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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh




A Thesis




Graduate PrtJgram

of English Applied LinxuiSiict

In Partial

Fulfillment-The Degree of

Magister of H umaniora



REG. No. 015010040
















By The Grace of Allah, The Most Merciful and with all His guidance the \vriter completes this thesis.

On this occasion the writer would like to express her sincerest


to those

who have assisted her in the completion of this thesis.

She is indeed indebted and would like to express her great appreciation to her first consultant


er second consultant, Prof Bahren Umar Siregar, Ph.D. who bo;:h have spared their time and given lots of guidance,

comments, .suggestions, and endless support from reading the draft to the completion of the thesis.

Special gratitude is exp;esscd to The Head of English Applied Linguistic (EAL) Graduate Program, Prof Dr. Jawasi Naibaho and the secretary, Ora. Meisuri, M.A. who

have given their encouragements in conducting the research and completing the thesis. Her great thanks are also conveyed to her beloved lectures, among others are:

Prof D. P. Tampubolon, Ph. D., Prof Dr. M Butar Butar, Prof M. Silitonga, Ph.D. who

have given lots of practical and very useful knowledge that can hopefully be applied in

her field of work.

Many thanks are particularly put into words to her beloved lectures and viewers,


recommendations in improving her thesis in seminar of proposal, seminar of result and at

her final exam.

Her thanks are uttered to the staff of the Graduate program UNIMED who have

assisted her in the preparation of files, invitation, and the seminars and to the librarian

who has permitted her to use the books related to her thesis.

Her appreciation is expressed to the I leadmaster of SMUN 3 Medan, Drs.

Burhanuddin Lubis, who has given her the opportunity to join the Graduate ""Program and

to participate in the Nationals 2003, and her admiration is also uttered to Dra. Ema\vati,

anu ang, S.E. and all of her colleagues at SMUN 3 who have given her spirits

of the completion of her study

She would like to thank Ms. Ria Nuri Dharmawan, SH, The Executive Director

of Association For Critical Thinking (ACT) as well as The Convenor of National

Debating Championship 2003 and Ms. Dayu Nirma Amurwanti, the secretary of the

Nationals 2003, who have invited the writer to the Nationals and permitted her in

colleting the source of data of the debates.

Jlcr gratttudt: is also to aU her friends who have g1ven their supports; her special

gratitude to her cousin, Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum. who h~ btiven her inspiration and

supports and for the loans of lots of books concerning to Systemic Functional I .inguistics.

Last but not least she would like to express her gratitude to her mother, Hj.

Fatmah Nasution, and her mother in law, Ms. Raai'nah who have given their precious

supports and spirit during her study

Finally the most precious appreciation is expressed to her family, her beloved

husband, Mr, Kamaruddin, who ha<; given her the opportunity of st ud~ ,. lots of moral and


material supports during the completion of her study and to her children., WiJdan Hwnairah, Dina Khairunnisah, Syifa Syafitri and M_ Farhan Syauqi for their


Medan, October 2, 2003



Zulfah, Siti. 2003. Interpersonal Meanings m Debates. Thesis. The Graduate Program.

State of University Medan.

The present thesis that deals with Interpersonal Meanings in Debates is based on

systemic functional linguistic (SFL) approach. The objectives of the study are to describe the type of speech function, speech tunction coded in Moods, modality-ana patterns of epithet found and a pplied in the debates. The most dominant type of speech function, Moods, Modality and epithet are derived and the messages in debates are interpreted through their realization of interpersonal meanings. The data are obtained from The Nattona e atmg amp1ons 1p ~, in a a .a.

of data. The first debate is conducted by the high school students from Pelita Harapan VS AI Tzhar Jakarta, the other one is conducted by the high school students from Aceh VS No:-:!: Sulawesi. Methods of collecting and analyzing data are observing and recording techniques and transcribing the data, selecting and grouping, then, determining the data into the problems highlighted. In analyzing the data, Halliday technique is applied in order to get the findings of dominant type of speech function, speech function coded in Moods congruently and metaphorically, congruent and metaphorical modality. and epithet applied in the debates. The findings indicate that the dom inant type of speech function existing in the debates is in a form of stalemem realized in :vtoods of congruenl

dec/aralive and the dominant modality used is usualuy in con.!:,'Tuent form and the

dominant patterns of epithet applied is in evaluative type, that is to describe value,

function, fact, aesthetic, emotive, and subjective judgement of the debaters to intl uence the opponents, the judge and the audience. Most of the statements realized in COO!:,'TUent

Declarative are dominantly given by the Affirmative team . The m etaphorical fcmns of



Zulfah, Siti. 2003. Ma.kna Antar persona dalam Dehat. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Mcdan.

