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Submitted as partial fulfillment of requirement to get Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in English Education








Jambi, 9th November 2020

The dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

The Islamic State University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi In Jambi



After reading and making some necessary correction, we agree that thesis entitle“An Analysis of Teacher’s Questioning Strategies During the Classroom Interaction” by Ziarah, TE.161841, English Education Study Program is approved for thesis differences as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements to Obtain Undergraduate Degree (S 1) at English Education Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Trainingat the Islamic State Universtiy of Sulthan Thaha saifuddin Jambi.

Thus we submit it in order to be received well. We appreciated your attention. May this thesis be of a great benefits to the religion and national.


Advisor I Advisor II

Monalisa,M.Pd Ayuliamita Abadi,S.Pd.I,M.Pd.

NIP.197505152000032004 NIP.198602202015032004








First of all, the writer gives praise and thankfulness to Allah SWT because his blessing and the merciful with deeply this thesis can be finished.

I dedicated this thesis especially for:

My beloved parents, there are My Father (Yudi Wijaya,S.Pd) and My Mother (Nurhayati), thank you for your love, material, best support , and prayer for me. Both of you always give me best motivation when I am down. Your love give a power for me to finish this thesis.

My beloved Husband (Muhammad Zukni) who always pray and give me support and spirit as well as wish for my success. And also for my beloved sister and brother that always pray to me too.

My beloved lecturers, my first advisor (Monalisa,M.Pd) and my second advisor (Ayuliamita Abadi,S.Pd.I,M.Pd) thank you for your times, helps, and advice, teaching me until I finished my thesis.

The last to all my friends, my classmates (English Member Class of D 2016) who can not mentioned one by one. thank you for being my friends and giving support to me.



اًسْفان ُ هّاللّ ُفِّلاكُي الَ

ااهاعْسُو الَِا

“Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya...”

(Q.S Al-Baqarah: 286)




By reciting Alhamdulillahirobbil‟alamin, with all mercies and blessing Allah swt, finally the researcher accomplished this thesis. The objective of this thesis is partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Study, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in the State Islamic University SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi which is entitled “An Analysis of Teacher’s Questioning Strategies During the Clasroom Interaction”. The writer would not have been completed without supports, guidance, advice and special recognition for their invaluable help in accomplishing this thesis.

Therefore, the write would like to express deep appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr.H. Su‟aidi Asy‟ari, MA, Ph.D, as the Rector of the Islamic University STS Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadhillah, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training the Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Wahyuni Fitria,M,Pd, as Chief of English Education Study Faculty of Education and Teacher Training The Stated Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Monalisa,M.Pd as the first Advisor and Ayuliamita Abadi,S.Pd.I,M.Pd as the second Advisor.

5. All lectures in Tarbiyah Faculty of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi who have given knowledge to the writer.

6. Ardiansyah,S.Sos.I,.M.Pd.I as the Principle of MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi and his staff and teachers who have given their kindness as long as the researcher took the data.

7. Achmad Febrianto,S.Pd,M.S as English teacher of MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi who was helped the researcher in the process of getting accomplish this thesis.

8. All the students of XIIC as the subject of this research.



9. My big family who have me support and suggestion to the research to accomplish this thesis

Finally, the researcher expects this thesis will give contribution to be teaching English especially. The researcher hopes critics and suggestions of the readers for the perfection of this thesis. May Allah SWT always gives guidance and blessing for me and readers. Aamiin yarabbal „alamiin.

Jambi, 9th November2020 The Researcher

Ziarah TE16184


ix ABSTRACT Name : Ziarah

Major : English education Study Program

Title : An Analysis Of Teacher‟s Questioning Strategies During The Classroom Interaction

The objective this research are to know the types of questions used by the English teacher. This research used descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted in MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi especially in twelfth grade students. The researcher observation in XIIC because the class is more conducive.

The subject of this research was the English teacher who taught in twelfth grade..

The researcher focus in only one teacher because there was only one teacher who taught in twelfth grades. The technique of collecting data used by the researcher was observation and interview. The researcher took the data in one meeting and the material was preparing for listening test. After collecting the data, the data were analyzed based on Miles and Huberman that consisting of three technique, they are: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The trustworthiness of data this research used methodological triangulation and expert judgment. The result of this research showed that based on Richard and Lockhart theory the types of questions used by the English teacher include procedural questions (15 data), and convergent questions (7 data). The teacher was frequently used procedural questions in a classroom. But the researcher did not find the teacher use the Difergent Question.

Keyword : Teacher’s Questioning Strategies, Classroom interactio


x ABSTRAK Nama : Ziarah

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Analisis Strategi Bertanya Guru Selama Interaksi Dikelas

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis pertanyaan yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi khususnya pada siswa kelas dua belas. Peneliti melakukan observasi di kelas XIIC karena kelas lebih kondusif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru bahasa Inggris yang mengajar di kelas dua belas. Peneliti fokus hanya pada satu guru karena hanya ada satu guru yang mengajar di kelas dua belas. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti adalah observasi dan wawancara. Peneliti mengambil data dalam satu kali pertemuan dan materi yang sedang dipelajari adalah mempersiapkan tes listening. Setelah data terkumpul, data dianalisis berdasarkan teori Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari tiga teknik yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan teori Richard dan Lockhart jenis pertanyaan yang digunakan oleh guru bahasa Inggris meliputi pertanyaan prosedural (15 data), dan pertanyaan konvergen (7 data). Guru sering menggunakan pertanyaan prosedural di kelas.

