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Rejuvenation and Characterization of Local Rice Germplasm (Orya sativa L.) Under Organic Cultivation Syste | Efendi | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5805 11811 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Rejuvenation and Characterization of Local Rice Germplasm (Orya sativa L.) Under Organic Cultivation Syste | Efendi | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5805 11811 1 SM"


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Re j u v e n a t ion a n d Ch a r a ct e r iz a t ion of Loca l Rice

Ge r m pla sm (

Or y a sa t iv a

L.) Un de r Or ga n ic Cu lt iv a t ion

Sy st e m




Bakht iar,


Sabaruddin Zakaria, and



Laborat ory of Genet ics and Plant Breeding, Depart m ent of Agrot echnology, Facult y of

Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala Universit y, Darussalam , Banda Aceh 23111, I ndonesia

collect ions for ident ificat ion is very im portant to exploit t he genet ic diversit y within rice germ plasm .

St udies showed t hat som e m orpho-agronom ic t rait s, as well as react ion t o abiot ic st resses, t hat are agronom ic of different local rice germ plasm t hat could be used for developing a new variet ies t hat are adaptable t o clim ate change.

M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods

Ch a r a ct er iz a t ion of rice g e n otyp e s


Sigodok 203, Sigodok 209, Silia, Sipirok, Sirende. The last two varit ies, Ciherang ( nat ional variet y and I RBB- 27 ( int oduct ion variet y) used as the cont rol genot ypes.

Re j uv e n a t ion a nd ev a lu a t ion of p la n t ch ar a ct e rs

The rejuvenat ion was conducted at t he Experim ental St at ion, Facult y of Agricult ure, Universit y of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, I ndonesia from Februray t o July, 2015. Rice was planted wit h oganic syst em t hat followed by cult ivat ing plant s in pots. Germ inat ion of t he rice seeds were done int o a t ray


Lam no 4 93 18 117 17

Table 2 shows t hat genot ypes affect ed grain yield potent ial and havest index significant ly. The highest result of grain yield pot ent ial was obt ained from the genot ype of Rom I lang. However, t he best


Pade Mas 37.9 26 5.83 48.48 Zakaria, as technical assistants who helped plant ed cult ivat ion and m aintenance of rice plant.

Re fe r e n ce s quiescence m echanism under flash flooding st ress. Aust . J. Crop Sci., 6: 1587- 1597.


Sipay ung, S.B., 2007. Tem perat ure changed ov er indonesia based on sev eral clim at e m odels analy sis. Proceedings of t he 73rd I nt ernat ional Sy m posium on Sust ainable Hum an osphere, July 25, 2007, Jak art a.

Sm it h, C.W. and R.H. Dilday , 2003. Rice: Origin, Hist or y , Technology and Pr oduct ion. John Wiley and Sons, Hobok en, New Jersey , I SBN: 9780471 345169 , Pages: 642.

Thak ur, A.K., S. Rat h, D.U. Pat il and A. Kum ar, 201 1. Effect s on rice plant m orphology and phy siology of w at er and associat ed m anagem ent pract ices of t he sy st em of rice int ensificat ion and t heir im plicat ion s for crop perform ance. Paddy Wat er Env iron., 9: 13- 24.

Tuy en, D.D. and D.T. Prasad, 2008. Ev aluat ing difference of y ield t rait am ong rice genot y pes (Ory za sat iv a L.) under low m oist u re condit ion u sing candidat e gene m ark ers. Om onrice, 16 : 24- 33.


Table 1. The average of plant height, number of tillers, life cycle, productive panicles that effected by the different of rice genotypes
Table 2. The average of filled grains per spike, 1000 grains weight, grain yield potential harvest index that effected by the different of rice genotypes


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