Tesis ini mengkaji Makna Antar persona dalam Debat , berdasarkan pendekatan teori Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik (LFS). Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan tipc penggunaan bahasa, penggunaan bahasa


direalisasikan dalam Modus, modalitas dan


kata sitat (epitet) yang ditemukan dan diaplikasikan dalam debat.tipe penggunaan bahasa yang paling dominan, Modus, modalitas dan epitet dideskripsikan dan pesan pes an dalam debat di interpretasikan dalam realisasi antar persona. Dara debat

· · K m tisi Debat Nasional 2003 yand diadakan di Jakarta. Dua topik yang diperdebatkan dipilih sebagai sumber data. Dcbnt pertama ttampt an o e sisw si

dari SMU Pelita Harapan melawan SMU AI Azhar, yang kedua dilaksanakan okh siswa

siswa dari SMU Nangroe Darussalam Aceh melawan SMU dari Sulawesi Otara. Mctode

pengumpulan dan penganalisaan data adalah dengan teknik obscrvasi dan rekam kemudian mentranskrip data yang diperoleh ke dalam bahasa tulisan, memilah dan rnengelompokkarmya sctelah itu menentukan data tersebut ke dalam kelompok masalah yang scdang ditel iti. Dalam menganalisa data, teknik LFS digunakan agar dapat mcmperoleh temuan temuan tipe penggunaan bahasa yang dominan, penggunaan bahasa yang direalisasikan dalam Modus secara lazim dan metaporik (tidak lazim), modaJtas yang lazim dan metaporik serta penggunaan epitet yang digunakan dalam debat tcrsebut Temuan tcmuan tersebut mcngindikasikan bahwa type penggunaan bahasa yang dominan digunakan dalam debat adalah dalam bentuk pcmyataan (statement) , di dalam modus, pemyataan tersebut direalisasik:an dengan hentuk deklaratifyung lu::im , modalitas yang

dominan digunakan adalah modalitas kebiasaan (usualityj dan tipe epitet yang dominan digunakan dalam dcbat tcrsebut adalah tipc evulzwtfj,' yaknj mcnggambarkan nilai, fungsi,

fakta, ni lai estetis, cmosi dan putusan yang subjektif yang diungkapkan oleh para pedcbat yang tujuannya adalah mempengaruhi oposisi, team penilai (judge) maupUil audit:ns. Kebanyakan bentuk pernyataan yang digunakan dalarn debat tcrsebut dircalisasikan dalam deklaratif yang lazim. Sccara umum pemyataan pernyataan tcrsebut sccara dominan diungkapkan oleh tim Affinnatif (tim pemerintah). Bentuk bentuk antar persona yang tak lazim (metaporik) juga ada digunakan oleh kcdua tim dalam debat tersebut. Bentuk bentuk tak lazim tersebut bergwm untuk memberikan tambahan penekanan makna pada argumen argumen tersebut juga untuk menunjukkan kemahiran mereka dalam memvariasikan ungkapan. Dalam hal pcnggunaan ungkapan tak lazim ini, pihak atlinnatif juga mendominasi pihak oposisi. Dengan demikian, tim yang bcrpengaruh mampu rnerebut dan mcnyerang oposisi dan berkesempatan untuk mcmenangkan debat tcrsebut.




UST OF TABLES ... ... ..

LIST OF ABBREVIATIG;'•f ... ... ..


1.1. The Background ... .

I .2. The Problems ... _ .... ... .

1.3. The Objectives of The Research ... ... .... ..


1.4. The Significance ofThc Research


i a-b





1.5. The Scope ofThe Research... .. ... 8


2.1 The Theoretical Framework ... .. 10

2.2. The Social Context... ... ... ... . 11

The Interpersonal Meaning ... ... .. 14



2.3.1. The Types of Speech Function ... ···-···-··· 15

2.3.2. The Mood Element... ... 17

2.3.3. The Modality···-···--···-·---·--·-····... 22


3 3. The Techniques of Collecting The Data... 29

3.4. The Data Analysis ... ···- ···- ... .

CHAPTER FOUR : THE RESEARCH FINDINGS ... __________ ... .... _... 31

4.l. The Types of Speech Functi<Jn ... . 3.1

4.2. The Moods_ ... ..

- --... ~. . . ... -... -... --..


4.3 The Modality ...



4.4. The Types ofEpithd ... .







Conclusions_ ... ____ ... __ ... __ ... .

Suggestions ... ___ ... .



REFERENCES... .... ...





Appendix 2: Original text of debate 2... 64

Appendix 5 : Item Distribution of Speech Function coded in Con

And Metaphoric in debate L ...


100 Appc1~dix 6 : Item Distribution of Speech Function coded in Congruent

And Metaphoric in debate 2 ... ... .. ... .. . 102 Appendix 7: The Distribution of Types of Epithet in the Clauses of

Debate 1 ... .. ... .. ... ... ... .

