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Submitted to the Board of Examiner in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Saijana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

In the English and Educational Department


SITI AMINAH NIM : 113 00 011






Jl. Tentara Pelajar 02 Telp.(0298) 323706,323433 Fax323433 Salatiga 50721 Website : www.stainsalatiga.ac.id E-mail: administrasi@stainsalatiga.ac.id



Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggung jawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa

skripsi ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis oleh orang lain atau pernah

diterbitkan. Demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pikiran-pikiran orang lain,

kecuali informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan bahan rujukan.

Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pikiran-pikiran orang

lain di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup

mempertanggungjawabkan kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang

munaqosyah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini dibuat oleh peneliti untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga , 26 Juli 2004




Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag

The Lecturer of Educational Faculty State Islamic Studies Institute o f Salatiga

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES Salatiga, July 21st, 2004

Case : Siti Aminah’s Thesis


The Head of State Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Siti Aminah’s thesis entitled



I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by <

educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.






Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721




SITIAMINAH NIM : 113 00 011

Has been brought to the board of examiners in July 31st, 2004/Djumadil Tsaniyah

13rd, 1425 H and hereby considered to completely fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of Sarjana in the English and Educational Faculty.

July 31s1, 2004 M Salatiga,

Djumadil Tsaniyah 13 rd, 1425 H



y N o one is too oCd to [earn


Jl true companion is Coving aCC the time a n d is a 6rother in difficuCty


The [nowCedge w ith ou t experience is n i[ the experience w ith ou t



This thesis is dedicated to :

1. My highly valued parents, my mother Siti Musfiroh and my father H. Muh.


2. My younger sister, Siti Ummi Masruroh and my younger brother M. Hasan


3. All my friends who have helped in finishing this thesis, Anis Primadani,

Hutari Aguspramuna, Faridatul Aliyah, Eva Kusuma Wardani and others.



The title of this thesis is “A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON THE USE PREPOSITIONS IN BLUE’S SONGS”. The problems had begun to interest the researcher since she found that lyric of Blue’s Songs was not easy to be understood, especially to the student who are still studying English. The problems that were studied in the thesis are : 1) How prepositions are used in Blue’s conveyed in Blue’s Songs using those prepositions.

The research is intended to be a descriptive study, and the writer uses documentation as the way to collect the data. Documentation, in this case is the text of Blue’s Songs cassette, the writer takes 10 (ten) songs from the second album which is published in 2002. The title of the songs are L: One Love, Riders, Don’t treat me like a fool, She told me, U-make me wanna, Ain’t got you, Sorry seems to be the hardest word, Get down, Privacy, Invitation. The goal is merely to describe the problems that had been stated before.

From the analysis, it can be conclude that there are 38 prepositions combination used in Blue’s Songs (14%) Blue’s Songs have many prepositions (38%) based on the data analysis. The achievements of this research are expected to give some contributions to further study of preposition 1) Academic Benefit : a) Theoretically, the student will add findings of teaching English structure.

So that other students research, will use it as one of literature reviews in their study to find out some other aspects of these song, b) This study can contribute in the science of linguistics, especially in giving description about the use of preposition in Blue’s Songs. 2) Social benefit a) For teacher, it is as a guidance and input for their English teaching process that by development new method about preposition, b) For learner, it can enrich the students knowledge in

understanding preposition mainly the preposition used in Blue’s Songs.




Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillahirobbiralamin, firstly the writer said as praise and thanks to

Allah SWT with his blessing, finally this thesis can be completed.

However, this success would not be achieved without the support,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individuals and institutions.

Therefore, let her say thanks to :

1. Drs. Badwan, M.Ag as the head of State Islam Studies Institute of Salatiga.

2. Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag, the head of the English Department, all at once as the

examiner of this thesis, thanks for your knowledge, suggestion, motivation

and attention.

3. Mrs. Woro Retnaningsih, M.Pd thanks for your great attention, knowledge,

motivation and guidance.

4. Mr. Hammam, S.Pd, thanks for your knowledge, advice, motivation and


5. Mr. Ruwandi, S.Pd, thanks for your great attention, motivation, guidance and


6. Mr. Hanung Triyoko, S.S, thanks for your knowledge, advice, motivation and


7. All lecturers of English in English Department, who have given the


8. The main staff of library who have given services dealing with reading and

borrowing reference books.

Finally, this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful information to

the readers.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, July 21st, 2004

The writer

Siti Aminah



TITLE... i



MOTTO... iv





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Problem... I B. The Research Problem... 4

C. The Objective of the Problem... 4

D. The Limitation of the Problem... 4

E. Review of Related Literature ... 5

F. The Theoretical Framework... 6

G. The Benefit of The Problem... 6

H. Methodology of Research... 7

I. Thesis Organisation... 8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Review of Preposition ... 10

1. Definition of Preposition... 10


3. Meaning of Prepositions ... 15

4. The Positions of Prepositions ... 27

5. The Preposition Combination... 30

6. Special Prepositions ... 35

B. The Difference of Preposition and Adverb ... ... 38

1. Preposition... 38

2. Adverb... 38


B. Method of Collecting the D ata... 42

C. Technique of Analyzing the D ata... 43

CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. Preposition Used in Blue’s Songs... 45

B. Data Analysis ... 56

C. The Messages Conveyed in Blue’s Songs ... 70

CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion... 73

B. Suggestion... 75






A. Background of Problem

Everyone will quickly realize that now they live in the century of

information. In the process of getting information, English plays an important

role as a means of receiving and transfering information. For international

communication, English has become a principal language and people always

call it an international language. However, for better, English has become the

major international language for communication among peoples in different

countries, cultures, and language backgrounds. This means that for everyone

English is like a key to a world full of potential apportunities and experiences.

