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Academic year: 2017



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By :

Evridya Rizki NIM 4103312014

Bilingual Mathematics Education


Submitted in Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Evridya Rizki was born in Medan the 26th December 1992. Her father named Drs.H.Bambang Mulyadi and her mother Hj.Herlina Farida,S.Pd. She is

the second of three children.

In 1997, she accepted in TKQ Ubuddiyah Medan, and graduates in 1998.

In 1998, she continued her study to SDN 101731 and graduted in 2004. In 2004,

she continued her study to PONPES Raudhatul Hasanah to 2005. She transferred

to SMP Swasta Mardi Lestari Medan and graduate at 2007. In 2007, she

continued her study to SMA Plus Muhammadiyah Medan and graduate in 2010.

In 2010, she accepted in Bilingual Mathematics Education class, Department of

Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri



The Differences of Student’s Learning Achievement Taught Somatic, Auditory, Visual, And Intellectual (SAVI) Learning Mo del a nd

Direct Instruction (DI) Learning Model on Set Topics in VII Grade at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2014/2015

Evridya Rizki (IDN 4103312014)





Praise to the Allah SWT for the blessing, health, and opportunities in

every step I passed so that I could finish this thesis entitled The Differences of Student’s Learning Achievement Taught Somatic, Auditory, Visual, And Intellectual (SAVI) Learning Model and Direct Instruction (DI) Learning Model

on Set Topics in VII Grade at SMP Negeri 1 Binjai Academic Year 2014/2015 in

time. This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Universitas Negeri medan.

I want to express special thanks to my family, my father Drs.H.Bambang

Mulyadi, my mother Hj.Herlina Farida,S.pd, my sisters Fridya Chairu,A.md and

Nindy Fadila, for their everlasting support, patience, love and their prayer

throughout this process. I dedicate this thesis for them.

Special thanks are extended to my supervisor, Mr. Prof. Dr. Pargaulan

Siagian, M.Pd. for his time, patience, and conctant encouragement that were

deeply appreciated and valued. Also to Mr. Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd, Mr.

Dr. Waminton Rajagukguk, M.Pd, and Mrs. Dra. Nerli Khairani, M.Si. as my

examiner who gave me insightful suggestion from compiling proposal till this

thesis compilation was done. And also to my academic counselor, Mr. Prof. Dr.

H. Dian Armanto, M.Sc., Ph.D for the guidance and suggestion during the lecture


I would thanks to Mr. Prof. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si as the Rector of Universitas

Negeri Medan, Mr. Prof. Dr. Motlan, M.Sc., Ph.D as dean of Mathematics and

natural science faculty, Mr. Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Binari M., M.Si as the coordinator

of bilingual class, Mr. Dr. Edi Surya, M.Si as the chief of Mathematical

Department, Mr. Zul Amry, M.Si as the chief of Study Program of Mathematics

Deepartment, Mr. Drs. Yasifati Hia, M.Si and all of staff employees in

Mathematics Department of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty.

I also express my thanks to the principal of SMP Negeri 1 BInjai Mr.

Hanafiah, M.Pd, Mrs. Hanida Bangun, S.Pd, as the mathematics teacher, that gave



4 and VII-5 classroom for their collaboration, support and passion when I was

teach them.

I would like to thank my friends in BilMath ’10, abdul, anggi, dwi, erlin, falni, mila, lia, meiva, martyanne, maria, melin, surya, nelly, petra, riny, tika,

sheila, siti, uli, and mimi, and also to my PPLT friends yasir, uur, nia, sheila,

shelly, eska, mbak try, uli dofa, rofi, tika, dian, elfan, and tika, and all my friends I

did not mentioned for their support and love throughout this process.

I wan to express special thank for my beloved persons, Olpi Adriadi ST,

Rully Sulistiowati S.Pd, Dian Armadani Ritonga S.Pd, and Elfan Syahputra S.Pd

for their support, care, and love throughout this process.

I have done the best for finishing this thesis but I realize that this thesis

has its shortcomings either in content, grammar, or technical writing. Hence, I

hope this thesis could be useful for further researchers and useful in enrichment

the knowledge.