Appendix 8 :The Distribution of Types of Epithet in the Clauses of ..




Page 2.1. Features of Context... ... ... ... 13

2.4. Speech Functions and Responses ... .

2.5. Realization ofS

2.6. Mood Types ... ..

2. 7. Congruent and Metaphorical Realization of Moods . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . 2l

2.8. Congruent and Metaphorical Realization of Modality . ... ... ... .. 2.3


World School Fonnal of Debate ... ... ... .


41. ···-···

Examples ofCJauses Existing in Debate ... .


Clauses of Modulation ... .




··-···-Clauses ofModali?.ation ... -···


- . ··· ··· ···-···-· 43



L : Realized by

2. /\


: Followed by

3. Cong.IC. :Congruent

4. Metal M. : Metaphoric





6. F :Finite

7. Pred./P : Predicator

8. Comp. :Complement

9. Allinn./A. :Affirmative


10. NegJN. :Negative


ll. Res. . Residue



12. Fig. :Figure



: Systemic functional Linguistics






J.l. The Background




--A language basically functions


convey meaning uttered by a person to another one. By means of language one can convey his feeling. his opinion toward something logically and systematically either in a written or spoken language so that the readers or

readers or hearers are involved


the context of situation where the language is used. How people use languag'.:, what meaning they want to convey and what elements

of linguistic structures refer to in a cenain context can be analyzed through functional grammar. As Halliday (1985: xiv) states that SFL is functional in three distinct although closely related senses: in its interpretation (l) oftexts, (2) of the system, a nd (3) ofth e lements of linguistic structures. Further Halliday elaborates that ( 1) language is

functional in the sense that everything in the language can be explained, ultimately. by



From the elaboration above, it can be said that it is through functional grammar that

any language can be interpreted through its text, system and the elements of linguistic

structures used. Jn this study, the writer is trying to look at one of the components of metafunctions proposed by Halliday, that is, interpersonal components existing in debating competition.

lnterpersonaL is derived from the word 'personal' and 'interactive' . fn interacting

with another person , the speaker wiJJ inevitably enact one of the speech roles intended

seen in the speech situation, his personal commitment and his interaction with others (Halliday, 1972 : 99 and Thompson , 1996 : 69)

Further Halliday states that the clause is also organized as an interactive event

involving speaker, or writer, and audience. And he also states that the most fundamental

types of speech role, which lie behind all the more specific types that we may eventually be able to recognize, arc just two: ( i) giving, and (ii) demanding.

Butt et. all ( 1995: 64) state that interpersonal meanings cover two main areas. The

first, ... concerns the type of interaction which is taking place- the kind of commodity which is being exchanged. The second, -·-. concerns the way the speakers take a position in their messages. FoJlowing examples taken from a text of debate will give some clarification of interpersonal meanings:



2. ' I would like to define our motion that this house believes that we should bomb

Iraq ... '

In the situation of Example I, the speaker interacts with the hearers, that is,

government team, and audience, the message indicates that the speaker doesn't agree to

the statement given by other team and he is going to give other alternatives to reject the definition. Example 2 can be interPreted that the speaker would offersome infonnation

in the fonn of definition to the hearers in the hope that his statement is accepted by the

The writer thinks it signifi~ant to analyze debate because debate gives a skill of speaking especially ways of expressing and respecting ideas, thinking fast and critieally

by using English as the medium of communication. In this case, the analysis will not

deal with how a debater acquires the skill of expressing and thinking fast in English,

however, the analysis of the debate \A.ri\1 be seen through the interpersonal meaning, one

ofthe components ofmetafunction found in functwnal grammar.

Birshan (2000 : 4) states that a debate is a structured argument. Two sides speak

alternately for and against a particular contention usually based on topical issue. further

he states that each person is allocated a time they are allowed to speak for and any

interjections are carefully controlled. The suhject of the dispute is often prescribed in

order that one can find himself to support opinions with which one does not normally


A debate is a-clash of argument ln the competition there are two teams consisting



negative side. Each team bring their own arguments that will int1uence the judges and the audience even their opponents. The convincing team with their strong, logical and systematic arguments will be the winner. (ACT, 2003 : 1)


debate competition is one of high school students' activities that has been proliferated and held internationally since the rear of2001, the participants are the best senior high school debaters of first and second year coming from various provinces in Indonesia and having been selected through a rigorous process as the representatives at



performance and their skills of debating are quite amazing.

The government conducts the competition annually to select thr candidates representing Indonesia for international competition. The National debating championship 2003 was a very great occasion for debaters since it was held for the first time in Indonesia, April 9 - 17 2003, with 32 teams coming from 18 provinces in Indonesia. the teams are from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), North Sumatera,

Riau, Bengkulu, Rangka Belitung, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan. North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Jogjakarta, Banten Bali, West Nusa T enggara and Jakarta. In the competition all participants not only encompassed competitiveness but they were also filled with fun and facilitated with interaction



From the elaboration above, the

writ . .



er Is mterested m analyzing debate f .

