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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the Economics Education Department Economics Faculty State University of Medan

in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan







Praise and gratitude to Allah for His mercy and grace that has given

strength and patience for the author to finish this thesis. Sholawat and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad , men who have given exemplary choice in the ummah

until the end of time is highly anticipated intercession at the end of the day.




Majors, Accounting Education Study Programme, Economics Faculty of the State University of medan.

In writing this thesis writers get a lot of trouble, therefore the authors would like to thank all those who have helped either in the form of moral and

material assistance. A great thank you is given to :

1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si. as the Rector of State University of Medan. 2. Drs. Kustoro Budiarta, M.E as the Leader of Economics Faculty.

3. Dr. Arwansayah, M.Si as the Head of Economics Education Department. 4. Dra. Effi Aswita Lubis, M.Pd, M.Si as the Head of Accounting Education


5. Thank you very much to Dr. Ruslan Dede, M. Si as my thesis supervisor who has provided a lot of input so that I could finish this thesis well.

6. Dr. Johnson. M.Si as the Secretary of Economics Education Department and all the administration staffs of Economics Faculty that gave helping during

arrangement of thesis.

7. All of lecturers in Economics Education Department, especially in Accounting Education Study Program, thanks for the teaching during this time.

8. Mr Sugiono, M. Si as Principal MAN 2 Tanjung, Mrs. Khairul Layali, S. Pd as teachers of accounting, and Mr/Ms staff employee who has provided

assistance to the author during a study.

9. Especially to the angel of my world, dear parents, Alm. Widodo and Almh.

Sumarini, which always gave love and a source of strength, who never broke to pray me during my life, which always accompany the journey of my life, which gives admonition, until now it still feels the arms of their love

eventhough the bodies are already protected land. Although there is nothing I can give you, just a string of prayer that may Allah always have mercy on you,

and bring us back in heaven. Aamiin ..

10.Thank you to my brother and sister Dedi Afrizal, Sri Astuti, and Meila Dewi, S. Pd, for all the love, encouragement and attention that you've given. Maybe I

will be weak if you do not hand side.

11.To MDS, which always accompany every step, paying attention and


how many services you love, to be able to take the position of young sister, old sister, mother almost offset in my life. May God always protect you and

give you all the best in your life, and God make our ukhuwah everlasting up to paradise. Aamiiin ..

12.Special to my Murobbiyah, Ira Suhartina Perdana tireless provide knowledge and practice of teaching to the true teachings of Islam, which is perfect, and without a doubt. Jazakillahu khoiron katsiron.

13.All I am proud of all personnel Mujahidah Bintang Bersinar (# Laskar'09), Namira Batubara, Rida Sari Surbakti, Asmaul Husna, Ari Fitriani, Saanatun,

Arlina Rangkuti, Qoriyanti, Rika Yulia Fitri, Tuti Widarti, Yessi Karmalini Pohan, And Siti Jahria there will be no moment that I forget with you all.

Hopefully it remains eternal brotherhood up to heaven. Aamiin.

14.To the brethren in UKMI Ar-Rahman UNIMED, Ristinawati, Tusilawati, Pipit Novita, Nurmalita, Suci Muslihani Dalimunthe, Irmala Sari, Sri Rukmana

Sari, Oulia Ulfa, Arizqa Ferina, K'vie, K'tiasina, K'thiarma, K 'San, K'evi, K'afni, K'irma, K'sri and many names are could not to mention. All moment

and teaching that you give me will always be remembered.

15.Its always be longing, Alhufazha's Family, Karmila Sari Ritonga, Tuti Widarti, Sri Anggraini Sinaga, Kiki Novi Sari, Rida Khairunnisa, Lenni

Hartati Manurung, Nur Ajijah, Sri Ayuni, Raisya Ikhwana, Santia Liana Sari, June Astuti, Durrotun Nashah, Julia Mardhiyah, K'ijam, Eva Lestari, and


16.Especially the beloved cousins, Santia Liana Sari, Nurul Asiah, Rahmadiah Fitri, Siti Alita Yasmi, Ikbal Hamdani, Ucok, Desi Rahmawati which gives a

lot of memories and grow together.

17.Thanks to the FORMULA and PUSKOMDA that brings me to the powerful

people, places devoted to charitable jama'i with sincerity and patience. Hopefully the more advanced and always a good dedicated.

18.And to all members of a regular 09, thanks to journey together for 4 years.

Once filled with wonderful memories and I will always remember.

Hopefully, Allah pay all of the goodness that have given me and the author

expect to this thesis will have adventages to reader and especially for the author.