Tetapi peneliti tidak menemukan guru menggunakan jenis srtategi divergen

Kata kunci : Strategi Bertanya Guru, Interaksi Kelas








MOTTO ... v


ABSTRACT ... viii

ABSTRAK ... ix





B. Formulation of problem ... 3

C. Research objective ... 3

D. Research significance ... 3

E. Research Scope ... 4

F. Research Terminologies ... 4

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Definition of Question... 5

B. Definition of Questioning Strategy ... 6

C. Types of Questioning Strategy ... 8

D. The Application of Questioning Strategy ... 9

E. The Reason of Using Questioning Strategy ... 11

F. Classroom Interaction ... 12

G. The Importance of Teacher‟s Questioning Strategies in the Classroom Interaction ... 14

H. Previous Studies ... 14


B. Research Subject ... 18

C. Data CollectionTechnique ... 18



D. Research Instrument ... 20

E. Data Collection Procedures ... 20

F. Data Analysis Technique ... 21

G. Trustworthiness ... 22


B. Discussion ... 31


B. Suggestion ... 34







Tabel 1.1 The total number of types of questions ... 24 Tabel 1.2 Data Finding of Types of Questions ... 25 Tabel 1.3 Interview result ... 28



LIST OF APPENDIXES Observation result

Interview result Observation photoes



This Chapter consists of explanation about background, formulation of problem, research objective, research significance, scope of research, and the research terminologies.

A. Background

Languange is the most important form of human communication. Without languange people are isolated and helpless. That is, languange plays as an important role in human activities especially for communcating to each other.

Through languange, people can convey news, ideas, opinions, knowledge, and get information.

English is one of the favorite subject at school, but sometimes some of students do not like this subject because of the situation in the class. In Indonesia, English is a foreign languange. So it is a common problem that is faced by teacher inpassive class where the students unresponsive to explanation or instruction.

Many students are passive because the students can not be brave to ask the question if they do not understand about the material and they are shy to ask the question. A teacher has to make a good interaction with the students to know students‟ understanding toward the lesson, but also it might be caused by the teacher who still does not know about the technique of improving the students‟

interaction in classroom.

However, students are often reluctant to make response even if they know the questions, know the answers, and are able to produce the answers. It becomes teacher‟s responsible to use some technique which involves students‟

participation. Students will enjoy if there are some interactions in languange learning between the teacher and students in the classroom.

Long & Sato in Ayu Erianti (2018) state that “The interactive classroom is the result of mutual interaction between teacher and students, among students, group discussions and any other classroom participation”. According to (Liu

&Zhao 2010) in Ayu Erianti (2018) “Interactive classroom is efficieant for


students, because they can increase theire languange store, have oppertunity to understand and use the languange easily and quickly.

Teacher that has strategies can stimulate students to be more attractive in the classroom interaction. The strategies can be used by the teacher to get information about what the student know and do not know. It means, that the teacher does not waste the time reharsing the students existing knowledge.The questioning strategy is intended to give students more oppertunities to think and understand what the teacher is asking about and also give them time to answer the question. Therefore, there will be interactive communication between teacher and students.

Teaching and learning process between teacher and students in the classroom needs a method and strategy. Teacher has to apply strategy to make student enjoy and active in teaching learning process. Because student‟s answer are strongly influenced by teacher‟s question, especially in the application of the asking strategy, the teacher must consider the strategy in asking question in terms of the level of question type and asking behaviour. The researcher will describe how the teacher implements the questioning strategies during the classroom interaction.

The reason why the researcher choosean analysis of teacher‟s questioning strategies during the classroom interaction is because based on the researcher‟s experience since she studied showing that one of the most common factors that makes class or students silent because the students were not interactive,unpleasant and less comfortable learning environment during the english class.

Moreover when the researcher did preliminary study at Madrasah Aliyah Pondok Karya Pembangunan (MA PKP) Al-Hidayah Jambi the researcher saw that the teacher tried to use some strategies in questioning. Although not all students seem interested in learning English, some of them have good achivement in the English subject. Therefore, the researcher wanted to analyze the teachers‟

questioning strategies in teaching English applied by an English teacher at MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi. It is interesting because it helps the researcher and reader to more creative in using the questioning strategy, so that the students could be



understand the material conveyed by the teacher. Based on the explanation above, the researcher interested in conducting research entitled “An Analysis of Teacher’s Questioning Strategies During The Classroom Interaction”

B. Formulation of problem

The research aims to analyze the teacher‟s questioning stratregies during the classroom interaction at MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi as the main problem of this research. In order to get data, the researcher formulates the research question as follow:

What questioning strategies are used by the teacher during the classroom interaction at MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi?

C. Research objective

Based on the preliminary study, the researcher aims to find out:

The questioning strategies that is usually used by the teacher during the classroom interaction at MA PKP Al-Hidayah jambi.

D. Research significance

The significance of this study could be in terms of theoritically and practically

1. Theoritically, for the teacher and students, this study provides information or it will be a source about the type of questions that is useful in teaching and learning process.

2. Practically:

a. For Students

The result of this research is expected that through teacher‟s questioning strategies the students could be more interactive, and the class could be useful. The researcher expected that all the students could enjoy when they learn english in their classroom.


b. For Teacher

For english teachers who is directly involved the teaching and learning process in order to make the teachers able to anticipate those problems in their teaching, the teacher also got effective way and efficient in teaching in classroom and make the students got information clearly.

c. For other Researcher

This research may also give inspire for the other researcher to researc the same issues which are related to implementation and development of teaacher‟s questioning strategies in order to develop the quality of education field in future.

E. Research Scope

This research is limited to the teacher who teaches at the twelfth gradeMA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi, academic year 2020/2021. This research aims to analyze the teacher‟s questioning strategies during the classroom interaction.