Medan, 12 Januari 2015






Authentication sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Preface iv

Contents vi

Figure List ix

Table List x

Appendix List xi


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Identification of Problem 7

1.3 Problem Limitation 8

1.4 Problem Formulated 8

1.5 Research Objectives 8

1.6 The Benefit of Research 9

1.7. Operational Definiton 9


2.1 Student Learning Achievement 11

2.1.1 Meaning of Students’ Learning Achievement 11 2.1.2 Factors Affecting Students’ Learning Achievement 12 2.1.3 Type of Students’ Learning Achievement 14 2.1.4 Measuring Students’ Learning Achievement 15

2.2 SAVI Learning Model 16

2.2.1 Somatic 16

2.2.2 Auditory 17



2.2.4 Intellectual 19

2.2.5 Stengths and Weakness of SAVI 20

2.2.6 Sintaks of SAVI 21

2.3 DI (Direct Instruction) Learning Model 23

2.3.1 Sintaks of Direct Instruction 24

2.3.2 Stengths and Weakness of Direct Instruction 25

2.4. The Result of Relevant Research 28

2.5 Set 28

2.5.1 Venn Diagram 29

2.5.2 Intersection 33

2.5.3 Union 36

2.5.4 Difference 38

2.5.5 Complement 40

2.6 Thingking Framework 43

2.7 Hypothesis 44


3.1 Location and Time Research 45

3.2 Population and Sample 45

3.2.1 Population 45

3.2.2 Sample 45

3.3 Type and Design of Research 46

3.4 Research Variable 46

3.5 Research Procedures 47

3.6 Research Instrument 48

3.7 Data Analysis Technique 52

3.7.1 Data Analysis by Descriptive Statistics technique 52 Manually 52 By Using SPSS 53

3.7.2 Normality test 53



3.7.4 Hypothesis Test 55

3.7.5 Improving of Learning Achievement Analysis 56


4.1 Result Instrument Analysis 58

4.1.1 Pre-test Analyze 58

4.1.2 Post-test Analyze 60

4.2 Research Result Description 62

4.2.1 Description of Pre-test Result 62

4.2.2 Description of Post-test Result 63

4.3 Analysis of Research Data 65

4.3.1 Analysis of Pre-test 65

4.3.2 Analysis of Post-test 68

4.3.3 Improving of learning Achievement Analysis 71

4.4 Discussion of Research Result 73


5.1 Conclusion 75

5.2 Suggestion 75





Figure 2.1 Disjoint of Venn Diagrams 29

Figure 2.2 Joint of Venn Diagrams I 30

Figure 2.3 Joint of Venn Diagrams II 31

Figure 2.4 Venn Diagrams of Three sets I 31

Figure 2.5 Venn Diagrams of Three sets II 32

Figure 2.6 Venn Diagrams of Three sets III 33

Figure 2.7 Venn Diagram A∩ B 35

Figure 2.8 Venn Diagram Circumstances Live stock

Centre Residents 36

Figure 2.9 Venn Diagram AÈB 37

Figure 2.10 Venn diagram of set A and set B 39

Figure 2.11 Venn diagram of set A – B 40

Figure 2.12 Venn Diagram of Set P 41

Figure 2.13 Venn Diagram of Set Q 42

Figure 2.14 Venn Diagram Complement of A 42

Figure 3.1 Research Procedure 48

Figure 4.1 Histogram of minimum score, maximum score, and mean

in experimental and control class 63

Figure 4.2 Histogram of minimum score, maximum score, and mean





Table 2.1 Test Result of first division in SMP 38

Table 3.1 Design Research 46

Tabel 3.2 Criteria of gain index 56

Table 4.1 Pre-test Validity 58

Table 4.2 Pre-test Reliability 59

Table 4.3 Pre-test Difficulty Index 59

Table 4.4 Pre-test Distinguish Power 60

Table 4.5 Post-test Validity 60

Table 4.6 Post-test Reliability 60

Table 4.7 Post-test Difficulty Index 61

Table 4.8 Post-test Distinguish Power 61

Table 4.9 Result of Pre-test 62

Table 4.10 Result of Post-test 64

Table 4.11 One-Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test 65

Table 4.12 Test of Homogeneity Variance 66

Table 4.13 Group Statistics 67

Table 4.14 Independent Sample T-test 67

Table 4.15 One-Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test 68

Table 4.16 Test of Homogeneity Variance 69

Table 4.17 Group Statistics 70

Table 4.18 Independent Sample T-test 70

Table 4.19 Result of Gain Index 71





Appendix 1 Blueprint for Observation Test 79

Appendix 2 Observation Test 80

Appendix 3 Scoring Guideline for Observation Test 81

Appendix 4 Score of Observation Test 82

Appendix 5 Lesson Plan for Control Class 83

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan for Experiment Class 113

Appendix 7 Student Activity Sheet 1 143

Appendix 8 Student Activity Sheet 2 144

Appendix 9 Student Activity Sheet 3 145

Appendix 10 Student Activity Sheet 4 146