Medan, April 2014

Rina Fitriani



Rina Fitriani. Reg.Number.709141189. Improving Learning Activity and Learning Result in Accounting Through The Implementation of Collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction Learning Model in Social Science Program 11th at Academic Year 2013/2014. Thesis. Economics Education Department, Accounting Education Study Program, Economics Faculty State University of Medan. 2014.

The problem in this research is the low of learning activity and student learning result in accounting subject. The purpose of this research is to investigate by implementing collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction learning model can improve students’ learning activity and learning result.

This research was conducted in Madrasah Aliyah (MAN) 2 Tanjung Pura at academic year 2013/2014. The subjects in this research were students of Social Science Program Grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura, amounting of 40 students. Techniques that used in data collection are observation sheet and test.

The results showed that the percentage of students who completed the pretest value was 12.5% with the average score of students was 52.00. Cycle I 57.5% with an average value of 72.40 and the observation of activity that there are 12 people (30%) of students for Not Active criteria, 21 (52.5%) of students in the category of Active Enough, and 7 people (17.5%) of students for the Active category. In the second cycle completeness result is obtained by an increase in 85% with an average value to 89.5 and observation of students’ activity that there are 6 people (15%) of students in the category of Active Enough, 19 people (47.5%) of students in the category of active and 15 people (37.5%) students for very active category.

To test the significance of difference of learning result of students in the first cycle and second cycle, using t-test formula and obtained tcount was 6.52. The calculation of ttable obtained was 2.02 by comparing ttable and tcount obtained tcount > ttable that 6.52 > 2.02. So that the difference of learning result of accounting at post test I in cycle I and post test II in cycle 2 was significantly positive. It can be concluded that by applying collaborative learning model Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction can improve the activity and learning result in social sience program grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura at academic year 2013/2014.



Rina Fitriani. Nim. 709141189. Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Akuntansi Melalui Penerapan Kolaborasi Model Pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization dan Explicit Instruction di Kelas XI IPS MAN 2 Tanjung Pura T.P 2013/2014. Skripsi. Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi, Program Studi Pendidikan Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi Unimed. 2014.

Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya aktifitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran akuntansi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran team assisted individualization dan explicit instruction dapat meningkatkan aktitas dan hasil belajar siswa.

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 tanjung pura tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPS MAN 2 Tanjung Pura yang berjumlah 40. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah observasi aktivitas dan tes hasil belajar.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa persentase nilai pretest siswa yang tuntas adalah 12,5% dengan rata-rata nilai siswa adalah 52,00. Siklus I 57,5% dengan rata-rata nilai 72,40 dan hasil observasi aktifitas yaitu terdapat 12 orang (30%) siswa untuk kriteria tidak aktif, 21 orang (52,5%) siswa untuk kategori cukup aktif, dan 7 orang (17,5%) siswa untuk kategori aktif. Pada siklus II diperoleh peningkatan hasil ketuntasan yaitu 85% dengan rata-rata nilai menjadi 89,5 dan hasil observasi aktifitas yaitu terdapat 6 orang (15%) siswa untuk kategori cukup aktif, 19 orang (47,5%) siswa untuk kategori aktif dan 15 orang (37,5%) siswa ntuk kategori sangat aktif.

Untuk menguji signifikansi perbedaan hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I dan siklus II, digunakan rumus uji-t dan diperoleh thitung sebesar 6,52. Perhitungan ttabel diperoleh hasil sebesar 2,02 dengan membandingkan thitung dan ttabel diperoleh thitung>ttabel yaitu 6,52>2,02. Sehingga perbedaan hasil belajar akuntansi pada post test I di siklus I dan post test II di siklus 2 adalah signifikan positif. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menerapkan kolaborasi model pembelajaran Team Assisted Individualization dan Explicit Instruction dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar akuntansi di kelas XI IPS MAN 2 Tanjung Pura T.P 2013/2014.