There apportunities include the possibility to attend international conferences

and to live, work and study overseas.

Language is one of the most important things for human beings, as a

means of communication. Many people can express their ideas through

language. As a means of communication, language is used to share ideas,

knowledge and feeling in written or spoken form, in formal or informal

situation. Human beings as social and individual persons, always

communicate with each other. In communication, they use language as the


The language itself can be devided into spoken and written one. In a


moving part of the body and other for expressing feeling and ideas. While in

written language, it is the representation of the spoken one, which is very

helpful for communication. David Cristal, states that the difference of

structure add the use between written and spoken language are inevitable,

because there are products of radically different kinds of communication


Besides, language plays an important role in every aspect of human

life, such as: politics, economics, sciences, technology, education and art.

There is branch of art; namely song. Song is short poem or number of verses

set to music and intented to be sung.* 2 A lyric of song can contain the poem

because it chosen from special word, the example is “Kupu-kupu Kertas”

song by Ebiet G. Ade. They are setiap malam engkau tersenyum sudut

matamu memancarkan rasa keresahan yang terbenam. The songs have the

imaginative quality and specific characteristic of the language use such as:

denotation, connotation, and symbols. Beside it, to writes a song needs of < '

structure of sentence such as: tenses, conjuction, preposition and others.

Everyword in the song has the power to person through its rhytm, to get trick

and suggestion.

English songs are used to express human feelings. It is necessary for

listeners especially indonesion people to comprehend the content of the songs.

Now, there are many young people who like to collect English songs cassettes

'David Cristal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia o f language, Cambridge university press, Cambridge, 1987.

‘ As Hornby, O xford Advanced Learner's Dictionary o f Current English, Oxford University Press, New York, P.823


than the others. They are interested in improving English mastery through

English songs which are popular in this time.

Blue’s songs have many popular songs, such one love, don’t treat me

like a fool, she toll me, U make me wanna, sorry seems to be the hardest word

and the others. Preposition can be difficult to interpret for general reader

mainly in preposition used in Blue’s songs. For example:

Can flip 180 in a matter of days

Sometimes love works in mysterious ways

I refuse to give up, I refuse to give in

One love for the mother’s pride

One love for the times we cride

One love for the city streets

One love for the hip hop beats

Late at night out I’m still wide awake

After reading the text of a song the listeners do not know what topic

of the text is. They are unable to understand the sentences that they read or

listen to. In the song, there are many messages. The language used in literary

work has been specific language; used in orderly communication. The style in

the literary' language is to express maximum idea, music, and song parts of

this world of sound and art based on the organization of sounds in time. From

the phenomena above, the writer is interested in conducting the study of

preposition used in Blue’s songs. Here the writer carries out a research

entitled :




B. The Research Problem

1. How prepositions are used in Blue’s songs?

2. What are the significant meanings of preposition in blue’s songs?

3. What are the messages conveyed in blue’s songs lyrics by using

those prepositions?

C. The Objective of the research

1. To find out or to know the meanings used in blue’s songs using


2. To identify the use of prepositions in blue’s songs.

3. To reveal the message conveyed in blue’s songs by using those



D. The limitation of the problem

In English songs, there are many interesting problems that can be

analyzed and discussed. Since it is impossible to analyze all of them and

this thesis is limited to the following things:

1. The research will be limited by the writer on analyzing the preposition

used by Blue’s songs.


2. This research will be limited on the second album of Blue’s songs.


E. Review of related literature

In this thesis, the writer takes review of related literature from the

other thesis as comparison. The writer uses the other thesis, and the title is


WESTLIFE’S SONGS”3 which have been researched by Ifonilla Yenianti

in 2003, the student of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of


In this thesis, she analyzed about the figurative style. According to her,

the language style used in Weslife’s songs is figurative style based on

simile, metaphor, personification, and metonimy, hyperbole and


The second review related to this research and the title is A


ENGLISH SONGS”4. Which have been researched by Endriana Sri

Wahyuni in 2002-2003, the student of State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) of Salatiga.

In this thesis, she analyzed about colloquial style. According to her,

the language style used in English songs is colloquial style which

discusses about nonstandard English which is now recognized as normal

and interesting variety of English.

y '

--- s

3 Ifonilla Yenianti. A Descriptive Study on Figurative Language Used in W estlife’s Songs, unpublished thesis,Salatiga, 2003.

4 Endriana Sri Wahyuni, A Descriptive Study on The Use o f Colloquial Style in English


F. The Theoretical Framework

According to Marcella Frank, the preposition is classified as a

part of speech in tradisional grammar.5 However, preposition as well

as conjuction is different from other part of speech in that:

1. Each is composed of small class of words that have no

formal characteristic endings.

2. Each signal syntactic structures functions as one of the other

parts of speech.

For those reasons modem linguists prefer to classify

prepositions as structure words rather than as parts of speech.

According to Betty Schrampfer Azar, an important element of

English sentences is the prepositional phrase.6 It consists of a

preposition (PREP) and its object (O). The object of a preposition is a

noun or pronoun

G. The Benefit of Problem<

After this thesis is completed, the writer hopes it has the benefits to:

1. Academic Benefit.

a. Theoretically, the student will add findings of teaching English

structure. So that other students research, will use it as one of literature

reviews in their study to find out some other aspects of these song.

5 Marcella Frank, Modern English A Practical Reference Guide, Prentice Hall. New Jersey. Page 163

" Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, Prentice Hall Press. New Jersey. Page.A2


b. This study can contribute in the science of linguistics, especially in

giving description about the use of preposition in Blue’s Songs.

