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Academic year: 2019



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THE CONCEPT OF EARLY MARRIAGE The Study of Maturity and Marriage Essence According to Mohammad Fauzil Adhim's View

Perpustakaan STAIN Salatiga


A Graduating Paper o7t d3oio884.oi Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

In the English and Education Department





Dear, The Head of State Islamic

Studies Institute Salatitga

Salatiga 14th of Augusts 2006

& JW?I,

After reading and correcting Ahmad Saefudin thesis on title " THE CONCEPT OF EARLY MARRIAGE (The Study of Maturity and Marriage Essence According to Mohammad Fauzil Adhim’s View) I have decided and would like to purpose that it could be accepted by the Education Faculty, 1 hope

would be examines as soon as possible.

2nd Consultant 1st Consultant


NIP. 150.321.407



Rahmat Harivadf. M.Pd

NIP. 150.254.238



STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTESALATIGA 7/. Stadion 3 Phone (0298) 323706 S o la tia 50721



Dengan penuh kejujuran dan tanggungjawab, peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi

ini tidak berisi materi yang pernah ditulis orang lain atau pernah diterbitkan.

Demikian juga skripsi ini tidak berisi satupun pemikiran-pemikiran orang lain, kecuali

informasi yang terdapat dalam referensi yang dijadikan rujukan.

Apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat materi atau pemikiran-pemikiran

orang di luar referensi yang peneliti cantumkan, maka peneliti sanggup

mempertanggungjawabkannya kembali keaslian skripsi ini di hadapan sidang

munaqosyah skripsi.

Demikian deklarasi ini kami buat untuk dapat dimaklumi.

Salatiga, 11 Juni 2006





(Study of Maturity and Marriage Essence)


Has been brought to the board of examiners on Wednesday, September 6,2006, and hereby considered to completely fulfill the requirements of the Degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I.) in the English and Education Department.



. N N

j ^ J j (1^* ^ -j'* ^j-w«^Ij Vj

" don ’t y o u h o p e le ss o f A lla h b le ssin g ,

a c tu a lly ufho h o p e le ss o f A lla h b le ss in g are o n ly u n believers" . (Q .S. Qusuf: 8 7 )

g -~ ail; U I r^>~ ^J*-! L* V 4ill j |

" A ctu a lly A llah vVill n o t ch a n g e th e d e s tin y o f p e o p le u n til th e y ch a n g e th e ir d e s tin y b y th em selves" .

(Q .S. A r-R a ’d : 1 1 )




The ovdner of my fife

Allah the greatest

My beloved father mid mother

Mr. Sukandar and Mrs. Rondiyah

( Thanks for never end love and pray)

My dearest sister and cousin

Titik Nurut Anisa' and Rifai Mania

My stVeet sister in Joyja

Taim, Dian, and (Mutan

My best friend in HeaVen

Mohammad Mustayhfirin Surya Wiboulo



In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

All praises due to Allah the Lord of the universe, Who does always gives

His creatures with His mercy. He testifies there is no god other than Allah and

Muhammad is His messenger. Prayers and peace be upon the master of all

messengers, Prophet Muhammad, and upon his relatives and companions, who

leads human being to the right path, the path of the prophets and messengers;


Many peoples help and give him valuable contributions to finish this

graduating paper. Therefore, in this very glad occasion, he is very thankful to:

1. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag. as The Head of State Islamic Studies of Salatiga.

2. Drs. Sa'adi, M. Ag. as the Chief of The Major of Tarbiyah and as my

academic consultant.

3. Mr. Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M. Hum. as the head of English and Education


4. My thankfulness is due especially to Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. and Mr.

Norwanto., M.Hum. as writer's attentive counselor. Their advocacy makes him

enjoy finishing this graduating paper.

5. Thanks to all of lectures in STAIN Salatiga for their guidance and knowledge.

6. My brothers in LDK STAIN Salatiga, KAMMI Komisariat Salatiag, and in

Islamic boarding house; Walisongo, Safira, and Zamrud.

7. My brothers in "REMASDA". Thanks for your support and kindness.





M OTTO... iv




CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study... 1

B. Theoretical frame work... 3

C. Literature review... 7

D. Clarification of key term ... 8

E. The statement of the problem... 9

F. The objective and benefit of the study... 9

G. Methodology of research... 11

H. Outline of the thesis presentation... 14

CHAPTER II : MARRIAGE IN ISLAM AND SOCIAL CONTECT A. Marriage in Islam context 1. Definition of marriage... 15

2. Marriage as tradition of prophets... 18

3. Recommendation to marry... 20


4. Marriage is the way to perfect a half part

of religion... 22

5. The pillars of nikah... 24

6. The law of marriage... 30

7. Goal of marriage 32 B. Marriage in some Muslim Countries 1. Turkey... 36

2. Iran ... 38

3. South Yemen... 39

4. Republic Tunisia... 40

5. Morocco... 42

6. Algeria... 43


B. His W orks... 47

His view of the to p ic... 48

CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS A. Concept of early marriage... 69

B. The essence of maturity in conducting marriage .. 73

C. The advantages of early marriage... 75


C. Closure... 87



A. Background of the Study

Human beings are the social creatures. They cannot live alone. They

need each other in a social life to fulfill their daily need. People need tailor for

their clothes and a doctor when they are sick. They need others to solve their

problem that cannot be over come by their selves. It is just simple example

that they cannot life alone.

Allah created human beings from three aspects. They are Al-Jism

(body), Ar-Ruh (spirit), An-Nafsu (lust). In this term An-Nafsu means biological and sexual need. People need an-nafsu to continuity their generation. It also which difference between human being and angels.

An-Nafsu is the creature that is given to human being. Sometimes it makes people noble in their life, if people can educate their lust correctly and

appropriately, but not little of them are insult because they cannot educate lust


Islam is universal and completely teaching. It means that Islam

organizes all aspect of human being living. One of teachings it is marriage.

Allah created marriage as guarantee for continuity of human being's

population in the world. Allah realized marriage with created the relationship l


between men and women. Marriage is pure need of human being to keep the

Nowadays, the intercourse of adolescents was so apprehensive,

especially the intercourse between girls and boys. They ignore limitations of

intercourse between them. So that sometimes they do the thing against with

Islamic teaching. Free sex or premarital sex is a common thing for them. It is

clearly against with Islamic teaching and social rule.