Table Page

Table 1.1 Trend of Student Learning Activity ... 3

Table 1.2 Trend of Student Learning Result ... 4

Table 2.1 Phases of Team Assisted Individualization ... 17

Table 2.2 Phases of Explicit Instruction ... 21

Table 3.1 Implementation Measure... 38

Table 3.2 The Observation Sheet of Student Activity ... . 41

Table 4.1 Students Learning Activity ... . 49

Table 4.2 Students Learning Result ... . 51



Figure Page

Figure 1.1 Graphic of Accounting Learning Activity ... 3

Figure 1.2 Graphic of Accounting Learning Result ... 4

Figure 2.1 Effect of Collaborative Learning Model... 33

Figure 3.1 Cycle of Classroom Action Research ... 37

Figure 4.1 Students Learning Activity Each Cycle ... 50

Figure 4.2 Graph of Learning Result in the Research ... 51




1st Appendix Syllabus 2nd Appendix Lesson Plan 3rd Appendix Learning Material 4th Appendix Research Instrumen

5th Appendix Observation Sheet of Learning Activity In 1st Cycle 6th Appendix Observation Sheet of Learning Activity In 2nd Cycle 7th Appendix The Learning Result of Pre Test in the First Cycle

8th Appendix The Learning Result of the First PostTest in the First Cycle 9th Appendix The Learning Result of the Second PostTest in the Seocond Cycle 10th Appendix The Increasing of Learning Activity and Learning Result



1.1. Background of the Problem

“Education is a process in order to influence students to adapt to their

environment and thus will lead to a change in themselves that enable them to have adequately functioned in society” (Hamalik, 2010:79). Change is not only for

personal development but also as the root of the development of the nation. Because the educational process through a continuous effort will form a solid

deep-rooted personal and it will be oriented become a pillar of nation development. Education has an enormous influence in the formation of personal

and human qualities, so it requires a variety of academic entities to be able to carry out the teaching and learning process is well with modifications that fit to their needs.

Learning is a mental activity/psychological interactions that take place in environments that result in changes in the knowledge, insight, behavior, skills and

attitudes values. In this regard, between the process of learning and change are two related symptoms, namely learning as a process and change as the evidence of the processes results. This is consistent with the educational objectives that direct

and guide the activities of teachers and students in the eaching process. Because of the clear goals that changes then all the efforts and thinking of teachers must be

focused on achieving that goal.


In achieving these learning objectives, teachers are required to provide ideas and make all efforts to implement the learning process appropriate to the

needs and development of students. But today, the teacher has the role of domination and does not involve students directly. So the students become passive

and not eager to follow the learning process in the class. This is caused by teacher learning model used is still conventional. In conventional methods usually whole class learning activities centered of the teacher, while the students only as a

subject of study that are passive, so that the learning process takes place in one direction only. In other word, students are not given to self-reliance and develop

through discovery and the process of thinking, so that students become bored, less interested and less able to absorb the material provided by the teacher.

Based on the observation that have been carried out by the author in MAN 2 Tanjung Pura obtained information that the accounting learning activity In Social Science Program Grade 11th is still relatively low. This can be seen in the

activities of the student during the learning process. At the time of the learning process takes place, students tend to hear and receive any material that has been

taught. So, many students are confused by what is being described by the teacher, the students did not dare to ask, and give an opinion and even the condition of the class become a little noisy with the student voice that speaks out of boredom with

the learning system is implemented.

Data of students’ activity at the time of observastion can be seen in this


Table 1.1

Trend of Students Activity in Social Program Grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura

Graphic of Students Activity in Social Science Program Grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura

The low activity of the students can impact to learning result of accounting

students in Social Science Program Grade 11th too. This can be seen through the average daily test of Social Science Program Grade 11th were 38 students from three standard of competences that has been tested at academic year 2012/2013

with a minimum completeness criteria (MCC) which set the school is 75. Very Active Active Active Enough Not Active

1 3


2,63% 7,9%



Table 1.2

Trend of Student Learning Results in Social Program Grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura

(Source: List of Monthly Test Value of social program grade 11th MAN 2 Tg Pura) When depicted in the graph would look as follows:

Figure 1.2

Graphic of Accounting Learning Result

From 38 students in the class who has followed the daily tests in accounting subjects at academic year 2012/2013 on the third competency


standards can be averaged that only 8 students who completed the minimum completeness criteria set the school are 75.

Student learning result can be influenced by several factors, including significant internal factors (of the student) and external factors (from outside the

student). Internal factors of student like capability, readiness, attitudes, interests, and intelligence. While external factors, namely the environment (family, school, community) and one of them also caused of the way that taken by teacher. For

example, the selection of learning models that are not attractive to seem boring. These conditions showed that most teachers tend to use conventional

learning model which only focus on the learning processes that lead to teacher, so that is make the students become passive. The general perception have been

rooted in education which a teacher as a reference that should be more active in the learning process. It should need a reform in teaching and learning paradigm, because the flow of the learning process not only from the teacher, students can

also discuss with each other to help them knowing the subject.

Needed the reforms in teaching-learning process, so that created a more

attractive learning environment, and students are motivated to take an active role in the learning process.

