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Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Miniatur Smarthome Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega328


Academic year: 2017

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Public Class mainform

Private Sub KompresiToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles KompresiToolStripMenuItem.Click

kompresform.Show() End Sub

Private Sub DekompresiToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DekompresiToolStripMenuItem.Click

dekompresform.Show() End Sub

Private Sub BantuanToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BantuanToolStripMenuItem.Click

bantuanform.Show() End Sub

Private Sub TentangAppToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TentangAppToolStripMenuItem.Click

tappform.Show() End Sub

Private Sub MenuFileToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MenuFileToolStripMenuItem.Click

End Sub End Class


Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Public Class kompresform

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim gambar As Byte()

Dim namaberkas As String

Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog() ofd.Filter = "BMP File|*.bmp"

Dim dr As DialogResult = ofd.ShowDialog() If dr = DialogResult.OK Then

lokasi.Text = ofd.FileName

namaberkas = lokasi.Text.Substring(lokasi.Text.LastIndexOf("\") + 1) nama_berkas.Text = namaberkas

gambar = File.ReadAllBytes(lokasi.Text) ukuran_berkas.Text = gambar.Length

pb1.Image = New Bitmap(New MemoryStream(gambar))

resolusi_berkas.Text = pb1.Image.Width & "X" & pb1.Image.Height TextBox5.Text = lokasi.Text

End If

pb1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage End Sub


End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim namafix As String

Dim size As Integer

Dim time As New Stopwatch() Dim sb As New StringBuilder()

Dim gambar As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(lokasi.Text) For Each bit As Byte In gambar

sb.Append(ChrW(bit)) Next

namafix = nama_berkas.Text.Substring(0, nama_berkas.Text.LastIndexOf(".")) time.Start()

'string asli = Encoding.U.GetString(gambar);

LZW_Encoder.LZW_compressed = LZW.compress(sb.ToString(), size) LZW_Encoder.tulis_file_lzw(size, "E:\kompresi\" & namafix & ".lzw") time.Stop()

LZW_Encoder.getInfo(lokasi.Text, "E:\kompresi\" & namafix & ".lzw") ukuranhasil.Text = LZW_Encoder.UkuranHasil.ToString()

rs.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungRc().ToString("F2") cr.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungCr().ToString("F2") ss.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungSS().ToString("F2") waktu.Text = time.ElapsedMilliseconds

'rd_lzw.Text = (1 - Single.Parse(cr_lzw.Text)).ToString("F2")

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil dikompresi! Lokasi file adalah E:\kompresi\" & namafix & ".lzw")

End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim nama As String

Dim time As New Stopwatch() time.Start()

nama = nama_berkas.Text.Substring(0, nama_berkas.Text.LastIndexOf(".")) ArithmeticCompress.Execute(New String() {lokasi.Text, "E:\kompresi\" & nama & ".ac"})

LZW_Encoder.getInfo(lokasi.Text, "E:\kompresi\" & nama & ".ac") time.Stop()

ukuranhasil.Text = LZW_Encoder.UkuranHasil.ToString() rs.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungRc().ToString("F2") cr.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungCr().ToString("F2") ss.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungSS().ToString("F2") waktu.Text = time.ElapsedMilliseconds

'rd_ac.Text = (1 - Single.Parse(cr_ac.Text)).ToString("F2")

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil dikompresi! Lokasi file adalah E:\kompresi\" & nama & ".ac")

End Sub

Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click Dim size As Integer

Dim time As New Stopwatch() Dim sb As New StringBuilder()

Dim gambar As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes(lokasi.Text) For Each bit As Byte In gambar

sb.Append(ChrW(bit)) Next

Dim nama As String time.Start()

nama = nama_berkas.Text.Substring(0, nama_berkas.Text.LastIndexOf(".")) 'string asli = Encoding.U.GetString(gambar);

LZW_Encoder.LZW_compressed = LZW.compress(sb.ToString(), size) LZW_Encoder.tulis_file_lzw(size, "E:\kompresi\hasil.lzw_temp")

