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Code-switching in Indonesian artists` twitter tweets.


Academic year: 2017

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Yunandra, Laurentius Pradipta. (2016). Code-switching in Indonesian Artists’ Twitter Tweets. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Nowadays, people cannot be separated from information technology. People use the information technology to communicate with one to another. The Social media websites are one kind of information technology used by people in communication. People call the websites as social media because of the function of the social media to connect people around the world. Therefore, the existence of the social media also brings a language phenomenon called code-switching.

There were two questions in this research. First, which types of code-switching are used by the Indonesian artists in their tweets? Second, what factors influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets?

This research was a sociolinguistics research and used discourse analysis to answer the two research questions. The data used in this research were collected from Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets through observation.

The research results showed that the types of code-switching occurred in Indonesian artists’ twitter tweets were tag-switching, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching. The Indonesian artists also used some combination of the types mentioned in their tweets. Furthermore, the factors occurred in the Indonesian artist Twitter tweets were: no similar word in the language in use; the user do not know the word in the language in use; it is easier for the user to use the user own language or the user uses other languages which are easier for the user to use; the user wants to add emphasis; the user forget the term; and there is similarity between both languages. There were cases that the tweets were influenced by more than one factor and three factors provided by the experts do not influence the Indonesian artist to switch their code in their tweets.



Yunandra, Laurentius Pradipta. (2016). Code-switching in Indonesian Artists’ Twitter Tweets. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Dewasa ini, orang-orang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan teknologi informasi. Orang-orang menggunakan teknologi informasi untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Website-website Media sosial adalah salah satu jenis teknologi informasi yang digunakan oleh orang-orang dalam berkomunikasi. Orang-orang menyebut website-website tersebut sebagai media sosial karena fungsi dari media sosial sebagai alat untuk menghubungkan orang-orang diseluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, eksistensi dari media sosial juga membawa sebuah fenomena bahasa yaitu alih kode.

Ada dua pertanyaan pada penelitian ini. Pertama, tipe alih kode mana yang digunakan oleh para artis Indonesia di cuitan-cuitan mereka? Kedua, faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi artis-artis Indonesia mengalihkan kode mereka di cuitan-cuitan mereka?

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sosiolinguistik dan menggunakan analisis wacana untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian diatas. Data-data yang digunakan di penelitian ini diambil dari cuitan-cuitan dari Twitter para artis Indonesia. Data-data tersebut diambil melalui observasi.

Hasil-hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa tipe-tipe dari alih kode yang muncul di cuitan-cuitan Twitter para artis Indonesia adalah alih pembubuhan, alih antar kalimat, dan alih intra kalimat. Para artis Indonesia juga menggunakan beberapa kombinasi dari tipe-tipe tersebut di cuitan-cuitan mereka. Selanjutnya, faktor-faktor yang muncul dicuitan-cuitan Twitter para artis Indonesia adalah tidak ada kata-kata yang sama di bahasa yang digunakan; pengguna tidak tahu kata yang sesuai di bahasa yang digunakan; pengguna lebih mudah menggunakan bahasanya sendiri atau pengguna menggunakan bahasa-bahasa lain yang lebih mudah digunakan; pengguna ingin menambah penekanan; pengguna lupa akan istilah yang tepat digunakan; dan ada kesamaan antara kedua bahasa. Ditemukan juga kasus-kasus bahwa cuitan-cuitan terpengaruh oleh lebih dari satu faktor dan ada tiga faktor yang di ungkapkan oleh para ahli tidak mempengaruhi para artis Indonesia untuk mengalihkan kode mereka di cuitan-cuitan mereka.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Laurentius Pradipta Yunandra Student Number: 121214097





Yunandra, Laurentius Pradipta. (2016). Code-switching in Indonesian Artists’ Twitter Tweets. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Nowadays, people cannot be separated from information technology. People use the information technology to communicate with one to another. The Social media websites are one kind of information technology used by people in communication. People call the websites as social media because of the function of the social media to connect people around the world. Therefore, the existence of the social media also brings a language phenomenon called code-switching.

There were two questions in this research. First, which types of code-switching are used by the Indonesian artists in their tweets? Second, what factors influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets?

This research was a sociolinguistics research and used discourse analysis to answer the two research questions. The data used in this research were collected from Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets through observation.

The research results showed that the types of code-switching occurred in Indonesian artists’ twitter tweets were tag-switching, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching. The Indonesian artists also used some combination of the types mentioned in their tweets. Furthermore, the factors occurred in the Indonesian artist Twitter tweets were: no similar word in the language in use; the user do not know the word in the language in use; it is easier for the user to use the user own language or the user uses other languages which are easier for the user to use; the user wants to add emphasis; the user forget the term; and there is similarity between both languages. There were cases that the tweets were influenced by more than one factor and three factors provided by the experts do not influence the Indonesian artist to switch their code in their tweets.



Yunandra, Laurentius Pradipta. (2016). Code-switching in Indonesian Artists’ Twitter Tweets. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Dewasa ini, orang-orang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan teknologi informasi. Orang-orang menggunakan teknologi informasi untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Website-website Media sosial adalah salah satu jenis teknologi informasi yang digunakan oleh orang-orang dalam berkomunikasi. Orang-orang menyebut website-website tersebut sebagai media sosial karena fungsi dari media sosial sebagai alat untuk menghubungkan orang-orang diseluruh dunia. Oleh karena itu, eksistensi dari media sosial juga membawa sebuah fenomena bahasa yaitu alih kode.

Ada dua pertanyaan pada penelitian ini. Pertama, tipe alih kode mana yang digunakan oleh para artis Indonesia di cuitan-cuitan mereka? Kedua, faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang mempengaruhi artis-artis Indonesia mengalihkan kode mereka di cuitan-cuitan mereka?

