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Group Japan Report – SURIYANTI Testimony Batch6, The International Joint Seminar & Visit to Clean Authority of Tokyo, 1519 May 2017 – Program MM FE Unpad


Academic year: 2018

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Tokyo, Japan 31 January – 4 February 2017

between Indonesia & Japan

Arranged by

Suriyanti Gaffar – NPM 120820160042

Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies

Master of Management Program Faculty of Economics and





On January 31 - February 4, 2017, I participated in The International Joint Seminar of Padjadjaran University, Bandung with Rikkyo University, Tokyo. There are several activities conducted during Japan, first, cultural analysis at Asakusa Kannon Temple, and Tokyo Sky Tree. Second, The International Joint Seminar at Rikkyo University. Third, visit FP Corporation factory. Fourth, conducting Tokyo Pop Marketing analysis in Harajuku, Ginza, and Odaiba. Fifth, visit Gotemba Premium Factory Outlet as Tourism Marketing Site. At Rikkyo University, the joint seminar was attended by eight presentations of Padjadjaran University students' papers and reviewed by three professors from Rikkyo University.

1). In front of Rikkyo University 2). History of Rikkyo University Room.


Marketing Analysis Report

Marketing Analysis is an analytical activity undertaken to support the implementation of marketing. In general, marketing analysis is a study that analyzes market activity. In general, marketing analysis is a business analysis that can provide information about the markets we install. I will do a marketing analysis for the stores I see in Japan that is Ginza and Daiso; a linear program, there are 20 units of slack for a constraint.


Ginza is located in Tokyo, not so far from Shibuya and Harajuku Streets.



with a wide selection of fashion items for children to grown men and women.

Ginza is never empty of visitors, both domestic and foreign tourists. The number of Ginza visitors shows the successful implementation of the marketing strategy. Therefore, we can do marketing analysis to Ginza through Pestle analysis to be applied in Indonesia.

Pestle analysis is a tool that is used to understand the environment of business. How the operations, opportunities, and threats that surround them. With a thorough understanding of the business environment, we can take advantage of opportunities and minimize risks or threats. PESTLE analysis is a method used to understand all threats associated with business development or setbacks, as well as strategic positions, potentials, and goals for businesses and organizations.

In this case, PESTLE's analysis of Ginza is as follows:

1. Politics

Political factors include applicable laws, government policies, and formal or informal rules in the corporate environment (eg. taxation policies and local regulations). Based on field observations, the government supports the development of the Ginza region.

2. Economics

Economic factors include all factors that affect the ability of consumers to buy products and factors that affect the business climate of a company (Example: exchange rate standards, interest rates, and economic growth). Based on observations in the field, the price of similar products in Japan with Indonesia is cheaper in Japan. Like the iPhone and also goods sold in Ginza Japan. This is because the value of the yen currency strengthened. On the other hand, when buying mobile phones, the price minus 7% tax for foreign tourists.

3. Social Factors

Social Factors include all the factors that can affect what the customer needs and which affect the size of the existing market share (eg. community education level, population growth rate, social environment and work environment). Based on observations in the field, in addition, there are shops that sell high quality branded products, there are also shops that sell low price is also of high quality. It is very interesting visitors.


From some shopping places I visited, I was excited and impressed to shop at Tokyo Daiso. Daiso Shop can

provide its own pleasure for customers in shopping. Daiso provides a unique experience for thousands of customers in shopping based on curiosity and enjoyment back home with groceries. Besides in Japan, Daiso stores now exist throughout the world including Indonesia. Daiso's business concept is able to satisfy smart



customers. Smart customers will buy the same quality product but at a cheaper price than other stores. There

are 3 values that become a power that can not be imitated by Daiso competitors, namely Quality, Variety, and Uniqueness. These three forces are the basis of Daiso's success.

Daiso wants to help customers “Find Surprises & Fun!” By creating a store with unique value.

Daiso wants to make his customers stunned and happy to shop at Daiso “Wow, can I really buy all the unique items at a cheap price?”. Customers can look around for special products that provide quality, variety, and uniqueness, this is what we do in Daiso.

At Daiso, customers can get new products that can not be compared with the existing one dollar store. This provides excitement and surprises for our customers worldwide by delivering this new and unique value, and by using sophisticated systems that no one else can. This is the reason for the existence of Daiso.