F. Research Terminologies

To avoid possible missunderstanding of this research, it neccessary to clarify some of the term as following:

1. Questioning strategies

Questioning strategies are the ways which are used to ask something to the students in acquiring a purpose in teaching and learning process.Questioning strategy in this study are which is applied by teacher in teaching and learning process at MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi.

2. Classroom interaction

Classroom interaction is interaction between the teacher and students that occure in classroom during the teaching and learning process.



This chapter consists of definition of question, definition of questioning strategy, types of questioning strategy, the application of questioning strategy, the reason of using questioining strategy, classroom interaction, and the important of questioning strategies in the classroom interaction.

A. Definition of Question

A question is any sentence which has an interrogative form or function. In classroom learning activities, teachers‟ question are defined as instructional cues or stimuli that convey to students the contents elements to be learned and directions for what they are to do and how they are to do it. According Wragg and Brown (2001) in Syarifah Rahmah (2017), question is an essential element in the design of instruction and facilitation learning. Farmer (2006) in Syarifah Rahmah (2017) also stated that question is a skill to bridge the unknown to known knowledge route. That is why asking question in classroom learning activities is important things that should to do.

Asking question during teaching and learning process is popular method that used by teacher. Harlen and Qualter (2004) in Rismayanti (2018) stated that teachers‟ question play a role in every phase of students‟ scientific investigation.

It means questions could facilitate students‟ exploration of scientific phenomena and development process skill.

Research has shown that teacher ask a high frequency of questions. In 1967, Schreiber found that fifth grade teachers asked about 64 questions each during 30- minutes social studies lesson. Floyd (1960) developed a study with 40 elementaryteachers and found that these teachers asked 93 percent of all classroom questions as stated in Albelgaria Patricia (2011). These numbers confirm the results obtained by Stevens in her precursor study about classroom questioning conducted in 1912. More recently, Kerry (2002) in Syarifah Rahmah


(2017) reinforces these numbers referring that if teachers ask an average of 43.6 questions per hour, in an average career they are likely to ask about 2 million questions.

Moreover, even question is most popular tool that always use by teacher in teaching learning process, even if teacher ask a huge number of question per class, the questions posed are consistently of the same kind. Teachers ask typically low level questions, requiring mainly memory. The finding of teacher‟s characteristic use of low cognitive level questions has been verified in all school level (from elementary school to university) and in a variety subject areas.

To sum up, teachers spend a large percentage of their communication time asking question it is pertinent to ask: why do teacher ask question? What the function of teacher‟s question? According to Brown and Edmonson (1985) In Rismayanti (2018) State that teachers used questioning fundamentally to check understanding and knowledge to aid teaching, to diagnose students‟ difficulties, to recall facts, to test knowledge, to direct attention, and to maintain control. Kerry (2002) argued that the most frequent function of teacher‟s question is recall – usually 60 percent or more of all teachers‟ question. Management questions may between 12 and 30 percent. Surprisingly, teachers seem to be not aware of this discrepancy and always ask the same kind question in classroom learning activities and the result at the end of class, the students cannot improve their knowledge and ability.

B. Definition of Questioning Strategy

The term of questioning strategy comes from two worlds, question and strategy. Question means asking for something to get information. Moreover, Cotton, K (1998) in Ayu Erianti (2018) defined question as any sentences which has interrogative form or function. In the other definition Linch (1991) defined that question is a command or interrogative expression used to elicit information or a response or to test knowledge. The term of questioning strategies have been



long to be known in teaching and learning process. As a result there are several definitions about questioning strategy.

Questioning strategies are the ways which are used to ask something to the students in acquiring a purpose in teaching and learning process. Guest (1985) stated that questioning strategy is one of the important tools to convey students‟

learning which can help teachers develop their own strategies to enhance the students work and thinking. In the other word Harvey (2000) defined that questioning strategy is most effective when it allow students to become fully involved in the learning process.

According to Chin (2007) questioning strategy is characterized by flexibility as the teacher adjust questioning based on students respond in order to engage students in higher order thinking. Harvey (2000) explained that questioning strategy is most effective when it allow students to become fully involved in learning process. It means teachers should think how to create the strategic questioning in their lesson plan before teaching and learning process.

. Questioning strategy is one of the most important dimensions of teaching and learning processes. Guest (1985) argues that questioning strategy is one of the important tools to extending student‟ learning which can help teachers to develop their own strategies to enhance students‟ work and thinking. It means that we cannot ignore that questioning strategies are very important for teachers andstudents. Questioning strategies can help students learn and improve their achievement. Daniels (1997), Gallagher (1985), Letzter (1982), Parker (1989), Pollack (1988), and Schwartz (1996) indicate that questioning strategies are essential to the growth of critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and higher level thinking skills.

Questioning strategies are vital to acquire knowledge. People usually ask questions to one another to know something about the unknown things. They are instruments to examine new ideas, facts, information, knowledge, and experiences. According to Brown and Wragg (1993), we normally ask questions when we really want to know something and, if we already know the answer, then


we don‟t need to ask. Questions in the language classroom enable the teacher to evaluate his or her students and motivate students to attend lessons attentively.

Teachers in the EFL classrooms employ different types of questions to make teaching effective and enhance learners‟ proficiency in the target language.

As it has been explained by Richards and Lockharts (1994), there are three types of questions. First, procedural questions which the following questions usually occur in classrooms while teachers are checking the assignments have been completed, that instructions for a task is clear, and that student are ready for a new task. Second, convergent questions need the responses “yes” or “no” or short statements. Third, divergent questions encourage students‟ responses which are not short answers and which require students to engage in higher level thinking.

C. Types of Questioning Strategy

There are several types of questioning strategies to help students to be more responsibility for their learning and engage the students in teaching and learning process. The point of teacher questioning strategies is to create the learning environtment to be more interactive, active, and collaborative. The teacher should uses questioning strategy as assessment of learning to the students in order to determine how student‟s understanding. To improve student‟s ability in the target language. The teacher can use different types of question to make teaching and learning effectively.

