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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Reg.Number 2101220005





Batubara, Lestari. 2014. Politeness in Addressing Terms of Toba Batak Teenagers. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This research deals with the politeness in addressing used by Toba Batak teenagers. The objectives of the study are to find out the use of addressing terms and describe the types of politeness addressing terms Toba Batak teenagers. This research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive method. The data was collected from the text of recording transcription from Toba Batak teenagers. The subjects were ten Batak Toba teenagers in Hutaraja, Kecamatan Sipoholon, 24 April – 25 May 2014. The findings of the thesis show that the Toba Batak teenagers uses address terms in two ways they are single addressing and double addressing. Single addressing terms are to show politeness for intimacy purposes while double addressing is to emphasize that the speaker respect and make the conversation fell comfortable. The Toba Batak teenager uses the types of politeness namely positive politeness for person that we have intimate relation with the speaker, negative politeness for non intimate relation to show respect.



First of all, the writer would like to thank God for the blessing, guarding,

guidance, and everything that have been given to the writer accomplish this thesis.

This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements to obtain the S1

degree of Sarjana Sastra at English Department in Faculty of Languages and Arts,

State University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer has received a lot of assistance and

academic support from some people. Therefore, the writer would like to express

her sincere gratitude, love and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., as Secretary of English Department and the Head of English Literature Department, and Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., as the

Head of English Education Department.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., as Thesis Advisor.

Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan M.Hum, Dra. Yunita Agnes Sianipar M.Hum., as Reviewers.

All the Lecturers throughout her academic years at State University of Medan that could not be mentioned one by one.

Her beloved parents; her mother, N. Nababan and her father, P. Batubara for the pray, love, moral and financial support. And also thanks for the

love and support from her brother M. Batubara , G. Batubara, Nimrot

Batubara and her lovely sister S.Batubara, TN Batubara.

To Dedi A.S. Sianipar who always support me and all my boarding house (Desy Siallagan, Irna Siallagan, Febri Siallagan, Syinthia Rosa Naibaho,

Rita M, Mariati M)


Novita Naibaho a roommate and the others that cannot be mentioned all. Thank you for the support, information, encouragement, and beautiful day

spent together.

Small Group Servios Es Ces Dios (Pinta, Nelly, Marini, Lita, Novita) especially our beloved sister Riahmawani Purba, A2I3 4 God (Deni,

Herlina, Heli, Eria), Cressendo for God (Kiki, Masniari, Chaterine, Helena), Miracle team and UP. FBS who lead me to be a good person. Maam Euis, for helping the writer in preparing the files for the purposes

of this thesis.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this thesis could not

complete. Over all, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the

Applied Linguistics. Therefore, comments, critics, suggestions, and advices are

expected from the readers.

Medan, 2014

The writer,



2. Types of Politeness by Brown and Levinson ... 13


E .Techniques of Analyzing Data ... 23

CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS A.The Data and Data Analysis ... 24

B.Data Analysis … ... 24

1. The Use of Addressing Terms in Toba Batak ... 24

a. Single Addressing Terms ... 24

b. Double Addressing Terms ... 29

2. Types of Politeness by Toba Batak teenagers ... 31

a. Positive Politeness ... 31

b. Negative Politeness ... 32

3. The Addressing Terms Used by Toba Batak Teenagers ... 33

C.Research Findings ... 36

D.Discussions ... 36


B. Suggestions ... 40










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Vikki, L.2006. Face and Facework: Current Issues. Journal of Politeness. University Helinski, 2006 (19): 322-332.




A. The Background of the Study

Language is a tool of communication by human life. As a social human, it

can only live among other people. People can get their needs if they have

communicated everything they need, shared and expressed their minds, willing,

ideas, feelings and information through language. The social member can only be

united and work in harmony by the help of language, to have good

communication people have some rules or ethnic. The ethnic in language used is

known as language politeness.

Language politeness is one of language features which should include in

communication. Language politeness is related to good conduct use in language

use, therefore will make the communication work better, (Holmes: 268). We adapt

our talk to suit our audience and talk differently to children, customers and

colleagues. We use language differently in formal and casual context. A polite

person makes others feel comfortable. We will be polite when we addressee one

another. Addressing is to call someone a particular name or title when we speak to

them. Putting somebody in his proper position and states is to address him/her as

what he/she is according to his/her social status and this will make everyone feel

comfortably pleased and appreciated. It is difficult to learn because it involves

understanding not just the language, but also the social and cultural values of the

community. Different people who have just met must call or address each other


This politeness will be applied in every language to make the interaction

be better each other. Based on the scope of using, language can be classified as

international language; national language, and local language. In North Sumatera,

local languages can be divided into some languages, for example: Toba Batak

language, Simalungun language, Karonese language, Pak-Pak Dairi language

(Sibarani, 1997:1). Toba Batak Language as a part of the local language spoken

by Toba ethnic society, they use this language in their daily interactions and it has

its own linguistic items or elements one of which is the politeness in addressing

will select to become the topic of this work. Culture has significant factor in

politeness. Culture controls the ways of speaking and life of the Toba Batak

society. Different tribes have different way to say something. It is based on the

hearer‟s culture and context. For example, in Toba Batak tribe, the speakers have

to reply a question by using “ninna hamu”. This phrase makes the utterance more

polite. While other cultures do not have it or may use different way. That‟s why;

the way people do communication is different from another. It depends on its

culture. Each culture influences the way its people talking as language is a part of