From the beginning, Daiso was known as a 100 yen store, which made it surprising for major global

competitors. Mr. Hiroteke Yano's philosophy, as the founder of Daiso, greatly influenced Daiso's success. His personal business philosophy is rather frank, “Chasing after profits will chase away your customers,” and “businesses evolve best in a tough environment.” A philosophy unprecedented in Japan or even the world. Japan’s top business magazine selected Mr. Yano as their “Famed Owner of the New Era.”

Upstream Daiso

From my the observation, most of the products produced in China are produced specifically for Daiso. Daiso's price is unique that is all “100 yen” (RP 11.900). Although the price is cheap the quality is maintained due to the design, quality control and presale of Daiso Japan. The price is influenced by the concept of imports of goods in very large quantities, in addition, Daiso has a plastic factory in The world's largest plastic factory in Thailand at 890,000 ft.


Store Locator Toward a more global Daiso Track record of opening 700 stores in 25 overseas countries and regions. Currently, Daiso has 3.000 stores in Japan and 522 stores abroad.

Daiso also has a high reputation abroad. Daiso excels in product quality, management, shop layout and service so it is chosen as the top brand by consumers in Taiwan. In the Middle East, Daiso has been recognized as the most renowned distributor in the region, with its emphasis on quality.

Dimensions of Marketing Analysis of Daiso

In doing marketing analysis, there are certain dimensions that help us. All the elements you get by doing marketing research first.

Market Size



Market growth rate

market growth rate is a big factor of all factors in marketing analysis. It's because you and you already know what. Daiso Growth is significant. The American Retailers Association has chosen Daiso as the fastest growing retail business in the world.

Market trends - Market trends are also very important to be analyzed in marketing analysis. If we have knowledge of trends then it can help determine what kind of product you want next. When we build a business, remember what's going on. What are your expectations How many consumers want to buy? Is there another trend that can attract consumers? Daiso is very concerned about market trends. Daiso cleverly targets products related to household and women needs, as household knick-knacks will always be needed, and women will always be attracted to unique, quality and affordable home appliances. Daiso always presents fresh new ideas that can not be found anywhere else. Over 500 new products are designed and created every month. It is the power of ideas and designs that can surprise and entertain customers through their products.

Market Profitability - What is your purpose in doing business? In addition to taking profitability, Daiso is very concerned to shift its consumer growth. This corresponds to his rather honest business philosophy, “Pursuing profits will drive your customers,” and “business thrives in a difficult environment.

Key Success Factors - a key success factor. In my opinion, the key to the success of Daiso is to provide a variety of products and unique, quality, and affordable prices. Daiso can make the consumer stunned by its unique product, tell the woman who will spend her time to see all her unique products.

How else is less popular again in Indonesia? One thing is certain, quality without compromise. In a developing country like Indonesia, the quality is below price. Therefore, there is a bad picture of the 'five thousand stores' in Indonesia. With a hyaku-en shop in Japan, quality becomes the main reward. Moreover, the price is also very affordable. Therefore, the number of hyaku-en shops spread in Japan today has reached tens of thousands of outlets, spread across various cities, stations, to residential areas.

Distribution Flow - Distribution flow is very important for businesses to deliver products to your customers. Distribution channels already exist in different countries. Currently, Daiso has 3,000 stores in Japan and 522 stores abroad.

Cost Structure Industry - In conducting business, the industry cost structure is an important factor. These factors see a lot of the cost that you needed to sell the product. I can not explain the cost structure of Daiso Industry because nothing is available. According to Information, Daiso can sell products at affordable prices to buy their products from very large quantities at high discounts from countries with low production rates and labor costs.


After conducting marketing analysis in Daiso shop and Ginza, business practices in Indonesia can:

1. create the concept of shops such as Ginza, for branded products with high product quality, and products that are slightly cheaper but still qualified, to attract consumers in Indonesia to no longer shop abroad and attract customers from abroad to shop branded products in Indonesia.

2. apply the concept of the household supermarket like Daiso, with typical products coming from various regions in Indonesia, with affordable price. Both central and regional governments can work together with business people in Indonesia.


Cross-Cultural Analysis Report



Value, Believes, and Policy

Based on observations from a visit to the Tokyo Sky Tree, the officers are very friendly and smiling to serve the visitors, even though they all use the Japanese language that we do not understand. The Japanese have a friendly and respectful attitude to every guest. The common practice in Japan in introducing, welcoming, or greeting is by '' bowing ''. Welcoming and greeting should be done with courtesy and reasonable respect. If your relationship is bent, make sure that you reply, bending as low as your relations do. In some cases, just shake hands.

