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Group Helps Women Celebrate Their Lives


Academic year: 2017

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I’ve been there, right where you might find yourself today: unfulfilled, unappreciated, unhappy and unable to make my life different. No matter how much I gave of myself all day long, at home and at work and in the community, it was never enough.


Group Helps Women Celebrate Their Lives

Article Body:

I’ve been there, right where you might find yourself today: unfulfilled, unappreciated, unhappy and unable to make my life different. No matter how much I gave of myself all day long, at home and at work and in the community, it was never enough. No matter how exhausted I was at the end of the day, I was never able to pat myself on the back for all the good things I had done that had led me to that exhaustion.

I watched my three beautiful babies asleep in their beds. I saw my real estate sales go through the roof. I saw the smiles on faces all around and I knew I must have within me something very good. And yet I never celebrated. I failed to celebrate myself. I failed to celebrate life. And as all the good things that were right there within my reach slipped away, I felt empty and inadequate.

My personal journey has involved some pretty daunting obstacles along a steep learning curve, but I eventually emerged as a woman who knows her own power and has learned to love herself and the world. Once I learned the secret of a truly celebrated life, I became a fully celebrated woman, and I’ve never looked back.

I am convinced of the potential women have to make the world a better place. That is why I realized a long-time dream to develop an organization to support and assist other women through the same experience. Along with my wonderful partner, Michael Robinson, I founded Women Celebrations. It’s a national organization for women to celebrate their lives fully.

I have identified and overcome my own obstacles, and I see myself today as a potential source of positive energy for everyone -; especially each woman -; I encounter. I explain my own journey to self-fulfillment and success with this affirmation: "With the help of so many, I am raising my level of consciousness to experience all that comes my way. In a healthy frame of mind, I face and release my fear, manifesting wonder and good things to myself and those around me." I have looked around, and I’ve seen hundreds and thousands of women, uncelebrated, empty, frazzled and confused, and I’ve made the commitment to give them a way to learn to be celebrated too.

That’s what my organization offers: an opportunity to learn what it means to be fully celebrated; what steps women can take to reach that goal; and how they can live their lives, day in and day out, in a way that will keep the celebration alive.

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