2. Sosial Benefit

a. For teacher, it is as a guidence and input for their English teaching

process that by development new method about preposition.

b. For learner, it can enrich the students knowledge in understanding

preposition mainly the preposition used in Blue’s Songs.

H. The Methodology of Reseach.

1 The Method Research

In this study, the writer uses descriptive method. The reason of

choosing this design is in accordance with Suharsimi Arikunto’s

opinion, stating that descriptive studies are designed to obtain

information concerning with the current status of phenomena.7 They

are directed toward determining the nature of situation as it exists of <

the time of the study.

There is no administration or control of a treatment as it is

found in an experimantal study. Therefore, this study attempts to

identify, classify and describe the preposition of Blue’s songs. It will

be obtained from the result of the research.

2. The Method of Collecting Data


There are many ways to collect the data, such as:

documentation, observation, test, interview and questionaire. In this

case, the writer uses documentation as the way to collect the data.

According to Arikunto, documentation is getting the data about cases

or variable as note, transcript, book, magazine, etc 8 Documentation in

this case is the text of Blue’s songs cassette.

3. The Method of Anal yzing Data

In analyzing the data, the writer uses descriptive analysis

technique to analyze the use of preposition in Blue’s songs.

I. Thesis Organisation.

This thesis is devided into 5 chapters:

Chapter I is the introduction which contains the backgruond of

problem, the research problem, the objective of the research, the limitation of

the problem, review of related literature, the theoretical framework, the

benefit of the study, the methodology of the research, and thesis organisation.

Chapter II, the review of related literature contains definition of

preposotion, kinds of preposition, meaning of preposition, the position of

preposition, the preposition combination, special preposition and the different

of preposition and adverb.

Chapter III is the research methodology which describes the research

applied, the sample of the study, the method of collecting data, and the

technique of analyzing data.

8 Ibid, page.321


Chapter IV is data analysis which contains the preposition used in

Blue’s Songs, data analysis, the massage conveyed in Blue’s Songs.

Chapter V closure contains the conclusion and suggestion for further






A. Theoretical review of preposition

1. Definition of preposition

Marcella Frank in Modern English says that the preposition is classified

as a part of speech in traditional grammar1. According to John Suryadi .H in

English Grammar , Preposition is a word that cannot change the form and

always lies in front of noun or pronoun to look for certain relation among

words in the sentences* 2. Wren and Martin say in High School English

Grammar that preposition is a word placed before a noun and a pronoun to

show in what relation the person or thing is denoted by it stand in regard to

something else.3

From definitions above, a preposition is a word placed before a noun

and a pronoun and cannot change the form. However, The preposition is very

important when we write something either in story, song or everything. There

are many prepositions that we know in English language like the common

prepositions below:

about before despite of to

above behind down off toward

'Marcella Frank, Modern English : A practical reference guide, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1972, p. 163

■‘John Suryadi H, S. Kuncoro, Manaf ABC English Grammar, Indah. Surabaya, 1986, P. 360

Wren and Martin, High School English grammar Composition, New Delhi, Chand & Compony Ltd, 1995, P.109


across below during on under

after beneath for out until

againt beside from our up

along besides in since upon

among between into though with

around beyond like throughout within

at by near till without'

In English language, we know about word meaning and it is usually

used in poem, song, or story (literature), so in this case, it is important to

discuss word meaning. There are two word meanings in English language as

said by Imam D.Jhauhari in Mastery on English Grammar, such as:

a. Literal/Lexical Meaning

It is a basic meaning


They carry out their bags to the car

b. Figurative/Contextual Meaning

It is unreal meaning or word meaning that has relationship in the

sentences. We can call it as the idiomatic meanings4 5.


He is very rich, but he never looks down the other person

4 betty schrampfer azar, Understanding and using English Grammar, Prentice hall regents. New jersey, 1989, p. A2


From definition above, the preposition is still used in word meaning and

placed in front of a noun.

2. Kinds of Prepositions

Preposition may be arranged in the following classes:

a. Simple Prepositions

The oldest and the most frequently used in English preposotions are

those which are formed in the simplest one. Many of them are

monosyllabic, such as at, but, down, for, in, of, off, on, over, since,

though, to, till, with. All of these are called prepositions. At, by, down,

for, in, of, on, over, through, under, up, and with are prepositions when

they govern nouns or pronouns, but they are adverbs when they are

merely verbs and donot show relatioship between words.6

b. Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions which are generally formed by profixing a

preposition ( usually a:no be.by ) to a noun, an adjective or an adverb.

About, above, across, along, amidst, among , amongst, around, before,

behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, inside, outside,

underneath, within, without.

c. Phrase Prepositions

They are groups of words used with the force of a single preposition.

According to in accordance with

6 Homer c. House and susan emolyn harman,. Descriptive English grammar, Englewood cliNJ:prentice hall, 1950, p. 174.


Agreeable in addition to

Along with in (on ) behalf of

Away from in cast of

Because of in comparison to

By dint of in complience with

By means of in favour of

By reason of in front of

By virtue of in order to

By way of in place of

Corformably to in regard to

For the sake of in stead of

Owing to with a view to

An account to with an eye to

With regard to with referent to


He succeeded by dint o f preseverance and sheer hard work.

By virtue o f the power vested in me, I hereby order.

In consquence o/his illness he could not finish the work in time.

Owing to ill hearth, he retired from business.

With reference to your letter of date, we regret, we can not allow any

further rebate.7


According to John Suryadi.H in ABC English Grammar states that

the kinds of preposition devided into six kinds, such as:

a. Simple Prepositions

b. Double Prepositions

It is required unless simple preposition to convey it:

Into, onto, from under, from among, from off, from within, over


c. compound prepositions.