Appendix 11 Blueprint for Pre-Test 147

Appendix 12 Pre-Test Sheet 148

Appendix 13 Scoring Guideline for Pre-Test 149

Appendix 14 Blueprint for Post-Test 151

Appendix 15 Post-Test Sheet 152

Appendix 16 Scoring Guideline for Post-Test 153

Appendix 17 Validity test for Pre-Test 155

Appendix 18 Validity test for Post-Test 157

Appendix 19 Reliability test for Pre-Test 159

Appendix 20 Reliability test for Post-Test 161

Appendix 21 Difficulty Index for Pre-Test 163

Appendix 22 Difficulty Index for Post-Test 164

Appendix 23 Distinguish Power for Pre-Test 165

Appendix 24 Distinguish Power for Post-Test 166

Appendix 25 Pre-Test Score 167

Appendix 26 Post-Test Score 168

Appendix 27 Normality Test for Pre-Test 169

Appendix 28 Homogeneity Test for Pre-Test 170



Appendix 30 Normality Test for Post-Test 172

Appendix 31 Homogeneity Test for Post-Test 173

Appendix 32 Compare Means Test for Post-Test 174

Appendix 33 Compare Means Test for Gain Index 175

Appendix 34 T-table Value of t-distribution 176

Appendix 35 R-table Value of r-distribution 178





1.1 Background

Education is the process of changing attitudes and behavior of a person

or group people in human mature effort through teaching and training that is full

of development. Therefore, changes or developments in education supposed to

occur in line with the changing culture of life. Changes in the sense of improving

education at all levels need to be constantly carried out in anticipation of future


“Education is able to support future development is the education that is able to develop the potential of learners, so they are able to face and solve the

problems of life that it faces" (Trianto, 2013:1). Education should touch the inner

potential and the potential competence of learners. The educational concept was

even more important when they must enter to the life in the community and the

world of work, because they should be able to apply what is learned in school to

face with problems encountered in daily life today and in the future.

In state constitution No.20 years of 2003 about national education

system said that education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an

atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively

developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious,

self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, society,

nation, and state.

According to Sanjaya (2011:2), there are some things that are very

important for our critics from the concept of education according to the law. First,

education is a planed conscious, that means that the process of education in

schools is not a process that implemented at random and speculative, but a process

that have aims so everything that teachers done and students are directed to the

achievement of objectives.

Second, a planned process of education is directed to create an

atmosphere of learning and the learning process, this means that education should



Learning achievement, but how to get the results or the process of learning that

occurs in students. Thus, in education between process and Learning achievement

must have walk in balance. Education is only concerned with one of them will not

be able to form a fully developed human.

Third, the learning atmosphere was directed so that learners can develop

their potential, this means that the educational process must be oriented to

students. Education is an effort to develop the potential of students. Thus, students

should be seen as a developing organism and has potential. The task of education

is to develop the potential of students, instead of cramming the subject matter or

force the student to memorize the data and facts.

Fourth, the end of the educational process is the ability of students to

have spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence noble

character, and skills needed him, society, nation, and state. This means that the

educational process leads to the formation of attitudes, intelligence or intellectual development, and the development of student’s skills in accordance with their needs. The third aspect of this (attitude, intelligence, and skill) direction and

purpose of education should be pursued.