ArithmeticCompress.Execute(New String() {"E:\kompresi\hasil.lzw_temp", "E:\kompresi\" & nama & ".lzw_ac"})



ukuranhasil.Text = LZW_Encoder.UkuranHasil.ToString() rs.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungRc().ToString("F2") cr.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungCr().ToString("F2") ss.Text = LZW_Encoder.HitungSS().ToString("F2") waktu.Text = time.ElapsedMilliseconds

'rd_gab.Text = (1 - Single.Parse(cr_gab.Text)).ToString("F2")

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil dikompresi! Lokasi file adalah E:\kompresi\" & nama & ".lzw_ac")

End Sub

Private Sub ukuranhasil_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ukuranhasil.TextChanged

End Sub End Class


Imports System.IO

Public Class dekompresform Dim asli As String

Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog()

ofd.InitialDirectory = "E:\kompresi" Dim dr As DialogResult

dr = ofd.ShowDialog()

If (dr = DialogResult.OK) Then lokasi.Text = ofd.FileName

TextBox2.Text = lokasi.Text.Substring(lokasi.Text.LastIndexOf("\") + 1) TextBox3.Text = File.ReadAllBytes(lokasi.Text).Length

TextBox4.Text = lokasi.Text End If

End Sub

Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click Dim ofd1 As New OpenFileDialog()

If ofd1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then asli = ofd1.FileName

End If End Sub

Public Function checkfiletype(tipe As String) As Boolean

If TextBox2.Text.Substring(TextBox2.Text.LastIndexOf(".") + 1) = tipe Then Return True

End If Return False End Function

Public Function HitungMSE(gb1 As Bitmap, gb2 As Bitmap) As Double Dim sum As Double

sum = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To gb1.Height - 1 For j As Integer = 0 To gb1.Width - 1

sum += Math.Pow(gb1.GetPixel(j, i).R - gb2.GetPixel(j, i).R, 2) sum += Math.Pow(gb1.GetPixel(j, i).G - gb2.GetPixel(j, i).G, 2) sum += Math.Pow(gb1.GetPixel(j, i).B - gb2.GetPixel(j, i).B, 2) Next


Return sum / (gb1.Height * gb2.Width) End Function


Return Math.Log10(Math.Pow(255, 2) / mse) End Function

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If checkfiletype("lzw") = False Then

Dim decocde As List(Of Integer) = LZWDecoder.decode(File.ReadAllBytes(lokasi.Text)) Dim dekom As String = LZW.decompress(decocde)


Dim nama As String

nama = TextBox2.Text.Substring(0, TextBox2.Text.LastIndexOf("."))

Dim output As New FileStream("E:\Dekompresi\" & nama & "_lzw.bmp", FileMode.Create) For Each ch As Char In dekom

output.WriteByte(CByte(AscW(ch))) Next

output.Close() Dim gambar() As Byte

gambar = File.ReadAllBytes("E:\Dekompresi\" & nama & "_ac.bmp") pb1.Image = New Bitmap(New MemoryStream(gambar))

mse.Text = HitungMSE(New Bitmap("E:\dekompresi\" & nama & "_lzw.bmp"), New Bitmap(asli))

psnr.Text = HitungPSNR(Double.Parse(mse.Text)) cr.Text = time.ElapsedMilliseconds

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil didekompresi! Lokasi file adalah E:\Dekompresi\" & nama & "_lzw.bmp")

pb1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If checkfiletype("ac") = False Then

nama = TextBox2.Text.Substring(0, TextBox2.Text.LastIndexOf(".")) time.Start()

ArithmeticDecompress.Execute(New String() {lokasi.Text, "E:\dekompresi\" & nama & "_ac.bmp"})


Dim gambar() As Byte

gambar = File.ReadAllBytes("E:\Dekompresi\" & nama & "_ac.bmp")

mse.Text = HitungMSE(New Bitmap(New MemoryStream(gambar)), New Bitmap(asli)) psnr.Text = HitungPSNR(Double.Parse(mse.Text))

cr.Text = time.ElapsedMilliseconds

pb1.Image = New Bitmap(New MemoryStream(gambar))