It is made from noun, adjective or adverb that connected with

“be” (by) or “a” (on).

d. Participial Preposition

Pending, during, not with standing, past.


It’s quarter past one.

e. Phrase Prepositions

Two or more words are arranged in simple structure and at the

end with simple prepositions.

f. Disguised Prepositions

It was appeared that “by” can be used in “be”; by + hind.be +

hind:behind and “on” in “a”; on + cross:a + cross:across and “a” can

be used to “on” in front of gerund.


He has gone a-hunting


3. Meaning of Prepositions

A highly detailed classification of all prepositions would be fruitless in

a text on grammar, since such a classification would have to include many

items that more properly belong in the lexicon of the language than in the

grammar of the language. The following list will therefore give only the more

common meanings that preposition can have many of these meanings

correspond to the advebial meanings. Some meanings however are common

only to prepositions.8

a. Physical Relationship

1. Time

a). One point of time

(1) . On, we use it with dates and days


1 saw him on Saturday

I usually go out on Monday

I usually go out on Monday Evenings.

(2) . At, we use it with times


I saw him at noon

Tom usually leaves work at five a’clock

1 saw him at five o’clock.

We can also use “at” in this expressions:


(3). In, we use it for longer periods o f time.


I saw him in September.

They got married in 1968.

I saw him in the morning.

I saw him in the spring,

b) Extended Time

Starting at the one point and ending at another (duration), the

extended can be devided into more of parts, such as:

(1) Since, gives the beginning point if it is used with present

perfect tense the end point is now.


I have not seen him since Monday.

(2) by, it implies no later than, at any time up to this point.

Examples: <

1 posted the letter body, so they should receive it by


Where’s Ann? She sould be here by now.9

We’d better hurry, we have to be at home by 5 o’clock.

(3) by the time, it is to identify something happens in the same


9 Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, Cambridge Univercity Press, Cambridge, 1985, p. 232




It’s now worth going shopping now. By the time, we

get to the shops, they will be shut.

I’m fliying to the United States this evening. So by the

time you receive this letter, i’ll probably in New


(4) from-to or until, till, a begining point with from generally

requires an end point is given, until is used In speech, till is

frequently heard. We use until to say how long a situation



I was tired this Morning, so I stayed in bed until half

past ten.

I cannot see you untill five o’clock.

I can see you from ten o’clock to two o’clock.

(5) for, it gives quantity of time and accompanied by a number or

an adjective of indefinite quantity. We use for plus a period

of time to say how long something goes on: for six years, for

two hours. In informal use for may be omitted before a



I’ve lived in this house fo r six years.



I can see you for one hour.

We watched Television for two hours last night.

(6) during, it gives a block of time, usually thought o f as

undevided, we use during + noun to say something happens,

(not how long)


I fell a sleep during the film.

The ground is wet, it must have rained during the


We met a lot of interesting people during our holiday.

(7) in or within

in gives a quantity of time before which something will

happen. In corresponds to during, but it is used to quantity

rather than with a single block of time. With a word like

decade that denotes an expanse of time, in or during may be

used, depending on wether the time is felt as quantity or as a

single block o f time.


1 can see you in an hour from now.

The population has doubled in the last ten years.

Sequence of time.

Event that follows one another.

Ihaven’t seen him fo r some time.


(1) Before, The event precedes the time given in the before phrase

prior to is literary aquivalent of before.


I will see you before Wednesday

I always get up before eight o’clock.11

(2) After, the event follows the time given in the after phrase

subsequent to is literary equivalent of after.


I will see you after Wednesday.

I walked this street after nine o’clock.

2 Place or Position

a) the point itself

1) in or inside, it gives the idea of something enclosed such as; a

container, a drawer, a room, a building, the w'orld.


Hang your coat in the closed.

Robert lives m a small vilage in the mountains.

There was no one inside the house.

2) on, indicates the surface of something, a floor, a wall, a

ceiling, a desk, a street.

Examples: 11


Put the dishes on the table.

Don’t sit on the floor.

On top o f \\ emphasizes the uppermost horizontal surface. It is

used with an object that have some height.


He is standing on top o f the desk

3) at, refers to a general vicinity, mere presence at a place is

indicated, at also used for addresses with street numbers.


He is at school.

He lives at 200 park evenue.

Write your name at the top.

b) higher or lower than a point.

1) Higher.

(a) Over, it is felt to be generally higher than a point.


The plane flew over the mountains.

The pigeon flew over my head.

(b) above, it is felt to be directly higher than a point.


He lives on the floor above us.

The plane was above the clouds.


2) lower

(a) Under, it felt to be generally lower than a point.


A subway runs under the street.

(b) underneath, it expresses the idea of close under, especially

so as to be hidden.


He swept the dirt underneath the rug.

(c) beneath, it expresses the idea of directly under, with some

space between.


Beneath a tree, lay a dog fast a sleep.

(d) below, it is felt to be directly lower than a point.


He lives on the floor below us.

c) Neighboring the point

(1) near, by, it has the most general meanings of neighboring a

point. By is a synonim for near. Close to means very near.


He lives near the university.

He lives near my house.12


(2) next to, express with nothing else between them.


The teacher is right next to the post office.

(3) alongside, adjoining persons or things considered as lined up

or side by side.


the tug pulled up alongside the tangker

(4) beside, No one side of a person or things that has two sides.


He sat beside his wife during the party.

He stood beside the table.

(5) between, on each side of a person or thing that has two sides if

more than two persons or things are positioned around a point,

among is used.


He sat between his two sons.