To overcome the above problems, need to develop a model that would

foster learning in improving student behavior and learning result. This model give priority to the activity of students to develop the self-potential of students


Learning model that needed are collaborative of Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction learning model. Team Assisted

Individualized (TAI) instruction has been found effective in facilitating mathematics performance (Slavin 1994). TAI combines cooperative learning with

individualized programmed instruction. Cooperative learning refers to learning together in small groups to effect individual accountability and a common group goal. In individualized programmed instruction, “instructional materials are

arranged in a series of successive frames that lead the learner from a body of known concept to unknown, from simple to complex concept within the same area” (UNESCO, 1984 cited in Igwe 2000).

According to Arends (in Trianto, 2008:41) Explicit Instruction is one of

learning approach that designed especially to support the student learning process related to declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge in the good arrangement that can be taught on steps. It is mean that explicit instruction is one

of learning model that designed to increase mastery of various skills and factual knowledge that can be taught step by step. Learning environment for direct

teaching is primarily focused on academic tasks and intended to maintain the stud3ents’ active involvement. Implementation of collaborative learning model Team Assisted Individualization with Explicit Instruction is expected to improve

the learning outcomes of accounting students and build a fun learning environment.


that TAI learning model can increase student’s learning result and motivation,

from her research result obtained that student motivation increase to 50% in the

second cycle. And learning result increase till 10,95 points.

In the previous research about Explicit Instruction, Karo (2011)

recommended Explicit Instruction learning model can increase the interest and learning result of student. It is showed from the research result that get increasing

to student’s average value till 33, 33% and student’s interest increase till 30,31%.

Thus, based on the both of research above, the author conclude that if both of the learning models conducted with collaboration, it will can increase students’

activity and learning result.

From the description above the author would like to conduct a research

entitle “ Improving Learning Activity and Learning Result Through The

Implementation of Collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction Learning Model in Social Science Program Grade 11 Th Man 2 Tanjumg Pura Academic Year 2013/2014.”

1.2. Identify of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem, conclude that the identify of the problem are:

1. How do learning activities and learning result of students to teacher who only using conventional learning method?


3. How can improving the learning result of accounting students in social science program grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura?

4. How improve the learning activities and learning result of accounting students by implemention of collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization

and Explicit Instruction learning model in social science program grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura?

5. Is there any significant and positive difference of students' accounting

learning result each cycle after the implementation of the learning model Assisted Team Individualization with Explicit Instruction?

1.3. Problem Formulation

Based on the identify of problem, the problem formulation is as follows: 1. How improve the learning activity by implementation of collaboration of

Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction learning model in

social science program grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura?

2. How improve the learning result by implementation of collaboration of Team

Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction learning model in social science program grade 11th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura?

3. Is there any significant and positive difference of students' accounting


1.4. Troubleshooting

Selection of learning model that is less appropriate by the teacher can

make students do not get the maximum learning result and also can give affect to the students' learning activities. Students will tend to be passive, have not spirit,

fear of asking and bored, so it can be influence in their understanding and learning result.

Problem solving that is used to improve the activity and learning result of

accounting students is to implement collaborative learning model Team-Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction. Because by applying collaborative

learning model students can learn about the declarative and procedural knowledge in the process of being phased out by the group, but students still perform duties

personally learned in the group and there is also the participation of teachers in the learning process.

Team Assisted Individualization is a learning model that adapting

instruction to individual differences related to the ability of students and student achievement. TAI was initiated as an attempt to design an individualized form of

teaching that can solve the problem by making the students work in cooperative learning teams and taking responsibility to manage and check regularly, help each other in dealing the problems, and give each other encouragement for forward,

then teachers can reduce of intervention to small homogeneous groups of students who come from heterogeneous students. Teaching focus on the concepts that exist


arrangements provide the opportunity to do hands-on teaching that not contained in almost all individual teaching methods.

Explicit Instruction teaching model is one approach to teaching that is designed specifically to support students' learning processes related to declarative

knowledge and procedural knowledge are structured to teach the pattern of activity gradually, step by step. In addition, Explicit Instructional learning model model is also intended to help students learn the basic skill and obtain information

that can be taught step by step.