In order to avoid the disaster, early marriage can be one alternative to

avoid premarital sex. In the early of 1983, Indonesians were confused by an

1 Syeikh Ash-Shabuni, Hadiah untuk Pengatin, terj. Ikliah Mohammmad., Mustaqim, Jakarta, 6th edition, 2003, Page. 28

2 Qaulan Sadida, Jangan Takut Menikah Saat Masih Kuliah, Mandiri Visi Media Press, Surakarta, 2005, Page. 12

3 Mohammad Fauzil Adhim, Indahnya Pernikahan Dini, Gema Insani Press, Jakarta, 4th edition, 2004, Page. 1



However, most of questions and anxieties rise from early marriage. Is it

possible? How is about adolescent's physical and psychological readiness?

How is a response of surrounding society?

Based on the background of the problem above writer interests to

explore and describe about THE CONCEPT OF EARLY MARRIAGE (The

Study of Maturity and Marriage Essence According to Mohammad Fauzil

Adhim's View).

B. Theoretical frame work

Marriage is a pure need of human being. It is also Islamic teaching and

prophet tradition.

dill /j,| dislj j \jS" ; dill J Jt i



"Prophet Muhammad said: You who said this one and this one? By Allah actually I afraid to Allah and obey Him, but I Fast, ate, pray, slept and married woman. Who do hate of my tradition, so are not my people".

From the hadits above, Prophet Mohammad wants to inform to his follower that marriage is one of his traditions. This is a fomentation to his

people to conduct marriage. People who do not want to conduct marriage, it

mean they do not love his tradition. Moreover, the prophet states, people who

do not conduct marriage they are not his people.

By marriage, someone's life will be more directed. Prayer will be easy

to concentrate because the imaginations and questions before marriage were 5

5Al-lmam Abi Abdillah Muhammad bin Isma'il Ibrahim bin Mughiroh bin bardzabah,


answered. Moreover, the value of their prayer is worthier than unmarried. As

the prophet said that, two-roka'at prayer of married more important than thousand rokaa't of unmarried.

Marriage also makes people's life enjoyable physically and mentally.

Some psychology research show there are positives influence of marriage.

They are sense of self and satisfaction of soul (wellness).6

The commandment of marriage Allah said in the holy Quran:


rtillj «tlyaS y

"Marry those among you who are single or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female; if they are in poverty God will give those means out of his grace; for God encompasses all, and He knows all things".7

This verse is the God's order to human being to conduct marriage with

the word wankihu. In the previous verses (before An-Nur: 32) explain of God's prohibition such as, do not resemble zina, prohibition to do contemptible act, free sex and all of thing that will bring damage,

demoralization, and destruction of human being.8

An-Nur: 32 revealed as the answer and the key solution toward the previous verses. To avoid zina is just with married; to avoid free sex/premarital sex is just with married.

6 Mohammad Fauzil Adhim, Indahnya Pernikahan Dini, Op.Cit, page, 5

7Abdillah Yusuf Ali, The Glorious Kuran; Translation and Commentary, Darul Fikri, Bairut, 1934, page 905



Allah order people to marry because this is the most effective way to

keep self-honor. Moreover, it makes people far from zina. Marry is the one way to get generation legally, legal in social and religion view.

The other interpretation of An-Nisa: 32 above is Allah order to parents to keep their honor's children. It is only by marriage, cause marriage

can safe their honor and religion. One thing that become consideration of

every parents before merry their children is their economic ability. Parents

consider as if property become a guarantee of happiness in household.

Whereas Allah said in the same verse, if they are in poverty God will give

those means out of his grace. This is Allah's promise. Why they still hesitate

with Allah's promise? Properties cannot be parameter a noble of people in

Allah side but their obedience and pious.

In Syari'at of Islam, there is no certain time exactly for people to conduct marriage. Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H said:

\ \ ' x

1 . j> a11^ j Ld Aili j ~ «dl!

-CP-.f,b>r-j 4J Ail# ^

"0...adolecent! Who is among you, who reached ba'ah, so you marry! Because marriage could to keep on eye’s view and it was keeper to genital, but you cannot to conduct marriage, so you have to fasting, because the fasting is reins from sex's desire".

As Mohammad Ali As-Shabuni said in his book, the hadits above is

consideration for the youth to marry. In this hadits, age does not be important 9


qualification for youths to conduct marriage. The qualification that prophet

inform is Al-Ba’ah. What is Al-Ba'ah ?

Most of ulama interpret the word al-ba'ah with the readiness of

financial to pay household need. In other hand, Mohammad Fauzil Adhim has

different interpretation of the world al-ba'ah. He interprets al-ba'ah as

readiness to look for nafkah. Financial readiness is economic ability of a man,

so that with the ability he can give nafkah to his wife. Whereas readiness to

give nafkah is more interrelated with readiness to hard work and seriously to

get nafkah for his family. So that, although when marry he does not have

financial ability which satisfactory, he can give necessities to his family10. For

these reason there is a wise world, Belum Punya Pekerjaan Tetap. Tetapi Tetap Bekerja.

It is not match if al-ba'ah interpreted with the ability or establishment in economic need. This statement can shown from the great wedding of Ali

bin Abi Thalib with Fatimah,-Prophet Mohammad's daughter.

When Ali marries Fatimah, Ali does not have anything to given to

Fatimah as mahar so he had to sale his battle attire. If al-ba'ah interpreted as establishment of financial ability, of course Ali bin Abi Thalib did not married

in that moment. It does not match if al-ba'ah interpreted as establishment of financial ability.



Based on the reason above early marriage does not dependent to ones

age or the establishment of financial ability. So that, for youth who understood

al-ba'ah deeply and want to perfect part of religion (Islam), it is time to marry'.

C. Literature review

In his book, Indahnya Pernikahan Dini, Mohamad Fauzil Adhim states, if the early marriage happened, there are preparations that should be

paid attention. They are the readiness of psychology, the orientation of

marriage, and readiness to responsible. Early marriage is good, but hasty in

marriage can bring badness. If it happened, people will give wrong conclusion

about early marriage. The failure and badness in a household delivered to

early marriage, although cause trouble is not in early marriage but hasty way

when marriage, because there is no deeply preparation to make a household.

The predictiojn and anticipation what are that will be happen in household, it

should be though before marriage conducted.11

Marriage's orientation is also the important factor in household.