However, the quality of education in Indonesia is not as expected. In

(Jejen: 2011:4) Sukmadinata said, “beside of lack of infrastructure and learning facilities, is the teacher factor”. Teachers are a major factor in the process of education is still not working in earnest also professional skills are still lacking.

According to Sanusi (Jejen: 2011:4), “Teachers can not be relied in standard various performance aspects, because he don’t had: expertise in the content of a field of study, pedagogic, didactic, and methodical, social and personal skills,

particularly disciplined and motivated, team work among teachers and other education personnel”.

According Jejen (2011:4) the low qualifications of teachers caused by

various factors. First, the teachers’ welfare is low. So, teachers cannot allocation

of funds for continuing education. Second, the quality, qualifications, and

competence of teachers are low. Low teacher competence often constrain teachers



administrative requirements alone can not. Third, the commitment of teachers to

achieve higher education is lack. Fourth, the motivation of teachers to achieve

higher education is low. The motivation to beat all the obstacles inherent in the

teacher. The fourth factor before, is the reason for teacher to forget the importance

of learning goals.

According to Sanjaya (2011:68) "the purpose of learning can be defined

as the ability to be possessed by students after studying the given subject". So that

each student must master the material presented. However, there are teachers who

think the purpose of learning is the process of delivering course material, no

matter whether the material had been understood by the students or not. This is the

main factor to low student learning achievement.

Classroom management is another important factor affecting student

Learning achievement. According to Bahri (2006:2), ‘a good class management will be present a good teaching and learning interaction anyway”. Learning objectives will be achieved without the constraint if the teacher has the ability to

manage classes.

Choice a good strategy learning can affect student Learning achievement and achieved of real learning objectives. Bahri (2006:5) said “learning strategy is a general pattern of teachers and student activities to realization of teaching and learning activities to achieve the objectives”. Not only that, have a good technique will present a good Learning achievement either. According to Roestiyah

(2008:1), Teaching technique is a knowledge about teacher or instructors using

method. Another understanding is as learning techniques that teacher mastered to

teaching or presenting a material to students in the classroom, so that lessons can

be captured, understood and used by students.

However, it should be understood that every type of learning technique is

only suitable or appropriate to achieve a specific goal. So for different purposes

teachers should use different learning techniques, or when teachers set up some

goals, he should be able to also use multiple learning techniques to achieve these



techniques, that can use with its variations, so teachers are able to make a

successful learning process and empowering.

With the learning strategies and techniques that have been conducted

teacher presentation. It is expected that student achievement will be better more.

However, the unavoidable absence of the selection strategy and learning

techniques lead to low student learning achievement, particularly in mathematics.

Math is a subject that is taught from elementary level up to secondary

education. Besides having abstract nature, Apart from having abstract nature, a

good understanding of mathematical concepts is important because it is necessary

to understand the new concept prerequisite for understanding previous concepts.

In the learning process, teachers have the task of choosing select appropriate

learning model with the material presented to achieve learning objectives. Until

today there are many difficulties faced by the students to learn and achieve high

results in the learning of mathematics.

Many factors that caused the low students learning achievement, one of

which is the lack of students interest to receive the lesson by the teacher. In

particular the study of mathematics is considered the most difficult. According to

a statement from Grouws (2000:8), said that the teaching and learning of

mathematics are complex tasks. Mathematics is a subject of study is considered

the most difficult to be understood by students and especially for students who

have difficulty in learning.

One reason why student learning achievement still low is mathematics

taught with the conventional model of learning and teacher-centered model.

Teachers still present the material by traditional approach that emphasizes on

technical issues, procedures, and the use of formulas. Students only receive

knowledge from the teacher without the potential in it. Consequently in

understanding mathematical concepts, students just remain the material. This can

lead to the students perception, that mathematics is a set of formulas to be

memorized without having to hone their mindset and known the first step to find

that formulas. That is the way the students who have difficulty in applying the



And to show that students had master in mathematics signed by a good learning

process and learning achievement in mathematics.

Application of the method or approach to learning which varies

according to the characteristics of these students will avoid the boredom of

students, and create an atmosphere that is comfortable and fun to learn.