MessageBox.Show("Berhasil di dekompresi! Lokasi file adalah E:\Dekompresi\" & nama & "_ac.bmp")

pb1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click If checkfiletype("lzw_ac") = False Then

nama = TextBox2.Text.Substring(0, TextBox2.Text.LastIndexOf(".")) time.Start()


Dim decocde As List(Of Integer) =

LZWDecoder.decode(File.ReadAllBytes("E:\dekompresi\hasil.lzw_temp")) Dim dekom As String = LZW.decompress(decocde)


Dim output As New FileStream("E:\dekompresi\" & nama & "lzw_ac.bmp", FileMode.Create)

For Each ch As Char In dekom

output.WriteByte(CByte(AscW(ch))) Next

output.Close() Dim gambar As Byte()

gambar = File.ReadAllBytes("E:\dekompresi\" & nama & "lzw_ac.bmp") pb1.Image = New Bitmap(New MemoryStream(gambar))

cr.Text = time.ElapsedMilliseconds

mse.Text = HitungMSE(New Bitmap("E:\dekompresi\" & nama & "lzw_ac.bmp"), New Bitmap(asli))

psnr.Text = HitungPSNR(Double.Parse(mse.Text)) pb1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage End Sub

End Class


Imports System.IO Public Class Form1

Private Sub Label1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load TextBox1.Text = kompresform.namber

TextBox2.Text = kompresform.ukuranasli TextBox3.Text = kompresform.ukurankompres TextBox4.Text = kompresform.ukuranasli TextBox5.Text = kompresform.waktukompres TextBox6.Text = dekompresform.waktudekompres TextBox7.Text = kompresform.crkompres

TextBox8.Text = kompresform.rskompres TextBox9.Text = kompresform.sskompres TextBox10.Text = dekompresform.msedekompres TextBox11.Text = dekompresform.psnrdekompres

PictureBox1.Image = New Bitmap(New MemoryStream(dekompresform.gambarr)) PictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged

End Sub End Class


Public Class bantuanform

Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged



Public Class tappform

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load End Sub

Private Sub LinkLabel1_LinkClicked(sender As Object, e As LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs) Handles LinkLabel1.LinkClicked bantuanform.Show()

End Sub

Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged

End Sub End Class


Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.IO

Imports System.Text ''' <summary>

''' Description of LZW. ''' </summary>

Public NotInheritable Class LZW Private Sub New()

End Sub

'* Compress a string to a list of output symbols.

Public Shared Function compress(uncompressed As [String], ByRef size As Integer) As List(Of Integer)

' Build the dictionary. Dim dictSize As Integer = 256

Dim dictionary As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)() For i As Integer = 0 To 255

dictionary.Add("" & ChrW(i), i) Next

Dim w As [String] = ""

Dim result As New List(Of Integer)()

For Each c As Char In uncompressed.ToCharArray() Dim wc As [String] = w & c

If dictionary.ContainsKey(wc) Then w = wc


result.Add(dictionary(w)) ' Add wc to the dictionary. dictionary.Add(wc, dictSize) dictSize += 1

w = "" & c End If


' Output the code for w. If Not w.Equals("") Then result.Add(dictionary(w)) End If

size = dictionary.Count Return result


'* Decompress a list of output ks to a string.

Public Shared Function decompress(compressed As List(Of Integer)) As [String] ' Build the dictionary.