Happiness in a marriage is much determined with how is marriage orientation

of someone toward a marriage. What is marriage's orientation just for satisfied

the lust? Of course not, must be there a pure and noble want to conduct


When the time comes, time to marry. Once again, it needed a

preparation and readiness deeply. Among the stock that should be prepared are

the stock of knowledge, the ability to fulfill a responsibility, the readiness to 11


receive child, and spirit readiness. It will be explained briefly in next


About the title and the topic of the thesis, some of the students had

written discussion of early marriage. They are Uswatun Hasanah (21199036)

entitle Pernikahan Dini (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Ngawen Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2000-2004), Mutaqin (21199001) entitle Pernikahan Dini (Study Komparatif Hukum Islam dan UU. No. 1 Tahun 1974), Miftahussa'adah (21100001) entitle Pernikahan Dini dan Dampaknya dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Studi Kasus di Desa Bulurejo Kecamatan Martoyudan Kabupaten Magelang Tahun 2004) L\

Some of the student above wrote the phenomenon of early marriage in

society. Nevertheless, in this thesis writer wants to study again about early

marriage, and of course with different view from the previous thesis. It is

concept of early marriage in a contemplation adult and marriage truth

according Mohammad fauzil Adhim's view.

D. Clarification of key terms

1. Marriage

An agreement that is lawful in the intercourse between men and

women who were not mukhrim. This agreement is generating right and obligation between them. It is a tying between two persons, man and

woman to life together in a household and to continuity their generation.12 13 14

12 Mohammad Fauzil Adim, Saatnya Untuk Menikah, Op.Cit, page 17 13 STAIN Salatiga, Data Skripsi, UPT Perpustakaan STAIN Salatiga



nation.15 16 It also means the idea on definition, which is abstracted, based on

the concrete even.17

E. Statements of the problem

The statements that rise of the problem above are:

1. What is the concept of early marriage according to Mohammad Fauzil

Adhim's view?

2. What is the essence in conducting a marriage?

3. What are the advantages of early marriage?

4. What is the implication of early marriage for sex education?

F. Objective and benefit of the study

Based on the statement of the problem above, the objective of the

research are as follows:

1. To describe the concept of early marriage according to Mohammad Fauzil

Adhim's view

2. To know the truth of adult in conducting a marriage.

15 Arso Sastroadmojo, Hukum Perkawinan di Indonesia, Bulan Bintang, Jakarta, 1975, Page, 86

16 As. Homby, Oxford Advanced Dictionary, Oxford University Press o f Concern English, 1974, Page 175


3. To know the advantages and disadvantages of early marriage.

4. To find out the implication of concept of early marriage for sex education.

There are benefits of the research.

1. For parents

Children are mandate from Allah for every parent. Therefore, those

parents have responsibility to their children that are mandate from Allah.

Educating and guiding are obligation for every parent to their children

before the parents are asked justification in Allah side in hereafter.

When children growth up, parents must beware in supervise them.

Especially where and who they are intercourse. Most of adolescent be

sacrifice caused of wrong intercourse.

If children could not to keep their selves and self-honor more, so at

that time parents have to look for a couple to keep and many' them. It will

be safer for parents and children. Moreover, the most important, it will be

kept for their religion.

2. For adolescent

A phase of adolescent is a wonderful period. Where are, they

move from childhood into adult. That moment is very gristle for their

mental and attitude development. Envirounment where are they living will

form their character.

Recently the intercourse of adolescent is very apprehensive. For

them who did not know about limitations that interdicted by religion



look like a common thing in intercourse of adolecent. In otherhand prophet

Muhammad p.b.u.h said;

The meaning:

”0 . . . adolecent! Who is among you, who reached ba'ah, so you marry! Because marriage can keep on eye's view and it was keeper to genital, but you cannot conduct marriage, so you have to fasting, because fasting is reins from sex's desire".

The Prophet p.b.u.h. wants to say for adolescents who were ready

to conduct marriage, because marriage will keep them from disobedience

to Allah. If they are not ready to marriage, so that they should fasting.

While wait Allah give them ability to marry.

G. Methodology of research

This is the library research. The methodology, which will be used by

the writer as follows:

1. Method of collecting data

To collect the data about the concept of early marriage in

Mohammad Fauzil Adhim's view, writer uses the library research to study

the writing sources, which are published,

a. The primary data source

The primary data source is the data, which is used in the

research directly. In this research the writer uses books that related

with marriage that are written by Mohammad Fauzil Adim. They are; 18


Indahnya Pernikahan Dini, Saatnya Untuk Menikah, Kupinang Engkau dengan Hamdalah, Memasuki Pernikahan Agung, and

Menggapai Pernikahan Barokah.

b. Secondary data source

The secondary data source is the data source, which is

supports and completes the primary data source. In secondary' data

source, writer takes the verses of Holy Quran, Hadits that explain of marriage, and Fiqh Munakahat.

c. Tertiary

The tertiary data source is the data source, which is supports

and completes the primary and the secondary data source. Writer use

some supporting book that related with the topic.

2. Method of analysis data

From the data, that writer gathered then to compile and analyze the

data was used by method as follows:

a. The Method of content analysis

In analyzing the data writer uses the analysis of the contents

(contents analysis) that is the analysis toward the meaning that was

contained in the idea of the view of Mohammad Fauzil Adhim

including how the idea or the idea emerged, whether his background

and why the idea was shown.19 The analysis of the contents also

focused on the descriptive analysis method that is by means of



analyzing the problem that was being discussed in orderly fashion

concerning of the view conception of the relevant leading figure."

This method was used as the approach to untangle and describe the

view of the leading figure as the existence in order to obtain the picture

that was contained in the view of the leading figure and to explain a

fact (view) that is true or false. Because of that, in this stage not more

than the research that had discovery nature facts an existence (fact­

finding).20 21

b. The method of phenomenology

This is an intact method and that more fundamental about the

phenomenon that was in context with the some situation. So that in

understanding the previous view of the period not only stops to

achieve the aim of the thesis this philosophical analysis toward the

view of the leading figure in specific long time past is a methodologies

manner will use the historical approach. This remembered the research

biographies, that is the research into the someone life in his relations

with the community, the character, and his idea of the influence of the

characteristic view as well as formed this character of the leading

figure for his life22

20Anton Bakker and Ahmad Chans Zubair, Metodologi Penelitian Filsafat, Kanisius, Yogyakarta, 1990, page, 65


H. Outline of thesis presentation

To make this study systematic, the writer divides this study into

chapters below:

In chapter, I consist of the background of the study, theoretical

framework, literature review, and definition of the term, statement of the

problem, the objective of the study, research methodology, writing

presentation, and bibliography.