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian sosiolinguistik dan menggunakan analisis wacana untuk menjawab dua pertanyaan penelitian diatas. Data-data yang digunakan di penelitian ini diambil dari cuitan-cuitan dari Twitter para artis Indonesia. Data-data tersebut diambil melalui observasi.

Hasil-hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa tipe-tipe dari alih kode yang muncul di cuitan-cuitan Twitter para artis Indonesia adalah alih pembubuhan, alih antar kalimat, dan alih intra kalimat. Para artis Indonesia juga menggunakan beberapa kombinasi dari tipe-tipe tersebut di cuitan-cuitan mereka. Selanjutnya, faktor-faktor yang muncul dicuitan-cuitan Twitter para artis Indonesia adalah tidak ada kata-kata yang sama di bahasa yang digunakan; pengguna tidak tahu kata yang sesuai di bahasa yang digunakan; pengguna lebih mudah menggunakan bahasanya sendiri atau pengguna menggunakan bahasa-bahasa lain yang lebih mudah digunakan; pengguna ingin menambah penekanan; pengguna lupa akan istilah yang tepat digunakan; dan ada kesamaan antara kedua bahasa. Ditemukan juga kasus-kasus bahwa cuitan-cuitan terpengaruh oleh lebih dari satu faktor dan ada tiga faktor yang di ungkapkan oleh para ahli tidak mempengaruhi para artis Indonesia untuk mengalihkan kode mereka di cuitan-cuitan mereka.




First of all, I would express my gratitude to my Lord Jesus Christ for blessing and guiding me to finish my thesis. I thank Him for everything that He has given to me.

Second, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., for his support, guidance, and suggestions so that I could complete my thesis. I would also thank all the English Language Educatioan Study Program lecturers for sharing their knowledge and experience, and guidance during my study years in ELESP.

Then, I would like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents, Bapak Honoratus Wahjoedi and Ibu Margaretha Nanik Kunaryani. They have managed everything I need during my study. I also thank my family for their support and prayers.

Last but not least, I thank all my friends who give me encouragment to finish my study and everyone who I cannot mention one by one. Their love gives me energy to finish my thesis.



This chapter presents the introduction of this study. It consists of the research background, the research problems, the problem limitation, the research objectives, the research benefits, and the definition of terms. Each section is presented as follows.

A. Research Background

Nowadays, people cannot be separated from the information technology, especially people who live in urban areas. The information technology is used by people to help them to do communication. Communication is a natural basic need of human as a social being. Moreover, people cannot live without any interactions with one and another. The interactions between people will happen if the people have a system that can facilitate their needs of communication. The system that can facilitate their needs of communication is a language.

The language has an important role for the people since it is used as a facilitating system in the people’s communication. The language has several

functions and one of its functions is a social or relational function. Without the language, the people will not know other people’s willingness, needs, or


of intermediary tools, namely the media, the printed media such as newspapers, pamphlets, posters, brochures and the electronic media such as websites, radios, and televisions broadcasting. Websites are popular electronic media. The websites become popular since internet becomes available for many people.

People often use social media websites to facilitate their communication needs. There are many kinds of social media websites in the world such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Hi5, and Instagram. Twitter is one of the social media which has many users. Based on the statistics released by smartinsight.com on April 2016, Twitter has 320 millions users around the world. It means that Twitter is on the ‘Top 10’ rank of popular social media in the world. Twitter is chosen by the researcher because it is the most frequent social media used by the researcher. The research is conducted since the researcher has a close connection to Twitter. It leads the curiosity of the researcher to find any language phenomena in Twitter.


This research aims to discuss the code-switching in the Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets. This research discusses the Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets which contain code-switching. The data from the Twitter are gathered on the particular time explained on the research limitation.

The Indonesian artists as public figures often employ more than one language in their tweets. In the practical use of the languages, the Indonesian artists use code-switching in their Twitter tweets. The code-switching in Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets is interesting to be observed related to English

education especially in Indonesia. Many Indonesian students put their idols as their role models. Then, the code-switching action done by their idols become their example to do the same thing. Therefore, the code-switching can facilitate the English learners, especially for English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) students to learn more about the language.


B. Research Problems

Based on the research background, there are two research problems formulated as follows:

1. Which types of code-switching are used by Indonesian artists in their Twitter tweets?

2. What factors influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their Twitter tweets?

C. Research Limitation

This research is limited to discuss the types of code-switching used by Indonesian artists in their tweets and the factors that influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets. The tweets of Indonesian artists are the main sources of the research. The researcher observed the Indonesian artists' Twitter tweets that were posted on 1st of May 2016 until 31st of May 2016. There are only tweets from Indonesian artists containing code-switching were used in this research. The findings of the research cannot be generalized to other code-switching phenomena due to a small size of the sample chosen for this research.

D. Research Objectives

There are two objectives in this research formulated as follows:


2. To identify the factors influencing Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets.

E. Research Benefits

There are some benefits of this research for the following parties. 1. English Learners

This research is expected to give the English learners, particularly the English as a foreign language (EFL) learners and English Language Study Program students, to get more information about code-switching. The learners may be motivated to apply their knowledge about English language by trying to speak in English even though they are beginners. English learners might have limitations of English vocabulary. By allowing the English learners to switch their code during the class, the English learners seem to be given a chance to explore their knowledge of English. It helps the English learners grow their feeling of confidence. Being confidence is important because it leads the English learners to overcome their fear to speak using English, expand their capabilities to learn English, and grow their belief of themselves that they can achieve more knowledge about the language. Besides, they become more aware of these phenomena in their environment.

2. English Teachers


learn English better. They may switch their code while they teach their students in order to make the students get a better understanding about the teaching. Moreover, The English teachers may also use the code-switching as their teaching materials.

3. Future Researchers

This research is expected to give future researchers inspiration to conduct a further study about code-switching or in a wider area of the sociolinguistics studies. There are a lot of code-switching phenomena on the internet. Future researchers may conduct an investigation about the code-switching phenomena in different aspects of code-switching.