In Japanese business culture, seniority is highly respected. Age and status are usually closely related. In a business meeting, the seating position is based on the level of seniority. In Japan, a business contract is not automatically interpreted as a final agreement. More important than that is to maintain good relationships for the long term.

Visiting Japan, many things amaze me. On a visit to Tokyo Sky Tree, I can see the excellent management of Tokyo Sky Tree. The officers were very swift and disciplined, it started to look from the parking area when we arrived. The entourage that descends from the bus directly directed by the parking attendant to go the route of the road according to the color of the line on the parking floor, must walk orderly and neatly should not cluster. Tokyo Sky Tree is similar to the National Monument (Monas) in Jakarta. As the tallest building in Tokyo with a height of 624 meters, we can see the panorama of Tokyo from its tower. In addition to the tower, Tokyo Sky Tree consists of aquariums, shops, restaurants and other entertainment facilities. So that visitors can enjoy the typical Japanese food while enjoying the panorama of Tokyo and buy souvenirs. This concept is very good applied in Monas because its facilities are still minimal. Implementation of the concept can increase the visits of domestic and foreign tourists to Monas.

The streets in Japan are not jammed

By looking into the streets of Tokyo's city from above the Tokyo Sky Tree, the streets seem lonely from vehicles and people passing by. This is very much different when compared with the streets of Jakarta that are very crowded and jammed because the number of cars in Jakarta continues to grow every day. In Tokyo, although included as one of the busiest cities in the world, the streets of Tokyo seem felt free from motor vehicles. The streets look deserted because the Japanese generally use public transportation such as trains. For Tokyo residents, they do not need a car. In everyday life, they use the train as a means of transportation. While the school children, also prefer to use a bicycle than a car or motorcycle. According to information, Tokyo residents do not need a car because it is not necessary. All areas can be reached by train. In addition, the price of car taxes in Japan is also very high, and for those who want to buy a car is required to have a parking lot in his residence or pay a daily parking rent that is very expensive. Tokyo residents are more concerned with the cost of renting an apartment than buying a car. If they have more money, they will be saved it for other purposes. Buying a car is not a priority for Tokyo residents.

There are other things that make me amaze to Japanese, the officer of the sky tree that welcomes in front of the elevator that will take us to the top floor is very friendly but gives the explanation in Japanese although she can see us with as tourist. Why Not using a universal English language? Is she unable to speak English? According to information, the Japanese are conservative or do not want to absorb massively foreign languages. In Tokyo, rarely encounter any English-speaking signage, mostly Japanese. The Japanese do not start learning English until the age of 12 years. Of the few places I visited, one of the things I love most about life in Japan is its very disciplined and orderly people while waiting in line. It is already a culture in Japan. In a very long queue, it is very rare to find anyone break through the queue. This discipline culture is very well imitated in Indonesia, of course, we already know how queuing system in Indonesia. Everyone wants to be in the front of the queue without paying attention to the surrounding people.

What makes the Japanese can be very orderly in the queue?



Elementary School. According to teachers in Japan, from the queue will be a lot of lessons learned that will affect to other positive values in everyday life. If they want to be in the front queue, they had to get up early and leave early. This is also one of the reasons why the Japanese are on time. While in the queue, the lesson learned is to be patient. Waiting is one of the most uncomfortable things, but they are accustomed to being patient. The Japanese will usually read while waiting in line.


Based on the cross-cultural analysis, Indonesia can imitate the cross-cultural process in Japan, among others, as follows:

1. To increase tourist visits to tourist attractions such as Monas, the Government of DKI Jakarta needs to do a good management that pays attention to all things that can satisfy consumers.

2. To reduce road traffic, the Government needs to build good and easy public transportation, connecting all areas of the city so that people no longer use their own vehicles. Transportation can be a commuter train or fast train like in Japan.

3. To be able to grow the attitude of discipline and queuing habits of people in Indonesia, we can start from the education system. Children from kindergarten or elementary school need to be taught high moral values such as being patient in the queue and paying attention to each other. This should be noted by the Ministry of Education and Education Office in the regions.


Study Visit In FP Corporation Report

The company we visited was factory recycling. This factory is very special because they manage the waste from their own plastic waste that is the waste of food containers made of foamed polystyrene. I think a company like this is very good as an example for Indonesia. The Government of Indonesia can encourage companies that produce non-environmentally friendly goods such as plastics in order to establish recycling factories for their waste. It is very important to keep the environment from waste contamination. The results of this visit may be useful for me as well as for the government and people of Indonesia as input in managing waste.