Chapter II talk about marriage in Islam generally and marriage

phenomenon in some Muslim countries.

The biography of Mohammad Fauzil Adhim, his work, and his view of

the topic

Chapter III talk about biography of Mohammad Fauzil Adhim, his

work, and his opinion of the topic. Focus of the topic is early marriage

including the factors, which influence successful or failure in early marriage,

and society's view of early marriage, and conclusion.

Chapter IV analysis contains of the statement of the problem. They are

the essence of maturity in conducting marriage, advantages of early marriage,

and the implication of early marriage for sex education.




Marriage is one of Islamic teaching. Allah delivered this teaching through

his messenger, Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. so that marriage became prophet

tradition. Marriage is also as the way to preserve human generation for the

continuity human life.

Allah makes marriage as guarantee of preservation of human population in

the world. From the marriage will raise families. Families will form villages,

tribes, and countries. From the communities will create cultures and other life

rules that suitable with their character. The life rules include marriage. In this

chapter writer wants to explain about marriage in Islam's view generally and

marriage in cross culture context in some Muslim countries.

A. Marriage in Islam context 1. Definition of marriage

Marriage in Arabic term is "nikah". Linguistically nikah means

gathered, possesses each other, and used in term intimate intercourse

(wathi) between men and women. According to Islamic term, there are

some definitions about marriage (Nikah). Some of them are:

a) According to Abu Yahya Zakariya Al-Anshari stated:

. 4 .kiJb j / j o . wIaP' t&Ji


Nikah in syara' term is an agreement containing rule to sexual

intercourse legally with lafadz nikah or with words which mean with


b) According to Zakiah Derajat

,L»^»Luv» j \ ■ lail; ‘J k s iy*]aZ) JjLp

An agreement containing rule to sexual intercourse legally with lafadz

nikah, tazwij, or with the words which mean with that.1 2 3

The definition above is viewed in one side only. It is legalization in

intercourse between men and women that are prohibited before become

lawful. The sexual intercourse, which is conducted before marriage, called

adultery (zina) but after marriage, it includes a religion service.

Imam Syafi'i said marriage is an agreement that gives a sexual

intercourse between male and female lawful. Metaphorically, marriage

means sexual intercourse.

According to constitutions No. I Tahun 1974 (pasal 1), marriage is

engagement among male and female as husband and wife with propose to

establish a household happily and eternal base on Ketuhanan Yang Maha esa.3 As the nation that based on Pancasila that the first pillar is Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa, so that a marriage has strong relation with religion, therefore a marriage is not only has psychic engagement, but physic also

has important rule to establish healthy and happily household.

1 Abd. Rahman Ghazaly, Fiqh Munakahat, 1st edition, Prenada Media, Jakarta Timur, 2003, page 8

2 Ibid, page 8



Marriage is also an event of human pure need, education process,

social, and culture exchange 4 It is event of human pure need because

marriage is one of medium to express human basic characters and pure

need of human is they have tendencies to other gender. Allah creates love

in human either male or female.

Marriage is education process. After married, education process of

both bridges will increase kindness among them, quality and quantity.

Prophet Muhammad said that marriage can bring one who conduct it to

reach half part of his religion.

Marriage is social event. It means marriage unites two big families

from the male side with female. Perhaps before marriage two big families

above do not know each other that are separated by space. By marriage, it

not only unites a male and female in wedding but marriage unites two big

families that next becomes a new big family.

Marriage is culture event. It means that marriage unites two different

cultures background of each family. For example, a male of Sundae

marries with female of Java. If they married, it will cause acculturation

process between Sundae and Java. A male of Java marries with maiden of

Chinese, it will unity two different ethnics. Therefore, marriage process

means unification process of many businesses. Marriage is not medium to

differentiate or contrast them.


2. Marriage as tradition of prophets

Marriage is one of Islam teaching. People who conduct marriage, it

means they apply one of Islam teaching as the way to worship and obey

Allah. Allah creates marriage as guarantee for continuity of human

population. Since marriage will bear lawful and legal generation.

Allah delivered His reveal through His messengers to be spread to

His people in the world. Among the His revelation and commandments is

marriage. The messenger was the one who received and applied revelation

of Allah. Therefore, anything that was received and applied by messenger

becomes messenger's (prophet) tradition {sunah). It includes marriage.

Following verses explain of marriage as prophet tradition. They are:

1. Al-Baqoraoh: 35

d_w>- !■£->-* y S 'j j j bli j

"We said: O... .Adam ! Dwell thou and thy wife in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful thing there in as (where and when) ye will...

2. At-Tahrim: 10

o ! j J U Alii j

"God sets forth, for an example to unbelievers, the wife of Noah, and the wife of Luth".5 6 *

5Abdallah Yusuf Aii, The Glossaries Kuran; Translation and Commentary, Darul Fikri, Bairut, page 187



3. Hud: 71

f.\j J y J LftU d -^ JT .,.<?» 4-<jU 4j\j a\ ^

"And his wife standing (there), and she laughed; but We gave her glad tidings of Ishac and after him, of Jacob".7

4. Ar-Ra'du: 38

(Y 'A :

j l p

ti -LLi

y 'y y * j

U L * j\


"We did send apostles before thee, and appointed for them wives and children".8 9

Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet and messenger of Allah. He

said marriage is his tradition.

Ail) j L»1







y* j

J li

4$.!— j j J l j c f A i i S

■'Cs* u ^ O*3

"Prophet Muhammad said: You who said this one and this one? By Allah actually I afraid to Allah and obey Him, but I Fast, ate, pray, slept and married woman. Who do hate of my tradition, so are not my people".

Marriage also becomes tradition of prophetic of Muhammad p.b.u.h.

He gave example to his followers to marry women and made the marriage

as part of application in Islamic teaching. This is mercy of God for human

being, because marriage prohibited demoralization and sex abuse.

1lbid, Page 533

sIbid, Page 616

9A1-Imam Abi Abdallah Muhammad bin Isma'il Ibrahim bin Mughiroh bin bardzabah,


Marriage can keep generation continuity of human being and make life

calmness and wellness.10 11

3. Recommendation to marry

Islam is the complete and perfect religion. Islam orders its followers

to conduct marriage. Islam prohibits its people live in bachelor even

Prophet Muhammad said worst people in this world is unmarried.