4. Society

This research is expected to give an introduction about the code-switching for the people who read the research. The researcher expects this research can be a medium for the society to be more aware of the sociolinguistics phenomena around their surroundings. Besides, this research can be useful information to reduce misunderstanding among people who are not accustomed to these phenomena.

F. Definition of Terms


1. Code-Switching

Code-switching is defined as "the action of moving from one language, dialect or variety to another, depending on the circumstances" (Asher, 1994). Within this research, the code-switching refers to the language switching from Indonesian into English or vice versa in Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets.

2. Twitter

Twitter is a micro blogging website that allows users to post, read, reply and quote messages which called tweet in the timeline. Every tweet in Twitter consists of 140 characters maximum. Twitter is used to share any thought or information between its users. The users can read the tweets from the followed users via the timeline. The timeline is a Twitter page that is made by the Twitter developer for the Twitter users. The Twitter users can see the tweets from people who are followed by them chronologically.




This chapter is divided into three sections, namely the review of related studies, the theoretical description, and the theoretical framework. The review of related studies describes previous studies related to the research topic. The theoretical description describes the general description of code-switching, types of code-switching, factors that influence people to switch their code, and the definition of Twitter. Meanwhile, the theoretical framework elaborates the procedures which are organized to accomplish this study.

A. Review of Related Studies

Mandiri (2010) presents observations of code-switching which exists in a social networking Facebook. The research aimed to reveal the reasons for using code-switching on a social networking website Facebook. The research revealed that the most frequent type of code-switching within Facebook pages was intra-sentential switching. The research also found three possible reasons for doing code-switching. The reasons were the users face difficulties to find any exact meaning, the users wanted to be seen as a well-educated person, and there were special terms of the discussion.


revealed that the main factor of code-switching phenomena in international classroom is incompetence in the second language.

Adityanto (2012) also conducted a research about "Code-switching in Kompas and Republika Newspapers". The research result showed some types of code-switching that occurred in the data; there are diglossic code-switching, single word code-switching, phrase code-switching, clause code-switching, whole sentence code-switching, and integrated loanword code-switching. The phrase code-switching was the most frequent code-switching and clause code-switching was the least frequent.

There are six possible reasons showed in the result. The reasons were, the speaker quotes from other languages, the speaker talks with the different language, there is a certain purpose of the speaker, the effect of topical discussion, the effect of the first sentence, and the effect of conversation speaking situation. The research also concluded that code-switching might support English learning. It happened when it was using the correct grammar and become the obstruction if it is using the ungrammatical pattern.


B. Theoretical Description

This research presents sociolinguistics as a branch of linguistic study, the meaning of code-switching, types of code-switching, factors influence people to switch their code, and Twitter as a social networking website.

1. Sociolinguistics

Wardhaugh (1992) defines sociolinguistics as a study that tried to discover how the social structure can be understood better through the study of language itself (p. 13). Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistic study investigating the relationship between language and society. The goal of this study is making a better understanding of the structure goal in the sociology of the language.

People as parts of the society use the language as a system of communication. They need the language to transfer their idea or information which means there is a relation between the language and the society. In order to make the information or the idea clear; the people send their information or idea in a context and modify the language to make it acceptable to the addressee. 2. Code-switching

Wardhaugh (2006) states that people always employ a code when communicate with other people. Mostly, the code is mentioned as language. In a specific case, when there are two or more people communicate to each other, then mixing or shifting their languages, that action is called code-switching (para. 1).


"juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages of speech belonging to different grammatical system or subsystems” (as cited in Romaine, 1995, p. 121). Similarly, Gal (1988) defines code-switching as a conversational strategy. People use code-switching to wipe out any limitation between communication groups to create or change the interpersonal relations with their own idea and action (as cited in Wardhaugh 1992, p. 103). Moreover, Hoffman (1991) states that code-switching as "The alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation". In short, code-switching is a communication strategy using combination of languages.

The code-switching is commonly used by people who master at least two kinds of languages. Weinreich (1968) states "the practice of alternately using two languages will be called bilingualism, and the person involved, bilingual” (as cited in Romaine, 1995, p. 122). Therefore, people who have the ability to speak two languages are called as bilingual speakers. The reasons of the bilinguals like to shift their language because of the feeling of convenience (Spolsky, 1998).


3. Types of Code-switching

There are some linguists classified code-switching into some categories. Based on Poplack (1980), there are three types of code-switching (as cited in Romaine, 1991, p. 122). Each point will be presented as follows.

a. Tag-Switching

Tag-switching is a code-switching action when the speaker attaches or adds any tag or filler in a sentence. The speaker or the writer adds a word or words in a sentence without violating any grammar rule. The examples of tag-switching can be seen as follows.

1) It’s okay, bukan masalah, semua masih baik-baik saja. 2) By the way, apa kabar kamu sekarang?

3) She is beautiful, bukan? b. Inter-sentential switching

Inter-sentential switching is an action where the speaker switches his/her code in a full sentence or between sentences. There are the examples of inter-sentential switching:

4) Einstein merupakan seorang penemu terhebat abad ini. He is very genius. Sudah banyak teori yang ia temukan dan yang paling terkenal adalah teori

tentang hukum relativitas.

5) Okay, this is a very interesting topic. Coba kamu jelaskan lebih dalam kepada saya.


c. Intra-sentential switching

It is a code-switching action where the speaker switches the code within a sentence. The speaker switches his/her code in the form of sentence, word, phrase or clause. The switch depends on the speaker needs. The examples of intra-sentential switching can be seen as follows.

7) Nanti malam akan saya copy berkas yang sudah kamu berikan kepada saya. 8) Mau minum teh, susu, atau soft drink?

9) It’s easy to give comment, tapi kamu pernah mencobanya belum?

In addition, Asher (1994) explains six terms of code-switching, namely, diglossia, situational code-switching, metaphoric code-switching, conversational code-switching, single-word code-switching, and integrated loanwords.