According to Richard and Lockhart (1994) there are three types of question :

1. Procedural Questions

Procedural question used by teachers what going on in a classroom. Procedural questions have to do with classroom procedures and routines. Procedural questions not focus on the material. Procedural questions used by the teacher to check student‟s assignment and intructions for a new task. In procedural questions the students can answer used short answer such as yes or no. Procedural question for enhancing the



student‟s comprehension and classroom interction. These examples of procedural questions:

a. Did everyone bring dictionary?

b. Why you are not doing this assignment?

c. Are you understand students?

2. Convergent Questions

Convergent questions can encourage the students to response the question based on a main topic or material. In convergent questions, the students can answer the question based on the material that has been explained by the teacher. The respond of convergent questions are short answer, such as : yes, no, or short statement. Convergent question is not engange the students to higher level thingking, but to engange the students to stay focuses on the material that has been explained or presented by the teacher and focus on the recall of previously information. These examples of convergent questions :

a. What kind of the expression of the answering?

b. What the material that you get?

c. What are they talking about?

3. Divergent Questions

Divergent question can encourage the students to answer the question in higher level thingking. Divergent questions can encourage the students to response the question based on their knowledge, experience, and information. It means the students can answer the questions with long answer and more complex sentence. Divergent questions require the students to analyze something based on their knowledge and information than recall previously information.

These examples of divergent questions : a. What do you think about this video?

b. What do you predict will happen after they fishing together?

c. What is the message of the song?


D. The Application of Questioning Strategy

1. Questioning at the beginning of the class

Addressing questioning before teaching and studying material is effective for students who have/are high ability, and/or known to be interested in the subject matter. Eble (1988) argues that some teachers apply questioning in the classroom early to help students who have questions about previous lectures, readings and exam preparations. In the beginning of a class, giving question as opening questions in a conversation can make easy for the students to answer, and does not force them to reveal too much about themselves. The questions before teaching can be in written forms as a quiz or oral question.

2. Questioning in the middle of the class.

Questioning in the middle of the class is very effective in producing achievement, it gains more than instruction carried out without questioning students. According to Eble (1988), students perform better on lesson items that are previously asked as recitation questions than on items they have not been exposed to before. An oral question is suitably used during teaching and learning processes because it is more effective in fostering learning than are written questions. Questions which are focused student attention on silent elements in the lesson result in better lesson comprehensions than no questions. Asking questions during teaching and learning processes is positively related to learning facts.

Based on the functions, the question in this session can be as confirmation checks and classification requests

3. Questioning at the end of the class.

Questioning students at the end of the class teaching is mostly used by teachers because it is essential to know students‟ understanding, to assess students‟ learning, to test students input and evaluate both teachers‟ teaching quality and the teaching learning process whether they have been running well or not. In this section, it is essential for teachers to apply recall question, a referential



question to check students‟ understanding. Eble (1988) argues that open/closed questions, or other types of questions can also be used by teachers in completing the target learning

E. The Reason of Using Questioning Strategy

Many reasons why teachers asked questions to their students, either the question are addressed to test students‟ ability or to engage them into class discussion. Elis (1992) proposed two reasons why teachers asked questions in their classroom. First, questions require respond. When students respond the question, teacher could give some feedback which can be used to adjust content and expression in subsequence teacher talk. Second, question serve as a device controlling the progress of the interaction through which a lesson is enacted.

Why do we ask question? According to Richard and Smith (2000) teachers asked question to their student are to access information, to analyze information and to draw some conclusion. Other factors why teacher should use questioning strategy in teaching and learning process because question not only as a thing to get an answer. But the function of question are also to motivate, to test, to assess, to revise, to explore, to explain, to encourage, to control and to students‟

understanding in learning process.

According to Mehan (1979) the traditional teachers used to ask questions by using recitation or the initiate-response-evaluate (I-R-E) model of questioning.

Although, this model can be an effective way to check for factual knowledge or recall, it typically does not encourage higher order thinking because this kind of model used to expect one right answer. When teachers ask a question to the students, teachers should ask to every student, get the right answer and then evaluate it. Each round of interaction involves one student at a time, with the teachers asking, evaluating and then moving on to other students. Cadzen (2001) explained that this model teachers typically talk about two-third of the time,


spending an estimate 35-50 percent of their instructional time questioning students and asking one two three question per minutes.

A number of recent studies have begun to investigate the possibility of making classroom interaction more dialogic (e.g., Gibbon 2002; Nystrand 1997;

Wells 1999). Learning is likely to more effective when students are active involved in a dialogue in which they are co-constructor of meaning.

Teachers posed questions to students in order to engage them and elicit deeperlevel thinking about the subject under discussion to art of asking question is the one of basic skill of good teaching as stated by Adler (2000). In other word question teachers used question to stimulate thinking about a concept and challenge students to attend to higher level of thinking appropriate to the content and learning outcomes. Dillon (1982) argued that teachers used question to develop critical thinking skills and nurture insight by exposing new or related relationship. In conclusion, the purpose of teachers questioning in teaching and learning process are to engage students into discussion and to create an active class to make an effective teaching and learning process.

F. Classroom Interaction

Classroom interaction describe the form and content of behavior or social interaction in the classroom. In particular, research on gender, class, and race in education has examined the relationship between teacher and students in the classroom. A variety of methods have been used to investigate the amount and type of teacher-time received by different groups of students. Much of the research has then sought to relate this to different educational experiences and outcomes among particular groups (.Erianti, Ayu. Akib, Erwin & Andi Baso Farisha. 2018) For example, some studies showed that boys received a disproportionate amount of the teachers' time, sat in different places in the classroom, and were more highly regarded by teachers, which may go some way towards explaining the educational differential between men and women. More recently, focus has shifted to examining the role of the school as a whole on



student experiences as well as behavior outside the classroom, such as bullying and racial and sexual harassment.