Allah creates marriage as medium for human to be closer to Him.

Allah gives sex desire, love, and affection among male and female. Then

Allah makes marriage as the place to exert sex desire, love, and affection

between male and female.

Human, either male or female under their pure need have interest or

love to other gender. Islam makes marriage as honor way to form love and

affection between two kind of human; male and female.

Following verses are commandment to marry. They are:

1. An-Nur: 32

iSj— Ai 1 y j i ya J

N. ^

aJJIj ya ail!

"Marry those among you who are single or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female; if they are in poverty God will give those means out of his grace; for God encompasses all, and He knows all things".11

Abu Bakar Ash-Shidiq when interpreted this verse, he said that

if Allah's commandment was fulfilled (conducting marriage), Allah



will keep a promise to enrich for one who conducted marriage.12

Through this verse, Allah orders human being to conduct marriage.

Allah gives a guarantee for one who conducts marriage. Allah will

make suffice all of the need. This promise delivered to people who

want to marry in order to get Allah' favor and to keep self from the


Some verses before An-Nur:32 explained prohibition from

Allah. Allah prohibits human do worst acts and big sin like adultery

(zma) and everything that can cause damage and demoralization of

human. Then Allah reveals An-Nur: 32 as commandment to marry.

Marriage is the effective way to keep self-honor and marriage avoids

ones to do adultery and the other sin.13

2. An-Nisa: 3

— *J VI c JL j * 1 jSoli

"Marry women of your choice, two, three, or four; but if ye fear be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (a captive) that your right hands possess.14

12 Syeikh Fuad Shalih, Untukmu yang Akan Menikah dan Telah Menikah, teij. Ahmad Fadhil, Is1 edition, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, Jakarta Timur, 2005, page 12

I3Muhammad Ali As-Ashabuni, Tafsir Ayat Ahkam As-Shabuni, translation o f Mua'amal hamidy and Imron A. Manan, PT. Bina ilmu, Surabaya, 1992, page2 73


3, Had it s.

<cJLp all! ^L/5 all! bJ ijB <S^J ^ y >

J./9.W y > o \ <uls ^ jjx J U 4$.Lj! j*JnJL/» ^UaLwul y » <_^LiJS jd^XAb

, f \ > r j <5 <uU ^j^aJib <ul*i ^*jal^o jj-*J

"0...adolecent! Who is among you, who reached ba'ah, so you marry! Because marriage could to keep on eye's view and it was keeper to genital, but you cannot to conduct marriage, so you have to fasting, because the fasting is reins from sex's desire".

4. Marriage is the way to perfect a half part of religion

Islam is the universal religion. Its teaching is complete and perfect.

Islam organizes all life aspect of human in the world until hereafter. Islam

guide its follower strive in Allah's way in order to human reach happiness

in their life either in this world and hereafter.

Islam organizes its people how to intercourse with Allah or prayer

(ihablu minallah) and how to intercourse with the other people or society

{Hablu minannas). Marriage has two values. Since marriage becomes

Islamic teaching, conduct marriage is one of kind to worship and obey


Marriage is education process (tarbiyah). Marriage will strengthen

kindliness sides between men and women who meet in the wedding.

Process tarbiyah lslamiyah for both brides can increase quantity and 5



quality life after marriage.16 Prophet Muhammad said that marriage

delivered people to get a half of their part religion.

Before marriage, perhaps someone feels difficult to concentrate in

praying because imaginations and questions about marriage disturb his

mind. Nevertheless, after marriage all of imaginations and questions about

marriage are answered.

Allah created men and women and created love between them. So

that building human society live is perfect. Life wheel will rotate by taking

and caring each other. For this reason, Allah said:

\---& > - jj J { j*

( \ ;«.L~Jl) j

"O... .mankind! Reverence your guardian. Lord who created you from the one soul, created of like nature, his mates, and from them scattered (like seeds) countless men and women; Reverence God, through whom you demand your mutual (right), and (Reverence) the dumb (that before you) for God ever watches over you".17

Allah created marriage engagement through desire of lust and

syahwat. Actually, Allah created desire of lust for existence the marriage

between them. However, among them, there are people who want conduct

marriage and there a half of them who do not want to conduct a marriage.

As was explained above, marriage will be happened when there is of lust

desire motivation. Allah created the desire of lust as the basic need for

human being as need as for food and drinking.18

,6Didik Hermawan, Op.Cit, page 33 17AbdaHah Yusuf Ali, Op.Cit, page 179


Actually, a marriage in Islam’s view is religious service and a trial to

brought people closer to Allah. By marriage, a Muslim will get a

kindliness and reward from Allah if they conduct a marriage with a goal to

keep their honor and soul from the prohibited things. It is the main propose

a marriage in Islam.

5. The pillars and qualification of legal nikah.

a) Bride and bridegroom

Bride is women who will change her status become a wife for a

man after marriage agreement was declared. If before marriage she

must obey and service her parents absolutely but after marriage he

will become a wife for a man that she must priority to obey and

service her husband as well as possible than her parents. Husband has

a right to his wife because a husband is a leader in a household. One

of wife's duties is obey and service her husband in everything as long

as it straight in right way. Since it is, include to one of service religion

for her.

Two things that must be attended in a bridge. They are her status

that makes her lawful to be married and her character for getting

happiness in household life and gain the main purpose in marriage.19

Bridegroom is men who will change his status become a husband

for a woman after the marriage agreement was declared. As a leader

in household, husband has responsibility to his wife and the other



members. A husband must fulfill all of his wife need, physically and


b) Guardian of the bride.

The guardian in marriage is a person who has a right to marry a

woman. This right or duty raise because of there is blood relationship

like a father, grand pa, brother, uncle, and so on. However, if the

bridge has no guardian of blood relationship, so a people who entitled

to marry her are a judge.

Judge guardian is the guardian that is stored by government. In

this case, government is delivering the authority to K.U.A (Office of

Religion's Affair), because of same reason.20 21

Guardian is one of the pillars in marriage. It means if marriage

without guardian, marriage will be failure or illegal. Like was said by

Prophet Muhammad:

'' d y . V

"There is no marriage without guardian".