FP Corporation is the maker of food containers in Japan. FP Corporation produces food containers used for items such as perishable pre cooked food and bento lunch boxes at supermarkets, groceries, and other stores. FP Corporation headquarters is located in Fukuyama and Tokyo. We visited one of the recycling factories located in Fukuyama.

The trip to FP Corporation in Fukuyama was about 2 hours from Tokyo. Padjdjaran University students group departed from Hotel Shibuya, Tokyo around 08.00 local times and arrived at Fukuyama around 10.00. Getting there, we were greeted by one of the FP Corporation employees and immediately directed to the meeting room. According to the company's rules before entering the room, everyone was asked to take off their shoes and replace with slippers that have been provided to ensure the cleanliness of the room.



product, the company established a distribution center in Fukuyama. The logistics company was built in July 1979 to strengthen the delivery system.

FP Corporation products

FP Corporation is a factory producing disposable food containers from foamed polystyrene materials. In order to support market changes and customer needs, FP Corporation develops environment-based products, health, safety, and safety, which is more concerned with customers. These disposable food containers serve to protect food and maintain freshness of food. In addition, the use of disposable food containers can reduce food disposal, while reducing waste.

Currently, FP Corporation produces food packaging for stores throughout the Japan. To reach the entire Japan area and simplify and efficient distribution of products, factories have been established in almost all major cities in Japan, ie.

1. Hokkaido Plant (Ishikari-shi, Hokkaido)

2. Yamagata Plant (Sagae-shi, Yamagata)

3. Kanto Plant (Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki)

4. Kanto Yachiyo Plant (Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki)

5. Kanto Shimodate Plant (Chikusei-shi, Ibaraki)

6. Chikusei Plant (Chikusei-shi, Ibaraki)

7. Kanto Tsukuba Plant (Shimotsuma-shi, Ibaraki)

8. Chubu Plant (Wanouchi-cho, Gifu)

9. Kinki Kameoka Plant (Kameoka-shi, Kyoto)

10. Kasaoka Plant (Kasaoka-shi, Okayama)

11. Fukuyama Plant (Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima)

12. Kannabe Plant (Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima)

13. Shikoku Plant (Nankoku-shi, Kochi)

14. Kyushu Plant (Yoshinogari-cho, Saga)

15. Nango Plant (Nichinan-shi, Miyazaki)

16. Kagoshima Plant (Kagoshima-shi, Kagoshima)

Product Development to meet market and Customer needs



colors and patterns in the Japanese territory. Do not stop here alone, FP Corporation keeps upgrading its products with advanced facilities and technologies such as reducing the weight of food container products, developing food container functions, using new materials. The development of these products to meet the needs of customers and in order to contribute to the development of Japanese culinary culture.

According to information from FP Corporation's website, the polystyrene foamed material made into the tray is environmentally friendly and can be recycled. The product can be recycled because the product can be returned to the raw material, then it can be reused as raw material. Recyclable materials can repeatedly reduce the burden on the environment and use a small amount of energy.

Recycling Plants

Recycling is one of solid waste management strategy which consists of sorting, collection, processing, distribution, and manufacture of used products/materials. Broadly speaking, recycling is the process of garbage collection, sorting, cleaning, and processing new materials for the production process. On a limited understanding, the recycling process must produce items that are similar to the original goods of the same material, for example, the waste paper should be of the same quality paper, or used polystyrene foams should be of the same quality of polystyrene. Often, this is difficult because it is more expensive than the manufacturing process with new materials. But FP Corporation has made it true.

As a trend, green product demand is increasingly and FP Corporation has always made an innovation especially in its products are made from Styrofoam since 1990, FP Corporation introduces new and unique methods to recycling used trays into new trays. FPCO established a recycling plant a year before the law came into force, in September 1990. A circular recycles called “Tray to Tray”. Used food containers and self-produced PET bottles are recycled as food containers, to reduce environmental pollution through reducing raw materials of crude oil as the main ingredient. FP Corporation started producing Eco Tray. In addition, FP Corporation starts its recycling program. Waste from food packaging was collected back from local stores and brought to FP Corporation's recycling plant to be recycled into Eco tray. This recycling system is called “tray to tray”.

This recycling plant has been built in several cities in the Japan area ie:

1. Kanto Recycling Plant (Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki) is what we visited, 2. Chubu Recycling Plant, (Wanouchi-cho, Gifu),

3. Fukuyama Recycling Plant (Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima).

In the process of recycling, there are four entities that play a role in collecting trays and used bottles.