Application of learning approach can serve as an important means of

communication. Using a particular learning approach allows teachers to achieve

the expected learning objectives and improve student learning achievement. An

alternative approach to learning that can be applied to improve student Learning

achievement is Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual (SAVI) learning


SAVI learning models is a student learning process by combining

physical movement with intellectual activity and the use of all the senses. SAVI

learning model embrace of modern cognitive that learning is most well involve

the whole body , all senses , and all the depth and breadth of personal , individual

learning styles respecting others by realizing that people learn in different ways.

Somatic learning is learning that utilizes and involves the body (tactile,

kinesthetic, involves moving the body during physical and learning activities take

place). Auditory means learning the sense of hearing. Learning to talk and listen.

Visual means, learning must use the sense of sight. The visual learning means

learning to observe and describe. Intellectual means learning to solve problems

and brooding. Action learners do things with their minds internally when using

intelligence to reflect on an experience and create relationships, meaning, plan,

and the value of the experience.

According to Dave Meier as the inventor of SAVI learning model,

learning does not automatically rise up and tell people to move to and fro, but

connecting with the physical movement of intellectual activity and the use of all

the senses can have a big impact on learning. SAVI Learning is learning which

emphasizes that learning should take advantage of all the senses of the students. In



learning, and utilizing the senses as much as possible and make the whole body or

mind are involved in the learning process.

Dave meier advised the teacher to manage the class by using this model.

SAVI is a form of learning models created by Dave Meier in his book "The

Accelerated Learning Handbook" which is a guide book in designing educational

programs that are creative and effective. The basic concept of the learning takes

place in a fast, fun, and satisfying. Such as Meier (2000:9) states "some major

assumptions learning is a positive learning environment, the total involvement of

students, collaboration among learners, variety that appeals to all learning styles,

and contextual learning".

With the SAVI learning model, students can learn mathematics with

optimal intellectual activity and the senses are combined in the learning process.

So that could be created fun learning, students as learning centers, actively engage

students so that they are able to develop their potential with good abilities,

interests, learning styles, experience of, and can improve student learning

achievement. In accordance with the words Meier (2000:10) “People learn best when they have a variety of learning options that allow them to use all of flavor

and exercise their preferred learning style ".

In the learning process, by using SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and

Intellectual) learning model, it can improve student learning achievement. SAVI

learning model is accordance with the curriculum that is being done in schools.

SAVI learning models supports the K-13 where students as learning centers where

student perform each step in the learning model SAVI.

Conventional learning model is a traditional learning model or also called

by student learning centered, because this method has been used as a

communication tool between teachers and students in the learning process. In

mathematics learning process, the conventional learning model marked by a lot of

formulas note and the explanation, and giving the tasks. In accordance with the



In this model teacher as learning centered in the classroom. Teachers

only gave the material and tasks. So that students are not active in the classroom,

students also feel attracted to the subject matter presented. So no wonder, the

above model can affect student learning achievement in mathematics.

From interviews conducted with teachers of mathematics in SMP Negeri

1 Binjai, especially in VII grade teacher that students have difficulty in learning

the set, especially to find the set concept from story problems. Many students can

not find the member of the operation from story problems and some students

difficult to draw venn diagrams. This material is taught in a conventional learning

model, where teacher as learning centered. It is thought to affect the student

learning achievement are low.

Based on the background, the authors are interested in doing research with the title "THE DIFFERENCES OF STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACHIVEMENT TAUGHT SOMATIC, AUDIOTORYTORY, VISUAL, AND




1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the above background, some of the problems that can be

identified are as follows:

1. The student Learning Achievement in mathematics still low.

2. The monotony of learning or teacher-centered learning makes

students less interested in learning mathematics.

3. The uses of learning strategy, still less appropriate to the material

being taught.

4. Set materials are taught without visual aid.

5. The understanding of students and students Learning Achievement



1.3 Problem Limitation

Problem identified above is a problem that is quite extensive and

complex, that research is more focused and achieve goals, then the scopes

research are:

1. The subjects of this study were student from class VII-4 and VII-5 of

SMP Negeri 1 Binjai academic years 2014/2015.