Collaborative learning model of Team Assisted Individualization and

Explicit Instruction is a merger between the cooperative learning with direct instruction, in which students are directly involved in the learning process and

guided the team to train with independence in managing and checking work regularly and help each other in dealing the problems, and give each other encouragement to go forward, and do continuous checks. Implementation of both

of this learning model is the teacher explains the topic to be taught, teachers demonstrate the skills properly, or present information step by step. Then the

teacher divided the students into groups, each group consisting of 4 heterogeneous students. Each student in the group will be given exercises, and will be checked and counted his score by a friend of the group. Students are allowed to ask for

help to a friend of the group if they get a trouble. Teacher check whether the student has performed the task well and mentoring them. Then the students are


Implementation of collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization with Explicit Instruction learning model is intended to help teachers improve students'

understanding and thinking through group learning while providing an opportunity for students to think independently in solving the given problem.

From the description above expected to implement collaborative learning model of Team Assisted Individualization with Explicit Instruction can increase the activity and learning outcomes of accounting students of social science program grade 11 th MAN 2 Tanjumg Pura.

1.5. Research Objectives

Based on the above problem formulation, the objectives of this study are:

1. To find out how improve of students' accounting learning activities by applying collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization with Explicit Instruction learning model in social science program grade 11 th MAN 2

Tanjung Pura.

2. To find out how improve of students' accounting learning result by

applying collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization with Explicit Instruction learning model in social science program grade 11 th MAN 2 Tanjung Pura.

3. To find the significant and positive differential of lerarning result each cycle after the implementation of the learning model Assisted Team


1.6. Benefits of Research

From the above research objectives, the expected benefits of the research

as follows:

1. To add to the knowledge, insight and experience of the authors in the

application of learning models Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction and as an effort to improve student’s learning activity and result in accounting at MAN 2 Tanjung Pura.

2. As an input for MAN 2 Tanjung Pura particular accounting studies teachers in improving activity and accounting student learning outcomes

by applying learning model Team Assisted Individualization and Explicit Instruction.





Based on the result of observation conclude that:

1. by implement of collaboration of team assisted individualization and explicit instruction learning model obtained that till the second cycle the

students’ learning activity has improved. It can be seen from the

observation sheet of students’ learning activity, obtained that the number

of students in a category “very active” in the first cycle that is had grown to 15 students (37.5%) in the second cycle, active student category

amounted to only 7 students (25%) of students in the first cycle increased to 19 students (47.5%) in the second cycle. Students who are enough active category totaled 21students (47.5%) in the first cycle decreased to 6

students (15%), and the category of students who are not actively totaling 12 students (27.5%) to none on the second cycle. It shows that the

implementation of collaboration of team assisted individualization and

explicit instruction learning model can improve the students’ learning


2. With the application of learning models and expicit Team Assisted Individualization instruction can improve student learning outcomes,

namely an increase in the number of students who completed the first cycle that only 23 people (57%) to 34 people (85%) who completed the


second cycle, and the value of average students also increased from 72.4 to 89.5 in the first cycle in the second cycle.

3. There is a significant and a positive difference increase in student learning result in social science program grade 11th Madrasah Aliyah Tanjung Pura

at academic year 2013/2014 each cycles. 5.2.Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it is suggested several points that contents:

1. For the teachers accounting subject are advised to use collaboration of Team Assisted Individualization and explicit Instruction as a new

innovations in classroom teaching and in particular on the basic competence to acounting equation.

2. To apply this learning model, the teacher must be creative in developing strategies to make students more active learning and feel happy with the teaching and accounting learning process. In addition, teacher gives more

motivation to students and give appreciation.

3. For teachers who want to implement Team Assisted Individualization and

Explicit Instruction learning model must adjust the allocation of time in the lesson plan with the implementation in the classroom.

4. For researcher, learning by implement Team Assisted Individualization

and Explicit Instruction learning model is an input and experience as a teacher in the future and for further research to be more creative in



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Table 1.1 Trend of Students Activity in Social Program Grade 11
Table 1.2 Trend of Student Learning Results in Social Program Grade 11


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Prototipe Media Pembelajaran tematik kelas IV SD berbasis ICT dan multiple intelligences untuk Kurikulum 2013 merupakan suatu perangkat pembelajaran berupa media

Perkembangan teknologi pada industri pangan yang semakin canggih menuntut kualifikasi pekerja yang sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada, kebutuhan dunia

Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dan pengumpulan data dilakukan secara retrospektif dari data terapi obat pasien yang sebelumnya telah diresepkan dan

Presentasi dan diskusi (pembelajaran melalui penyampaian gagasan dan argumen secara efektif dan efisien, mendengar, memahami dan menerima gagasan yang berbeda, serta

A client may provide a list of languages in preferred order and the service creates a response using the supported language that has highest client preference - if none of the

(disesuaikan dengan judul dan masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan/lembaga, serta alternatif yang diusulkan serta bagaimana seharusnya yang ideal berdasarkan kajian teori dan