Diglossia is a characteristic of speech community (Wardhaugh, 1992). Diglossic communities have two varieties of code, there are high (H) and low (L) variety. The high (H) variety is used in formal discourse since it shows prestige and the low (L) variety is used in less formal discourse. The members of the diglossic speech community know when they have to change their speech between high to low and vice versa. People frequently use the H variety in a formal situation such as in an interview, a business meeting, and a plenary session. They change their language into the L variety while they come into a less formal situation such as talking with their friends or family outside the formal situation.


(1982) states that situational switch involves the changes of participants. They speak one language in one situation and speak another language in another situation.

The example of situational code-switching can be seen in a conversation between a seller and a customer in Malioboro. The customer is a tourist from Bandung who wants to buy a souvenir and the seller is a local inhabitant. Firstly, the customer tries to ask the seller about the souvenir by using the Javanese language as the local language. The purpose is to get a cheaper price. Then, the seller explains about the souvenir also by using the Javanese language, but the customer seems confused because of his/her language deficiency. The seller realizes it and re-explains his/her explanation by using Indonesian as the Indonesian national language in order to make the customer understand the explanation.

Metaphoric code-switching occurs when there is a possibility of the role changing between speakers. People change the code as they redefine the situation (Wardhaugh, 1992). This case of code-switching frequently happens in a conversation when the first speakers have a close relationship to another speaker. The relationship may lead the code changing which usually used in the conversation.


interaction. Then the applicant and the front officer change the language code into formal in order to involve with the main purpose of the conversation.

Conversational switching is different from situational code-switching. It is not controlled by the changing of the topic or situation. It is also called style shifting or code mixing. For example, an Indonesian student who is studying English does not know the English terminology in a conversation; she/he will turn it into his/her native language, Indonesian, in order to make a complete sentence.

Single word code-switching or borrowing is a type of code-switching which involves a word in a switching action of a sentence. The speaker only adds or attaches a word within a sentence. The word that is used in the sentence is a specific terminology. It is used because of a lexical need (Wardhaugh, 1992). For example, an Indonesian said "Jadi, Samsung akan meluncurkan dua smartphone baru bulan ini". In that example, the speaker substitutes Indonesian words ponsel

pintar into an English word smartphone.

Integrated loanword is a type of code-switching which happens in a morpheme level. Morpheme level means a speaker may integrate a word which is loaned from another language by an affix, prefix, or suffix. For example, a loaned English word download integrated with a Indonesian affix become di-download such as in the following sentence "Berkas tersebut di-di-download pada


4. Factors of Code-Switching

Based on Bista (2010) there are seven factors influence speakers to switch their language revealed in his research. Each point will be presented as follows.

First, there is no similar word in the language used by the speaker. Language is influenced by the language’s environment and it makes every language is unique. There are always different life aspects in every area or country which makes a language has a special term that another language does not have.

Second, the speaker does not know the word that she/he wants to use in a language. It happens if the speaker is not a native speaker or an expert language learner. The speaker may have lack of vocabulary that makes the speaker does not know the word that she/he wants to use.

Third, the speaker wants to avoid the gap in communication. It happens because of the lack of fluency of the target language. As a result, the speaker chooses to switch his/her language in order to fill the gap happens in a conversation.

Fourth, it is easier for the speaker to use the speaker own language or the speaker use other languages which are easier for the speaker to use. This case is related to any expression that may be different between the languages. It is also related to the simplicity of the language used by the speaker.


learners switch their language to help them reduce or avoid misunderstanding because of their lack of knowledge of the language.

Sixth, the speaker wants to add emphasis. In this factor, a speaker may repeat the message in order to emphasise the message. The reason is the speaker has not transferred the message meaning to the addressee. The speaker may also emphasise his/her message by switching the code to make the addressee understand the message clearly. This factor is used to send the message clearly, to make other impressed or notice the speaker, and to make the speech stylish or to be thought as a clever person.

Seventh, the speaker wants to maintain his/her privacy, the speakers switch their code to keep their private information. They do not want the information to be leaked to other people who do not have any importance to know about the information. For example, in an international class, while there is a secret conversation between the first and the second speakers who come from the same country, they will switch their language into their country language to avoid other people know about their secret conversation.


Second, the language in use does not have the terms related to the concept that the speaker wants to denote. In a language, there are terms which have not the identical meaning terms in the other language. It might be related to the cultural aspect, the grammatical system, or other possibilities. In Indonesian, there is a word oleh-oleh which does not have a direct translation in English. Oleh-oleh means stuff or foods which are ordered by families, friends, or colleagues when a person goes for a holiday or other else. It happens because the cultural differences between Indonesia and west cultures like the United Kingdom.

Third, there are similarities between both languages. The similarities can be seen in some aspects of language, the similarity in structure and grammatical aspect, the similarity in expression, or the similarity in vocabulary. The vocabulary similarities often lead the code-switching in conversations. For example, in Indonesia, the greeting word halo frequently switches into the word hello in English. Even though both words have a similar meaning, the use of the

word hello in Indonesian still categorised as a code-switching. This case happens since the speaker has the ability to use two languages, Indonesian and English, which called a bilingual speaker.

5. Social Networking Website: Twitter


social connection between individuals, families, villages or maybe the whole world with the internet as the intermediary.

Twitter is an information network or micro blogging website that allows the user to post, read, reply, or quote messages in a Twitter page called timeline. Every message in the Twitter consists of 140 characters. Twitter called the message that is posted on their timeline website as a tweet.

There are two types of the Twitter timeline, the home timeline, and the user timeline. The home timeline is a display stream of tweets from the accounts that the user chose to follow. Meanwhile, the user timeline is a display stream of the user tweets or another tweet that is re-tweeted or quoted by the user. People are tweeting to deliver new information, their feeling or just to give comment on a certain topic.

