitable for students' writing performance.

Finally, in learning English, there is a type of speaking performance in the classroom that makes students understand more about learning English, makes it easier to express ideas in English, and makes it easier for teachers to teach English more effectively. Such as imitative, intensive, responsive, transactional (dialogue), interpersonal (exchange), extensive (monologue), and it helps for the teacher to teach students‟ speaking skills.

6. Assessing Speaking

According to Khotimah (2014) speaking is the key to communication and the ability to use the language orally or say things that cannot go back and changed except by repeating. Therefore, the assessment of speaking English is based on face-to-face or directly speaking to facilitate the examiner in assessing the extent to which students' English Speaking skills are. According to Brown (2003) suggest there are several assessments in speaking skills to see the extent to which students' ability to master English and can express it verbally for interactive speaking (interpersonal and transactional):


a. Interview

An interview is where two people sit down facing each other to get more accurate information and interview in length from perhaps five to forty-five minutes, depending on their purpose and context.

b. Role Play

Role Play is a popular activity in communicative language teaching in education. As an assessment device, role play can allow testing takers to know students' speaking skills, but sometimes that might otherwise be difficult to elicit.

c. Discussion and conversation

As a formal assessment device, discussion and conversation are difficult to specify and more difficult to score for students' speaking ability. Discussion is a way of severe discussions with several people about certain things, and conversation is a question and answer between people.

d. Games

This technique is an educational tool for assessing any other aspect, and it is suitable for determining speaking in the classroom for students.


For assessing speaking there is a lot of technique that commonly uses according from Brown, and teacher can use this technique to manipulate the students‟ speaking ability such as interview, role play, discussion and conversation and the last is Game.

D. The connected of Board Game to Speaking Skill

According to Azzahroh (2015) using board game in teaching speaking have a significant result. And the impact of the research is the mean score of the experimental class was 67.05. After using the Boardgame, the mean score increase to 76.20. It means that board games are effective towards students‟ speaking skills. In conclusion, based on the difference of mean score between pre-test and post-test, the board game is effective for teaching speaking, and based on t-test, using board game has a significant effect on students‟ speaking skill in senior high school.

Furthermore, in this research, the researcher used board games in teaching speaking to know the significant influence on students‟ speaking skills and same as Azzahroh that using board game as a medium in education speaking skill has considerable influence. Moreover, the game that the researcher chose was an online board game which, in fact, only focused on the ability to speak English

E. Framework of Thinking


Speaking is an interactive activity between speakers and listeners.

Speaking is one of the skills in the English lesson to communicate with other people easier. Although speaking English for students is complex, the suitable method for learning to speak English is using games.

Board Game is one of the communication games for senior high school students, and it will be a good technique for teaching English speaking skills. Students can explore their idea and force themselves to use English in interacting with other students in a classroom activity.

Using the Rhetoric Board Game in teaching English, the researcher expects to be an interactive lesson for learning speaking skills in class. Board Games can motivate the students to speak English confidently, and they will increase their vocabulary.

According to the statement above, the researcher conducted to find out the influence of Board Games on students‟ speaking skills.

F. Hypothesis of the Study

In this study, the researcher uses two hypotheses as a reference to see there is an Influence or not on online board game rhetoric on the students Speaking ability, they are Alternative hypothesis and Null hypothesis:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0)

There is no influence between Board Game model toward students‟

speaking skills

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)


There is an influence between Board Games towards students speaking skills


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