Dim dictSize As Integer = 256

Dim dictionary As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)() For i As Integer = 0 To 255

dictionary.Add(i, "" & ChrW(i)) Next

Dim w As [String] = "" & ChrW(CInt(compressed(0))) compressed.RemoveAt(0)

Dim result As New StringBuilder(w) For Each k As Integer In compressed Dim entry As [String]

If dictionary.ContainsKey(k) Then entry = dictionary(k)

ElseIf k = dictSize Then entry = w & w(0) Else

Throw New ArgumentException("Bad compressed k: " & k) End If


' Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary. dictionary.Add(dictSize, w & entry(0)) dictSize += 1

w = entry Next

Return result.ToString() End Function

End Class


Imports System.IO

Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Text

''' <summary>

''' Description of Tambahan. ''' </summary>

Public NotInheritable Class LZW_Encoder Private Sub New()

End Sub

'public static int angka_LZW;

Public Shared LZW_compressed As List(Of Integer) Private Shared _awal As Byte(), _akhir As Byte()

Public Shared Sub getInfo(awal As String, akhir As String) _awal = File.ReadAllBytes(awal)

_akhir = File.ReadAllBytes(akhir) End Sub

Public Shared Function UkuranHasil() As Single Return CSng(_akhir.Length)

End Function

Public Shared Function HitungRc() As Single

Return CSng(_awal.Length) / CSng(_akhir.Length) End Function

Public Shared Function HitungCr() As Single

Return CSng(_akhir.Length) / CSng(_awal.Length) * 100 End Function


Return 1 - (_akhir.Length / _awal.Length) End Function

Public Shared Function tulis_file_lzw(size As Integer, output As String) As MemoryStream

Dim isi As New List(Of Byte)()

Dim size_sqrt As Integer = CInt(Math.Truncate(Math.Log10(size) / Math.Log10(2))) + 1

isi.Add(CByte(size_sqrt)) Dim sb As New StringBuilder()

Dim bitbuffer As Byte = 0, bitcount As Byte = 0

Array.ForEach(LZW_compressed.ToArray(), Function(element) sb.Append(Convert.ToString(element, 2).PadLeft(size_sqrt, "0"c))) For Each ch As Char In sb.ToString()

bitbuffer <<= 1

bitbuffer = bitbuffer Or If(ch = "1"c, CByte(1), CByte(0)) bitcount += 1

If bitcount = 8 Then isi.Add(bitbuffer) bitbuffer = 0 bitcount = 0 End If


If bitcount > 0 Then isi.Add(bitbuffer) End If

File.WriteAllBytes(output, isi.ToArray()) Return New MemoryStream(isi.ToArray()) End Function

End Class


Imports System.Collections.Generic

''' <summary>

''' Description of LZWDecoder. ''' </summary>

Public NotInheritable Class LZWDecoder Private Sub New()

End Sub

Shared bytebuffer As Integer, bytenumber As Integer

Public Shared Function decode(file As Byte()) As List(Of Integer) Dim size As Integer = file(0)

Dim i As Integer

Dim hasil As New List(Of Integer)() bytebuffer = 0

bytenumber = 0

For i = 1 To file.Length - 2 bytebuffer <<= 8

bytebuffer = bytebuffer Or file(i) bytenumber += 8

While bytenumber >= size

Dim hasil1 As Integer = bytebuffer >> (bytenumber - size) hasil.Add(hasil1)

Dim geser As Integer = (1 << (bytenumber - size)) - 1 bytebuffer = bytebuffer And geser

bytenumber -= size End While



Return hasil End Function End Class


Imports System.IO

''' <summary>

''' Description of AEncoder. ''' </summary>

Public Class AEncoder Inherits ACoderBase '---- Fields ----

' The underlying bit output stream (not null). Private output As BitOutputStream

' Number of saved underflow bits. This value can grow without bound, ' so a truly correct implementation would use a BigInteger.

Private numUnderflow As Integer

'---- Constructor ----


' * Constructs an arithmetic coding encoder based on the specified bit output stream.