You can see our house between two mountains.

(6) Opposite, directly faching someone or something else.


The museum is just apposite the post office.

2) Direction

The kind of movement designted by each prepositions given



a) To-form


He always walk to school from his house.

b) toward\ away from.


the pilgrims headed toward mecca.

They moved away from their old neighborhood.

c) in (to)-out to.


he ran into the house quickly, after a few minutes he ran out o f

the house with an umbrella under his arm.

d) Up-down.


He climbed up ( or down ) the stairs.

e) Around.


The ship sailed around the island.

f) Through.


You can drive through that town in an hour.

g) Past.




h) as fa r as.


we’ll walk only as fa r as the old schoolhouse.

a. Other semantic relationships

Many of the prepositions listed below introduce phrases that are

adverbial clause equivalents.

Those prepositions that introduce only adverbial phrase are marked

adv; those that introduce only adjective phrase are marked adj; and those

that introduce either type of phrase are marked adv,adj.13

1) Cause and reason

Because o f for, fo r the sake o f an account of, of, from, through,

in sequence o f or owing o f


He died o f cancer.

He has made a mistake through carelessly.

The rice stop failed because o f the want of rain.

2) concession

in spite of, despite, notwithstanding, regardless of, with, for, after.


with all his weight he isn’t a strong man.

Hellen keller succeeded in life in spite o f her physical


n Marcella Frank. Op. Cit. P. 168


3) condition

in case of, in (the) event o f


in case o f rain, the picnic will be canceled.

4) Purpose

For, fo r the purpose of, at, on, upon, to.


She went to the grocery store fo r milk.

He come to the United States fo r the purpose of setting up a

business office there.

5) Accompaniment

With, alongwith, together with.


He went together with his wife to do the shopping.

6) Addition

As well as.


John, as well as his wife mary, has often expresses a desire to

live in Europe

7) Comparison


He is living like a millionaire,

bold as a lion, he leaped into the fray.

8) Degree

According to.


From each according to his abilities, to each according to his


9) instrument



He cut the meat with a sharp knife.

10) means

with, by.


you can get there by subway

he has worked his way up to the top by hardwork

11) manner




He always does his work with great care

12) material

o f out o f from.


Tables are usually made o f wood

Wine is made from grapes

13) Source



He is sprung /raw a noble ancestry.

14) separation

from, with.


two inmates escaped from prison last night

he is always reluctant to part with his money

15) possession

o f



The house o f my uncle is very big

4. The positions of preposition

The common position of preposition is placed before a noun and a

pronoun (object). Beside in, nowdays English the use of preposition at the

end of a sentence is acceptable, for examples:

He dislike being talked about.


When the object of preposition is the relative pronoun that, the

preposition is always placed at the end; as;

Here is the book that you asked for.

This is the house that he came to.

The preposition is often placed at the end when the object is an

interrogative pronoun or relative pronoun understood an interrogative

pronoun; as;

What are you looking for?

Which of these chairs did you sit o h? 14

Sometimes the object placed first for the sake of emphasis; as;

This / insist on, he is known all the world over

According to Marcella Frank, a preposition usually initiates the

prepositional phrase. However, in certain informal usages, the object of

preposition may appear in initial position in the clause, and the final position.

Such prepositions in final position are quite acceptable in informal

usage, in spite of the old rule that a sentence should not end with a

preposition. That this rule is unrealistic can be further proved by the many

other constuctions that we have already given in which the preposition may

appropriately appear at the end of the sentence; for example;

a. Prepositional forms used adverbially with verbs

He wants to go in

14 Wren and Martin, High School Grammar Composition, New Delhi, S. Chand& Company, 1995


b. Prepositional forms completing two-part verbs

I must look this word up

c. Prepositional forms with passive verb

He was well though o f

d. Prepositional forms with verbals

this is not worth worrying about'5

In two constructions, however, it is possible in informal English to

move the preposition to the end of the sentence:

;■ 1 , '/ft ''f.'''’ '' \ f - i f ■■ - : \ ,

a. In questions beginning with a preposition + whom/which/what/


to whom were you talking? (formal)

who were you talking to? (informal)

in which drawer does he keep it? (formal)

which drawer does he keep it ini (informal)

It used to be thought ungrammatical to the end a sentence with a <

preposition, but it is now accepted as a colloquail form.

b. Similarly in relative clause, a preposition placed before whom/which can

be moved to the end of the clause. The relative pronoun is then often


the people with whom I was travelling (formal)

the people I was travelling with (informal)

the company from which I hire my TV set (formal) 15


the company I hire my TV set from (informal)

c. In phrasal verbs, the preposition/adverb remains after it’s verb, so the

formal type of construction is not possible.

The children I was looking after, couldnot be rewriten with after+whom

which bridge did they blow up? Couldnot be rewriten with up+which.

5. The Preposition Combination

A preposition may combine with a verb to form a new vocabulary

item. The preposition can also combine with an adjective; for examples:

Afraid of greatful to

Agree with guilty to

Believe in hope for

Bored with innocent of

Care about jealous of

Crowded with known for

Dream of limited to

Disappointed in patient with

Exposed to polite to

Forget about relevant to

Forgive for rely on

Furthermore, the verb preposition combination goes by several

names-two-part verb, composite verb, phrasal verb. The prepositional form

used with the verb may be referred to as an adverb, a prepositional adverb or


by the more general term “particle”. Many verbs get strongly associated with

certain prepositions in one or two ways:

a. Verb and preposition keeping their basic meanings

Take the book in your hand and open it

b. As a compound have an idiomatic meaning (we cannot guess the meaning

from the two parts)

I didn’t take to him at first, (like)

c. Phrasal verb

The term phrasal verb refers to a verb and preposition which

together have a special meaning, for example, put+off means “postpone”.