If a man who propose marriage is a good man, but the

guardian of bride is refusing him without clearly reason, so bride can

complain about her problem to the judge. If the judge sure that

refusing of her guardian without clearly reason, the judge can force

the guardian married her. If the guardian still does not want to marry

20 M. Abdul Mujib, Mabruri Thalhah, dan Syafi'ah, Kamus Istilah Fiqh, PT, Pustaka Fidaus, Jakarta, 1994, page 417


her without strong reason, so the other guardian or judge can marry

the woman as vice of the first guardian.

c) Two witnesses

Conducting of marriage will be legal or lawful if there are two

witnesses in agreement of marriage. As the Prophet Muhammad said:

Y\ cU p J d j i V I C l & V

"There is no marriage without guardian and two justice

witnesses". (Reported Ahmad and Hakim)

People who will be selected as witnesses in marriage

agreement are muslim males, justice, adult, have not disease mind,

and are not deaf. Witnesses have to present and show directly in

marriage agreement process and give a signature marriage letter on

the time of marriage's agreement take place.

d) Agreement of marriage

Agreement of marriage or akad nikah in Islamic term is a

marriage engagement that is declared with used certain words. In

agreement of marriage, there are two parts. They are ijab or deliveiy

and qabul or acceptance.

1) Ijab

Ijab linguistically means delivery. Terminology it means

delivery the responsibility to the every husband will be. Ijab is

stated by guardian of brides.



The example of ijab statement, the guardian said; "I marry

you with my daughter that name fulanah bini fulan with down*' of a

set of prayer equipment and Holy Quran... cash".

2) Qabul

Qabul linguistically means acceptance. It is as the answer

of delivery statement from guardian of bride in marriage agreement

ceremony. It also means acceptance of responsibility of woman

that will be a wife.

The example of qabul statement, Bridegroom replied; "I

receive her marriage fulanah binti fulan with the dowry of a set of

prayer equipment... cash".

In fact, marriage is a sacred moment. When a father says ijab

(agreement of marriage), it means delivery of responsibility of her

daughter to a male who will be her husband. Therefore, ijab qabul is

not only a sentence to legality physically and mentally tying among

male and female that was chosen.

Deeply, in a marriage there is a responsibility for a male or

husband to educate and guide his wife. So that what was being a goal

to create a harmonic and happy family comes true.

In the progress of akad nikah (agreement of marriage), it is

better to use the word an-nikah (nikah/maniage), or at-tazwij (Kaw/n/marriage). These sentences are stated when ijab-qabul 23


(delivering-receiving). A marriage agreement that does not use the

word of nikah or tazwij it will be illegal. For example, use the word

selling, renting, and giving. The concrete example is someone says, "I

give my daughter to you." These sentences cannot be used in ijab


e) Dowry(mahar)

Dowry is a gift that is obligated to every bridegroom to be paid

for a bridge, either materially or immaterially.24 The source for this

duty is in suroh An-Nisa': 4

S zja 8jlSsi axa Oli i<cL£ IjJlj

"...And give the woman (on marriage) their dower as a free gift; but if they, of their own good pleasure, remit any part of it to you. Take it and enjoy it with right good cheer".25

Islam obligates every bridegroom to pay dowry (mahar) to

eveiy bride. Dowry is one of pillars in marriage. If the bridegroom

does not pay dowry to bride, so that marriage is invalid. A husband

has to pay dowry to his wife. Dowry, w'hich does not be paid, is a debt

that must be paid by a husband to his wife. The payment of the debt

must be prioritized than the other debt

There is no limitation in payment of dowry. Islam is lightening

the dowry. It is describing, harmony, ease, evidence of women

generosity, and blessing of marriage. Dowry is given with moderation

and amenity that suggestion of Islam teaching.



Although dowry is not decided how much its number but

dowry is duty for bridegroom to his bridge. So that, what kind and

how much of dowry that will be given to bride, it has to be discussed

among them. This is wished in order to the bride is not be occupied

and heavy. Sometime a male canceled to marry is caused of he cannot

pay the expensive dowry.

In Islam, there is no limitation in deciding how much the

number o f dowries. Islam recommends that dowry does not occupied

the bridegroom that make him difficult to conduct marriage. Prophet

Mohammad said: "as good as dowry is cheapest". He does not mean

to disparage female status with cheaply dowry. But he does not want

difficulties in marriage process.

Dowry is not always in the form of money or thing. Dowry

can be nonmaterial. Such as what was experienced by Ummu Sulaim

when receive marry proposal from Abu Thalhah. Ummu Sulaim

wanted her dowry is Islamic of Abu Thalhah. He was an unbeliever to

Allah. However, if the bridegroom was Muslim, wife candidate may

ask her dowry in the form of memorizing holy Quran or H adits26


6. Law of marriage

According to most of fiqih experts, the source of law in conducting

marriage is mubah (Neutral). This law source can be changed base on the

reason that causes it. It can be changed makruh, sunah, wajib, and



a. Mubah (Neutral)

Someone who has ability to conduct marriage, but if he does not

conduct it, he does not worried to do zina (adultery). If he conducts

marriage, he will not neglect his wife.

The aim of his marriage is just to fulfill his easiness not for aim

to keep his religion-honor and to establish prosperous family. This law

is also delivered for someone that between motivation and resistor in

her marriage are same. Therefore, it can raise a doubt for people who

will conduct marriage.'

b. Makruh (The avoidance of which yields merit but the performance of

which is not sinful)

Someone who is considered able to conduct marriage

physically, but he has no cost ability to establish a household so if he

marries, he just bring miserable to his wife and children. Nevertheless,

if he remains to marry he is innocent and does not get a reward. 27 28



c. Sunah (circumcision)

Someone who is assumed from the physically view could

conduct marriage and has a desire to marry, and he has an ability to

establish a household. If he marry he get reward from Allah, if he does

not marry or yet there is no sin.

Someone who has willingness and readiness to conduct

marriage, but if he does not conduct married, he will not be worried to

do zina so that the law for his marriage is sunah.

d. Wajib (obligatory)

If a male is assumed from the physically is ready to marry and

he has an ability' to establish a household so if he will not marry he is

worried will be fallen into sin. For example deviation sex, sex outside

marriage (zina), so he must many'. If he does not want to marry, he

will sin.

e. Haram (forbidden)

This law uses for people who financially and maturity weak.