' * @param out the bit output stream to write to

' * @throws NullPointerException if the output stream is {@code null} '

Public Sub New(outer As BitOutputStream) If outer Is Nothing Then

Throw New ArgumentNullException() End If

output = outer numUnderflow = 0 End Sub

'---- Methods ----


' * Encodes the specified symbol based on the specified frequency table. ' * This updates this arithmetic coder's state and may write out some bits. ' * @param freqs the frequency table to use

' * @param symbol the symbol to encode

' * @throws NullPointerException if the frequency table is {@code null} ' * @if an I/O exception occurred


Public Sub write(freqs As FrequencyTable, symbol As Integer) write(New CheckedFrequencyTable(freqs), symbol) End Sub



' * @param symbol the symbol to encode

' * @throws NullPointerException if the frequency table is {@code null} ' * @if an I/O exception occurred


Public Sub write(freqs As CheckedFrequencyTable, symbol As Integer) update(freqs, symbol)

End Sub


' * Terminates the arithmetic coding by flushing any buffered bits, so that the output can be decoded properly.

' * It is important that this method must be called at the end of the each encoding process.

' * <p>Note that this method merely writes data to the underlying output stream but does not close it.</p>

' * @if an I/O exception occurred '

Public Sub finish() output.write(1)

End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub shift()

Dim bit As Integer = CInt(CUInt(low) >> (STATE_SIZE - 1)) output.write(bit)

' Write out the saved underflow bits While numUnderflow> 0

output.write(bit Xor 1) numUnderflow -= 1 End While

End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub underflow()

If numUnderflow = Integer.MaxValue Then

Throw New ArithmeticException("Maximum underflow reached") End If

numUnderflow += 1 End Sub

End Class


''' <summary>

''' Description of ArithmeticDecoder. ''' </summary>

Public Class ArithmeticDecoder Inherits ACoderBase '---- Fields ----

' The underlying bit input stream (not null). Private input As BitInputStream

' The current raw code bits being buffered, which is always inner the range [low,



'---- Constructor ----


' * Constructs an arithmetic coding decoder based on the ' * specified bit input stream, and fills the code bits. ' * @param inner the bit input stream to read from ' * @if an I/O exception occurred

' * @throws NullPointerException if the input steam is {@code null} '

Public Sub New(inner As BitInputStream) If inner Is Nothing Then

Throw New ArgumentNullException() End If

input = inner code = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To STATE_SIZE - 1

'System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(code); code = code << 1 Or CUInt(readCodeBit())

Next End Sub

'---- Methods ---- '*

' * Decodes the next symbol based on the specified frequency table and returns it.

' * Also updates this arithmetic coder's state and may read inner some bits. ' * @param freqs the frequency table to use

' * @return the next symbol

' * @throws NullPointerException if the frequency table is {@code null} ' * @if an I/O exception occurred


Public Function read(freqs As FrequencyTable) As Integer Return read(New CheckedFrequencyTable(freqs)) End Function


' * Decodes the next symbol based on the specified frequency table and returns it.

' * Also updates this arithmetic coder's state and may read inner some bits. ' * @param freqs the frequency table to use

' * @return the next symbol

' * @throws NullPointerException if the frequency table is {@code null} ' * @if an I/O exception occurred


Public Function read(freqs As CheckedFrequencyTable) As Integer ' Translate from coding range scale to frequency table scale Dim total As Long = freqs.getTotal()

If total > MAX_TOTAL Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Cannot decode symbol because total is too large")

End If

Dim range As Long = high - low + 1 Dim offset As Long = code - low

Dim value As Long = ((offset + 1) * total - 1) \ range If value * range \ total > offset Then

Throw New ArgumentException() End If


End If

' A kind of binary search. Find highest symbol such that freqs.get_low(symbol) <= value.

Dim start As Integer = 0

Dim [end] As Integer = freqs.getSymbolLimit() While [end] - start > 1

Dim middle As Integer = CInt(CUInt(start + [end]) >> 1) If freqs.getLow(middle) > value Then

[end] = middle Else

start = middle End If

End While

If start + 1 <> [end] Then

Throw New ArgumentException() End If

Dim symbol As Integer = start

If offset < freqs.getLow(symbol) * range \ total OrElse freqs.getHigh(symbol) * range \ total <= offset Then

Throw New ArgumentException() End If

update(freqs, symbol)

If code <low OrElse code >high Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Code outer of range") End If