Sometime phrasal verb consist of three parts, for example, put+up+with

means “tolerate”.16

Phrasal verbs are especially common in informal English.

Following is a list of common phrasal verbs and their usual meaning:

Bring : bring about - cause

1 wonder what trough about his strange behavior?

Bring on-result in

His long exposure in the rain brought on a bad cold

Bring up-raise a subject,rear

They brouhgt up their children to behalf well

Call : call off-cancel



The bail game was called o ff because of rain

Call on-visit

We’ll call on you tonight

Call up-call on the telephone

He calls up his wife from the office everyday

Call down- reprimand

He was called down by his bass for leziness

Com e: come up-arise

A serious problem has just come up

Come out-be publised

The new grammar book will come out in August

Come to-total

How much do these purchasses come tol

Do : do over-redo, do again, redecorate

We plan to do over out entire apartment

Do without-sacrifice, not need

No one can do without sleep

Get : get up-wake up

What time do you get up in the morning?

Get over-recover from

It took him a long time to get over his cold

Give : give up-surrender

The enemy give up after along bettle


Give out-distribute

Please give out this papers to all the students

Go : go over-review, rehearse

The actors went over their parts

Go with-harmonize

That hat goes with the color of her eyes

Hand : hand in - submit

Assignments should be handed in on time

Hand down - transmit

This ring has been handed down for generations

Hold : hold up - rob

Our gasolin stasion was held up last night

Hold down - suppress

When people are held down too long, they often rebel

Keep : keep on- continue

If he keeps on coming late to work he’ll be fired

Look : look after - take care of

While we’re gone, grandmother will look after the children

Look over - review

Before the test, he looked over his notes carefully

Look up - search for information

I must look up that word in the dictionary


I can’t make out what he really wants

Make up - become reconciled,invent

They had a quarrel, but they soon made up

Pass : pass out - faint, distribute

He passed out from the heat

Pass up - neglect to take advantage of

He passed up a good job because of poor health

Pick : pick on - annoy, tease

Stop picking on your little brother

Pick out - select

Please pick out a nice tie for me

P u t: put off- postpone

Don’t put o ff for tomorrow what you can do today

Put on - don (clothes).

She’ll put on her best dress for the dance tonight

Put out- extinguish

Put out your cigarette before you go into the elevator

Run : run across - meet or find by chance

On the subway I run across an aid acquaintance

Run down - say unkind things about

If she keeps on running down her friends, she won’t have any left

Run over - hit by a car

The child was run over by a truck


Take : take after - resemble

She takes after her mother in everything she does.

Take over - assume control

In time of war the government may take over all means of


Take up - consider,discuss

We are taking up prepositions this week

Turn : turn down - reject

Their bid was turned down because it was too high

Turn off - stop some kind of power

Please turn o ff the light

Turn on - start somekind of power

Please turn on the light

Turn out - happen

The fortune teller’s prediction turned out right

Turn up - appear

He always turns up when we least expect him.

6. Special Prepositions

a. Than - This word is usually a conjunction, but it is sometimes used as a

preposition; as:

I cannot accept less than fifty rupees for this article


he walked to the end o f the street

b. but - As a rule but is a conjunction, when used as a preposition, but

means “except” with the exception of.

what can he do but die?

All our ambitions death defeats, but one

c. A - I n the following sentences the a is a weakened form of the preposition


He wages are sixty paise a day

Sugar is twenty five paise a seer

The following prepositions require special notice;

a. In is used with names of countries and large towns ; at is more often used

when speking of small towns and villages, as;

He is in America. They live in Delhi

He lives at Andheri in Salsette

b. In and At are used in speaking of things at rest ; to and into are used in

speaking of thing in motion ; as,

He is in bed. He is at the top of the class

He run to school. He jumped into the river.

c. On is often used in speaking of things at rest, and upon the things in

motion ; as,

He sat on a chair. The cat sprang upon the table

d. till is used of time and to is used of place ; as,

he slept till eight o’clock 1

1' wren and Martin op. Cit. P 115


Besides being fined, he was sentenced to a term of imprisonment

Be careful not to use beside for besides

B. The Different of Preposition and Adverb

1. Preposition.

a. Preposition usually come before the word they control. The indicate

various relationships between verbs or phrases, the most usual being those

of time, space and mental or emotional attitude. They can also come after


the word they govern, notable in questions and in relative clauses.

b. Preposition is closely tied to (pro) noun it controls

He looked at the boys

He spoke to them

He spoke about his travels

He looked out o f the windows r .


c. Preposition at the end of a phrase of a verb with preposition has the final

stress on the verb :

Give it to the man you spoke to

Who does he take afterl

2. Adverb

a. Adverb combine with verbs even more often than prepositions to form

idiomatic compounds. Most of them have the same form as their


corresponding prepositions, but the following words are adverbial only

and never used as prepositions:

Away, back, out; backward, downward, forward, upward.19

Adverb are most commonly found as a part of compound verbs.

Some o f these compound can be followed by a preposition to

make a further combination: go in for ( practice for pleasure); come out

with (say suddenly) ; get down to (apply oneself) ; put up with (


b. an adverb is closely tied to its verb. An adverb always follows a pronoun

object. It usually follows the object even when this is a noun, unless the

noun phrase object is a long one, which would leave the verb too far from

its particle.

look the word up in the index

he couldn’t get his talk across

c. adverb at the end of a phrase a verb with adverb particle has a final stress

on the adverb.

which word are you going to look up ?

this is the book he brought back, and here’s the one

he wants to take out.