~fu~ . oc~~oo personal


on tbe


of the tioJJ .

owmg reasons:

l. Debating


one of the

many ways to motivate students to s""""'k 1:::' I' h

fl 1 1 · ,..."" .eng 1s

uent y, og•cally and systematically and feads students to respect other ideas

as future leaders.

2. Proliferating debate will encourage students to use English as a medium of communication, especially in the era of AFTA( as it has been expected by our

3. Having got the opportunity to participate in the championship, she conducts a research on the debates particularly the focus is on interpersonal meaning. Analyzing debate is meant to find out the types of speech functions dominantly used in the debate, the speech function coded in Moods and the types of modality and the patterns of epithet applied by each team in the debate. Analyzing debate 'vvill encourage other writers to make further research in

different field of writing for the sake of students' ability lo c:xpress their own

ideas especially in English.

1.2. The Problems

Debating needs a skill of speaking in which the speakers should



1. the types of speech function referring to statement , question , command and


2. the speech function coded in Moods including the realization of statement in declarative coded by S Af, question in interrogative coded by fA S, command

in imperative coded by F. The realization of offer is not codified in mood. The following example shows the use of speech function coded in mood, declarative:

The example above shows that the type of speech function is realized by

declarative in mood. It is coded by SA f which means that ~ubject is followed by Finite (verb operator). The codification shows that the declarative realizes statement that means the speaker gives information to the hearers in order that they agree with his statement.

The codification of mood can be seen in the con!,1fuent realization, that is, mood is expressed in direct ways and metaphorical realization in which the mood is expressed in indirect ways. The uses of tone, conditional clauses, voice quality show the metaphorical mood.



metaphorical modality.

4. the types of epithet, attitudinal adjective, include evaluative, effect , dimension,

physical, typically human, age and color. The patterns will be observed in order to find out which epithet is applied in the debates.

Based on the description above , the research problems are fonnulated as in the following questions:

I. What type of speech function is dominantly used in the debate?

3. What types of modality are dominantly used by each team in the debate ?

4. What types of epithet are applied to realize reaction in the debate?

1.3. Tbe Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research deal with the problems that have been formulated,

they are:

I. to analyze the types of speech function dominantly existing in the debate, 2. to describe the speech function coded in Moods.



1.4. The Si~nificance of the Research

Debate is an art. It has its own techniques and needs analytical thinking to convince other people in order to accept their own arguments. Therefore, debate gives debaters benefits, that is :

t. one can improve himself to think analytically, logically and systematically,

2. it encourages one to respect other people's idea

3. it is one of the techniques for teachers in teaching speaking ,especiaJ iy English.

significant and the findings of the research are expected to give benefits practically and theoretically. Practically, the findings will hopefully be useful for students as the

motivation to speak English, to have analytical thinking. For the trainers of debate, the findings can give additional information to be applied in the training of debate, and theoretically the tindings '"'ill hopefully be beneficial for other researchers to conduct other research on the basis of systemic functional linguistics (Sr"L) in which can gtvc surprising progress in the linguistic field.

1.5. The Scope of the Study

The study applies the concept of discourse analysis in systemic functional

Linguistics (SFL)) proposed by Halliday. The analysis is aimed to observe the sp_eaker 's role in the speech situation, the personal commitment and interacti.on with others. These can be seen in


of the components of functional linguistics, interpersonal meanings that include the dominant type of speech function, speech function that is realized in


Based on that, the study is conducted in order to obtain data describing the type of

speech function that is dominantly used, Mood, modality and epithet in the debate and

the description will give some useful interpretations that can lead to the findings required

in the study.

Several related researches have been done by other researchers, they are : 1. A Thesis of • Metafora dalam Surat Keputusan • by Rahmah 2002. At>ost

Graduate of North Sumatera University, describing the types of grammatical

ocusmg on t e use of metap ors on the three

components of metafunctions, experiential, interpersonal and textual meanings, in


A thesis of · Interpersonal meaning in Simalungunese' by Onggung G 2003 A

Post Graduate of LTBf UNIMED. The focus is on analyzing finite.

3. 'Discourse Analysis of Indonesian Newspaper Texts :A study of Reality Action


and Reaction· by Armin Saragih, 1995. Ph.D Thesis LaTrobe University Melbourne Australia.

The three theses discuss components of metafunctions in general perspectives. In

this study the discussion will similarly focus on the speech functions, Moods and modality. However, Moods and modality will also focus on the congruent and metaphorical realization. The difference of this study here is that the types of speech

function, speech !Unction coded in Mood, modality and the types of epithet to reali7e


Fig. :Figure


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