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Unduh Dokumen Resmi | Universitas Brawijaya


Academic year: 2018

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Universitas Brawijaya 2016

Prepared by :

Pusat Informasi, Dokumentasi, dan Keluhan (PIDK) Universitas Brawijaya


Universitas Brawijaya

Jalan Veteran Malang 65145, Indonesia

Phone: +62-341-551611 Hunting; +62-341-575777; Fax: +62-341-565420 Email: rektorat@ub.ac.id


Selamat datang di Universitas Brawijaya

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) adalah salah

satu universitas besar di Indonesia, yang

selalu berkomitmen melaksanakan visinya

menjadi universitas unggul yang

berstandar internasional, dan mampu

berperan aktif dalam pembangunan

bangsa, melalui proses pendidikan,

penelitian dan pengabdian kepada


Didukung oleh tenaga akademis dan

tenaga administrasi yang berkualitas di

bidangnya, serta dilengkapi dengan

berbagai fasilitas penunjang, Universitas

Brawijaya akan terus berperan serta

memajukan dunia pendidikan dan

pembangunan bangsa Indonesia.

Membangun Kemuliaan Masa Depan




It is with great pleasure that I introduce you

to one of Indonesia’s leading universities –

Universitas Brawijaya (UB).

Universitas Brawijaya has committed

perennially to implement its vision to become

an outstanding world-class university and

play an active role in nation building, through

a process of education, research and

community service.

To maintain the active role in promoting

education and Indonesia’s nation building, UB

is highly supported by qualified academic and

administrative staff as well as the diverse

supporting facilities.

Universitas Brawijaya main campus is located

in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. A comfort

place to study and live surrounded with the

beauty of mountainous terrain and the

hospitality of locals.


-Up Noble Future

Yours sincerely

Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, M.S.


Kota Malang.

Kota Malang terletak di wilayah Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia, sebuah kota yang dikenal untuk medan pegunungan. Bagi mereka yang ingin menemukan kota Malang pada peta harus mencari tempat di 7,96° Lintang Selatan dan 112,61° Bujur Timur.

Kota Malang yang terletak di perbukitan Gunung Kawi,diberkahi dengan pemandangan

pegunungan yang indah dan iklim sejuk. Suhu udara berkisar antara 18°C sampai 28°C yang bervariasi antara musim (basah dan kering). Kota dan sekitarnya juga dikenal sebagai salah satu tempat terbaik untuk menghabiskan liburan.

Industri pariwisata telah berkembang di samping industri berbasis pertanian.

Pembangunan tersebut didukung oleh infrastruktur transportasi yang sangat baik termasuk kereta api, bus antarkota dan bandara yang menghubungkan kota Malang dengan kota-kota lain. Bus mini dan taksi beroperasi di kota-kota untuk membawa satu ke tempat manapun, setiap saat. Pusat belanja dan makanan membuka layanan mulai 9:00-21:00, sementara beberapa restoran melayani sampai jam 23:00.


A Snapshot of Malang

Malang is a city with mountainous terrain located in the East Java Province, Indonesia. It can be navigated at 7,96° South Latitude and 112,61° East Longitude through the map. Nestled at the hills of Mt. Kawi, nature has endowed Malang with beautiful mountainous sceneries overlaid with mild climate. The temperature ranges from 18°C to 28° which varies between wet and dry seasons. Thus the city and its surrounding regions are popularly known as a best holiday destination.

Tourism industry has evolved beside agricultural based industries. Such development is supported by excellent transport infrastructures such as train, intercity bus, and flight to other cities. Public transports are always available to take passengers to any place at any time within the city. Shopping and cullinary center are usually open from 9:00 am until 21:00 pm, while some restaurants are up to 23:00 pm.

The growing tourism and other businesses in Malang have customized the native of the city and its surroundings to allow a friendly



Kampus dan Sejumlah Fasilitas

Kampus utama UB yang terletak di jalan veteran kota Malang mencakup sekitar empat puluh delapan hektar lahan di bagian barat dari kota Malang. Nama Brawijaya diambil dari nama raja terkenal kerajaan Majapahit, di Jawa Timur, yang mencapai masa kejayaannya di abad ke-16. Bentuk pintu masuk utama universitas ini

terinspirasi arsitektur kerajaan. Begitu memasuki pintu gerbang, kita akan menemukan jalan, bangunan, orang dan tanaman dirancang dengan baik menyajikan area kampus hijau, bersih dan indah.

Sederet bangunan terpelihara dengan baik, berbaris di kampus, digunakan untuk kegiatan pendidikan, penelitian dan kegiatan administrasi untuk penyelenggaraan lima belas Fakultas. Saat ini UB juga memiliki beberapa sarana dan prasarana baru diantaranya :

1. Kampus UB Dieng (Kampus II UB) 2. Kampus UB Kediri (Kampus III UB)

3. Agripreneur Center FP UB di Kasembon, Kab. Malang

4. Kampus UB Jakarta

5. Stasiun Percobaan Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar Sumberpasir

6. Laboratorium Lapang Terpadu di Jatikerto, Cangar, dan Ngijo.

7. Laboratorium Perikanan Air Payau dan Laut di Probolinggo

8. Laboratorium Peternakan di Sumbersekar 9. Institut Biosains

10.Gedung Layanan Bersama UB

11.Hutan Pendidikan UB di lereng Gunung Arjuno

12.Rumah Sakit UB

Di tengah area kampus berdiri kantor pusat universitas berlantai delapan. Seperti universitas lain di dunia, UB dilengkapi dengan bangunan yang ditujukan untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti bank, pusat ATM, kantin, kantor pos, agen perjalanan, hotel UB, asrama, fitness center, dan gedung olah raga.

Untuk kebutuhan akses wifi bagi mahasiswa dan staf telah tersedia 537 titik wifi di banyak tempat di UB yang terhubung dengan internet. Kantor dari berbagai jenis untuk mahasiswa yang tertarik pada olahraga, seni dan budaya tersedia dan dikelola oleh asosiasi mahasiswa. Bagi lulusan dan mahasiswa yang membutuhkan informasi



The Campus and Facilities Campus and


UB main campus located in the Veteran Street on the city of Malang covers approximately forty-eight hectares of land in the western part of Malang. The name Brawijaya is derived from the famous King of the Majapahit kingdom in East Java that reached its heyday in the 16th century.

The shape of the main entrance was inspired by the architecture of the Kingdom. Once entering the gate, we will find roads, buildings, and plants nicely designed presenting green, clean and beautiful campus area.

A series of well-maintained buildings, lining up on the campus, is used for educational, research and administrative activities of fifteen faculties. 1. UB Dieng Campus (UB Campus II) 2. UB Kediri Campus (UB Campus III) 3. FP Agripreneur Center at Kasembon 4. UB Jakarta Campus

5. Freshwater Fish Nurseries Experimental Station at Sumberpasir

6. Integrated Field Laboratory in Jatikerto, Cangar, and Ngijo

7. Brackish Water and Sea Fisheries Lab. at Probolinggo

8. Animal Husbandry Lab. at Sumbersekar 9. Bioscience Institute

10.UB Common Services Building

11.Educational Forest at the slope of Arjuno Mountain

12.UB Academic Hospital

In the center of the campus, there is an

eight-storey building that serves as the university s

main office. UB also provides facilities to fulfill daily needs such as banks, ATM, cafeteria, post office, travel agents, UB hotel, dormitories, fitness and sports center.

Internet connection is available anywhere within the campus area, which provides Wi-fi access for students and staffs. There are some buildings for student activity unit managed by the student associations to accommodate students interests

in sports, arts and cultures. To get information about job and career, the graduates and students can visit Career Development and

Entrepreneurship Unit (UPKK).



Diplom a S-1 S-2, Sp-1 dan Profesi S-3


Lulusan Akan Memiliki Masa Depan Cerah,

Adalah Tujuan UB

Sampai pada bulan maret 2016 UB telah memiliki 156 program studi berizin. Komposisi program studi di UB terdiri dari 8 PS jenjang diploma, 70 PS jenjang sarjana, 60 PS jenjang magister (termasuk spesialis satu dan profesi), dan 18 PS jenjang doktor.