- First, consumers, FP Corporation can not collect trash recycling trays by itself, so FP Corporation persuades

consumers to participate in a collection of used trays and PET bottles manufactured by FP Corporation. Consumers are asked to separate trays and PET bottles from other garbage, then wash them, dry them, and put them in a collection box that is already available in stores or supermarkets.

- Secondly, Supermarkets, etc., FP Corporation places a collection box inside supermarkets and other stores,

so that trays that have been purchased and used by consumers can be collected into the collection box.

- The third is Packaging Wholesale Dealers, FP Corporation asks the dealers who distribute the products to

supermarkets and shops to pick up used food containers and PET bottles that have been collected in collection boxes in supermarkets and stores on regular basis. So when dealers are distributing new products, they also take the used containers that have accumulated in the supermarket and then store them at the dealer's place for a while before they are picked up by FP Corporation.

- Fourth is FP Corporation, trucks from FP Corporation who are responsible for distributing new products to



and used PET bottles are recycled into pellets and flakes, that serve as raw materials for new food containers called Eco trays.Through the role of these four entities, FP Corporation can minimize waste, allowing them to collect a large number of trays from 8,400 locations and teach people to take care of their own garbage. This process makes FP Corporation create a good brand image to consumers. For the environment, FP Corporation has calculated its impact by reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through recycling. The recycling of self-produced food packaging and PET packaging containers is undertaken by FP Corporation in cooperation with consumers and stores selling FP Corporation products.

So there are four entities that come together to facilitate the recycling of used and used PET bottles, ie consumers, sellers, distributors, and manufacturers. So there are four entities that participate together to smooth the recycling of used trash and used PET bottles, namely family home, sales, distribution, and manufacturing.

Pictures of four entities participating together to recycle as follows:

FP Co Method Recycling In Recycling Plant

1. 1. Hauling: Collected trays and containers are hauled to the sorting plant located in that particular region.

2. Sorting: by removing non-recyclable trays, etc. and sort them into white and colored.

3. Air Classification and primary pulverizing: using air jet to remove other particles from trays.

4. Primary washing: washed in water

5. Secondary washing: Trays, etc. washed in hot alkaline water

6. Rinsing and drying: Drying after rinsing with water.

7. Secondary pulverizing: Crushed into small pieces

8. Melting and extrusion: Dried chips are melted and converted into pellets

9. Pellets: Pellets are ready to be used as raw materials for an Eco tray.



The recycling activities are undertaken by FP Corporation since 1999 greatly protect the earth by recycling the used trays, food containers, and PET bottles that produced by the company. From information on FPCo website since 1999-2014, FPCo has collected 113,472 tons of used trays, 6,006 tons transparent containers, and PET bottles of 1,716,800,000 bottles. Social Effects resulting from this activity are able to reduce CO2 gas emissions by 89,000 tons in 2013.

Manufacturing, distribution, and recycling network that covers all of Japan

Based on the above explanation (SCM), it shows that FP Corporation is an example of a company that successfully implementing and innovating in this Supply Chain Management. FP Corporation has implemented an efficient supply management process. This is because FP Corporation has a supply chain of raw materials that ensure the availability of raw materials from the waste of their tray production and recycling of trays from 8400 supermarkets in Japan. The company has an agreement with the supermarket as a supplier. FP Corporation also has a supply chain that ensures the distribution of products to all areas of Japan. The policies and innovations applied by the company have successfully transformed FP Corporation into one of the best Efficiency Sources Management and Management practices in Japan.

FP Corporation was awarded by the Ministry of Environment Masatoshi Wakabayashi, Gold Prize at the 2010 Eco Mark Award, and Eco Commitment Certification. The award was obtained as part of FP Corporation's efforts to create unique methods of recycling (actively working to create sustainable communities by producing, selling, promoting and raising awareness of eco-friendly products), commitment to the environment and successful partnerships between companies, consumer, and supermarket do 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle).

Factory Tour

To instill awareness of the importance of safeguarding the environment through recycling, FP Corporation actively provides the extension to consumers and the public. FP Corporation held a tour of recycling plants and lectures to the community and school children.




a. The government makes regulations on waste management and business actors should pay attention to

waste treatment and waste processing application standards for the company.

b. The company is required to make the product in such a way that it is environmentally friendly and can be recycled.

c. The government works with the private sector to create a recycling plant to reduce waste.

d. Inculcate the value of environmental awareness and awareness of the cleanliness and sustainability of natural resources in the minds of every citizen.













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