That people do not permitted to conduct marriage. It is worried if they

marry, they will be burden for his wife.

This rule also uses if a male and female as husband and wife do

not want to conduct what their duty and right. If a male has bad

attitude, he is worried will do maltreatment to his wife or violence in


7. Goal of marriage

The goal of marriage in Islamic view is as application of religion

guidance to establish a harmonic, prosperous, and happy family, harmonic

in conducting the right and obligation between a husband and wife in a

household. Prosperous means fulfilled all of the need, physically and

mentally. Therefore, it will raise a happiness and soul wellness in a


Human being is created with instincts that needed to supply. One of

the instincts is biological need or sexual need. In Islam, the lawful way to

supply it is by a marriage. Widely, there are two goals human being in

conducting a marriage. They are; as accomplishment of human being'

instinct and as the way to fulfill the guidance of Islam/

This instinct is purity of every human being as Allah said in Ali

Jmron: 14.

__Si 6j\a\aLi IjLaJij rj» oij£,-.I>Si

**_**>-aWSj cLijJi i iiJJi <.Cj j fU ry ij 4^

( M :



"Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet; women and sons; heaped up hoard f gold and silver; horses bounded (for blood and excellence) ; and (wealth of) cattle and well-tilled land. Such are the possession of this world life; but in nearness to God is the best of goals (to return)."29 30



The verse above explained that men have feel love to women,

generation, and property. In other hand, human beings also have purity to

know Allah, the lord of universe. For the reason Allah said in Ar-Rum: 30.

\ . t > g.

.0 V j £ \ ^ j t r ill d liii

"So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the faith; (establish) God's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind; no change (let there be) in the work (wrought)."31

Look into the both goals of marriage above, Al-Ghozali explained in

his book about the goals of marriage. He divided into five,

a) To get and to continuity the generation.

As was explained above, human being have tendency to get

generation legally, legal in Islam and government' view. There is one­

way to get generation legally, it is with married. Islam trough holy

Quran and Hadits gives guidance for human beings in order to get

happiness in the word and hereafter.

Happiness in the word and hereafter are gotten with life in God'

obedience. Happiness in a family can be measured with attendance of

sweet heart, children. Absolutely, every people want to get a good

generation (sholih). Holy Qur'an advice people pray to Allah. In order

to, Allah has given a good generation for them.

a^ U Lj j i)j}jaj J L S lj

( V l:0 tiyS \) .fUJ


"And these who pray, "Our God! Give us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous".32

b) Accomplishment toward purity of human beings, it is to supply their

lust legally.

Allah created human beings in couples who have a will to

intercourse between men and women. Allah describes that a man and

woman like a cloth. It means one of them needs the other ones. It is

stated in holy Quran:

pJxi c A 5 ^1« yflil iLJ .Ji»-!

0 AV:v*J')

"Permitted for you in the night of fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments."33

Despite marriage as channel of the sexual instinct, it is also to

channel love and affection between man and woman harmonically and

responsibly. Channeling love and affection in outside of marriage will

not result a harmonic live and responsible. Since it is based on a

freedom that is not bounded anything rule. The one rule is marriage.

Marriage bounded a legal freedom in channeling love and affection

between man and woman harmonically and responsibly to conduct

their duty.

c) Fulfillment toward guidance of religion and keep self from damage.

Marriage makes calmness in life, love and affection in a

household. People who do not conduct a marriage as way to channel



their lust they will face unnatural and cause damage for their self or the

other even surrounding society. Since human being have lust, and lusts

tend to invite disgraceful deed.

(©T js). • 01...

"... .Actually lust always invites toward badness..."

The prime of lust desire is sexual lust. It needed to channel in

appropriate way. It is with married. Marriage decrease strong urging of

lust desire.

d) To grow seriousness to responsible in receiving the right and

obligation and seriousness to look for lawful property.

A married person feels his responsibility increasing. Before

marriage, he is just responsible to himself but after marriage, he has to

responsible to his wife and family. In fulfilling requirement of

household, he will seriously and diligently. In using wealth, people

who had been married more effective and saver because they

remember with their household requirement.

Couples that in their marriage are based on religious experience,

all of the trial to fulfilling their family need is considered as a religious

service. In conclusion, trough household life can rise spirit to hard

work, responsible, and get lawful wealth.

e) To establish a happiness household as the smallest unit of society.

Family is the smallest unit of society. From good family can


is part of society that have important factor in decision of society

condition. Happiness of society can be reached or influenced by

happiness from each family and its members.

Wellness and calmness of family based on harmonically

intercourse between a husband and wife in a household. Harmony is

created with family's members awareness in conducting right and duty.

Allah made a family under the legal marriage to create wellness,

calmness, and grow love and affection among the members. This goal

as was explained in holy quran on Ar-Rum: 21.

(Y \ pj j iS o b V liAJi J$ 0 | ^ j j a-iy>

"And among his sign is this that He created for you mates from among your selves, which you may dwell in tranquility with them. And He has put love and mercy between your (hearth); verily in that are sign for those who reflect.34

B. M arriage in some Muslim Countries

1. Turkey

a) Marriage age

Turkey is the country which most of its people are Muslim. In

marriage problem, Turkey organizes it into the law of marriage. In that

law was organized minimal age for someone in conducting marriage. It

is 18 years for male and 17 years for female. In certain cases, the court

can allowed marriage in 15 years old for male and 14 years old for



female after get permission from their parents or guardians. In fiqh of

Hanafi discourse of age limitation in marriage was not concretely

mentioned age limitation. It was mentioned expressly that one of

qualification in marriage is maturity and have ability to think healthily,

as well as both become general qualification for operational from all of

actions what have nuance of law.35

b) Polygamy

Islam permitted for males have wife more than one. Allah said

in holly Qur'an:

(T ’. f - j i

"Marry woman of your choice; two, three, and four. But if ye fear be able to deal justly (with them) then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess."36

The verse above is as the source for males who want to have

wife more than one. Islam permitted males to have wife more than one.

