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Membagikan " RSPO DINDWTPKS3 Eng"


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July 15


, 2013

Dear Stakeholders,

Public Notification on upcoming RSPO Certification Assessment of PT Dharma Satya Nusantara

Palm Oil Mill 3 and its Supply Base, PT Dharma Intisawit Nugraha and PT Dewata Sawit Nusantara,

in Muara Wahau, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.

PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara has applied t o PT TUV Rheinland I ndonesia for assessm ent of one of t heir holdings against t he Roundt able on Sust ainable Palm Oil Principles and Crit eria – I ndonesian Nat ional I nt erpret at ion ( I NA- NI ) . The assessm ent shall be carried out by a qualified t eam of audit ors t o assess legal, environm ent al, econom ical, safet y and social aspect s as covered by t he RSPO P&C.

PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara owns and operat es 3 m ills for processing t he crop from all est at es under Dharm a Satya Nusant ara Group locat ed in Muara Wahau, East Kalim ant an Province. PT Dharm a I nt isawit Nugraha is one of t he est at es under Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Group which supplies t o PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Palm Oil Mill 3 wit h the t ot al area is 9,797 Ha, t ot al plant ed area 8,749 Ha, and t ot al product ion of 212,312 t onnes. PT Dewat a Sawit Nusant ara is another est at e under Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Group which supplies t o PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Palm Oil Mill 3 wit h the t ot al area is 13,629.9 Ha, t ot al plant ed area 8,359 Ha and tot al product ion for m ill is 58,681 t onnes. PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara is a m em ber of RSPO and has been act ively involved in t he each Roundt able int ernat ional conference. PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Palm Oil Mill 3 is im plem ent ing a program t o achieve RSPO Cert ified Sust ainable Palm Oil for all it s product ion since Decem ber of year 2012

Scope of a sse ssm e n t :

The RSPO cert ificat ion assessm ent will cover PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Palm Oil Mill 3 and it s supply based PT Dharm a I nt isawit Nugraha and PT Dewat a Sawit Nusant ara will be schedule t o com m ence from 25 unt il 31 August 2013. The assessm ent shall be carried out for 1 ( one) Palm Oil Mill and 3

Melenyu 1 Muara Wahau, East Kalim ant an 1° 15'43.243"N 116° 52'52.459"E 3,569.5 2,419 9,813

Melenyu 2

Muara Wahau, East Kalim ant an

u 1° 17'17.588"N 116° 46'4.038" E 3,848.61

3,278 43,923

Melenyu 3 Muara Wahau, East Kalim ant an 1° 16'54.889"N 116° 43'23.235"E 3,505.54 2,662 4,944 Melenyu 4 Muara Wahau, East Kalim ant an 1° 18'29.116"N 116° 47'9.919" E 2,706.25 - -

SUB TOTAL 13,629.9 8,359 58,681

TOTAL 2 3 ,4 2 6 .9 1 7 ,1 0 8 2 7 0 ,9 9 2


Palm Oil Mill t o be included in t he m ain assessm ent :

Nam e of Mill Locat ion

GPS Point

Average Annual

Out put Mill Capacit y ( Ton/ Hour) CPO

( Ton)

Palm Kernel

( Ton) Lat it ude Longit ude

PT Dharm a Sat ya

Nusant ara ( PKS 3) East Kalim ant an Muara Wahau, 1° 9'3.6"N 116° 44'49.2"E 79,206* 9,773 60

Not e: Dat a from January unt il Decem ber 2012.All dat a is provided by t he organizat ion undergoing assessm ent and

w ill be verified during t he on- sit e assessm ent .

* CPO out put includes out put of FFB supplied from out grow er s.

Asse ssm e n t Te a m

TUV Rheinland I ndonesia is m em ber of Group TÜV Rheinland Group, a global leader in independent t est ing and assessm ent services. Established in 1872, TÜV Rheinland Group has over 140 years of experience in providing various t ypes of cert ificat ions as well as t echnical services for over 360 locat ions in 62 count ries worldwide.

The assessm ent t eam assigned for the cert ificat ion assessm ent of PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Palm Oil Mill 3 and PT Dharm a I nt isawit Nugraha and PT Dewat a Sawit Nusant ara are as follows:

Lead audit or: Dian S. Soem int a ( Legal, Environem ent , OSH, Supply Chain) Audit ors: For Environm ent al : Carol Ng

For Conservat ion, Land legalit y and Supply Chain: Hendra Fachrurozy For OSH and Legal: Aswan Hasibuan

For Social and St akeholder issue : Fadli

Technical Expert For Best Pract ice : Mhd Fundy Cholis Kurniawan

I n vit a t ion t o a ll st a k e h olde r s:

As a part of t he cert ificat ion assessm ent procedure we invit e st akeholders t o offer com m ent s and feedback ( if any) on PT Dharm a Sat ya Nusant ara Palm Oil Mills 3, PT Dharm a I nt isawit Nugraha and PT Dewat a Sawit Nusant ara and it s supply chain in relat ion t o t he relevant RSPO Principles and Crit eria as per t he I n don e sia n N a t ion a l I n t e r pr e t a t ion ( RSPO I N A- N I ) on any of t he following issues:

 Environm ent al prot ect ion

 Biodiversit y conservat ion

 Opport unit ies for em ploym ent , earning fair wages, overt im e and piece- rat ed work

 Com pany approach t o com m unit y developm ent

 Provision of housing, sanit at ion, am enit ies and educat ional support

 Com m unit y developm ent

 Land acquisition process

 Free, prior and inform ed consent

 Ot her m at t ers pert aining t o RSPO


Con t a ct de t a ils:

TUV Rh e in la nd M a la ysia Sd n . Bh d. N o.2 6 - 3 2 , Ja la n Pe r ind u st r ia n USJ 1 / 6 , Ta m a n Pe r ind u st r ia n USJ 1 ,

4 7 6 0 0 Su ba ng Ja y a ,

Se la n gor D a r u l Ehsa n , M a la y sia . Cont act person: Ms. Carol Ng Tel: + 603- 8024 2400 Fax: + 603- 8024 1505 Em ail: carol.ng@m y.t uv.com

PT TUV Rhe in la n d I n don e sia M e n a r a Ka r ya 1 0t h Floor

Jl. H .R. Ra su n a Sa id Block X - 5 Ka v 1 - 2 Ja k a r t a 1 2 9 5 0

Cont act person: Ms. Dian Susant i Soem int a Tel : + 62 ( 0) 21 – 579 44 579

Fax : + 62 ( 0) 21 – 579 44 575 Em ail : soem int a@idn.t uv.com www.t uv.com

Au dit e e :

PT D h a r m a Sa t ya N usa n t a r a Pa lm Oil M ill 3 , PT D h a r m a I n t isa w it N u gr a h a a n d PT D e w a t a Sa w it N usa n t a r a

Cont act person : Agus Set iabudi or T. Not osurot o Tel : + 62 ( 0) 21 – 4618135

Fax : + 62 ( 0) 21 – 4606942

Em ail : agus.set iabudi@swagroup.co.id or t .not osurot o@swagroup.co.id

We t hank you for your com m ent s and feedback.

You r s sin ce r e ly ,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ N e lly Yon g

Managing Direct or


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