Return symbol End Function

Protected Overrides Sub shift()

code = CLng(((code << 1) And MASK) Or CUInt(readCodeBit())) End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub underflow()

code = CLng(code) And TOP_MASK Or CUInt((code << 1) And CLng(CULng(MASK >> 1))) Or CUInt(readCodeBit())

End Sub

' Returns the next bit (0 or 1) from the input stream. The end ' of stream is treated as an infinite number of trailing zeros. Private Function readCodeBit() As Integer

Dim temp As Integer = input.read()

'System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); 'sb.Append(temp);

'System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(sb.ToString()); If temp = -1 Then

temp = 0 End If

Return temp End Function End Class


Imports System.IO ''' <summary>

''' Description of ArithmeticCompresscs. ''' </summary>


End Sub

Public Shared Sub Execute(args As String())

Dim inputFile As New FileStream(args(0), FileMode.Open) Dim outputFile As New FileStream(args(1), FileMode.Create) ' Read input file once to compute symbol frequencies Dim freqs As FrequencyTable = getFrequencies(inputFile) freqs.increment(256)

' EOF symbol gets a frequency of 1

' Read input file again, compress with arithmetic coding, and write output file

Dim outer As New BitOutputStream(outputFile) writeFrequencies(outer, freqs)

compress(freqs, inputFile, outer) inputFile.Close()

End Sub

Private Shared Function getFrequencies(file As FileStream) As FrequencyTable Dim freqs As FrequencyTable = New SimpleFrequencyTable(New Integer(256) {}) While True

Dim b As Integer = file.ReadByte() If b = -1 Then

Exit While End If

freqs.increment(b) End While

Return freqs End Function

Private Shared Sub writeFrequencies(outer As BitOutputStream, freqs As FrequencyTable) For i As Integer = 0 To 255

writeInt(outer, 32, freqs.[Get](i)) Next

End Sub

Private Shared Sub compress(freqs As FrequencyTable, inner As FileStream, outer As BitOutputStream)

Dim enc As New AEncoder(outer) inner.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) While True

Dim symbol As Integer = inner.ReadByte() 'System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(symbol); If symbol = -1 Then

Exit While End If

enc.write(freqs, symbol) End While

enc.write(freqs, 256) ' EOF

enc.finish() outer.close()

' Flush remaining code bits End Sub

Private Shared Sub writeInt(outer As BitOutputStream, numBits As Integer, value As Integer)

If numBits < 0 OrElse numBits > 32 Then Throw New ArgumentException() End If

For i As Integer = numBits - 1 To 0 Step -1 outer.write(CInt(CUInt(value) >> i) And 1) Next


End Sub End Class


Imports System.IO

''' <summary>

''' Description of ArithmeticDecompress. ''' </summary>

Public NotInheritable Class ArithmeticDecompress Private Sub New()

End Sub

Public Shared Sub Execute(args As String())

Dim inputFile As New FileStream(args(0), FileMode.Open) Dim outputFile As New FileStream(args(1), FileMode.Create)

Dim inner As New BitInputStream(inputFile)

' Read input file once to compute symbol frequencies Dim freqs As FrequencyTable = readFrequencies(inner) 'inputFile.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

'freqs.increment(256); // EOF symbol gets a frequency of 1

' Read input file again, compress with arithmetic coding, and write output file

'writeFrequencies(outer, freqs); decompress(freqs, inner, outputFile) inputFile.Close()

'outputFile.Close() End Sub

Private Shared Function readFrequencies(inner As BitInputStream) As FrequencyTable Dim freqs As Integer() = New Integer(256) {}

For i As Integer = 0 To 255

'System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(freqs[i].ToString("X")); freqs(i) = readInt(inner, 32)


freqs(256) = 1 ' EOF symbol

Return New SimpleFrequencyTable(freqs) End Function

Private Shared Function readInt(inner As BitInputStream, numBits As Integer) As Integer

If numBits < 0 OrElse numBits > 32 Then Throw New ArgumentException() End If

Dim result As Integer = 0

For i As Integer = 0 To numBits - 1

result = (result << 1) Or inner.readNoEof() Next

' Big endian Return result End Function

Private Shared Sub decompress(freqs As FrequencyTable, inner As BitInputStream, outer As FileStream)