Classroom interaction happens between teacher and students during teaching and learning process in the classroom. By classroom interaction the teacher will know the most appropriate way of teach the students. Classroom interaction is a process of involving the studentsin activities, such as writing, reading etc. Classroom interaction is a teaching method that invloved the students in teaching and learning process. Richards (2002) said that classroom interaction is pattern verbal and non verbal communication and the types of social relationships that is occur in a classroom. Verbal interaction is a communication which occurs between teacher‟s and student‟s talks. While non verbal interaction is a communication which occurs between teachers and students without using words.

Chaudron (1998) said that classroom interaction is classroom behaviors such as turn taking, questioning and answering, negotiation of meaning and feedback. Hitchcok and Hughes in Brown (2001) said that classroom interaction can be define is a communication patterns between teacher and students and students with students. It means that is not only process between teacher and students but also between students and students in the learning process. Classroom interaction can make the students involve in learning because the students talk and share to each other in a classroom, the students can make interaction and have good relationship with each other.

Through classroom interaction, the students can participate well in teaching and learning process and the teacher can measure the time to talk and to know the effectiveness teaching style during teaching and learning process. According to Creemers and Kyriakides (2005) states that classroom interaction is related to the teacher‟sstyle. The teacher knows how to make the students involve in the classroom interaction. So the teacher is the key that will make the students participation in the classroom interaction actively. In the context of language, classroom interaction is an interactive process that gives an opportunity to


students exploring their idea. Classroom interaction can make the students being active in teaching and learning process. It means that the teacher gives chance students to talk, the students will enthusiastic to participate a classroom.

Based on the definitions by some theories above, it can be conclude that classroom interaction is a process of thought and idea exchange in the teaching and learning process to create a relationship and collaboration between teacher and students to a good classroom atmosphere. Classroom interaction also used for knowing student‟s understanding and the language development in the classroom.

G. The Importance of Teacher’s Questioning Strategies in the Classroom Interaction

Beside its various functions, questioning strategies can also contribute a lot to the classroom interaction structure. As a two-way interaction, questioning strategies has its potential to stimulate students‟ interaction, thinking and learning.

The use of questioning strategies can thus change the way of teacher monologue and involve students in the active classroom interaction, which helpful to the development of their language competence (Ma, 2008:94).

As a matter of fact, in the traditional classroom, teachers dominate the interaction and speak most. This interaction pattern is likely to inhibit students‟

opportunities to use language for communication (Yang, 2010:2). However through questioning strategies, teachers open the chance for their students to use and practice their language. As an implication of one of the functions of the questions proposed by Morgan and Saxton (cited in Brualdi in Meng, 2012:2603) that is to allow students to express their ideas and thoughts, at that time students practice and use the target language. However, a questioning strategies arises is how many time and words that the students practice when answering the questions from the students; whether or not the questions open a wide range opportunity to the students to use the target language in classroom. This can be answered by referring back to the type of the questioning strategies frequently used by the teacher, and it is one of the concerns of this study.



H. Previous Studies

There are some previous researches almost similar title and related to this research. The first study is from Ayu Erianti, Erwin Aki and Farisha Andi Baso entiled “An Analysis of Teachers’ Questioning Strategies in ELT (English Language Teaching) The Classroom Interaction at Eleventh Grade SMA Muhammadiyah 1”.This research relate with teacher questions in senior high school English classroom. It was conducted to answers three of problem statement. This reserach was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 with the descriptive qualitative method. The research was carried out by observing, interview and taking video recordings of 1 English teacher and 15 students. The researcher takes 2 class in one meeting consist of 90 minutes each class. The result showed that procedural (13%), display (74%) and referential (13%) questions were found in the type of teacher questioning strategies used. However, the reason why teacher used the types of the question is according to the function of the question type. Then the effect of the question to the students based on 6 questions that researcher asked.

This previous research is similar with the current research. But there are differences with the current research. Ayu Erianti, Erwin Aki, and Farisha Andi Baso used question types is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, which is procedural, display and referential question. This previous research analyze effect of question and students response about teachers‟ questioning. But the current reserach uses Richard and Lockhart theory and the researcher just wants to knowwhat is the questioning strategies that usually used by the teacher during the class in twelfth grade of MA PKP Al-Hidayah.

The second research was done by Rita Erlinda and Sari Rahma Dewi entitled “Teacher’s Questions in EFL Classroom”. This research explains types of questions and its frequency used by EFL teacher in the classroom during the teaching processes through analyzing the transcripts of the videotaped instructions. Another special emphasis is put on investigating the length of the students‟ utterances in responding the teacher questions. The participants were 29


grade eleven students and an English teacher. The results showed that rhetorical, procedural, closed, open, display, and referential questions were found, and it was more focused on the last four types of questions. However, display questions are more than twice as much as referential one, 50.8% compared to 14.6%

occurrences, and closed questions are the most preferred questions with a total number of 252 which is also slightly more than double of referential questions which compose 62 questions. Conversely, open and referential questions produced longer students‟ responses than closed and display ones.

This previous research is similar with the current research, it is about teacher‟s types of questions that mostly used by the teacher in classroom. But there are difference with the current research. The location of the research also different, the current research will be conducted in an islamic boarding school.