Dari tahun 2013 hingga 2015, jumlah lulusan UB semakin meningkat, yang berarti UB

berkontribusi mencetak tenaga semakin banyak. Dari segi kualitas dilihat dari rata-rata IPK per jenjang menunjuk-kan adanya peningkatan kualitas.

Dalam mencapai daya saing ASEAN sesuai dengan tahapan pencapaian milestone UB dan dalam rangka menghadapai Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) atau ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), maka UB terus berupaya agar menghasilkan lulusan yang mandiri, disiplin dan kompetitif sehingga mampu bersaing dalam dunia kerja. Langkah UB dalam menumbuhkan jiwa kemandirian bagi mahasiswa dan lulusannya, yaitu:

1. Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknologi Informasi, Sebagai salah satu PTN terbaik di Indonesia, Universitas Brawijaya menetapkan kompetensi TI sebagai salah satu standar kelulusan. Sejak bulan Agustus 2015, Rektor Universitas Brawijaya memutuskan penggunaan standar kompetensi Microsoft Office (Word, Excel dan Power Point) bagi seluruh mahasiswa UB.

2. UB menyelenggatakan TOEFL ITP. TOEFL adalah singkatan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language (Tes Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing) adalah ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program) merupakan paper-based test (tes berbasis paper) yang mengevaluasi kemampuan bahasa Inggris seorang individu. 3. UB membentuk UPKK Unit Pengembangan

Karir dan Kewirausahaan (UPKK) yang bertujuan menjadi pusat informasi dan pelatihan serta pengembangan diri bagi mahasiswa dan alumni dalam memasuki dunia kerja, menjadi penghubung antara Perguruan Tinggi dengan institusi pemerintah, dunia usaha dan dunia industri (dudi).

4. UB terus berusaha untuk mempunyai lulusan yang mempunyai kemampuan wirausaha, salah satunya melalui penyelenggaraan Program Wirausaha Mahasiswa (PMW). Hasil dari program pembinaan ini adalah mahasiswa terinisiasi untuk mengembangkan pasar Brawijaya. Universitas Brawijaya terus memfasilitasi dan mengembangkan program-program kewirausahaan yang melibatkan mahasiswa.

Grafik Perkembangan Jumlah Lulusan UB



A Brighter Future For The Graduates



Until March 2016, UB have a total of 156 licensed study programs. The composition of the study program in UB consists of 8 diploma study programs, 70 undergraduate study program, 60 master study programs (includes specialist and profession programs), and 18 doctoral study program.

From year 2013 to 2015, UB continues to increase it's graduate output, and create more workforce. Also in terms of quality, the graduates' quality keep increasing, as can be seen from the graduates' average GPA level.

)n accordance to achieve UB s targets and

milestones, to achieve competitiveness on ASEAN level, and to prepare for the ASEAN Economic

Community (AEC), we are striving to produce graduates who are independent, disciplined and

competitive, who s able to compete in the world.

As such, we have taken steps to grow spirit of independence for students and graduates, such as: 1. Information Technology Competency

Certification, as one of the best state

universities in Indonesia, UB determined to set IT competence as one of the graduation

standards. Since August 2015, the Rector of the UB decided to use standard Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Power Point) competency for all students of UB.

2. UB s students must have taken a TOEFL )TP (Test of English as a Foreign Language

Institutional Testing Program) certification as a proof of English language proficiency. TOEFL ITP is a paper-based test which evaluates the English proficiency of an individual.

3. UB provide its students and alumni with Career Development and Entrepreneurship Unit (UPKK), which aims to be the center for work information, work training, and personal development for them to prepare and enter the working world, or to be a liaison between the university with government institutions, business, and industry.

4. UB continue to strive to have graduates who possess entrepreneurial skills, one of which through the organization of the Student Entrepreneurial Program (PMW). The results of this development program is that students are initiated to develop the market. UB also continue to facilitate and develop



Selain program akademik, program non-akademis yang berhubungan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, seni, budaya, olahraga, dan bisnis tersedia untuk dipilih oleh mahasiswa UB untuk melengkapi diri dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan yang sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Setiap program diawasi oleh staf akademik yang kompeten sementara kegiatan program sehari-hari dilaksanakan oleh organisasi mahasiswa.

Beberapa siswa yang memiliki minat dalam topik ilmiah yang sama, akan dikumpulkan secara sukarela, dan Fakultas akan melakukan

pengawasan kelompok. Kelompok kemudian akan berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi di kampus,

pemenang yang akan mewakili UB dalam kompetisi sains nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Dua organisasi mahasiswa internasional, yaitu International Association of Agriculture Mahasiswa (IAAS) dan Asosiasi Internasional Mahasiswa Ekonomi (AIESEC), telah secara aktif mempertahankan hubungan internasional mereka dan melakukan konferensi internasional, pertukaran mahasiswa, minggu budaya dan pameran.

Untuk mempelajari sistem demokrasi, siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan organisasi mahasiswa yang pada dasarnya berkaitan dengan urusan eksekutif dan legislatif.

Anggota badan legislatif dipilih oleh semua mahasiswa UB dan sama berlaku untuk kepala badan eksekutif. Badan eksekutif memiliki mandat untuk mengoperasikan rencana strategis yang ditetapkan oleh badan legislatif, dan

menyinkronkan kebutuhan siswa dengan kebijakan universitas.

Hasil dari kegiatan mahasiswa tersebut adalah banyaknya prestasi yang dihasilkan para



In addition to academic programs, there are also non-academic programs related to science, art, culture, sports, and business which available to the UB students. These programs allows students to equip themselves with skills and knowledge in accordance with their wishes. Each program is supervised by a competent academic staff while the daily program activities carried out by a student organization. Some students who have same interest in scientific topics, can be collected voluntarily, and a faculty will supervise the group. The group then will be able to participate in the campus competition, the winner of which will represent UB in national science competition organized by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education.

Two international student organizations, namely International Association of Agriculture Students (IAAS) and Association of International Students of Economy (AISEC), have actively maintained their international networks and conduct international conferences, exchange of students, cultural weeks and exhibitions.

To learn how democracy works, the students are given the chance to join the student organization basically dealing with the executive and

legislative bodies. Members of the legislative body are elected by all UB students and so do for the head of the executive body. The executive body

has its mandate to operate the strategic plan set by the legislative body, and synchronize the student needs with the university bureaucracy. The results of these student activities can be shown as many notable student achievements in their respective fields. For instance, in 2015 for the fourth time UB became Champion of National Student Science Week (PIMNAS) XXVIII, which was held at the University Haluoleo, Kendari. UB students also excel in entrepreneurship



Fakultas Hukum yang semula bernama Perguruan Tinggi Hukum dan Pengetahuan Masyarakat didirikan pada 1 Juli 1957.

Saat ini Fakultas Hukum menyelenggarakan 4 Program Studi yaitu:

1. Program Sarjana S1 Ilmu Hukum, 2. Program Magister S2 Ilmu Hukum, dan


3. Program Doktor S3 Ilmu Hukum.

Untuk mendukung perkuliahan, FH UB telah memiliki sekitar 92 tenaga pengajar dan diantaranya terdapat 28 orang lulusan S3 (6 diantaranya Guru Besar), 63 orang lulusan S2, dan 1 orang lulusan S1.

Kualifikasi pendidikan terus dikembangjan dengan meningkatkan kerjasama jaringan dan kemitraan dengan lembaga pemerintah, dan universitas baik di tingkat nasional dan

internasional, termasuk pertukaran mahasiswa dengan beberapa universitas di luar negeri seperti Universitas Leipzig Jerman, dan lain-lain. Fasilitas penunjang pendidikan dan pengajaran bagi mahasiswa dan dosen terus ditingkatkan untuk memastikan bahwa lingkungan pengajaran

dan pembelajaran adalah salah satu yang terbaik di Indonesia, diantaranya: ruang tutorial,

auditorium, moot court, ruang video conference, laboratorium Hukum, laboratorium Bahasa Inggris, laboratorium komputer, PDIH (Pusat Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum), dan lain-lain.