6. Discourse Analysis

Gee (2011) defines discourse analysis as the study of language usage. It is about how language enacts social and cultural identity. There were some approaches to do in discourse analysis. Some of the approaches focus on the content of language being used or the themes and issues being discussed, for example in a conversation or news. Some other looked at the structure and its function to convey meaning.


language which serves in an expression of content. Second, Interactional function is the function of language in expressing social relation and personal attitude.

The aim of discourse analysis is "to map out the processes in which we struggle about the way in which the meaning of signs is to be fixed, and the processes by which some fixations of meaning become so conventionalized that we think of them as natural"(Jorgensen & Philips, 2002). Thus, discourse analysis is used to find the meaning in a communication activity based on its context.

C. Theoretical Framework

Based on the theoretical description, the researcher presents some theories which are appropriate as a framework to process and to analyse the research data. There are two major theories in this research, namely the types of code-switching and the factors that influence Indonesian artists to switch their code. The theories were used to help the researcher to answer the two research problems.

The researcher used a theory from Poplack (1980) about the types of switching to answer the first question. There are three types of code-switching, which are: tag-code-switching, intra-sentential code-switching, and inter-sentential switching. The theory is used as a fundamental reference to help the researcher in analysing the types of code-switching in Indonesian artists' tweets.


Malmkjaer (1996) mentions three factors. There is one of the factors from both researchers is similar. Thus, the researcher summarizes the factors become nine factors.





This chapter elaborates the methodology which is used to conduct this research. This chapter consists of the research method, the data source, the data gathering technique, the data analysis technique, and the research procedure. Each section is presented as follows.

A. Research Method

This research aims to answer two problems. First, which types of code-switching are used by Indonesian artists in their tweets? Second, what factors influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets? Since the tweets were social phenomena of sociolinguistics called as code-switching, the data source are the Twitter Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets, and sociolinguistic study concerns in language and society, this research was considered as a qualitative research and using discourse analysis.


on describing and interpreting the data collection based on the theories that is used in this research.

In conducting qualitative research, this research applied discourse analysis in order to answer the two questions related to the problems. The research problems are types of code-switching used by Indonesian artists in their tweets and factors that influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets.

The researcher combines some theories to answer the two research problems. To answer the first problem, the researcher categorizes the tweets from Indonesian artist into the type categorization provided by the expert. For the second problem, the researcher analyses the factors that influence the Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets using discourse analysis. The contexts of the tweets become important to see the occurred factors.

B. Data Source


code-switching, the researcher did not include the tweets in the data. After the process of selecting the tweets that contain code switching, the researcher put the data in a list as shown in the appendix. The data gathered from the observation showed that there were ten Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets contained


The method to collect the data was observation. The researcher observed ten Indonesian artists’ Twitter accounts and took notes for every occurrence of code-switching in their tweets.

C. Data Gathering Technique


Table 3.1 The example of types of code-switching observation sheet

No Date Tweets Types


1 30/5/2016 Belum bisa move on dari net 3.0 or Jessie J? 2 20/5/2016 Ketawa-ketawa ga jelas nonton ini. These

guys are hilarious: https://youtu.be/-SM-Yve5Ang cc: @vidialdiano @adhrrf 2 12/5/2016 Special request from the little Bear, buat

sarapan pengennya crispy crepes.

T=Tag-switching IE=Inter-sentential switching IA=Intra-sentential switching

The Table 3.1 shows the observation sheet used by the researcher to analyse the types of code-switching used by the Indonesian artists in their tweets. There are three types of code-switching presented in the tables, tag-switching, intra-sentential switching, and inter-sentential switching. The researcher puts a tick (√) on every appropriate type of the code-switching that the tweets showed.


NS = No similar word ES = Easier to speak

MP = to maintain privacy DW = Do not know the word

AM = to add emphasis FT = Forget the term

FG = to fill Gap AE = to avoid misunderstanding

WS = Word similarity

The Table 3.2 shows the observation sheet used by the researcher to identify the factors that influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets. After categorizing the types of code-switching, the researcher identified the factors by putting a tick (√) on the provided table based on the code-switching cases in the tweets.

D. Data Analysis Technique

The gathered data were analysed by using some steps. First, the researcher classified the code-switching phenomena that found in the tweets into the observation sheet. The observation sheet contains the types of code-switching. There are three types of code-switching that mentioned by Poplack (1980), the tag-switching, inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching. (as cited in Romaine, 1996, p.122)

Second, the data were analysed to discover the factors that influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets. The factors of code-switching are taken from Bista (2010) and Malmkjaer (1996).


the speaker to use the speaker own language or the speaker use other languages which are easier for the speaker to use (5) The speaker wants to avoid misunderstanding. (6) The speaker wants to add emphasis. (7) The speaker wants to maintain his/her privacy. (8) The speaker forgets the terms in the language in use. (9) The similarity both languages.

During the data analysis process, the researcher organized the data based on the date of the tweets. Then, the researcher observed the data to check whether they were valid or not. Next, the researcher put the data based on the categories in the observation sheet about the types of code-switching. Next step, the researcher classified the factors that influenced Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets. The researcher also removed emoticons used in the tweets to reduce the distraction while analysing the data. The last step was the researcher summarized the data collection based on the types and the factors of code-switching.

E. Research Procedures

This section describes the steps of the research procedures that was used to get the information about the phenomena of code-switching occurred on the Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets. The procedures taken in this research were:

1. Selecting the research problem


2. Collecting the data source

The researcher made the research limitation to keep the research specific. The researcher decided the period of time for collecting the data. Then the researcher observed the Twitter to find the data. After the observation, the researcher took note for the every data needed in the research.

3. Reviewing the theories

The researcher reviewed some theories related to the code-switching studies. This step was important to be conducted in order to obtain the valid findings and support the research analysis.

4. Designing and filling the observation sheets

It was important to design the observation sheets. It was needed to classify the data of the research. The Observation sheets contained the Indonesian artist's name, the date of the tweets, their tweets, the types of code-switching and the factors that influence people to switch their code.