Next research is “Teacher Questioning Strategies: to Improve Students’

Motivation in English Classroom Learning Activity” by Syarifah Rahmah. The objective of this research is to find out the teachers‟ questioning strategy in teaching English at SMPN 8 Banda Aceh and to know the improvement of students‟ motivation in learning English through teachers‟ questioning strategy.The approach of this research was qualitative. The researcher took 2 subjects of participants; there were 3 English teachers and 10 students of SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. The writer used narrative analysis to analyze the data. The result of data analysis showed that the teachers used questioning strategies by applying some types of question and performing the type questions in each season of teaching. Using probing and factual question in asking question were dominant. It depends on the material that teachers transferred to students.Otherwise, divergent and higher order question, it used only few time by teachers. The teacher also applied other strategies, it was repeate the questions, emphasis the question, translated into Bahasa Indonesia or mixed the questions, get closer to student, and gave reward to the students.The research finding also showed the positive effects from the use of questioning strategies which were applied by the teachers in English classroom learning activity and also improved students‟ motivation in learning English. It means teachers‟ questioning strategy are accepted by them,



both teachers and students. The interpretation of data is teachers‟ questioning strategy : to improve students motivation in English classroom learning activities are more effective in improving students‟ motivation in learning English.

This previous research is similar with the current research. But there are differences with the current research. Syarifah Rahmah used question types is based on P.E Blosser, and the researcher focused on students motivation. This research used narrative analysis to analyze the data. But the current research uses Richard and Lockhart theory (Procedural, Convergent and Divergent Questions) and the researcher also wants to describe how the classroom interaction when the teacher uses questioning strategy at the twelfth grade students.

Those all previous studies are concerned with types of questions that used by the teacher in the classroom interaction. This current research, to observe on types of questions that might give more contribution for the teacher to conduct interaction in the classroom and to describe how the classroom interaction when the teacher uses questioning strategy at the seventh grade students.The current research used different theories with the previous studies. The researcher will refer to Richard and Lockhart theory (Procedural, Convergent and Divergent Questions), it means that this current research used different classification from the theories. This research also used different school with the previous studies, this research focused in MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi at twelfth grade student. That is why this current research is different with the previous studies.



This chapter consists of research method, research subject, data collection technique, research instrument, data collection procedure, data analysis technique and trustworthiness. The following are those descriptions.

A. Research Method

Hopkins (1984) state that descriptive research involves gathering data that describe events and than organize, tabulate, describes the data collection.The researcher used descriptive qualitative method which aims to describe what teacher‟s questioning strategies used by the teacher in teaching English and the implementation and the contribution of teachers questioning towards of teaching English at MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi.

B. Research Subject

This research was conducted at MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi. This School is located at Pal 10 Kotabaru Jambi. The subject of the research was the English teacher of MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi. The researcher took one class as subject of the research, because they look very potential to find out the preference toward the use of teacher questioning strategies.

C. Data CollectionTechnique

In collecting data, the researcher did the observation of the classroom, and interview the English teacher to collect the data, and also interview was one of data resources which can be in the form of written or visual that can contribute to our understanding of what happening in English Foreign Languange (EFL)

1. Observation (Non participant observation)

The researcher would use nonparticipant observation research that is not directly involved with the activities of the students surveyed, therefore the researchers only as observers (Sugiono, 2015), moreover observational


model will useful means of gaining understanding about the processes involved in a situation. In this observation, qualitative research obtained the data by simplywatching the participants. The emphasis during the observation on understanding the natural environment as lived by participant without altering or manipulation it (Gay et al, 2006).

The researcher applied the direct observation. Direct observation involves the observation of a subject in a certain situation and often uses technology such as video camera and the researcher is not involved in the lives of the subject being observed.

The researcher observed the teacher‟s questioning strategiesof MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi.The observation was conducted in one meetingand the duration of observation was 80 minutes.The researcher observed classroom activities. The reason why the researcher just take one meeting in this observation is because this research did during covid-19 pandemic. And because of that , there are not many classes that do face to face learning, which causes the class to be inaccessible.

2. Interview

Interview is a dialog used to acquire information from someone interviewed. Interview is use to appraise someone‟s condition. For example: To look for the data about variable of students‟ background, parents, education, attention, perception (Arikunto, 2013). Interview is dialogue that used by researcher to know information deeply. It will be conducted to know the response of students‟ mind or students‟ perception about speaking in front of the class. Conducting interview was very important in this research since some mental aspects since measuring information.

Interview is a technique that used to find out the data information. In this research, the researcher used a structured interview. The people who had been interviewed by the researcher were English teacher. The researcher


would interview the teacher to find out his/her implementation of teachers‟

questioning during the classroom interaction.

D. Research Instrument

Instrument is tools that are required to get information. Gay and Airasian (2000: 145) stated that instrument is a tool that is used in collecting data. While, Arikunto (2000: 134) revealed that instrument in collecting data is a tool that is used by researchers to help them in collecting data in order to make it more systematic and easy Here, the instrument used structured interview by using ten questions for interview, and also video recording that used for observation in the classroom. And the point of observation here is questioning strategies that used by the teacher in the class.

E. Data Collection Procedures

In collecting the data, the researcher used the procedures as follows:

1. Researcher proposed to the teacher of MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi to help and collaborate with researcher in conducting this research in order to make this research easier and more effective.

2. Give some instruction and explain the purposes of the research to the teacher.

3. Preparing the instruments for observation and interview such as voice recorder or video recorder.

4. The researcher employed observation during research to gain the data about teacher questioning strategies. The researcher observed the teacher through some combination of field note.

5. Researcher conducting the research and observing the teacher carefully.

6. And the last after class conducted, researcher interviewed the teacher.

7. From observation, interview and recording, the researcherexamines various types of record and document files.


F. Data Analysis Technique

According to Miles and Huberman (2011) there are four steps in data analysis. They are data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. Generally, the steps are related to each other either during or after collecting data so the model of Mile and Huberman is called as an interactive model:

1. Data Reduction

In this step, the researcher conducted selection and attention focus on simplifying, abstracting, and transforming a hard data achieved.