Disamping beberapa fasilitas tersebut, FH juga memiliki Perpustakaan merupakan salah satu perpustakaan universitas terkemuka di Indonesia yang berisi 10.000 koleksi termasuk buku dan jurnal.

Hingga saat ini FH UB telah menjadi fakultas yang besar dan banyak menyumbang prestasi bagi UB, yaitu: banyak mahasiswa FH-UB meraih

penghargaan lomba khususnya di bidang Hukum baik tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

Alamat Kontak:

Fakultas Hukum Universitas Brawijaya Jl. MT. Haryono No.169 Malang 65144, Jawa Timur, Indonesia



Faculty of Law, initially named the College of Law and Society Knowledge was established on July 1st, 1957. Currently the Faculty of Law has 4 Study

Programs such as Undergraduate of Law, Postgraduate of Legal Science, Postgraduate of Notary, and Doctoral of Legal Science.

To perform lecturing activities, Faculty of Law is supported by 92 qualified lecturers; 28 lecturers with doctoral degree, 6 professors, 63 lecturers

with master s degree, and lecturers with

undergraduate degree.

Educational qualifications continues to be developed by increasing cooperation and partnership network with governmental

institutions and universities, both nationally and internationally, including student exchanges with several international universities such as the University of Leipzig Germany, and others. Educational and teaching facilities for students and lecturers are continuously developed to ensure it as one of the best teaching and learning environment in Indonesia. The facilities include tutorial rooms, auditoriums, moot court, video conference rooms, law laboratory, English

laboratory, computer laboratory, PDIH (Centre for Documentation and Law Information), and etc. Besides those facilities, Faculty of Laws library is one of the leading law libraries among

universities in Indonesia, which contains 10,000 collections including books and journals.

Faculty of Law is a great faculty that has

contributed many achievements for UB, namely many students at the Faculty of Law has received awards at various competition, both nationally and internationally, especially in the field of law.

Contact Information:

Faculty of Law, Universitas Brawijaya Jl. MT. Haryono 169 Malang 65144, East Java, Indonesia


Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Pada tanggal 14 January 2011, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Brawijaya (FEUB) melakukan

transformasi kelembagaan dan mengubah nama menjadi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) sesuai dengan SK rector UB nomor 018/SK/2011.

Fakultas ekonomi dan bisnis UB terdiri dari 11 Program Studi diantaranya:

1. Program Sarjana S1 diantaranya Akuntansi, Manajemen, Ekonomi Pembangunan, Ekonomi Islam,

2. Program Magister S2 diantaranya Akuntansi, Manajemen, Ilmu Ekonomi,

3. Program Doktor S3 diantaranya Ilmu Akuntansi, Ilmu Ekonomi, Ilmu Manajemen,

4. Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan. Selain program studi di atas FEB juga menyelenggarakan Program Pendidikan Internasional, Pendidikan Profesi Akuntansi (PPAk), Joint Program Magister Akuntansi (bagi mahasisiwa yang ingin menempuh jenjang S2/ MSA dan Pendidikan Profesi/ Ak secara

bersamaan), dan Perkuliahan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) di kota Jakarta dan Kediri, namun juga ada

konsentrasi Akuntansi Jasa Penilai untuk magister Akuntansi (kerjasama antara FEB dengan MAPPI). Penyelenggaraan Program Magister Sedang dilakukan kerjasama dengan beberapa pihak seperti BAPPENAS, BPK, BPKP, Ditjen

Perbendaharaan serta LINKAGED Program dengan universitas-universitas dari luar negeri di

Australia, Jepang, USA, Malaysia dan Thailand. Dalam hal perkuliahan FEB melakukan Student Exchange, Mutual Visits Of Scholars/Researchers, Joint Courses, Double Degree, Joint Organising International Conferences, etc.

Sampai Desember 2015, FEB telah memiliki sekitar 161 tenaga pendidik aktif dengan rincian 76 orang lulusan S3 (22 diantaranya Guru Besar), 84 orang lulusan S2, dan 1 orang lulusan S1.

Beberapa prestasi menonjol yang diraih FEB adalah:

1. Akreditasi internasional ABEST21 (The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, 21st Century Organization) sebagai yang pertama di Indonesia pada 3 Maret 2012.

2. Meraih penghargaan UBAQA (University of Brawijaya Annual quality Award) pada tahun 2008 sampai 2013.

3. Meraih Sertifikat )SO : dari Lloyd s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA)

4. Menjadi anggota Lebaga Akreditasi Internasional:

 AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business) sejak 2009.

 ABEST-21 (The Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, 21st Century Organization) sejak 2009.

5. Program Sarjana (S1) Ilmu Ekonomi sedang dalam proses Akreditasi dari ASEAN

University Network – Quality Assurance (AUNQA).

6. Program Magister (S2) Ilmu Ekonomi akan presentasi untuk Akreditasi ABEST21 di Tokyo November 2014.

Alamat Kontak:

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Jl. MT. Haryono 165 Malang 65144, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Telp. : (0341)555000, Hunting : (0341)551396, Fax : (0341)553834




On 14 January 2011, Faculty of Economics University of Brawijaya (FE UB) went through an institutional transformation and was assigned a new name to Faculty of Economics and Business

FEB in accordance with The UB Rector s Decree

no. 018/SK/2011.

Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya (FEB UB) provides both academic and profession Programs, including

undergraduate/bachelors programs, graduate/masters programs, and

postgraduate/doctoral programs for economics, management, and accounting. Aside from these programs, FEB also has International

undergraduate program, accounting profession program, and Joint Program for accounting

master s program providing the opportunity for

students to pursue both masters in accounting/ MSA and accounting profession certificate simultaneously), and Remote Lecture Program (PJJ) in Jakarta and Kediri, moreover there is also concentration in Accounting Appraisal Service in Master Program for Accounting cooperation

between FEB and MAPP) . Master s Program also

has some cooperation with other institutions such as BAPPENAS, BPK, BPKP, Ditjen Perbendaharaan as well as LINKAGED Program with foreign universities in Australia, Japan, USA, Malaysia and Thailand. In the lectures, FEB arranges Student Exchange, Mutual Visits of Scholars /Researchers, Joint Courses, Double Degree, Joint Organising International Conferences, etc.

By the end of December 2015, FEB UB was supported by 161 active lecturers (76 lecturers with doctoral degree, 84 lecturers with master degree, and a lecturer with undergraduate degree), including 22 professors.

Some of the FEB UB outstanding achievements are: 1. The first one accredited ABEST21 (The Alliance

on Business education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, 21st Century Organization) in Indonesia.

2. Obtained the UBAQA (University of Brawijaya annual Quality Award)

3. Became member of International Accreditation institution, namely:

 AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) since 2009.

 ABEST21 (The Alliance on Business education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, 21st

4. Economics Undergraduate Program has started the process for international accreditation with ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUNQA).

5. Economics Master s Program have presented at ABEST21 accreditation on November 2014 in Tokyo.


Faculty of Economics and Business University of Brawijaya

Jl. MT. Haryono 165 Malang 65144, East java, Indonesia

Phone : +62 341 555000, Hunting : +62 341551396,

Fax : +62 341 553834



Pendirian Fakultas Administrasi Niaga (FAN) pada tanggal 15 September 1960 merupakan tonggak dari berdirinya Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi (FIA). Fakultas Administrasi Niaga berubah menjadi Fakultas Ketatanegaraan dan Ketataniagaan (FKK) pada tanggal 30 September 1962 yang selanjutnya berubah menjadi Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi pada tahun 1982 hingga saat ini.

Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi saat ini mengelola 2 jurusan, yaitu Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik dan Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis dan 10 program studi sebagai berikut:

1. Program Sarjana S1 diantaranya Ilmu

Administrasi Bisnis, Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Adminsitrasi Pendidikan, Perpajakan, Ilmu Perpustakaan, dan Pariwisata,

2. Program Magister S2 diantarnya Ilmu

Administrasi Bisnis, Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi,

3. Program Studi S3 Ilmu Administrasi.

Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi telah memiliki sekitar 152 tenaga pengajar hingga akhir tahun 2015 dengan rincian 60 orang lulusan S3 (10

diantaranya Guru Besar), 91 orang lulusan S2 dan 1 orang lulusan S1.

Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi telah meraih banyak prestasi yang membanggakan, antara lain Program Studi Administrasi Bisnis telah mendapatkan Akreditasi Internasional dari Asian Association of Schools of Business International (AASBI) yang berlaku mulai 1 Maret 2014 sampai 28 Februari

2017. Adapun beberapa prestasi lain seperti, Juara I Honda WOW Case Competition 2015, Juara II Pertamina Youth Ecopreneur 2015

Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi termasuk salah satu fakultas dengan jumlah peminat yang tinggi di Universitas Brawijaya. Jumlah peminat Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi terus mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Pada tahun 2013 jumlah

mahasiswa yang diterima di FIA sebanyak 1.521, tahun 2014 sejumlah 1.072, dan pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 1.260.

Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi menyediakan fasilitas penunjang kegiatan perkuliahan sebagai upaya untuk memperlancar proses belajar mengajar berupa 7 Laboratorium, 7 Pusat Kajian, dan 2 UPT (Unit Pelayanan Teknis). Selain itu di seluruh ruang kelas dan ruang seminar sudah tersedia Proyektor LCD, Air Conditioner (AC), Mushola, Lahan Parkir yang luas, akses internet wireless (Wi-Fi) gratis di seluruh kawasan lingkungan FIA UB, Kantin, dan Pusat Fotokopi.

Alamat Kontak

Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi

Jl. Mayjen Haryono 163 Malang 65144, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Telp. : (0341) 553737, 568914, 558226 Fax : (0341) 558227



Faculty of Administrative Science begins with the opening of Faculty of Business Administration on September 15th, 1960. Which on September 30th

1962 changed into Faculty of State Administration and Business Administration, and lastly, on year 1982 changed again into the current Faculty of Administrative Science.

There are currently two departments, The Department of Public Administration and The Department of business Administration. There are seven Study Programs, Business administration science undergraduate degree study program, Tax administration service undergraduate degree study program, Public administration science undergraduate degree study program, Business administration master degree study program, Public administration science master degree study program, Master of Arts in Higher Education (MAHE) study program, and Administration science doctoral degree study program.

To support the daily learning processes, Faculty of Administrative Science are staffed by 152 lecturer,

of which of them are having a master s degree,

91 having a doctoral degree, and a lecturer with undergraduate degree (of which, 10 are


One of the faculty of Administrative Science s

achievement is the business administration study program has been accredited internationally by Asian Association of School of Business

International (AASBI), valid from March 1, 2014 until February 28, 2017. There are also some other achievements such as the first winner of Honda

WOW Case Competition 2015, and Second Place on Pertamina Youth ecopreneur 2015.

Faculty of Administrative Science is one of the

most UB s desirable faculties. This can be seen

from the increased number of new accepted students. In 2013 the amount of accepted students are 1.521, in 2014 are 1.072, and in 2015 are 1.260.

Faculty of Administrative Science also provides supporting facilities, such as 7 Laboratories, 7 Study Centers, and 2 Technical Service Unit. In all classrooms and seminar rooms, LCD projectors, and Air Conditioner (AC) are readily available. Mosque, wide parking area, free wireless internet access (Wi-Fi hotspots), canteen, and copy center facilities are also available.

Contact Information

Faculty of Administrative Science

Jl. MT Haryono 163 Malang 65144, East java, Indonesia



Fakultas Pertanian didirikan pada tanggal di bawah naungan Universitas Kotapraja Malang (yang kemudian berganti nama menjadi

Universitas Brawijaya). Fakultas Pertanian (FP) didirikan pada tanggal 10 November 1960, dan mendapatkan status negeri dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri PTIP Nomor 92 tertanggal 1 Agustus 1962, dan terhitung mulai 1 Juli 1962 berada di bawah naungan Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. Dengan penegerian Universitas

Brawijaya, sejak tanggal 5 Januari 1963, Fakultas Pertanian dikembalikan kepada Universitas Brawijaya.

Saat ini Fakultas Pertanian mengelola 4 Jurusan dan 8 Program Studi di berbagai starata. Sebanyak 4 jurusan yang dikelolanya adalah: Jurusan

Budidaya Pertanian, Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Jurusan lmu Tanah, dan Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman. Sedangkan 8 Program Studi adalah:

1. Program Sarjana S1 diantaranya Agribisnis, Agroekoteknologi,

2. Program Pascasarjana S2 Ilmu Tanaman, Pengelolaan Tanah dan Air, Ekonomi Pertanian, Sosiologi, dan Agronomi,

3. Program Studi S3 Ilmu Pertanian.

Untuk mendukung seluruh Program Studi diatas, sampai akhir tahun 2015 FP-UB telah memiliki 152 tenaga pengajar yang terdiri dari 82 orang lulusan S3 (30 diantaranya Guru Besar), 66 orang lulusan S2, dan 4 orang lulusan S1.

FP memiliki beberapa fasilitas untuk mendukung perkuliahan diantaranya Agripreneur Center FP UB, 3 Technopark di daerah Jatikerto, cangar dan di Ngijo. Selain itu FP juga menyediakan fasilitas penunjang berupa: Laboratorium, Masjid, Kantin, Gazebo, Bank, ATM, sarana olahraga, pusat

pembelajaran (ruang baca, kebun percobaan), Kantor Sekretariat Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa, Internet Akses/ Free Wifi, dan fasilitas pendukung Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (Distance Learning). Beberapa prestasi mahasiswa dan dosen yang telah dicapai FP adalah:

 Juara 1 Tingkat Nasional Lomba Karya Tulis Spesifik Profesi 2014, Ciptakan Generasi Professional Raih Indonesia Emas

 Penemuan kompor berbahan biji jarak oleh Dr. Ir. Eko Widaryanto, MS

 Juara I Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2015 Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah (LKTI) se - Jawa dengan tema " Kontribusi Pemuda Dalam Pengokohan Jati Diri Bangsa Untuk Mewujudkan Indonesia Emas (Agroekoteknologi)

 Juara II Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2015 Lomba Islamic Paper Compotition KINI in Action 1436 H (Agroekoteknologi)

 Indonesia - Thailand Frienship and Culture Exchange Program 2014, Tingkat Internasional Tahun 2015 (Agribisnis)

Alamat Kontak Fakultas Pertanian

Jl. Veteran Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp. : (0341)551665, (0341)565845



Faculty of Agriculture was established on 10 November 1960, and becomes a state faculty by PTIP Decree No. 92 dated August 1st, 1962, which

effectively valid from July 1, 1962, under the auspices of the Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. When UB was declared to be a state university on January 5th, 1963, Faculty of Agriculture returned

to UB.

There are currently 4 departments and 8 study programs at the Faculty of Agriculture. The 4 departments are: Department of Agriculture, Department of Social Economics of Agriculture, Department of Soil, and Department of Plant Disease and Pest. While the 8 study programs consist of 2 undergraduate degree study programs: 1. Agroecotechnology undergraduate degree study

program, and Agribusiness undergraduate degree study program;

2. master s degree study programs: Plant Science

master s degree study program, Land Resource Management Science master s degree study program, Agricultural Economics Science

master s degree study program, Community Development Science master s degree study program, and Agroeconomy master s degree study program,

3. 1 doctoral study program: Agricultural Sciences doctoral degree study program.

To perform the daily learning processes, Faculty of Agriculture is supported by 152 lecturers; of which 82 of them are having a doctoral degree (of which,

are professors , having a master s degree,

and 4 having an undergraduate degree.