Batak Toba language politeness linguistic usually using of address. This

study will find the politeness based addressing term in Batak Toba; ho/ hamu,

kinship form, family name (marga). Erico (2009) finds that the using pronouns

“ho and hamu (you)” as the rule of speaking politely. He shows in his research

that Ho and Hamu as polite address when we talk to other based the context of


village in Tarutung Tapanuli Utara) a teenager asked his friend when they met on

the way. He asked, “tudia ho nantuari”? (where did you go yesterday?). It is

positive politeness because in this case they have an intimate relation each other.

Hamu means (you as singular, you as plural) usually using when someone met

unknown or non-intimate person, so he show his respect by using hamu. For

example; ai nungnga sahat be hamu hape! In this case, hamu means one person

and it is called negative politeness by using hamu to show the respect.

He also found that the kinship citation in the politeness linguistic

interactions. Kinship means family relation (mother, father, grandfather, etc). For

example; “andigan halak namboru mulak”? (when will you back?). Namboru

means our father‟s sister. It is called negative politeness because in this context

the speaker non-intimate relation so he using halak namboru to addressed.

And the family name (marga) it is more polite to call the family name

(marga) than the hearer‟s name (except for children). When someone said „barat

beta marminggu‟ (let‟s go to church) it‟s positive politeness, because they have a

close relation and it will be negative politeness when someone asked a person

which has no close relation with him, so he will say „lae barat beta marminggu‟ he

respect him by added lae before his family name.

Thus, the politeness addressing will be seen from the context of our

relation with the speaker.

Nowadays, people not really care anymore about politeness, especially the

teenagers. Menyuk and Brisk (2005) state that the teenagers are usually aged 12 or


speaking. They think that they are intelligent and able to wade through this life.

However, the bad behavior does not something we are born with. It‟s because

influenced by the globalization which is make the life style has change. The

politeness and behavior itself decrease in daily life especially in addressing.

In this research the writer will study language politeness in addressing

terms in Toba Batak ethnic group exactly in Hutaraja Kecamatan Sipoholon

Tapanuli Utara. People in that village of Hutaraja still native Toba Batak Speaker.

The focuses of this study are the conversations from the teenagers will select

randomly. The daily interaction that will be observed includes are interaction in

and out of family.

B. The Problems of the Study

The problems of the study are formulated as follows:

1. How are addressing terms used by Toba Batak teenagers?

2. What types of politeness by using addressing terms in Toba Batak


C. The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems above the objectives of the study are:

1. to find out the using addressing terms of Toba Batak teenagers.

2. to describe the types of politeness addressing terms in Toba Batak


D. The Scope of the Study

This work will describe the politeness in addressing in Toba Batak

teenagers. To avoid an overlapping and misleading discussion, the writer will

focus on politeness addressing used in Toba Batak ethnic group in Hutaraja

Kecamatan Sipoholon Tapanuli Utara from the daily interaction in and out of


E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful and relevant

theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the research findings are expected to

enrich the theories of linguistic politeness in addressing terms, especially for

Batak Toba teenagers. Finding of this study will be useful to provide the

information of what politeness in addressing terms used by teenagers. Practically,

it will give better understanding and insight of how politeness is related to the

aspect of pragmatic study. Hopefully it is useful for teachers and lecturers of

sociolinguistics to apply the politeness in addressing terms specifically to

sociolinguistics students either University or high school which occur in daily




A. Conclusions

The study concerned on politeness in addressing terms of Toba Batak

teenagers, it was aimed at describing the utterances used by Toba Batak teenagers.

Based on the analysis, the conclusions are stated as the following.

1) The Toba Batak teenagers uses address terms in two ways they are single

addressing and double addressing. Single addressing to show politeness

for intimacy purpose while double addressing is to emphasize that the

speaker respect to the hearer.

2) The Toba Batak teenager uses the types of politeness namely positive politeness for person that we have intimate relation with the speaker,

negative politeness for non intimate person to show the respect.

B. Suggestions

It is suggested to those who concerned with Toba Batak teenagers to learn

about politeness in addressing terms.

1. It is suggested to Toba Batak teenagers to express their politeness

especially in addressing terms when they want to communicate to other.

2. It is suggested to all parents especially Toba Batak native speaker to teach

their children from beginning about the addressing so that they can apply it


3. It is suggested to the lecturer who teach play an important role in teaching

pragmatics and sociolinguistics to pay attention about politeness in


TABLE 4.1 The Addressing Terms Used by Toba Batak Teenagers……. 33


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