Dim dec As New ArithmeticDecoder(inner) While True

Dim symbol As Integer = dec.read(freqs) If symbol = 256 Then


outer.WriteByte(CByte(symbol)) End While

'outer.Flush(); outer.Close() End Sub


Imports System.IO

Imports System.Collections.Generic ''' <summary>

''' Description of CheckedFrequencyTable. ''' </summary>

Public Class CheckedFrequencyTable Implements FrequencyTable '---- Fields ----

' The underlying frequency table that holds the data (not null). Private freqTable As FrequencyTable

'---- Constructor ----

Public Sub New(freq As FrequencyTable) If freq Is Nothing Then

Throw New ArgumentNullException() End If

freqTable = freq End Sub

'---- Methods ----

Public Function getSymbolLimit() As Integer Implements FrequencyTable.getSymbolLimit

Dim result As Integer = freqTable.getSymbolLimit() If result <= 0 Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Non-positive symbol limit") End If

Return result End Function

Public Function [Get](symbol As Integer) As Integer Implements FrequencyTable.[Get] Dim result As Integer = freqTable.[Get](symbol)

If Not isSymbolInRange(symbol) Then

Throw New ArgumentException("IllegalArgumentException expected") End If

If result < 0 Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Negative symbol frequency") End If

Return result End Function

Public Function getTotal() As Integer Implements FrequencyTable.getTotal Dim result As Integer = freqTable.getTotal()

If result < 0 Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Negative total frequency") End If


Public Function getLow(symbol As Integer) As Integer Implements FrequencyTable.getLow

If isSymbolInRange(symbol) Then

Dim low As Integer = freqTable.getLow(symbol) Dim high As Integer = freqTable.getHigh(symbol) If Not (0 <= low AndAlso low<= high AndAlso high<= freqTable.getTotal()) Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Symbol low cumulative frequency out of range")

End If Return low



Throw New ArgumentException("IllegalArgumentException expected") End If

End Function

Public Function getHigh(symbol As Integer) As Integer Implements FrequencyTable.getHigh

If isSymbolInRange(symbol) Then

Dim low As Integer = freqTable.getLow(symbol) Dim high As Integer = freqTable.getHigh(symbol) If Not (0 <= low AndAlso low<= high AndAlso high<= freqTable.getTotal()) Then

Throw New ArgumentException("Symbol high cumulative frequency out of range")

End If Return high



Throw New ArgumentException("IllegalArgumentException expected") End If

End Function

'public String toString() {

' return "CheckFrequencyTable (" + freqTable.toString() + ")";

' }

Public Sub [Set](symbol As Integer, freq As Integer) Implements FrequencyTable.[Set]

freqTable.[Set](symbol, freq)

If Not isSymbolInRange(symbol) OrElse freq < 0 Then

Throw New ArgumentException("IllegalArgumentException expected") End If

End Sub

Public Sub increment(symbol As Integer) Implements FrequencyTable.increment freqTable.increment(symbol)

If Not isSymbolInRange(symbol) Then

Throw New ArgumentException("IllegalArgumentException expected") End If

End Sub

Private Function isSymbolInRange(symbol As Integer) As Boolean Return 0 <= symbol AndAlso symbol < getSymbolLimit() End Function




Full Name

: Syafira Novia

Nick Name

: Fira

Place/ Date of Birth : Medan/ 18 November 1993


: Wanita


: Islam


: Indonesia


: Jl. Gaperta Ujung, Perum. Tata

Alam Asri, Bakti 4, No. 195

Kecamatan Medan Helvetia

Kota Medan

Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Mobile Phone

: +62821-6520-0222


: snoophie18@gmail.com


Diploma of Informatics Engineering



Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan

Higher Secondary Education



SMA Negeri 4 Medan

Secondary Education



SMP Negeri 7 Medan

Primary Education



SD Percobaan Negeri Medan





IDE Software



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