In addition to learning facilities, Faculty of

Agriculture also provides supporting facilities such as: Lab, Mosque, Canteen, Gazebo, Banks, ATMs, sports facilities, center of learning (reading room, experiment garden), the Secretariat/Office of the Student Activities Units, Internet Access / Free Wi-Fi, and Distance Learning support facilities. Some of the achievements by the students and faculty are:

• The discovery of castor beans stoves, by Dr. Ir. Eko Widaryanto, MS

• 1st place, National Specific Profession Essay Contest 2014, Create Professional Generation for Golden Indonesia

• Winner of the Year, 2015 National Level Scientific Writing Contest (LKTI) Java region, with the theme "Contribution of Youth In Strengthening National Identity to Achieve Golden Indonesia (Agroecotechnology)

• Second Place, 2015 National Level Competition Paper Compotition Islamic KINI in Action 1436 H (Agroecotechnology)

• Indonesia - Thailand Friendship and Culture Exchange Program in 2014, the International Level 2015 (Agribusiness)

Contact Information Faculty of Agriculture

Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia Phone : +62 341 551665, +62 341 565845 Fax : +62 341 560011



Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya didirikan pada tanggal 26 Oktober 1961 dengan nama Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan dan Peternakan (FKHP), merupakan salah satu fakultas dari Universitas Kotapraja Malang, yang kemudian bernama Universitas Brawijaya. Setahun kemudian, 1 Juli 1961, FKHP bersama Fakultas Pertanian dinegerikan dengan status di bawah naungan Universitas Airlangga. Ketika Universitas Brawijaya dinegerikan pada tanggal 5 Januari 1963, maka FKHP dan Fakultas Pertanian kembali bergabung dengan induknya semula, yaitu

Universitas Brawijaya. Dalam perkembangannya, nama FKHP mengalami beberapa kali perubahan, yaitu menjadi Fakultas Peternakan (1973), kemudian Fakultas Peternakan dan Perikanan (1977), dan terakhir kembali menjadi Fakultas Peternakan (1982).

Saat ini Fakultas Peternakan mengelola 3 Program Studi antara lain:

1. Program Sarjana S1 Peternakan dengan nilai akreditasi A,

2. Program Pascasarjana S2 Ilmu Ternak dengan nilai Akreditasi A,

3. Program Doktor S3 Ilmu Ternak juga dengan nilai Akreditasi A.

Fakultas Peternakan (FAPET) memiliki visi menjadi institusi terkemuka di bidang peternakan berbasis sumberdaya lokal di tingkat nasional maupun internasional.

Berdasarkan data akhir tahun 2015 FAPET UB telah memiliki 81 tenaga pengajar. Rincian tenaga pengajar tersebut yaitu 41 orang lulusan S3 (15 diantaranya Guru Besar), dan 39 orang lulusan S2, dan 1 orang lulusan S1.

Beberapa prestasi tersebut diantaranya adalah Penerima penghargaan Universitas

Brawijaya Annual Quality Award (UBAQA) pada tahun 2009 hingga 2012, Juara I Presentasi dan Juara I Stand di Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Nasional di UNHAS Makasar tahun 2014, dan banyak juga prestasi mahasiswa FAPET UB dibidang olah raga. Prestasi Mahasiswa Lomba MTQ ke-11 Tingkat Universitas Brawijaya Tahun 2015.

FPET memiliki 11 Laboratorium, selain itu fasilitas penunjang perkuliahan yang tersedia di FAPET adalah: akses komputer yang lengkap disertai akses internet (21 titik akses wifi, 88 internet kabel) yang menyebar diseluruh fakultas, ruang baca yang terletak lantai 2, gedung 3 FAPET.

Alamat Kontak

Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp. : (0341) 553513, 551611




Faculty of Animal Husbandry was established on October 26th, 1961, named of the Faculty of

Veterinary and Animal Husbandry, which was one

of the Malang Municipal University s faculty, which

later become UB. A year later on July 1st, 1961,

together with the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry declared to be a state faculties under the auspices of the

Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. When UB became state university on January 5th, 1963, the Faculty of

Agriculture, and Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry rejoined its original parent, UB. In its development along the way, Faculty of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry have changed its name several times, which were the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (1973), then the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (1977), and finally back into the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (1982). The currently available study programs are the Animal Husbandry Undergraduate degree (S1) study program (accredited A), the Animal Husbandry master s degree (S2) study program (accredited A), and the Animal Husbandry Doctoral degree (S3) program (accredited A).

Faculty of Animal (usbandry s vision is to become

a leading institution at national and international levels in the field of animal husbandry, based on

local resources.

By the year 2015, Faculty of Animal Husbandry is supported by 81 lecturers, 41 lecturers with Doctoral degree (S3) of which 15 of them are professors, while 39 lecturers with master s degree (S2), and a lecturer with undergraduate degree.

Some of the faculty s achievements includes: UB

Annual Quality Award (UBAQA) award recipient in 2009 and 2012; Presentation and Stand Winner at the National Scientific Essay Contest at

Hasanuddin Makassar in 2014; and also competes on UB MTQ 2015. FAPET UB students also have achievements in the field of sport.

In addition to 11 laboratories, the faculty also provides supporting facilities, for example: access to a complete computer with internet access (21 Wi-Fi access points, and 88 cable connected computers) which spreads throughout the faculty; a reading room on 2nd floor of the 3rd building

Contact Information

Faculty of Animal Husbandry

Jl. Veteran 65145, Malang, East Java, Indonesia Phone : +62 341 553513, +62 341 551611 Fax : +62 341 584727



Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Menteri Perguruan Tinggi dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Nomor 167 tahun 1963 tanggal 23 Oktober 1963 Fakultas Teknik (FT) resmi dibuka sebagai bagian dari Universitas Brawijaya. Sebagai dekan ditetapkan Ir. Suryono bersama Ir. Iman Soetjipto sebagai sekretaris, memimpin Fakultas Teknik di awal berdirinya. Saat ini terdapat 8 Jurusan yang dikelola FT, yaitu: Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Jurusan Arsitektur, Jurusan Teknik Pengairan, Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota, Jurusan Teknik Industri, dan Jurusan Teknik Kimia. Sedangkan Program Studi yang dikelola saat ini adalah sebanyak 16 Program Studi, yaitu:

1.Program Sarjana S1 diantaranya Teknik Sipil, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Arsitektur, Teknik Pengairan, Perencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota, Teknik Industri, dan Teknik Kimia,

2.Program Pascasarjana S2 diantaranya Teknik Sipil, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro, Teknik Pengairan, dan Arsitektur Lingkungan Binaan, 3.Program Pascasarjana S3 diantaranya Ilmu

Teknik Sipil, dan Ilmu Teknik Mesin.

Saat ini FT UB memiliki 280 tenaga pendidik yang terdiri dari 94 orang lulusan S3 (10 diantaranya adalah Guru Besar), 179 orang lulusan S2, 7 orang lulusan S1.

Di bidang kerjasama, FT UB telah menjalin kerjasama-kerjasama double degree, joint

research, dan joint supervision dengan universitas-universitas di luar negeri (Jepang, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, USA, dan Australia), terutama yang menyangkut rekruitmen mahasiswa asing.

Selain fasilitas gedung, laboratorium, dan ruang baca, untuk kegiatan religi, Fakultas Teknik (FT) telah dilengkapi dengan mushola di lantai 3 gedung Dekan yang berkapasitas lebih dari 100

jama ah dan peningkatan musholla Al Hadid menjadi Masjid Al Hadid 2 lantai. FT juga didukung oleh pelayanan Sistem Informasi dan Komputer (PSIK) untuk kegiatan akademik maupun humas yang dilengkapi unit fasilitas teleconferencing, serta FT memiliki kapasitas bandwidth sebesar 20 KBPS/mahasiswa dan segera ditingkatkan menjadi 50 KBPS/mahasiswa dengan sarana wi-fi di dalam gedung maupun di luar gedung. Kebutuhan staf dan mahasiswa terkait parkir, kafetaria, dan gazebo tersedia dengan sangat baik.