After the observation sheets had been made, the researcher started to fill the table of the observation sheet with the collected data. In this step, the researcher also identified which types of code-switching used by the Indonesian artists in their tweets and the factors that influence the Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets.

5. Analysing the types and factors influencing code-switching


that influence the Indonesian artist to switch their code in their tweets and figured out the arguments and explanations.

6. Making conclusions and reporting the results based on findings




This chapter presents the research findings and discussion, related to the problems stated in the first chapter of the research. There were two questions which had to be answered through this research. First, which types of code-switching are used by Indonesian Artists in their tweets? Second, what factors influence Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets?

A. The Types of code-switching used by Indonesian artist in their tweets The researcher conducted some literature reviews related to the research topic, code-switching. The reviews used to help the researcher to answer the research problems. Through the observation within the research, the researcher identified that Indonesian artists frequently wrote their tweets in two languages, English and Indonesian. The Indonesian artists combined or mixed those two languages in their tweets. They shifted their language from English to Indonesian or vice versa in their tweets. Experts called that action as code-switching. Gumperz (1982) states that code-switching is " a juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages of speech belonging to different grammatical system or subsystems" (as cited in Romaine, 1995, p. 121).


are three types ofcode-switching explained by Poplack (1980). They are tag-switching, inter-sentential tag-switching, and intra-sentential switching.

This section presents the findings from the observation within the research. The examples of types of code-switching cases were listed in the Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 The types of code-switching observation sheet

No Date Tweets Types of



1 6/5/2016 Hey guys, pokoknya besok kalian harus nonton lovepedia di trans tv jam 12 siang, HARUS! Okay?

2 17/5/2016 Morning guys! Buah apa yang seger utk sarapan pagi ini ya?

3 19/5/2016 Mapan itu perlu bukti, bukan mimpi. Great fun sharing about perjalanan gw

#menujumapan tadi. http://bit.ly/1TgKJJE

The data were analysed by applying the types of code-switching theory explained by Poplack (1980). The researcher found numbers of code-switching cases in the data gathered from 1st of May 2016 up to 31st of May 2016 on Indonesian artists tweets. There were all of the types of code-switching; tag-switching, intra-sentential tag-switching, and inter-sentential switching found in the data.

1. Tag-switching


a. (tweet from user 2, 6/5/2016) Hey guys, pokoknya besok kalian harus nonton lovepedia di trans tv jam 12 siang, HARUS! Okay? (see Appendix

B. p. 50, item 25)

b. (tweet from user 3, 20/5/2016) 1. Dear all, bersama ini aku mau kasih penjelasan terkait pemberitaan seputar aku belanja online. (see Appendix

C. p. 52, item 46)

c. (tweet from user 7, 3/5/2016) Kuat dong, yes!!RT @adhi_surabaya: @danangpostman kayak kaki'nya tukang becak (see Appendix G. p. 56 , item 77)

From the first example we could see that user 2 added a phrase hey guys and tagged a word okay. In the second example, user 3 tagged words Dear all which applied in the initial of the sentence. The third example showed that user 7 tagged an English word Yes at the end of the sentence.

2. Inter-sentential switching

Inter-sentential switching cases are found in the data collection. There are three examples of inter-sentential switching in the data collection as seen as follows.

a. (tweet from user 1, 11/5/2016) Hi guys! Lagi pada apa? Lets chat im bored. (see Appendix A. p. 48, item 5)


c. (tweet from user 10, 10/5/2016) Preapare for INDONESIA KID CHOICE AWARDS 2016 shoot. Kenapa muka gw aneh ya, gmn mnrt kalian? (see Appendix J. p. 63, item 171)

The examples above showed the inter-sentential switching cases in Indonesian artist's tweets. In the first example, user 1 switched his language from English (the first sentence) to Indonesian (the second sentence) and then switched again to English (the third sentence). The second example showed that user 4 were switching her languages from Indonesian (the first sentence) to English (the second sentence). In the last example, user 10 switched his language from English (the first sentence) to Indonesian (the second sentence).

3. Intra-sentential switching

The data collection showed the Inter-sentential switching cases in the Indonesian artists' tweets. There were three examples of the intra-sentential switching in the Indonesian artist tweets:

a. (tweets from user 1, 19/5/2016)Wait wait... have u seen coldplays new video clip yg judulnya up & up? Go check it out its fucking brilliant (see Appendix A. p. 48, item 14)

b. (tweets from user 8, 3/5/2016)Buat Saraddicts pengguna Android bs

download nyai disini

http://www.deezer.com/album/11987274 #lagunyaSuti (see Appendix H. p. 57, item 86)


From the examples of intra-sentential switching cases above, the Indonesian Artists were tweeting in two languages, English and Indonesian. User 1, in the example a, inserted Indonesian words yang judulnya in a sentence written in English. The examples b and c were different from the example a. User 8 inserted an English word download in the middle of a sentence written in Indonesian. In the example c, user 9 inserted English words Live Chat in a sentence written in Indonesian.

B. The Factors of Using Code-switching by Indonesian Artists


Table 4.2 The factors influence Indonesian artists observation sheet 1 2/5/2016 Seharian headset nempel

terus dengerin lagu di spotify paket data hemat pake #FrewdomCombo! #FreedomMusic

2 18/5/2016 Cover terseru with these guys! cc: @boywilliam @brandonicholas

3 25/5/2016 Morning guys. Ga kerasa banget udah hari rabu. 2 hari lagi menuju

@TheVoiceRCT I

There are the factors appeared in the data as follows: 1. No Similar Word

This factor appeared because some terms of both languages are not equal one to another. There are many aspects affecting the inequality of language. There were three examples of this factor in Indonesia artists’ tweets:

a. (tweet from user 1, 2/5/2016) Seharian headset nempel terus dengerin lagu di spotify paket data hemat pake #FrewdomCombo! #FreedomMusic

(see Appendix K. p. 65, item 182)

b. (tweet from user 3, 19/5/2016) Berita soal aku ga berani belanja online memang benar, kalau bukan di Tokopedia :) (see Appendix M. p. 69, item



https://www.instagram.com/p/BFvaS8MzW8a/ (see Appendix T. p. 83, item 358)

There were similar cases which happened in those three examples. In the first example, user 1 switched from Indonesian into English. User 1 switched when using the word headset because there was no term which have the same meaning in Indonesian. In the second example, user 3 switched from Indonesian into English at the word Online which did not have any similar word in Indonesian. In the third example, user 10 used the term six-pack and 6-pack because there was no term in Indonesian similar to those terms.

