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Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

ISSN: 0735-0015 (Print) 1537-2707 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ubes20

Editors’ Report 2008

Serena Ng & Arthur Lewbel

To cite this article: Serena Ng & Arthur Lewbel (2009) Editors’ Report 2008, Journal of Business

& Economic Statistics, 27:4, 566-566, DOI: 10.1198/jbes.2009.274er

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1198/jbes.2009.274er

Published online: 01 Jan 2012.

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Editors’ Report 2008

Serena N


and Arthur L


2008 was the last full year for us as editors of the Jour-nal of Business & Economic Statistics. In July 2009 we trans-ferred control to the new incoming editors, Keisuke Hirano and Jonathan Wright. Both were superb Associate Editors ofJBES, and we are certain they will be excellent Co-Editors. We are very pleased to be putting the journal in such competent and capable hands.

The number of submissions toJBES continues to increase, rising to over 350 in 2008. The quality of submissions has also been rising. The result of this combination is that, despite apply-ing increasapply-ingly rigorous standards for acceptance, our publica-tion backlog has grown unreasonably large, with waiting times between acceptance and publication of well over a year.

We have instituted a number of policies to reduce the back-log. One is a page limit. We now strongly encourage authors to submit manuscripts under thirty pages in length (which trans-lates into roughly into ten pages after typesetting). Unlimited appendices and other auxiliary materials can be put online, so any material that is not of primary importance can still be made available to readers while keeping down the number of pages we typeset and print.

Our mean and median manuscript response times are up slightly from the previous year, but remain low (under three months; see Table 1). This rapid response is due to a variety of factors, including a relatively large fraction of papers that are screened out prior to being refereed. But the main reason is the diligence of our staff of Associate Editors alongwith our

Table 1. Manuscript review days from submission to first decision

2005 2006 2007 2008

Mean 141 101 74 86

Median 133 84 70 79

many referees. We are extremely grateful for all their hard, and prompt, work.

As our title suggests,JBESpublishes papers on a broad range of topics in statistics, economics and business, though econo-metrics, industrial organization, macro, labor, finance, and mar-keting are the dominant fields. The principal criteria we look for are methodological originality along with high quality empiri-cal and theoretiempiri-cal work. We usually do not accept papers that only empirically apply existing techniques, or papers that pro-vide only ‘toy’ or only Monte Carlo applications of new econo-metric methods. Our most common reasons for rejecting papers are either inadequate economic or econometric novelty, or in-sufficiently deep empirical analysis.

We, the editors, would like to warmly thank our Editorial Co-ordinator, Jamie Hutchens, for keeping theJBESeditorial oper-ation running smoothly, along with our publishers, the Ameri-can Statistical Association, the editorial staff of theJournal, our Associate Editors, referees, and of course all of our authors, for their valuable contributions and continued support in making theJBESthe premier journal it is today.

© 2009American Statistical Association Journal of Business & Economic Statistics October 2009, Vol. 27, No. 4 DOI:10.1198/jbes.2009.274er



Table 1. Manuscript review days from submission to first decision


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