Beberapa prestasi cukup membanggakan telah diraih FT, yaitu:

 Juara I Beregu Internasional SOI Asia Course Certifications of The Business Plan Contest as SOI ASIA 2012-2013 di Keiko University, Tokyo

 Juara I Beregu Internasional Espriex 2013 Entrepreneurial Spirit Model Competition International Category

 Juara Umum Nasional Kompetisi Bangunan Gedung Indonesia ke-V tahun 2013

 Juara Umum Nasional Kompetisi Jembatan Indonesia ke-IX tahun 2013

 Juara I Nasional PLC Competition tahun 2014

 Juarai I Internasional International Engineering Invention & Innovation Exhibition (i-Envex) 2015

Alamat Kontak Fakultas Teknik

Jl. MT Haryono 167 Malang 65144, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Telp. : (0341) 587710, 587711 Fax : (0341) 551430



Faculty of Engineering officially established based on the Minister of Higher Education and Science Decree No. 167 year 1963 dated October 23rd,

1963, as part of UB. The dean was Ir. Suryono, accompanied by Ir. Faith Soetjipto as the secretary. There are currently 8 departments under the Faculty of Engineering: Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Mechanical

Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Architecture, Department of Water Engineering, and Department of Regional and City Planning, Department of Industrial Engineering, and Department of Chemical Engineering. There are also 16 study programs available, of which 8 are undergraduate degree study programs: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Regional and City Planning, Industrial Engineering; 5 master s degree program: Civil Engineering master s degree study program, Mechanical Engineering master s degree study program, Electrical Engineering

master s degree study program, Water Resources Engineering master s degree study program, Guided Architecture Environment master s degree study program; and 2 doctoral degree study program: Science in Civil Engineering doctoral degree study program, and Mechanical

Engineering Sciences doctoral degree study program.

Currently, Faculty of Engineering have 280 faculty staffs, 94 lecturers with Doctoral degree (S3) of which 10 of them are professors, while 179 lecturers with master s degree (S2), and 7 lecturers with undergraduate degree.

In the field of cooperation, FT UB has established double degree collaborations, joint research, and

joint supervision with universities abroad (Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, USA, and Australia), especially concerning the recruitment of foreign students.

In addition to building, Laboratories, and library facilities, Faculty of Engineering also provides a mushola on the 3rd floor of Decanate Building, with capacity of more than 100 people, and there are also new Al Hadid mosque provided. The Faculty is also supported by Information System and Computing Service (PSIK) for academic and public relation purposes, with teleconferencing facilities, the faculty also have an internet

bandwidth speed of 20 kBps/student which soon will be upgraded to 50 kBps/student with indoor and outdoor wifi points. Other staff and student requirements for parking space, cafes and outdoor shelters are also well provided.

Faculty of Engineering s proud achievements are

for example:

1st Team Rank at International SOI Asia

Course Certifications of the Business Plan

Contest, at Keiko University, Tokyo

1st Team Rank at International ESPRIEX

2013 Entrepreneurial Spirit Model

Competition, International Category

National Champion on Indonesia Bridge and

Building Competition V, 2013

National Champion on Indonesia Bridge

Competition IX, 2013

1st Rank at National PLC Competition 2014

1st Rank at Internasional International

Engineering Invention & Innovation

Exhibition (i-Envex) 2015

Contact Information Faculty of Engineering

Jl. MT Haryono 167. Malang 65144, East Java, Indonesia

Phone : +62 341 587710, 587711 Fax : +62 341 551430,



Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) resmi menjadi fakultas di UB pada tanggal 1 Januari 1974, atas prakarsa IDI Cabang Malang untuk mendorong Sekolah Tinggi Kedokteran Malang (STKM) agar mengubah statusnya menjadi negeri.

Saat ini Fakultas Kedokteran mengelola 11 Program Studi antara lain:

1. Program Sarjana S1 diantaranya Pendidikan Dokter, Pendidikan Dokter Gigi, Ilmu

Keperawatan, Ilmu Gizi, Kebidanan, Farmasi), 2. Program Pascasarjana S2 (Biomedik, Magister

Manajemen Rumah Sakit, Keperawatan, Kebidanan),

3. Program Doktor S3 Ilmu Kedokteran.

Selain itu Fakultas Kedokteran juga mengelola 20 Spesialis antara lain (Ilmu Bedah, Ilmu Penyakit Dalam, Ilmu Penyakit Paru, Obstetri & Ginekologi, Patologi Klinik, Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, Ilmu

Kesehatan THT –KL, Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, Radiologi, Orthopaedi & Traumatologi, Neurologi, Ilmu Penyakit Jantung & Pembuluh Darah,

Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif, Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit & Kelamin, Urologi, dan Ilmu Kedokteran Emergensi (Dalam proses perijinan).

Di Fakultas Kedokteran juga mengelola 3 Profesi antara lain Profesi Dokter, Profesi Ners, dan Profesi Gizi (Dietisien).

FK UB hingga akhir tahun 2015 FK telah memiliki 295 tenaga pengajar dengan rincian 42 orang lulusan S3 (12 diantaranya Guru Besar), 115 orang lulusan S2, 27 orang lulusan S1, dan 33 orang

lulusan spesialis 1, 12 orang lulusan Spesialis 2, dan 66 orang lulusan Profesi.

Selain fasilitas perkuliahan, FK UB menyediakan fasilitas penunjang, yakni: 29 laboratorium, mobil pemeriksaan katarak, team emergency dan disaster, dan fasilitas penunjang kegiatan organisasi mahasiswa.

Beberapa prestasi menonjol yang telah diraih FK adalah:

 Juara III Internasional Siriraj International Microbiology and Immunology Competition (SIMIC) 2013

 Session Winner 20th International Student Congress of (bio) Medical Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen – Belanda

 Juara II Internasional Best Poster Category - 6th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) Conference 2013, National University of Singapore, Singapura

 Juara II Scientific Poster of Medical Fiesta 2014 Holistical Approach Obstetrics and Gynecology

 Juara I Internasional Multiple Choice Question Round Siriraj International Medical

Microbiology Parasitilogy and Immunulogy Competition (SIMPIC) 2015

Alamat Kontak Fakultas Kedokteran

Jl. Veteran Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp. : (0341) 551611 Pes. 213, 214 ; 569117, 567192, Fax. :(0341) 564755



Medical Faculty officially established on January 1st, , as Malang s )D) Branch initiative to

encourage Malang Medical School in order to change its status to a state school.

The Faculty manages 11 study program, such as: 1. Undergraduate degree on Medical Doctor,

Dentist, Nursing, Nutrition, Obstetrics, Pharmacy,

2. Graduate degree on Biomedicine, Master in Hospital Management, Nursing, Midwifery, 3. Doctoral degree in Medical Science.

In addition, the Medical Faculty also manages 20 specialists program, includes: Surgery Specialist, Internal Medicine Specialist, Pulmonary Medicine Specialist, Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist, Clinical Pathology Specialist, Eye Health Science Specialist, Head-Neck-Ear, Nose, and Throat Health Science Specialist, Emergency Medicine Specialist, Pediatrics Specialist, Radiology Specialist,

Orthopaedic and Traumatology Specialist, Neurosurgery / Neurology Specialist, Cardiovascular / Cardiology Specialist, Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist (Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy), Science Health Dermatology Specialist, Urology Surgery Specialist, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist, Forensic Medicine Specialist, Anatomical Pathology Specialist, Microbiology and Clinical Specialist.

Medical Faculty also manages 3 professions such as doctors, nurse professionals, and nutrition professionals (Dietician).

UB Medical Faculty by the end of 2015 already had 295 lecturers, 42 lecturers with a doctoral degree

(12 of them are professors), 115 lecturers with

master s degree, 27 lecturers with undergraduate degree, 33 specialists, 12 specialist-2, and 66 professionals.

In addition to lectures, FK UB provides supporting facilities, namely: 29 labs, auto inspection

cataracts, emergency and disaster teams, and facilities supporting the activities of student organizations.