2. Do not know the word

The cases when the speaker does not know the word in the target language only appeared once in the data. It could be seen in user 9 tweet on 12th of May 2016. The tweet is "Rise and grind! Pagi ini sarapan kita penuh protein, dadar almond cokelat dengan selai kacang almond.". In this case, user 9 used word almond in the middle of a sentence written in Indonesian. The word almond has a direct translation biji badam and the words biji badam itself is rarely used by the Indonesian people. (see Appendix S. p. 74, item 295)

3. Easiness in the language usage


the sentence shorter and effective. The examples of the tweets from the users which showed the occurrence of this factor can be seen as follows.

a. (tweet from user 1, 11/5/2016) This year byk cool things! RT @Rachmahasri: @boywillam ada project terbaru apa kak ditahun ini? Mungkin project film lagi atau apa gitu? (see Appendix J. p. 65, item 185) b. (tweet from user 1, 11/5/2016) Hi guys! Lagi pada apa? Lets chat im

bored (see Appendix J. p. 65, item 186)

c. (tweet from user 6, 21/5/2016) Yuk @HappyShowTTV now!!! (see Appendix P. p. 73, item 254)

The first example showed that user 1 switched the language from English to Indonesian by inserting an abbreviation byk which means banyak in or many in English. This tweet categorized into this factor because the word banyak made a simplification from English phrase that probably the user need to write in the tweet.

The second example showed that user 1 also switched the language from English to Indonesian but intersententialy. User 1 switched at the second sentence lagi pada apa?. The sentece itself was a typical of Indonesian people question and

it was easier for user 1 to express what the user 1 wanted to express rather than using English.


4. To add emphasis

Emphasizing a message in a conversation is important to convey the meaning of the message. The users tried to emphasise their messages by switching their language to another language. The aim of emphasizing the message was to make the people who were involved in the conversation remember or notice the messages from the users.

Most of time, the users were switching the code in order to emphasise or to show that they were clever or only wanted to make their speeches were stylistic by using language combination in it. There are some examples of adding emphasis in the Indonesian artists' tweets:

a. (tweet from user 2, 18/5/2016) Siapa mau ketemu sama aku? Ok, next week aku mau adain meet n greet spontan, watch out (see Appendix L. p. 67, item 210)

b. (tweet from user 3, 17/5/2016) Hidup sehat ngasih banyak perubahan buat aku, gimana dgn kalian? Ikuti challenge hidup sehat & gabung #TimHijau

di http://hitamvshijau.com (see Appendix N. p. 69, item 225)

c. (tweet from user 9, 5/5/2016) Bolu ketan hitam (Fermented black sticky rice cake) buatanku. Resepnya ada di instagramku. (see Appendix S. p. 76, item 284)


information that user 2 wanted to share. The information was the user wanted to arrange a spontaneous meet and greet next week.

The second example also had the same reason. User 3 wanted to share the important information by inserting an English word challenge in the middle of a sentence written in Indonesian. User 3 intentionally challenged the people to choose the green team as their team to face the challenge.

The third example was different from the first and second examples. In the third example, user 9 repeated the phrase Bolu ketan hitam using English phrase Fermented black sticky rice cake. The purpose was to make the people involved in

the conversation notice the information and got the message clearly. User 9 might wanted to be thought as a person who was expert about it.

5. Forgetting the term

Forgetting is a familiar situation for people. The forget condition happens usually when people are forcing themselves to remember the thing that they should remember. In a situation like tweeting, the users sometimes need to share information immediately, but forgetting the term in the language in use because of the pressure to remember the term. Therefore, they try to substitute the term in another language. There are some examples of the used of code-switching by the Indonesian artist because of this factor:

a. (tweet from user 1, 18/5/2016) Insert Fashion Awards coming soon.. im hosting! Deg-deg-an (see Appendix K. p. 66, item 193)


@my_hartono #myhartono #AntiDiPHPin (see Appendix Q. p. 73, item


c. (tweet from user 9, 16/5/2016) Waktu memilih dress di Cannes rancangan Farah Khan @FarahKhanOfficial untuk acara Princess Yacht #Monaco

tadi malam (see Appendix S. p. 78, item 304)

The three examples above showed that the users might forgot the word or term that they need to use at that time. The first examples showed that user 1 switched from English to Indonesian. User 1 might forget the word nervous in English then the user 1 chose the Indonesian expression Deg-deg-an. The second example also showed the same possibility. User 7 chose to switch the language by using an English word install rather than using a Indonesian phrase memasang aplikasi. For the third example, user 9 switched at the word dress rather kept

using a Indonesian word rok in the tweet. 6. Similarity Between Both Languages

In the Indonesian artists' tweets, there are some tweets containing words which have similarities between two languages, English and Indonesian. It happened because a language need to develop new vocabulary by adopting new words from other languages.


of the word. The examples of tweets from Indonesia artists for this factor can be seen as follows.

a. (tweet from user 9, 2/5/2016) Aww senengnya bisa nyobain kue-kue khas traditional Makassar (see Appendix S. p. 76, item 279)

b. (tweet from user 9, 12/5/2016) Salah satu menuku untuk penerbangan International KLM @KLM #RoyalDutchAirlines (see Appendix S. p. 77, item 296)

c. (tweet from user 9, 19/5/2016) Kebanyakan org naik helicopter ke Monaco krn harganya hampir sama dgn taxi & memakan waktu hny 5 menit di

udara (see Appendix S. p. 78, item 306)

From those three examples, user 9 was intrasententialy switching the language from Indonesian into English. In the first example, user 9 switched the language by using the word traditional. The word traditional itself was close to the word tradisional in Indonesian. The second and third example also shows the same cases. In the second example, user 9 switched the language from Indonesian into English by using the word International which had similar spelling with the word Internasional. In the third example, the user switches the language from Indonesian into English by using words, helicopter and taxi which have closeness spelling with the words helikopter and taksi.


a. To fill gaps because of lack of fluency

This factor did not influence the Indonesian artist probably because of their background as public figures or their educational background. Therefore, they have enough ability to use both languages Indonesian and English.