Qualitative data could be reduce and transform in a lot of ways; they are selection and summary or paraphrase.

2. Data Display

In this step, the researcher developed and arranged information, descriptionto take conclusion and action. The display data which was used a narrative text. The display is organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. It is design to assembly organized information into an immediately accessible, compact form so that analyst can see what happening and either draw justified conclusions or move on the next step of analyst the display..

3. Conclusion drawing

The researcher attempted to take a conclusion and to do verification by looking for meanings of every single phenomenon achieved. Conclusion is verified at the analyst process.

4. Verification

Verification may be as brief as fleeting second thought crossing the analysis mind during writing, with short excursion back to field notes, or it may be elaborated, with lengthy argumentation and review among colleagues to developed inter subjective consensus, or with extensive efforts to replicate a finding in another data set.


G. Trustworthiness

The trustworthiness of the data in this research using the technique of triangulation. According to Sutopo that triangulation is the most common way used for improving validity in qualitative research. According to Patton (in Sutopo 2006: 96) stated that there are 4 techniques of triangulation : (1) data triangulation, (2) investigator triangulation,(3) methodological triangulation, and (4) theoritical triangulaton.

The data triangulation means that the researcher triangulates some sources of the data that have been obtained. It means that the researcher should collect the data from different data sources. Second is investigator triangulation refers to the researcher triangulates the sources of data by check the data to some experts to reach the data validation. It means that the result of research from data or conclusionscan be tested or check validity by some experts. Third is methodological triangulation, refers to the reseachers technique in collecting the data to obtain data validation. It can also be defined that methodological triangulation is the way of the researcher to test or check the validity of data by collecting similar data but using a technique or a different data collection methods. While theoritical triangulation refers to the triangulation process to use of some related theories by the researcher to validate the data of the research. It means that to check the validity of data using more than one theory to discussed the problem statement so that it can be analyzed.

From those types of triangulation, the researcher applied the methodological triangulation. To get the validation of the data, the researcher compared the data that have been obtained from the data observation and the data interview. After observation in the classroom, then the researcher crosschecking the data to compare the data observation to the data interview and the theory.


H. Research Schedule

This research be held from January 2020 until October 2020, where the researcher arrangement proposal until the researcher is taking a thesis examination. The Schedule of the research can be seen below:

Table 3.1

Schedule of the research N


Activiti es


January February March April May June July August Septem


October November 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 Arrangi

ng Proposal

2 Consult ation proposal

3 Preparin g Seminar

3 Proposal


4 Collecti ng data

5 Arrangi

ng thesis


Improve ment 7 Thesis

examina tion




This chapter, the researcher presents the result of the research done in MA PKP AL-Hidayah Jambi at twelveth grade especially in XII C Class . The research finding is the results to answer one research questions. The research questions is:

what are the types of questioning strategies that used by the English teacher at the twelve grade students of MA PKP AL-Hidayah Jambi. The researcher used two techniques of collecting the data, there are observation and interview.

1. Observation Result

The observation was conducted in twelfth grade especially in XII C class.In the observation, the researcher observed at the twelfth grade of MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi on Thursday 29th September 2020 at 10.40- 11.40. The observation was conducted in one meeting and the duration of observation was 80 minutes.The researcher observed classroom activities.

The research finding of this research as follows:

The Types of Questions Used by the English Teacher at the twelfth Grade Students of MA PKP AL-Hidayah Jambi

The result of observation described the types of question used by the English teacher at the twelfth grades students. Based on the observation, the researcher found two from three types question used by the English teacher. The two types of questions are procedural question, and convergent question. The total number of types of questions used by the English teacher in one meetings was 22 questions.


Tabel 1.1

The total number of types of questions

NO Types of Questions Frequency

1. Procedural Questions 15 Questions

2. Convergent 7 Questions

3. Divergent -

Total 22 Questions

The material of this meeting is listening practice to preparing the mid test. The english teacher greeted the students and asked about students‟ condition. Then the teacher checked students attendence. After the teacher checked the attendence, the teacher asked students to prepare for an audio listening excercize.

In the main activity, after the class was condusive, the English teacher played an audio and asked students to listen the audios on the speaker carefully. The students must fill the answer of the question in the audio, The audio contained some of questions to train how to fill the question in the mid term test. After the English teacher reviewed the audio, the English teacher gave a paper to each students, then asked students to listen a song and fill the blank script. The English teacher gave 15 minutes to listen that song. The English teacher walked around the class to check students‟ activities. When there were students asking questions, the English students came close to students and explained the student‟s questions. After the students finished their task, the English teacher asked everyone to submited the answer sheet. This activity aims to practice how to filling out the mid term examination.

From the observation in this meeting, the researcher gave table to show the findings of types of questions used by the english teacher at twelveth grade especially at XII C. The table can be seen below:


Tabel 1.2

Data Finding of Types of Questions Used by the English Teacher

NO Type of


The English Teacher‟s Questions& The Student‟s



1. Procedural Questions

1) How about the speaker already taken?Yes sir..

2) Ready?Ready sir..

3) Where did you go last meeting?I was sick sir..

4) How long have you been sick?Only a day sir..

5) Only a day?Yes sir..

6) Where does she go?She go to the dormitory sir..

7) You all didn‟t study just now?Yes sir..

8) Where is zita?She goes to the headmaster office sir..

9) Where is your name?My name is anggi sir..

10) How about we set our seat first?Okay sir..

11) How many students coming today?All of us are coming today sir..