Sometimes, several words are used in the sentences as adverbs and

sometimes as preposition. A word is a preposition when govern a noun

Ibid, p.293


and a pronoun; it is an adverb when it is does not20. Look at the following

word list:

Adverb Preposition

Go and run about Don’t loiter about the street

I could not come before I came the day before yesterday

Has he come in ? is he in his room ?

The wheel came off The driver jumped off the car

Let us move on The book lies on the table

His father arrived soon after After a month he returned

Take this parcel over to the post- office he rules a vast empire

I have not seen him since I have not slept since yesterday




The researcher uses descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive is serving

to describe or analogy characterizing something and it deals with the meaning of

thing and one view of meaning is associative.1 Qualitative research always have

the descriptive quality, means the data analyzed and the data analysis result have

the form of phenomenon descriptive, not nominals form or coefficient about

relation ship among variable.1 2

The process of doing qualitative research presents a challenge because

procedure of organizing images are well-defined and rely on process of inference,

insight, logic, and luck and eventually, with creativity and hard work, the results

emerge as coherent whole.

Qualitative research would deal with elements that are patterned or

distributed systematically but unevenly across space, time or other elements.

Related to this research, the writer uses descriptive method in which this

method is to describe what actually happens in certain conditions and situations

when conducting the research. The writer takes a certain procedures and would

explain in three parts, they are : (A) The sample of the study, (B) The method of

collecting data and (C) The technique of analyzing data.

1 Maanen, J.M. and Dabs J.M , Varieties o f Qualitative Research, London Sage Publication, 1982, page 31

2 Aminuddin. Pengembangan Penelitian Kualitative dalam Bidang Bahasa dan Sastra,



A. The Sample of the Study

The data sample of this research were ten English songs which have

prepositions. In this case, the writer took the data from the text. In this

research, the songs are as follows :

1. One Love

2. Riders

3. Don’t Treat Me Like A Fool

4. She Told Me

5. U Make Me A Wanna

6. Ain’t Got You

7. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

8. Get Down

9. Privacy

10. Invitation

B. Method of Collecting the Data

In this study the writer applies documentation as the way to collect the

data. The techniques of taking the data were as follows. First, the writer

selected the songs from all albums by blue. Second, the writer selected the

songs from second album. Third, the writer real all the lyrics of the songs.

Then, the fourth, the writer selected the prepositions belonging to blue’s



C. Technique of Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, the writer applies descriptive method. In

analyzing the data the procedures are as follow :

1. Listening to the blue’s album

2. Reading and learning all sentences from the text of the songs

3. Identifying the kinds of prepositions

4. Analyzing the sentences which had preposition or in terms of their

structural aspect.




In this research, the writer presents the data taken from the sample. The

data were very important for the writer to show the object being researched. In this

research, the writer uses a qualitative analysis. Qualitative research is a research of

which the data in the forms of written or oral word are descriptively analyzed.1

After reading, Identifying the prepositions, the writer is going to present

the kind of prepositions, the preposition combination, the meaning of prepositions

and the message conveyed in the blue’s songs.

In this research, the data are taken from English song by blue’s song

especially the second album, such as :

1. One Love

2. Riders

3. Don’t Treat Me Like A Fool

4. She Told Me

5. U Make Me A Wanna

6. Ain’t Got You

7. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

8. Get Down

9. Privacy

10. Invitation

1 Lexy Moleong, Metodology Penelitian K ualitatif, Depdikbud, Jakarta, 1983, page 3



A. Preposition Used in Blue’s Songs

In the chapter II (Review of Related Literature), it has been explained

about the preposition. Here the writer wants to identification about:

1. Identification of kinds of prepositions

2. Identification of preposition combination

1. Identification of kinds of preposition

Expression ONE LOVE

Kinds of Preposition

Can flip 180 in a matter of days Simple preposition

Sometimes love works in mysterious ways Simple preposition

One day you wake up gone without a trace Compound preposition

I refuse to give up Simple preposition

I refuse to give in Simple preposition

One love fo r the mother's pride Simple preposition

One love fo r the times we cried Simple preposition

One love fo r the city street Simple preposition

One love fo r the hip hop beats Simple preposition

Late at night out I'm still wide a wake Simple preposition


When you walked into my life Double preposition

We were in a club that night Simple preposition



I never been with anybody so right Simple preposition

This is fo r my riders who like to get on down Simple preposition

This is fo r my girls cause you know I get on down Simple preposition

This is fo r my people can you holla back Simple preposition

Tell me where the party at Simple preposition

Come back it up Simple preposition

I been around the block before Compound preposition


Wakin’ up to the truth Simple preposition

Couldn't see fo r love no Simple preposition

Tried my best to ignore it Simple preposition

It's been hard enough fo r me Simple preposition

You took advantage o f my trusting heart Simple preposition

Tried my best to for give you Simple preposition

Did my best to forget Simple preposition

I'm done with the tears Simple preposition

I know I'll be reaching out to touch you Simple preposition

in the night

Holding on to the memories Simple preposition

Cos you're not here to hold me tight Simple preposition

When all the lying you're doing is in someone Simple preposition




She had a mind ofher own Simple preposition

She was my sister’s best friend so now you know Simple preposition

where it's at

She's always been around Compound preposition

Right in front o fme Phrase preposition

How could I be too blind tosee ? Simple preposition

Me and he, we talked abouteverything Compound preposition

It was one ofthose times way back inthe day Simple preposition

She was a my door witha smile acrossher face Simple preposition

/compound preposition

She's gone out/<?r a while Simple preposition

She said that's cool withme that the reason Simple preposition

I came by


Tostart it off1 know you know me Simple preposition

To come tothink ofit, it was only last week Simple preposition

That I has a dream aboutus, oh Compound preposition

Totell the truth you know I've been hurting all Simple preposition


You make me wanna call you inthe middle ofthe Simple preposition




You're the first and last thing on my mind Simple preposition

Baby I'm tired o f being friends Simple preposition

Don't leave me in doubt Simple preposition

Sit you down on the couch Simple preposition

Gonna touch you like you're never know before Compound preposition

AIN'T GOT YOU Simple preposition

Fast money on a roll Simple preposition

It's not like that at all Simple preposition

You don't have to believe me Simple preposition

Now you know that I'm about Compound preposition

On top o f the world Phrase preposition


What have 1 got to do to make you love me Simple preposition

What have 1 got to do to make you care Simple preposition

And I wake to find that you're not there ? Simple preposition

What have I got to do to make you want me Simple preposition

What have I got to do to be heart Simple preposition

Oh it seems to me Simple preposition


I'm not the kind o f guy you can take for granted Simple preposition

It's not the way I am to tell you what I'm feeling Simple preposition

Think again, before you get the wrong impression Compound and simple



If you wanna get down withme, let the love come Simple preposition


Say you wanna get down with me Simple preposition

It can be just like beforeyou just got to try it Compound preposition

You've heart it all beforebut this time Compound preposition

I can change girl

I got so much togive I want a change toprove it Simple preposition


Everytime I see you withthat guy Simple preposition

But the don't so let's not trip on him tonight Simple preposition

I don't really need the time tothink aboutit Simple and compound


All I know is that you're here forme and that's it Simple preposition

Ina minute you ganna be, right here instead of Simple, phrase

there withhim preposition

Baby come on and dance withme Simple preposition

Come up close tome, I see Simple preposition

I think it's time for us, to leave Simple preposition

And what it is you're tryin' todeny Simple preposition

Cuz when 1 look at you, I see it inyour eyes Simple preposition

I wouldn't go with him if 1 were you Simple preposition

And I don't wanna play withyour emotions Simple preposition




Ohh right, finished work on a Saturday Simple preposition

In a moon and I wanna play Simple preposition

I say in fo r my click around my way Double preposition

Hit the joint where the play is at Simple preposition

Is chill out with my crew Double preposition

You gotto shuffle a little and groove with me Simple preposition

It's a blue invitation, just come with me Simple preposition

Shortly if you wanna dance and groove with me Simple preposition

Nice girls by the side o f me Simple preposition

Sol step to check they vibe Simple preposition

I can see it in her eyes Simple preposition

She likes to but on this disquise Simple preposition

2. Identification of preposition combination

a. The data (01) entitles “One Love”

1) Lyric : one day you wake up gone without a


Preposition combination : wake up

Meaning : rouse from inactivity, stir him to activity

2) Lyric : I refuse to give up

Preposition combination : give up



3) Lyric : I refuse to give in

Preposition combination : give in

Meaning : surrender, stop trying

b. The data (02) entitles “Riders”

1) Lyric : this is for my riders who like to get on


Preposition combination : get on

Meaning : become older

2) Lyric : this is for my girls cause you know I get

on down

Preposition combination : get on

Meaning : become older

3) Lyric : come back it up

Preposition combination : come up

Meaning : return to the memory

4) Lyric : my player days are gone for sure

Preposition combination : gone for

Meaning : be sold for

c. The data (03) entitles “don’t treat me like a fool”

1) Lyric : it's been hard wakin’ up

Preposition combination : wakin’ up (waking up)



2) Lyric : wakin’ up to the truth

Preposition combination : wakin’ up (waking up)

Meaning : rouse from inactivity

3) Lyric : it’s coming round again

Preposition combination : coming round

Meaning : be here again

4) Lyric : I know I'll be reaching out to touch you

in the night

Preposition combination : reaching out

Meaning : stretch out the hand for and take


5) Lyric : holding on to the memories

Preposition combination : holding on

Meaning : keep ones grip on

d. The data (04) entitles “She Told Me”

1) Lyric : she was always hangin’ out

Preposition combination : hangm’ out (hanging out)

Meaning : live

2) Lyric : she gone out for a while

Preposition combination : gone out

Meaning : leave someone

3) Lyric : she said “that’s cool with me the reason 1



Preposition combination : come by

Meaning : obtain by effort

e. The data (05) entitles “U Make Me Wanna”

1) Lyric : to start it off I know you know me

Preposition combination : start off

Meaning : begin to move

2) Lyric : pour some don perigon and hit the lights



Preposition combination : lights out

Meaning : to be turned out

f. The data (6) entitles “Ain’t got you”

1) Lyric : if I’m not what you’re looking for

Preposition combination : looking for

Meaning : search for

2) Lyric : got a shelf full of books - so ?

Preposition combination : full of

Meaning : completely filled

3) Lyric : got a room full of clothes - so ?

Preposition combination : full of

Meaning : completely filled

4) Lyric : go a box full of shoes - on ?

Preposition combination : full of



5) Lyric : and the street that I come from

Preposition combination : come from

Meaning : have as a birthplace, place of origin

6) Lyric : and baby no frettin’ I just suggest we get

it on

Preposition combination : get on

Meaning : become older

7) Lyric : get by every night I pray too

Preposition combination : get by

Meaning : survive

g. The Data (08) Entitles “Get Down”

1) Lyric : check this out

Preposition combination : check out

Meaning : get something, check

2) Lyric : I’m not the kind of guy you can take for


Preposition combination : take for

Meaning : find out

3) Lyric : if you wanna get down with me, let the

love come naturally

Preposition combination : get down


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