Some of the outstanding achievements that have been achieved by Medical Faculty are:

 Third Place International Siriraj International Microbiology and Immunology Competition (SIMIC) 2013

 Winner of 20th Session of International Student Congress of (bio) Medical Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen – Netherlands

 Second International Best Poster Category - 6th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) Conference 2013, National University of Singapore, Singapore

 Second place, Scientific Poster of Medical Fiesta 2014 Holistical Approach Obstetrics and Gynecology

 Winner of Multiple Choice Question International Round Siriraj International Medical Microbiology and Immunology Parasitology Competition (SIMPIC) 2015

Contact Information Medical Faculty

Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia Phone. +62 341 551611 ext. 213-214; 569117, 567192, Fax. +62 341 564755




Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan (FPIK) adalah salah satu fakultas di UB yang memiliki visi menjadi lembaga pendidikan tinggi unggul yang berstandar internasional dengan menerapkan fisheries and marine entrepreneurial strategy dan mampu berperan aktif dalam pembangunan bangsa melalui proses penyelarasan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Saat ini FPIK UB mengelola 3 (tiga) Jurusan dan 8 Program Studi yaitu :

1. yaitu Jurusan Manajemen Sumberdaya Perikanan mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Budidaya Perairan, S1 Manajemen Sumberdaya Perikanan, S1 Teknologi Hasil Perikanan, dan S2 Budidaya Perairan

2. Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan dan Kelautan mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Agribisnis Perikanan

3. Jurusan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Perikanan dan Kelautan mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Ilmu Kelautan, dan S1 Pemanfaatan

Sumberdaya Perikanan.

4. Program Studi S3 Ilmu Perikanan dan Kelautan.

Untuk menopang kegiatan perkuliahan, FPIK UB sampai akhir tahun 2015telah memiliki 111 tenaga pengajar dengan rincian 55 orang lulusan S3 (8 diantaranya adalah Guru Besar), 52 orang lulusan S2, dan 4 orang lulusan S1.

Untuk menunjang kelancaran proses belajar-mengajar di FPIK, selain gedung kuliah juga dilengkapi dengan sarana penunjang lainnya, yakni 11 (sebelas) Laboratorium, 3 (tiga) Unit Pelaksana Teknis, Ruang Baca, Musholla, Lapangan Basket, Lapangan Voli, dan Gazebo.

Beberapa prestasi menonjol yang telah berhasil diraih FPIK adalah :

 Juara 1 LKTI Nasional tahun 2013 di Universitas Sumatera Utara

 Juara 1 Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pertanian Indonesia (PIMPI) 2013

 Salah satu mahasiswa FPIK menjadi

Mahasiswa Berprestasi Nasional tahun 2014

Alamat Kontak: Fakultas Perikanan

Jl. Veteran Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp : (0341) 553512; Fax : (0341) 557837 Website : fpik.ub.ac.id




Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences is one of the UB faculty, with the vision to become an outstanding higher education institution which adheres to international standards, by

implementing fisheries and marine

entrepreneurial strategy, and being able to play an active role in the development of the nation through the aligning education, research, and community service.

There are currently 3 Departments in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences:

1. Department of Fisheries Resource

Management Program manages S1 Bachelor of Aquaculture, Fisheries Resources

Management S1, Technology of Fishery S1, and Aquaculture S2

2. Socio-Economic Department of Fisheries and Marine manages Agribusiness Fisheries S1 3. The Department of Fisheries and Marine

Resources Utilization manage Marine Science Undergraduate Program S1 and Fisheries Resource Utilization S1.

4. And also a Doctoral Program of Fisheries and Marine Sciences.

To support teaching processes, as of 2014, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences supported by 131 teaching staff, 30 lecturers with Doctoral degree (S3) of which 9 of them are professors, 65 lecturers with master s degree (S2), and 19

lecturers with Undergraduate degree (S1). To support the teaching and learning process in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, alongside the lecture hall, other supporting facilities also available, for example: 11

Laboratories, 3 Technical Implementation Unit, Reading Room, Library, Mosque, Basketball court, Volleyball court, and Gazebo.

Some of the outstanding Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences achievements are:

 1st Place National LKTI 2013 at the University of North Sumatra

 1st Place Student Scientific Week of Agriculture Indonesia (PIMPI) 2013

 A student of FPIK awarded as 2014 National Outstanding Student

Contact Information: Faculty of Fisheries

Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia Phone : +62 341 553512;




Fakultas Matematika, dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA) didirikan pada tahun 1993 sebagai peningkatan status dari Program Matematika, dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam yang dirintis sejak tahun 1993.

Kini, FMIPA telah menjadi salah satu fakultas yang besar dan berkualitas. Hal itu tercermin dari Akreditasi dari melalui Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) yang telah dimiliki oleh program studi yang ada di FMIPA, yaitu Program Studi S1 Biologi (A), Kimia (B), Fisika (A), Matematika (A), Statistika (A), Program Magister Ilmu Biologi (A), Ilmu Kimia (B), Ilmu Fisika (A). dan program studi lainnya sedang diusulkan.

Saat ini FMIPA telah memiliki 4 Jurusan yang didalamnya terdapat 12 Program Studi meliputi program sarjana dan program pascasarjana, diantaranya:

1. Jurusan Biologi mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Biologi, Program Magister S2 Biologi, dan Program Doktor S3 Biologi

2. Jurusan Kimia mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Kimia, dan Program Magister S2 Kimia 3. Jurusan Fisika mengelola Program Sarjana S1

Fisika, S1 Geofisika, dan Program Magister S2 Fisika.

4. Jurusan Matematika mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Matematika, S1 Statistika, Program Magister S2 Matematika, dan S2 Statistika

Untuk melancarkan kegiatan perkuliahan, FMIPA sampai akhir tahun 2015 telah memiliki 154 tenaga pengajar dengan rincian 84 orang lulusan S3 (14 diantaranya Guru Besar), 68 orang lulusan S2, dan 2 orang lulusan S1.

Untuk mendukung kelancaran kegiatan perkuliahan, selain gedung kuliah dan

laboratorium, FMIPA juga melengkapi fasilitas lainnya sebagai penunjang, yaitu: Ruang Baca yang berfungsi sebagai pusat kegiatan belajar mengajar, pusat penelitian dan pusat informasi bagi pelaksanaan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Beberapa prestasi menonjol yang telah berhasil diraih F.MIPA adalah :

 Gold dan Silver medal di International Invention Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX) dan Asian Young Inventor Exhibition (AYIE) Mei 2014

 Gold prize The Seoul International Youth Invention Contest 2014

Alamat Kontak Fakultas MIPA

Alamat : Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Telepon : (0341) 554403, (0341) 551611 Faksimili : (0341) 554403




Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was established in 1993 as a status improvement for the Mathematics and Natural Sciences program. Currently, the Faculty has become one of the great faculty and quality in UB. This is reflected through the accreditation by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), which has granted for the study programs in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, which are: Biology Undergraduate (S1) degree program (Accredited A), Chemistry

Undergraduate (S1) degree program (Accredited B), Physics Undergraduate (S1) degree program (Accredited A), Mathematics Undergraduate (S1) degree program (Accredited A), Statistics

Undergraduate (S1) degree program (Accredited

A , Biology master s S degree program Accredited A , Chemistry master s S degree program Accredited B , Physics master s S

degree program (Accredited A), and other program in proposals.

As of the end of 2015, there are 4 departments on the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in which there are 12 study program

that includes undergraduate programs, master s

degree programs and post graduate programs. There are 6 Undergraduate degree study

programs (S1) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: Biology Undergraduate degree study program, Chemistry Undergraduate degree study program, Physics Undergraduate degree study program, Geophysics Undergraduate degree study program, Mathematics Undergraduate degree study program and

Statistics Undergraduate degree study program.

As for the master s degree study program S , there are: Biology master s degree Chemistry master s degree, Physics master s degree, Mathematics master s degree, and Statistics master s degree. There are also Doctoral degree

study program (S3) available, which is a Biology Doctoral degree program.

To support learning processes, until the end of 2015, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was supported by 154 lecturers, 84 lecturers with Doctoral degree (S3), of which 14 of them are professors, 68 lecturers with

graduate degree (S2), and 2 lecturers with undergraduate degree (S1).

In addition to lectures and laboratory building, other facilities also available, such as: Reading Room which serves as a center of learning and teaching; and research and information center

for the implementation of the universities


Some of the outstanding Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences achievements are:

 Gold and Silver medal at the International Invention Innovation and Technology

Exhibition (ITEX) and Asian Young Inventors Exhibition (Ayie) May 2014

 Gold prize The Seoul International Youth Invention Contest 2014

Contact Information

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia Phone : +62 341 554403, +62 341 551611 Fax : +62 341 554403



Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (FTP) UB resmi berdiri pada tanggal 26 Januari 1998 melalui SK Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (Mendikbud RI) Nomor : 012a/O/1998. Fakultas ini memiliki visi Menjadi fakultas unggul pada bidang ilmu teknologi pertanian yang diakui dan dipercaya di tingkat internasional serta berkontribusi dalam pembangunan nasional melalui tridharma perguruan tinggi.