In Turkey, the concept of polygamy is prohibited. The law of Turkey

prohibited marriage more than one as long as the first marriage still


That law stated that someone does not marry, if he does not

prove that his first marriage finished because of die, divorce, or

35 Isroqunajab, Hukum Keluarga Islam di Turki: Hukum Keluarga di Dunia Islam Modern, Ciputat Press, Jakarta, 2003, page 43


a) Marriage Census

To get legalization for government so marriage must be noted to

institution in charge. In Iran, people who impinge this rule will be

punished in jail as long as one up to six month.38 39

The rule o f marriage census is administratively. It means,

although the marriage is not noted to the institution in charge, the

marriage remain legal in Islam but not to government.

b) Marriage in early age

In Iran, minimum age that allows conducting marriage is 18

years old for males and 15 years old for females. For ones who marry

ones under minimum age for marry can be punished between six

month until two years in jail. Moreover, one who prohibits this rule

must pay demand 2-20 Realr'9

c) Polygamy

Commonly, for male who want get wife more than one, he has

to ask permission to his first wife. In addition, he has to tell to his wife

candidate if he had a wife. In Iran, if one violates the law, the first wife

can force divorce to the court.

37 Isroqunajab, Op. C it, page 44



Beside that, a husband has to ask permission to the court and

before give a permission the court will investigates, does he can

support more than one wife, and does he can do justice to his wives. If

this rule was violated, husband will be punished as long as six month

until two years in the jail.40

3. South Yemen

a) Marriage Census

Nearly all of family law in the Muslim countries put to

compulsion marriage census, although in different intensity and

method. Most of countries decided that marriage census is just

administrative matter and does not related legalization of a marriage in

religion. In Yemen, marriage census influence to the legalization of

marriage, so that it is not administrative compulsoiy only.

b) Marriage Age

As the family law in the others countries South Yemen also

decided there is limitation of age minimal in marriage. It is 18 years

old for male and 16 for female. However, it is not related with

legalization of married agreement. It is just mentioned that it is that

needed to pay attention. This rule is just advisedly.

The age of bride candidate is also organized that age difference

between both brides is not allowed more than 20 years old, except if


bride candidate reached 35 years old.41 In conventional Fiqh expert's

view, there is no prohibition like the rule above. The reason that is

often used reference is marriage of Prophet P.B.U.H with Aisyah that

age difference among them is so far when married,

c) Polygamy

For husband who wants conduct polygamy, he has to get

permission from his first wife, even in some countries he has to ask

permission to the court. Next court will give permission for husband to

conduct polygamy by some reason. The reasons are:

1) Wife is barren that is stated by doctor and her barren is not known

before married. She cannot give child, even though children as next

generation for a family.

2) Wife defeat chronic diseases or spread diseases that medically it

cannot be cured and the diseases are hindering the continuity of

household life.

In South Yemen, allowance of polygamy is not related with

justice or ability to give basic necessities of life but it depend on there

is barrier to get health marriage.42

4. Republic Tunisia

a) Marriage age

Males and females in Tunisia can conduct marriage if they were

20 years old. With the rule either male or female who must be in 20

41 Saptoni, Hukum Keluargadi Yaman Selatan, Op. Cit, page, 74



years old to conduct marriage. So that if they in under 20 years old, for

female has to get permission from her guardian. If the guardian will

not give permission, the matter can be decided by the court.43 But in

1981, this rule change, it is for male can conduct marriage after

reached 20 years old and female reached 17 years old. For they who

do not reach age limitation, they have to get special permission from

court. This permission cannot be given if there is no strong reasons and

clear aim from male and female side. For marriage in early age, it

depends on permission from guardian. If guardian rejects to give

permission while they have aspired to marry, so court can be second

guardian to give permission and decide this problem.44

b) Polygamy

Based on the rules that is used in Tunisia, it prohibit husband

has wife more than one. Most of Tunisians reject the concept of

polygamy. People who against this rule will get jail punishment as

long as one year or pay demands for about 240.000 Malim.45

Law source for this interdiction that is used government of

Tunisia are; first, polygamy is like slavery that cannot be received by

most of people in everywhere. Second, the ideal concept of marriage is


43 Zuhdi Rahmanto, Hukum Keluarga M am di Republik Tunisia, Op.Cit, page 87 44 Ibid, page 88

45Ibid, page 88


5. Morocco

a) Marriage Age

In Morocco, minimum age for people to conduct marriage is 18

years old for male and 15 years old for female. However, it is required

for permission for guardian cause commonly on that age they not yet

reached maturity.47 In law source of Islam either Hadits or Qur'an do

not organized certain age when people are allowed to conduct married.

Most of fiqh expert agree that baligh (maturity) is a qualification to conduct marriage. Imam Malik decided those 17 years old for either

male or female to be categorized maturity while Imam Syafi’i and

Hambali decided 15 years old. In this case, Morocco adopted form

Syafi’i and Hambali. Age limitation of 15 years old is lowest age

limitation, equal with is used in Turkey, Jordanian, and North Yemen.

b) Polygamy

Tunisia rejects the concept of polygamy absolutely, but not for

Morocco. Morocco allows and receives the concept of polygamy. As

the other Muslim countries, Morocco also decided some qualification

for husband before do polygamy. This qualification is organized in

marriage laws. They are;48 first, if a husband wants to polygamy, he

has to inform that he was in married status to next wife candidate.

Second, in the process of marriage agreement, bride may graft takliq

thalaq (addendum of divorce). If husband break this rule, so wife may

47 Atun Wardatun, Hukum Keluarga Islam di Maroko, Op.Cit, page 109



propose divorce suing to the judge. Third, if the second marriage

caused first wife is hurt (be miserable and poor) so judge can disperse

their marriage.

6. Algeria

a) Marriage Age

In law of marriage in Algeria was decided age marriage for male

is 21 years old and 18 years old for female. This age marriage is high

enough than age marriage in the other Muslim countries.

Either Al-Quran or Hadits does not explain explicitly to decide

age limitation in marriage. Most of Fqh expert also do not give this

rule. That is became a qualification is baligh (maturity). In this case Maliki decide 17 years old. However, marriage under 17 years old is

lawful, if it brings goodness for bride, bridegroom, and surrounding

. 49


Certainty of marriage age in Algeria is pure of sociologic

considerations factor, because this certainty is not taken from mazhab's

(sect) view outside of Maliki. The second position of sect in Algeria is

Hanafi after Maliki. Hanafi sect decided age of maturity is 18 years old

for male and 17 years old for female. So Algeria does reformation in

decide age marriage limitation, it is out of the opinions from the sect,

then makes a new law decision through Ijtihad (judgement). The rule


figure for his life22
figure who conducts marriage in early age. He lives happily with early


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