Another possibility why this factor did not influence the Indonesian artists because their tweets were not direct conversations. When a conversation was a indirect conversation, the users probably could think their words twice before they posted it on Twitter. The users probably also had time to do a consultation to other people to make sure every word that the user want to write were appropriate to be posted on the Twitter.

b. To avoid misunderstanding

The factor of avoid misunderstanding did not influence the Indonesian artist because they felt safe to express their mind or share any information in Twitter. The Indonesian artists might think that there was a space for them to make any clarification on what they had posted if there was any controversy or misunderstanding came up about their tweets in the future.

c. To maintain privacy


The Indonesian artists in this research do not set their privacy setting to make their account as a private account. It means everyone can see their tweets. They do not set the privacy setting because they also use the social media as a tool of self-promotion. Public figures need to be famous in order to get a better job and salary. By being famous, they will also gain new endorsement, sponsor and they can get some advertisement contract. As individuals, they will might only share things that the public need to know.

C. Other Finding

1. Other types of code-switching

There were also tweets made by Indonesian artists containing more than one type of code-switching, For examples:

a. (tweet from user 5, 22/5/2016) Late birthday dinner. Nothing fancy, makan bubur sepiring berdua & 2 teh. Modesty as it best. Happy birthday

cantik (see Appendix E. p. 55, item 63)

b. (tweet from user 3, 20/5/2016)1. Dear all, bersama ini aku mau kasih penjelasan terkait pemberitaan seputar aku belanja online. (see Appendix

C. p. 53, item 46)

From these two examples, there were more than one type of code-switching which occurred in the tweets. In the example a, there are two types of code-switching: tag-switching, and intra-sentential switching. The first sentence, Late birthday dinner was followed by the second sentence which contain a


bubur sepiring berdua & 2 teh. On the last sentence user 5 shifted the language

into an English phrase Happy birthday then inserted a Indonesian word cantik at the end of the sentence.

In the example b, tag-switching and intra-sentential switching are used in the tweet. The sentence started with a tagging Dear all, and then switched into a Indonesian phrase barsama ini aku mau kasih penjelasan terkait pemberitahuan seputar aku belanja then switched into English by the using of the word online.

2. Multi Factors that Influence Indonesian artists

There were some tweets of Indonesian artist influenced by more than one factors. It happened because the artists might be affected by many things when they posted their tweets. The examples of the tweets can be seen as follows: a. (tweet from user 1, 11/5/2016) Guys cek out youtubenya breakoutnet kita

iseng2 main ke tetangga masa gitu utk cover sama bastian hahahaha (see

Appendix K. p. 66, item 183)

b. (tweet from user 3, 30/5/2016) Tak lupa juga terima kasih untuk semua yang telah vote, Isyanation, keluarga, dan kerabat. Dukungan kalian

begitu berhargaa, thank youu (see Appendix M. p. 71, item 237)

c. (tweet from user 7, 24/5/2016) Di @my_hartono ada beragam pilihan belanja, Bisa via online atau bisa langsung datang ke storenya Hartono.

#myhartono dijamin #AntiDiPHPin (see Appendix Q. p. 75, item 263)


the tweet notice the information that user 1 wanted to inform. The second factor could be seen in the word cover. There was no equal word in Indonesian with that word in the context of the tweet.

In the second tweet the factors that influenced Indonesian artists was the easiness in tweeting, to add emphasis. The first factor could be seen in the use of word vote, user 3 switched the language because the word vote was simpler and shorter than the words memberi suara in Indonesian. The second factor can be seen when user 3 repeated the expression terima kasih from Indonesian using English expression thank you in the sentence.




This chapter concludes the research results and gives the research recommendations for future researchers. The conclusions are derived from the findings of the research which have been explained on the chapter IV. The recommendations are presented in order to help those who have the interest in a similar topic.

A. Conclusions

There are two main points as conclusions in this research. The first conclusion deals with the types of code-switching used by Indonesian artists in their tweets. The second conclusion deals with the factors influencing Indonesian artists to switch their code in their tweets.

For the first problem, the analysis showed that the types of code-switching used in the Indonesian artists’ Twitter tweets were tag-switching, inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching. The researcher also found tweets which showed the combination of the code-switching types.


tweets were not only influenced by one factor, but could be influenced by more than one factor.

B. Recommendations

This research is dealing with the analysis of the code-switching in Twitter as a social media. In other words, this research is beneficial for people who interested in social phenomena in sociolinguistics perspectives and people in the educational area, such as learners and teachers. The benefits and recommendations of this study for learners, teachers and future researcher are as follows.

1. English Language learners (ELESP Students)

The English learners should pay more attention to code-switching phenomena. The English learners can apply code-switching as a way to learn English better. The English learners also should be aware when they are borrowing English expressions in a conversation.

2. English Teachers

English teachers should have awareness of code-switching phenomena in their environment, especially in the school area. This phenomenon also can be used as learning material in order to give more understanding about language phenomena to the students.

3. Future Researchers




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Table 3.2 The example of factors influence Indonesian artists observation
Table 4.1 The types of code-switching observation sheet
Table 4.2 The factors influence Indonesian artists observation sheet


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