Hingga saat ini FTP UB telah memiliki tiga jurusan, yaitu:

1. Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian yang mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, S1 Bioteknologi, dan

Program Magister S2 Teknologi Hasil Pertanian. 2. Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian yang mengelola

Program Sarjana S1 keteknikan Pertanian, S1 Teknik Lingkungan, dan Program Magister S2 Keteknikan Pertanian.

3. Jurusan Teknologi Industri Pertanian yang mengelola Program Sarjana S1 Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Program Magister S2 Teknologi Industri Pertanian, dan Program Doktor S3 Teknologi Industri Pertanian. Untuk menopang kegiatan perkuliahan, hingga akhir tahun 2015 FTP UB telah memiliki 116 tenaga pengajar dengan rincian 39 orang lulusan

S3 (4 diantaranya Guru Besar), 76 orang lulusan S2, dan 1 orang lulusan S1.

Dalam perkembangannya, FTP UB telah menjadi salah satu fakultas yang besar dan berkualitas, dengan prestasi di bidang akademik yang diraih, yaitu: Akreditasi internasional dari Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), USA tahun 2012 pada Program Studi Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan. Dan Beberapa prestasi menonjol yang telah berhasil diraih FTP adalah :

 Juara 1 International Poster Competition RFEC 2013

 Juara 2 OSN Pertamina Science Project 2013

 Silver medal Macau International Innovation and Invention Expo 2014

Alamat Kontak

Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian

Jl. Veteran Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp. : (0341) 580106, Fax. : (0341) 568917 Website : tp.ub.ac.id




Faculty of Agricultural Technology was officially established on January 26th, 1998 by the Minister

of Education and Culture of the Republic of

)ndonesia s Decree Number: a/O/ .

The Faculty s vision is to become a superior faculty of agricultural technology that is recognized and trusted in the international level and contribute to national development through education, research, and public service.

Currently Faculty of Agricultural Technology have 9 study programs, 5 of them are undergraduate study programs: Food Processing Science and Technology Undergraduate degree (S1), and Agriculture Engineering Undergraduate degree (S1). Agriculture Industry Technology

Undergraduate degree (S1) and Food and Agroindustry Biotechnology Undergraduate degree (S1), and Nature and Environment Resources Engineering Undergraduate degree (S1), While 3 of them are master s degree study programs: Food Processing Science and

Technology master s degree (S2), Agriculture Engineering master s degree (S2), and Agriculture Industrial Technology master s degree (S2); There are also 1 doctoral degree, Agriculture Industrial Technology Doctoral degree (S3)

To support learning processes, until the end of year 2015, Faculty of Agricultural Technology are supported by 116 teaching staff, of which 39 lecturers with Doctoral (S3) degree, 4 of which are

professors, 76 lecturers with master s (S2) degree, and 1 lecturers with undergraduate (S1) degree. In its development, Faculty of Agricultural Technology has become one of the great and qualified faculty in UB, with many academic achievement, for example: Accredited internationally by the Institute of Food

Technologists (IFT), USA in 2012, for the Food Processing Science and Technology study program. Some of the outstanding Faculty of Agricultural Technology achievements are:

 1st International Poster Competition RFEC 2013

 2nd Place OSN Pertamina Science Project 2013

 Silver medal Macau International Innovation and Invention Expo 2014.

Contact Information

Faculty of Agricultural Technology

Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia Phone : +62 341 580106




Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) yang sebelumnya bernama Fakultas Ilmu Sosial (FIS). Mulai berdisi pada tanggal 29 Februari 2008 dengan keluarnya SK Dikti Nomor : 536/D/T2008.

Sehubungan dengan meningkatnya minat

masyarakat di bidang Ilmu-Ilmu Politik, maka pada tanggal 14 Mei 2009, dengan SK Rektor nomor: 169/SK/2009 nama Fakultas Ilmu Sosial berubah menjadi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik. Dalam perkembangannya,saat ini FISIP UB 9 Program Studi diantaranya:

1. Program Sarjana S1 yaitu Ilmu Hubungan

Internasional, Ilmu Komunikasi, Ilmu Politik, Psikologi, Sosiologi, dan Ilmu Pemerintahan

2. Program magister S2 yaitu Ilmu Komunikasi , dan

Ilmu Sosial

3. Program Doktor S3 Ilmu Sosiologi

Untuk melancarkan kegiatan perkuliahan, FISIP UB telah memiliki 121 tenaga pengajar dengan rincian 13 orang lulusan S3 (2 diantaranya Guru Besar),107 orang lulusan S2, 1 orang lulusan S1.

Beberapa prestasi di tingkat nasional dan internasional telah dicapai oleh FISIP, yaitu:

 Pekan Olahraga Mahasiswa Daerah (POMDA)

Jatim (Tk. Regional) tahun 2009

 IBM Brawijaya Cup VI Tk. Nasional 2009

 Pemilihan Kakang Mbakyu Malang 2010

 Pemilihan Raka Raki Jatim 2011

 Runner UP 1 Miss Indonesia 2012

 Juara III nasional Lomba Scriptwriting IMD 2012 di FE-UI Jakarta, 2012,

Juara ) LKT) Memutus Budaya Korupsi di Masa

Mendatang Di Univ.Andalas Tahun

 Juara II Internasional Humantarian Law Debate Indonesian Round 2013

 Juara II Salah Satu Cabang Olahraga 16th ASEAN

University Game at Vientiane Laos

 Juara I Seriosa Peksimina 2014

 Juara I nasional Media matters pop research culture UI 2014

Dengan dicapainya beberapa prestasi tersebut, maka FISIP banyak diminati oleh calon mahasiswa.

Alamat Kontak

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Jl. Veteran Malang 65145, Jawa Timur, Indonesia Telp : (0341)551611 Psw. 250




Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, formerly known as the Faculty of Social Sciences was officially established on February 29th, 2008

with the release of the Higher Education Decree No. 536/D/T/2008. In connection with the growing public interest in the field of political science, then on May 14th, 2009, with the Rector's

Decree number: 169/SK/2009 the name was changed to the Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences.

Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences have 6 Undergraduate Degree study programs (S1), which includes: Sociology undergraduate degree study program, Communication Sciences undergraduate degree study program,

Psychology undergraduate degree study

program, International Relations undergraduate degree study program, Political Science

undergraduate degree study program, and Governance Science undergraduate study

program. For the master s degree study program

S , there are Sociology master s degree study program, and Communication Science master s

degree study program. In addition, there are one Doctoral degree study program (S3) which is Sociology Doctoral degree study program. To support learning processes, Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences has 121 lecturers, 13 lecturers with Doctoral (S3) degree (of which 2 of them are professors), 107 lecturers with

master s degree S , and lecturers with

undergraduate degree.

Some achievements at national and international level achieved by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences, are:

 Regional Student Sports Week (POMDA) Java (Regional) 2009

 IBM Brawijaya Cup VI Tk. 2009 (National)

 Selection Kakang Mbakyu Malang 2010

 Selection Raka Raki Jatim 2011

 Runner UP 1 of Miss Indonesia 2012

 Third Place National Scriptwriting Competition IMD 2012 in FE-UI Jakarta, 2012,

 Winner ICI "Breaking the Culture of Corruption in the Future" In Univ. Andalas Year 2012

 Second International Humantarian Indonesian Law Debate Round 2013

 Second Place One Sports Branch 16th ASEAN University Games at Vientiane Laos

 Winner Seriosa Peksimina 2014

 Winner of National Media matters UI pop culture research in 2014

With the achievement of some of these

achievements, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences increasingly in popular

between prospective students.

Contact Information

Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Sciences

Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia Phone : +62 341 551611 Ext. 250, Direct +62 341 575755


Grafik Perkembangan Jumlah Lulusan UB Tahun


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