12) Is it okay if i switch off the fan?Yes sir..

13) Have you ever study at the lab before?Never sir..

14) So far so good?Yes sir..

15) Do you understand?Yes sir..

15 Questions

2. Convergent Questions

1) This unit that entitled offering helphas not been discussed yet?Not yet sir..

2) Have you finish the task?Yes sir..

7 Questions


3) Did you see it?Yes sir..

4) What do you see in practice four?Some of picture sir..

5) How many choices are there?There are 4 choices sir..

6) Do you ger the point?Yes sir..

7) Can we start the song?Yes sir..

3. Divergent Question - -

Total 22 Questions

The research finding showed that in the meeting during teaching and learning process, the English teacher used two from three types of questions. The researcher found types of questions used by the English teacher in XII C Class during teaching and learning process about preparation for the listening test were 15 procedural questions, and 7 convergent questions. The example of the data can be seen below:

Teacher : “How many students coming today”

Students : “ All students today are coming sir”

In convergent questions, some questions used by the English teacher to ask the students to response the questions based on the material, The example of the data can be seen below:

Teacher : “Have you finish the task?”

Students : “Yes sir”

Divergent questions were to encourage the students to response based on their own knowledge, but in this research the researcher didn‟t find the english teacher used Divergent Questions.


2. Interview Result

The interview was conducted with the English Teacher. The interview was conducted in one meeting and the duration of interview was 20 minutes. The researcher interviewed the English Teacher. From the interview in this meeting, the researcher gave table to show the findings of some answers from the English Teacher. The table can be seen below

Tabel 1.3 Interview result

No Questions Answer

1. Apakah ada masalah/tantangan pada saat anda mengajar dikelas?

Tidak ada 2. Apakah anda sering memberikan

pertanyaan pada saat pembelajaran?

Ya cukup sering 3. Apa pendapat anda tentang peranan

pertanyaan didalam proses pembelajaran?

Pendapat saya bagus karna membuat pertanyaan itu bagian dari brainstorming sebagai awal pemanasan supaya kelas yang berlanjut seterusnya tidak kaku. Walaupun tujuan guru itu menghabiskan materi/KD

tapi caranya untuk

menghabiskan itu akan sangat terlihat kaku jika tidak dimulai dengan pertanyaan.

4. Pertanyaan seperti apa yang biasa anda gunakan untuk mengajar dikelas?

Seperti “How are you doing today..” “how many students coming today.”. so.. “how about you homework.. have you done it..” and than “do you now what is the picture trying to tell you..” like that.

5. Strategi bertanya seperti apa yang sering anda gunakan untuk berinteraksi dengan siswa dikelas?

Semuanya (procedural, convergent dan divergent).


6. Menurut anda seberapa efektif strategi tersebut digunakan dalam interaksi dikelas?

Selain procedural dan convergent yang paling efektif sebetulnya divergent question karna saya menggunakan discovery learning juga untuk membuat mereka berpikir lebih kritis dan membuat mereka semangat dalam menjawab pertanyaan.

7. Apakah dengan strategi bertanya bisa membangun interaksi dikelas?

Bisa tentu 8. Bagaimana rata-rata kemampuan

pemahaman siswa terhadap pelajaran dengan menggunakan strategi bertanya?

Tergantung pertayaan nya apa.

Kalau pertanyaan sekedar conditions mereka bisa menjawab tapi kalau tentang materi paling biasanya mereka hanya menebakjuga kadang ragu-ragu.

9. Apakah anda mengalami kendala tertentu saat bertanya dikelas?

Terkadang siswa kesekolah itu bukan hanya membawa dirinya

namun juga mungkin

membawa masalah lainnya sehingga mungkin mereka nampak pintar dan bisa menjawab namun kita tidak bisa memaksakan siswa untuk menjawab juga terkadang jika diberi pertanyaan mereka blank. Intinya ada faktor lain yang membuat mereka yang mungkin harusnya bisa berinteraksi dengan baik menjadi sedikit terganggu . 10. Apakah masih ada pendapat lain yang

ingin anda sampaikan tentang strategi bertanya dikelas?

Kalau diindonesia untuk guru- guru yang lebih berpengalaman menggunakan straegi bertanya ini lebih mudah dan luwes karna pengalaman mengajar yang cukup. Namun bagi guru- guru baru mungkin akan lebih susah karna pengalaman yang kuran dan juga murid-murid level SMA yang mungkin agak susah untuk dihadapi.


Mengajar dikelas tidak hanya bertujuan untuk menghabiskan

KD namun bagaimana

interaksi antar siswa dan guru juga berjalan dengan baik.

Coba berikan pertanyaan kepada siswa jangan hanya bertanya apakah kamu bisa tapi ajak mereka untuk berpikir lebih kritis atau memecahkan sesuatu/apa yang mereka pikirkan. Jadi saya lebih sering mengajar dengan cara menggunakan gambar lalu mereka suruh menebak gambar tersebut. Itu juga bisa efektif untuk meminta mereka untuk speaking itu lebih baik. Juga agar guru lebih banyak belajar melalui media-media yang tersedia agar pengalaman nya bertambah.

This interview shows the result finding of the conversation between the researcher and the English Teacher about teacher‟s questioning strategies during the classroom interaction.

B. Discussion

In this discussion, the researcher discussed the results of research findingand some theories concerning teacher‟s questioning strategies in classroom interactionto answer the research question in chapter I.The result of the research questions presents in the research finding and the data are discussed in the discussion.The research question is what are the types of questions used by the English teacher at the twelfth grade of MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi. The researcher didobservation in a classroom in one meeting at XII C class in MA PKP Al-Hidayah Jambi on Thursday, 29th September 2020 and the material was preparation for listening examination.


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