2. Application of learning models SAVI and DI as a learning strategy

that is considered in accordance with the material.

3. The ability of students in the learning of mathematics is limited to

mastery of the material with a pattern of interactive exercises.

4. The successful indicators of student is the students Learning


1.4 Problem Formulated

Based on the background of the issues that have been mentioned before,

the problem of this study is:

1. Is there a difference in students’ learning achievement taught SAVI

(Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) model between DI

(Direct Instruction) learning models?

2. Is the improving of learning achievement in SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) class is higher than students’ in DI (Direct Instruction) class?

1.5 Research Objectives

Based on the formulation of the problem which has been described, the

purpose of study was to:

1. To know there is a difference in student’s learning achievement

using SAVI (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual) model.

2. To know the student learning achievement of student’s that using



than student’s learning achievements in DI (Direct Instruction) learning model.

1.6 Research Benefits

1. For the teacher, the result of this study may provide additional

knowledge about mathematics learning and serve as one of the

inputs to select and develop appropriate alternative learning model

for improving students learning achievement.

2. For observers, the results of this study are expected to add insight

about mathematical learning model.

3. For student:

a. SAVI models in learning mathematics can be used as a new

experience to improve student Learning Achievement

b. Trained to be actively involved in the learning

1.7 Operational Definition

To avoid differences or lack of clarity of meaning, the following are

some important terms in this study.

1. Learning achievements is the object to measure the knowledge skill

development by the subjects as indicated by test or numerical value

is assigned teacher.

2. SAVI is a learning model which emphasizes that learning should

make use of all the senses that the students, by combining physical

movement with intellectual activity and the use of all senses in the

learning process. Model is intended to increase the activity of

students in learning activities that can improve students

Achievements. SAVI is short term:

a. Somatic, body movements, which means learning by

experiencing, doing, move, and act. Somatic Learning is

learning by involving physical, especially the senses of touch,



b. Auditory, auditory meaning that learns by listening, listening,

speaking, presentation, argumentation, express opinions, and

responding (learning by talking and hearing). Auditory learning

is learning that emphasizes skills speaking, and listening.

c. Visually, the vision which means that learning by observing,

drawing, painting, demonstrating learning media and props

(learning by observing and picturing). Visual is learn by using

eye senses.

d. Intellectual, think that means that the ability to think through the

reasoning needs to be trained, creative, solve problems,

constructing, and applying (learning by problem and reflecting).

Intellectual is the creation of meaning in mind, the means used

by humans to think, bringing together experience and

intellectual learning also means using thinking ability to link all

of the meaning derived from the learning.

Learning can take place optimally when the fourth of SAVI elements

present in a learning process.

3. Conventional Learning is learning classical/ regular lectures add

training methods, assuming students do not have different abilities so

that each student was given the same instruction. Learning begins

with the delivery of materials, giving example problem by teachers,

and continued with the construction practice question by students.

4. Set is the topics that will be teach in this research. In this research,

researcher will teach specifically on Venn diagrams, Sets operation,






Based on the result obtained from analysis of the data and test of

hypothesis then can be conclude that

1. There is the difference of students’ learning achievement from SAVI

class between Direct Instruction class on sets topic in grade VII.

2. The improvement of students’ learning achievement in SAVI class is better than students’ learning achievement in Direct Instruction class on sets topic in grade VII.

On other words, SAVI learning model can improve the students’ learning achievement in grade VII on the set topics at SMP N 1 Binjai academic years


5.2 Suggestion

based on the research result and conclusion obtained, the suggestion that

researcher can be provide are :

1. Learning mathematics with SAVI learning models can improve

student learning achievement in the set topic. This model is also

compatible with some other math topic. SAVI learning models are

less appropriate in exponent material, limit, integral logarithm, and so


2. To undergo a learning model SAVI on mathematics lesson, the

teacher must have a lot of props. Teachers also must be provided

sufficient time to teaching, because the SAVI learning model need a

lot of time allocation.

3. SAVI learning mode is learning models that are rarely studied

suggested for further research to use SAVI learning models that can

be compared with other cooperative learning model with the only




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